Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 27, 1800, Image 2

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    Jcneign j
ZURICH, October 16.
The reserve of the French array has made
a movement. General Mafftna, apprehen
sive that Pritvpe Charles, wivo advanced with,
his army into the fir'tltf**", would attempt
to turn 115 it Bo ile, has jui't Tent the relerve
to protect the Rhine on that point. Our
troops during the (hoi t time th-y remained
in Gonftance pillaged a part of the town.
The Helvetic Dnectory having formally 1
forbidden the payment of the loan of 800,000
francs, im poled on the inhabitants ot Zu
rich, General Maftcaa has fern from that
town the Swils tmons who did duty there,
and has replaced, them by French troops.
ARAU, Oftcber 16.
On the night of the 14th, General Maft
na arrived here, ar.d had a conference with
the ?re"Ch MinifteV. Several circumftanccs
inclijiir.p: us to believe that the object ot the
«on fere wee was to inipofe a contribution on
ail Helvetia. Pern chel, the Minister, is not
irobabir i'o much attached to that measure
as Maffena, or the Adjutant General, De
"levor.i set out immediately for Paris.
MaffVnS appears to fear Su war row less than
the Archduke Charles. The enemy is e.ll
the other tide of the Rhine, and occupies
Diffentis. Sargans, and 'TVIs. Meffena
has frequently wifhedto draw Suwarrow in
to the plains, but the latter has carefully de
clined it. Lecourbe, it is reported, will re
turn to take,_the command ot his division.
Conde's is stated tq have loft X2CO men
in the late aftion. Three hundred ot
them passed hy this place a« prisoners Ihe
Canton of Argovia is to fumifh 1000 men,
who arc to work at the conftru&ibn of the
head of a bridge near Wattiijji®.
Lecourbe arrived here to day, and has
puh'ifhed an energetic proclamation to the
Phillipfburg is again besieged by the re
publicans, who have carried the entrench- j
men's which flanked the right of that place.
An Austrian battalion of ihe (regiment of
Brodis threw itlelf into Phillipfburg, two
houis before our arrival beiore that place.
All the corps of troops and confcriuU
which were .0 the departments of t e ti>r« its,
the Ardennes, th? Meufe, and the Mefelle,
have joined the trorps on the Rhine, aid
form at) army of fonu thotifand men. This
movtmenc will produce the double adv?n*
tage of difiipating all uneasiness
the Count d'Albini and his force. Great
events are about to take place.
Y- * ■ 1 * '^
,• *&* :^:^-: '«*ri>ini. m$
caf*fa« if ftopjtfaf »t„thofc when
' •»»*> th«mCel»**». ««'«
, fefttßrattx i th«f Irfi ifiofe piwSu
■tiviwer tiws*tdTt **d went flfewbere,
'fArf fc»u«#| ,
. QrogcKi i».de»3 of Ihe.wouM*
£> v -
FALMOUTH, October 28.
Arrived this morning from off Baft,, the
Lurcher cutter, J. Betts master, being at
tacheiT to a squadron of frigates tinder the
command of captain Cunningham in the
Clyde. By this cutter we hear, that One
left the squadron on Friday evening, with
advice that seven fail of the line and a frigate
were then under weigh coming out of Bveft,
snd that thirty-nine fail t f th:- line were in
the outer load, ready for sea.
On the cu-ier'3 ssaffage to this port, (he
fell in with the from Gibraltar.,
out of which she took an effict* from Sir Sid- j
rey Smith, who landed here, and set off for J
town Immediately.
The rand fleet was off this port 011
Friday afternoon, the day the above (hips
came out of Brest; and as the run from
hence to Brest is net above 15 or 16 hours
fail, it is hoped they were down on Saturday
jiiormng in time to fall in with the enemy.
P U " *3
PLYMOUTH, October 31.
The dollars taken aboard the San Brigada
and El Thetis, Spanilh frigates, have been
landed and lodged in the citadel at this place
under an el'cort of the military : those cap
tured in the former consist oi; 508 bbxes,
snd in the latter of 427* containing toge
ther 2,900,000, amounting to about 652,00®!
ftsrling, exclusive of their valuable cargoes.
The line of march in which 63 artillery
wagg-ens conveyed the treafurs extended near
two miles.
Several Valuable
Situated in Benlalem townlhip, Buck? county,
nineteen milea from Philadelphia.
For terns apply to
Attloborough, Bucks county—cr
No. 38, north Second ilreet, Philadel'a.
N. B. None need apply who cannot produce
i'uttable recommendation.
r ■
The Time of a Negro Boy,
Who i» fifteen years of age, and has thirteen
yeai tto serve—He has been used to the bulinefs
of a Farmer, and can drive a Carriag*.
Apply to
January 43.
B Subfi libers to this Gazette are inform-
A ed, tint '.he Farewell Number ii til'.? day
receive it the Philadelphia I?oil Office.
V B. A StidpUrnent of two or rum
her-', wi'il I>e published, and duly sent on to the
January i\.
" -V- —■
' Price 6*\ ceiiti.
WILLIAM No. 30 N Fourth,
near Market Arret,
A Wop k upon a plan which never bejore ap' j
feared in the United State s, being a syC it*
of Diredory, but different f<om the ujuu
new TRADE Directory «
Anno 1800 :
OR, a Com; lete Lift of all the occupations and {
trade* (s<h»*tut and alfilaictueiUy arranged) (
praiSifed in the City and Liberties with the names (
and residences of thofc who follow ea«h of them rrj-
fiestiv.-lv, also in alphabetical order : to which 1« ai
ded an Alphabetical Lifi. of all the Streets, Lanes
and Alleys in the city atid liberties.
If a Mirchant or Ship Own«» vtHh** for any
reason to be ac<ju«inse(" with all the T^baicoyjts,
. Grocer,, Ufcfhrs, Guagcrs, Meafurtrs, Siip-wriAtr.
, Shift tarpenlcrs, tU* Jcintrt, Majl makers, Boat hol
ders, Block makers, Sail-makers, Kiggen, LauUirs,
' Utevadores, Mariners, or any Trade/man, he needson
-3 ly'looli to the Index for the Trads, and he will be
1 referred tu tbe pages which contain all th>i names
- and residences of thofc wh i follow it.
If A Ho»i£-K»ei , e* W quickly t" find a Ea
ter, a Cake Baker, Seamf.rcfs IVtite Wajbcr, Wajber,
China Mender, tebool-majler or Mt/lrefs, Ghziir, Pa
per Hanger, Painter, Cedar Confer, Uckfmkb. Black
f,,tb B, PtaijUrer or Joiner. He can alto
t»rn to the Index and be ref.rred to the f hade in
question In like maimer can the Ladies find out
the residence* and nama of all the Mantua maker'.
Bonnet makers, Stay makers, Dyers and
rr a St* An«e* the moll emveiiient Boarding Hovft,
Hair Drt([cr, Hatter, Taylor, trunk rxthr. Isfe
Nor ie the utility of the work confiueii to tbefe a
lone ; for any Tradefnan may trace at enc. tt\e
nrtnes and residences of the Map. t and Journey
1 men in til kum line.
I Ir. short it is more or less Vfeful to alniojlcu
! cry Class of Citizens--And the :-.i'itor trufii that
f.irh an Expensive and laboiious Undertaking
' will meet with statable Encouragement
Jan. 8.
iT A N C I N G.
j\ rubl'.c in <.r-:.cnl, tint he will re-vx.'tuuci cc
Teaching on i UESDAY the l4tu inltdii r , itt lii'.
A In-in .iy Room, South FouHi 5T : r
1 Days of tuition, Tucldays and 1 hurfdays.
Ten d». per Quarter,
No Entrance.
0- For further PaitkuUrs app'y to Mr. F.
70. north Hr^ec.
December 11.
public, that he has commenced the bulincfs
los a BROKER* at hit Office No. j ■
j flrert. near tke Bank of the United States,
i where he buy* and fells on Comimfßon all kinds
of Pub ic Seeurities, Stocks, Notes, &c &c.
and offers hit I'ervices in any bnfuiefs in his line.
Jan 14. d 1 wjawfiw
Also for sale,
tM. St.
v.- V
HIS Swcdißi Mjjefty's Consul General, and »u
---tliorieed to tranl'»& the Consular Bulintfs,
for his Miijftcy the King of Denmaak in the United
States of America, refidinj at Philadelphia,
Hereby gives public Notice,
That in obcdicucc to recent inihu<ftions received
from hi* government, it is the duty of all Matters -
of Swedilh and Danish veffcty before their failing
from any port in the said States, to call upon him
or the Vie. Consul- in to he granted such
Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency
of the fiat" of the Neutral Commerce and tije fe
ver I Decrsiss ef .he Btiligerent Power!, render
indifpetobly necefl'ary, and, that any Matter of
veffiis belonging to the rcfpeilive uations, or na-
under ihe prote&ion of their flags. ' n
omitting to t ike fu.-h certificates, will pcrfonally
ftaod refpoufiblt for the conferences.
(Philadelphia, 18tk Dtccmfctr, 179$
United States, 7 rr
Peunfyli'ttma DlJtriH, J
Notice is hereby given,
"THAT a Special Bifirift Court of the United
States will be holden at the City Hall, in the
city of Philadelphia, in and for the Pennsylvania
*flri&, on Friday the 31U day of janmry instant,
at ten o'clock riM. for the trial of an information
filed by William Rawle, Eft], attorney of the
United States in and for the said diflrict, against
% I Caik, and
3 Hogflieads Spirits,
distilled at a distillery within the city of Philadel
phia, and removed from the fame without being
firft branded or marked according to law—where
fore tht faaie have been feiled as forfeited-
Ily order of court,
D. CALDWELL, Clerk Dift, Court.
January 18, l߮o.
ed by the fwbftriVer, f »r undivided Shares or
Lots on hi* purchase within the city of Washing
ton, who have not yet applied for and received
their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their fcveral
TitlcflWfil he duly completed to the order of thole
who in conformity wirh the terms of the said Cer
tificates, do make the Payments in full therefor,
either to Tbomas cS* Co. or to the Q 'ub»
fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before
the 31ft day of May next.
December 17
A NY Pcrfon or Periods, withing te avail
' JLJL thomfelves of any opportunity of having 3
person well calculated to perform the oeceffary
; avocation of a DUN, will hear of on«, b/ leaving
i a line at the Gftite of this Gazette, directed
! t« A.B.
Any recommendations Ee«*fl*ry «sabe given;
January ti.
Tl>is Evening, January 27,
*» be pn rented, }f~ tic {O4 <»»<
a much-admired hew Con £•') > c - '
Or, The lHxb Dej.
To which will b« added, (for the
feafun) a Graml DramstU
IViIL ucLJitioral Svm>jl Macbm.ry and
Boohs of the Songs ta be bad at tbe TLr.itn
■*«*£ o|i c«^| r H
earned* and » wilting: to'fiirtert *Y » e **7
who flAf^otor
+fi+> oeW
<*' t * t * t f*ii«"«*»ere»»'
%xip&y 'il'.\'' ' ';••"• v /'. ' : *?V
<&■ the committees
Appeirred Isy the Fire Companies
in the City <*iul' Liberties, to devise a plan ot I
affcciation for the purpose of , n uob
c:i t at fires are requested to attend a mating
to be held at Cameron's 1 avern, sign
Golder. Swiii, in Third Street above Arch
j Street, on Saturday evening the ift of Fe-
I brrarv, pvculely at 0 o'clock#
j January .7
bankrupt office.
AgJsCOND Dividend of t>!e Ellate of Ccorfi
ind Robert Grat, Bankrupt, will paid 10
the crfiior. whn hit- piovert Arir debt. und«r
the con.r.iiSfcn, at any time when called for, at
No. 109 ArJi ftrcct. ,
January »P, 1800.' lawiw
valuable real estate.
*. to*,»AT.B '
*•" , J&gift Vi Lani^.
' T A+HC A theeiftdc'of tke -MW Ilo*4.
JL»OK th»P*a to i» bwded by propctty betonfr
jSt»-Mr.T«icli fiwcii, ftn-r-ou «•* *?
• Taad af'tvoTicrclKK ml onth« nort? »y * »»«>.
fr(rt-"r.^ > CiU. UhjirW"
sift to into $ cqial p*» m orJer
to bit ih*p*rch»(w».' '. J
» Wm«l
'" r 'Jaouirjra4*
' t
THE Subitriber infcfnuhitfrieadjand the pub- J
lie, ihm fer continues to keep his Cables is
Seventh,' ntti Mur*U Street, lor the reception of
Horses an ; Carriage? at private fate. From hu
loftr exnerknee and knowledge of horfct. and the
confidence hisfe* ow cit zcn.have placed in Mm for
a number of years pnft, lie flatters hinifeif he may
be of effcutial service to rhofe who may employ
him in that way—They may be allured every ex
ertion in his power (hall be done for the mutual ad
vantage of boih feller and buyer.
Horses taken in at livery on as low terms a» any
in tho city, and particular care taken of thrm.
Jauu?r? zj.'.
THE cordial salutation which you havi
presented on beha'f of my in Pittf
burg upon the event of the la e ele&ion ha
peculiar claims to attention and refpeft.—
The diftante ct the scene ; the little irter
ants ; and the fair advantage possessed b]
my cmpetilor from ptrfonal and local con
ltderati ns must enhance the merit of youi
ittKchmert and enliven tbe ftnfe of my ob
It is true that I bave lived long and havt
sudcavouivd 10 Live W il ; but 1 am con
Cciou» that much ttill reman s to be done ti
f title mc to the e> comium which you havi
.■loquently pronounced. On the princi; lei
however that hav- hitherto a&uated 1115
'lO BE SOLD, public condu£f. I promise to persevere it
Or Rented for a term of Tears, t ljt fervict of my country raanifefting
a large graiitude for the station which flic ha
TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE, conferred upon me in the Temple of Hono:
With < Lot th«rrantO,4Wonging, by my veneration ai.d solicitude for he
-nTUATE in Duck Creek, Cross Roads Peace, Liberty and Independeuce.
Kent Cnunty, State of Delaware, fronting A flu re our fellow- citiiem, gentlemen
on the M*in Street, thefa are on the lower t jj at ; t w ;][ a f aV ourite ohjed of tny ad
Floor, five Rooms ar(d an En'i), wit a ' miniftraliou 10 piomote the profr>erity o
lumber of well fitnfbed l'.ooms up btairs, a » /.1 . >r i
Cellar under the whols Building, a Brick kltch- th " great mart of our wetlen
n, a tump of good Water, with a Stable, Car- ' commerce.) And accept of my bed in ,nkl
iage Honfe and oheds, the whole Improvement! for your personal kindnels.
re in g" ti rtyair. The Scat is well cr.lciil tted ■ I am, Gentlemen,
or eithe- a Store or Tavern, the latter of which y our obliged friend and humble fewant,
t has been occupied tor a number of years with THOMAS M'KE^N.
■onfiderable fuecefs. The fituatiun is dry and » n 7-, 10. .
. (V,- u-i ; Lanca icr, JJictmUr 0, I7QQ.
he Country arornrt being very healthy a#a a I ' of considerable Trade, it will be well
vorth the attention of any person withing te
lurchiie or rent.
tgf For further particulars apply to the Sub the aforefxid phce.
OR exchanged,
For property in the City, or ivitbm thirty j
miles as it,
A PLANTATION or trafl of l£hd in |
Mifflin County snd Srate ol i' »,..fylva- j
ria, within £x mil« of the ri»er Juniata, coil- I
taining about 300 acres. There are about Efty
aeies "cleared, part of which is a rich bottom,
watered by a constant stream that is strong
enough to work an oil or a jrilt mill. Any
per r on inclining h> deal fir it, may obtain fur
ther information by applying at the ofiic • of
this gwi'tte.
N. U- If fold, credit wiH be given for part
of the money.
Q3ober 17, 17 f-9• dtf-
DESERTED from the Company of Captain
Infantry, an en lilted foWier named MOS£S
WtNUi torn in Penr.fylvaaia, by tradcaflioe
maker, thirly yeirs of age, five feet eight and
an haif inehc9 high, black eyes, black hair, lair
complexion, has loft two at his foreteeth which
is very perceptible when he talks.* It i$ known
that he now luiks in this city.
Whoever (hall take up fan) deferterand lodge
him in Jail, or (hall deliver him to the Snbftri
ber at his quarters in Filbert between Ninth and
Tenth street, (hall receive the above reward and
raalonable charges.
Samuel Blodget.
January 8
len Dollars Reward.
Captain 10/ A p— ' ■ 'entry.
Xfte oa?ttte,
r 0 Thomas M Kian, Governor eUOoj /W I
FROM the verge and f.reen end ot thi
State we fa.ute you. In your elevation, w>
fee are, service* awarded. (» «•«>
integrity trusted, *f4 \*>rth ef
limated. < ,
Your gradu 1 and mature advance to the ,
kigkeft p' ace ot * ! e nu y y "j c *" '•
ptrii-nce, fits your own mind fur the duty, i
and 'tis agreeable to the natural order oI
thii."S The ferviccs of half a century, at
ibe bar, in the field, in the senate. in the
ir. . .
rities in private goodhy euunfcl or by parse, | In addition to tkefe, it appears that thre.
ha, received acknowledgment by the vote hundred ,nd two poor out-patients bav<
of the people. Power* of m.nd naturally betn attended at their.private dwelling* will
ftronsi and highly cultivated, are preserved medicine and advice.
viwor y aVn't.-ge of 'uty, ,efr.-ft,cJ by 224 of h.wc beer, cured,
slate to execute her lawe. Since ity 10 j 17 died, _ .
words and adior* | honor and probity in j 4 nnufti to the City Hospital with the
private deal! g> ; ut.impeaclted and an uu- ' V «■ fovey,
impeachable degree of public trull, u cho- j a taken by their friend*,
fen to secure confidence. • 4 ««*"«*» pbyfic.n*.
General worth of charafter Juftifies the j I delivered in chi.d bed,
promotion and 'a a h-lTo.i t<- ; cut'ti, and a.i_ 3', ieir....:» un.icr one.
t sample to manhood, that, to the temple c.
honor amongst u», as aroongit the Romans 3'-
we go through that «f virtue. j At the time the committee vifitcd the
In your elevation we fee a choice uninflu- Hospital, there were seventy-one patieuta
eneed by expectants of office, holders, of v!/.. ihir'.y poor and forty-ons pay.
(lock 111 ih- fundi, great wealth ; but car- Of winnii -
ried agaii.ft all theie ; a proof that Public i 2 VVt . rc from England,
Spirit like a giantef* ha* arilen from kr , Fra-u--,
ilunilKib ; that the qiiickfandsof fp.-euhnion ■ ( Se tlaoJ,
are pa!t ; that the mat's of the people gov- (, C .Trr.'r.y,
e.11; that equable induftrv and fuccellive I,eland,
frrvice* will alone le; dto cftate and prefer- j t Virginia,
ment ; and that the day is not far dijlant <when j Jersey,
tl e letter of Mavxti willte infcrilnl on a mo- 1 ( Philadelphia, /
nument as a tejlir.iony of a tuifc man againfl 2 County «f Philadelphia,
degenerate timet. 16 other counties of this conv-
What is more in your elevation, we fee monwealth.
a revival of the whig ipirit peculiarly need-
lary at thit perio 1, when the dangers of
76, atid from the fame foe, seem imminent, , "' J
'•• '»
jtttd our iodcpfodeovf is again iMoictd l)y of thefc arc comfortably provided foi
deQu ccn of Iflcs and the Leviathan of the ani j we |J taken care of.
Ocean. ->•*« —
r,k„:: «ur leave rf y. u. we v.i;V» you cr ■. r s{Tuv s t v, t ,h- Son cf L
l ealth, ad we pray God to prcferve yen y {^]a |n . A „ ucei glHld i,
during the period for which you arc elccttd, , Brunf( again st th(
and give f"r that whith you are , b _ Ruffuns . Paris Paper.
eligible—tlie father of yi ur family and «1 •
the state, a terror to evil doers, and praise I
to them that do well.
This addreft is made to you on half of
a number at tHis place as their committee.
Samuel llivdh.
H. //• Bracicnridge,
Nathaniel Irijb,
Andrew Richardson,
Addimfon Tannehill,
George Robin/en,
Ephraim Jb' ts-
Pittftjurg, November 22, 1799'
T» meffri. Ewalt, Brtckeoridge, Irift, Ri
chardfoa, Tannehill, Robinson and Jonei,
a committee on behalf oi a number of ci*
tizenf of Pittfbur^.
Qn- Friday tbp_ 3d. instant, the joint com* |
miltce us ;bi Senate and.tlaufgof Rcpre- I
sentul ives of tuts state, appointed ti visit I
tb: Pennsylvania Hospital, made tbe\
fallowing report.- !
The committee appointed to join a com
mittee of the Senate; and vil'it the Pennsyl
vania Holpital, made . report, which was
read as fellows, vin.
Tlvat they have performed, that {frvice
December 24th h|t, and found the apart
ments very in good order.
The committee Had the fatisfaclion to
observe from the aniiuni accounts, that the
capital stock at interest has i 11c vented this
year fcur hundred and twenty (even pounds
one (hilling and eight pence, and tl;at now
' amounts to twenty thouiand eight hundred
and five.pounds thirteen (hillings and ten
The and contributions of the 'aft
year, are four hundred and ninety-one p«und»
sixteen (hillings.
Tli? mufeutn is j t • .
valuable atiatoruica! preparations, and a re
mittance of two hundred pound* fiei ling, is
on its wav to Lotrd-in to enrich the Library,
the funds for which art- railed ty vaung .{ln
dents wiiojwy for the privilege oi *itendin<*
the praitice cf the houlb and for the use of
the booki;
Tlvcro luve bet' n received into the Hospi
tal in the coyrl'e of the year, one hundred
and ninety-five patients, viz. ci&hty-leven
.1 J eight pay, of
■ , 'miwi rc lunatic- Oi thelc
hi .Tere cured,
9 relieved,
31 died;
6 were taken by their friends,
6 eloped.
1 lent to the City Hospital with the
vellow fever,
73 remain, of whom 54 IK lunatics.
* ,
Married, on Thursday evening last, Capt.
William Rofs to Mrs. Rachel Hazelwood, .
both of this city.
N'SW-TCmfi., Jar.t J:*y 25.
Yefterdar morning arrived here, the
United State* (hip of war Portimouth, CnpV
M'N-.'il, mounting 24 g«»"> f rom a 11
j months cruise ; during which time she has
i loft only two men, the surgeon, of a con
j -ump'ion, anf 1 • irarine officer, of a fever.
1 Tiie POl tfmriirth, perhaps, has been one of
I tf* mod us ful veifcls on the Weft-Tndia
flation, having convoyed three different fleet*
Of valuable American veffeb from Surrinam
besides picking up a numbers of marauding
boats which proved very deftru&ive to our
commerce. Theie is hardly a navigable
place amongst the islands wbere the Portf
inouth has not been—She left Porto Rico
the sth inft is to pay off her crew in this
port, and prepare for another cruise. Or
her anchoring Hie ialuted the town.
Fridat, janttorj i»f, •eesrvii-'
Koport of the committee 011 the message
of the Prcfident, together with the letter
of Mr. Randolph.
Mr. Smith moved the recommitment of
the report to a committee, on account of
some improper reflections and cerfure on
the stile and application of Mr. Randolph.
The ftcond, third and fourth paragraphs
of the report we think prqprflt) reinsert
bee a ule of the references to them in
the debate. ■ '_
" Oil the stile of. to the Preh
!ent, referred to 'thc' fronfidcration of the
ommktee, they any oilier remark*
ban to i-xpie.fs '.t.heji regret that s .
>f the hrufe .haV himfelf juftihea
n deviating.fvoaX the forms ofdeccruir. cut
oniary in»ofn?<aJ critnmunications to the
:hief awjgHK'jjif of' the. United State#, j»»-
y. .duetu iß,cc and .character, Vul eifisH*
UI to. tfcrfftyf inony' the different
iranchw # *IK .government which {kenld t,
>e cirf ijAtpedUy iherifhed by their relpec
ive Aedfcerß.,
Randolph's letter, he Hates that
br'iiW^rJS'of. raturr,- ttttt ft
iebate, in the H-iufe of Representatives,on
. prolMiition for reducing the army, he had
,eenpufcliciy inlulMpd, by fc
rer*l ptrions, officers pt the amy or navy,
nd demands of the executive *» thorny,
-edrels fcr an attack on his, independence
nd rights as 3 Wgiflator. „ , ,
" Ycur committee .being ot opinion tha
he matter of complaint refpeds the prtfile
res ot the Kouf?, ..nhsrentin its own body ;
nd thrveOclulVvely cognizable, cannot but
;onfider the appeal in this instance to the.
authority, however otherwise m
encVd, as .' r-g from thpfe right, of
•be House, with 'whivh areintimately con-
Kfu-«,.hoth its hi.n-'i' 'M independence,
uid the inviolability os-its tnemfcw."
Mr. Rutledge did not knov? whether the
;er.tleiV 5m from Maryland meant t< refer it
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