82 -**, i -. 1 #S^ttt0 of _ -• | < Nux i:e* 2302.] 1 PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1800. [Voimmk XVII. f ■ . ——^■eawaMMawg-'w^iiiniamw—iwinmiiTm lira uawrain im ifamai—Hmmmmtm—l n ■■—■ Mimi«iiiiiaci«ii«iii««aamai—Pt-rtivJ'.^itMt>j\»jMmwm>aiMM«gi«iTra>aw;>-,M—a—■— Toe price o/tbis Gazettes Eight \ DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, 4) A N C I N G. mnnFnsfiP Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing,', t« wit. HOLDERS OF in the city of Philadelphia- All others pay T)E ITREVHiMBKKED, That on the jifl day I"Ir. FRANCIS IVlllllilfy WarfiltitS, | S»*s one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di- JL> of January, in tile 14th year of the terpen or tub new theatre, FOR THE PURPOSE OF LOCATING. -* reeling ; and unkss.-same person in this city dace ol tte United suta.of .Vm-r.ca, John Row- ive;f.OTFUI.I,Y inform*his fchohwaod the _ i „i„>:,co r ff h ZI,t JAMESF. SMITH J ,„rlv,.,l, t .d,fs t p, %g -■- v;;fej it must he paid Six Months in Advance. as Proprietor, in the words following, to wit. AffemMy Room, jouth Foorth Street. , . m-i t 1" n'*. ■ •*•- *Wm *„* Ko Subscript tdn will be received for ROWLETT's Days of tuition, Turfdays and ThmrMays. of M.lttaryN.and purpnfc of NEW LINE OF STAGES a shorter term than six viontbs. cfrilJ* tnf Dl\raunt or Itlterefl. Tib Ms, ehfTing, registering and losating then), >n con- m v L I ' _ yZ o\xi tci olt KTERV DOLtAR, 'en do- per Quarter, Jatnes Juhnl'on in July preceding, on the land', By the (borteft and mft pleasant road—palling MATTHEW M'CONNELL "TT'ROM one to two thousand son every ten dr>l ** fat further P.n2X£ aoolr to Mr F tor thepurpole of exploring the feflions in the through Frankford, ttuftleton, Newtown, UroiHir oftened an Office in Cbesnut street, f brs, from two thoutand tc two thousand five _*^ nrth Pi - h , h L " FFT " ' "holefurvey, This buGnen. having be. 11 cir- Pennington. Millstone, floundbrook, Union . , , r , 1 hundred ;on cv.»ry fifty, from two thotifyid five ' L , 0 ' ' ried intocompleat efieor ' ! lf 'Jans at 9 o'clock every to confine hi. tranf ? flion» to and as praaifed between Indiv.dals throughout genial, for the: pafl favors they have recr ved, and roa de to the Trtafurr Depart msnt of the Town- "'Y excepted ) and arrives at Phila ' ' * p nM „,its.,. i; n , : a ill fnch bu- the United State*. inform them th?t in addition to the regmr Line, fliip surveys. dtiphta, eatly (lie text evening. ' -'hi nrrc-Vule an.' !ale of Hxifrj W Lpts ia Preceding the work, fheving how, by meins of driver*, to go through between the City and osier their fervires to the holders cf v/airants of 6 cents per it, k. Each psfil-Bger allowed i 4 lb and to, and alio SblS, to afcertai, the Bifeount, At SEVEN Hor.ngh twoda ;s the above description, .0 receive, regifUr and °f _ <>»« and hfty weight of m/ / -nA when »hat business aeaii revivca. and arE'iGH T VER CENT, reckoning cither 360 ° rTI • A< r u» a locate, tor which ©ne tenth part of the land Jo ba fr trage to p3\ ti.e fame as a psiflerjprr. ,/ Lands, when Wtat btfinefs agam e .v« b * exilniplei . Office sign of Umted States fiagl., Marfct street, wi ,. be r . quircd „ , F compct , !jllon _ for AM baggage to be at the r,(k of the own S r, November to. diw(DidtlJ | - - fhihdelplna. , locatini-where the reg.llryis already made, as "nlefs inlured and receipted for by the clerk. i - itie ftrd page of the Work, 3l™gb* Downing, Dunwoody f Co. may be hereafter, agreed on by applying to ei- of rhe different offices. Rate of mfurance one 1 JOHN FILLER, junr. dewing the mode of calculation on CENTS. /Vote. 30. *j 3 J tber ofthe f»bfcrihtrs. Such of the honorable P e L';» n, ■ A 1? 'tirl i- ir Thi'd street, likewisk, 1 the members cf Congress as may now hold, or i l , ;.rP'V JOEN M*CALLA, No. 50 ■HAS W't SAJ R The ready tsav to use the Tables for any namber A YOUNG MAN ' m-y ltceive warrants from their friends before f ."u V A\ni!!''vno—r''tw " d *2 rft ' of Days exceeding City-lour. ACOUAINTtD with tfc' trade the 11th of February "e*t, by addrefling a line „ , J ' C' r, ' Mammies To all which is added, the r 1 uitatief, state rtfpeilively, and Wetweea all tbefe mcntlatkin will be produced. able to their appointment. - n ' * cotltr :)*.rip;d Dorcas, »ud LolJoo,;iid P-ris, at differant A liae direded tn A. B. left at the Printing Of- JAMES E. SMITH, TH' following ! " Tnngibs, rntes of Exchange. bee will 'je immediately attended tu. M>. 100, 't/ub tit Strut, oppofiu the liar ft VAtU-fk TJI-ii. EiAJNDS P--tna and _ Br JOHN ROWLETT, Dumber 11 - . JAMES JOHNSON, offered for sale, at the Alerchants Sati^poor.H»«rf|ShcW«PK.. Aecvmptant, B«nk of North-America, UnONETOK'IR jN WORKS N». w, Mart* Str«U Coffee House"in this city, between the 3 Uwt, : thf. hours of six and t igbP or. the even,of - ' ■ „ Lto of the Usitad Mates, intituled "An rrrinrn SjrvHSjir the twenty-second of March ArcWPimrpi? n* A& for the encouragement of L.earn- lL> ' LOCATION OF next. r , " " ""A, J j iug, by fecaring the copies of Maps, OR LEASICD FOR ©IF. YEAR—that Militnrv I mill Warrant* In the County of GLYNN and State of German Goods, v chart. a.d Suitable to the Wsft India Market; Proprietor, ol fnch copi.s durhtg the NOWN hy the name a ( tilo Boo ncton Iron _ M . , , — . . .. „ . of 1000 acres. Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh. ~me therc,n mentloned - IS, Works, fitnata.in the county of Morris ia the to render the anon relauve the CQO Acres at the conQuence of Frederiaa oaah * (Signed) D. CALDWELL, ft»uof Now-letfey, eodUling ol « Forge with Lands completely fat,sfaflory, .he Sub- and .Turtle river,, and head of St.«. '■ " l-r- C /erl °f the D 'ifi ria '/ P*™fjlvama. four fire, a Rolling and SStting Mill a Orirt mill « l o 'V r vatio'ns'todigef, a Lie cf "P"' 8 found ' n:ar the town ° f BrUr,f ---10 BE SOI.D BY January 31. >»4W. with twoßuh of fl.ues, ard Saw mill, all.in good prcter encc in the Locations, which they venture to . , W d "and '»t'o acre, of wood M "thews, No. 9, Soath Fifth street. 15,000 Near the above d- r.ict.. Lisbon Wine, in pipes and qr. calk, to make immediate payment to the John Matthew fc? " ? i Lres and workmen's hoais .mmed.He i acbarlab Biggt . „ 7 ,000 a" rrrr~~~r: icrnt. so itt.elm W,U 7- S*u h ° uU c ani "° r " fZT* 50,000 Acres on the waters of the great Sa- ROS L?, B J™ ON > SARL WILSON. M1 ~,.1 c **"s.« * , , n . JOEL W. WILSOM, Administrator. For terms tnquirs of David B Ogden at New- Matamaharivers and Buffaloe creel* JSe ., p« F Cf S tft ,nd ad quality Roffil Duck, No ffillth front . rtrcct) fo , thwark . ,rk mr Peter Jackie u, New-York, mr David pfVWQV* XT AWT A 60,000 Near the above delcribed tract.. «ccl pieces Raven. Dock (fuper.ori , rHO BAS n Eord in Morri, lown, or mefTr., Jacob aad K.ci- l)IS I RIC VOf t ENNS xL v ANIA, Ip tUe SlJt£ of VIRGINIA—aII patented. Boston tef in barrels. A BRICK STABLE, » "jannarvi. ' » TO wit : 44)0C 0 Acres in the county of Bath, on both ti few bales Bengal J HtfMHUMS- ?niSc«intly large to contain Hcrfe.. 1 R 1 !- TT EMBEREDj. Tb-.t 5 R the p. ude. rf Green Briar river, fubj«t «. : L' - \ a , rr .. , i -!•) leventhday of January, irj therwenty-fourtb *o 3000 acres of prior iurvcys, m -1100 bushel. St. ivlartins 3alt. - 4110 ' I t n .'t irt [ ff * i y.-ar of the Independence of tke United »fate« c ..a within the laid 44,000 acr«, apr.l II « For Sale or to Let. Pemu,!**— Dutrm. ,5 If America, C ULf-INS ONRI! A O and but of thaL^-ry. Southern M-ailS; M 6T I, t199 , dtf. 1)Y Virtne or a writ or venditioni expona.,tO depntked in this office, the ti leufa Book, eal\ fide of tb< Qow Paftnre river and _ IJIL Dme dueaerl, ,&«i out of the circuit court £ wherenfthfV j, im ts i» ropriel ,,on both fides, of the Waggon THE Mails for all the Ofices on the main SAI.i, '£S£if ,he wordß F> wh R °>? ,ead!n ? ,he XVar ™ line, between this Office and Petcriburg, - tAI«.■ at the city in Second « TEN m.ASk DECLAR'TIOXS, . Virginia, will be closed here every day, (Sun- LU i LIJ IINvJI. O1 o, street, in the city cf PbiUdelpkia oa Monday Elfgantjy engraved on Coppei plat,,via. Ac - W t i, c cour.ty of Rsndolph, on days excepted') at half'paft 7 o'clock, A, M. Near the corner of Arch and Ninth llreat.. thf , ?th of M orca next, ai 6 o'clock in Debt on Bond 6 Quotum Meruit Bud| , naJ| ~i vTr) r j b j ;ct a , aforefcia And thf Mails for the Poll: Towns on the *" 0 ' . the evening, all thai certain tract or parcel of ~ by £ Valebant to 45^.-cres prior surveys. main line, through North-Carolina, South- To be Sold »r Let larid, Cm, te, lying and being on the river or 3 . cnfuigleb, 8. Ot. note JOiOOC AcrcS ; n the county ol Bath, on the r 1 i 1., . ~,1 n or-rii a? far aa A number of excellent Pasture Lots, | <-roek sailed L-ackaveaxeo, in the lotmt) of 4 . on penal bill 9. Satno bj lot-orfter cad fide of Calf Pasture river, fubjeca Sl>ftllSJSbaLrn On the Wiffah.ck,n road, ab.ut halt a u„U Wayne com nning «o,c acre, andnpjards; 5. ndebi.atM. As- .0. . relp*. and E- aa a f or e,aid to jofeo acre, prior Ikr xviil be clotea with tn® povtnrrn i laUi from the uty. on vrhidi are ersct,cd a mtfiaage, uables ard I 6. fumpfcr jeamcnt. veys'. try Moiuhy, Wednesday and !he # Enquirc at >jo. 18 Noith Filth street. UwmiH,' with the appurrenancei—The names p Qr use f g p e professors of Ibe Low. In PENNSYLVANIA. N water Mails between this and Charlclton are - jjh awn by 60.000 Acre* ii> cou*:y, fur difc on tinned. —— parcel ot land were as follows. COLLINSON HEAD." veyed end returned. Post Office, Philadelphia,} TO LET, Mordecai Roberts, Jobr. T.ll, In conformity to tbe'atf ol" the Congress of 46, Sec Acre.if. Northumberland county,'.fur- Dumber 30, 1799, $ dlf ' Severtl UluMc Stapbei Medrra, Gtc-ge, W>rtn, ,be United i.tates, intituled '• An ail tor the veyed and returned. ■ U ■ FARMS, Zocberhb Ftrrh, Benjamin Himcock, encouragement of lea, ning. by feuring the co- 40.400 Acres m Bedford ccun.y, foryeyad and. Taxes of Lycoming County. Situated in Benfal-.m towull.ip, Bucks county, Q*orge tM, Edr.tyd'J c! ::«d, p i t ., of Maps CMrts and Book, to the Author. Pr"tiw' creator'pi ft n, and fs. b cop:«, during the t,me . a^iowed^S' IOHN KIDD Treaftirer, For terms apply to George M»t ton, yoifc» , ,IK " chafer., givir.g unqueilionable security. J ' i PI 17 \RFTII RORFRTS George Slreeton, - -trie C .iro.ty, „. s.) -C. >, r.LL, Person. uifljiag particular information will I*l Y Direction of the Comtnt/fioners of Lyco- J ' . ' '' ' Fritnd Strecton, lb9?pas ? m .Cthrk cf tke tbf fcr.nsj/vGma. p!caf» to apply at No. 41 Arc to flrect, where J nrng ccninty, it;ends at Philadelphia to rr- - 1 " °^ 0t . T ' C .- V ' Join Olipbantj William Halbert.} Tie above df.Lraticra combining tl>e frrii- he oaterus zrA drafts, and alf.* certificates of tl he Taxes aflefiWtl Ujvon unseated Lands in .u. j' .Nrvb, g e Vd and taken in execution as the property btonctf of fine writing viri, utility, and eitl-rd the q-aality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands tVitr County, from the holders thereof* in th-< No. 3S, north apr ved hy frme of he si :~c dil- are deposited Gity. Those who have filed with the Com- q None need apply who cannot produce TOW HAM Marital finpuiihet) Lav/ ir. irt now THOHAS FITZSIMONS, miffioners, statements of thenr Lands, Jre re- f n - lU^ie rccommendatfon. willhc puhliftrcd, eat BENT \MIN R. MORGAN, fuelled to call upon him. to know the amount Also for sale, N. B. A reafonab.e credi. «,11 be gl ven. GVORGU DAPtlS's JEli EMI AH PARKER. they* wiiibe put into The Time of a Negro Boy, ? eotijM LAW-BOOK STORE, Phi.,j-,. 7 . a ,wtS she hand, of the Shrriff for tolled,on, agreea Who i. fifteen year, ot age, and has thirteen # (w0 j 0 „ ct c ,„ ta :„ /„// JSo. Jl9. High-Strh.t. b!y to the a 4- ■" TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, ]a " uary ' 3 - - S ±- T\l3P*TtD from the garter, of the NOTICE. Vv ith a Lot-th.rcnt', belonging, . „»,i ,lk-r ind dates of the wirrams aid «vt r, mtu uirru J_/ ■frriher, an enlijled soldier, named JAMES _ OITUATE in Dttek Creek, Cross Reads name.'of the warrantees, under which they A JOURi-IE 1 MAN IAI ER MAKER, MORIS o«, born in the State of Delaware, agad _-,p JIS to Ilot i C e that the Subscriber O Kent Crun'y, State of Delaware, fronting h«)d their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Who can work ivell at the Vat, twenty eight, five lect seven inches high, brown | )b fl . om . hlt Orphan'. Court nf "n the Main Street , the e are on the lower HardVs No 9S, Market street for thi. purpofc vi'ill meet with good encouragement by applying ro ™Pl"^,? o ''"° r ukeupthe laid deserter Cflecll countv in Marv.ard If.ters of admi«if- Floor, five Rooms and an l.ntry/ wjth a - ntilth-18th instant. at No 1:4 North Front Street, ff W?-TS i?„ Ijm.nXfid. tration on the p. rfonSl el!a:e of iiiliel Gilpin, nnn.be. of well fimftie. •> ocms • p Stairs, a —— and Tenth Of«t, (ball r-ceive th. above reward f«m« having chirrs agnnfl thelai., deceased, are , en, a ,uw ". • ater, sait.i a &.„o,e, Car- _ Thirty Dollars Reward. GENTEEL ACCOMMODATIONS, Ml WonaWe charge,. he,.-b> -.a.ned to exhibit the tot with the The Sea- =. we. IDirty uutiais i\c For fever al Gentlemen, Captain loth ol mfan'try- the , 4 th day of Afgult nex«--t!.ey may other- fore,the- a Store or Tavern, the -after ot wh.cn DESERTED At No . ,0, North Sixth Street. - rv - tapta.niot reg y excluded In.rt; al! henefit of the !St has been occupied for a nutnl.er ol years with F R S £ January ic. R "S TWENTY IXJt.I.AUS REVVAUD. JOHN GILPIN, S • fr*J.,nrr t 'r inches high,irrey ey»s (longqued) ?. a " . a - !K Li v complexion, pock marked, by 1) AN A WAY on Saturday evening the 13th County,a negro man, named ISAAC., other- " ~• ' For . . p?vt?rnlars apj>lv to the Sub i£j : " tV.iited hy L.icuttnant Key K. July instant, from B.Jebrook Furnaae, wife CUDJO. about ai year, .Id, the property TO fIF. IdOI-D ECl'< ictiner ai tl.c AlcicfaiU p'ace. M in Stephen's Town, near Albany the 15th ot LancaAer county, a Negro Man named Gato, of R o b«t Coleman; He is about 5 teet .! OB KXr.«AKC JOHN CUMMINGS. Tune'l'ait" Had on and took with him a ffiort he is about 40 year, cf age, five feet fix or le- i uc he» high, his a blemilh in his eyes, worj-"-Site p Aroterty in the City, <>r within thirty T*nv Vv S T*\vjm. S blue eloth coat with a red cape, a blue «« inches High, tolerable black, wuh a down in them than common, by Wade a Fwge man; nid * V *, - - * cloth coatee, a lew white wailWs, a long grey ;..| !o ok, squints, he is a cunning artful fellow, «, and took with him a drab coloured br»a.. doth ~,T . T rrvl' r, r - .; n ThrCC LaitS ReiL'ilfd. rrrixed doth coat ana breeches, a pair of hoot., a a „ (1 , l iar , aw J very frnd of T.rong liquor, coat, almost new. a sailor. jacket and pantaloons \ PLAN TA . lON or .ft of Land in _ I colourcfi ereat coat trimmed with hlack j ' h&on broniftt ut>to the farming buHncls, i» priiueti fancy cord, a lwanteownsftriprd X3. County and v:\teo. i cnrlyiva h« hdTworn. and two fiWer handT« ar.J kind«f work; he acket; a ro'mm hac; one fine and nia , wi ,h ; n fix miles or ,!u- i-er Juniata, rou- OUN >way from the SnWcn her on die ewwng wAteh-s one a mi.icUe size, the other small. He S'him Sr of clothing, amongst Ihirf one tmifein handkctchief fpriggad, two t J inf abo „ ~0 , tr i'bere are aim,., fifty iV olt.h, .-tk..nil. o honnd- -rvant O'RL ..KMisrKiSfias: J. S. LEWIS, SAMUEL JACOto. n, b._ " Lh ' ft * r of the money. Gojien To-.-ruh??. Ch:ftc- July JO. Adiimt iUine Corps. Colebrck Famace, July .6, i m : . O«obcri' 7 , i lf9 . ' '# «*** J«maryl*s (0,?) 1