c ttti of 'Phuadilphia Daily * )' Number 2293.] tcr The price of this Gawtve is Eight 1 Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing tn the city of Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unlcsusame ptrson in this city will become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Month« in Advance. * # * No Subscription will be received far a shorter term than six months. «.A J MATTHEW M'CONNELL Having opened an Office in Lbesnut street, (A few doors above Fourth) At No. 141, AND a fain commenced the Business oFNe poriations, In the various kinds of P*blic .Stock Bit's 3/ Exchange Uc. £s*. Engages to do everything in his power to Rive fatisfac ticn to those who m.iy ihink proper to employ him. He means to confine his tranfaflions to the jijuney and CommiJfioH iine, 111 ail iucii bu siness a< is common to (He pnfeffi^n. The TUrohafc and sale of Houses and Lots and r.esr the City will he attended t , and also ef Lands, when that business again revives. Nnvembtr 10. diw(Djdtf) 1 . . . JOHN MILLER, Jwr. No. 80 Dock, near Third street, HAS FOR SALE, Coffees, Mamoodies, Taffotiej, Striped Dareas, Tungibs, Patna and Santipoor Hanikerchieft. The foregoing will be fold very low in order to dose fates. A FEW PACKAGES OF German Goods, II Siitf«kile to the Weft India Market; Received by th» Fair American from Hamburgh. Oflober 1S- ro BE SCH.iJ %x r/BSSB & UOBERV HTALN. CXd Port Wine, in pipes, fchds. and qr. caflu, ; Also Landing at their IVbar J „ From on bo»rd the fbip Edward from Lisbon. Lisbon Wine, in pipes and qr. calks. junc %$ $ ROSS AND SIMSON, .HATt TO* «AL£, jjj- Job© pieces ift ->ilitjy Russia Duck, 100 pieces JDick (fop«rior). S Boftori 3ccf in Barrels, fe *■ A ,j liSZmvmr- P. ( *»ci biHbtU St. Stlt. * . ipnl 'n/i •' , « . Southern Mails. THE Malls for ali the Offices on the main line, between this Office and Peterfturg, Virginia, will be closed here every day, (Sun days excepted) at half'paft 7 o'clock, A. M. And the Mails for the Pofl Towns on the ma.n line, through North-Carolina, South- Carolina and Georgia as far as Savannah, will be closed with the Southern Mailt ev ery Monday, Wedncfday and Friday. Tht fvater Mails this and Charlcflon are diicontinoedt Po:t Office, Philadelphia, December 30, 1799, ) Taxes qf Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Treafarer, BY DireAiim of the Cammiffion-trs of Lyco nvng county, it ends at I'hUadelj Iva to re serve the Taxes afftfTed upon unfsated Lands in *hir County from the holders thereof, in this City. Those who hive filed with the Cora miffioners, flatements of» their Lands, are re quested to call upon him, to know the amount of Taxes tliireon, and pr.y them; otherwSe, !)«- fore his leaving the City, they will be put into the r.adds of the Sheriff for coiletflion, agre*a bly to the ail fur ralfing county rates jnd levies Thcfs who have not filed llaiementj of theii lands w'ith the Comm'ffioners, .ind aredefirous of having it done, to prevent fafes without pre visus perfor.il Notice, mav ft'.e with the above Titafursr, their lifts, Aatitig the quantities r»- turned, number and dates of the w:rr:nts and names of the warrantees, under which they fesld their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No 98, Market street tar this jjurpofe until the ißt{i ir.flant. Novemb«r 9. Thirty Dollars Re-ward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th inft.—JOHN OSBORN, bom in the town of Bedford, Well Chester county and slate of New-York, aged years, 9 months, 5 feet 8 and a quarter mche» high, grey eyi-k (long qi»ed) light hair, ruddy complexion, pocfo' marked, by trade a Shoemaker. EnUlied by Litutenant Rey eolds in Stephen's Town, near Albaly the 25th of June lad. Had on atid took with*, him a fliort round blae cloth coat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waiftcoata, a long grey mixed cloth coat and breeches, a pair of boots, a checolatc coloured great coat trimmed with black hair plulh, a furr hat half worn, and two filvcr watches, one a middle size, the other fmal!. He may impose himfelf 011 some family or gentleman as a waiter, as he has a&ed in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and secures him in jail, fends bim to Headquarters, or delivers him (o any of the Marine officers, or any officer of the itray of the United States Hull receive the above reward and all reasonable charges. J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corps. January i(j. 4«0. dtf. PHIL A D E L PHI.., JAY $.Vi-,$V.iG, JANUARY 29, iCoa. \Vji.c\h: XVII. UNSEATED LANDS. TlUi OWNERS OF Unfitted I,3'i ls ir. crunty Vcnpfylvutiii, ;irt: hereby notifi.d, ih.»; t:.i less thi Taxes due on said lands for 179 , are paid inio the hands of JoU Bratim, F.fy trcafu.< r of said eour.ty, on or before the »otli flf April iicut, they will be advertiftxj for sale, aa the law uire&l JAMES M'CtREW, "J HENRY ALLSHOUSE, [Comm'rs JEREMIAH. MURRY, j 'January 18. NOTICE. ALL persons having Demands againtt the Es tate of SAMUEL EMLEW, Utr of tlm city, deccalVd, are dcfired to produce them for settlement; .ind thof« ir. Jebted thereto to m::k immediate payment to SAMUEL* EMI-EN, }-■ THOMAS UORHIS.J t!atu: Jfri/trfelpeia, ist me. t yi>, iB~o dxw NOTICE. A I,l* prrfort# WiciebM* 1 to the of CAP TMA' K ETC AN tirZPATRie.K, >i«- rim'T, deceased, :r? r-ciiclfcri te make immediate plymtnt-to the fu-»fcrib-r-; an i those who t,ivc any demand* the 'lid ellate arc tcqu-U-d to furmlh ihtir act uati for frttUtaciu to P. FFRRALT„ ? ' 1 TIG MAS M'EUEN,S " January ij> ISOO. UNSEATED LANDS. «T»HE owner* o'. Vi LaaJt in rnv *• County, P#ai-fj Iv.«rrta» arc bcrtVy that uiilcf* the Taxrt on 43i*t thf 10th day ©t February nc*t, they will be advamfed for iala a* tUt !•»* dire&s. Bbtnezer Denny, Hllliam Dunning, > Cemntissieners. fames Robinson, J Pittsiurgi, Notxmbtr 5, 1799* NOTIGE. ALL perf'rin! ird-.btrd to the Eflate of Jact* Thomas, if WalbingWD in the State of K»jmit ky, deceat'd, arc it-qut-ftid to mate i roup*! '.lie payment—A li peffWi having demands eftate are tie fned to fumilh their legally atsrlt ed to J. W X)B iJ.LF.SE, Ai'/WMftrator, Philadelphia, Odoberji, 1799. NOTI CL ATX jierrnns tnoenTfllTrrrrtt rnia m ii. Wilvon, It c of Southwark, JecwJed arc kre n quitted to make in rnf Ji*(c faymsnt tw the futifcribarn, and those who h«Vd any il#mHnd« igninft the fald »(>ate are to fumifli thsir accounts for fettiement. SARAH WILSON. 4d*niniitrctri*. JOEL W. WILSON, sidmiiutfr it No 29J, fonth Front street, Scw'hwjrk. WHO HAS to LF.f, A BRICK STABLE. t«Sci«nciy l«rge to contain niut H l;o, For Suit or t0 Let, A Nrw FRAME CARRIAGE HOOSF. Nov t, 1799 dtf. TO Bfc K.XC^ANGED For a PLANTATIGK in Mw *}*r: 9 . A TtIT VAtfA*Le Grift Mill and Plantation, SITUATE ia Saiefci ctor.rf, Uwper Al!oway*» crock nlMp, about tlx mile- trom tU« town of Sale Ai, itidjbout one mile and a half si.'m i fciOtHi'g oti Alio* Ay\ et-etk, »it'»i« Tin Mill 1.4)1 two w*ter whetis, two jwir of (t«wc», one ol which art-b»rti : Tfte feoltjng and limiting ge«r gs by water, and toihe Mil! U a Urge Kiln for drjuujcorn, built uptn th" moil ap proved filau; the whole mill wort ami cmrhs, &c.. kay«J*rely eithet made no* or cainfltttJy .repaired. TKe pl*st»tf»n toaCUl cf ptfs immirtd aod fifty i?Tt* ot las J. Tk« build ing! exchiirre of the mill hoaif and kiln, ere a large dwelling tuufe, a barn, (tables, ccrncrifc, Ac. &c, £5" iUr information a Mil; to ' RICHARD W-ISTAU, M. Ily Merlet Strtt*. tuih&li^w Decfmbrr 31 A JOURNEYMAN PAPER MAKER, Who can work well at the Vat, Wili meet with pood encouragement by applying at No 1-4 North Frost Struct. Dt tern Ik,' 17 dtf. GENTEEL ACCOMMODATIONS, For fever al Gentlemen, At No. 39, North Sixth Street. jßnuary 10. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY oßSatortfay evening the 13th July instant, from Cr.itbfook Furnace, LancalUr couiity, a Negro Mas fumed Cats, h6 is about '4O year# of age, five feet fix or fie* ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down iH look, squints, he is a cunninj; artful fallow, a great liar, and very fond of ftroug liquor, has been brouj.#t up to the farming hufmeis, it very handy at any kind of laboring work ; he took with him a nuit.btfr of clothing, ammgti wrhicb were, One suit plain Nankeen ; (some money). It is expe&ed he has shaped tus courfc for Philadelphia or New York. •f* The above reward will be paid for se curing him in any g»ol in the United State*, with reafortable charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS. Colsbroak Furnace, July 16, 1799: (Oi«) I XS?C PHILADELPHIA, WIDNSSHs; ! VRNINC, JANUARY 29. TO THE EDITOR. Sir, It was not till he 7th inftar. , J>|ai I Taw pub !i"vH •• l»v p-: c lar requeiL.' ,'..e f■ '■ •- J proceedings in a caufu, in which I wasproft cutor against the cliieF'ind fa&ors of Tellicherv for having prevented my proceeding to England in the Danifli fliip Eliza, in April 1791: and as you hive though', fit to piiblifh the foregoing " by request," I request you will in fart my reply thereto, with the documents I fend you to fubflantiate the truth of my statement, that the good maxim of Audi alteram partevi, may not be departed from, and the Public being then in pofle/Kon of both fides of the question, will be enabled to decide with impartiality, whether the counsel who are said to have made the observa tions pn'oliflied by you, had truth for their obje.l in miking them, or whether it was not their intention, by those animadversions, not only to I conceal and pervert the truth ; but, likewise, by J wilful miftatements, to render it the vehicle of ; malevolent abuse aud personal detraAtoa. I When the publication in question mask' its firft j appearance at Bombay, I was in England, but 1 was informed by my friend* that Mr. William I Paddock, who had been pay-maSer to the army, I commanded by Cel. Hartley, and suspended by j him for disobedience of orders, was the author; | and between whom and myfelf, a personal en mity then subsisted ; and that the Editors of the j Bombay Gazette (who were the counlel who 1 made the observations) had headed and pr'flted I the publication as the produilion of a c»rref ' pendent: but I received no copy thereof though ! promised me, from which caufo, 1 had never 4 brfore an opportunity of peruling it. The chief ano principal account. This company confilled of the Qtrarter-mafler- General, Captain lieynoldi, the Surgeon-Gene ral, and DocSlor Clngilone, who took one half of theconcern, one other offioer took another fiiare, and the other fourth was taken by four other officers of the detachmaot. They mid* a public written proposal to Cap tain M'Kenzie and I.ieu(en*:u Walker, agents for tbe captors, for the purchase cf the proper ty in the name of Moofa, and some members of the company efferert hemfelves at lecurity for Moofa, in a large fi:m of money, the proposal was, by the apents, fubinitted to the army, aitd by me to Col. Hartley, and after coi.uderatiou duly accepted. The goods were deli vt ml and paid for by a bill of exchange, drawn vn Bombay, b_v Mcciu, A Mr. Brown, Supra Cargo for the Oil end jompany of merchants, made an oilier to Moofa o pure ha fe the pepper to find to Europe, in a large (hip 44 Le Conpte ck Tra.itftnamionr," ihm lying in Mahit roads. The company agreed to accept the offer, if Moofa would guar antee it, or ©rherwife, thev agreed to fell it to Moofa himfelf at i'ufeh a price a 6 fliould ?.^orc J . 1 ° 4 '' . . >ees more. d4to .. - . goods in the name of Moofa; and that be con- 1 win, to undareo an impthitimal secret teru ti», m ssnteu 1 ihould give .them my aid and affiilance lieu of meeting mv«ec«iferoponir facets face - therein; tha: Tw had never viewed that tranftc- And were I again fofiteated, I would not hefiiate tion in any oi.ier lig-iit, than as being perfectly to aft in the fame manner! fair and juj}; in confluence of which he had kp- -Tie coimfel have farther fated The orofe proved of it, and that he never conlidered I had cation ordered br me against. VTr Robert Tavlor .in auy fliaoe compromised my duty, or my cha- the Chief «f Tellicher.. in A U ™.l or September! railer by the (bare I had in the i irjjftftftion ; on „ „,to be the moR bold, wamon au d impudent the contrary, lie was ienftble I had luftered feu aferapt ever brought forward before a Court of others, who ought not to have treated,me as they justice. had done. Mv reasons for ordering this prefect'.tion were, , ltvriU further appear by Col Hartley * letter to oblige Mr. Tavlor or an- other person to come • n £ yn,p it+WH.icher*m fci-auMhe forv.-a.-4 a. A frofccute any •;! •, -g' C f " a,tlev , £ to Mr - munition. From the fa*s / had eet forth l y ' , U r f k r p :it !nthc memorial ofhaving been held to bail con- Feiok,abad, the pth February .791, on *,y leav- trarv to vl , e W , of ?he latld> in ~ , oco g u w,*,h „ , discharged my duty on affidavit that **ted "Mr Paddoct had form. I'A-I' A that • e mV puW,e " cd an inio "' T k *' J fictftbu, a.,d t m ev " r ' nflanC i'' / e - " charges vhich he <,co,,edme of," K d I 1,-d Tt mei r i!? 1 a PP roba . tl ° n ' and that on which p . mwd nhtu _ / helJ to h J j >t'. 1 1 nbv ® r ' v ; ef P e f- P r ° v ; ed myfelf woi-thv of etched any than that the be the high charafter, he (Mr Price) had given difmiCedbv thecour; before whom it wis brought, l' , r'7 to , hls ») departure as the aj.-lermen who v e-e th-judges hadalwa^ y J t '7 WilU'kewife mew, n,ew« themf.-ives iublervient to the afting 5"7 i, ,n 5 m r f nt , En f lt,on ' w « Gr've, r..si-'f \yifhes -,gainit»ie, tcexpßl anv thing pla«d .n by Mr. Paddock • having traduced e lse fr-m then Indeed, a thev vere conC.ifj. l«l^ r VI y r P nvatelv : l' ad ted judges and held their situ:. ions only Cm lag mv fitlr c °loiiel to consent to my quitting his will and good pleasure, thev dared not do m) utuation as Commissary, the duties wnereof. otlterwife but vov a, he pleased. Hut -he bring- J „7' 1 had ddcharged so much to my own ingtheaflion was what I aimed at, as I theH* 2!f r | n ° Company, as well n.ewed a front of u.te, defiance to mv enemies, e ..ire stisfaaion. who left me unmcleiled u:\derthis infnltih', pro ci £,l u r to Bombay, from ceeding.-iecaufe, they ha: nothing wherew&al Coi. Mar ley to Mr Crokatt, Mr. Farmer, and t0 hy t0 my chl , ge . Civil'am In the repute The coullfel have f„ rt l lfr observed, that a fait , all couched ir. m . : :iW_ ternid of luforw ion cf ,jVr. was ihrn perking, ter the one I have publifhea to wl>sch'thev vie us a •i :,. ro !!vw, how not requisite I presume to insert- ""fuperiorly'crfiiSnal I Rfffe been! I will she public will, on comparing these docu- therrfore now proceed to notice the ifTue of iSils ments, with the aflertions made of, 'tis said, suit, a % well as toentera little intodetailas to the by the counsel, be enabled to judge, whether , motives & causes which fcccafioned it to be brought the tranla&ion was such as is represented by forward, fes well as tliofe, which influenced the them. \\ hether it was collufory, fraudulent or « publication of the remark on the hearing of Mr. criminal. Whether I stood alone to defraud a • Taylor's cause—-I stated in my aforefaid memo gallant army of their right. Whether, like an | r - ia]> that? Mr . Paddock, on my return to Bombay unfaithful steward and corrupt buttler, 1 wot • from Tellicherry, accused me, on belief and con only loit figjit of my duty, but robbed my em- ception with having made, falfe, fi&itious and ployers of property committed to my charge, to * X ceffive charges n mv accounts, to the amount the amount of rio.ooo sterling; and whether, :of 113,000 Rupees.—One of the charges, was, by my agency in such tranfaftion, I was thereby j that '*he believed, I had overcharged 4000 Rupee* guilty of peculation, grand-larceny, nay even , for landing provisions at Ayacottah and Cochin, forgery, as they have set forth in their pleadings: ! & t ] ia the conceived the fame could have been done and they will likewise have an opportunity of ; f ov 2350 Rupees." though these provisions had to judging, whether the counlel, in indulging them- ; landed from Shipping laving in an open Road selves in such inve.Tivcs, have not only mifre- J s ev en oreight miles from the'll,ore &in an enemy's presented what they knew to be the real truth country,—yet for {hipping the very fame pro (from the before mentioned far difobidience of orders, and that a'feri- Inaia to return to will appear fully ous dispute had arisen between him and myfelf , explained and set forth by the following Lltraft ! because I refufed to coalesce in his repeated of los the fumniarv of a memorial 1 delivered to tLe fcrs cf pecu l at i oll w defraud the companv. Court of Directors ot the Salt India company in Tf,-.- memorial likewise stated, that at Cochin London, on the 15th Augull 17V 2 > where it iliii on ;}, e 30th August 1790, 1 sent him a challenge, remains, but s.copy the eof, with the voucners ln d that he refufed to light me, as will appear accompanying it, are in n,y pontißon, and ar.y ,^ c of Doiior ICerr, liiep Siii-reon gentleman of refpefiabilityfl,all be welcome to General to the army, Captain Hawses Aid de compare the abilraci I fltali ,ow take there- c . ijnp t0 Hartley, and Captain Crawford, from, witu the m:moi iai in my hands, as the l.erewitli publiftted under K«s. 4, 5, 8t h. length of the memorial itlelf, precludes me from lt ]ias ] jee n before noticed, that cn the 30th. publifhiug it in a news-paper. August, 1700. He preferred a fat of public In that memorial I stated, that I quitted Bora- . charges against me, which he requelled to with bay, " Because, thea&ing Governor (Mr. Cirna- draw on declaring then, unfounded, in a public gie) directed the prels to b< (hut againll n.e, and letter, which letter will be found under No. 7. refufed me permission to juftify myfelf against 1 and -hat he prevailed with me,by Col. Hartley's the fallhoods set forth by Mr. Paddock, and that I interference, to pledge my word and honour, as he also refol'ed entering into enquiries on puMic . he had ptevioufly done in his letter, that I would [ charges preferred against him, on gron*ds(Jf pub- take no notice to my friends of what had palled. j lie mifconduitt, with which he ltood impeached, 1 Mypromile 1 kept inviolate, while the me -1 when he (Paddock) had confefled' th» fails al- m(trial further stated, that three days had not ; ltdged against him, wire trite, as would appear elapsed before Mr. Paddock, in violation of his 1 by his letters to the atfing Governor and the aft- wc d. wrote to Bombay, he had been obliged to ing Governor's letters to n,e, which I inserted chastise my insolence; of vhich I had not taken , in the memorial. I further dated in that memo- any notice, and my friends, frcn, my silence, - rial,that though, the acting Governor was ac- had no authority to contradict the amnion. - qtlaintcd, that Mr. Paddock, had it Cochin, on The memorial further lltewed, tha*, having - the 30th August, 1790, preferred a lett of of pub- at ]£rigth received information cf thef? reports, 1 lie charges against me, which I had replied to & j resolved to leave the army and fallow Mr. 1 requeued to be tried by a Court Martial thereon, j p add ,, c l< to Bombay, in order to call him to r.c , and that instead of-prolecuting, he had requested ; count for the fame. I likewise lla'ed in the me t permission to withdraw them, which was only ' morial, that on my arrival at Bombay, J f - contented to by me, on his offering to write a i fonght a public iuquifv into mv ccudttft, : public letter to Colonel Hartley, decla-iug them ; charge* had beer, made againft'me by t totally unfounded* a copy t-f wiiich letter, tranl- | dock, which being refufed, and a decli, ; mitted by Colonel Hartley, was in the ailing Go- . made by the acting governor, that no ci l t vernor's poUe&on.—\ et, that the afiing Cover- a£ a in 11 me exiiled, in the pretence of .tlri'cf F nor, while he would not cause an enquiry to be n j er : 1 waited till after mv accounts had 3 held on Mr. Paddock's COnduft. was permitting « 6na ] lv au a; :— iV J •' «" ' * : A V c; '»■ -• * * » 1 m * > >V Advertiser. 'U. * '■ I