t #af ette *«« Philadelphia ikiif^tkoo : ' •-' f '- ■ * * _ _..'t •-v < The price of this Gazette is Eight \ Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing j in tbe city of Philadelphia' All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting } and unOssfsome person in this city wil' become answerable for tbe subscription, it must bepaid Six Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be recei-oed for a shorter term than six months. MATTHEW M'CONNELL 'Haoiitg opened an Office in Chesnut street, (A few doors above Foar.li) At No, T4», A ND attain co'mmeneed the Bufinefj of Nr in the various kinds of Pnbiic Stoet. Bii.'f of Exchange, &c. &c. Engages to do every thing in his power to Rive fatisfac tion to thole who may think proper to employ him. He means to confine his tranfaflions tr the Agency and CommiJJion line, in ail luch bu fii.efs a. is common to the pf«>f«ffi^n. The jyutbafe and fait 01 // ::f?s and Lots in apd nt;«nhe City will he attended to, and alio of Lands, when stoat bulinefs again revives. November 19. JOHN MILLER, Junr. No* 80 Dock, near Third street, HAS FOB SAI.K, Cofives, Manioodies, Taffktie*, . StripciL Dm its**, Tangihs, Patns and Santipoor HaivJkerchiefs. The foregoing will be fold very low in order to close falei. A FEW PACKAGES OF German Goeds, Suitable to the Well India Market; Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh. O&obv-r 2S- 10 BE SOl .D BY , 7ESSE iS" SOnEBf H r ALS. 6ld Port Wine, in pipes,hhds. and qr, cajfcs, Alia Lending at tb ROSS AND SIMSON, HAVt FOR SALE, 3000 pieces ift and 2d quality Ruflia Duck, . IDO pieces R« vent Duck (Superior) Button iieef in Barrels, . , . . „ , ( COSSAS A tew b»lts Bengal J HUMHUMS 1 *OO birfliels St Marrins Salt. aprd 11 Southern Mails. THE Mails for ail the Offices on the main line, between tins Office and Peterlburg, Virginia, will be Clcltd here every day, (Sun days excepted) at Waff part 7 o'clock, A. M. And the Mails for the Post Towns on the main line, through North-Carolina, South- Carolina and Georgia as fir ai Savannah, will be closed with Southern Mail# ev ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The wucer Mails between this and Chaflefton are difcontint*ed. Post Ojfice, Philadelphia, > December 30, 1799, ) Taxis of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Trcafarcr, By of the Comm'tJJioners of Lyco ming county, attends at PtiiUdelphia to re ceive th? Taxes assessed upon unseated Lands in tliit Coilnty, from the holdera thereof, in this City. Those who have fiLd with the Cem mTlfioners, statements of their Lands, ate re queued to call up6n him, to know the amount o( Taxes thereon, am! pay them ; otherwise, be fore hi? leaving the City, they will be put into the hands of the Sheriff for collet^ion, agreea bly to th< aft for raising «ouiyy rates and levitt Thou who have not filed ftateunenlt of theii land* with the Commiflionere, and aredeflrous of having il done, to prevent sales without pre *i«us personal Notice, may file with the above Titaiuve<", (heir lifh, Rating the quantities re turned, number and datet of the wirrants and nainet of the warrantees, under which they Held their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No 98, Market lireet f»r this purpose until the 18th inllant. November 9. Thirty Dollars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks 011 the night of the 14th iuft— JOHN OSIIOXN, born in the town of Beflfbrd, Weft Chefler county and date of New-York, aged a» years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter inches high, grey eyts (longqued) light hair, ruddy camplixion, pock marked, by trade x Shoemaker. Enlifled by Lieutenant Rey Holds hi Stephkh's Tofcft, near Albasy the »Jth of June lad Had on and took with Mm a short round blue cloth coat with a red cape, 1 blue cloth coatee, a few white waistcoats, a long grey mixed cto'h coat ana breeches, a pair of boots, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black hair plutb, i furr hat half worn, and two silver watches, one a middle fizc#«»he other small. He, may impose himlelf on fame family or gentleman as a waiter, as he h:s adted in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and secures him 111 jail, fends him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or an / officer of the army of the United States shall receive the above reward and all realorable charges. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant llcrhe Corps. January lb -'-J;-. 1 i "? ilivvfDj jrr P 1 ' 1 ' into the hands of Jab*t JfrrriJm, Efy trcalu.or of said county, on or before the 10th t»f April next, they will be advertised tor sale, as the taw di.-e&s TAMES M'GREW, ") HENRY ALL.SHOUSE, IComm'rs. JEREMIAH MURRY, J January 18. di"> NOTICE. ALL perfotn hiring Dchiand* ajainft th« VS tit" of SAMUEL EML&N, Ute of this city, deceafcd, are desired to produce them for fctcleipeut; and thofs indebted thereto to nuke immediate Mjrmenc tj SAMUEL EM I.TIN, ? Executors< THOMAS MOURIS.S 0 Philadelphia, itt mo. 1 sih, 1800 diiv NOTICE. A 1,1, perfocs indebted to the E3atc of CAP J\ TAIN KKIKAN FITZPATRICK, ma rtner, tioceafeij. - ry>HE own«r« of Uefealed in Allegheny * Con my, »re htrcby nntifwil, that nr.lefi the Taxeis dee oa said LaruU for the Ycara 1795, 1796, r?M', ">4 arepaM into the hindk of John 'WiHtiMt, County Treasurer, on of before Ac »®tt» day of FArnary Bc«t, they witt be wiMrtifcd far fate a» the law dkcAt. Ebentztr Demy, 1 William Duttrtin& > Commitsieners. James Robinson, J Pittsburgh, November 5, '79s* NOTICE. ALL pcrfons ind:bted to the Estate of JaCo* Thoma*, of Wafhingxon in the Sttte of Kentucky, deceaftd, tre reqtrtfad to make immediate paywert—All pcrfotn biving demand® again ft faii estate are de sired tofurnifli their accounts legally att»R- JACOB REESE, Adminitlrator. Ed to Philadelphia, Oftcber ijt, 1795. N O T I C E. ALL perfous ind«bt"<] to the eftatt of TMOMiI Wilson, l»te of Southward, jlcce*feUck, with a down rH look, fquiots, he is a cunning artful lellow, a great liar, and very fond of Kqu»»r, ha« been brous.Jit up to the farming bulincis, i» very handy at any kind'of laboring work ;he took with him a nuir.ljer of clothing, amongfl which were, one luit plain Nankeen ; (some money). It is expeiftcd h« has shaped his course for Philadelphia or Ne\¥ York. The above regard 'will bt paid for fe curifip him irt any [fsol ill thd United States, with reasonable charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOfeS. Colebroek Furnace, July ,»999- (O18) i6m or Tin NEW THEATRS, RE-JPECTFUI.LY informs his fcho'ars and the public in general, that he will re-commence Teaching on TDE.SDAY the 14th infunt, at the Alftsii .ly Room, South Fourth Street. mr* of tuition, Tueidays and Thursdays. TKHIU, Five Dollar* par Month, Ten da. piifv Quarter, Entrance. ' •tS" For further Vartictrfars apply to Mr< F 70, north Eighth street. December it. THE Proprietors of the Philadelphia aiui Lan caster line ef Stages DISPATCH, return their grateful thanks tt> their friends and the public in general, for the pall favors they haTe received, and inform there that in addition to the regular Line, thsy am p'oviiied with Carri.iget.fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City and BOrvughintwo days. Tbofc who prefer this made ot traveling can be accommodated at the Siage Office, sign of United States Eagls, Market £Loct, Philadelphia. ACQrtAI»TK» With the WefctoHa trada, wi&es tobe employed at a Sujlcreirr*. He will «. gtjfe on nodemte terms. iiyuta&orjr recom mendation will be produced. A liae dirc&ed to A. B. left at the Printing Of fice will be iuxmedutely attended to. Dee ember 12 ilf 5"- DANCING. Mr. FX AN CIS LANCASTER STAGES. Slougb. Downing, Dunwoody to*- Ca. Ndv. 30, 3*—§ A YOUNG MAN BOONETON IRON WORjjfS. TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED TOR ON F. Y EAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name oT the Booceton Iron Works, Stiiatt ill the rout.ty of Morris is the Uat« of New-Jcrfey, eonfifling ot a Forge with four fires, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grid mi'l with two Run of floaci, and Saw mill, all in good order and new in use, together with an excellent, largt, juJ convenient house, with out-houfcs of every kind ; among which are aa Ice house, and ftooe milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent eolleflion of fruit, a large Orckard, and 1500 acres of wood, pa.-.urc and arable land, and a great number of floret and workmen'* houfet Immediate poJTcffiou will be given of houfet and floret Efficient for providing flock the present winter, sad possession of the whole in the lpring. For terms inquire of David £ Ogden at New ark, nr Peter Mackic in New-York, car. David Ford in Morria Town, or meflra. Jacob and Rich ard Fael'ch on tkcpreoiHea. January 11 United Slates, ) jy- Pennsylvania District. } BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to me dire&ed, iffjed out of the circuit court of the United States, in and fur the Pennt'ylva nia Dillritfl. of the middfe circuit, will be fold by public vendue at the city tavern, in Second street, in tbt city of Philadelphia on Monday the 17th day of March next, at 6 o'clock 111 the evening, aU that certain tract or parcel of land, fitiure, lying and being cn the river or creek called Lackawaieii, in the county of Wayne, containing Boco acves and upwards ; on which are erected a messuage, (tablet and tawmill, with the appurtenances. —The names of the original warrantees of the said tract or psreel o? land were as follow!. Mo'&ecai Roberts, John Till, Slop be I Mtdcra, Geo'ge IVarton. Zaebariah Ferris, Benjamin Hancock, George Till, Edward WcUied, Thomas Wiggins, 'James Thompson, George Alnyton, Joseph IVbitebetid, George Street tn, Patrick Canncllj, Friend Streeton, Thorn at Grijjy, > # Jnbn Olipbaxt, itfiHiam Halbert. $ Seized and taken in execution as the property of Robert Lett is Hooper, drceafed. JOHN HALL, Marshal. N. B. A reasonable credit will be given. Marfhal't Office, ) Philadelphia, Jan. 4. J * Theft tivo trails do not contain the full quantity of tbeorignal warrants ; fait of them having been conveyed amity. Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED from the quartern of the fuS frriher, an ,i>lißed fcldier, named JAMF.S MORISON, born in the Mate of Delaware, aged twenty eight, five leet seven inches high, brown comp'exion, blue eyes black hair (fir Whoever lhall take up the said deserter, and lodge him it! gaol or deliver him to the sub scriber, at his quarters in Filbert, between Ninth and Tenth flreetf, (hall rccciva.th. above reward aud rcafojiable charge.'. BENJ AMIN GIBBS, Jim. Captain loth regt. of infantry. January 28. diw Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN-AWAY from Sprr.g Forge, in Yc.rk County,* negro man, na-ned ISAAC, other wife CUDJO, about II years, ild, th<- pfopurty ;of Robert CJc.ntti; Esq. He is a'uiut jf lect 8 inches high, hn- a blemifli in hi« eyes, *>ore wrute | in them than common, by trade a F.rg" man ; had nn and took with him a drab co-loured broad cloth coat', almost ne*, a tailors jickctanJ pantaloons printed fancy cord, a 1 wanlc'own striped under ckst; a roruro hat; one fine and one coarse filirt 1 tme muslin handkerchief, Tptiggsd, two ditto- Priced border, a blue Persian unicr jacket and two peir cotton (lockings. Wheevt-f takisup I r.tiJ negro and lodges him in any wil in this or any of the neighbouring ftatcs (hall haVe the aboyeto ward or reafotiabk expancesif brought home. JOHN BRIEN. 1 Spring Forge, Oflobcr 13,1799. N. B. AxifWiSegro formarly liyed in Chcftcf county, it is probablthe may r«»rn there. November $ PRATT E^KINTZING, No. 95 N. Water Street, Celebrated Washington, ha»i ox sasp, Which iias e»er been puV liflied, M IS DOW offered for sale at Dickins's Book-store, The following GOODS, entitled to Draw oppofite thrift Church, at the moderate price back, which they "ffer foe sale it mo cf One Dollar. January n. tjg boxes and bales Ticklcnburghs, Hempen Linens and Oznabrigs, jo boxes Patlerbornes or white Koll«, 25 ditto Pielfield Li ien, 11 ditto Creas and CtUi ala Morlai*. 3 ditto Britanniaa, Brown Holts, Ditto Heflans, Polifli Roils, I Bed Ticks, Seamois, Aribias, Empty Bags, Oil Clothe Shoes and Slippers, Soal and Upper Leather, Quill* and Sealing Wax, A package Gold and Silver Watches, 8 calks Hoes, ao calks Nails, afiorted, from 3 to ic, 16 calks Ironmongery, aliened, 13 pipes old Poit Wine, 15 l/pxes Tumblers, affortei!, aso boxes bell nbarg Wi;i.v.w GUfi, Bbi 10, &c. &c. r rlieil ted Locking GUIT;s, Several large elegant Duto, . 50 kegs Pearl Barley, \ few tons Roll iJi iniftone; 10 kegs Yellow Ochre, 1\ frw barrels Naval Store*, icoo empty Demi'ohns, S boffijeadt C"fiee Mills, !0 hints. Hops KriltUs, firft and l'eccnd qu.i'uy, 10 tens Rufii. 1. iitnip, Jutland Steel, 0 ■. hhds Dutch Glue, f"oy», Lentilles, Slates and Pr: Tapes, Blocking Twine, Stone Pi- kit &c. &e. January 4. 7 HIS DA r IS PUBLISHED, Dickins's Stationary & Book-Store, Nfib SeumJ Sireri, t/fo/ift Ckrjjt Citrcb, A SUPERB EDITION OF WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS To the People of the United States, on retiring from i -I- " — 1 Super Royal, Bvo. ( Price To Dollars) Ornamented with a capital Portrait t»y one of the NO exertions or expellee have been spared to render this publication complete, and altho' all the materials and workmanflrtp are entirely American, th« paper, printing and engraving have been al lowed by good judges to cxcul any thing ever at tempted in the United States. DICKJNS'a Stationary and Book Store i« removed from No. 41 Market street, to the house lately occupied by VV. Cobbrtt, in Se cond street, opposite Chrilt church; where country store keepers and others may be con stantly supplied with a complete and general assortment of every article in the book and flationary line, on the moil re&fontblc tern*. H. Maxwell's Printing Office IS REMOVED To a house adjoining the bjck partof Dickins's Book Store, where PRINTING, inall its va riety, ii executed in a style of fuperir>r ele- January 141 DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO VtIT : BE IT 11EMEMI1ERED, That on the e leventhday of January, iu the twenty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America. COLL INS ON READ and GEORGE DAVIS, of the laid Diftrive delcnbed tratts. In the Sute ef VIRGINIA —all patented. 44,000 Acres in the county of Bath, o» both tides • f Green Briar river, subject to to 3000 acres of prior forvcys, in cluded within the said 44,000 acres, but exclusive ot that quantity. 4ijCco Acres in the county of Bath, on the ejft fide of the Cow Pallure river and and on both fides of the Waggon Road leading from the Warm Springs to Staunton, subject as af'orefaid to 5000 acres prior surveys 40,00® Acres in the county of Randolph, on Buchanan river, subject as aforefaid to 4588 acres prior fhrveys. 30,000 Acres in the couiry of Bath, on the call fide of Calf Paiture river, futjject as aforelaid to SOOO acres prior l'ur- veys. In PENNSYLVANIA. 60,000 Acres in Northumberland county, sur veyed and returned. 46,800 Acre* in Northumberland county, fur veved and returned. 40,400 Acres in Bedford county, surveyed and ready to be returned. *§* For the greater part of the purchase money a liberal credit will be allowed tke pur chafcis, giving unquellionalile security. Peifons uUhiKg particular information will pleafu to apply at No. 41 Arch street, where the patents and drafts, and also certificates of the quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands are deposited THOMAS FITZSTMONS, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, JEREMIAH PARKER. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. »awtS dtf. Horfcs to Winter. HORS'ES wi'.l be taken to winter at Profrid Hill, at die 12 aiiie* (lone on tKe Bristol Road, Where they will have good Tiftiothy and Clov r Hay, well littered and cl< anad an»ia field to run in when the weather is good. j|3* Enquire of Mr. William Bell Merchant, or on the premifet. N.B. Will not be anfweraMe for accident*- or escape, but will t.ike every precaution to prevent either. November ii jtawtf Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the SHbfcriher on the evening of the a8{!« inll. a fiound Servant GIRL, Earned Ei'iaabcth Mowckel, had on and took with her tliree different changes of garment and money, prowd, bold and itrpudertt, a noted lyar any pw ftjn apprehending her (hall' e entitled to the above reward—no co#s or charges will be paid. N 3, She had » yejrs and fame months to ferv* DANIEL fitzpatrick. Tot anguft o ' .V . . ... ■:> ~ *■' if it" fly »9- jawif -"t;* ■> • Apr- L *» v »•