r - /**? Philadelphia A 'm ft. Numbrb 2286.] The price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city 0 f Philadelphia. All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting } and unless some person in this city will become answerable for the subscription, 'it must be paid Six Months in Advance. %* No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. 80 Dock, near Third street, HAS FOB SAI.E, Coffaes, Mamoo*ies, Taffaties, Striped Dorcas, Tangibs. Patna and Santipoor Handkerchiefs. The foregoing will be fold very low in »rder to tlofe lales. ALIA, A FEW PACKAGES OF German Goods, Suitable to the Weft India Market; -Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh. Odlobcr 15. THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, AND SOLD By R. AITKEN, No. 22 Market Street, By W. YOUNG, corner of Chefnut snd Seconcf Streetg, Thermometrical Navigation, Sting a Strict of Exprrimrnls ami Observations te-iing 1o prove that h-i ufctrtatning tie rebttiveJuxi of the sea -water, from time to-time, 'flic passage of a (hip thro' the Gulpb Stream, artd from ileep water into foundings, May be diltovered in time to avoid danger; al though (owing to tempestuous weather) it may l>l« impofliblt! to heave the lead, or obserVe the heavenly bodiet. Hxtra&ed from the American Pbilofopbital Tranfaltioiu, Vol. il and 111. WITH ADDITIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS. " God helps them that help thtrnfehm." Pun Xhl'arJ. eojw January 4. The Lay Preacher of Pennsylvania. TO BE LET, A large Wharf and Stone Store, In the Distria of Southwari, THE fame where the Frigate now lays. Th« Wharf haj been occupied as a Lumber Yard for several years, and is very fnitable for that t>«- btifi? about o*c hundred feet front on the river.' Foff'JSpn will be .giver on the rftofMay „sxt A If<> a Three Stery Brick House adjoining the said wW, poAAon of which may be had im mediator- ° f JOSHUA HUMPHREYS. January 10. new line of stages 1 o New York, By the shortest and most rnad—pafiing through Prankford, Buftleton, Newtown, Pennington, Millftene, Boundbrook, Union Camp, Scptch Pl»in», Springfield and Ncw "k THE SWIFTSURE fUrt»"fr~m the Green free. No- jo North Fourth Street, at S o'alock every morning, and arrives at New York ea*ly the next evening. From New York it starts at 9 o'clock every day ( Sundays excepted) and arrives at Phila delphia. early the »ext evening. Fars for pafleagers 5 dollars, way paflengers 6 cent* p<- mile. Each pafll-iiger allowed 14.U1 of baggage. One hundred and iifly weight of baggjge to pay the fame as a paiftnger. All baggage to be at the risk of the own«r, unless inlured and receip'rd for by the clerks of the different offices. Rate of insurance one per cent. Apply to JOHN M'CALLA, No. 50 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia, and to WILLIAM VANDEKVOOKT, No. 48 Courtland Street, N. E. corner of Greenwich Street, New York. January 3. To the Holders of MILITARY LAND WARRANTS. r T' , HE Subscriber having lately returned from JL viewing the land, surveyed and appropri ated to fatisfy the land warrants, iflued by the secretary at war, to the officers and soldiers of the late continental army; and having made arrang»ments with Mr. James Johnlon, of Chester county, Pennsylvania, who he left ®n the-tand, and who with the afliftance of an in telligent inhabitant of that county, will spend five months in exploring the different fe F vectors THOMAS M'EUEN, 5 Executol * January 13,* 1800. UNSEATED LANDS. THE owners of Unseated Lands in Allegheny County, Pftmiylvania, are hereby notifiud, that uolef. the /Taxes dac on said Lands for the Ycar* 179J, 1796, 1797. and 1798 are paid iDto the hands of John Wu.kih«, County Treajurer, ow or before the 10th day of February , nwt, they will be advertised for f< as the law dire>9B. F.hrnezer Detwv, 1 William Dunning, > Commissioners, James Robins or., J Pittsburgh, November j, 1799. 3 r TAKE NOTICE, THAT application is made to the Bank of the United States, for the renewal of the foWrrring e«rttfi»»t( < of Bank flock, which were loft in the brig Paggy, Cfftain Fluyer, on her paffsge from America to London. No. *959 7 For Eight Shares of Bank Stoek k in favour of Samuel EthrMge. 1967 J WILLINGS FRANCIS. djm. OAoHcr »j, NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of Jacob Thomas, of W*fhing«m in the State of Kentucky, deceased, are requeued to make immediate payment —AH persons having demands against said estate are de frred to furnilh their accounts legacy attest- JACOB REESE, Ed to •Philadelphia, Oftober 31, 1799. NOTICE. ALL perfoni indebted to the estate of Thomai WiLtoN, late of South*-ark, deceased, are ar» xequefteJ to make iawnerfiite payment to the fub&ribera, aqd who . any dnim«d» "♦gaSnftdhe Md *fP»(-qU*£«d 4* Atfftttk their accnan** for Atttetncftt. SARAH WILSON, Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. No a;;, fcuth Pror.tflreet, Southwark. if-no has to tar, A BRICK STABLE, Sufficiently large to contain niae Horf«». ALSO, For Salt or to X.et, A New FRAME CARRLVGE HOUSE, Not. I, 1799- dtf. TO BR EXCHANGED For a PLANTATION in New Jtrsey, A T* ay VAIUABLI Grift Mill and Plantation, SITUATE in Salem «ountjr, Upper Alloway's week townflup, about fix milei from the town of Salem, and about one mile and a half liom a landing on Alloway's creek, where (hallop* con stantly ply to Philadelphia. The Mill has two water wheels, (over-Slot) two pair of flones, one of which are burt. The bolting and hoifling geer go by water, and attuched to the Mill is a lurgc Kiln for drying corn, built upsn th moll ap proved plan; the whole mill work and bolting cloths, &c. have lately bean either made new or completely repaired. The plantation confi3« of one hundred and fifty acre# ol land. The build ings exdufive of the mill house and kiln, are a large dwelling house, a barn, stables, corncrib, &c. &c. gr For particular information apply to RICHARD WISTAR, No. 119 Market Street. tuth&ia6w December »I A JOURNEYMAN PAPER MAKER, Who can ivtrk -well at the Vat, Will meet with good encouragement by applying at No IC4 North Fro«: Street. Decemby 27 wick. iSi,ooo Acre* on tbe watefr of the nint and little Sitill* rivcrti *mi of Krihloe erf A. 41,000 Near the lbove described trafti. »5,000 Near the above described tractj. 280,000 Ac'. ci on the waters of the great Sa tiila and Abtahaina. 147,000 Acres on the fame waters. 50,000 Acres on the waters of the great Sa titti. 50,000 Aeries 011 the waters of little Satilla and Alatamaha rivers and BufFaloe creek. io.oco'Near the aftijve described tracts. • In the State of VIRGINIA—aII patented. 44,000 Acres in the county of Bath, 011 both fides > f Green Briar river, lubject to to 3000 acres of prior furvtys, in cluded within the said 44,000 acres, but exclusive of that quantity. 41,000 Acre* in the county of Bath, on the east fide of th» Cow Pasture river and and on both fides of the Waggon Road leading from the Warm Spring* to Staunton, fuhject as aforefaid to 500 c acres p.rior surveys 40,000 Acres in the county of Randolph, on Buchanan river, subject as aforefiid to 4588 acres prior surveys. 30,000 Acres in the coun'y trf Bath, on tjje east fide of Calf Pasture river, subject as afurefaid to 5030 acres pri»r fur- In PENNSYLVANIA. 60,000 Acres in Northumberland couw;y, fur- veyed anil rtturned. 46,8*0 Acres in Northumberland county, Pur veyed and returned. 40,400 Acres in Bedford county, surveyed and ready to be returned. *s* For the greater p*ft if the ptirehafe money a liberal credit will be allowed tfefpUV' c-hafera, giving ÜB(jiieftit>ir>l:lrted, l n »*• *' • ■ »«»• taw4w. ioo boxes best Hamburg Window Glass, 8 by jo, &c. See. : chest aflTorted Looking Glafies, Several large elegant Ditto, jo kegs. Pearl Barley, A few ton 9 Roll lirimftone; ao kegs Yellow Ochre, A frw barrels Naval Stores, Moo errtpty Demi;ohns, 6 bogfljeads Coffee Milk, to hiid». Hogs Bristles, firft and second quality, 40 tons Ruffian Hemp, HolUi»d Steel, j hluls Dutch Glue, Toys, Lentilles, Slates and Pencils Tapes, Blocking Twine, Stone Pickling Pot», Ac. &e. January 4. Ctdl*. School. MR. PECK having been fotiei'T? hy many of his friends to cop p in a Drav I School, takes the liberty of informing them and the pub lic thaf he intends opening one at his house in Fifth flrcet, opposite the State house yarc, on Monday the 4th of November, on th« following terms: Mmityt, Wed**fdajt antl Pridays, Ladies from three till five, per quarter, Genrlomen, from half past 5 till hall pafi 7, Private J.cffons, at home f«r one hour, From home, two hours, The eflential ground work of all kind* of draw ing, taught by a much more simple and fiiort me thod than hithtrto pracSHfed. WANTED, 4 fietfian M do. hoafe work; alfi> a boy to at tend the family land trite care *f a ho*i% if* ' " Jtawtf LANCASTER STAGES. THE Proprietors of the Philadslphia and Lan caftrr lire »f Stages DISPATCH, rerurjj their grateful thanks to thfcir friends and the public tn general, for the pad favors they have rCLrivrH,ami inform them that in addition to the regular Lirte, t|i«y are p'oviiied with Carriages,fober and cardul drivers, to go through between the City and Borough in two days. Thofs who prefer this mode of traveling can be accommodated at the Stage Office, lign of United States Eagle, Market (Vreet, Philadelphia. Slough. Downing, Dunivoody Iff Co. Nov. 30. , *[ 2t—s For Salt, or to Let, A two flory Brick House, Situate on Lhie Jireet t pr Artillery larte i in the Northern /.iter tin, HAVINQ CHife lately 0r..->ipird by W. C"i»b-tt, in Se cond street, opp.fite thrift church; where country fture keepers and others may be con ftatrtly, fiipp't-d with a complete and general afibrtm:nt ot every article in the book ftatinnary line, oft the must reafjnable terin«. M. Maxwell's Printing Office IS REMOVK D To a hnufc adjoining the bick partnf Dck s's Book Store, where PRIN TING, in all its va riety, it executed in a flyle of superior ele gance. January 14. fust Pubtir.bed, and for Sale By JOHN MOi\'„ * ' 3 Front St. 4MB BENJAMIN DA VIES, No. 68 High St. THE UNITED STATES COURT CALENDAR, AND GENTLEM *N'< Complete Pocket Companion, Fur the Ytar ot'our Lord r .^co. Dol>. eONTAINING thinj; usrful in other work* of the kind, BeGdes a great variety of article? (Combining utility with entertiirmciit), Not to be found in any psblication whatsoever Arroigji these are, Complete an>i authentic Jilts of the ARMY and NAVY. (Carefully reniftd at the refpe3ive Offices ;) ALSO, correct Aatemeats of the NATIONAL DF BT, and of the ANNUAL RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES of the United States. N. B. The CALRVDAR, the vast variety of its contents, is very fro 1 in hulk. It is bound in red morocco, in the neat* eft manner, and may be c.irried very conveni ently in the waistcoat pocket. December 31. BOONETON IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, OR LEASED FOR ONF. TEAR THAT Valuable Estate, KNOWN by the name of the Booneton Iron Works, fi'tnate in the county of Morris in the ilati of New-Jersey, confining of a Forge with I fcur fir.j», a Railing and Slitting Mill, a Grift mill I with two Run of fionc®, and Saw mill, all in good I order and n«w in use, together with an excellent, | large, «ud convenient house, with out houf s of | tvery kind ; among which are an Ice house, ahd [ (lone qjulk house, with a remarkable fi;i fvriag in 1 ir, a large Garden, and ?n excellent collection of | Fruit, a large Orchard, and 1569 acres of wood, | pa«,ure and arable land, and a gr< t umber of ltores and workmen's houfcs. Immediate ro{T fiion I will be given of house; and (lores lntTi ier for providing Hock the present winter and of the whole in the ipriag. For terms enquire of David B. Ocden r.t New ark, mr Peter ivlackie in Ncw-Ycr ..mr. David Ford in Morris own, or meters. Jacob awdHich ard Faefch on tftepremifes. January ri IWOne Tbousakd Five Hundred DOLLARS AS delivered to the POSTMAS TER here, in the Post-Office, 011 the evening of Tuesday the 17th ult. in a LETTER direfted to Mr. John Mills, Merchant, Baltimore, containing two ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, No. 43.20, in favour of William laylor, and dated 30th April, 1798, for ONE THOU j SAND DOLLARS, and N0.'4522, in fa- I vour of John P. Pleasants, and dated the 10th of December, 1798, for FIVE HUNj ' DRED DOLLARS , wh : ch letter has been I SUPPRESSED in a POST-OFFICE, and the BANK NOTES taken out as the | PUBLIC MAIL wis not STOPPED, MOLESTED, or ROBEED. Bankers and merchants are r y rrquefted to watch the circulation of laid nutes, and flop them' ; and any person giv ing such information as will lead us to our m»ney, sHall have FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS reward. ( WILSON W SWANN. Frcderickfburg, (Virg.) Sept. 10. SCJ™ All Printers in the United States, are reqweftsd to publifti the ab»ve, and we will ;:ay them. *r.s» w f F-" f Voi.UM". XVII. tt&ftf eo3 w ;/ - '