f - " . fU / : > , < ... ■ ■ . " " ■ j candidate, crtnGfling' of the enemies to tin: shall always deem it a duty to frleA, for pub- j . Jwyf WMrjmv* HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES principles of the American revelation, the lie ftati«ita, ipeii who are tried and faithful j This Evening, January 31, ( - - 1 1 • t ' e.nifiaries of foreign governments, and the friends to the genuine principles of our re- J Will Tic prtfented, ffcr tbcfiurlbtimc w America) PHILADELPHIA, Thursday, JantUty 3°' depeildv*ntd, or exmttattt. of office, under publican institutions. a muchadmjrcd-new Comedy, called FRIDAY KVF.NING, January 31. A petition of Elnalhan Taylor,and a pe- the Federal adjiiniiir.iti<>i). Whether 1 re- Having row, gentlemen, endeavored to ! RECONCILIATION; - ■ ' . ■ —»- tition of John Lowry, were read and refer- view the civcumllaiices to which I thru re- evince the impropriety and wjiiftice of the Or, The Birth Day. Juftun et teriacem propofiti viriun, red to the committee of claims. lerred, or contemplate the many other pronla . ai'perfions with which I have been assailed, (for the rhtimtthi. Nou civium ardor prava jubentium, Mr. Hanna presented,a petition of a num. of the exiflence of such a combination, i\ permit me again to. invite your co-operation | ° ftjifonjTtTi 1* * called Non vultu* miianti tyranm, her of the inhabitants of the county of Nor- relation to more important oojeflt, I find in elhtblilhing the harmony of the govern- RLtJE BEARD - Mrnte suatit 10 la. f thumberland, in the slate of Pennsylvania, noireafon to change, or to ietris lh? opin- ment. To the honor of the state, to the " pp.** \LE''c tt Hl'" 4C TT v ' . ~T\cr •>. ir praying the eftablilhment of post offices in ion that was then delivered. Yet, let me interest of our condiments, and to our own r> . " f ' .. 10 A GREAT MA j. . certain place# therein mentioned; which not again be misrepresented. Though my happiness, it is eflential that the spirit of Sttnery, Machinery and Decorations, sir, w.s refeired to the committee appointed on ele&iou was oppofrd by all those descriptions political dirtruft and party sued, {hould be entirely new.] Would it derogate from your high char- the fubjeft of post effice at d post reads. <)f persons, I never laid, I never thought effeAually subdued. For a purpose so ini- , , b fg # Tbttttrt. Scter to the complaint of one of the Mr. L. Williams presented a petition of that there was not li!;e\vife a numerous de- pnrtartt and beneficent, an example may just- ■> ' s people? And if I can point out to you griev- t h e merchants and others, citizens of the fcrptien of opponents, whose minds were jy be experted, from those who are elevated Q of fevertl' new pieces in Alices wll you deign to redress them ? town of New Bedford, in the state of Mas- aftuated by the purest motives, and whole t o public stations ; and I repeat, that With • \ hp £ ntert a inlnent , , T j- •n- u 1 farl.nfrtu which was read and referred to conduft had been equally decorous and in- the prosperity of the people as our sole ob- 1 . f ' ' T . .'. ~ ■■ , Has the voice of luftice been drowned 111 lacliuieus —wnicn wao reaa a"u lenricu 1 , r J ' • 1 will, alter this Evening, be laid alide tor . . . ~ 1 • r 1 oft!ommrrceandmauufadures. dcpwidcnt. rree, there tiom t lie per- ieCt, with the conuixution and laws as our ' , ~ the clamour ot your subpltcatinrtncnds, or, tuccommitucoiLommciccar.amaHuiduuics. r r J ' a considerable time. has not the constitution an inherent rieht Mr. Harrifon cnlled up for c nfideration version ot party (.t perversion which I did eonßant guide, we may reasonably hope for ' ' i r thf rrfoliifinn vrliich he laid on the table on not expet\ the enlightened Senate of Penn- success. For mv part, be that (not- E° x * or,e Pst, three qwters of a and power to icreen the nation from inaig- the reloiution which he Uid on the taDle on r , , d , whHt • n, r d mlr eV erv oast Unnleifant occur- dol,ar ' = ud Gil,er >' lialfa dn,,ir nitr and itfelf from violation ? the 24th inft. when the fame was again read J> ,vanu . o«W countenance or adopt) t tM ; .,Undinp palt unpleaiant occur )or6 Th „ tre wi „ opfn at a Since vou have fil'ed the popular chair «S r «d to, with the amendment that the " or t .! ,at ,Tnce ) - 1 e „ mbra , ce e ? r >' ;PPO«um.y to afld the cortain nfe at a P qulrtfr JieavJ has bin the St 5 eXffion in- committee their only, on the your generoGty should be exerc.fed to to.- mmfeft a profound relpeft for the leg.fla- past 6 o ' clock { , rfci f„ lv . nea\y has baen tre weight ot in. of thf mt . a f urcl rc f erre d to them. & lve » or that my fenle ot justice fiiould be ttne and to reciprocate maks ot confidence VIVATRESPUBUCA. numerable the viftims of malicious hatred , P jj t the third anxious to obliterate ? and esteem with the individuals wbo'rom- Si.s Ua and r IcM- reading of the bill intituled "an Aft to cf it will be recoiled, that the pose it. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, truths have not yet rea( htd your ests, thev throilghMt the Um.ed Stater-, when with inv obi-ft of the executive or l-g-fla- Tamtarv a 8 1800 C T)E IT REMEMBEUFD, rh»t nn the 31ft day wi!l soon be heard in the thunder of resent'- Mr. Marshall moved that it be re commit- th W,h n the cenforfldo of the J X ' "P ' f TV' , . .. r , ,„t t - a rommitte.- nf the whole house • C 1 Ul 11 1,1 " the tcnlo,,ln P ot tne dence oi the Uflltfd Ststasof Avcnca. ,oim Row nlcnt the people indignant at such wrongs, ' S cnJt e is warrantable, as applied to that v . ,> f .. f j . J. j l«t of the said di.lri.3! ath Jepofited in ihis Office will rife in the singer of insulted majesty, ; whlch was carried, ayes 5 , nbetM.- and m;j ith , rt . a f ()U ' a „d authority, of a letter from Lancaster daUd thc xitle 0 , a r.ook. th- right whereofVr (Wtw and (!i ike a blow commeafurate with the the house immediately resolved urelf into a ax»pfied to e V eVy other if s anci J anul "J'' x "°°' an Proprietor, in the words following, to wit. offence. ccmmittee of the whole on, said bill, Mr. if tiie inay ' pobli fti ft r ift ures upon thr Knowing how interefled you have always ROWLETT's I h.ve made, lir, two interrogation?, and Morns in the chair. 1 private conduft of the Executive been "111 the fate of the Wyoming business, I Ido not yet despair but that there is sense Mm to ; what claim of privilege can Ihelter the mem- have a plealure in advising you that returns rjells of and virtue enough in your nahire at know- m 'vr°k r ', r' • | bers of that body from retort and recrimwa- acceptance, have come in from the Con- DISCOUNT, OR INTEREST, • ledge their juffirfsand imp«> tailce, and Mr. Nicholas mov< d the following : ; t j o n, but the claim (which (hall always nefticutclainients which will secure the adop- om kvery dollar, with a blufil aufw«r the affirmative. Ii ' ,e . 11 l,r t iei e at tis ac p roni p t |y anticipate and allow)to ptirdon titfh al the plan propoled by the Legiflattre -r-i RO M one to rwo thoufamJ ;on every ten me i bers ri- ,ti»e. friemL has marked mv official condua ; you and si ,y calculations ot' D.fcourt; all performed not your et.rs to their just complaints, for Mr. bmnh then moved to the i '® nk j fceft ow t he «aft epitheta on my ace»rdi»R to the equitable principlesl of the (tanks, it is in scenes like these you will read the wid. the word « te „,» aye ,. 44 ro« 56 , . f offices of the q Married on Thursday evening by the g» m*»i bct*cen Indiv.da.s throughout hiflory of your crimes, and lean, a lelfon was then moved to mfert seven, , » and afcnbe wme thfi most wifk . Rev. D,ftor A.hbel Gveer Mr John SanK St^ worthy of a governor. Havo you ever aik- whfch loft, ayes 43, noes 5 2. | ed de ' f / But thc eonmtution haj con nier of thi, city, to M.fs Mary Wilson WITH NOTES . ed youifelf tbe queftin,, fir, for what you Mr. Harper then moved .0 fid the blank , |ufi daughter of the late Thomas Wil.on of Preceding the wr. (hewing how by mean<.of w . r . nHreH at rlw f Whether with the word 41 fire, which was agreed r : ... Southwark. the 1 ables to a c rta. .n uat, AI . lvf.n to adm ini fie 1 luftk-Tnd mak- i h'D to, 63 member, rising in favour of it. ot appointing, or removing, public officer, ; a„ia-F'GH: fSLKCv: r, reckoning cither 360 to aaminjitei juftiCc anct mak- a n« p » j 5 ! and although it is admitted that, lor the/era/ or 16? days to the tear— explained bv examples, py, or choke its fountain and gratify a vin- Mr - Bayard moved the following amend- exercifc of thdt powfr fa( . u re s pon sible"to NEW YORK, January 29. ' ALSO) diftivelpi.it, by perfect, ting every man who J™ 1 which wm jptrtto, , Lfgill . lture thr()Ug h the medium of im- The recent revolution in France, does Anothtr Not ,. unJer the fir" P a P e of the Work, 111 the Iteedom of fuf.iage opposed youi elrc- • .u. .. PT rrHtion as for the discreet exerc.fe o£tbe not appear to have been accompanied with (Vewiug thc mode of calculation on CtNT3. tion ?-Are thefc latter objeds fit employ- -« «»ll«« P««pow,r he is rctponlible to hi. constituents those violent commotions, whichmight have likewise, T I f° * 17 Y through the medium of eleftions ; I can no be , n expeded from .he nature of the event. xhe reldy way t0 nfc th . Tables, foe any number pie'a'flted of'"yo^'happiri efi" > aud you have" The qacftion upon the feftion a. amend- wh " e d ' r " V ". tbt Uthor ' t y f the f fnate ° f 'he Parisians on of Day. exceeding sixty four. ' vou cm.- Ed was then put and carried, 58 members '"the prele.ntorm to controul regulate or thi. occasion, can be accounted for only.n To all which is added, the,, Inciphs of computa given them milery tliey alKert ot you con f / r • 3 intvrpole. Ihe radical principal ot the cen- the glittering allurement of a peace, delu- tion of the various exchanges between each tcntment, and you have d.fquieted every nt.ng ... tavor oi .t (litution, indeed, provides for the reparation fivelv nromifed them We fee in it, a re- Hate refpeSivcly, and between sll theft corner of the state. Attend for a moment On motion of Mr. Macon, .11 that part „ f thc prillc ip al P dep:lrt . ¥ol u[ io P nar ?o pf tation fupponed by revo. and L 0.,40., and Paris at different to a recital of your conduit—\ ou commen- of the tenth feft.on, which gave the as- BIeDW „f Mvernn , ent . , and it can be of lit- 1 I ,• ,f rates of Exchange ced your glorious career by denouncing one figneesthe p..wer of recovering property fold t | e ;rnporwnce whether'thut principle is sub- oi'lv '° B * J OHN ROW LETT, . half the people as tories and traitors, and by the bankrupt, w.thm a certain period, verte a by duec\ Bfi.rpation, or by fuccafstul' Th very fDeftacle of a government, »e- Accomptant, Bank of North-America. the other you proclaim as Patriots or your trf.nd.ng the purchase money, was cf r orts J one dep , r J MI t0 o ve, awe and in- hand' 'Jf fe who January 31. Jj ur.ds. I his was at once declaring your- ttruck out. fluen.e another. If likewise, the Senate ,„ a J feJ2e 'for 1 Military Land, completely faii^f,aery, the fn wKn r nnrl m ii a »i s i rii >./ cuuu Sl * cu 1,1, c i" lcdis, ano Htfrclv conjeAuraU 111 soti ic vt*d, h owe ve t\. theT2 to make the locations, may receive fnrther to men who had conducted the address, presented tbe followm7 reply: brand them with rn-mntion op imhi rilUv r • J • • 1 i„- \x, v , 01 « Tlrltid. irm, in*, mar a« oranu tnem witn co.ruption or lmoicility t hat it can. in no point, very mateiullv r.!- ' mtcrmatio.n by applying to Wilnam L h l-enck at ii t . rmy n.t< oar capital, nen who gentlemen, I will never encroach upon r.xv ■ri, r r , t ,' o tioii o- roil i-ecrr-ion I Uunwoo J .y'« i'avern, ''".i.yket flreet, or to John had been indited ot forgery to men the n.oft THE GOV ERNOR's REP IA . | your jurifdiftion, but I (hall deem it equally [j ou >'con.iJiKl (or Peace mull be im Matthew,, No. 9, South F fth Ore«: f . . „T. U» .f. .1 i J y ,„„h ,„d Wy, y. 3/ °"*r• It would be peedlefs to recapitulate all Ptw.iyl.wi-, any attempt, to encroach upon ir.me. „ trfat y wi:h tne now in Zacban.h l^gs. the crimes ot your adm.mftration : the Gentlemen, But it i. not on this ground alone that po Ur. who .-KeiciSe no authority emanating r™', u above are lotncier.t to excite abhorrence in * _ r - vnnr nrnr -^i; nfrt n- . r r are indications of premeditated inlults, of their as freemen, in oppofi- an d piercing eye, upou French lic»i»tioufnefs TX rlI ~ .TJ'i fpJIVvTJ fH force and know the extent of this question : that ii!f , nitely ' m , jre „„ account 0 f tion to my wilhe,.»-%for t: so grof. an im- _ c h.r.if,..g, where chaftifcment is necessary. fcm Wh.'"coultv a« you Ihould be tbc fille dot the country.— thettpparent departure from the dignity of putat.on was catt upon my conduct, you We discover no features of royalifm in dJlred to take that he has appliedto tie Jud nt wis t\a a p-op to au■ i. as»e. # L-giflative Body, than on account ot fiiould turely potfrfs (what you cannot have this revolution, as ivas dated in our firfl at- gesof the Court of, Common Pleas o Dauphin ()t* rcpretentatives are not tree trom inlttlt j n : urtic( . d( rc to , t ,y Political Prin. poffelK-d) a perfeft knowledge of the infer- counts. Though we ronfefs we fiiould not County f< r the henr6t o 1 the ads of of even when littii.g in tneir chamber. That ci , or of th( . outrc ,-ff C red to mv mation and principles by which it is regul.- be surprised, if," at no distant period, as fyf- thia slate, mwle lor the «!%f of l«fo|v«it DeVor^ faction ot which vou have avowed vour elf , , ,• , ~ ~ . , tl .,i r, ;» virin,nrli,nir«ii,nA c i. ■ i c r and that the ( ourt have appointed the second Mon-, itschief throughits worthv a-ent Brvan '"''"g s - Kegard.ng you, indeed ted. it ..true that various changes in pub- ten, of royalty, with f.m, features, were to day of Miirch next to hear 1„. creditor, and him r ', .5 , , .J. " . ' 'only in your representative characler, 1 he officers have been made, and that others rife from this scene of anarchy. at the Court House in Harrifbureh. as gro sya )u e our egi iture . acquit- have thought it, in some degree, an official are contemplated ; but was it not within the _. [ January —3l. taw3w. ,ng Ireffi insolence from your patronage he t| . , Q to f , £q me ter[l „ fenpe of candid condruttion, to affi,n a less .. rripl? has violated the privileges of the house of w| „ ch as , > e l would not odious cause for the measures I have pur- POST-OFFICE. VALUABLE LOTS reprcfentat.vcs. no punishment for havc CO nf eli ; e J t0 hear ; and which as pri- sued ? Philadelphia, Jan. 30. FOR 6 ALU, this crime. Yes fir, there is i—and a good va{e individually rtfpnnfible, I In a popular government, the principles ' J near the citv. m.g.flrate would know what pun.fliment to mu would not ha ve.aide fee nded rotation office, of honor and. profit KT Letters for the Br.ush Packet __ - employ. might fairly have been suggested. A con- Cbcirfotte y wit. be receivec. at tbts OJJtce un- On Wedncfday the fifth day of March next, at fix serve the freedom of the legifiature. ' Th J s an ac s drt .f s c the solemn aft vidion ot ' the uuiitnefs of an officer for his til Tuesday the 4tb February, et 12 o'clock, o'ctrck in the eveniiw. at the Merchant'. Co!- These are grievances which as one of the of mv introdudion i'u'o office with a deela- particular fUtion, would be a real on able neon. f«« House, will be fold by public auction, the , T r lir r y introoucuon into omcr, wiui a ciecu- i r -c - it AT 1? Tb? in'nnd tn Mfv YorJf loliowice defenbed valuable Lat« of Ground, people I complain of ; and believe me fir, m ion of my solicitude to promote the hap- ior the exerclle ot executive d*fcre- , m.ana postage to iveu-lorM ch'giljly situated for SUMMER RETREATS. that I speak the minds of thoulands, when j p ; ne r s u s our condituents, and to prefc.ve tion : and much as I venerate the military must oepaid. - . T r, TFr , 7 r I tell you that—their patience is ivorn out. an harmonions intercourse between thc de- merit of the revolution, I may be allowed to January 31. • f,u, at e oH the ca o Cdc of FABIUS. partmests of tiie government, you have been remark, that Inch inn it does not necelfarily Flßtr RIirKFTS . Germantown road,'about two miles and a half plea fed to convert into an opportunity to ,ni P»y a superior capwcity for civil nthcc. # S frora the dry of Philadelphia, houn'ed on the For the Ca 7 f tti of t' IT- alTutne a cenforiliip, wiiicli the conftitwtion The deportment of officers not ill the ex- sfl" The great inattention (hewn bv a north by lard rf Mr Th»ma« Gr«> v.-», wherern ' ' NITIiD ' s ' does not recognizs ;to exhibit accusations e/cife of rights of ireemen, but in the number of Citizens, by fuffering their l-'irc he is .ow e-eflit.g house and making in.prot:- R At the Annual f.t a ii. which my conduA ha. not delerved ; and proliitution of official influence to party Buckels to remain for days and fomrtimeß I"*"",' 5 //, ', ; llr ' ni rt ,' ''' re ' ' '' At tiie Annua! meeting of the ftockbol- ■ ■ , r ■ c ■ r i r i ■ - r i ' in ill. thcpH an ! alVv ar i;. r , n , l J nd of [ofeph Norrit. and Will by ihc (aid road, ders in the Providence Insurance Comhanr ? " ldul » f H f P lnt of an, mofity which pre- purpoles ; not in the maintenance of their tcru.cks in the ttreets and alleys, adjacant containin? by con , Flttatlo , , 4 .icre.anda half. at the Coffee-floufe on Mi i•' l '• '(-\ ents niuch to compafficr.nte and deplore, own independence, but in the defamation o: to where they have been tiled at hres, has n0 .2. •> certain lot or piece of land, par: of a •n. T | l( , f_ii ' , lua u 1 1- 1 "' '"j but nothiii'' to convince or to terrify. the executive, maqiflrate ; uiSy also affiird a induced the Mayor to dirc& the High Con- trnetl v't wieu,ini that your proceedings on this occafmn, arr and cordiality which ought to fubfilt be- the time that a fire thai' happen in the City, nearly oppo k« to lut ni»r a ane, n< t. Ie n , tllOUliy re-elected, viz. * ' , r . 6 , . , , , r , ~ a j . 1 .u o\ nood otihe (Joßn'ry o-.-at« ol Jeremiah Parker, Tfiuv iit a env T7C i> rj not founded on any legislative duty, and twecn the principal and (üboftlihate officers to have collefted and i emoved to the City join Ni)co „ r,l and Jafpcr Morlan, J '' • • -'9* rrehdent* cannot, I think, produce any pub lie advar:- of the fiate, being-thus defiroyed. the pub- Hall, the fire iauckets which be may find pfq rf . being marie ; nuv bered "in r\ plan or Charles Lipp y Moses Lippitt y tag*e. As the Senate ii the tribunal eftab- lie interefialoue would dematwj, a separation. in the Streets after thai period. The own- map of the laid large tract ci!k-i thc Vineyard, 'A/epbaniau Brofvrt) Samuel IJutler y jutt* lifhed to decide upon any charge of official In short, geutlemen, let my appointments cr will thereby have an opportunity of re- No containingL*ven acres andl ten pcrc^w. John I, Clark, Thomas L. Halsey, it would seem in such cases to be judged by an impartial tcfl, and I fl.iter covering their Buckets, which perhaps, ac -' o ! ri ! n^ Thomas P. Ives y James Bur rill Jutland he peculiarly incumbent on that body to ab- myfelf, that lam rather entitled to the au- other wile would have been lofl: by their ne- j Nacres anyone hundred arvi thrc« JobnCorliu 1 oung Seamans, Di~ slain from effufions of paflion, from asperity probation with which the house of reprefen- gledh A number is now at the City Hall. The v«ry vatuab : e property now offered for Zecbaricb Allen, rectors. of animadverlion, from the bias of prejudl* t itives has honored me in an afifwer to tbe January 7, 1800. sale too well known to require a further John Rogers, cation.—Even, therefore, if the tranfadlions fame address, than to th* denunciation ot a —_— description It i$ v ci. worth the attention of Mr. William H. Mason Sacretary. which you have denounced, were,of a crimi- small. majority of the senate. You would PRICES OF STOCKS. ind^lthrihu'tio^"" The Company were well plea fed with the "al nature, you who would eventually be then perceive, that many ot the comm..«.,ns p«„.A».L»ai\, D.c.Mß.a %t The tern, of We are. «.n«*i(hird pa.rt of the pun. management of their concerns fine the eftab- ts ' c °"S ht not t0 b^ome tlle accu * ' »)' m >' predecessor, have been renewed ; chafe „, or , ffT so i e | n ten days after the :*le ; lifhment of the office, and with the judicious Ters j and if they were not of a criminal na- that if any veteran of the American War Thrc( , per ' ore third in ninety days, and the remaiimig third apprenriation of their funds ture it will be difficult to trace the political has been difpl iced, after a long enjoyment Oeitrr-6 c-. Cent. 15/ . in fix months; for the two la(l payments (I,tu moral or intellectual pre-eminence that au- of office, others, of at lead eqml patti itifm g- c - Cstit Stock—i per Cent advance. ing int,re.-J app'ov,-: i«fc no ato .>« pi*' ". , . , . r ' ' „ _ The titlr 19 imexceitmnahle. Sold by Order of thorites yotf to arraign and condemn them, and talent., have been hroucht from retire- BUIK United .-tarn, M ") > Wh.rtoi, Them.. FitxCmoti., l»hil lhe trig«te United State?, Commodore Let u«, with this view for a moment con- ment into the pubbc service : that so tar . •.•iv...-ivan ... 10 |a. ,j, Niek' ; a , M'Mprtrie, Samuel \V..Fift. Barry (with the Commissioners to treat with fidcrthetop.es of vour complaint. In are- from ailing on the impulse of an itidifcvimi. ' r I ~ er, Truflee. set the creditors of Blair P.5 lClcna the French Republic) was tpoken the 24th ply tothe contra illations of my republican nate resentment, inatiy of my mrift d;' .five " ,i:ra ' p fhar, -, ®a J■' c^an - November within two days fail of Cadiz— friends upon the result of the late ele