- ■ - " . . > • 3 ' V*;-. . , . , ■ - ; . ENGRAVING, ALL PERSONS MEDFORD AND WILLIS, JUST RECEIVED, 'JUST RECEIVED, , Bv TRENCHARD & WESTON INDEBTED to the Eftateot John Whar- Have revived Jince their late 'Advertijement— From the BOSTON Manufactory, cyrr \ • ' * toh, late of the City of Philadelphia, Mer- ,82 Crates Oueens Ware, * .ovAXTirr or •D ,mi MM V WDPH IN THE FOLLOW .NG BRANCHES, VIZ deceafefl> ar£ req , iefte(l , p & farae , UjJWg«eM WINDOW GLASS By WILLIAM I. I;ltvCHj r and Lardfcape, Maps, Chart-:, Bills and thofc having d-emands against his Ettate, tt ' STATIONER Fof Exduogc and ProriiTory Notes, Type and pro du«e their accounts legally attefled to 6 1 runks Madras Pull.catt., Of«*ferent « a „, r . „' , „ V" Wood Cuts, Seal Cutting., Jewellery and Silver KEARNY WHARTON, 2 Cases Gloves, «*S44.M No. "17 South Seeona Street, work, &c. Every article in the above line will b. Actinv Executor, No. ill, Spruce street. I Trunk Silk Hosiery, " Y -SAAC HARVEY, J KM. tbi following executed with neatnrfs and Jifpatch, and on the v.. I. ' dif 1 Rale Sunerfine Broad Cloath9. N. B. Artvftteor Unu _ t VALUABLE MEDICINES. reafonableterms by-applying at the south cl " t 6 Bales White, Blue and Green, Kendal '"g" than ,Bby , a.can br had fromfeid mannfffto' __ watt, corner ol Fourth and >p,uee street, y? Quantity of Dry Goods Cottons, '* Z '"b 'IT,™ rr it 7*7 A jZT N. B—Orders from abroad will be thankfully J J * R«-i,,*nff Raw a i vi? c ma Y be left for that purpose Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. received and punaually attended to. AllK wanted, 10 Bales Bock g B zc, Apply at No, 9, South Water-ftrcet, at above. A long eulogium on the virtues of this medicine January 10. * taw aw. T?OR which real Eflate iu the Northern Liber- n ill. dtf is unnecessary, as the money >yill be returned if ' _ J? ties of this city, (a good Stand for Bufinef*) 2 Bales potted and Green KUg , " patient is not relieved—it never having failed in ICF will be given in p-ymcot; the title is clear and 1 Trunk Scarlet Cardinals, many thousand cases; not one in a hundred has I\UllL,£.. good, and is now for a Ihoit time let, but poflif- 2 Bales Sail Canvas, Of RtCho/rd Foltuell, in Ph'tladcltihin THE OFFICE ,} JOU^OFcSHwL Habits Anti-bißous Pills.Oa*, "*%**'."TVs-a ■?«*,*+. Y StPT&S VSttS F '""" h * _ onpofite the Horse Market, where all application. To oe Sold at Public Vendue, on., tor Houie., tor whom Med Qf tbe American War, in , 77 . to Dr. HaHN'i as refpefis the buSnefs of that Office be made. On the ift day of February next, on the premises, lord and Wills are agent., may still pafe throug theatres-eat time, true and genuine JAMES E. SMI TH, Treasurer. A VALUABLE PLANTATION, ' Joh™ Holt and Co—Rockdale, inciudinc German Corn Plaister. January »o. tawaw. nitfryrrry William Dibbs—Leicefter. Tbe Reports of Heads of Debarment An infallible remedy for corns, speedily re- . - -—— QITUATfcD about two milss from Newtown, Claud Joknfon —Birmingham. Committees, and other Ofh 'ci I Ip • Moving thcD| root nnd branch, without giving REPOSITORY the """f 7 town " f Buck '> °? , main road Enquire of vote Papers of that B»df „T pain. R UJ leading to Yardley'. F.rry, on the Delaware, a- M TOHN DORSEY. "mi tt*A , n / J j P _ JX>* WHS a LEW bout four miles from tie Wrf place, and about JUillN mitted to be mode public. Thp C.?mnnp Prrfinn Tntinn HORSES AND CARRIAGES. twenty five iron. Philipelphia, co*aining in December 10. 3a« w. tbkus. me (jcnume rerjtan acres, thle whole under good'Vnce and in high —: So celebrated among the fafh:onable through- _^, T . , culture. T-hors ir. on the premises a cariveiwnt FllfhlOHdble Millinery. a «tw neat tipe, in larrc o,=)„: ne P a per, ani out Europe, as an invaluable ccfmetic, perfedly j Suhfcriber informs his friends andthe pub- ft St obe H.nfe, witli a commodious Stone Each volume will contain U innocent and fefe, free from corrof.ve and repel- i- that he continues to keep lus flaoles in Kitcnsl / art . m 0 {ice fnriug houf«, over a« ex- . „~ ATIn _ neatly bound and lettered s °° pa s"' )»nt minerals (the b»fi, of other lotion.) and of Seventh, near Market Street, lor the recept,oh of auffihk f rr^( \ fe ,. r , c J, ( rom the door, with ELIZA M'DOUGALL, Uniformity in Czen.ir lnJ wnparaleiled efficacy in preventing and removing Horses an-. Carriages at private sale. trom h„ iem o^t hoes „ &c A e . The elegancy of no. I*4, MJKKtT-STREBT, observed Work -C, ? 6 cutaneous blemilhes of the face and (kin of eviiry longexpenence and knowledge of horses, and the |hcfaultloßi rnt.ral qualities of „ AC . „ 34 ' * Tk .. , fubferibers porreff d 4 kind, particularly, freckles, pimples, pits after conhdence h.s fel owcmz.mhave placed.nh.m for thiifjrm nd ,, an obj , a worthy the attention HAS just recesvej per ft.p Thonia. Challdey an ornament may b. addtd •Tk ' small pox, inflammatory redneft, fcurf?, tetters, »number of years p»ft, he flatters himfelf he may .. F; f' r ; Ge-.tleman. * nd Adriana, from London, an el«ga H t aObrtm«nt T . ■ J°* a ° ded to '"«ir libraries, ring wormr, an burns, prickly heat, premature be of effentlal fervic. to those who may *m V loy T[ e ,, rmß hc , :now „ previ6u , t0 of the raoft falhionahle Mitmaj, viz. vo)u P bo^' b ". S I"' 1 * d "' le -7S wrinkle,, tec. ThePurftan l otion operates mild- him m that way-Ihey may be assured every ex d fuhferiber. Chemillo rofehe FEATHERS but.as the publift/r I}', without -.mpuding that natural, infenfihle per- enion in his power shall be done for the mutua, ad- ' NICHOL WYNKOOP or Fancy flowers more than the nnmh?, rur '!" C . nd t0 P riru min " fpiration, which is essential to hwalth-yet hs\ f- vamage of both feller and buyer. OH»lST1 AN T«n Bh ' k flowe » Ue rife « the orke Lv h l 0""' 3 C• Fihh StM «- volumes which Win^if^lt^ numberof Warranted an infallible and immediate cure, at Franklin County, State of Ptnn.yhem a: _ 1 PVO ?7 ' 'V Fancy bugle free rases Pa } menU "> it made on delivery oj each r p H AT they c°me forward and pay their TREASURY DEPARTMENT. B ptak »d orangey have it at their option, .ither to the of the timorous, the proprietor 1 axes, (as tjiere u March ntb> 1799. BUck, white and ereew gaute veils fubfcribe'.or the whole of the Journals, up to the nuketh oath, that this ointment <*oes not contain ot years now due) to PA 1 KICK CAMP- pnßr lr uriTirv TQ urovnY riVt?M eau»e cloaks prflent time,or tothoft only of t-Jie Old Coaereft' a single particle of mercury or any other p.rni- , BELL, Esq. Treasurer for said County-It ' IS HEJEDY C, V N B^rd Harmony, jutt arrived, a further t0 the of th. Federal GoXer.: Clous ingredient in its compofitton, and may be tfley do 110t) we will be obliged to proceed ?u '»» nt of C#ngre£. passed on the f j^ uiotry . 7 m*nt •fed with the mo ' perfedt fafety by pregnant wo- . . r , , , |A tlay bf jvse, one thoufjnd, icven hun- , , ' , » men and on infants newly born. 0 ' ,T1 "° KO liw * drrd and nlfictyf!.", entitled "»n a-preftm the public re i xrr, r< • • . y* theHearhea;' and the An cxtenfive tria! of near ipur year, has proved Comnuss.oner s ojice ? lhe r,,J recitad.fl piff.dQ.the/ecmjd da, of HnHE STOCKHOLDERS oftheifofl* agc s , being their domestic concern,, CJ >« mitrs6 " r g i < >"• '' ' Bo °- S ""W- »nd»in- los ?. nnfylvanh , are hereby notified that .kel'awatf ° h ' tion.and has restored health to many who have becß THE SIJBSCRIBER y "'" '' W ' J W f ll l b< B^ kon tranfmittsd to our days ? Time' that' deflrow! brought to the verge ot the giave by tb, impro- „ . , , ~ . r - .. . T , , . o t r al. • r j Friday the 31ft day of January next, at teu oTerv (Kjacj enhance, thn val, \ 11 1, ■ r-er a.'miniftrition of mercurv Within tbkL Havrrg explored the Laud laid, rjffir Satisfying THA 1 trail ol Land herein after dt- o'clock. overy trwaff, enti«nce< the value of well authenu upwards of eight thouraud patients have cx- the Warrants due to the Officers and Icribed, tuc elj, •'beginning at the North And the Stockholders of the said Bank, are alfb ''.T^ t-erienced its falutarv ess SnWu-rt ruhn frrurd imtlir war corner of tl>» I even rari-,1 of tiwtifhips, and notified, that an eleSion ®f niveteea Direftars to = "maMe. It t« hopedthai Amcricacswil), thcre fytnptoms which obtain in every flatr* of the ilif- be .en e U>tiled S weftero boundiry ot tlx said ranges thence Monday the 3d day of B.Untary naxt, at ten _r o unders^tL.r ease, with co r ,ou, for their treatment, W orta < Br ««">> Jue We# to thpJMwO &..nch of the SfiQtO ri o'clock i U th, forenoon. - wofk 7T\.. a . » so as to accomplifc perfeA cure in tbe Owrtcft I>UOPOSES to J. cats Warrants to the Ml v C r ; ,!,cncc rg the Main Branch of the said ri- JONATHAN SMITH, Cftfoier. 'dition^Vif d W '^ time anal with the IcaU incoHscnieacelnottble. t advantage, pn being allowed a rejfoitablt ver to the place *'here the Indian boundary line , . c „• J i'*' le ,o "owng will _ cornpenfation. He will att<«d at. Philadelphia croffe, ,t.e f.me -thence the said boun- Extract from tbe seventh section ot the Act »pwld^ 7 T . HAMILTON'S at she time of locating ; and as not less than r'ary line to the 1 ufcaforas branch of the Muf nf .c t l u rtwaaeiptoa, June 15,1798.^ Worm destroying Lozenges, 4000 ,cre ' can . he r^ iflcred °[ g,un rivcr „ lt I tfce ? fCffl " h K *° k " - Article m/. Nrt more than fourteen of the ° ' Which haver, within JZZ up wards of EIGHTEEN THOUSAND PERSONS up the ouantUv reauired of beciß»inir. wiU interfeA the said river ■ ® otftceexclplive of the President, shall be elrgi- &c. of Philad.lphia, of all azes in various cooiolaints arifim? from P r <^ ir ? a ' ° r nteilec tnc UKI river , ble for the next fucceedmg year; bul tht DireAor « Refp^fully/'.exvetb, wortu» and The subscriber ? lf, t« attend on the l]^'"•JjJfJjW Ptsfident a, tbe tim. of an eleilion ■' /ha/havlg, i„ ' w .vocation., ftomaeh an i bowels. land immediately after Ic-aMng and (hew any y ' "- ck&ci ' {r «F«* oceafion.t. recur to the. Journal, of to! 1 his medicine b«art no an»l»gy whatever to fc&'" n '9 which he may be employed. r ' ' , '■ PJ f , . _ gr,(«, w e experience iceonvcniuncc by the fcaroi others of similar title so commonly of, j^ c , J. - ........ -mm'.. m». VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, Th« £2ffli WuSS gcr the patient's li fe; on th, contrary, a peculiar d '\°[ Fe^'" y P' sos ,nf P* C " . rOR SALE „ , that he hath obtained partial countenance.rom ma. , excallence of this remedy is, it« being suited to f,™ Conntll s, No. 141 Cheftmt iiteft, hub of all perfbHS concerned. About 25 acres of Land, ny individual.; bat that he ha. delayed profeca. every age and constitution, contains nothing bat umi the 12 th day 01 1 . nex , rt 1 , T AYINO on the east fide of the Fall. Road ting the work, in expedation of encoeragement what is perieclly innocent, and is so mild in its attemkd to. T T\I F V The holders of Such warrant, a, have b,en Qn the Ea!l it u bounded by property belong- ["m government, that may adequately indemnify operation, tliat it caraiQt injure t-he moa delicate Wm. M C.LUNEY. or flialj be granted Icj military tervice.perform- ; n „ t o Mr Tench Francis f»n —on tbe fout'i Lv We, therefore, rrfpedfnllj- i'olicit, as the pregnant lady, or tha tendcr.u infant of a week January 16 eotiaf fd during the late war. are required to prcfent , roa d «f two perches and on the not th bv a line P ubl! « ,ion '• n.ceffary to be disseminated among old, should no worms exist in the body; but will, ' lle fl,r ' c to . ,hc »«'♦? «f the Treasury, at wh lch separate. it from Mr. WCall. It is propo' P" b| ic bodie,. thatCongref, will, in their wisdom Witnout pain or griping, cleanse the ftomaeh and TO THE Tome time prior to the twelfth day ps February t0 tfndethi. land into 3 equal parts in order rtnd,r hlm such additional encouragement, tothat .bowels of whatever is loul or offenfive, and th«re JJ n M Pr t nf MiJitnrv T nvd Warrants 'n the yr?r, ope thousand eight hundred, for to fait the surchakr. which he has obtained from private individuals, by prevent the production of worm, and many °J Military £MtO Warrants. , he „ pofc of beinp regiflered .No registry Afo ~ Mres situated on the well fide of a ' t0 « n,blel " m with the work.so that fatal difordtrs. - will Uever be madeof any cfs quanfty tha. ad Lllg MaAer.'s estate f-°-lins may be enabled to purch^co —— ZACHARIAH BIGGS J quarter townflnp, orfour thousand acre,. beintr oart of tha nron«rtv of the Ist. P ,e * record lor themselves. At the ylace of lale may be seen many re- and 111. Miiflin Thomas M Kean, John D.Coxe,CharlesHeatly, markable cases of cures, the autbcnlicity of which JOHN MATHEWS Th« priority of location of the warrants yvhich Samfom Levy, T. Rof«, Wm. Moore Smith, John any person may ascertain, cither by better or per- their services to the holders of military n\ay be presented and regiflereitin manner afore- ~ 4 ,0 Samuel Mifflin, corner of Read jun. William Tilghman, John F. Mifflin, Jo fonal application—not beipg performed in Europe, laJd warrants, to make the location on the said, prior to the 14th day of February in the Market and nth flreets. feph B. M'Kean, John Beckiy, W. Sergeabt, Joha nobody knows where—but at l:om«. nrh nf Fehruarr nevt -.-reeaMv to the advc- year one thousand eight hundred, will immediate- January 14. dtf. Thompson, Jared Ingerfoll, Jasper Moyfan/William Persons wishing to procure any of the above me- tijemer.t the treasury of tbe after .he f«d day he by lot, in the ' Rawle, J, Thomas, William Le„„Ja»es G.hfon, dicines genuine, must apply ONLY a. above-and Unit.d States, relative thereto. They will re- mode dreienbed by the acl firft rcctted. (7;/v Commijioner S Office. M. Kcppele, Moses Levy, Robert Porter, Georgo. likewise observe, that the signature of Lee & Co. ceive a lets quantity of warrants than for four thou- . , !„ T.n...r« r J°. • J a 'Pes Oldden, Walter (who are appointed the general agents for the sand acre., and arrange them with others, so a. to The hole,gis of regiflered warrant., shall on J 7 • • Franklin, James Milnor, John C. Veils John L, United States) is pallet on the outside of each, complete that number (which makes a location or the 17th day of February, in the year „ . Leib, Alexander I. Dallas, Joseph Reed, Thomas without which they cannot bu "eauinc. quaiter township) and have them registered '*o»,tßlhe order ofwhichl the priority of locati- ]\J OTICE HEREBY CITEN, That the sol- Wilhng, Samuel M Fox, John Nixon, Robert Wala b -1 h.y each Purveyed a diftriS of the miUtaryt-aa, o"" 1 '"" determined by lot as aforefaid, pefon- Ilowingllowing arrangements are made by the Board Robert H. Dunkin.Jqhn Ewing, Jun.. EdwardPen itrtbe ah-oe Mnrr h, Inand have since explored the interior parts of the '"y. or by th.,r agent., defig»ate in w rHitigat the ! for the more effc-aual cleansing of the Cty ; nington, Hilary Baker, William Nichols, William ~ \ J ' townlhip. and fedions and will be able to design ' itEct of thc RegiOer of the 1 reafury, the parties- : Eistria No. t. Nichola, Hicks, from the north Vo,ID S- Bo,,ert Camptell Septimus, Claypooje GOWLAND's LOTION. ate with precision, the preference in the choice of ar quarter townlr.ips defied by tham rcfpcAivt»y t fide of Vine, to the South fide of J amcs Crukfhank, Mathcw Carey, Henry K. Hcl- the federal locations or quarter townihips through- and such of the said holders as lhall not ! 3- Joseph Claypoole, from tha south I ' True copy from the original Memorial, pre ' ' " townfliip will lie together. For further particu- , 'holders ot warrants lor military service. fide of Chefnut t» the north fide fented to the House of Representatives of the , r , , r ~ , ... , c lar, enquire <»f the fuhfcriber, at No. 9, south Fifth r »" lc 'ent to cover one or more quarter township. of Spruce street. Uiited States, on Monday, the 18th of Juita Wholesale jmrckaftrs allowed a liberal profit «„«,■ two iloor. above the Secretary of State's «r'raas of four thousand acres each; lhall, at any 4. Isaac Tones from the north fide of I7o8: by application to Lee & Co. Market street, Bal- office, wherefatisfaAory general information rela- time after Monday the ijth diy of February, 1800 Spruce to the south fide of Cedar '• WILfcIAM LAMBERT, for timore; who will pun&ually execute all orders. tive to the army laws may be obtained. and jwior to the firlt day ol January, »Bot, be al- street. " JONATHAN W.CONDY, Ci-efk." Ja " Uary 15 ' IC " Vtf JOHN MATHEWS. ' ?[. y , P " MPS are nl,t of ord " to the f 0 i U -n- « RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Rep efl,e,,,rH j r.-.,- January 17. 1 3tawiw on any trad or trails of land not before locaud. warn of High street, apply to Thomas Dixey, in I refentatives of the United States of America in Une Thousand troe Hundred J ' 1 3 VI. fifth near Cedar street, or Godfrey Geb!-rin Fourth Songrefi affe m ),led,That ps theSpiatc DOLLARS T/-1 DP COT "H All warrant, or claims for lands on account of een ' IC " IU ' and Walnut ftrcets ; andlof the and the Clerk of the House of Representatives, be W 4C , , Tincrii/r a c 1 military services, which lhall not be reciflersd and " onflcrn P"' of 'he , IVe . J 'jMAc- ""pHRF.E or four lots of about 30 or 40 acres located liifore the firll day of January, 1801 are hv . n Vine ftr,e ts; NicholosHeif. a, they may dnem eligibU. for the use of the Senate A tiKyi^e r e» in thCV PpST-OrriCß, i each, more or less as may suit a purchafcr. the supplementary adl of Coogreft herein'before p ljt , " ear Vinc or to either of the City- and House of Representatives, for four hundred on tbe evening of t(ae 27th ult. in On each of which there is a good situation for a recited, passed on the second day of March,l799 Comm "" oneT «' Copies of the Journalsof Congreft, which pro a LETTER diredted to Atr. John Mills, house—viz. one 011 the river Delaware, suitable declared to be forever barred. ' ' Meeting? of the Commissioners on every Tuef PPfed to be publilhed by Richard Folwell and luch Merchant, Baltimore, containing two either for a gentleman', feat or for a person who Givca under my hand at Philadelphia, th, day afternoon,.3 o'clock, at the Old Court House ""nber of copies of deficient volume.of the Jew ir ryj \tt) pr j n,l vk r A/Y>"rpc xt might wilh to engage m the lumber business hav- day and year above mentioned. 1 January 17. ' no-vy in pnnt.as may be necefiary to complete the , f'rLi,- a . No ! ing a g.-od landing. One c mmanding a good OLIVER WOLCOTT I J ' Tame. 4320, in favour of IV.lham Taylor, and view of the river from thc highest ground between c„ r r ,t TTD A Z t c r ,. Tn 7° "7 °PP° r r tunit T °f having a JAMES ROSS, vour of John P. Pleasants, and dated the » «*< the said road. A KLASUR Y DEPARTMENT. Jn President ef the Senate fro tempore. 10th of December, 1798, so.-FIVE HUN- ™. . ,*%*>>>»>• "rt. S rf' 5Z 5S,&i DRED DQftr.\.RS ; which letter has been TOU K. LOTS, r HE proprietorsof certfCcates issued forfub- toA.B. ' JOHN ADAMS> in a POST-OFFICE, and Of about to acre?each with good situation. for SB! baring interefl at Any recommcnda'ions Beeeflarv ran L. • President of tbe Uiuted Statu. the BANK NOTES taken out as tbe bni ? d,n s I 0,16 ° f is suitable for a fan.yard, " gbt P P e r cetU s um P er annu ™. "e notified, that T 1 B " effary Can be S lven ' mo acrfes on the Petjeypack enliung. Certifica-es of Funded St ck may at ' In tU City of Washington. requefled to watch the circulation of said Enquire of Jonathan Clift who lives oa the prei»i- c * r °ptien be outlined the Treasury or Loan Chcfiiat, near Sixth street, dH-ebfcnptim certificates as may bttpre- The, advantageous situation of this property rc- . . ,i„ pi ntt rin d for terms, ap- F rede rick fburg, Sept* 10. r . „ , . ®n eat t e reaury or Loan Offices in con- ' 1' u ' rcs no comments, for it nnjlt be known, thrrc } , or v ' ew ''*S l ' ,c Pl° ts ) atK __ iu OR one or two finale Gentlemen, in a genteel of the forgoing arrangement, will be ' *■'" ,ew .S tW * t0 equal it, an unecceptionabk flj " . . . ctrnTi MAKER. All P 'ni.« In Ik. TTn't Jc. pnvate faailly, with the use of a neat front ndorfed and diftiniliv marked so as to H<-n< > 1 e e m2 de to the purchaser. Apply to BONSAL & SHOEMA ICP All Pnnter ,n the United States. Parlour, and Board for Servant, may be had at that a moetvof th flock ha, been issued ' TAMFS CIR V W N,# - 114 f " Uth F " unh ftre "' are requested ta pubkfh the abors, and we No. »8 north ftrtet. rwrn „„ „ . JAMLb GIRVAN, g f will p«y them. „ N „„ b „ ' ft' » v "* r ?'aiy of tbe Treasury. m . ~ , . , , ' 5 K ta.th fa-tf • ptfjyjTED'BY y. IV. FENXO-