y .</ ' i .v <-<- - - - < / - * i, Palette of tfje iSU Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. ~; . ----- ■ • ' ■■• • ' . ■ Klmbep PHILADE LPH lA, MOsDAV EVENING, FEBRUARY 3, 1800. . \VOl.l■« XV11.,. ■ ■■ - -| ■ 1 ,1-1 rtM»nn-<ni 1. in . ■ ill -"• - - - ■ ■ ■■■ 11 " - ■] I J' ■ fr-p. Tbe prict- of this Gazette is Eight I f es SALE, I DA N r CIN G. THE BEST LIKENESS Uollahs per annum to Stihsciibers residing mvenai. valuabls ot the . trar'i) ram, ~ . IH u>i city of Philadelphia. Alt others pay BUILDING LOTS, ~72.ixc;s Celebrated Washington, life fwtf R / W>> one Dollar additional, f>r enclosing 4,id di- Near i,.e corner of Arch and Niuth C r 1■„ mw rucAT.r, Whieh Jus ever been puMilhed, ja Jji ' ■ rettittg } and unUisvtome person in. this city Sold or Let. . 115 : ' F * CI LiY intori«»hU_fcJiohr» an.l the TS now offered for laic at Dkkia.'a Pook-flore, I will become answerable for tbt subscription, J ' .. • • '"V puti:; >= r;scx!, tfat he will recommeoce 1 opposite thrift Church, at the moderate price ,1 mutt be tniid Sire Months in Advance. A number of excellent PulturcLoU, reaching on 1 U '...OAY the -s 4 tn irritant, at the ol One Dollar. ye?-fgy, ' * mi- , r On the WiSabick >n roa<i»*t;«ut EaS a mile kffeni.,ly Room .',()grh £o»c'.b Street Tanuary it. * -——— »„» No Subscription wilt ■ e received fronrtlw city. Day, of tmCoS, TueMays and Thikrfday*. • MFW I TNF OF STAGES .iie-r&Jfm. *,♦ Enquire at Mo. *8 Wo. :h Fifth fireet. trKiU, ' TBIS DAT IS ~ - £•£ ir J. ' ■ Noiembei .j. . d&lawtf Flye Dollars per Mwuh, at 7? WW I Off* M-COKNELL UjJStATEP; {,£ so?. * - H«l'f °t"" d «»«>«'" '•>"»»' TUB. on'.\cits Shte?""'"' ' ,P * " , ( A few doors above Fou.Lli) OF Unseated finds HI Wefmorela»_ county Dec.tabcr al. WASHINGTON'* ADDRESS h'k. At Mv u«, Wi^S LANCASTER STAGES. THE SWIFTSURE AND cmnmeuceii.it BuQne f.» » into the hands of Join Brarim, i/f treaju.eroi , o / itr crn;; \ ft arts from the Green Trte, No- 50 North K ocr.atio ? «. m the varimij k,»<j» of Pnohc laid cpu „ ty , on or t-efore the 20th of AprU next, ., Safer Rgfal, 9vt. ( Prut Tmo Q»lbrt) F Lrth Street, at 8 o'slock every morning, and Stock. &Is 0/ teebope, Vc (hey will be advertifedfor faJe, » the law TKXmSfS,! & On.aa.enwl with a capita- portrait by o.e .f the irriie, it New York early the nj« evening, todoe-.e.v th.cg his power toß.vef-r.sfic- TAMES M'GKEW, ~) X CJ to,m^.,t. j [«DlifalLH ti.eu firit From New York ir iHrts at o p'clock every H ? N ~ RY ALLSHOUSEIcWmV,. expcnc. have been spared ,0 jf (S«iay. ..ce^ed) and amve, at Ph.la «h •./ w'ia' -:i Commi/Eon iioc, iu Ail fudi bu- JEHEMIAH M U RU\, J -nton". tnrm chat, i iditirn to ne Line, rendtf fhi> puWitatjion complete,ai\s z\fh<> ail the dtlphia, early evening. "" r January 18. '4«» they are p w Carriage;, tibcr. and careful niaceriali and are entirely American, for pafiesgeri j dollart, way palTcngei* L, ftl W C ?* r . r.i" 1 r u., jr . • ... 1 ■■ . r ' drivett, between the City and th« paper, prltuijig ami eMgravinr have b ce . n al- 6 cents per'm.le. Each paflfenger allowei 1,41b Ihe yKtx-aaic in. .a e NOTJCE. two u»>> luofa »»ho.(,rjefii/tiiUru»dc lowed hy eood isidees to txccl any thing ever oiiapgage. Ore hundred 2ad ! : .Ty wtigt".lo.' and neai' fheLity will be attcni.ed t' , and alio tr .v.Uiug on he ..wcomm-datei at t,e itage tempted if the Un/led State,. " ' ' bage.age to pay the la.nc as a er. ****** y '*'* "Ars, «&'r™^^ ***»* *<*>»*,-I s ,„,a •'«w»"»■»! ■*-r?- November d»w(Dj 4<f) hub4t g^. _ ri , > .emoved from No. 4 , Market flr set, f et, to the "'l^ d ?*l " Ln ',r H ,ht f!f,ks H ... t . . ' Tl * t0 the fcWerVra; api Wh„ kwe . Slongi, Doming, Dumcocdy & Co. houf< [ileiy peeked V W . Cobbett, in 8e- u{ tfle t! ' tlcrellt "®«»- ut «»««?" 4 "' e JOHN Junr. aiiy demanja the <a|d estate icqucftcC Af«u. 30* ( 2t J cond ftrett, oppeftte Christ cburch; whea-c ... rrvjw M«PA TT \at iYj sco Dcct, utar Third street* 10 funftlh rlu:ir accounts tor fettleivtot to —— ftorc ketpwrs and othtrs ma.y be con- J PP v 4 .. " bl " * 1 M ; LTW Jt.«, y-v C,(Ta«, THOMAS M'EUE>)S ,CQ UN p.,U w ,h the W Wi, tra,e. 9 f every amele tn the book and Slr N E elrner o^G^uwnb Mamoodie., January . 3 , 1800. , #J «">pJfyed a. a He w,U "alionary line, on the m..ft realjnable tern,«. Street> New Yo rk. T. ,v . _, e -«»ee on rpoderatc terr..:i. rcccm- —, roHi-f e, " \ A-rr., Striped lJwreas, _ A (:ne «y A. B. left .(the Fthning Of- IsntMOVtu thh F:>llo\ving^ *( - ' • "TTiE ownert o! Laod» in AKegheny Ccr wi.lji. 1 iate,y ait -uc'o. To a h'lule adjoining :Kt huk part of Dicfcina't VALUABLE LANDS J_ _ „ .. . 1 County, P>«nt »'»<rta, are 1-n.ieby . '• « ; E>ci Stoic, wTrcrc PitlN I!i\ G, inall its va- H ill be offered for sale, at the Merchants . ant'l'nor . . tc.i c. .. that uul«f» the .■>/***-d" 6 "° «.ar..V lor tie KPOXTFrTf v I f>N WOK-EI r ' e, 7> ' 3 executed in a style of fuperwr ele- Coffee U- JSc in this city, the Ihe sot be fold very Wu. order to y#ar . ,„ Jt tJ>O . , 7? f, and arepaad uato KCONEfON I.vON \\Oj\bS>. gJn£e . f > , cktle k.iv«. the hands of ~BN' wiLKtm, County fanuarv Ta. tt&.ftf o , " , r l ••'■so. Treasurer befort'the aoA day of Fe»>niary j-q ji£ SOLD, - S.dTOADjtr the twenty-second us ~.uicb A FEW PACK AGES OF nolt , t b»; te advert.fed for U« as «h« law or lkaskd for chk v;.ae—that DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, , frtV\'N a, t »• fZnn/it dir»S«. ,r , ~ r- . ■ 'ln the CottKty of CrL i. N aud StatC t ol Utnr.att Kjooas, pmtiur Denny, 1 Valuable Estate > to avit : GEORGIA—aII patented in trails Suitable to the VN eft India Market; jfiltifvt Dyjvting, > CoviMSsioner:. | ITKOWN by the name of the Btoneton Ires 1T REMEMftEKED, That on the e- 0 f lo _ o acrc s. Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh* 'fames Robinson 1 ! iSk Wopks, Ctuat< io the qountjr of AflorrUiß tjie leventh day at January, in the twenty-fourth Acre® at the conft-'ence of Fredcriea OAober til • / »- \ state ot Ncw-It-rfey, confiOiQg of a Forge with year of the Independence of the United States and Turtle river*, %nd head ot St. Si- P:ttsjurgh, 5, I / 99* four fires, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Grifl mill of |L IN SO N and mon'a found, near the t-jwn of Brunf. jO BE 301.D BY —'= ■ 1 " W ith two Run of ftenei, and Saw mill, all in good GEORGE DAVIStof the laid Diflti<sl, wick. yESSE 12 ROBERT NO i ICE. order and now in use, together with an sxcellfrit, have depof®e<l tn this office, the title ola Book, aßj,poo Acre® on tbe waters of the great and Win. in„inr S UM- ,n,lnr e-As, ™ l,r(<c, -nd convenient l.oufe, with out-houfes of the ri ? ht whereof tbev alaim as Proprietors, in little Satilla rivers, and of Baffaioe Old Port U uie, in pipe., h,iu». and qr.ca ALL petfon. indebted to the Eflate of every kind ; among which are an Ice house, and the words following to witcr tk. Also Landing at their IVbarJ . Thomaj , llf Walhingtbli in the stone milk house, wit!ia remarkable ftne spring in " TEN BLANK DECLARATIONS, 4>,cco Near the above described trails. From on I'lard the ftip F.dward from 4 - 1 * 1 *" 1 - State qf Kentucky, deceased, are rrquefWd orci«ar"l and' "tcoa.-As of wood Elegantly engraved on Copper plate, viz. ij.oco Near the above described tracts. Liibon Wine, in pipes ahd f- calks. to inrvme diate payment —All psifei* pi ,. u r e „,a ijn'j, , j, re4t nu niSer of «• Debt on Bond 6. Quaatum Meroit A " fS ™ ti,e *a ers of the great Sa iure it 5 . Itavinc demands against said eflate are de- ftorc■ and workmen's l.oute*. Immediate poffeffiou *• l»y AflSgner 7. —— Va chant ti a anu itsnatna. ,_i A — 1 r«3 to furnifli their arcwr.te legally attett- will be a ,.rti o. touf.-, and storm mifi. i.-ot for j. •ofinglebill 8. On PromiiTory note .»47,000 Acre, on the f.me watery f ROSS AND ttUo JACOB REESE, providing dock the preset winter a»d poffeffio. 4. —on penal bUI .9. Sams by Indorsee jo.ooo A re, on the waters ot the great Sa ,r J \a ii of the whole in the lpnng. , S• IOOC&iUtUi At* 10. and E- chu. navk rot •/». Adm.nutrator. Fjr terms acquire m Uavid B Ogden at New- 6. fumpfit jedment. 50,000 Acres on ih. waters of IdtleSatilla and 3000 pieces iR «nd 2d Ru&u DixJk, Philadelphia, Qoloberjt, 1799. ark, Uir Peter Mackic m New-York, mr. David for the use of the Professors of the Law, , Alatsmaha rivers and Buffaloe creek. 100 pieces Ravens I)W £ ('faperior) Ford u< Morris I own, or aijfrs. Jacob aud Kith- J 40,000 Is ear the above . efenbed tracts. Boston beef in NOTICE. .. *rd Fatfch on tieprtmiics. Dlt a vv.s -iY Iu the State of VIRGINIA—aIi patented. C COSS.AS v* " ""■sl January it COLLINSON READ." 44,0c0 Acres 111 the c unty of Bath, on both A few bales Beaj* { HaVWUJAIS. ■ A T erfon> irtkW-d to .He T,™ <s In eouform.ty to the »a of tbe Congeal of Cdes . f Green Bnar river, subject to U-C btifcel* K Mwiio. »ilt. f\ Wksoh Ute »f feouthwark,. decsaled, an United Slates, ) „ the United States, intituled "Ah aA for tbe to 3000 acres of prior surveys, in ' inril II /j ■■ are rvquelied to wke i«u>ie(»»ite payout to the Penr.iyt-var.ia District. 5 ' encou, ag -ment of learning, bv fc.uring the co- eluded within the said 44,ce0 acres,' ' . | —r- fuSftriber,, aad Urnfe who .have -ry d»..0.!. I pies of »la pj , Cl.aits an<l.n,,oks f. the Authors but excluftve of that quantity. Southern Mails. the said »<e arc rejijunUad to fuiaiCt their TJY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to and Proprietors ol fneb copies, durmg (he time 41,000 Acres in the county ol Bath, on the fc _ accooouforieuuicqA:. i id) rac ds> eited, iff«tl out ol the circuit cojrt therein 11.c14ior.ed." | east fide of ths Cow Paflure river and T ,r. M..U.or -UN, 04«. J. a,, ~in . 55CS SISZ.ZiZfcZ. VSS& ■ fc-fft&ssiitx ~ tr s«s ■" days exceorrd) at half past 7 ,v*cloeU, A. M. am has To mr, the , |t ; j iv of , SIlfc!l n , XI( it 6 o\U K k u ' , wr ' tul ß * H '' » nd ( f'^ d Acres in the county of Randolph, oa And tJfc'MaHs Tcir the Port Towns 011 rhe A BRICK STABLE, tfce evening,'all th*l certain tr»ct or paieei «f ft"!" Buchanan river, lubject as aforefaid i'nhae, th. ut,h Nort,,Carols. South- •»J« * U "f's Tta ... vu.Zl x nontt »■ iHrt m oJU ' «4»'«« LAW-BOOK SI'ORE, tojooo prior t.r. oryTjtlwday, .efdajran • . • A ;-ew F R.. r. . —lhe names v O . JIQ Higu-Strkit vc /*' w«*t -MaVis lietween this-a-nd Cbarlefton are ( ... Nov 1, 1.299. dtf. tj f tbe original warrantees of the said iraet or .... , J " I" PENNSYLVANIA. ' difcontinaed. —: "T"? - * 1 parcel of land were ai follows. here alaayi may be feeok want- 60,000 Acres in Northuaiberhcd county, fur rjx wi J /*), ") T0 Bl '' Hrc 'l AkctD j mi .-y , cf n • "■ 'j-! 1 ! ine ». veyad and returned. Post Office, Philadelphia, ? f( , r a PLANTATION in New Jersey, ilorcLcai Robt'ts, John si l- , tuthim . 4 6,300 Acre.in couuty, fur- December \o, 1799, i dtt. A tut vm.osih Uopht{ AUdera, (,«o'jge H.,rton. —: xej ed and refJtncd. —ZT 77 : W Grill MiH and Plantation, fruit, .BenjanijnjjancocA, to be sold for cash, 40,400 Acres in Bedford.couny, purveyed and Taxes ot Lycoming County. ' , I George Till, 1 "fymvt tfogins, James Tbampaon, For property in the City, or within thirty *§* Forth* greater _p.rt of the purchafc JOHN KIUD, Trcrfaner, »d abou? one »aea.d a hay Iron. . o<°rg< Joseph iiZuehcad, niles of it, JSSS%x*sz D ratrtg W. re- whtthi (over;fllot ) two pair of stone., o»e j aba Qii IVWiam HaiUrt. \ r.ia, withtn fix miU, of the river Juniata, con- ,|. c ,'terusaud i-a^is' cciv'f rhc 1 axes j{Tef.»u ut»®n unlwtflu Liiids in _r wj.u . ril k,, rr rhe and koifiinf fc*r I » ■ ■ i -,«• . tne psieius auu ancj ailo certiii.2l cs ot thai Counry, from thehobkr. thereof, in this b alkJ ' attached "to The MUI i. a large ltd taken m execution as the property "'""J: •» | 3 lc^ e *- h ] e [ c ™ ■ ,bc f Georgia and Virginia Lands Citv Those who have filed with the Com- for driin? corn, bnilt upen th: moll -p- of Robert Letiw Hooper, deceased. . cleared, partol wh.ch is a ruh brvtlom, , re J epo H ted jnUJioners, ftatementsof theVr Lands, ave re- prove d plan; the whole mill work and bo'.tiag JOHN HALL. Marshal. quelled to call ilpon him, to know the amount c | ot j,, Ac. have lately bean cither made new or N. B. Areafonable oredat will-be given. „JLI - de i r • obtain fur BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, ?f Taxes ti-ereo., andp.ythem; ojherwile, be- UW repaired. The pl.atation c.nfifls of MalCulV Office, ) ZIA •of JEREMIAH PARKER, fore his leaving the City, ih.-y wd' be put wto one bandrea and^ fifty acres of land, rl* bu,ld- PhiladetphlJl Jin . 4 . } - eot , 7 M this aaaette. Philadelphia, J an . 7. zawtS the hands of the Sheriff for colleaion, agreea mg , extluiive of the mill houlc and kiln, are a , „ . , ■ .Lajl L „ L . r r 1 bit to tke for raising county rate* and icy if* Ufga dwelling houfc, a bare, stables, corncrib, ■ flt° ™I ° t r ,,V ' ' credit. wiH be given .or part r'jj Those who have net fled ■ flaiements of ihei. &? &c. quantity of Ungual warrants ; fa, t of, them of tht mtmey. Rented fora lerm'of Years land, with the Commissioners. and are drfirous 0- For mform^ati.db a PP !y to having been coniM-yrd Oflober t 7 , 17..;. dtf. ala'rge ' %.x***«»*"-■ Ten Dollars Rewatd. TO BE LET, TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, Treaiurar, their lifts, dating tbe quantities re- Deaemher »l ttith3tU4w -p\ESERTJtD from the su«rtcr» of the fuh- A large WmaRF and StonE-StORE, With a Lot thereunto belonging, turned, Rumberind dales of the warrant, names of tbe warrantees, under which they A JOURNEYMAN PAI LR ..«Ai.ER, MORUON, born .n the Mate of Delaware, aged J O Kent-Coun v Stale of Delaware fronting h,ld their lauds. He will attend at Mr. Jofcph Who can work well at the Vat, twenty eight five ieetfeven inches high, brown yHE fame where the Frigate now lays. The ( ' • 9 No 08. Market ftreetter this, purpose ... ... . , complexion, blue eye«,bl3clchaH- * Wharf his been occupied as a Lumber Yard "" c - „ j r ■ >;i tSr- 0, 1 irftai.t. Will meet with good encouragement by app.yiag whoever shall rake up the said deserter, for frveml yvars, and Is vWy ftntaole forthatbu- five Rooms and an Entry, with a ' »t No. 104 North Froa; itrnet. arid lodge him i»4(aol or d'ii.ver.him-to the.fyb- fiacl's, being al>out one hundred feet ir< nt on the number of well nnifhed Rooms up Stairs, a November 9. December 17 -dtf. £ r ib«r. at his iu Filbert, between Ninth ri«r. Pcff.fiior will be jiiven on the rli of May Cellar under the wh.U Building, a Brick kitch- ' and Tentti ftrel-rs, (V.all receive th. above reward n-.xt. Alfe, a Th/ee story, Houte a. joining en, a 1 ump of good U ater, with a Stable, Car- Tbirty Dollars Reward. GENTEEL ACCOMMODATIONS, and rtafonable eh.-rge«. the said whatf, wkkh may be had im- riage House and Sheds, tiie whole Improvement. DESERTED i-orfeveral gentlemen, c.ptain 10th regl. of irfartry. IOSHXJA HUMPHREYS. for either a Store or the latter of which , At No - *» N °" 1, »» ■ - u.„. ?.t-s ll> - Tw«OCy Dollars Reward, A,,*CnurtofCen>mrn Pl;u belli :t Pirtfturgb : r|jc CoUQlry sro"Dd bemg ver, h el |'hy „,a a of New Yo'k aged 11 years. 9 month,, 5 feot TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. , ' _ for thecounryof AUegheny,«he firft Konday j P'-ce: of confiderab e Trade, it will be well 8 and a quarter niche, high, grey eyes (loogqued) _ p AN-A"WAY from Sprng Forge, in York vfDeeember, in the year ofc.ur Lord one j a " y light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marxed, by AWAY o»Saturdav eveniog the 13th IV Coenty.a negro man, .na.ned V.IAdC. other thoi...nd (even hundred aadnmetynme, be- P further Dirticulars aonlv to the trade a Shoemaker tnUfted lieutenant Rey instant , from GtJebrook Furnace, wife CUDJO, about 31 year. .Id, the property forethe hen. ■ Efsu.ire, fc ,K r rold.il! Stephen s Town, near Albwy the a s th of Q f , Negro Man named Caio, of Robert Coleam; Esq. He i> about 5 feet 8 PrefnUnt sod fc.s AlToc.atj., Judge, ol the ict.ber at tbe ai or cfaidp lace. June lall Had on and took with htm a ihort h ■ bout . 0 yelr# 6 f w ,-B V e feet fix or f«> inches high, ha< ablemifl. ia hu eyes, wore wr.-.te fame Court. JOHN CUMI rouod blise cloth colt with a red cape, a blue veu inc](Ct hi j, tolerabif black, with a dowt. ' D them than common, by trade a F-.ge man ; had N the petition of Wallace, a pril"- a "" ary 8 •loth coatee, a lew white waistcoats, a fonggrqr squints, hei&a cnnnin K irtful Jeli.vA-, on a..d took with blm a drab coloured broadcloth (j) oner in the jail of laid CoUHty, praying to ( gn i s iqiled clotK coat and breeches, a pair of boot., a -I" I«*. ■eoat, almost new. a sailor. jsck.t and pantaloons be d! fcbarged accr.nltr, to the ptr.vjlion.ofthc IK > re * Ke<watJ.+ chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black , broucHt ud To the fir*nts.e buftsscfo is Pruned fancy cord, a lwanldo*n fMped under of made for the relief ot Irlolvenf hair pluft, a iurr hat Rah worn, and two lilvcr £ *»' u l ? u acket; a rornm hut; ooe fine and one coarse v . The Court order that tht prisoner be I) sway from the SubfrriSer ©n the.ev^nlog * watcLs, one a middle fixe, the other small. He very, hand) r at any kind ot laboring work ;he • cat niUi!in handkerchief, Ipt.'ggcd, two ° cb °\'; , Rof th. aKth inft. a bound Servant GIRL, may impose himi'eli on fonie funily or gentleavan to» k with him a of drt to , amo.ig 1 firipwlborder, it bits Persian und'.r jacket uu w . rh t his and Euzabtth Howckei, had on and to©k with as a waiter, as he hat a#ed in that tapacitv- were, one lint %dain Nan«.eent ,ad two peir cottow llockingt. Whoever takes up on J 1 .~'l o . j jrd H i 0 n her tl.rec diSTcrsßt changes of garment aod money, Wlkocvcr apprehend»-faid Deserter, andfecure&hini money ). It ja he hasihaped coui »e ne g ro an d lodges hi&i in any jail in this <)|r,?ay his ere uors in jail, fends him to Headquarter®, or delivers .11 m for PhUadelphsa or New \(-rk. of ncigAbouriirg Ilatcs rtiall hive th»; aloye rc- notice on» app ' c^. f, ®n e piiini.t 1 t JO n appcch»n-di^gher (halU e cwtitled to the above Co any of the Marine or an/ ofl&ccr of the *-j-* Xhe above reward will be paid lor fc- vvar( j 0f reajfotablc cxpencesif brought home. United %. tctes at ( it. ~T§ s rce rcWar<^ — ro or charges-will be paid, armv of the United State* (hall receive the above curing him in any cioi in the United Slates, ' JOHN BRiEK weeks, the bit of wnicn inatl be at leatt titteen J r l r r rvwardaadall reafpnable charges. with ?eafo„ab!e charges if home S p riug Forge, oaoJr a" W - ' d--before ,he time of heuiag. NB, on,' T, S. LEWIS, SAML EL JACOBS. N.iii. said negro formerly lived in Che,ler By order of the court, - * , ' AdhitantyMsriM Corps. Coiebro»k Furnace, July 16, 179?: u„t y, it is yrob.hle he n-ay return there. JAMLS BRISON, Proth y. Gofhcn TownO.tp, Chet.er County, Jalj <1,9. ( Janoary 16. (0.8)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers