K.rati lave been by Buonaparte. For th. ce io ears they lung unccaling llo ii to ' i name, as the rioft invincible aau Micvwuptible of Republicans; audio, "i- ®ii to be a " (launch" Royalist. vt,. gas a gentleman of this city « _ti)rough Moravian alley, lie si Urvtu & jiige hog with feme thing in hi* ,11 wl. . appeared white. He immyti. mli the animal determined to hnd ul villain was, when, to his incxpreilible a'lonilhment he found a new-born iufaui in the jaw. oi f'ne voracious monfler. It wa* with Uitiiculty he could disengage it and hardly ei'caped being Severely wounded in the attempt. The infant, not dead, ■was ltiockingly mangled 111 the tide. The gentleman conveyed it to the houle of a Phylician of this city where it died in about two hours after. A circnmftance To awful, mull inspire ev ery humane iicart with regret at the want ef a fuitab\e proviUon for the unfortunate oft fpring ot illicit iiiteicourle. 1 here c*n oe little fcioubt that theellaalilhment of a Found ling Hospital might be i;iade tht: means of' preserving hundreds oi helpltts infants, — now vidhms to an unnatural and more than savage cruelty. Extract ef a letter from captain James Williamson, of tbe ship Perseverance, of this port, elated " Lisbon, nov. 2, 1799. " I have thia moment got prblick {a bill •f health] and liberty to land, and finding the packet fail* early tomorrow morning, have just time to give you a (hurt account of my tranfatlions on the 14th ult.—Scilly bearing N. E. 40 leagues ; at day light in the morning, I perceived a large ship stand ' »ng alter us, under easy fail j finding he could eome up With us when he pleafcd, I fliortened fail and hove tao far him, and got all clear for aAisn. At ia 4. M. he came wpop our larboard quarter, hoi fled French eolors and gave me a gun. I immediately hoilied American colors, and returned it, which commenced a very s hot and clafe a&'ion, being within half piftel (hotthemoft of the time. She was frigate built, mounted H ? un » her deck and 4on the quarter deck, and was crouded with men ; a great member an the uppet- deek at the fmatl arms. He kept a very hot £re from his gun deck, chiefly directed to disable u»i n tke rigging, in which he eompleatly succeeded, as early in the,i£fion «(y xigging and fails were cut to pieces, lo that I had not the least command of the ship, nor could brace a yurd about: at tbe second and third broadsides the molt of the carronades ovcrftt, and had but seven guns on that fide to engage with, but the well din*dled and hot fire kept up from them obliged him, after one hour and ten minutes severe aftion to haul off. He left mefocom pleat a wreck aloft, that I could not set one fail to follow him. I had one man killed and two severely wounded. He hove to about two miles to windward, and was busy em ployed repairing damages and plugging (hot holes : we were likewise all employed about the rigging, but it was so bad that it was with the greatest exertions I eould get the fore ind main top fails half set. At neon lie bore down up«n us again, and at one wc com menced another veiy severe aftion for ene hour and a quarter, when he made all fail possible and flood off to the S. E. I for tunately loft no men in the last affair, but received a great deal more damage in iht marts and rigging, and some ftiot through the hull, and we picked up some 18 and 9 pound shot. All my marts and yards are rendered quite unferviceabk, the fails cut to pieces,and but yery few ihrouds left (landing. It was with the grtateft difficulty I got her in here, and the wind being strong frowi the E. I could not fetch Cork, as my spars would not bear carrying fail upon them ; there was ten (hot through the main mart alone " I am convinced they will condemn all the marts and lower yards, and the whole set of fails and rigging, »nd I (hall be obli ged to difeharge part of her ca go to get the new malls in : it will be a molt difficult and expenfivc thing here to get mails that will suit her—l (hall hurry every thing on as faft as pofll le, but it will be a most tr dious business ; they calculate here for two months. I cannot fay enough in praise of my offi cers tnd men for their gallant conduft against so superior a force, at I had but 22 guns mounted, and he 28, with thret times the number of men. All my crew's diftiefs was that we had no fails to follow him when he went off. " You may well imagine what chagrin we must have experienced ; hid I taken the rascal, it would have comple.ited my happi ness. Indeed he (lands a great chance of going down yet, as he was much (battered in the hull, and mud have loft a great ma ny men fr»m our grape (hat." CONGRESS. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Monday, January 27. Thomas Pinckney, Efq from South Ca rolina, appeared thi* day, was qualified and took hi* feat. On motion ot Mr. Rutledgc, the order of the day on the third reading of the bill to tftablilh an oniform system of bankrupt cy ; and the call of the house ordered to take place thi* day at two o'clock, were postponed till to-morrow. The house then refumrd the confederation of the report of the committee to whom were referred the mcflage of the Prefideot of the 14th inft. and a letter of Mr. Ran dolph—when Mr. Smith'* motion for re committing the report beiag under consider ation, Meffr*. Davit, Jonet, Christie, and Nicholfon, spoke in favor of it—and Mcff. Sewall and Otia against it. An adjournment was then called for and loft. Aye* 36, Noes 56. Mr. H. Lee then spoke against the mo tion, when an adjournment was again call ed for, and carried, 53 member* riling in the affirmative. Adjourned. ARRIVED, days Brig Amiable Matilda, Smith, I.ondor. 53 Sloop President, Skidraan, Richmond. Tne Marquis of Kildarc, Packet, has arrived at Falmouth. The brig Fair American, Creed has ar rived at London from this port. The (hip James, ot'Liverpool, bound to this port, is re-captured by the Euglifb. The Brailsford, Welden, from Norfolk to Cork, is re-captured by the Englifli. Three per cent Consols, on the ift ult. were »t 62 and 14 Th« brig Amiable Matilda, January 30 then in lat. 41, long. 68, spoke the (hip Rufui, Holland 75 day« from Cadiz, bound 19 this port. Captain Smith fuppiied the Rufui with provifioni of e*ery kiad. Jan. 6, in lat 44, long 40, spoke a urig, Gard ner, out 7 days from Baltimore bound to Briftal. • , Paflenger in tl.e A.-niable Matilda—Mr. Hyflop ot Virginia, Captain William Sto rey, late of the (hip Fame. Left the (hip, , Obrien of N. York, and a number of other American veflels. " Fontaine" and " Zaiius" are re ceived, and will be attended to. NEW THEATRE. NEVER PIRFORMID HERE. To-mirrow Evening, January 29, Will be prcfented, a celebrated Comedy, called THE LIE OF THE DAY. [ Written ty J. O'Kreffe, //y.] Sir Carrnl O'Donovnn, Mr. Warren—Young Kavauagh, Mr. Cain—Aircourt, Mr. Bernard— Larry, Mr. Wood—Meth glin, Mr BliflVtt. Lady Arable, Mrs Morrit—Sophia. Mrs. Old mixon—Katty Kavanigh, Mr». UoSor—Fib, Mrs. Stuard. To which will be added, a Comic Opera, called THE AGREEABLE SURPRIZE. Lingo, Mr. Bernard Cowslip, Mrs. Warrell. Box. one Dollar, Pit, three quarters of t dollar, a»d Gallery half* dollar, i The doors of the Theatre will open at a quarter past j, and the curtain rife at a quarter pad 6 o'clock prerifsly. VIVAT RESPUBLICA. Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED from the quarters of the fub frriber, an cnliftcd foldler, named JAMES MORISON, born in the State of Delaware, aged twenty eight five feet seven inches high, brown complexion, blue eyes, black hair. 5-3" Whoever (hall take up the said deserter, and lodge him in gaol or deliver him to the sub scriber, at his quarters ill Filbert, between Ninth and Tenth (Ireets, (hall receive th« above reward and reasonable charges. BENJAMIN GIBBS, Jun. Captain loth regt. of infantry. daw January 28. On Wednefcay the fifth day of March next, at fix o'clock in the evening, at the Merchant's Cof fee House, will be fold by public auition, the following described valuable Lots of Ground eligibly fit»atcd> fur SUMMER RETREATS. No. I. A CERTAIN LOT or PIECE of ■lm. L-*ND, situate on the east fide of Germantown road, about two miles and a half from the city of Philadelphia, bounded on the north by land of Mr. Thsmas Gruev.-s, whereon he is now erecting a house and making improve ments for hi» fumtner refidcnce, on the east by land of Joseph Norris, and weft by the said road, containing by computation 14 acres and a half. January 27. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALS, NEAR THE CITY? Mo. 1. A certain lot or piece of land, part of a traift commonly called the Viseyard, fitujte on the weft fide of the Wiffahickon or -Ridgr-road, nearly oppofui to Turner's lane, in the neighbour hoed of the Country Seats of Jeremiah Parker, John Nixon, James Crawford and Jasper Moylan, Efqru. beng marked and numbered in a plan or map ot the laid large trad called the Vineyard, No. ji, containingfsven acres and ten perches. No. 3. Or e other lot or piece of land adjoining the lad described lot to the northward, containing IX acres and one hundred and thr-.r perches. The v#ry valuable property now 'offered for sale ma ft be too well known to require a further description It i# well worth the attention of those who wish to feeure to themfelven pleasant and healthy fruitions in the vicinity of the city. The terns of file are, one third part ps tfce pur chafe money to he paid in ten days after the sale j one third in ninety days, and the remaining third in fix mouhi; for the two lall payments (inclu ding intertll) approved isdo'fed notes to b* given The tideia unexceptionable. Sold by »rder of Meffr-.lfaai Wharton, Thomas Fitzfimons, Phil ip Nicklin, William M'Murtrie, Samuel W Fish er, Trufteei ior the creditors of Blair M'Clena chan. JOHN CONNELLY, Juaiontcr. January »8. iuwtißF.dt.fM. TO LET, Several Valuable FARMS, Situated in Benfaltm townihip, Bocks couaty, nineteen miles (Yutu Philadelphia. lor terms apply to ELIZABETH ROBERTS, AttUboroujfh, Bucks county —er JOSEPH R. JENKS, No. 38, north Second lireet, Philadel'a. N. B None need apply who cannot produce suitable recommendation. Also for sale, The Time of a Negro Boy, Who i» fifteen yean of age,-and hat ttlirtfccn yean to frs, Guagers, Aftofm trs, Ship-nirights carpenters y -hip y Mart a makrrr Bonnet makere, *>tay makers, Dyers a-.id Nurfts, e or a "T R A N'SSR ♦fv W>Oit conveniit'.t Bcar<£rf House Hair Drefler Hatter, Taylor, Trunk n.aicr, XS?( N«r is the utility of the work confined to th.-ie a lone ; for any Trade/man may trace at «nci rhd names and rcfidcneek of the Majiers and Joansy men in bis oivn fine. In lhort it is more or left Uftful to afore V ery Cla/s afCitiarns- - And the . itnr-ti'u-(i. ;r.at f-ich as Fxpensi-ve and laborious Unde> t king will meet with fmtable Encouragement. Jan. 8. (^iD)dtf* J list Published, and for Sale By JOHN MORGAN, No. j Frpnt St, BENJAMIN DAVIES, No. 68 High St. THE UNfT'ED STATES COURT CALENDAR, ■ . and - • OF. NTI. F.MAN'« Complete Pocket Companion, For the Year o! our Lord 1800. CONTAINING Eve.ry thinj; useful in other works of the kin.it, Befidea a great variety of wricler' (Combining utility with entertainment), . Not to be found iw any publication whatsoever Amtmgji tbtjt art, , Complete and authentic >. ARMY and NAVY. (Carefully revrfed at the refpefl'nje Offices ;) ALSO, correct IHtementi of the NATIONAL DEBT, and of the ANNUAL RECEIPTS &EXPENDI PUKES of [lie United States. N. B. The Calendar, notvn;bftindiiig the vast variety of its contents, is viry fraall in bulk. It is bound in red morocco, in the neat eft manner, and may be carried vrry conveni ently in the waiflcoat pocket. December 31. City Commifioner s Office. f January I, ISOO. UPWAHDS or <- • Eighteen Thousand j Of all ages, within nine months pal. NOTICE IS HERFBY GIVEN, Thatthe sol- ; relief from lowing arrangement are mad* by the Board . H AMILTON'S for the more tffedual cUinfing »f the Cty Worm destrOying LoZetlgeS, District No. I. Nicholas Hicks, from the north ..... . fide of Vine, to the South fide of nv ™ "'img trom worms and Mulberry street m ' ou '"" s or obltructioiis in the stomaeh ana ». Hugh Roberts from the Couth fide . , of Mulberry, to the louth fide of Th» Wrs no anally whatever to Chefi.ut street others of similar title so commonly comp amed 01, J. Joseph Claypoole, from the south as operating with a degree ol violence, fufficient, fide of Chefnut t« the north fide not ""'x to . kll ,' •'• °rms, but fomet.mes to endan of Sprues itrect g cr the patient s lift; on the contrary, a peculiar 4. Isaac Tone., fn.m the north fide of this remedy is, it being lu.'td to Spruce to the south fide of Cedar j eT , cry " ge and tortfti,Btion ' contains nothing but f creet | what is perfectly innocent, and is lo mud in its u/i m ,., n „ ' , , , , r v ' operation, that it cannot injure the mo!> delicate J' , y w MP , S r ° Ut ' pregnant lady, *r th* -en,left infant of a week fit „ Sr; iPP ,! y if° « Sldf Ihquld np worms ex.ft in rhc Wj , but Will, «w ri f "! or Godfrey Goblerm Fourth witbout or ■ cWe the stomach and between Chefnut and Walnut ftrcets • and for the % , f i * northern part of the city to Isaiah Dixey m Eighth U ° f ***"*" toul or offenfiv., and the,* between Saffafraj ar.d Vineftreets; Nichoto. Heif. VjTV P rod * fl,on ° f W ° rm * "" in Fifth near Vine street, or to either of the City- j a a I ° r ers ' ' i Commiffionei s. Meetings of the Commiflioiiers on every Toef day afternoon, 3 o'clock, at the Old Court House. January 17. 3aw2W. PORCUPINE'S GAZETTE. THE S'ibferihers to this Gazette are inform ed, that the Farewell Number if this day received at the Philadelphia Poll Office. N. B. A Supplement of two or three num bcrs will be published, and duly sent on to the fubferibers. January n. DANCING. OF THE NEW THEATRE, RESPECTFULLY informs hi» scholars and the public in general, that he will re-commence Teaching on TUESD AY the 14th instant, at the Assembly Room, South Fourth Street. Days of tuition, Tuesdays and Thursdays. TERM, FDollars per Month, Ten d« per Quarter, - - - Sutrumt. ' (T Fer furer of years pad, he flatters himfeli he may be of effentlai service to (bofe who may employ him in that way—They may be allured every ex : rtion in his posver (hall be. done l ot the mutual ad vantage of bolh feller an i buyer. rlorfes taken lit at livery on as low terms as any i i ih« city, andparticulur care (alien ol thefli. WILLIAM DAVIDSON. January 33. TO BE SOLD FOR CASH, OB fXC.HASGSB, • For property in the City,- or within thirty milts ef it, A PLANTATION or trail of Land Mifflin County and S'ate.of Pttinfylva ria, within ix milts of the river Junir.ft, roti tail ing 3:o aerei. There jit aJ)out-epntation, and his .«nedicises were adminifiered- with a confi dence of fHcce.'s which only encreafed our dis appointment. The . hililren g r ew daily worse, and 1 was absolutely withoat hopes of their re covery. Thi- v uneell soon appeared almost devoid of animation, and scarcely an inhabitant of th 13 world In 'his diftrefiinir moment I was told that Hamilton's Worm DeftroyingLo zenges had performad many cures in cafe* e qrm«, particularly a constant pain in my sto mach and bowels, frrquent and severe head j ache, with a general lafiitute and weaknef», du ring which 'ime I had the bed medical advice that could be obtained from the most ikilful physicians I rould hear of, both American and European, with ut any alleviation of n.y 'dif» 1 order. dtf. I ftould, too probably, have continncrt with out relief, bur t-r your Worm D-iirovinr Lo zenges, which brought from mean afloMtbing cjuamiry of small w lute worms, about vhe size o coarfr i bread and in * (holt time, If mid myfelf perfe<9ly free from all my former c< m pbints, and la'-e ei.joyed a gco:l flute of heal h for five months pad. I have t nfiamly recoiiim-mltd your mr 'i cine,' .niii ft..11 as lonjr as I i;ve, having, from, my own experience reason to believe it to' be an in-sluable and unparalcTd rtme'y. iili«uld anv person wiih for further information, I will with pleasure fatisfy their enquiries on this fui* erferf' lor two or three days ; w ben mv 2 1 pe tite wovld ftiddenly beeome aftbni{biwcl> vora ciou«. I Srtnl.y beJieved rayfelf to be in a cou fumption, whr 1 ! mufl fy 11 .put a period to my life w? en hap'phy heat in, c,t evt I cure* per • iafhil i.'s YVorrr peftroyi: i Lo zeirfes it. •' • »lkic)> epuH not '•* afccouttf ed for , I took tw:» d ies, w' iili expel.cl-i in. credible number as fma!l fliarp poir.:ed worms* in fliort, I' now enjoy is petfeft health and nrcngih, is t ' - ir>y iv,e, and I believe m; cip;t f< 'Jt ■ y tins of your mtdi.ine. My brother witnessing its c£ icy was induced to fake a dole tho> gh in tolerable health, which orr fione . him likewise to void a great quantity of worms ofth- ftnr efcind, and thereby ptnbibly prevented his xy, iencing tho!« dreadful disorders with which i was af flicted. A sincere defue that others in fimrlar circum fiance may receive the f;me benelit, is the rea son of my lending you this account. Your», very refpeflfully, AQUILA GOLDINO. Hartford Road, a miles from Baltimore. OBSERFE. Those w ho wilh t'.i avail themfelv/-3 of the bet nefitt proposed by the above remedy, lhoiild be particularly careful as they v»*ue their money and their health, to gu/rc' gaiuft the nttmeroui impolitions d*i y attempted on th