AN » Philadelphia Daily Advertiser-. NVMBUB 1292.] The price of tbi* Qayrfte is Ei6ht Qollars per annum to S\^h cr '^ c rs in the city of All others pay' one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting s pefson in this city will answerable for the subscription, i f ptast be paid Six Months in Advance. »„* No Subscription will be received for to shorter term than six months. JOHN MILLER, Junr. JVo. 80 Dock, near Third street, ■ HAS FOB SAT.E, CofTaes, M*moodiei, Tutilities, / Striped Doreas, Tangibs, Pattia and Santipoor Han IkerctiieF*. The foregoing will be fold very low iu »rder to close fates. A FEW PACKAGES OF German Goods, ?iiit»We to the eH lrw.Ua IViarket; Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh. • OAobor 15. NEW LINE OF STAGES To New York, By the (boned and ro.ift plcifant road psffing ' :h. o-jph Prar-k'^rd,. MftfttetWi Ne-wttwrn, Pennington, Millftsne, BcWbr.n.*, Union Camp, Scotch Piains, SpiingfcM and Ne w a'k" THE SWIFTSURE Harts from the. Green Tree, N«- 50 North Fourth Street, at S o'slock every morning, and arrives at New York eatly the next evening. From .New York it starts at 9 o'clock every day (Saudays excepted) and arrives at Phila delphia, tarly the next evening. Fara for paflengers J dollart, way pafiengeri 6 cents per mile. Each paffMiger allowed ulb of baggage. One hundred and fifty weight of baggjge to pay the fame at a paflenger. All baggage, to be at the rilk of the owner, nnlefs insured and receipted for by the clerks of'the different offices. Rate of insurance one per cent. *s* Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. $0 Nwh Kaorth Street, Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VANDERYOORT, No. 48 Courtland N. E. corner of Greenwich Street, New York. January 3. To tie Holders of , MILITARY LAND WARRANTS. TtiE S'tibfciiber having lately returned from _xiswing the land, fr.cveyiJ and appropri- To iaf irfy limti uwarrantu, iC^^dJ 1 fecrerary n-«ir, to tRc-out. cr» »iUr fflffliirt" the late continental army; and haviug made arrancy ments with Mr. James Jjfenlon, ot Ci'fiier county,, who he ieft ®n th '..nd, and who with the affiflaiice of an in telligent inhabitant of that connty, will spend five tsonths in exploring t;-.« ulfTertnt lecions He will take regular note?, del riptive of th< fcrtl, tititation, and natural advan attachec to each fedlionin the whole ftirvt y —w hich note will be placed in the hands of the fubferiber pre vio ;» to the period for locating, thereby en» bl'ng htm to make the moll advantageous lo cations the priority will adnit Hei ffers hisfervice to the- holders of lan< warrant* of tlie above defcripnor., througho.i the United states, to receive their warrants, cla! them, (as r.'> lets quantity than 400 acres wil be regifterd at the office of the treafurv) havi them regifk-red agreeable to law, and attend t< the location at the the time appointed ii February next. Ft tran fling the business, one teoth par of the land fpecifte 'in the warrants wdl be re quirni, and no ortier charge, except the poftag of letters. All warrants forwarded and letter iddreffed to the fubferiber, at Philadelphia, will receive immediate attention JAMES E. SMITH. rawftf Septemer » NOTICE. lovll persons who own unseated Lands in Franklin County, State of Pennsyhian-a : "TTHAT they come forward and pay their A rffpe£Uve Taxes, (hs there is a number of yearj now due) to PATRICK CAMP BELL, Esq. Trcafurer for laid County—lt they do not, we will tie obliged to proceed to make sale of them agreeafjly to law. James Irviw, "j John Halliday, LConi'rs. Nathan Commissioner's office, ? C'bamiertburgl>, Jan. 1, 1800. C iaw^yi. Thirty Dollars Reward. DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of the 14th inft JOHN OSBORN, born in the town of Bedford, WeR Chester county and date of New-York, aged 21 years, 9 months, 5 feet S and a quarter inches high, grey eyss (long qued) light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, by trade a Shoemaker. Enlifled by Lieutenant Rey Holds in Stephen's Town, near Albaay the 15th of Jane lad Had on and took with him a Ihcrt round blue cloth ceat with a red cape, a blue cloth coatee, a few white waiflcoatt, a long grey mixed cloth coat and breeches, a pair of boots, a chocolate coloured great coat trimmed with black hair plufl), a fur' hat half worn, and two filrcr dutches, one a middle size, the other small. He may impose himlelf on lome family or gentleman as a waiter, as he has ailed in that capacity.— Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and secures him in jail, lends him to Headquarters, or delivers him to any of the Marine officers, or an,- officer of the army of the United States ffiall receive the above reward arid all reasonable charges. •J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corps, 4 .V, -- .. T> • AISQ, eodtf rTo' PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY. EVENING, JANUARY aS, 1800. UNSEATED LANDS. THE OWNERS OF Unfrated Latvia in WeAtnorelann county Pennsylvania, are hrreHy notified, that un less the Taxes due on (aidlands for 179 , are paid into the*hands of John Brandon, p-fij treainrer of said county, on or rejore the »oth of April next, they will be advertised for sale, as the law Jire&i JAMES M'GREW, 1 HENRY ALLRHOUSE, r.i'rs. 1£MlAH MURRY, J January 18. NOTICE. ALL persons having Demand* ajsainfl tha Ef tatc of SAMUEL KMI.EX, late of this city, deceaftd, arc defirctl to pr diice them for fcttlement; and thof« indebted thereto to make immediate payment ts SAMUEL EMLEN, ? £xecutors . THOMAS MORRIS, $ txecutors Philadelphia, Ist tno. 1800 diiv NOTICE. A I I. tierfon* indebted to the Eflate of CAP TAlif KS.IKAN fIHZPATRICK, ma riner decreed, are rfjoeiied t» mate immediate payment to the fnbftrihert; »nd rhofe-who h#ve any demand* againfl 'he laid irtate arc lequclied 10 farr.iftl the'T accounts for fettlemtnt to P. ]• ■'■** ? Executors. THOMAS M'EUEN,J January is, ISOO. UNSEATED LANDS. TME mvnen of UnTested L*n4s in Allegheny County, PfimfrWinia, are hereky notifi-rl, Am sntefr the Tna <J»a o« fcU for ,h « Ytarn »79J> 1796, IM7> wp»« the hands of Job n MfuKim, TUytue, Comity Treasurer, or or before the wA day <rf fehtwxry ne*t, thtfy will be ad*itttifed for iai< the Saw dlre&s. BSeneter Denny, 1 William Dinning, V Cbmm 'nsiontrs. James Robinson, J PUtiburgk, November 5, 1799* NOTICI. > ALL persons indebted to the Estate »f Jacob Thomas, of Wafhingtttn in the State of Kentucky, d;cwfed, are requeued to make immediate payment —AH persons having demands against ftid estate are de filed to furnifli their sr.soanM legally atteft -9d to JACOB R ERSE, Adminiflrator. Philadelphia, Oftober 51, 17*9. NOTICE. ALL perfoni indehtid to the estate of Tiomai U'tLtoN, late of Southwark, deceaftd. are mp>«tn <v tMM to tlit ftibfcriberi, and thole who have uy demands against the fald fftate are requafted to futnifh their accounts for fettieiflbnt. SARAH WILSON, Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, /idmhiistrator. NO 195, south Front.drett, t>outhwark. WHO has to LF.r, A BRICK STABLE, Sufficiantly large to contain Horses. Also, For Sain or te Let % A New FRAME CARRIAGE HOUSE. Nov. t, 1199. dtf. TO BE KXCH^HGBD For a PLANTATION in Ncm Jersy, A VHY VALUABLI Grjft Mill and Plantation, SITUATE iji Salem aounty, Upper Allowray'« creek tqwnfliip, about fix miles from the town of Salem, and about one mile and a half lrom a landing on Allow.iy's ereek, wh«re (hallops con flantly ply to Philadelphia The Mill has two water wheels, (over-shot) two pair of floiwt, owe of which are burr. The bolting and hoiiUng ge«r go by water, and attached to the Mill it a large Kiln for drying corn, built upsn the most ap proved plan; the whole mill work and bolting cloths, Ac. have lately bean either made new or completely repaired. The plantation confids of one hundred and fifty acrei ol land. The build ings exdufive of the mill houfc and kiln, are a large dwelling houfc, a barn, flablcs, corncrib, &c &c. gy For particular mformatioa *pp'y to RICHARD WISTAR, December 11 A JOURNEYMAN PAPER MAKER, Who can xoorh welt at tbt Fat, Will isett with rood encouragement by appiyiag at No 104 Nortn Free'. Str«et. Decemby 17 dtf. genteel accommodations, For Jeveral Gentlemen, * At No. 39, North Sixth Street. January le. dtf. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY OB Saturday evening the 13th July instant, from C.Jebrook Furnace, LancaQer county, a Negro Man named Cato, he is about 40 year» of age, five feet fix or se ven inches high, tolerable black, with a dawn iM look, fquiuts, he is a cunninjr artful fellow, a great liar, and very fond of strong liquor, has bee« brought up to the farming Imfinefn, is very handy at any kind of laboring work ; he took with him a number of clothing, amongfi which were, one iuit plain Nankeen ; (Tome money). It itexpefted he hasihaped his course for Philadelphia or New York. *f* The above reward will be paid for se curing him in any giol in the United States, with reafonabfc charges if brought home. SAMUEL JACOBS. Cokbroek Furnace, July 16, 1799: (O18) dijoi dyn */ jm. No. 119 Market Street. tuth&fa6w 1, # ROSS AND SIMSON, HAYh FOR SAtt, 3000 pieces 1 ft- and 2d qu.dity RufTi.i Duck, 100 piccoa tCivcnkUuck Bofionßcef in .Barrels, A few bales Bengal { ijumHUMS. 1100 buftels St Martiiw salt. *P" 1 ro BE SOLD I}¥ ynssE. is" Jtoneiif waln. CMd'Port Wine, in pipes, Mids. and ar. ca/ks, Also Landing at their Wbarj Front on board the (hip Edward from I.ilbon. Lisbon Wine, in pipes and caiks. junc.ij ENGRAVING, By TRENCHARD 6? WESTON, IN THt FOLLOWING BRANCHFS, viz PORTRAIT and l.ardfcape, Maps, Chart l ., Bills of Exchange .uid Promillory Notes, Type and Wood Cuts, Mai Cuttings, Jewellery and Silver work, &c. 1-very article in the above line will be executed with nratuefs aud aiiipacch, and on the moil roafonable terms by applying at the south weft cornar of Ii urth add Spruce (Irjets. Jf. B —Oriien from abroad will be ehnikfatijr received and pubftualiy attended to. January to. A YOUNG MAM ACQUAINTED with tile Wefl-fndij tmia, wiAiet to be u > Bttjxr-ewjo. He wilt e ''S a K e on moderate lirms. Satiifa&ory recooi menjation ivfli be prodtcei. A tiue direfled to A. 8. left at the Punting Of fic- wiU be i vinocaiitcij aitcnuui to. Deeenabor n THF. FALLOWING VALUABLE LANDS ftHl be offered for salt, at'tbt Merchants Coffee Mouse in tbit city, between tbe hours of six and tight tn tbe tmntng of tbe tvitnty-sttand if Marsh next. Id the County of GLYNN and State of GEORGIA —all patented in tra&s of acres. 7,000 Acres at the confluence of Frederic* ami Tuitle river., and bead of St. Si mon' 9 found, near the town >f Bruiii wick. »8»,ooo Acres on the waters of the great and little Satilla rivers, and df Buffaloe creek. 41,000 Near the above deltriked trails. >5,000 Near the above delVribed trtfrs. 280,000 Acies on the waters of the g"eat Sa tilla and Alitaliama. 147,00* Acres en the fame waters. 50,000 Acres on the waters of the great Si- 3«»ooo Acres on the wafers of little Batilla and A'mtamahj i !vcrj »m) B*d«1or crt: k. 60,000 Near the above described traets. In the State of VIRGINIA—aII patented. 1 44)000 Acres in the county of Bath, on both fides f Green Briar river, subject to to 3000 acres of prior surveys, in cluded within the Lid 44,000 acrn, but exelufive of that quantity. 41,000 Acres in the county of Bath, m the east fide of th? Cow Pnfture river and and on both fides of the Waggnn Road leading from the Warm Springs to Slanuton, fubjiC: as aforefaid to 5000 acres prior furvevs 4c,000 Acrts in the county of Randolph, on Buchanan river, subject at aforefaid to 4558 acres prior surveys. 30,000 Acres An the coumy of Bath, on the eafl fide of Calf Paiturc fubjei t as aforelaid to joou acres prior lur veys. > .. In PENNSYLVANIA. (0,000 Acres in Nortbumberhnd county, Pur veyed and returned. 46,800 Acres in Northumberland county, fur- veyed and returned. 40,400 Acres in Bedford couniy, furvcyed and ready to be returned. *§* For the greater part of the purchase money a liberal credit will be allowed the pur chafcri, giving unqueflionable fecuriiy. I'crfjiiß «particular information will pteafv to apply at No. 41 Arch ftrcet, where the patents and drafts, and alio certificate! of the quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands are tiepofited THOMAS FITZSIMONS, BENJAMIN R. MORGAN, JEREMIAH PARKER. Philadelphia, Jan. 7. jawtS Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN- A WAY from Spring Forge, in York County, a negro man, na i.ed ISAAC, other wise CUDJO, about ar year* the property of Rob®rt Colonm; Ffq. He is about 5 feet 8 indies high, ha> a bltmiQi in his eyes, wore vrtitc in them than common, by trade a F«rge man ; had on and took with him a drab coloured brgad cloth coat, almost new, a iirilors jacket and pantaloons printed fancy cord, a IwaiUVown itriped under zcket; a rcram hat; one fine and one coarse (htrtf one muslin handkerchief, fpriggsd, two ditto Griped border, a b.ljje PorfiaD umier-jacket and two peir cottow dockings. Whoever takes up fai«J negro and lodges him in anv jail in this or any of the neigabouring ft ate 6 (hall have the above re ward or reasonable cxpencesii brought home. JOHN BRIEN. Spring Forge, October 73,1799. N. B. As said negro formerly lived in Chefler count y, it is probable he may return there. November 5 Three Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening of the 28th ii)ft. a bound Servant GIRL, Rained Elizabeth Howofccl, had on and took with her three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and impudent, a noted iyar ; any p«- son apprehending her (hallne entitled to the above reward—no eofts or charges will be paid. N. B, She had » years and fom« months te serve DANIEL FITZ PA TRICK. Coflien Towofhep, Chester County, July 19. aug..fl i jawtf PRATT yKINTZING, THE BEST LIKENESS No. 95 N. Water Street, . or the have on hakdj Celebrated WashiNGTON t the ift, Which 4ias ever been puVliflied, The sos-owing GOODS, entitled to Draw- TS now offered fqr sale at Dickins's Boot-store, back, which they <.ffer for sale at mo- 1 oppoQte Christ Church, at the moderate price derate Prices and liberal Credit-: of One Dollar. 15s boxes and bales Ticklenburghs, Hernpfn January 14. I incus and Oznabrigs, SO boxes Patterbornes or white Rolls, 25 ditto BialGelJ U .en, 11 ditto Greas and Creas a !a Morlaix, 2 ditto Briun«ias, Brown Rolls, Ditto HeSTint, Polift Rolls, Bed Ticks, Seacnois, Aribiat, Empty Bags, Oil Cloths, Shoes and Slippers, Soal and Upper Leather, Qmlli and Sealing YVa*, A package Gold and Silver Watches, B casts Hoes, 20 cask* Nails, afTorted, from 3 to 20, 16 calks Ironmongery, sfforted, 13 pipes old Port Wine, 25 boxes Tumblers, a(Tort«d, »oe boxes best Hamburg Window Giafs, 8 by 9 la, &c. See. I chest aflorteH Locking GlafTcJ, Several large elegant Ditto, jo kegs J'earl Barley, A few tons Roll Brimftonej 10 Yell ow Ochre, A few barrel* Naval Store*, 1 ?oo empty Demrobns, 6 hojiflieads Coffee Mills, 10 hhd». Hogs ftr'JKcs, firfl an J second quality, 40 tons RufTiau Hemp, Holland Steel, 2 lihils Dijfth Glue, '{ oys, Letitilles, Slates and P«nciu, -/ Tapes, Bucking Twine, Stone Pickling Pota, &c. &e. January 4. taw/iw. Taxes of Lycoming County. JOHN KIDD, Treafarer, BY Dire&ion of th« Cammiffioncrs of Lyco ming county, mends at Philadelphia to re ceive the Taxes ait, He J upan undated Lands in that County, from the holders thereof, in this City. Those who have filed with*theCom milTioncrs, statements of theif Lands, are re queued to call upon him, to know the amount of Taxes thereon, and pay them j otherwise, be fore his leaving the City, they will be put into the hands of the Sheriff for colleAion, agreea bly to the a£l for raising eounty rates and levies Thofs who have not filed statements of theii lands with the Commissioners, and aredefirous of having it done, to prevent files without pre vieus personal Notice, may file with the above Trea!ijr«r, their lifts, dating the quantities re turned, number and dates of the warrants and names of the warrantees, under which they h>ld their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hrifty» No. 98, Market street ih«r this purpose until the 18th rnflant. Noftmber^ LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Plrilad«lphia and I,an- X caster line cfStagej DISPATCH, retting their grateful thanVi to their frirnds and the public in general, for the pad favors they have received, and inform Ihdn that in addition to the regular Line, they are piovidcd with Carriages,fober and carg/'ul (Ivivots, to go through betwetn the City and Bortagh is two days. Ttofe who prefer this m«de of tr..v«iling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, sign of United State* EagU, Market street, Phitsdel) hia. Sioiitfb, Downing, Ditntvoody tsf'Co. Nw 30. 2t § A two story Brick Houfc, Situate on Duie Jlreet } f>r Artillery lane t in the Nertbern Liberties, HAVING two roonU on a floor, fire placen in each, a kitchen and waft houfc ; all in excel lent order and built of the best material!. For fur ther information inquire" at No. 39, Arch strut. A Ho, a HOUSE, Ho. 106, i'outh Second Urrrt, to ift—enquire a/a'oevc. Dec. 30. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, TO WIT : BE IT REMEMBERED, That 5n the e leventhday of January, in the twenty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, COLL INS ON READ and GEORGE DAVIS, of the said Diftnft, have deposited in this office, the tide oia Book, the rifh: whereof they claim «s Proprietors, in the words following to wit: « TEN BLANK DECLARATIONS, Elegantly engravwl on Copper plate, ril. ; 1. Debt on Bond 16. Qijahtum Mcruit ——by AQgftee 7. Valelx'nt 3. on bill g. On PfomilTbry not« i|. J on penal bill 9. Bim« by Iridorfrfc J. In4<l»iutu« As- 10. I'rel'pift and E» 6. fampfit je&meM. For :2>* ust of tbt Professors of tie Lati, COLLIN SON READ." f In conformity to tie ais\ of the Congress of tlie United Statrs, i>|titulc<l " An a<'l foi' the incoiiragfmenr of learning, by fecurir.g the co pics of Map', Charts .ind Books to the Author.' and Proprietors ot leich copies, during the titni therein -itioncd " mem. (I. s.) D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Disl r- 7of Pennsylvania. The above declaration! combining the fem olance of nne writing with Utility, and fettled and aj.-pr ved by fume of lie sirs) and mod jiif. tinguiflied L»v ( h*n>Aeri in the ftj't, are now publiihed, and for !!e at LAW-BOOK STORE, •V«; •%; '*" ' ' m>"s'fiw For Saie, or to Let, aa I w.6w'. DRAWN BY 'V * THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, Dickins's Stationary & Book-Store, North Second Street, oppcftte Chtifi Church, A SOPs SB EDITION Ot WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS To the I'tiojJcof die United State#, on retiring from Public Life, Super Royal, Bve. (Price T<wo Dollars) Ornamented with a capital Portrait by one of the firft Artists, NO exertions or expence have been spared to render this publication complete, and altho" all the material* and workrnanihip are entirely American, th« paper, printing and engraving have been al lowed by good judges to excel any thing ever at tempted in the United States. DICKIN S's Stationary and Book Store m removed from No. 41 Market greet,, to the house lately occupied by VV. Cobbrtt, in Se cond street, opposite Christ church; where country ftui e keepers and others may be eon flantly fupplicd witfi a complete anil penerat aff'irtmem of every article in the book and stationary line, on the rai,9 tU'a.e. H. MaxvteWs Printing Office IS RErjMOVF.D To a h'.ufc adjoining the blck part< f Di'kins'i Bwk Store, where PIUNTING. «»»;( it, va* ri-rty, i> cJftCawfel tj, a flvle of fiintrioi" ele gance. January 14. :t&ftf MATTHEW M'CONWEI L Having opened an Office in Citsnut street, (A few doors jbove Founk) At No. 141, A ND ajr.iin commented the Bufme's of Ne -1 gociatio**, in the various kinds of Public Stock, Bills oj Exchange, oJr. iSc. fcngages to do ev#ry thing in his power to give fatisfac tion to those who him. He means to o nfine his tranfafli'ons to the Agency and Commission !Pne. in all such bu siness as it common to ihe pr.-,|rflion. The parotide and sale of Hju/Is and Lots in and near the City will be attended t , and also »f Lands, when that business again November 19. d2w( D 5 drf) Southern Mails. 1 HE Maiis for. rll the Offices on the rraia line, between th s Office and Peterl'burq-, Virginia, yrill be el led here every t'ay t (Si:n« days excepted) at h.;lf p-ft 7 o'clock, A. M. And the Mails lor the Post Towns on ili« ma.n line, through North-Carolina, South- Carolina and Georgia as far as Savannah, will be closed with thu Southern Maii» ev ery Monday, Wedncfday and Friday. Tht water Mails between this ajid Charielton ar( -ontii 'alt Gjjicc. P&iltidelpbia, j> December 30, 1799, 5 BOONETON IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, OK LEASED FOR ONK YKAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iro» Works, fitnnte in the county of Morris in the Hare of New-Jtrfey, confifling ol a Forge with four fires, a Roiling and Slitting Mill, a Qnjl mill with two Run of Dacca, and Saw mill, alfln good cHer and hew in use, "together with an axcellent, large, nd convenient house, with out houfr» of every kind ; among which are an Ice houO, and stone milk i-oufe, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden, and an excellent eolle&ion of Fsuit, a large Orchard, an.! sj c res of wood, ya«ure and arable land, and a greit rum! cr of ftore l and workmen's houses Immediate polT.ilioa will he given ol house. and llorcs iufiick-nt lor providing Hock the present winter, and pofieffioji of the whole in the luring. For terms snquite of David B Ogden. at 'New ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr Davi& Ford in Morris Town, or messrs. Jacob and K tch» an! I''?., fcl. on tie prtmilet. Jmuary I i One Thousand jb'ive Hundred DOLLARS WAS to : the POSTMAS. TER herfcy'in the PoSt-Offick, on the evening of Tticfdiy the'27th ult. iu 4 LETTER direfiea' to Mr. John Mills, Merchant, containing tw<? ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No. , 43>ao, in favour of W-iHiam lay lor, ar.d dated 50th April, 1798, for ONE THOLA. SAND DOLLARS, and No. 4 5 22,-i ; i fa vour of John P. Pleasants, and d*ted the loth ot December, 1798, for FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS, which letter-has been SUPPRESSED in a POST-OFFICE, and the BANK NOTES taken.out- as Hie PUBLIC MAIL was not' STOPPED, MOLESTED, or ROBBED. Bankers and merchants are particularly 'requeued to watch thfc" circulation of said nates, and stop thein ; afrd any perfop giv ing such information a£ will lead us to our m#ney, shall have FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS reward^ ' WILSON W SWANN. Frfflf-rii IrfKnrO-. WfL "* *" J J V 'V n I*-**' I T it [Voii/nir. XVII. .1 -i, '■ 1 \ * *■* H • -a -<• 1" *» **" \ T <SW
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers