"'. 1 . v Df wWMtm AS!i PHILADELPHIA,TuiLSD-Vr EViSiS'G, ißo=. [lWws XVII. „/«», G.X.U "ZZll. DANCING. THE BEST LIKENESS ! * J •; •». I SEVER Al' VALUABLE OF THE M BUILDING LOTS, *,,««« CtkLratcd WAsHlxorox, — one Dollar Additional, for enclosing and di- Near the corner ol Arch and Ninth ttrccts. ""»»»»»«>, which Jia, ever been puHilbed, JLJttI&MIISL/ mtintr • and unless some person in this city r , f) ESPECTFTJLLY informs his scholar. and thr TS now offered for Tale at Dickins's Bock-store , tm dW^ reenng, y, J Ta ot Let, & puWc in e,ncnj, that he will re-commeoce I o p po site Cjirift Church, at the moderate price ;fj§l§ will b-com Yfi J , J A number of excellent Pasture Lot*, Teaching on russniY th* 14th uifuot, at the of Cn« Dollar. - it must be pad Six Mouths *n Adva . Qn the road, ah«ut hall a miic Afienviy Room, South Fourth Street. January n. —:rty # »* No Subscription tsill be received for from the city. Days of tuition, Tuesdays and Thursdays. t vpnr T TNF OF STAGES c shorter term than six months. V Enquire at No. 18 Noith liith flreet. , THIS DAT IS PUBLISH t.D, iNiW l,u^ a. November IJ. d6tc«w.f Five Dollars fer Month, at lO ISCW 10VR., fill, , , MATTHEW M-CONNELL UNSEATED LANDb. ' • - "'*!*»""■ . f M „ M Wfe/,##a,JICU, through Frankfnrd, Buii'eton, Newtown, , __ •y 1 , err/i? ori'VTfr? further 1 art;ci,U. *pp yto Mr.- F. fry Pennington, Millftor.c, Boundbrook, Union Bating opened an off.ee m Ckesmit street, , TIIR Qlf AEKS 7 0, m vth Eighth Arcet. A ,UP! KB _ _ or , Camp, Scotch Plains Spi and New (A few doors abflfW-Fo<:»:fc} f\T Onfcated Land, in Wedmoreland county December .1. WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS „k. j, ft ~, v,/ Pcmfylv.nU, are l-.ere'.y not.M, that un _ " _j To the Pcopleof the United States, on retiring from THF SWIFTSIJRF ' , 4 !' «r P rw less the Taxes due on (aid lands for T79S, are paid LANCASTER STAGES. H Public Life, AND commence JUK BtiUhcls or He- - mQ the hands of John Brandon x Jify irealu.rr oi _ n// x froKi the Green I ree, No- 50 North got-ianon*. in -J* ki«4« of Pmbltc t,id cotinty, on orwforc the »otli of Ajiril neit, „ rw.ph'l il' 'a and L?n. &*per J<ojal, avo. (rrice Jwo UiHart) Fourth Street, at 8 o'alock every tnovmng, and Stock Bill* a/ HxtOMge. &f- &*■ Kngag«» ( hey w iU be advertised f»r sale, U the law utrea* I ropr-e or-« t i.a « p. l Ornamented with a capital Portrait Ly one the arrives at New York early thenext evening, to do every iu liil to giva fatisfac- JAMES M'GREW, 1 L ratt r n ftUr s to ' From ; " New York it il*r;s at 9 o'clock rvefy t;oQ U> who 'H) proper 10 .y j-iIiNRY >Gomm rs, genera l , tcr the iavottfcey have received,and NO exertions or cxpence have been fparcd to a Y ( Sbnd/iyb excej.teJ ) and ainveu at 1 hjla )vii33. Weans to confine n s j. 1 " 1 ' ' TEREMIAJI -MURRY, J rniorm thtm that in addiiion ro thr regular Line, rend-r this publication complete,and altho* all the <lt!phia, eaily the aext eveiung. the Agtncy andCAMnuJfyfl ' UC U January 18. 's m thwy ar-< p ovioed with tuber materia'.! and workmanihip are entirely American Fare for pafTcngt'r.s 5 dollars, way pilTcrgers finds 05 is common ro ti.c pr< J kili n n. —* drivers Co go through between the City and thu paper, printing and engraving have been ai- 6 cent* per ratie. Each allowed I4lb The rrJX notice. two days. TJo£e who prefer thUmeJc I lowe<l by good judges to excel any thing ever at- lot baggage. One hundred and fifty weight of and nc.\r the City will 'oe atten !e<l t», and all® rj » of tr*v«Uing can be accommodated at the Stage tempted in the United States. baggage to pay the i'-ine as a pairenger. •of UmiU, when Wiat bisUncfs again ma- Office, flgn ol United fi.gU, Market ftrcet, DICK , NS 's Stationary and Book Store is AII ba P? J S e be 11 nft: of the o»n»r, November. d*«r{D s «) n ake immediate h.a , reeved from No. 4 • Market street, so the nnlel, mlured and i.ce.pt.d fnr by the clerk, tttc who L , S! °»& Dunvoody W Co. house ltte)y occup fey w Cobbt ' Se . of the efferent office,. Uate of ..durance one ]OHX-MIbL£H, Junr. any demands afjaina the laid elV.te are iKitieScd AW jo. —} condftrett, oppufitt! Christ church; where ! ' e !,S* n , irtHN MiPATTI TMn , n i:~3r Ti-i'rJ street, X" YOUNG MAN roffaes AS FOH S THOMAS M'EUENJ ExtCU ° r " SXo'die, January *3, 1800. its e.pl. yed a, a He will "a.ionary hne, on the must reasonable terme. New lriamcoajc., j . .. ergage, on moderate terns. SatuJaCtory recom- mt * j January 3. eodt-f Tainitif% I T KSFAI P'D LANDS. nicndaiiou will be producid. H. Maxiveil's Printing Office —— Striped Darrens, |; #e direiled to A.I. left at the Printing Of- t HlMflvvn 1H f following Tanrfoi AH V sice wiltbe immediately utsudedto. _. . . ~. . ' . ? f . . , VALUABLE LANDS rr«BE owners of Unfeatea Lands in Allegheny To a house adjoining the bick partofDickins s V AL.UALIJ-.1, J -' nn • L, 'o . * A County, P.snfjlvaiiia, are bereby uotifi"<i, L BookStore, where PRINTING, infill its va- Will be offered for sale, at the Merchants Santipoor Han3kertWm. that nnleft the 'J axes dee en said Lands for the nnnvi!»n\T fUOM wmWQ riety, is executed in a flyle of ele- Coffee House in this city, between the the foregoing wiU be fold ver- .ow hi oiier to Y„ r , , 79J ,, 79 6, 1 797 and IJ9X are paid iuto LOONETON I. - gance. hjurs if six and eight >o~: the evening of alofe falei. the hands ol John Wiiwh?. Ct.uufy January 14. J r iLi or ffitiTVO ( also, Treasurer, ow or before the acth day of M-ruary TO EE SOLD, - t A FEW PACKAGES OF n,xt, they Will be advertised for We as the law qr leAsijj ?or o „ k YtAE _ THAT DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, CoUßty of QLYNN and State of German Goods, d, " A V; n„. , ValucUe Estate, TO WIT : GEORGIA —all patented in tra&s Suitable to the Wert India Marke*; WWrm Dmnin*\ Comahsidners. TT NOWN by the n;me of the Booneton Iron T)E IT REMEMBER£D, Th a t on t >« e " of 1000 acres. Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh. Robinson \ K Works, ftuat. in the county of Morri,» the 1> of January,«» J am - Ao. inson, J fiat, ol Ntw-Icrfey .oufiHing of a Forge with year of the Independence of the United btates and Turtle river.-, and head of St. Si r Pittsburgh, November 5, 1799. 3m. four fire a R. o niij K 'ajd Slitting MiU, a Oritt mill of America, C OLLIN SO N READ and mon's found, near the town of BruuC ro BE stJLD of llenos, and Saw mill, allin good GEORGE DAVIS, of the said DiftnA, IESS- If BGBER-r WALV. NOTICE. order and new in use, together with an excellent, have depof»ed in this office, the title ol a Book, 4 8 aj000 Acres on the waters of the great and large, and convenient house, with out-houfes of the right whereof they olaim as Proprietor., ia little Satilla rivers, and of Btiffaloc Old Part Vv ine, in p.pes,hhds. ?.nd qr. calks, ~, oerfonj indebted to tlie Eflate of every kind ; wuong which are an Ice house, and the words following to- wit:— creek. 1 Also Landing at their Wharf . f W,fh,n.r-.011 in the stone milk h.oufe, wit! a remarkable fine spring in « TEN BLANX DECLARATIONS, 4r,000 Near the above described trails. , ». _ , , t '.. JACOB I no. ..v., * n \ it, a large Garden, anl an excullcnt .olleSion of Tf| fr antlv eneraved on CoDDer elate, viz. 15.000 Near the above described trac'.. From rin board the Ihip Edward from I.ifton. Sute of Kentucky, dtc.afed, a« wq«fcd frßir , a laric o,,kar., and .500 acres of wood, n n -Li, Acres on the water, of the great Sa- Lisbon Wine, in pipes and qr. calks. to make immediate payment —All per I OIK pa-tire and arable la.d, and a great number of »• Bond j6. Meruit Ahtjham3 , . junc 15 S having de.tiands againfl said estate are de- flores and oufe.. Immediate poffffion »• y I' n p n _.:(T>,rJl47,ooo Acre, on the fame waters. fired to furnifh their ..counts legally acted- will be s iven of hou> ; and stores hfa«f« 3- on finglehJ 8. Or, note Acfes Qn the waters of the great £l . nnC5 ivin 1 1 \rr in providing Hock the prcfent winter, and poffeffiua 4- on penal lull 9. Same b\ Indorlee HUbb AND OiMbUiN, edto JACOB IlfchSi., P S r Indebitatus As- 10. Trelpaf. and E- . ~.. „ ... . uavi cm 2 *lll Arliivinftrmtnr. oi iiic wooic mme iriui j «c»»ooo Acres on the waterr of little Satilla and Adminrnrator. For terms i nquire of David B Ogden at New- 6. fumpfit jeflment. Alatamaha rivers md Buffaloe creek. , 3000 pieces Ift ;>iid 2Q quality Ruflia Duckj Philadelphia, Odlober 31, 1799- ark, mr. Peter Macki: in New-York, mr. David p gr t fr e use 0 j (f, e Professors of the Lam, . j^ ear , he a (,ove described tracts. ' ICO pieces Ravehs Duck (fnperior) brawn »Y St.te of VIRGINIA—aII patented. Botton Beei in Barrels, N O I \C h. tanu rv • , " COLLINSON READ." 44,000 Acres in the county of Bath, ou both A few bales Bengal ) uwmhHMS / t n. ct ■ , In conformity to the ail of the Congref, of fides 1 f Green Briar river, subject to . aj. a, t A LL persons indeed to the eflate of T»om4S the United States, intituled "An i£l for the to 3000 acres of prior surveys, in -1100 e,s 1 Wilson, late ol p e m m mh jan l m Dijtritt 1 eucourag, raent of learmng. by securing the co- eluded within the laid 44,000 acres 9 ■April 11 } are_r,qucftcd to ; make immediate payment to the Penmjhmn* DutrUt.J pie, of Map«, Chart, and ißcok. to the Author. but uclufivt of that quant.ty. ' I ,^.L' , .a'u <3 , exponas. ,0 >nd Proprietor, of ftch copies, during the time 41,c00 Acre, m th, county of Bath on the accounts for ietucmeut. ~ - I> itft dtretted, iff' ed out of thr circuit cOttrt gwwm eifl fide <T Cow Pasture nyer and THE Mails for all tlie Offices on the main SARAH WILSON. Administratrix. of the r from'the Vfa. m Spfmga lin», between this Office and Pcterlbuig, JOEL W. W ILSOM, Administrator. puWia vendue at the city tavern, in Second T V 1 •' r 'l '7 t0 Stauuton, . <ub j ecr ai aforefild to Vir K i«.a, will be clofcd here every day, (Sun- K® i 9 J. Front ftrcer., t ,, f c ; f i-h.i.^lpJ,,a on Morday h ,Sf,jS 5000 acres pnor furveys^ day, excepted) at - t 7 th day of March next, at 6 o'clock in of d£ bjL « afcail And the Mails for the Port lownsonthe A, BRICK S 1 ALL E, t,e evtnmg, al. that certain tract or parcel «f Law' Chafers in the stale, are now t o 45 U acres prior li.rvevs. mam line, through North-Carolma, Squth- Sufficwntiy large to »«ntain nue Horf:,. iand, fltMatt. lying and being 011 the river or bUfl j ed> and for at Ac,/, in the county of Bath, on the will be c. • ■.. v. 1 ~.1 . 1 1 .1 1 a ei , ... on which are erected a mrffuage, stables and LAW-BOOK STORE, S.afilfeuid to JO o C acre, prior fur ery Mwday, WedncfJay and r nday. Ibe A New FRAML CARRIAGE IlOUir. t4wm )||, with the appurtenwee..—The! name. No. 319, High-Strf.kt. "in* PENNSYLVANIA water Mails between tins and Charlcfton ate Nov 1, 1799- dtf - cf the original warrantees of the said ti.ct or 1 , ... . , c l 1 1 e difcontinacd. —— parcel of land wtre a, follow.. Where al« ay. may be had, every book want- 6o>o oo Acres ,n Northumberland cou»ty, fur .. .. TO BR exchanged 1 td in that line. veyed and returned. Post Office, I i-!.«de.fei J,? For a PLANTATION in Ne.v Jersey, J.vdecai Roberts, J- Jn : ill, January 14. tuthim. ' 46,800 A ere, in Northumberland county,Tur- Deccmber 30, 1799' i dtf - a tut vudaiu S'.Qphel Msdera, Geo'ge Warion, veyed and Ceturnca. ——•■■ ■ A/l;H atirl PlsntHtinn Zcchariak Ferris, Benjamin Hancock, LOCATION OF 40.400 Acre, in Bedford county, surveyed and Tnxe* of Lvcomijl'j Coumv. 1 ' 1 ' Cecrjre Till, Edward IVelsted, w •/• r j tit . ready td be returned _ QITUArE> Saton «ounty, Upper Alloway'. Thomas tVierins, Jatues Thomfisen, Military Land Warrants. For the greater part of the purchase T, r O creek iownlhip, about fix mile. Irom the town , 'foscbh Whitehead money a liberal credit will be allowed tke pur- JOHIS KIDD, L of Salem, and about ore mile and a half Item a| ' 't> ' J " ' | 114 order to render the information relative to the chafer,, givirg unoueftkinable security. BY TYrplion of the Cemmi/liowrj of Lvco- landing on Ailoway s creek, wh|-re Ikallops con- '•>£* - .'1 A Milita-y Lands completely fati'faSory, the 3*b- I'erfons wilhicg particular information will cSelluntv S t - p to apply as No. 4. Arch Areet, where won united Land, in W k ' k fi ° T" 1 b " Wth-.am Halbert. $ and from all their •Hfemtion. to digest a fcalecf "he patents and drafts, and aSfo certificates of thi: County, troth the hcldc, thereof, in this " ''""rf atwdie" 'to'the" Mihis " ? lar-e and taken in execution a. the probity prekretcc jn the Locations, which they venture to the quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands City. Thjfc who have'filed with the Com- of U.bert Let.is deccalcd £ are depo^ irii 1110-ver», Aatemerts of their Lan js, are re- proV ed plan ; the whold mill work and bolting JOHN HALL, Marsha.. ia f crm «i o n by applying to Wiliiom C. Schenck at !cv umr i j nVr 1 v queAed loVail upon him, to knu« tke amount cloths, &c. have lately been cither made new or N. B. A reafonab'.e credit will be given. Uunwooriy's Tavern, Market Greet, or to John 11LNJAMIN K. MOiiliAiN, of Taxe.tlieron.and pay them j '.therwife, bt- complrtcly repaired. she pl«wtation consist- ol Marihal'. Office, ) Matthew No. 9, South Kifth ftrect.' • JEREMIAH PARKER. for,ehv leavnjg the City, tluy will be put into one hundred and flfry acres ol land. The build- p h : !al ) L ! p hia, Jan. 4. ( eoti7M John Matthews. Phi'adelphia, Jan. 7. aawtS the bauds of the Sheriff for bly to the aft for railing county rate, jnd levies large dwelling house, a bain, ifeblcs, corncrib, trcSis do ntt contain the fii Aafjctrtal >fgs. TO BE SOLD, Thof. who have not filed Agents of thei, &c &e. quanti:j of the orrj;.warrant 1 ; t a,t of Mm Mart.n Baum. ■£ » lands, with the Commiflioners, and are deOrous gf For particular information apply to ~aiing leen convey >d asuaj. U ilham C. Schinci. ' J ' ef having it done, to prevmt fries a ithont pre RICHARI) WISTAR, , Jannaryji- T „ r rv ctadv lnuprr uattqt? vi" us pcrional Notice, may file with the #bove Jv'». 119 Market St ect. 1C?1 JjullurS RcViCll d» TWO STORY 3H.101v HOX-.SEj Trealur.-, their lifts, ftatii-g the quantities r«- December tl tuth&fu6w from the quarters of the fil- NOTICE. With a Let thereunto belonging, turned, number »txl dates of the warrants a"d - *—•- feriber, an cnlifted-foldier, named JAMES OTTIIATE in Duck Creek, Crof, Road. „( .« ■»"»'■« A J ou * neyman PAM£K MAKER, m0,,.,0n, i, .h. J..W. +4 . , HIS „ wk , s „,, f „ iher iS StcL,„ km.(D<L«„. ir M A"Si * MtkAflr,«L Who can ivork ivell at the Vat, twenty e,ght five high, brown [ h;l . h oblai | H irC)m the Orphan'i Cou, tcf on the Main Street; there are on the lower wnril tVigVinOaot. " *" ' W}H meet with good encourag t me.t,by applying t^'l'ukJ up the f«id defers, C«ci| cou.iiy in Maryland, liters .fimisif- j Floor, five gjjjj * at No to 4 North Fro.s 4tr«et. im , him v , a ,j cr , V ver him to the fob- nation on the personal eftatf of Samuel Gilpin, number of wcil finifted rvoom. up Stair,, a Navfnlherq - December dtf. fcrib er at his quarters iu Filbert, between Ninth late of the county atorefa.d, depeafod ;aU per- Cellar under the whole Building, a Brick kuch - —— ~~ ~ and Tenth ftrects, Oiall receive ch. reward fpn, having claims agamft tlie said dcctafed, are en, a of good V\ ater, with a Stable, Car- Tbirty Dollars Revjard. GENTEEL ACCOMMODATIONS. and reafowHe charge,. hwehy warned to exhibit the Lme with the riage House and whole Improvements BEN J AMIN GIBBS Tttn. rouelier. thereof, to the fubfcri&er on or before are in go i repair. Ine Seat is well calculated DESERTED Forfeveral Gentlemen, Captain loth regt. «f infantry, the 14th' day of August next—they may other- for eitlu - a Store or Tavern, the latter of which . „ , . v t . At No JO North Sixth Street T a »uarv 28 ' ° daw wife bv law be excluded from al! benefit of the it has been occupied .or a number of years with FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the At No. 39, North b.xtli utreet. January IS. f O -,d eflite'. Given under my hand this a 7 th of conf.deruble fucctfs. The fituafion is dry and I4th_mft— JK.N, born January 10. Jtf. Twpritv DfllWre Reward January, ohe thousand eight hundred. the Cou',try arrnnd being very heahhv a#S a town of Bedford, Welt Chefler county and (late of New York, aged year., 9 mouths, 5 feet IVV ENIY DOLLARS REWARD. JOHN GILPIN, A..m,n,flr a icr. , he of „ er(on vvi(bißg to 8 and a quarter inches high,grey eyes (long qued) f) AN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York January 30. taw6w. nMr rhtfe or rent. , hgfct hair, ruddy trade a Shoemaker. Knli.led by Lieutenant Rey K. July instant, from CoJehrook Furnace, wife Ct/DjO, about »l year. «W, the property ! O B-E SOLD FOJ*\ CASH, fcjiber at the aforrfaid place, nolds 111 Sttph.n s 1 own, near . | a ®> S 0 Lancaller county, a Negro Man named Cato, of Robert Coleman; Ffq. He is about 5 teer 8 »a EkrHAK«KD, 'OHN CUMMINGS. "d - inches high, ha- a Uemifli in hi. eyes, »-ore w 6 t e Fg ,n the City, arvitbin thirty Wrvß . ' S. round blue cloth coat with a red cape, a b.ue » / t „u,,hft hlarfk with a down >n them than common, by trade a F.tge man ; had 1 1 J -> - ■ a " u ' 0 —2 eloth coatee, a few white waiftceat., a long grcv fuuint.' he s a <-unr-iW artful fellow on Mid took with him a drab coloured broad clcth mites ej it, 1 bye Cents Reward Bii'xed cloth ceat ana breeches, a pair of boots, a 'J™*! "' i,."/ coat, almost new, a failom jacket and pintaloiti. \ PLANTATION or trafl of Land in IOUt C jC,US l\CUit.a. ehscolate coloured great coat trimmed with black a great !iw, and v t iy t#w ot .iirong, i.q r«.r, , rinte- . farl( . y cor^) a i wan rOow n duped under J\ Mifflin County and State of Pennfylva- hair pluth, a fur r hat half worn, and two fiiver his been brout. tupto e arming; ,i..i (. a roruni hat; orte fine and one coarse r ,] a w lthin fix miles of the river Juniata, con- J) Utf awey Trofn the Suhfrriber on the evening watches, one a middle size, the other small. He very handy at any kind ola oriLg wor ; e one inu fli n haodkerchief, t'priggfd, two taiiiii* aboit roacres. There die about fifty iV of th« iSth inft. a bound Servant GIRL, may impose himfelf on some family or gentleman tock with ..una nurr.ber ol clothipg, amongl: {h-iped border, a blue Persian under jacket a€feß c i ea red ? art of which is a rich bottom, aamci Eriiabcth I !owc>el, had on and took with as a waiter, as he has a&ed in that capacity— which were, one hiit plain IS at-keen ; (.otTit n j two peir cotton (lockings. W noevcr takes up wat(?fC d bv z ronftant stream that is strong her tl.ree different changes of garment and money, Wkoever apprehend* said Deserter, andfecurcs him raocey ). It is expeaed he has shaped feis courie j n^gro an( j lodges him in any jail ,n this or any t - . an G j| or a prill mill. Any proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any par in jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him for Philadelphia or New \ ork. ( ,f che neighbouring ftatcs (hall have the above re- ~»r r -.n'iMclifrin* to dsal sos it uiaV obtain fur- f° n apprehnk'i'VgKer fhallne entitled to the above to any of the Marine officers, or an/ officer of the *+* The above reward will be paid for fe- or reasonable cxpences if brought home. ' f ' * 1 . 'J* . tf > . r reward—no coSs or charges will be paid, at my of the United States fall receive the above coring him in any giol in the United State,, JOHN BRIEN. > * N B, She had, years and some monger, .warded, with rcafonable KB- »f Told, credit will be gWc* for part January 16. ' Furnace, Jnly ,6, « 79 , : is probable he may rctnrn there. |' of - -ney. er Count,, Jn y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers