Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, February 07, 1800, Image 4

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    : ' I. - . 1 '< i ,' ■ /' • v
Wpfm' HI i'lf.ia*' u INSURANCE COUP ANY NOTICE. MEDFORD AND From the BOSTON ty anu f aclory
TTIW PKPFIVT'n , rp . ■ _ Have received fnce their lute Advert Jement OUAmirr of
jyr> fov sale ft*e sine a ig „ e r HK cRUDIToKS OF 282 Crates Queens Ware, WINDO w'g LASS
, VALUABLE MEDICINES. P refnWtivf^^"r^» e " th '" rt - p j nt and that thtCourt b«*e ifpointd th« fettmd 16 Bales White, Blue and Gwcn, m» on bei ordered; and attention given to"orwwi
\ JAIAtb i). L.UA, Jifi'W'"- d;y of March next to hear hi, creditors a.-.d hire Cottons, on any order, that may be left for th a t purpose
T - ..... . ,r. n . Februnryi. at the Court tfoufe in HarrifLlirgh. 10 BaleJ Baking Baize, Apply at No. 9> South Water-flreet, a, above.
Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. _ - j, n . J4fy a3 _ 3 .. tawjw 0! f hand. J ul v » dtf
A lone eulogium on the virtue. of this m, dicine LNbKA v lr\ _r, , —— -* , knotted and Green Rug», ' Tpo »» e ~
i, unnecessary, as the money will he retunxeilf £ TRENCHARD fc? WESTON, ALL PERSONS , Trunk Scarlet Cardiwis, f f? . . , p , ')
patient 1, nnt relieved—it never having fai.ed in J ■ 1 NDEdTED to the Eftali' of Johm WhAR- , c*i p. nv . k Of Richard rOllXiell, in Phtladclt)hin
Lny tlioufand cafe,; B ,t or. In a hatred h« >» ™ F FOLLOW.** BLANCHES, y.z ] J CUy Phi f ade lphia, Mcr- * B.lies Sail Canva*, J
had occasion to take more than a battle, and jium tjortraM' ar*i Lardfcape, Maps, Charts 3,11. , deceased »r f req-.eM to pay (he lame,. 5 trunks (j-ingnam-, miTDMATQ OP r>n\T^n^,^
bers mat half a bottle. Fof Exchange and Notes, Tyre a,,d 'apWift %t£r II Tons Peterftnirg Hemp, JOURNALS OF CONGRESS,
Wood Cuts, Seal Cuttings, Jewellery and * .luce their si* »i;nt a legally aUcfled to * * Orileie, remittances or conrnunicati Fromthe commencement
Habri's Antlbilioas Pills. work, &c. Irvcry article.,,, the above line will b KEARNY WHARTON, ,^L f ,be following HouLs, for whom Med- Qf the American War, in 1774, f0
w.n.0....-., ... I=_ RocW.l..
Crvmnt, f nrr, Planter M —Orders from a! road wilt be thankfully NOTICE. William D,bbs-Leie.flrr. TAf Reports of I&ads of Departments, of
An inririrU re ««» pßnAaUjr _ Claud janfon-Birminghim. Committees, and other Official and Pr,
■novlsff' thmi root rind oracich.. without giving January TO. taw 4 w. A I.L persons ir.di+tcc! to the F.Oatc of CAl' JJiiQUire et itrtff Papers jf that Body, no-w frst per
pain ° —— ' ' J\ <TAIH KI.IKAN FITZPATRICK, ma JOHNDORSEY. mitted to be made public.
v ' _ REPOSITORY I rincr Eejetahcr 10. 3awßw. TEKMS.
The Genuine Per/tan Lotion. TT ™ ?* B S ArB(! —— ' w .... the work win be a Cne parer , aDI
So celehrafed a.iicne th. fafhlonable through- HORSES ANX> CARJIIACi. S. ro furnifh th<ir arcqwit» for fettlonient to bllfljlOHuljU bllllintry. a new neat tipe, iu large oilavo.
out E'jivir>, a* a:i i, v„'uuble c. fnetic, perfectly p FFRRALL ? t- Each voiume w ill contain above 500 pages,
innocent an.-l fafe, fre>" from corroftve and lepel- Subferiber in r cr3:shi»friend'and the pub- THOMAS M'EXJEN, S Exsl^ t0r '* T?TT'7'\ TU'nOTTPATI neat y ounr ani lettered.
lint ciineraU (the b«' «of other lotion*) and i.'f [ |fc, "h« to keep his f.,K!« in „ 1 HOMAb MtU tf»»> ELIZA M DOUOALL, Uwfonauy u, tee, paper, and binding. „; H be
vnpavtleii.-' elßeacy in prevent, rt? and removing w h ■ v, ar k't Sir en. for the reception ol January 13, 1800. * no. 114-, MARKET STKEST, thro,ughout tht W<*k|'fo that, while the
ring worme, fuabunis prickly .bear, prem-ture a numWr ~f ytar, pnft) jle flatter, hitnfelfhe may ruR OWNERS Chomille rofctte FEATHEVLS , K*. , W ? i ' U " d »
wrrtkles See >u. 1 .rlisn I r» - io> opera e« mild h( of .-tr-Btia! service to rhofe mvy am; U7 Unfi-a'ed 1 ands in WelUnorelanci county Fancv flowers ' L n ,', t-i r l , H,l^- ur ' ,O " i'-" tc ), ~i ; ,
\U without in:p-.di-g ' hat natural, itifitiftjle per. , hjm wly _ T hey may be affurod every ex 0 p fntl£ . i VjaU , re J, tr e y notiSed, that BP Sower. fuo< rribed for, a co>.!io.ra
fpiratien, v*4 w cfTential to b.akW-y« n» «U , e . tJntl ; n hil prwcr ftsTt be done for the Mutual ad- V( . lh Tax ' s ~u , on faJd Un j, for , 7> s, are paid Wreath, ' ' , cr : b 1, P Y H t0
fci\- av fpt;cdy arid p; i m?iKii» . r-nJcrmg ' lC! j vaina g e 0 f filler and bvycr. ; r t bt* hands of John Brandon Efa troafmer of Yf u ow and blue crape, full dress caes ' . ...
ftin <:el Mtely f,ft an., M ov. gtU { }» at :i ot. a. low term.asany
eomplw.ot w.# reform- the bb«m. . f )"«■•} .! | n ths city, an I particular ease taken ol them. thev will he a Ivertlfed sol- sale as the law direfls infW. flrtuv bonne's -f letter prefh than the cd<t,«n ; but, as (lie.
r,ev<r frMiiig to revd.r an ordinary couiitinance f * ncoN will be lea to t . Infant spiprttraw bonnet. pyhWlher is not yet enabled to -leutn.ii.a tht ei.rct
* ft
• ,bc I,A, • muhrtJ £ *
Wm™*» on wfoUAle a«d- mmcduu***, at , J(j fl/ , M orJn tmica!fd Lefldi in ?j Fanay bugle flioe roses W W. ' *
the fatisaaior of the the propiiatar | .^ AT hey com . forward and pny tht'lC March nth, 1799 Black white and green giuse veils or !mt tint', er othof. o-JviiiJojj r^rsf^
msketh oath, fat thi* bmtment does not cMam jJ. -T«m, (ii there ia a numlier fObLIC NOTICt IS HEREBY GIVEN, Vo - t prior to the iU Federal Goveru.
a single ptnTricle of merely or any Otber P<frn.. d PATRICK GAMP- p u ,r uant 1D .fc, ,6 of Cofflfreft pafl'ed on the KB. And per Harmooy, just arrived, a - -
nous lngtefient tu irs compofiuop, JmA «U|y be . J*r* "" "" > tTVV 10 ," 1 / T l"«u™"n aCortment of Millinery•
•fed with the mo perfc& fafetyby pcefcnant wo- BELI., 1..c. I rtv.f.iter liW Omnj I ifid.-.- 0. J 1 ni, one ilioi'Wa, le»en hiir:- j„ ne i 6 eotf. IV ill eotifitrl t. ts« r k > ~%4
men ar.d on infants newly born. tl.ev do not, wV will be ohl. ;td to j.roi-.ei. dred ! eutit.ed "an ifl rcguU- '* ' n " f pweedmgs in the com>
make f.ii-of tiiein acrreeabiy to law.' f grants of latid far mill- -it-a TTT ARt IT UFA! "FSTATF ? ir • e 0 .*-"""""""' art loft te dsrk-
U. .T r . *7* s ,1' |..v, M ' 1 t a ry In, vTcos. K,d for the focicty of United VALUABLL lUS.AL WlAlt. nef. .n4 «fcfc.nty. owing to a tarelefenefs, in the
i 1iK112.1l V CgCttlblc bpccinc, J * * / p , "Breuivot <)# pnopatfariivg the gofptl among ucceeisiiijj generation, to prefcrvc the public rd
ljr the cute If V^hcwvd\ Cam plain', iof every description. John Kai.lida i» > is. jlfee HtKthcn ; auti^ihc ftjppleiDeßtacy to yoil SALE cord®, and attention of the nation, in tLitfe ruie
Ar. cxr^nfiv-tVial oi !cwr yt-ars !. as proved Nathan M'DoweLjJ t',, e I'ai.) recited ail p-C'cd on the Ictmid tlay as Almi* n* mrr*t nf I and ages, off from their domefiic concemi,
ths v gecaMe-ifpecrfic ro 1 e t'Xp< l!iiigthe CammissioHvr's ojjicc, M.h cji, ve fcVen huiulred aodninc- LJ $ • ' r o engage in wars and wnqiicft. Of what infinite
\ enerai virus,how. vcr are ply root vl in the coultitu- , Chambertburgh, tßeo. \ iaw,?m. tvrfiae 1 wit: iT AYIN'G on the east fide of the Fall, Roa.l.— I vaiuewoula the law.of Alfred be, had they he.n
tiun, and has reaped hi a,th to many wh hav.beeo J 1. i-» On the it is louuded by propextj be,ong- tranfimtted to our days ? Time, that deflroyi
brought to the verge o' the £iavc by the impro'- ' ' THE SUBSCRIBER THAT tbf trail of Land herein after de- to Tench Frauci., f.u.—on the south, by every thing, echsnce< the value of well autheuti
per a .lhii,ufli _;i nof mer. uiy. V l'.hlit this pe- , _ , r \ f . - jn. •. el"; " ocnnniiK ai tie North Wkft a road »f two perches, ar.d on the no«h by a .ane, eated public rccotd., ant. renders them a'.moft in.
1 i»d upwiris of eight thVirfaiid 'patir.ts have ex- baling explored tilt LaiV.i fa# *fff" r ■ ' •», townfiios and which separates it from Mr. M'Call. It is propt, eßimable. It it thai Americat. will, tlicre
[teritned its fi.u ~rv'if .'N the Warrants dye to the Officers and' i,' : n_. ,b me 'it<v miles t!ue loutli ilencihr feJ to divide this land into 3 equal part, in order tore,, cheitt.ully ccuitribute their assistance in tranf*-*
U i.u rh, medicine , give, a th, who tn \ W « • -tllfn e the t0 ° f in ever, ~,e of tie diF } £r „, W Slat „ I t Wcll w^Main Bunch ol SiiL ori Also, 3 « acres, situated . n rhe weft fide of - <'«"«« * theCoh»,b»anation,
cafe, with c .pit.u- dir«e>i-WSs thWr fitment, D.t.ue n. i»e l mien c Jut V. e.l W tlje.Jn-m ot tw >uot r ' „ , ..iinj.i.,. Mafters's eft nr. V The work will certainly be advanced w tfc
.fa to wcmpiiih-a W* eu« in tbr - G-rn an «md, and promptitude. The iollowi.g will
time-and wi.-fthc Wa fcicWieeitiLe P 4ble. c=te Vtfarran sto the befl verto the place wUefe the Indian bouii-ary ~nc he P-» <* the prop., t) ot the <hew the ft,pport it ha. already acquired:
_ r a'vantage, on bei»gallowed » readable r,IT s ri;e fami t-thence a'org., ,e fa,d boun- Miffim. ' « PULtdelphia, Ju„ e ,j. , 79 g.
tfMJOBS cmpenfat-.oi. He ««t 9 «e»d at Philadelphia }*}<** toHke 1 uTcaroras branch cf the Muf For term, apply to Samuel M.fflui, corner of To thc Honoral.le the i-nate and Hc,fe of Rep.
Worm destrwmp Lozenpcs at the tone ff lectin.•; a-. •as wit le/s thill Kinguni liver zt thecroir.l,l: p.*« 4.. so Mark.t iiid 1 itl. ur.cts. refentativi. of the Unitea State..
l\ orm aestroypig 4COO ai : r „ regifltred or locte.-l, wi!lrt Lawrene,; thence dwfthe ftid nv«, tutlft. Ja „ ua ry 24. dtf •« The MEMORIAL of the Snbferib«r.,Citi«M.
Which have, within mirths pail, relived up ce ; ve anv Mra fe- 0 f wirrauts lefa than that po(Ct wher: a line rat. du.c wel! liom the Ac. of Philadelphia.
ward, of EIOH ;E£N TUOUSV.ND PERSONS , mo „ ntj j n< n» laf | vl jvf n M>ith«hers foai to mAr of beginnipg, wterfcfl tht river; VALUABLE LOTS « Rffreafllfy/uvetb.
of all ages in varfcff complaint, arlfitig from ,;, v req-nml (Herct line It. run to the place of be- .. Thit t3r ; ng> in our refpcaife avocatioD%
T.-orms and from toulnets or obftruaion, in the *V fc A |bfcri j wr n r opofts =lf> t« Ittepd pn the ?" h" heen divided into townfhijn of fOR SALE, frequent occafiofisto recur tothe Journals of Con.
ttomaeh and bowels. land immedia'ely after loci'ing, and fhtw any livt miles ftyiare, and irai\ion»,parts ol tow r.- k NEAR THE CITY. we experience inconvenience by the fesrei-
Th.s mi, '-.tcine. bears no analogy whatever to £ e.MHrf. • th.'t plats and furA.;. ol tbv fa-d ty of then. : That w«: Mderfland that Rieha, J
ether, of fiirulsr rule so commonly comp amed of, warrant, addressed to Mex- o.Vulhlps and fha« tonal parts of townOMps aie 0 n WcdnefJay the fifth day of March next, at fix Fol well, prints*, of Philadelphia, has had it ia
as operating with a degrte 0. violence, lumcienf, -, +/ , j-r_ n pp r P. tfb'.r h until the Ift lepo'ited in thc oHkes of the Regiftcr of the t'clock, io the evcninir, at the Merchant's Cos- contemplation ro print that public record; and
not only to kill •, orms, but fon:ctime, to endan. c _ ' ' , f(,i,f tr iber at Tfcafury and Surveyor Cieneial, for tkc infpec- l.t House, will be fold by public auS-ion, the that he hathobtai ed partial countenance from ma>
gcr the pati:Jit < lile; on the contrary, '"> • 1 *r » rt,e r - a* ilreet, 'ion of ill uerlogs conc<tn«d, following described valuable Lot.-jif Ground, ny indivi.lual.; but that he lias delayed profecu
exc.Hence cf this"r. mrdy is, If' King Wed tp. Matthew
every a).e and conai Ht.ou, cont a ms nothing but /J 1 ' 1 <" P ■ »> 1 ' The holder, of futh warfasti as have been .. . PFPTAIM 1 f)T nr PIFfK of frem government, that may adequately indemnify
what -is perfcaiy initocatt, and is fH iflto in its w ill be attended to. tjN E Y o, rt.all be gunted iV mili:aryiervic«prrform- AmL r , ho fde r him ' refpedfnlly lolicit, as the
operation, that it ratio,* injnre tU mo!l dcl.cate C U> , * \ t ,i during the lite war, are required to prefsnl _ 1 *" L N . D ' , (itw »* e 0,1 6de u *E publication is necefTary to be dissemin a ted among
pregnant lady, or th-i rendcrefl infaht of a week January t6 totllf tte f ame t o the Renter of (he Treasury, at Germntrown road a; out two miles and a hall b lic bodies, thatCongrefs will, in their wisdom
old should no worm* ex.ft in the borfy, but will, 7 IW.e time prior to the twelfth day of February of Philadelphia, boun, ed or, the rtnJtr him such additional encouragement, to that
V.ithout pain or gr.pmg, cleanfejthc ftottiach and sO THE the year, one thousand eight busdrctl, lor " or . th b > Mr. T h«ma. whereon w hicb he has obtained from private individual.,
I M/totfMßU«yL*iitr*rrmn. SSSS
ZACHARIAH BIGGS a q,tarter township, orjour thouftnd acres. cor,t.tnl.g by computation 14 acre, ard a ha'f. Thomas M Keait.Jvliti O. Cox;, Cbarle.Heatly,
gT At the ylace of fa'.c m a y be many re- and Tha priority oflocation of tU warrant, which No. 1, A certain lot or piece of land, part of a Samfom Levy.T. Rofs, Wm. Moore Smith, John
markable cases ® retires, the authenticity 0. which JOHN MA I HF.WS ma v be presented and segiftered'ui manner afore crmmbnly called the Vineyard, fitu-te on Redd jun. William Tilghman,John F. Mifflin, Jo
any perfen may afccßain. either by letter or per- „ FFER rVl^;r f crv i Cf ', to the holders of m'Htary pr £ r t0 , he llt h dav of February in the t,:e wc(l fiJe of Wiffahickon or Ridge road, feph B. M'Kean, John Beckly.W. Sergeant, Jolia
fsnal application not being pesformea in Europe, h,d warrants, to make the location on tin one thousand eight hundred, wUI - ' nearly oppefus to Turn»r's in the neighbour- Thompfon.Jared Ingerfoll.Jafper Moylan,William
nobody kaows where—aut at konie. of ruary ncxt , gr eeably to the adver ly a f ttr the said day, be detsrmined by lot, in the 1,08,1 °[ tki Country Seats of Jeremiah Parker, Rawle, J. Thomas, William Levis, James Gibfon,
Peif nswifhiag toprocure any cf the above me- tifemcrt of the S;eretarv of the Treasury of the „, O Je dtefcribed by thc ad firft recited. Jol n Nixon, James Crawford an '. Jafpcr Mojrlkn, M.Kcppele, Moses Levy, Robert l'orter, George
dicinesgenuine, must anply ONLV a, above—and United Stites, relative thereto. They will re IV. Efqr«. being marlr" and,numbered iu a plan or Davis, John Hallowe'il, James ©ldden, Walter
likewise observe. that the signature of l.e? & Co. cc j ye a ] c | s quantity of warr a nts than for four thou The holdsts of regiflered warrant., IhaU on map of the laid large trad called the Vineyud, Franklin, Jamc. Milnor, John C. Wells John L.
(>vho are appointed the-general agents for the f an ,. Ac a nd arrange them with others, so astn Monday the 17th day of February, in the year N°- Jl, containing seven acres and tin perches. I.eib, Alexander I. Dallas, Joseph Reed, Thomas
United States) is paftcd on the outlide of each, complete that nurtiber (which makes a location or ( Boo,i n thc order of which the priority of locati- J No. 3. One other lot or piece of land adjoinin" Willing, Samuel M Fox, Nixon,Robert Wain
with ut which they car.not bn genuine. qiniiter townfbj|o ansi have them regitlered— an shall be determined by lotas aforefaid, pefon- the laf> d-fcribed lot to the nortl word, containing R obert H. Dunkin, John Ewing, Jun. Edward Pe
n— rhsy esch furviiyud a diflria of the military »aA, ,j| y 0 r by th*jr agents, defigiute in writiUgsit the ix acresand on; hundred and three perches. *" nit, gton, Hi ary Baker, William Nichols, William
At th* alfitae* max be likewise had, and haVe since explored thc interior parts cf the o (fi ce 0 f the Regiffer of the Treasury, the partiou. 1 The vjrv «iV>t,lr omnert. nnw r„. Young, Robert Camplell Septimus, Claypool*
At the al-oe filaeemp ' towll(}l , pt an j a-clioua, aad will be able to design- !ar „ irter tow.ifl.ip. ekded by then, { 2 Crukftlank . Muhew Caley, Henry K. Hcl-
GOWLAND S LOT. lON. ate w j t h precirion, the preference in the choice of in( j f uc ti 0 f the said helpers as not defignatr iVfcrintion It !• vII wnnh • ~1 "nth, Peter Dv Haven, John Duulap, Edward
_ the fcveral locations or quarter townfliip. through- their locations on the said day, lhall hcpollponcd those who wl<\ , 1 f-eu-e t, ,v, n'/ 1' r Shoemaker, Jolia R. Smith, William Hall, David
/"■UTTT3 r'H'e POTTfIH DROPS out lllt body of thc military lands —Ont j B locating such warrants to all other hc-ldei. of . ad htalthv f u tlor. In ,1 r virlnT, J f .'i.T " a '' Clayp«ole, Thomas ArmQrong, Samuel H.
CHXJRGH S UKUrCS. t( . nthrirtoft hcUn' will be demanded for making ~e gif ter«l w-arrant. and healthy C u .tior.. in the v.cntty of thc city. Smith, John Fenno. fc
the location, &c. to be taken by lot in such man V. The terns of sale third part of the pur « True copy from the original Memorial, pro
ANDERSON'S PILLS, &C. &c. n«r that their proportien of a feflion or quarter The holder, ol warrants for military services cb "f t ?° o . e ' Ve l'®" 2 "» te " afte s shef he '• alc ! fented to the House of Representative, of the
townlhip will lie together For further particu- fufficient to cover one or more quarter townships one third 11: maety days, and the remaining third United Slate, on Monday the ißth «f luna
) .. , | lar. enquire sf thc fubfcrlber, at No. 9, south Fifth or trad, cf four thpufanil,acres each; shall, at any in months; for the two la 9. payments (incfu- 1708:
Who!-fat ' purc.ialors a oive a 1 era ps two dopr, above the Secretary of Jt ite's a f tcr Monday the 17th day of Fhbruary, igoc dlI) 8 '"tereft) approved indo'C-d notes tobt given. .. WfI.LIAM L AMBERT for
fU?e-'wCwHl runduaily exe'euw all o'rdirs." * o .®«. where fatisfadory general information rela and prior the firftday d. - 11, e title i. unexccpti-malle. Sold by order of " JONATHAN W.CONDY, C'tase."
tiiiiore, wh w p ) tive to tlie army laws may be obtained. ow'tl to regifler >hc said warrants in manmt a Wharton, Thomas Fitzfmons Phil « o p;m vtn 1, ,kc , fD
January Ij. la'.vtf JOHN MATHEWS. torefaid, Mid forthwith to make locations therefor ip Nlcklin William M'Murtrle Samu 1 W Fish < RESOLVED by ths Scrate and House of Rep-
J on any trad o: tradsof land not before located. cr, Trustees for tht creditors of S iLu. refe,natives of the Un.tcd States of in
One Tbouscml Five Hundred, January .7, 1 3^ 3 w VI. 'h« creditor.of Blair M-CUB* ■fcn^tfe^l^thKtbeS^t^oftkeSen^
T ADC ——— All warrants or claims for, lands on nccount of lOHN CONNFf f V /! and the tle.k of «fce House of
DOLLARb TO BE SOLD, military service., which lhall not be register.d and ! , J unN "-UniMtLLY, authored and dircded, to fubferibe, on such term.
WAS delivered to tlie POSTMAS- . , , . located bsfore the firft day of January, i8o», arc by January 48. JtawtaSF.dtiM. 3 « they may d«m eligible.for theufe of theSenrte
TpS W i?th? PS OfFIC. T B *? ° r f " Hr Yc 0f r-f° r 40 W the supplementary 7& of CongreftU v'oft i nJ H,,U C , of Heprefen la tive., for four hundre 1
ILin^ ,e ' rJ ~ /u I each more or left *s may futt a purchaser. it( j a£ r £ d 01. th. fecoml day of Match, 1799 Valuable PtOper/V for SV/< Copies of the Journal, rff Congrcf., WhicJl a, e pro
. on the evening of 1 uefday the 27th u!t. in On each of wWh there is a good fitaation for a Jtdare^o be forever barrea _ ' 799, * UtUUQIC rropertyJOt ppfed to bd publiUied by Richard FolweU and luch
a LET TER diretted to Mr. John Mills, house—viz. one on the river Delaware, fultable Givca under i uful , t Philadelphia, th« ,c Che.fVii»t, near Sixth street, dirsdly oppofitc nur,b er of copies of d«f;ci«it vokimcaof the fete
Merchant. Baltimore, containing two either for a gentleman's feat, or for a pet lon who day and year above mentioned. ' Concaxss Hall. ' now in print, a. may be necessary to complete the
n'AXK NOTFS. No might wish to engage m the lumber business hav- OLIVER WOT mTr i fame.
10th of December, 1798, sor■ Fl\ E lIL N- T PIT 5 ? proprietors of certificates ifliied for f\ib- 1 , " r t es , no eomments, for it mufl be known, 'rilllN An\M<s
/* DREI) DOLLARS , which letter hai beep , , , ' J fcriptions to the Loan bearing intercll at few , ,l ' thw to s<j#al it, »r. unecceptionable President of Sui'et
SUPPRESSED in a POST-OFFICE, and . eight per centum per ajwura, are notified, rh.u ut - e will be made to the pwchafer. App'y to *'
K BANK NOTES taken out as the ,ln - payment stall have been „ade . JAMES GI:<VAN, ™ V ,Wtf .
PUBLIC MAIL was not STOPPED, "J£d on it, on <he Newt.wa roj nj* Snitftr? f if which will become due 198 Chefcut fl«ct, next door to the pre LOTS
MOLESTED, UT ROBBED. miU about IO miles from Philadelphia, and on* ? u , r the hrft ten days of the r»,,r,ih <f July j r ,t
inkers and merchants are particularly other lot of about 30 acres on tl«e Pennypack Certifi<iat<t of Fgndgt} St. ek Tpay at _ fa tf In the City of Washington.
Arl to watrh the circulation of said Enquire of Jonathan Clift who live, oh the pronii- teir oitiii. be obtained at the 1 reaiury or Loan ■
resetted to fcs or of Mr. Gilpin. Office,, refpedively, for the amount ol the four HorseS to Winter. A NUMBER of Lot. ,n the city of W.lMnp
f nates, and flop them , ana any pi I,on g - p offc (r 1011 w ;n be given in the fprlng, btrt build- ft'nftatmenls, or owe moiety of the sums ex- 1 _ l\ ton, the titles of which arc unqueftionabl^
s uch "dorniatiOH as will leadl usi to mil n-.itirijls may be eoHedo3 fooncr. prefTedin the fublciiption certificate,.No cer- ! TTORPCS will be taken to winter at thetf situation. various, lome pretty coatlgacus to
msney, lhall have FIVE HUNDRED S No „ mUcr g t ,wtf. t'ficatesof Funded Stock w, i/Tued IT mi, at the 1, miie. stone ZtL B Capitol, aie offered
DOLLARS reward. ; (or^. , Road, where, hey will h avc good Timothy and SAI.B.
WILSON W SWANK. Lodging and Breakfast, ,nted at the K Office in IZ *™oA. * 6eW Ufj F ° r ™ U * &€ Pl °"' anJ U t4rn "' ,p "
Frederkkfburg, (.Viig.) Sept.. to. J7>OR one or two fingU Gentlemen, in a gttnteel eqaence of the foregoing arrangement, will he $3 ! iquireof Mr. William BJI Merclust or PON! 5 ; AT e;HnTrX4 AV PR
i private family, with the L'fe of a neat front nd6rr e d and diftindlv maiked so as,to denote, on the premifts. ' ~<l ■? \ r t«
Ery All Printers in the United States, Parlour, and Board for Servants may be had at that a moety of the flock has been issued. N - B W »U not ho anfwerablefor accidents cr o. I*4 Uoth Fourth flreeu
to publilh the above, and we No. «8 north Fifth ftrtct. OLIVER I'/OLCOTT, hat w i"tak: every pr !C auuo;i to p.event Poila. January % o, et>St
v ill pay them. ' November »6. Secretary of tjx Treaty. 1* ~ - , rjar , -nr.
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