No. X * ■ NEW T f EAT " 1 ' ' %& ®wttt. 7ust received and for Sale, ftU o. excessive use «f Mcrcury-th. d.scale fectt- Ttle VM - IC „ t rcfp.afully acquainted, that ■ V,Ce PreGdew of the ow;ed to w v niura e • vr " liar to females a« a certain period of hie, bad lyings account of applications from many Laciss PHILADELPHIA', > In my last, Gr, I publilhcd the detached By Wm. Y. BIRCH, Station-r, No. 17, in> oe . ule m tn who were difappoimed, owing EVE kin G , "P™'* V to the inclemency of the weather, on the la* »* T thi. I (hall lay before you and my 4£ D". HAivIIL lON s unparalleled evening ike undermentioned entertainments A, m «t te»acera propofiti virum, citizen., the whole of that letter. ; Genuine Eflence and Ext raft of In.the cWofnetvous disorders, wwe announced fcr rejwefentaO*!, they will H Kon civiurn ardor prsvajubontium, But firft I mult be permitted to state a. MUSTARD. SKSsS?T '1 SRttS&M - **? F ' ""'d A h° "T T °"f""°p V ,lf, """ ' v ,y,„ Uoaor MA,T,« M.LDXAYto, "«»» «* 6 0 racnteandchrwicth« U m»t,fth, g ]'{,[ 6e A friendfliip then commenced between The experience of many apes and the tefti- • different in its qia- RECONCILIATION; inclined to object to, the I)o£lar the continuance of which, in an uninter. mo,,y of the afeleit medic,l pfaftitionefs, from £ hot and i, Hint- Or, The Birth Day. f passim for Democratic Erudition, rupted state, after we (hould separate from £** frequently pmpofed tor f, t niia, '- Ta which will be ad,ted, (for the 6th time <* „„<£ * r not furnish him. witb' cn hp- a county adjoining to that in which he liv. other drug ' . toTemQve. - . . . tniucj nm>.\ ' j * t/ r # . r braJucUt)ns to tic and in the midfl of his mod refpeded The cflewce and extra& of mustard contain The principal operation of thu remedy uin poi iiinity to up acauaintances Our friendfhiu was rcn^w the .whole virtues of the plant concentrated in rearing the dkeftive power., and tf/ ;£f St oie bad at tb e Theatre. wo: Id, he v,dl drw from other founta.n*. ua ' n "«' r 'J'l , , ?J!f $ " CW " a fmaU compass, entirely divested ot that acri- fending fr.m that organ iie4 health and vigor . . . , soliloquy ed and on > cealed with his death. I ara iHony which render, its external application lo into every put of the system ; it enriches an We*i'e«*T fby particular desire) the Over a Bundle of Cem&cates clenched i» the fift not, fir, warm in my affcftionfe— nor inconvenient in a crude state, bkewife rcjeiling purifies the blood without it, brace „ - 'aJjtf Nthin After which, of au orpliin Infant in iu Cradle.' do I ever fnffer any person to speak with thole inert and useless part, which eompofc the without stimulating too vastly th ' """votis 'aSM TttSfMJh iiy th, [am A*tUr. rfifrefpetf of my friend, my country or my chief of its bulk, and render the neceflary dose system j ftreagtheos the fecretory_v 1 » ar t r x Th frvitlrfi Precaution, (avtz&c& thelc ' God, without (hewing immediately my moll a" J |* t0 he evtremely nauseating t( ? general hl hi' ■ the *«%*.*"* ' fee.eO.rn marked difa, probation Many, and m a „ r m' " wi " at adapted for external aad internal use. IKe reflorative is aHfolutely above all reccm- rbe d;)ors o f t j, c Theatre will open at a #b orphans fruited to my charge ! obloquy and abuse which your frieuds a:;d The pills operate mildly by urine aad by in- men d a tion in removing these weakntfP s and q gartC rp a ft 5t and the curtain rife at a quarter { y . d anci Wl \\ not now begin. partifaoa mod: unmercifully bestowed upon fcnfible perlpiration, expelling the fjperß'icnis infirmities witl? which many temal s arc mi p a st 6 preciftily. My third lor gold Verpow'rs ray dread of law him, at a. time, wheu there mod certaiujy an^morbi^hHmours; ! th« « *d, the confluences of difficult *n d pW la- Box , onc Dol i ar , p it , three quarters of a And like a man to simple calling bou,4 existed between ycu and him fomethini frm^f^flvincS \nd cold of Jindy »» ° r sf ' B J^ ,CIOHS " "ml the dollir ' IBd Gallery hilf 1 d ° lUr - N ' b " ar^ Xy thu ' b^"a - more than " fl.adea of political difference." removing flying pains, d » y The moll obftiwate seminal gleets, and the ft Tjr A [Snatches aw&y tie Ctrtifisatcs an J putt tbtm i Hf» frtf bim and A CI ' plaints in the stomach and bowel.. m „ft diAreffintr cafe, of flnor albas in female,, VIVAT RES PUBLIC.A. { J J t My fr.endfhtp foi kim and my conduft , n The effeiue is a wonderful assistant to the . ti u | ai .iy under the province of thie reOo- ' 11f . . r ,, ■ r , n whac related to him he wfll knew, aad I pills in rheumatism, gout, lumbago and palsy, f dil yieM t0 k. .benign operation, PETER LOHRA w 3 drenched in murder a. 'ti. now in theft ; believe o»l» ry, my letter lo rcnneU unu . by fWrthafinp? medicines under the name of ; debility of the whole frame, and a waiting o» iV friend, and ihe public, that they Jrai* and ThcCafli.thc C*ih,tk« Cafb, the Calh, the Ca(h. drefTcU to yon in :Ct< EfTence of Mustard. which have no analogy the flefh, which no nouriihment orpordjal could aytienticatt according ti the maji approved and May one have their weet voices, and rttain it. vyhicb be had fcen. whatever to this remedy; some of these prepa- repair—a perseverance in the use ol this iDeSi- whk Jibuti Lrtttrt of Prtmrtim, vft- In the corrupt curi«u.»-ot t >»wor . , The (irft time we were alone ih rations are ptrtedlly inert, others produce the cine has performed the most all great d.licacy, introduced tho most violent and dangerous cfledts, .lid. are The grand refturative is prepared in ?r/l» as Pwti jjUaviti twit** Seentn', J>rtt,aim at Sairi-learned Nbtei exulanatnrv cf daik the fame time conviucips me that i muc, to e again . well us in a fluid form, which aflilfs <»4 Cmmeree, w* fc«- candito rcdsrs. ' manoer in which it VNI then proceeding ; Dear Sik, ! _., nd likewise observe that the f.gnatuie of **"" °f Attorney for ti, recovery _ and that « cotnprom.le (1 some kind could As you think it will be ufeful, you are at ' LEE k Co. (the general agent, for the United JhnA T)l ' Republic of France, after having be effeded. I instantly told him that you liberty to publilh my testimony in tavor of ! &**<*) '» P** ei <,B Ac outside o{ mA » w,th#ut Mut PS „, mih, 13V. ' drenched the world in tear, and blood, ha. had circulated through the umvcrfe an infl- Hamilton's E3ei.ce and Extraft of Muflard. i which th *V " nnot be genuine. Lal)K} having oecaSonw execute Letter, of A, nowed to the invariable fate attendant on moo. Calumny, injurious to a family which I hav* been about fotlr years much afflifted I . . , . ... . r ~. „ torm for th. Sat, Tramfer of Htui, for the rr all such enterpnzet: the fame i'atr is pre- wa. dear to me, with which I was coonedt rlvcumatifm-in my (houlders, thd | o*enP« thl fnr fcl11 " ■ ur ?" fc '. paring for that of America. Pile fluff where- <*, «nd from which my children were de rae iron, moving my arms, arid I w-s never . Vegetable Specific for Venereal Complaints, r lCl< hours, he waiud on at their nftieSive houses. o»r coautiy. 1 here are not wanting men, _ I hat it wa. in my power to do them jus. free frvim icvere pain in ffine part or other. I Ague and Fever Drops, which hive never fail- F c p rU ar 8 tu&fim arc ready, on all otcafiom, X'j insult tier, by proving tl.e falicliood of the charge* v .\ —I have been ;;t mpch espence, and tried aj ed effrr U«s Notice is Tiftrphv crivpn ' n g to it. officers the Jiang of French Liber- Hated to liim the faAsaj they re ally exi'ileo; pnrcbafed a bottle of drops, advertised under ce «d skin, Gotland s Lotion, L».urcis , * r .ty aud Euua'.ity, ta ftirmatire the defen- a. I w.s able to prove them ; aad a. I have ati tle similar to your medicine, but expe- Cou B h Dr0 P # > Ar.derlon s Pills. ?o «// persons interested :n a Tract of Land der , of Wltll ° vile Hni upprdbn . since done ; upon which he declared, that rienced the most excrutiating smart from iu January *5. l y itl g an n / >r '"-^ us an unequivocal deciiion of the popular apologise fur been the circulator from which I found immediate reli*#, ami gehtlem.k, £ theSubfcnhcr. apposedby^James Xiu- , entißient in „f The that falHiooJ, ard fhat in hi. opinion th 3 by >hc use ot three boxes and two bottles, I T HAVE fcen your advertilement '• to the J urt r '« n P eo P le facrificed the ' M government, was no confide.ation which could j f ave recovers a ate o per:-t ealth and - tj.uMHit° to B,ake P aTtirion of the lame Lands, t , and 2.'a!oully co-operated in leKtingthe new you ia adop:ing a contrary mode of pfo re g a ae a \gooc upp yto ea, you «« po fTefs fupe- fc be fai< child their 4o'in- into po.wer, under the hope of thereby dure; Aud further added that, aB n s and never be without so valuable a mediciae proximati« tf the concluli.,,, of a/,race/ A, intimately acquainted with the senator, , IP my possession. locate warrants . Wmoft adVanlageoiTfl,:"- .be. colluded, or hoped for, Congress from the state of Virginia ,e m ' r'j> HAWKS As I believe you have not explored mar* of the day, andeith»rby or in conjunAion with Wltl) the donmunt moonl¥ine ufurpti s, there would write to ouc of them expnffi of M'htary IViflridt than lome other who thefiid Chief Jultice proceed to allot and by ballot cau " ''ttle doubt a confciuufuefi of hi. fentimenti on the subject ~ r J, T , aifo offer their iervice. to loeat. warrants per- fix o» the ihare. or part u s each of the s ai d chil- 'his will lead them to rcinrt te their lawful To this I replied that whatever h of Mr. henry Reese, Butcher, proprietor of m.t me to suggest toe propriety of altering your dr «n and their - n«l. si t ! . ft VT V ,S -AT,. 24. Centre Market-fl 9 use, Baltimore, advertisement, so a, to d„ justice to those whose an act ftr the more trf, P ar t i.T»nat Laad. held uin'abh th'lh X* ' g ' natUrC ' mUft rt be d ° ne f 'T i c knowledge of the Military Land, is, at least by Copattners, joint Veaan- and Tenant, ir enm- "aiiUoU thi ough their means, will fa- and uot at my ultance or reqtieft ; ill ' .qual to that which you poflefs. Ido not mean raon," made and polfcd the seventh day cf Nov. "', . C ' m U . 0 ' t0 t ' ,ls their darling and could do my family jufticc v v^ur About two months ago, your valuable that all who advertile as locaters .re superior, or In jha yearof our i.ord, due tl.curand ftven hun- "'dllpenUble nbjeft, and, themselves restore aid; that from you I aike ; mediciße proved of finguhtr fervite to me, even equal to you, in the knowledge of it. .fee drcd and eighty-nine. exiled King. and that if you afted with i the 1 was not able to move from my room for advertisements by person. who have never ex- Witncfs o.r band.thi. fifth day of Febr.arv, occasion, I ftould leel m . Ie! nled. upwards of a fortnight, with d ihcmatifm or plored a Angle range, and by others who have 0 «e thculandeight hundred!. 7 ' oiuocßAcr—AN kxtijact. I further assure i hi! i• >a nno'K- insnr wo UA- . been over but a foull of the Mditary Land * * rurtner auure 4 mm tnat nno , c ;. ' 1 , ' ' * —to these your advertisement would apply ; Abraham Stockton } Ah mc I what formidable figure's this, refpe&'pledge injfelf a. te tii con 7L" \T " c 'J 1 "" »ec o ßMnended the Stit a» you class all other locaters as inferior tn Job Lippencott> ''hat laterrnptf my words with saucy hiss /.f dust, let you ad what pa; u might fence of Mustard, as the only roedicifte to yourselves. I have taken the liberty of ing Charles Ellis. seem. atleaft a woman by her face, think proper. Thus euded .tfa be depended on, and duefted mt where to you the above advice, which if attended to with Feb. 8. 3tawti» M. adoru'd, and winning grjee : tion the onlv onverfartnn we • ifhat' procure it, and by using less than a quarter' candour will, for the prefient fatisfy. .4 A glittering gorget oh her bread she wears • r u-'n t ' c 1 " l 'Ser belie. . * a j . f W , Richmond publica \yithout afliftanie, she had the best medical Also, a two fkory brfck houfe,&c. fituateon the —— L he dress of policy fee cunning steal U °"' with the copy of this letter I advice both in Europe and America without north fide ot the upfer market henfe, Wilming- THIS DAY I< pttri nine n P^j) !cu? * on wtl r the coat ei'zrai ; now prefcut youi felf and the public. - effeft. t°»- Likewise a lot of excellent marsh ,n Bran- axd fc rs a / Hypo, nfy region', garb ,fT„n c , ' —' ~, " .' . ~T dywine, of about two acres and a half. Lis . mud vmue ftrip-and figure io her room, ' "1 he letter which formerly corclud thought UHiiecefl*ary to particularise this pro- At W. YOUNG'., BOOKSELLER, 'h other changes tedious to rehte, ed m >' cdrrefpondenCe with Mr. Jtfleifen 1 from Mr. Lb dries WiUetl, fiaisterer, Piatt pert y, „ ' lt j, pretumed theparchafer will incline No, s i, South Second Street eoiblemitic of our present Hate. wa. No. 8, tbe last letter, to prei'-rve the fe street, Baltimore. to view it. The condition, will be made kno np T vr tp T „' D - . she " ils the nation,-lo !in croud, they tup ri «»> will be as No. 9 —tlxi. cf S,R > en the day of fate. IJLIN L, Ji ITERS '"toxicat.on from her golden.cup; 7 ' Up course is No. to. I fend you the particulars of my eure. by SAMUEL & JOHN ADAMS. - T0 •' A u y to.ray heart, and pleasure to mv eve c■ v. t r . 1 Hamilton's EiTence and Extract of Mustard, Wilmington, (Del.) Jan. tj. MwU . JOSEPH PRIESTLEY, A choi « phalanx herattemp.s defy ' pjrts o. s letter, as that you »., n.ake it knom.f.r the b.n.S. •" ! In„„„„ bt , L ;„r, a. , O f'StV-'' * ""."''t' » *<<*—*, C „. About two monttisago I llrain- THE V SDERSICmD, , f SiXT'" ' Wctaf-1 "' P '"' " ' ed my right knee so viofently by a fall that TTIS SwedilhMajefty'sConfal General,and au- From NOAH WEHSTPU 1 Thtfona ot -ruth Miviolav rem, ' ,n ' 1 was unable to walk without a crutch. I fl..tWed lo tranfaS the CcnMar Bulinef., rrom MUAH WEHSrEIi, Jan. lovuhier^lcch.i, p • 7" ■ tried Bri'tifh oil, Opodeldoc and other medi- Majesty of Denmaaki« die United t Pnce *S ««'»•] Behind the (Weld of loyal, ♦ Phdadeipb.a, Bee. 31, i 797- ; \ , ■ Vj CI /• , 1 States of America, refilling at Philade phia, i-ebru.ry +. „»r 11 , th «y "and j B£ =* cwies, but grew confiderablv worse, and the . *. « , - u ' ul ) ur > "nfulhed, they maintain their K rcund * EA^*IR » - part became inflamed and swelled to a con- ttcreby gives pimiC Notice, CITY OF WASHINPTfIW Y t/! o! h " v 'n their praises fouud ' Mr. Tazewell has communicated to me fulerable degree, when I was recommended T hat in obedience to recent in£ruAr6n, re.rived _ " Bleed bv her lpel', the enquiries you have been so kind as to to the Eflence of Mustard, and by using two from his government, it is the duty of all Maßer, THE PQMFVnB* '» t«, or Oy her venom fwe-U. m#e relative to paffage in the note, on bottles 1 was able to walk in less than a of 3wedi(h and Danith yeffeh, before their failing p . TI I., 0 • Tn T 1 , £ Virginia, which has lately excited some week, and am now as hearty as ever. from any port in the said States, to call upon him Oed l>v the fohf * r GER TIFICATES sign- ~ ' on ' ot *® n: ' for the term of uewfpaper publications ; 1 feel with great rn . n , t; C T , rTr T tj-t or 'he ViceConful, in order to be granted fucii . ,7 fhc Ishfcrifeer, .'or imdivided Shares or nuia y-nine years to tenants who til-,- , , f „rkl', J • , , • ~ • r, - CHARLES WILLET. Certificates for their Cargoes, which the e.igenc, I Lot 9 h '* w «hia the eity of Walhi oc . to build their houses in f„ 1 , fenfibil ty the r tered you take in this bull- Dee. 20. of she state of the Neutral Commerce and the fe- : * 1 l ! ot y,t applied for and received they literallv fat! i> ' , *haA ness, and with pleasure go into explanations veral Deerej. of the Belligerent Pawcrs, render " ehcrcb y notified, that their fc-Tcral ground 1 he'f„„Si, oc Proprietor of die with one whole obje&s I know to be truth • HAMILTON'S indifpeplaßy necessary, and,*hat'any Matter of , h „ f u . ly to the ord«r of thos e L;i ; ..w; of. g,voce, and iuftice 4ooe THad Mr Martin tho't __ . vtn o Wms A TTVF vessels belonging to the refpedive nations, or na- m Y wirh the term, of the said Cer- BUl!J ? Ho . on *F«latioui and calculate-vet J n ,77 a . v j I. - T t,» GRAND RES TOR A TIVE, vigating «Hdcr the protedion ot" their flags, in tificatcs, do Biake the Payment, in full therefor T X IT| uch in tiie way Tl, v ,■ A'. Pr pt rto fuggefl to mc that doubt, might WHICH the inventor confidently recommend* j omitting to uke such certificate,, will personally V? T tO , V?!?" M'. £ '" n 131 &or to the «uh- cll "ir uuilingYo as to ftanl*K«. »w 1 t «C the refpefting as an invaluable medicine forthe speedy relief,and I stand reljpoafible for the conferences. " lberat ™uUd.lpnu, on or at any time before just 'till thfev have fi.„i,\ . j V f' tntlr ':he?ui, Hated in the notes of Virginia, permanent cure of various complahts winch refuk RICHARD "SODERSTROM J • "J ntxt . -h;n retire from if 1 e >r nells, and aad to enquire on what grounds that Itlte ' 1 UllCr |eandidiy W f the grounds, cordially haveco ♦