c f dMfCtte of h tttttit&fe States, A * u Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. - -IIL i 1,, i •< in i i i j -' - -—■ ~-r •—* ■ 1 -V" -- V'- 1 1 —-~~ 1j Jivxu* 1301.] rll I L AD E L Pi: lA, tUiDAV EVENING, FEIiRUART 7. :2co. \V*iu*h XVII. . ■■' , - ' .' • .. - ".T.T .• r -.bc - -.•**- ~ tzr The price of this Gazette n E,ght\ DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, DANCING. romFRS OF QOLLAPS per, annum to Subscribers residing)' - rc wt T, •in the city cf Philadelphia. All others pay tje ITREMEVIBEKED. That on the 31ft da? Mr. FiANC.fS Mllltdfy Ldld fVarfHTltS, I I ft'if*'-2 M / one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di- 1> »f January, ia the » 4 'h yew of the lideivn or ru« h%w th*«i «k, TOR THE PURPOSE OF LOCATING. _ _ #>% /j fA rtcting ; and unless >s»me person hit I; is city dcr.ee of the United A™ r;ca, Jf ;oR w- E - VF. ?TFULLY inform* hU f oohr* ao : the _ QBijlWv , - r. - .*<§s^ wits A«v..wc answerable for the subscription, " f »'" c fli " n ' :i,i , ri,a ' "V.'T- ,r "" 1 U s -V pub; cin e .-aeril. that he wit! re commence t A M£S E. SMITH as early as the ad of Sept. '"XdPMsk Iff t'Tv R 1 ?S f am ' " J Ihorlly ;*fi« his return from vicing tVe *~> >■ .. . . .-J ... . ■,, " functor, m the word, »«Uow..g, to wit. Affem ly gouiOi Mrm. Milrtary Lind, off«ed hi. fervicr t.» the holders **-* %• No Subscription wW be received for ROWLE TT's Days of tuition Tucfdayi. ,nd Th«H*ayi. 0 f Military lAnd Warrant, for the p.We of NEW LINE OF STAGES ei svorter term than sit. months. . , -#a • . Tnt/>rpß fUßlli, .duffing, rejiilleilrg i i i».uiaa them, >n coi. rr \T v 1 I ! | Ict'oies Of Discount or lnterejt, f{tc njl;ji . s per Momh> f r «,, e ,r t e . ; on kverv dollar., 1 p< i James Johafow in July piecediug, on the lan J, By the (borteft i.nd m«»ft plrafant road — MAIIHLW M'CONNELL . r„. ft »k,.,r„vi .n„ rvrrv Enframe. f.* o r the purpofc of exploring: tVe fe&ions in xhe Frankl'ord, Kuftleton, Newtown, Having opened an ojp.ee in Che,nut- street, F'Vr.. from two thoulan-t to' two thoufand.fi»a '° F h ° ! . e survey " V Thi> bctn cr- Pennington, Millftow, Boundbrook, U, ion _ L,, ,|„J .* n ii,* fif-v r, m /wo thousand fiv ■ 7 0, nor{h Iltreet - ried tn:o cowjjleat by W J-iht.fon, w ill) Camp, bcotcli Plains, Spt and Nfvr ( A tew doors abeve Faur'.k) ber the assistances a« ir.h.biunt of that a,k. HI, drtti, Iron, thr<>e thousand to five thouf..nd—from T AKPAW T? P K<T 4C F< country, they havf fig later, 'nofis drforipttve o! THE SWIFTSURE AND df-ii'i c<)Uimen,*ti the Bi.fiHtfs of Ne one day to Cxty-four day. iKcluOve, A f SIX PER the Brtu.tion,- so.l and nat.r,] advantage, at- f £ r North Agm iaiooa, i" t«>e various kinds «f PubK- CENT. Comprizing, in the whole, upward.-of tach<4 to each fcfliao m the !.i» vty. Mr. a t« o'alock everv moraine ar,J 'l'ack fiilfrnr Exchmive, itft.tfft Engages one hundred zn 1 thirty two thousand one hundred npHE- of the Philudclphia and Lan- jchnfi»u noxv here wub-tliufc Ko':es f to- . 10 v - vvlHin n Jrtf power to give tatTtfac- and si ty e.kohtions of D.fcount ; all perfo. med 1 cfler line f'tl,ok Wh . n.,v think proper acordi'g to ti,. e,uit,'/e prloeipl. sor the Bank., gr „ e f«l t!,a,k, to their frk-nd. and tl.e public in pleat cpy.f the S,rveynr Ge.Kral'a rct««, ■ F " m lim uJ maan» to fine hi» tranWiori* to st das prailii«d between Individulb througSout f? r the pafl favor« thiy have 1 o.cut-. j > an I made to t Trcjfury Department i'f the Tuwn- j»> (S«n ays pxce ( .ted ) and arriVei at Phi.a line, in all fuel, b«- the Uua.d Sut . fnfcrm U«im thai itt additton to the regnU Line (hip survey*. ' delph.a, eatly the next even.ng. si to The Wcffio*. WITH NOTES th.y are p ov, led with C«ri..ge-,fJb«r .r.4earau Btv.g thus ins ,rmed tie fulftrihei*, j .irniy. Fare for ptfTeMgers s dolors, way p iTengeri ***■.-*•' »»sascr?s?«-fi'»s November 19. — ■ - or tTife uin«rent offices. Rate of niiurar.ee ois TV tv/? t< t T'l? T Another N3u, under the firft page of the Uork : ~J' -;, r r may be hereafter on by applying to ei- i/.L.aLLK, Juf)r, fiiewiog tkt moda of calculation on CENT.'». Avv. 3.1. 1l 2t S iher of the fuf.ferjhers. Such ot ihe honofal.e *c* * rnwv vmAtf • No, 80 Dock* near Third sirzfl. Llkivst£< ' " —— ' 4 the m^rnheis of C .ftgrcTs a- n w hold, or S n , v \ '1 «> »• * ' HAS r:« s.M.I, rhe ready way 10 use for any namber • A YOUNG MAN n*y mcive vamnta from their friwida Ue£ore * '} , N " 48 <m± %ID, y , fiatyioor. with the Weft-Wia trade, the next, by a line u 7tVand N. E eomw trf'Greenwith Mamoodifs, To all which. i> a J .d«d, th.. r tincip!ct or.compnta wifl, t s to be at • Supcte ■no. He wii4 .oei.Uro thefabfuibers through the m.di Street, New York. T<r ■ tion of the v.rious exchangea between aaah eic?~» on t-r.-KS. S;'i»:a:"tory rccoaa- urn of the Pofl Off.ce, wul bjwated on ajrec- , r,vW . ' rtfp'eAively, and hetweeti 411 ibefe mendavion will he produfi J. able to their app intment. • ■ , St/ipt-d Lrrens, and Lon«oi' ant! at difTertat A line dire&fff to A. B. left at thePriiaiag Of- JAMES E. SMITH, rHF r 11-owing x Tangos, rates of fice wM) be i:;.r>»edUtely atunded to. W«. 100, £suhs:b Street, rtspofitc tie Horfc Marht ■ VALUABLE LANDS SS^r d , Bv JOHX RO WLETT, JAMES JOHNSON, mil he offend for sale, at the Jjerchan* ' The foregoi.ig w ;n b* soU very tow i« order t» Ateomjptar.t, ffonk if NartMmetw. IiQONLTON IRON WORKS. . K>-1-9. Market Street. Coffee House in this city, between the close sales. Ai.io, ot •!■'- UkSted StaresTTßTjnrtrt---Air- : V.n; ft —— * —>— SATOKbAT tic tilthtv-setMid of AJarth A FEW PACKAGES OF A3 for the encuur ,gnni.T,t of I.tarn- J "■■*-'->> LOCATION OF nex t. German Gotdt. " """IJOm "IZt "SSSIV^SStHJSS^ SufNftle wtW Weft todu MmMii fl tirt? I'*oii—Vai 1 '*oii—Vai MM} r „ , . . ~ . iriem. Received by the Fair A meriean iron, Hamburgh. Uo* JierJn smb..i mtd. Work>> fi tn , Min ~,e eonwy ofMorriala the [Norder to render the.nformat.onrelat.re to th, 7>ooo Acre, at thr confluence of Frederida October is- (Signel) D. CALDWELL, Uat» ol Now-J.rf.j, cooGfiiog of a Forge with Lands completely f,trf.a»ry, the Sub- and Turtle riveri, and head of St. Si IO HE SOI.D BY January 31. Mw 4 w. w.th two Run of ft.ue,, and Saw mill, ill in good *>d from all their obfervattoni to Ageft a scale ol | wic w JESSE IST Ro' ERT italn. order and n»w iw ui"e, together with an excellent, rrclerencc in the Location., which they venture to a j 2 COO Acres on the wateri of the creat and OM Port Wine, in pipes, hhds. and q.r. calks, ° 1 ICE.. 22*,' them t"' f.r'tVxr little Satilla rivers, and vi b^ffaloe A*. t~*V «*+»»* . pet [on, in,lebt:Tto the eft.l.cf T.oua, »«"*+. "«t* —«* IW Ck4«'#MM. the ftip from L,fl,on. Aw,t,o«. Ut. .( deierfed, .t. t". E wd MdVuJwtw?l M««be*,, NfcSo.th P.frh fcect. 3J,oc« Ne.r ,be .bove J.foibtd te.ct., St. ™' in P i ' ,t!i " d *■«** >in Jf " ,w — , , '?7,™fr°".''d «m. S'£n, f« "***• >4!«jw Acre, on ,he r.nte w«er«. ROSS AND SIMSON, accounts/or fettiement. . prcv idic K flock the prefect winter, and poifeffioo JWart.fi Baum. 50,000 Acres on the waters of the great S»- HAvt for saL-k SARAH WILSON, Administfhtrix* , v f the whole in the ipring. h tlitem C. bcbenck, tvlla. n , , T, fl- n 1 TOEL Vv r . WILSON, Administrator. For terms fr.quire of David B Ogden at New- January 31- 50,000 Acres on the waters of little Satilla and , pieces Ift and id quality Ktilli,l Duck, No aot south Front.ftrcet Sodthwark ark, mr Ket.r Mackie in New-York, mr. David Alatamaha rivers and BuffMoe creek. ICO pieces Raven. Duck (fupertor) ' . _ ' Ford in Morris Town, or mefirs. Jacob and Rich- DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA <=,ooo Near the above described tracts. Uoflon l*eef in Barrel., »rd Fad'ch on tie premili:., ■ . . lln the State of VIIIOINIA—al! patented. 1 a c h-.!#.- J A. BRICK SIAB LE, Jinuarjr n * 44,000 Acrti in the county of Bath, on both ew nt.j < . HUMHi'MS. Suflkiently large to contain ni;»e HoHie., ■ I)E IT REMEMBERED, That on the e- fides , f Green Briar river, subject to 1 too buflieU St M?n;««3a!(. ALSOi United States, \ 1) leventhday of Jaauary, in thetwenty-fourth to 3000 acres of prior furvcys, in • fprrf Ti { For Sale or to Let. Pennsylvania District. \ - year of the Independence of the United State. eluded within th. said 44 ,°co acrss, — 1 ■ ■ ■ -■■ m - . XT Itiur PiDitinr unrTcr mcr ' ca ' COLLINSON READ and but exclulve ok >hot qaanrhy. Southern Mails. A. ew FRAME CARRIAGE HOUb... v ; rtl .. r.f . *'.Uo-venditioni exponw,to OEORG*E DAVIS, of the said Diftrifl, 41,000 Acre, in the comity of Bath, on the _ ______ —- K -°: 13 me d,-tiled, iff.ed out of the circuit couK h»vt_dcpo(ked in,ih„ office, the Inle ol a Book, eift fide of th» Cow Pasture river and THE Mails for all tlie Qflicesonthe main J>OJt SALE, of the United Sratt., in and for the Penr.l,l a- J* V '° m ' , on both fid« of the Waggon v ! . u ,„o •]... oflßr- iu! p. r ,rftvir, severai VALUABLI °ia Diitr :iSI, ot the middle circuit will be iolfi the w jr. s following to wit . Road leading from the \\ arm Spnag#- . e -i,, 1 , , 1 /c "ft 1T Tf-nT XT r I OTQ J >y puMic vtndueat the city tavern, in ?econt' 44 TEH RLANK DECLARATIONS, to Staunton, fli a f oreiaid to Virginia, wj be closed here every day,(SuD- Bl'lLD.lHu L O lb, o{ p Ml i elpK)l 3n Mo , d , y ElfJ-anrly engraved on Copper plate, viz. 56=0 acre, prior furveya r.Ays excepted) at lult p-tlt 7 o'clock, A, M. Near the corner of Arch and Ninth ft recti. t he 171/1 day of Marc'u nexr. at* 6 o'clock ir j Debt on Bond 6 Quantum Mrruit Acrn in the county oi t<;ndol|>h, on A,nd'tho Mails for the Poll Towns on the * t,o » the evening, >ll that certain tratt,or parcel of bv Affirm I- Valehant Bnclunan river, fuhjecl as aforeTid , ma'n line, tjii'pujh North-.CauoHna, South- To oe Sold 9r Let, Lt,d, firu te, lying and being en the river or } onfinglebilj 8. On Promissory note i to 3cr es prioriurvtys. Carolina and peorgia as far a. Savannah, A number of excellent Pasture Low, creek called Laekawaxeti, in the county of c , - on penal bill I 9 Sam. by Indole P %viU be clofeo with the Southern MhiU ev- the Witalyckon road,ah»ut half a mile U ayae, fcontainint io.c acres and i pw k n«.- , Incjrintatui As* 10. I refpifs and E- - .. r,\er, subject WedntfJayanH Friday. The .' , . from the tiry • on which arc erected > m-ITolge, n.1.1e, and 6. fompfit jedlmcnt. «aforelwd to 500 c acres prior l«r ---tlK-i l \ ar\ in ,k • Enquire at No. t8 Noith Filth flrect. lawmill, with the appurtenances —j he names , F *1 m +1 p n r rw t . ; water between.tb.s and Charleston arc , 66n*m( »f the original warrantee* of the said tract or, Fjr ,U °f tht Pr «f s *» r ' oft.be Lav, In PENNSYLVANIA oifcoiUinHta. parcel of land vere as fi>!(6wi; WAWS DY 60,000 Acres in Northumberland ooutiiy, fur^ Pest Office, Philadelphia, > TO LET, ' Mordeeai Roberts, JJm TiU, , COL LIN SON READ." vryed and returnee!. December?, 0,1799. 5 *■s' Several Valuable Siofihel Med.ru Cro-re si srton. 1n.c0..f0.n.,ty to tlx afl of the Coogref, of 46,?00 Acrt. in Northumbe> land county, fur ' , r? a D C lt- o " •' the United StA.cs, intituled 'An ad tor the veyed and returned, V T7 - /" r A R MS, Zacbariab Eerrts, &yamtn £ianc:<cfi, cli . o „. 3g .. taC nt of learning, b . fecurln, the co- *c. 4 co Acrea in Bedford cca :y, Hrveyed and flaxes OJ J.yCo%mng LOUtlty. Situated in BenfaUm townlhip, Bucks county, George Till, j. liihHg he. tad; p^ 3 C c .-nd iVoks t«» th v Authors ready to be returned nineteen miles fron. Phila4clphia. Tbcmas Wiggins, James Tbomp'svi jrd Proprietors o^'( ch cop e., during'ihc tiuie *§* For th, rreilcr part of the pnrchafe TOHN KIDD, Treaftirer, For terms apply to George Morton, Joseph Whttshe-} % therein «ienttof.e«J." money a liberal credit will be si ow ed the pur -I>7 of the Ctmmjjioners of Lyco- ELIZABETH ROBERTS, George Street Pctnck s .) D.CALDWELL. 4ii B m-,g county, at cndiai Pt,iladeli h?a to re- AttUborough, Bucks county-tr t£}m '• ? ' " '* f"-™: ylvenn:. pfcafr t<l apr.lv at No. 4' drci. flr.er, where «ekoHie T»*rt aflV(fi.d up«n unfaated Lands m JOSEPH R. JENKS, •*' V* » ' 1 i rhe abo**e a«jta ratio, n. eonilriniog the fern- the patens and draft*, and aifo certiSoate. of |W»i County, from tin hnlde-s thereof, in this No. 38, north Second flreet, PhiUdel'a. Seiz-d and uken in exe< i.<io, as the property bOnce of fine writing with'iirbty, and icttled the quality of the Georgia andtyi-gioia Latsd* City. Th le who have iikd with the Com- g None need >p-lv who cannot urodue of iiobert Lenis Hooper, decrjftd. ard appr ved bv some of the si ft and taoll dil- ar« depbfited roilT.o:-er., Katcmentt of thek Lapda, are re- la b| erecommen( . lti oi. , V ' JOHN HALL, ilifstal, tmgo.flieri Liw Cfcar: .flers in the ftj'n are now THOMAS FITZSIMONS, to eall upon him, to know the amount Also for sale ' N. B. A reafonaWecred.t will be give.,. pubi.lhed, ai d for. t aie at BENJAMIN R. MORGAN &J* The lime df a Negro Boy, "".«!{°f ce - i .. , aSkWiRF ; Jeremiah PARKER. ' the hanof Viie Sheriff for apre a a Who is fifteen years oi age, and has thirteen 3 i , . C ? l „,, J " na« e.p na, Jan. 7. aawt^. b'v tP» the q<S\ for railing eopnty rites and levies years to serve—He has been used to the business Theft two tracts uo not contain tin Jul* No. 319, High-Str>,kt. lltof. who luve not filedf flarements of iheii of a Farmer, and can drive a Carragt. quantityof the orignal -warrants , pa, tof them Where alway* may be had, every bick want- o , / '. v bndb with the Commiflioners, and arc deCrou. Apply to '' a V' " ghe e" ed in that line. Or Rented for a term of Years, vi»u? V peffona' Notice) the above ELIZABE TH ROBERTS, »S above. Ten Dollars RfWClld. Jawrtry 14. tutham. TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, Tiea'ura', tlieir lifts, slating the quantities ra- J a,lUsT y St " TNF.SERrtD from ih, quarter, of fjie &V NOTICE, With a Lot tl.ereuuto belonging, turned, number and dales ot the w tirJtita a c I<)TfRM FVM A N PAPFH MAffFH L/ frriher, an cnlifted ftidicr, named 1.-vM?S ~,TTTT4TF j„ v\u "v n 'l. r-rDj name, of the warrantees, under which they A J UI h.UAt PAPI.R MAKER, VI ORISON, born in the State of Delaware, ag d ~ , , , , OITUArL in Dp-ck Creek C.of. Roads k»kl I heir land.. He will attend at Mr. Jofepb H~bo can work well at the Fat, twenty five lest seven inches high, brown fHIS is <0 give notice th. t the Srhfcriher , O Kent County, State ol Delaware, fronting Hirdy's No 9 K, Marktt llreet far this purpok W i» meet with good eccouragca.tßt by a; pW complexion, blue cy«s black hair 1 hath obtained from the Orphan',. Court of jon the Main Street, there are on t'.e low er r,ntil ths ißtb instant at No i*V i-orth front Sum. Jj(sr Whoever (hall take tip the said deserter, Cce. il county in Mary!a:,d, letters of admi = if- Hoc, five ttx.n.s and an Entry, w«h a Nov-mbero. December'» 7 d-f and lodge him i« gaol or dediver him to the sub- tratron on the persona! eflate of ■Samuel Gffpi.-r. min.ber of well finithed Rooms up Stairs, a ' ' ■' U fcriber at hi, quarters in Filbert, hetwein Ninth late of rhe county aforefiid, (lecVakd j all pc-T- Cellar under the w)i U Bui'.dii g, a Bnck kitch jy , /se.ttctt ApmnnjAniTinvTc, and T(nth ftreeis, (hall receive thv above reward sons having claims against the said deceakd, are en, a .-'ump of good Water, with a Stable, Car- Tbirty Dollars Jttwara. ALLUMMUUAIIONS, lud reafotable-charge.. he.e6y wirued .0 exhibit tl>9 fiwit with the 1 Houfe and Sheds, the wholeTmprovements forfeveral Gentlemen, BENJ AMJN GIBBS, Jun. n uehers thereof to the fubferi tr on or but. u- ' aie in goi d repair. Tl >• Seal is well calculated DESERTED A *J North «;»r»Pt Captain 10th regt. of mfanry the 14th day of .V.gust next tin y day'other- f-rethf a Store or Tavern, the la;:er o c which ■*-11 .1 Mirnr Rirntks on the nich'»f the ' Tanuaryiß. diw wife by Ijw be excluded from al benefit of'tbe l il ha c been occupied for a number of years ith F25 KsSo&jTobo?n inth: T ; said eitate. Given under my hand this 27th of j confiderabk fucctfs. The filuation ii dry and town ol Bedford, Well Chefier counlty and date ~.„ VKn .„ nni r A W«; Urwa un Twenty Dollars Reward. January, one thousand eight hundred. the Cou-.iry around beii - very healthy and a of New » ,rk, aged a! years 9 months, J feet I WEN I \ DOLLARS REtt ARD. _ J O HM GILPIfJ, Adminiflrolor. P ! ce . ° well Sard a quarter iuehc. hij.'h grey eyes (long qued) ~ . . . D AN-A'WAY from Sprr.g For C e, in York January 30. uw«w. the attention o, any per.on w.lh.«g t» light hair, ruddy pock rnawd, by DAN A WA"i on Saturday evening the l 3 tl. K County, a negro man, named ISAAC, other trade a Shoemaker. Elided ny Lieutenant Key IV July mftant, from CeJebrook Furnace, wjfe CUDJO. ahont at year. -Id, the property TO BE SOLD FOR CASH P I ' or , pirt.cuhrs apply to the Sub lioldi in Stcph.n's Town, near Albany the istb ol Lancaster county, a Negro Han named Ceifo, „» Rnbrrt ctlevnn* Bfn Hs i. a'ouulmS ' fctiber at the alorefaid place. J»ne last ft» on and took with him a fcort he is about 40 years of age, five feet fix or le- ht a in hk eves, Tore wn.te r , 08 JOHN CUMMINGS. sound blue cJoth tea' with red cape, a blue ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down i n them than common, by tradt a F-rj;-ram; had tor property jfl the City, or vjit/jin thirty Janu?.iyß r vv?m, cloth coatee, a few white w'aiP.coa's, a long grey jc; l oo k, Iquints, he is a cunning artful fell„wi on a „<! [oo k with him a drab coloured broad cloth "'ilcs of it, ~T ~ ~ " mixed cloth coat and breaches, a pair of boot., a a great liar, and very fond of firong liquor, coat, almcft new. a sailors jacket and pantaloons a PLANTATION or trail of Land k. "j V/'Ce LCHtS tiCWlird. chacolate coloured great coat trinimed wuh black has been hrou; ht up to the farming bulibels, i» p.intcd fancy-cord, a iwanl'down under f\ Miffli,, County and State of Pennfylva- s,r pu , a ' J ' nthrr fmill He at any kind ot laboring work ;he Ecket; a roruto hat; one fine and one coaife ~ u -ithiti fix mils, of the river Juniata, con- I") UN away from the Subf.-ri! cr on the eveninj himW'' or. fore f.milv orirentiemaii took with him anu ber of clothing, amoogtl Ibirt' one muslin handkerchief, fpngg«d, two ab o«t 3:0 seres. There are about fifty IV of thi »SA in!!, a bound SiTvanf OIKt, he has a£te'd in .hat capacity - whic !> ? tT *\ " nc !" !t ,P'*? Nrmkern ; (some ditto ftnpcd border a blue Persian under jacket Wci " t | wred> part ot which is 3ri h b ttoff, name,! EKa-.trtth Howahel, had on and took wit 1 . Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and fecurcs him money .Ii is expe-filtd h. hjs shaped his course .nd two pt.r cotton ftoeking.. M hoevr r ta.;es up , d by a conllant ft ream that is firohg her three digcTWt changes of gartneiu ar.d money, a> M to Snarters, or delivers him tPr Philadelpha or New York. negro and lodge, h.m m any ,ad in this or any h an oil or a grift mill Any proud, bold and in r ußert, a noted '.yar ; any f «. to any of the Marine or an,- officer of the "f* The above regard wUI be paid for fc- of ,! > e nel £-J? our »"g J?" per'on iocliiving (o deal for it, mav obrain fur- son apprehsndingher fr.alP e entitle! to the atove army rf the United State, ttall ree'eive the above curiig him in any g ,ol in th. United States, WBrd or " afo " hU "penees.l b.ough, > , nformr J o by applying at the offic •of reward-no co*s or charges will be raid. 1 v ward and all reasonable ctarges. «ith reafcralle charges it brought home. . q<\ u * * this gamete. \ NB, She had a years and fame months to J. S. LEWIS, SAMUEL JACOBS. # w' B.' 'as fi-LVoegro tormirly lived ia Chcftcr N - B - If fold, crrdit wit! h' given for part DANT&. FITZPATXJCX. Adjutant Marine Corps. Cokbrcsk Fuwace, July 16, Z 790.- .ounty, it is prohibit he may rtturn there of the money. Golben Town-Wp, County, July 19 I Jarnnry rt: |D ,B J £fn * l-'oveaib-sr , Cficb»ri7, !;-<?• «lf, awj-a!! 6 Is***
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers