Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, February 07, 1800, Image 2

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— STUTGARE*. November J !ife Nukt, " lm .' <•" * ho* -, t
~I Tlie Dofition of the armies, between ihe ' P"HAT the co-partnerlhip of we soMcriM« the tender sprouts of American o-eni «'-h
ifowsn intelligence. SaOSSSKSBfIg® '——
.a "• i t'h ir mt'roles eitend'to Britv mutual coniru. AH who have any de» vpiday svKNING,- February 7.- K,s permitted to grub and prune at raudo*:.
AHMV OF THE RHINE. ff~*" -.P****.-.
g £»fra</ */ 4 /w/,r yr, m the General in Chief debtrd thereto above Cx months, are requeued. ''* *j£? "rta.n enviom note, 011 a fuk .
•v to the Minister of War. RATISBON, November 24. to.iujke Immediate payment to _ Non vultus inflauti. tyttnw, lime. Elegiac compliment to the memory oj*
H Qjw Miuheim, z6lh Brenuire, No Since vefferday it is reported that a cou- ' < Me " ,r arit ' folida - VT.fl.ington. Th«, fowler carp,«:.h c ca
veator 17. tier has arrived with dispatches for Prince WIS IFU iun " " r,r ~ plct wttereiu our hero is represented as bcin-
Yesterday, the 25th, I attacked the en- Suwarrow, revoking the orders for the Ruf- J '. r , cokmbkic acion. „, .. iangereuj in e'efeat
emy's whole line, between Phillipfburg and fun army to return h-jme, and that it is to N l srER aiiJ JOHN WISTER. The Ltgiflative Body ot F.miilylvania " and Jreadfal in retreat,
the Nlckar. The firft dirifion, command- march to the Rliioe. nr ,^ r ",he t irnj.of WILLIAM ts" JOHN WIS- .have puffed a resolve toprepaic a portrait or s urt ly llonc but a dtfhce or d<-jvtller in itft.
Ed by gen. Deiaborde, marched to the bri- ——- I'I.R, jun.who have 011 hand an affortmcnlof dry j, ; , rtiaUs p s the late General Wafliington, to 3 a^os could find fault with such exalted U.'s
gade on the right at- Neulafheim, where it HAMBURGH, December 1. goode a> uiuU. r ace the apartments offtate, „ ' , " j"*
had attacked the enemy with the great- r p * v fattered v. rh- **•* J43 ' T fttti K» W the lame, hut with tins d.t- *■»"*• * only lament tlut
eft intrepidity, and beaten him back to Thtbcof Ma 11 hit y•• „, p , _ : l'er.ufylvaiiia, like her democratic the too difhaent au.hor gave the check to
Vaugnafel, after having ta en t C OO prison- of '' d W f ' Of v(i , nolitics, has oft-red nothing more tlv.n lhad- Pogafus be tore he had perfefted his dimax.
er, W were a part of the gar.ifon.of the m.won of cit.xen Duroefirlt aU-de- N. jgte £. ». • v« , b ; s g lor i bu , memory ; whilst For an hero
Phiiliplbnrg. and five pieces of cannon— " in P to ® uon, P* r r 'between COMMISSION BUSIN ' :tS has offered fubftatice,—even a *
The 16th demi brigade of infantry of the CO«hrm ic con eg , TramtSed t,* tnsivcly. statue of mnrblr, like their Federal Chirac-
•jUci dreadful im retrtat
12th and 23d regiaienta of caralry, have can imc 7 Money advanced on good Notes "t Hand, m ■ ' •
prirticnlarly themfelves a» the Sec«» b< r 2. Mortgages and Merc! tndire. Bills ot Ex- certify that Mr. Gabriel n ' a C l ° com,mar,ded by gen. Defpagne, The misunderstanding which exists be- change bought and fold. Alfb, Pnrchafes I C Harford county, in the State ««j»r «tf when W.
and the light artillery under theordersof tween the Ruffians and Auftrinis is aow ln d Sales of Houl'es and Lat.ds made, ; ; rvlarid. m;de ul'e of the fol!owuig ex- An enemj to snarling orilict.
the chief of squadron Lecras. The left confirmed by the Peterfhurg and Court Gaz- fy jAtf&H MF.Y/FORT, a* the'houfe of Mk. Bicker, Pbi-! '
B.rigjdc»t>f the fame moved by e „ e . General Suwarrow ttaiei 10 his offi- No. 45 Arehllree.. udelphia',' earlv in July J-ift, m the presence j In the French Sen.,te, }uft before the hft
K!i?:ock 1 j wards the VeuTertthal, dnving c i»] rep( , rt , that Baroa T hugnt, m promif phLi a delnhia, Feb. 4 «wtf . X -nt, Sprig, an 4 Smith, members I Bwleiersemtw, it W>t decreed,- that the or,
every win re the enemy before it to Graben ing the B.itiOa miniller at Vienna that the , Adam myfelf| j der ot e xpulii<m from the country, ftiould not
Ibe result of this movement was that: Phil- Ardidnk. Charles would continue m NOTILt. -lodgers in said house, That he, Gabriel j app |y tu thote emigrants (hipw recked at
lipft«rg is blockaoed again. Ihe second Switz.-rland, had deceired him by such an _ ChAftie, wiihtd that "The Piefident of the j Calais, who, betides thecrime of emigration,
diVision commanded byjfen. Decaen, as atTurauce- In his difpaich from ra>crna, give rjctke ilut theSubfcitber united States was poisoned," or ''That were culpable in other icfpeiAs meriting capi
ma ean ati ck upon Roth with equal tuc- j, e madc o f, of the following language i 1 M J, oktv.xd from the Orphan's Court ot f Jbn wou , d jfon him and ufrer tal puuilhment.
cess. He marched his brigade, the right The Auflrian General Teller ard his cam- | Coeeil eemiit, «:> fttiryiai.d, letters ot admmii- f u,. <\;<l rhri');#- he ob- n .. 11 i-» _ v
vith rapidity by Mingrfheim to Obflit— miffaries deceive us hy their equivocal pro- trrtion on .'.f persona eilate of Zebulon O.d- on " j a |, ' '.V , .... p-_j; dfnt a UL | V '»'i "• mef - r g ( -
Pore feeing the 'diScuUics that this column | " fe# . rh ; B i# thc / fth day £ have loft at ,ha late or the eouaty atorefahl, feryed that he -Jed The: Prehden ta „ c Co.,.batted, these opiuions : they ob „v.
.1! 1 , „„. vrnr „ nrrier to carry ' t . »• 1 All Derfons having claims agamtl the laid dt- birth in Heaven, and that it Ooa woula not. that the individuals in uueflion could be
j ! avern a ! ceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the fame receive him, he withed him to the Devil, but j C onf\dered only as shipwrecked unfortunates;
the .irong potttionji wuicti ioen y • j Under such circUmflances it is not to be with the voucher, thereof to the Sohfcriber, ou fc e was fearful that neithel would receive hin>, ' t h a t their return to Fiance was not an ' *
piei Hp Li the heights oeiote t e vl! M • expeded flfot the brder which Suwarrow or before the u.actecnth day of OAober uext, ant j t( , lt , vr fliould be troubled with him j 0 f their will and that it wcujd be barbarous
m° "" h tV, Yf'T"\l firft to i h "receivedto'return to Russia will be coun- they may other vise by aw be excluded »rcm all , ._ Tbe abofe ob f er va, ions were made j to ?ut them to death after their having been
one co»paojr of ligh ar, lery, «it fir to ! tfrmandfd . #nd jt „ [)robnbie tiat the bene6, of «<ve by f lr . Christie without any from the com- ' from :b e f.ry of the waves. "
..y \et ell a , p fcncb w ;i] advai|tage«t ihofe diffen- RICHARD OLDHAM, Adminiflrator. j thcin f ro m him, nor wa* any j _ , .. _
and alter wards to loretz and Brufcha, concUldc a f^ralc vvth Jjliulry jo . taw6w Ld-W reply made thereto. I 11 hi 7 T TTitt
from whence the enemy was driven and p.ui- ' , r r ' 1 a —— \/ r»Ai»«r»v .1 j that they Ottjht «obi judged iu the- iulleft
sued as far as Bretten. The leit brigade " u ' A valuable Ejttt/t for fjlf WILLIAM UAi ~3 . rigour ct'the iaws against tt»u,fc..«K„
was advancing at the fame lime upon Gote-! * " * t* vueiiiiA * Elkton, 13th August, >798. ! for againfl their
ftieim. The reserve of cavalry, under the CAUTION. * J/' - ' [Thcahfl* o»iil6c«m lim laiT-tSmlro"it.'|"^* n «»untiy.
orders of gen. llaupftlt, perftdly teeonded TIIF NORWICH LANDS r:d to us for publication. No real'ois is as- j The reader while he peruses with repulsive
his operations, particularly the caribineers. 1 , i-jjjr p„l>lie ir cantiorerfaFaiuft receiving th* " vrr\ AppVTsJO AC FS fitiled why it has not made its appearance i horror, a decree which dooms to death 600
The.third ijivifioii, commanded by general j u t,r c ,iber« Note in favor of, imUcdor- ( Mli-Lo, AiNJJ I X.iN U/VVjX O- although it 11111 ft strike every person j unhappy grntieme#!, call by ill fortune on a
Nty, wliicci »ss to have advanced again It f c( ] b y Thomas VV. Francis,dated yefterd.y, j Jere a circumtlance which ought to have bce»: barbarous and inclement thorr, will call to
Elt'rz, notwlthllanding the great force op- at 6c day. after date for ei;ht hundred >to"ars. ■ TVIS ESTATE cxp.-.fed. We ahftain- from comment, in mind, that ancient trait in the charter of
**?'* 1 ss r ' P k c t;'f zsivx »s.. - • ?*?>? h •?
V -lift v •°^ tt a n . T- TWr if-iorfer, to the credit of the drawer, Thoma. \ Kivi , bo ; t ~ roi | e , from the city of KkMS be Jet up, if defence there can be,-ct hui- •so finely enlarged on by didaflic writers. He
VjiWtat, Jt HSges and Mn.zneim. ine vv Frjncij T | lig „ otc together with a cor.- ; , nJ KCjr i y t h f umc d.ftafice from l*e-. f- indeceat andoutrageoui.] , will alio note tlwt, thus, the.mouftrous au.
fourui diviiion, under tne orders of gen. jCtwee „ Chaile* Willumfm, and Charles t tr iburg. ' —• triors of thi» enormity persisted in the ptrpe
Baray j'H lliers, was charged veith clearing ;J a | f f or Uuds in townflnp, No. 4, in the <th There i« about ';o acres »f lam', and ihe , The Hon. Theodore sedswick, Esq. tration of outrages upon humanity and all
the right bank ot thc Neckar, and advao- rjnpe of Strutter county, ihte o» Newjert'ey, who , c a s it E e»o0 foil so. agriculture, and a full |j s b v the Legilhture of the charities of life, to the very last point of
ciug agafaft Dilsberg au ■ Langenze. Thi. and jiudr y "tber wawrta a FW>et J pr oponioi. of it very for gra!.; aUut f Major General of the 9th D.vilVon of the duration of their'
dfvifwn perfc-aiy executed its orders. Thi Book. wereJakrn from the buWer.ber. lalt t , nt ha j t ot cleared and in d state fit tor im | j _
-1n;;r.,1,0 maJt about' 20C1 Drifon- e v A s the above can he i>f no use to the nie ,ii ate cultivation ; tke reft Is in woods and Mil ' Ui 01 u • ( ■ , ,
r « if maae'aboot ZOO pr.ton son h „ #ltrifi , them , ff> Should they weil coveicJ whh ,; mW t ,f jiflVreat ,Although our walk* seldom tend toward*
e.t.. Out hl. on this day was very incoii |, c qUfffi'Mm* walltie aked. , kinds. A< 10 the iraproveintrits on the farm, A wiiter in a l tte New 1 ork paper while the tabernacle* ct Democracy, and although
ftderable, that of the enemy on the contrary, g V?vlU£L MIFFLIN. I thefs it a decent dwelling ht use w.ith the ufaai 1 fpeakiog of the of fay*, 'we are tonfc.-quer.tly ojtea in the dark with
was We have taken besides p t i )ruary f, dtf otit house,, * good brick ipriivg bouse, ar.d a ; j, at he forefaw the fever of last year ; when j refpefl to the arcana of that infernal feft,
I2ooprifo eis, five pieces ot eaunon, manyy, .
Carflon# and the baggage waggons- Ad the W;m n „ Wills ti' lohn Arms trout* ' he woi\, tw<» orcliarcs ot j t hcn to expect the niahiy. He, opinion, that the disruption of thc French
troops have difplayrt the gteateft courage 5 . *'"><"» » P b » Arm ; ~ple. and of peache,, in tu.l pertedtion and j tJj# kijld $ of a „ ! R P tpub ,' cf Hrbit ra r y
officrrs and soldiers all dtferve the highest gentleman, conflft of three pair of bur Hone. ! agreement between fuow, hail and the yd- power hy Buonaparte the Italian, wouli-
F ral T feeri your adve>tif f mem "To ihe ! for the grinding of- wht-at, and one pair of | low fever, and vaunts that he has nated"iß imve the fuffrwges of the American Demo
-1 I'uhlic" whereby >">» offer > our services to ft .nek tV.r grinding vt cprn, f!l of | hiftoiy the death oj Ojstcrt. cruts. It is so ; itid Kiilii fex_the raoft
TURIN, November 12. 10.-ttc Uuited States Vil-tary ! and Warrant-, 1 eua'i'y,^jarflioi; w#;er and j , h>ve i, ot ; C ed (fays be) is MY hiflory natural ot reasons. They have fwom fruity
The whole lose of thc French army under and in whieh yox atTert you " prtffel, ftine- j tl\..,blc gears, with ail the hte iinpi-ffvemenU' - . whether in a dirae, leaders who have far years beeu aiming,
gen. on the 4th to £ t at t». W It is
the Bth 111 ft. in the engagements with gen. As i believe you livi- u,: explored Ktors ■ f the | manner and of the belt materials and quite new in the dark. hy a very fiu.ple operation of thought,
Me-'is and Kr«iy, is ftattd at I 3,000 men m , Military gfftiiA thanfmne oib§r ycvUn J U mill bcuie U lUrf? and convenient, bt- —. th-reloie, tlut thry approve and applaud the
killed and wounded, drowned and taken a |f o ofl'er rheir icrvicesto lucatc wai ing; 46 teet by 7 1 feet with five floors, tlietwo unlVultful ifTue ot revolution! in Goi vi&orv of Bitonaparte, even though it be
prifoneis ; the number »f the latter iicreafed mit me to fuggsft the propriety ot altering your , larwer llorics are hr»ck» tlie i£'it framed verfinient, as evinced in the cafe of the over their lovely, darling Hepttblicanifin.
every day to the Bth itift. In an engage- I advertisement, so as to do jnftice to tfu>fe whole j executed in the inoft f»tftaMial manner ; the ni?v . )o flibl v have the ef. # t ,
men; which happened on the 24th of Odto- knowl«d ? e of thc Military Land, t«. a< leatt . ai,dnuchincrr rf the mrf.s ound to CQt f tbc , )ol Just ofour . It {« impossible to calculate, frcra the late
her, near the river Bombia, the brave gen. I - miotic citiw In that.behalf. It may now everts which have taken Fwocj
Kava.czay. was in the greatell danger. cvcn ti1 rjul to y OU , i" the knowledgt ot it. I fee dation of the water louifes—fhere is a very be apparent to certaiu wile ones, that the what form of government, or order of thing*
bullet peiietrsted his coat pocket, and would | ar » vct Lilcrncats by perfous aho have never e*- convenient brick bake henfe two 11 lies high, abolition of thep-efen; Confederate Govvrn- l hat nation will finally reft upon. Ihe late
have entered his left thigh had it not been j p [ orc ,i „ fi ng i e range, and by others who have with twp large ovens; a very good house for ment) (^e public execution of the Federates, Mr. Burke, who surveyed the French revo
ftopjied ov a roll of maps. In the different 1 been ovrr but a small part of ihe Mdiiary Land the proprittoi or hore rorni, * cufi- lc founding of a Republic one and lution with a prophetic eye, observed, in
sftiono from thc 24 1. of Oftofcer to the —to these your advirtifement would apply; ting moot, kitchen, att. a'to fintahle boulei t i loU „|, ifmiaht affordfcone for his celebratedrefledions on that event, that
,8.1. P«""bn*l *.«- T*,r,,d., - "public h,.dl r re »i. »to
conscripts were put to the sword by the Aof- * , )£ idvi ,. e uh ; c h if attended to with the mill, where b»af« *f three to four hundred Robefpierres, might also, pryducp « Crom- form ; but before its final settlement
tnan cavalry, who thought them to b t Gc- , jndour w ;n ) f or t | le pftfeut fatisfy. bulh;l(s buriheftclm receive t>.eir loads ont of well, a Monk or# Buonaparte. 1 it might be obliged to pas» « through great
ncefe pcafants, as they wore no regime&tali. ' \tfr the mill, and in one milei 'dittance, thips of varieties of untried beingr' and in all it»'
M ANHEIM, November 15. - • 7*" ? f a^ kc "' W hh . od :". J h j* h " b «« lhe . c,fe ' Th f e
This day gen. Lecourte returned to the THE UNDERSIGNED, ,hle a, to i ß*.u, being mollly independev vo!ut ' I™ in 3 bundle of Oli.ftU principle of the revolution waa that of a re
army at Brafchal, which it is expeded will TTIS Swe<Ji(hJMajcfty*»Confiil Ocueral,and am- farmers, and the foil is in general very jyftfy j lutlons to Buonaparte, and received in re- formed monarchy. This was defended y
make a oeneral attack The guides, with JL JL thorized 10 tranfael the Confutar Bufinefc, elteemed to any on Jamei Hiver, for the turn therefor a case of excellent Nantz Rran- their greatest men— Sieyes, Mirabeau, otc.
four N-ces of horse artillery, has set off be- for hi* Majesty the Kir-g of Llenmaik iu the United growing of wheat 5 upen a moderate calculi- , dy.—Thus we fee this great man knows in It wab when the reign of terror had bound
fre him ' * ' States of America, rcfiitliig at Ph;ia«l«lfhia, tiou, the arrrege annual cr»p« of the neighb®--■ what kind df coin to pay every one who has down and enslaved thc minds of the people,
Hereby gives public Kolite. bdesd.equally convenient if not more to, to the claims upon him. ' v that this principle was abandoned, and the
. •„ i. 1 • , ~ <,® ' ' Norwich Mille, than t» any other market, » V „ luvr net
Sisirnnlhes have t.iken p,ace with the arm- xhat in ob-ditrnee to recent inAruSions rueived mount to between thiify and ferty thouland c- ul7 1x» ir ■ un '• jii ■ u ' r a Ift
ti peafanu near Weinbeim. from hie govemment, it Ss the doty •£all MMlers bushel. of wheat. Mr. John P. Oirdo» who ; thf French Republic is overthrown, fincc, in all their charges preserved at leatt
of Swedils and Danith veflcls, b«lor« their failing live* on she premiiei at.preienj, will stew ttte %te f" 3 " Wit probably hear so many alarms the fcmblance of a reprefeiitative govcrn-
Yesterday evening the guides of the army from any port in the laid State,, to call upor him whole to thole who may incline to view it. ' founded refpe&ini? the danger of Republican meut. Of this they are now deprived, and
of the Rhine set out from Bruchfal, with ° r C 8 Co# ' u .' ' n " ti ' t to he granted such 1 would prefer a purchaser who rould pay Liberty from delpotic conspiracies. It is the whole power is concentrated i'h the
four pieces of horse artillery. The Gen.
in chief, Lecourbe, it is said, will set out ver.l Decrns of the lielligerent Powcri, render nr j w |ii c.ll Dn arr ,■ 1 ' more real danger >.iere exiflr, the lels noise all her transmigrations and purifications,
to nigh', for the army. It is prcfumed, that indifpenfa#y necessary, and, that Mafter of ,j,c imereit beisc paid aaruaHv. " i'wUl IWC lKar al}oUt ■*' France shall revert back (o her firft princi
this day or to-morrow there will be a gene- vf fral»b"longi"g co the rcfpeJlive nation.; «r na- wt i, fo r , purc harer tiil rtieijth Hay oif March'l ~~ pie, or whatever may be the form of go
ral attack. opting touke such certificate., wU| perfSilW ntx, ' a . n ? if not lh / n t'«'d, I will be glad t<»T After denying duiingmany days, theftu- vernment which shall finally restore her to
fund re/poK|jble for she conferences. trcit , * lt " 1 tenant fir a lease, on term! which thenticity of the late news, the Aurora peo- tranquillity, a long course of time, will be
The tjarrifon df Manheim yesterday took utpuio'A e/\nrD«rnriY» may be mutajlly agreeable. I have nffered the , pie at length eved it, because Mr. Teffl-r- necessary 10 heal the wounds n.ade by the
the oath decreed by the legislative commif- , J , I * S^ i)LRSTROM - J'f<°JK/JT' i K' I dn 1 sou believed it. Why this is as it thould revolution , and her example will be a cau.
—-•• r-ITV OT? WAQHINP'rOM timber, oven wood and ho*p po>4; but if it "'"S"" 1 ' ot Horace, is here wilely rejefted stead of reforming therr inftituticns.
ITALY, November, 18. V-l A I Us W riurtlt * be more agreeahU to him to take ihe mills and tor li, e uilmcc of Pope—and they COnsult [Saltm GtJ*»
T , . .1,. Aiiron, mi • few acreeof land, hy fcall be accommodated t;his' nv.i'Rcr-Qu'u ot at) orjcli-, upoii a point >
~ " 'davib-ross. te-nvr
jierate fiilly (fa the 2c, to drive the allies (J e j b y thc fabfcri'.er, for undivided Shares or Richmond, February ?. to rely. ' Talbot, was cruizing off the Mole the id
again from the heights on which the bcfieged Lots on hi* purchase within the cky of Walhing- m ' t inft. in co. with ihe Bofton> of
had their hofpital,a«d from whence the for- ton, who have not y«t apflicd for and reeeiTed United State/, ) " 1 MeacJ and Ch e advise captain Little.
tress could be bombarded. After an o>fti- their Deed?, arc hereby notified, that th#ir federal Peunjylvanta DUlriß* i To kec P m y limb * 'to prefcrve my eyes." i _
«. i \ Titles-will be July completsd to the prd«r of those
natr -.ngageji .n ui .' «» c in conformity with thc tcrmt of the said Cei- "NT ♦" *'k 1 * The P iris moer<s advprtif f r 1 r The General Greene, of 32 guns, Capt*
retreat into the city with a loft of , jficatM( do makc lh Paymcnf , in lull thcre( < or , Notice IS hereby glV«l, niedv wiled Z r, ' : '- G °" P«rry, was at the Cape, refitted and ready
thirty five thoniar.d men. General Mou- r i, t , fr to, M<E*,n f Qo. or to thr. «ub- fHAT a Special Bjftrifl Coart of the United w , Jncohnv < or Mdautropie et f or f^ a
iiier and another gencial who commantl- fcrihrr at Philadelphia, on or at any time before State* will be holdtii at the City Hall, in the lt P c f tlr * J - 13 a tranftation. into French ' .__
«d in the fort of the Capuchins were wound- the 31ft day of May next. city of Philadelphia, in and for the Pennsylvania ver le, ot a Comedy, whicb has been also
ed on this occasion. On account of the Samuel Blodget. diflnfl. op Friday the j ill day of January ioftWit, tr anllated intd Ungfifli, and called The frZT" A dated meeting of the American
ftortnv weather the Ruffiaa and.TorWlh sri- December 17 " LoUn inl< « lk "»WP D from the pen of a dreary old Ph".OSOphk*.L Society will be held at
gates had been obliged to raise the blockade ; A PAIH 0F Uuited State's (Z the - their Hall on Friday, February 7th, at fr
but the Imperial gun-boats which had been CAnni 1? d Apo r dk& j T hng the madness of illumination into the 0 c^oc k »n tl.e evening,
eonflrofted at Venice, had come to anchor JAUULt-DAlji), 3 Hogtheads Spirits mmus-of the lowerorder? THOMAS. P. SMITH, Sec, laden with provi. oils, which had at. comepts and in the cost of this advtrt i fen , cot , 1 Lranied or marked according so law-where- a > ls ol revolutionary hmaticifm : Analytical leviatingtlie nuferies of public prisons, are
tempted to enter .he harbour. wiU have them rcftored to him, by applying at the the fame have been fazed as forfeited. treat,,c on man. with the code of hi, duties, n queflcd to attend an adjourned meeting, at
Ihe corps otgeuerak HadiicJ ,K, r.i czay Bojrd Yard, adjoining thc new Roman Church in *** oflourt ' >"- ™tial code conformed to the object the Carpenters' Hall, on" the toth at 6
and tfo.ian have joined gen. Kray, who is North Fourth Street. D. CALDWELL, Clerk Dill. Court. °fterrestrial creation ;by the citizen o'clock i. the evening,
marchicgagair.a Gsvion the road to tenon., February 1. dtf. January 18, Gabriel-Vifior Benjamin Marisne