Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 17, 1800, Image 2
PRATT tfKINTZING, No. 95 jV. Water Street, HAVE ON HAND, CV* [Jafiuary the id, igoo.J following GOODS, entitled to Draw back, which they offer for file at mo derate Price! and liberal Credit-t tjo boxes and ha'es Tnklenburghs, Hempen Linens arid Oznahrigi, 10 boxee Patlerbornes or white Rolls, »? ditto His I Held tA en, 11 ditto Creas and Creas a la Morlaix, » ditto Britairnias, Brown Rolls, Ditto HelTans, Polish Rolls, Bed Ticks, Seatnois. Arabiaj, Smpty Bags Oil Cloths, Shoes and Slippers, f Soal and Upper Leather, Quill* and Sealing Wax, 5 calks Mots, »o calks Nails, aflorted, from j to »o, 16 calks Ironmongery, assorted, 13 pipes old Poet Wine, *S bexe* Tumblers, affirte'd, too boxes be ft Hamburg Window Glifs, t by 10, See. Sec. I chest aflorted Looking Glafles, Severar large elegant Ditto, 50 kegs I'-earl Barley, A few tons Roll drimftone; 10 kegs Yellow Ochre, A f»w barrels Naval Stores, Moo empty Demi;ohns, 6 hogsheads Coffee Mills, 10 hhds. Hn k s Bi files, firft and second quality, 40 to»s Hemp, Holland Steel, i Khds Dutch Glue, Toys, Lentilles, Sbtes and Pencils, Tapes, Blocking swine, Stone Pickling Pots, &c. &e. January 4. IO^S/ita take notice, r T" I HAT I have applied to the Ju lge» of the Court fcerland, lor the benefit of the In(olvert »A, and they hive appointed the fourth Monday of Jar.utry to hear me and my creditoi* at the Ourt- Houfc in Sunbury, where they may attend if they ~ JAMES TOWAR. To oil my Credii»rs. JunSury Jinuary 4, 1800—16. BOONETON IRON WORKS. TO BE SOLD, eft HU»«d roa ok*. **a«—-t»at ValuaHt Est aft, KNOWIJ by tht name of the Booncton Iron Works, fitnate in the county of Morris i« the * Hat* of New-Jtrfry, eonfifllng 61 a Forge with four firrt, a Rolling and Slitting Mill, a Grill mill with two Run of Here', and Saw mill, all in rood order and now in use, together with an excellent, laree> nd convenient house, with out honts of every k ; nd ; among which are an lee bouft, and done milk house, with a remarkable fine spring in it, a large Garden; and an «xc*ll«nt coUc&icn of Fruit, a large Orckard, and 1500 acres of wood, 1 pa ■ arc and arable land, and a great number of ftaret. and workmen's houses Immediate poffeffioA will he given of houses and (lores fufficient for providing (lock the present winter, aid of the whole in the spring. For terms tnquire of David B Ogden at Nrw. ark, mr Peter Mackie in New-York, mr. David Ford in Morr.s Town, or meffirs. Jacob and Rich ard Faclch on tie premises. January 11 United Slain, ) «. Pennsylvania District. J By virtue of a wr'u of venditioni exponas, to me diiefled, iffjed out of the circuit court .of the United States, in and fur the Prnnfyl ja nia Dillndl. of the middle circuit) will be (old by public vindue at the city tavern, in Second ' flreet, in the city of Philadelphia on Monday the '7th day of March next, at 6 o'clock in the evening, all that certain tract or parcel »f land, situate, lying and being on the river or creek called Lackawaxen, in the county Waynei containing 8000 acres aijd upwards; on which at* erected 1 mefTuagc, stables and sawmill, with the appurtenances..—The names of the original warrantees of the Catd tract or parcel of land were as follows. Mordicai Hobtrts, John Till, Stopbel Med. rj, G&o'gc War ton, Zacbariah Ferns, Benjamin Hancock, George Till, Edward Welsttd, Thomas Wiggins, James Thompson, XSeorge Morton, Joseph Whitehead, George Streettn, Patrick Connolly, Friend Streeton, Tbomas Griffy, ") J.'bn 0/ipbnnt, William Halbert. 5 S«ired and taken in csjfeb::'~.vit'the property cf Robert Letiis Hooper, deceafc. JOHN HALL, Marshal. N. B. A reasonable credit wfli be given. Marfhal't Office, J Philadelphia, Jan. 4.fl * These two traMs do not eantain the fui quantity of the orignat warrants { pat t of them ha ving been conveyed away. Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED from the Company of Captain MATTHEW HENRY, joth Reg. U. S. Infantry, an enliltecl I'oldier named MOSES H r l NN, horn in Penr.fylvania, by trade a fooe makcr, thirty sfv/t of age, five feet fight and an haif inches high, black eyea, black hajr, fair complexion, hjs loft two of hi» fore teeth which is very percept'ble when be talks. It i* known that he now lurks in thii city. Whoever flull take up said deserter and lodge him in j*il, or flull deliver him to tbt Siibfcri ber at hu quarters in Filbert between Ninth and T»nth ftree', ftiill receive the abrrve reward and realonible rhjreer BENJAMIN GIBBS, J*». Captain 10/ i P.tgiment Infantry. T».*. TO Bg DISM>SED OF, The Time of a strong healthy Negro Wench, Who has seven years to seme. ■fT She is acquainted with all kinds of house wo k. and is a gpod plain Cook. Enquire of the Printer. Jarvuary 7, iSco. IIENRY BENBRIDGE TiEGS leave to inform Uis frien.ij ajid the 15 p ihlic, that he ha» commenced tbebphneS of a bk.OKEX, at his Office No. ij JDock ftreet, near the Batik ot the United States, where he buys and fells on Commission all kinds of Public Securities, Stoeks, Notes, &c &c. and offers his services in anybnfinefs in his line. Jin 14. diw3»w6w MATTHEW M'CONN'ELi: Having opined an Office in Cbcsnut street, (A few doors above Fourth ) At No. 141, AND afrrin commenced the BnTwiefs of Ne gociatiofs, in the various kinds of Puiik Stock, Bills of Exchange, s3*. tS*. Engages to do every thing in his power to jjive f»tisuc tion to tfcofe who may think proper rn ernploy him. He means to confine his tranfafl'ibns'to the Agency and Commission line,"in all fuchbu finefs as it common to the profeflion. , The parohafe and sale of Hiuftt and Lots in and near the City will be attended to, and alto if Lands, when that biifinefs again revives. j . November 19. jress* W aoßßJtr irALX. Old Port Wine, in pipes, hhd». and ijr. calks, Also Landing at tbeir WbarJ from on hoard the (hip Edward fronvLlfbon. ■ Lisbon Wine, in pipes and qr. c»(ks. junc 15 ( ROSS and SIMSON, HATH rot SAL !>,' 3000 pieces ift and 2d quality Rufiu Duck, 100 pieces Rovens Duck (fuperiof) Bo lion Lk-ff in Barrels, t, A few bales Bengal [ HUMtfUMS. jtoo buftiels St Martins 3*h. aprtl 11 ( DANCING. Mr. FRANCIS Respectfully informs bis tfho}»» *nd the public in general, that he will rcrommerce Teaching on TUESDAY the »«rt» itifuut, at the Dayi of tuition, Tuefdaya and ThurMayt. rißtrs, Ffve Dollars per Mortll, Ten do. per Quarter, A. Enframe*. •'i 1»« £T For further Particulars apply to Mn t. JO, north Eighth ftrt«t. Prccmher »f. Southern Mails. v , THE Mails for all the Offices on the o>ai» ! line, between this Office and Peterftx.rg, Virginia, will be clofid here eveiy days excepted) at half part 7 A. M. > And the Mails for the PoA Towns on the : m&.n line, through Njrth-Garofiua, Soutb- Carolina and Georgia as far a*. Saviyinali, •will be closed with the. Southern MaiiA fry Mendayy- Wrdtiefday and Friday "The water Mails between this a«d GiSrlefttfVare rfifrontinned. Pott Office, Philedelpbia\ ) December 30, 1799> 5 Dt-ccmber jo. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA,- ~T' " ' Zigeemitr 31, " THE STOGKHot»E*sof theßani of Pcrwfylvmit, art hereby notified that their Annua! Meeting will be held at tie Bank'on Fhday the 31ft Jay of January next, at tett o'clock. And the Stockholders »f the said Bank, are itA, notified, that tn eleflinn of ni-eteen Directors to fer»e for one be held at the Bank on Monday tfie 3d <FtJ of E«bruary n«i«, at Un o'clock in the forenoon. SMITHS Calmer. Extract from tbe seventh section ej tie jlet ' of Incorporation. v • " Article and. Nat more than fourteen of the Dir«sort c\eAc4 by thrStockhold«rs, and nftualty is office, txcluCve of the Prefidcnt, fl»ll"J>e edi ble for the next fiicceeding year ; but the Director who shall ke Prifident at the time of *0 eleAion gjay always be re-elided." TRESPASSI AS taken op yesterday is an iiicWur< in Turner's Lane, a SORREL HORSE, with 3 fmaJl blase, and his off hind-foot white. The owner may have him again on application at this Office, aid paying, cods of advertifiag. January 13. djt. •"pWO or three a<9ive Yoanf Men to carry Book? about for sale. To such as ate capable and diligent, goad encouragement will b» give* Apply on Wedncfday, ijth inft. btcween 4 and 5 •'clock in the evening, to U'm Jodc», Stationer, No 30. Fourth near Market ftrcst. January 13. eotiyM A YOUNG MAN ACQUAINTED with the Wefl-fodit trade, wiflics tote employed ai a kijperoer to. He wiN engage on moderate terms, Satiafaaory recom mendation will be produced. A line <3ir«<sed 10 A. B. left at the Printing Of fice will be immediately attended to. December r». TO BE SOLD FOR CASH, OR EXCHANGED, For property in the City, or within thirty miles of it, . A PLANTATION or tra« of Lirxl in Mifflin County and State of Pcanfylva nia, within Sx milei of the ri«er Juniau, con taining about jeo acrea. There are about fifty acret cleared, part of which i< a rich bottom, watered by a ronftant Art-am that is flrong enough to work an oil or a grill mill.. Any person inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur ther information by applying at the offic • of this gazette. N. B. If fold, credit wiH be give» for part of the money. O&ober ij, tffte -dtl diw( Di dtf) . TO BE SOLD BY WANTED, •J. MIHH WiST ■: '<ifOM 6w- January I». THIS VAT 13 PUBLISHED, AT Dickins's Stationary & Book-Store r North StcenJ Strict, oftofii Clrif CUnb, ,a wrriß ioitjoh or WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS 1 To the People b( the United Statet, on retiring from Public Life, Super Royal, 8-uo. ( Price Two Dollars) OtnSnWnccil with » capital Portrait bjr one cf the fijrlt Artists, ■ -4 NO eatcrtioni or expence hare been ("pared to render ihi» publication complete,and altho' all the mater ity and workmanlhip are entirely American, th« paper, priming and engraving have been al lowed Ky good jHrtgoi to exotd any thing ever at tempted in the United Statet DiCKitfS'j Stationary and Book Store is rtmived from N6. 41 Market street, to the house lately occupied by W. Cobbctt, in Se» cond street, pppufite Christ church; where country store keepers and other* may be con ftanlly supplied w th a complete and peneral aflortment of every article in the book ard liationary lice, on the moll reafjnible term*. H. MaxvieWs Printing Office ... IS t«I«TU ' ,T« • hock adjoiei** the back partof Diekiot'a > Bpok Store, wbijc PRItITINO'i ip»al] if* *»- witty, in a ftyiref fuperiw tl«- :Imm. T '- ■■> ' '-■* !<• • NOW PUBLISHED, AND T Q BE SOLD, 2J> JOSEPH if J AMES CRUKSHANK, No. S7, High Street, j ..'-.WEBSTER'S HISTORY OF PESTILENCE, Tii two volumes o&avo, Prill ty tltjingb fttt 4 Mian ; with i frtti It a Jtmtn aiUwU It Bttlftlltn. '* This wnrk' Nty be had in flicrtt at two and an half Dollar*, by applying ae £. 'Relden k Ca. Mo. 40, Pine New- Jcnuarj 11 ; ; THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, Price 6z\ cen^a. AMD TO Be had or WILLIAM JONES, No. 30 N. Fourth, hear Market Arret, A Won C upon a pion which never before ap peared in the United States, bring« srtciis of Dire&ory, but different from the usual fort, SN'TI TV L ED lie New TRADE Director*, ton taxLADtLmtA t l.' K--' : Anfto t8oo: ' OH, iCtffepletc ua of *U the occapatiooa and trmd«« (StMaAraiV and aJflotrtuilfy air«»ged) jtr»6ife<! in the City. aAd Libertiea with the naifec* , aod rc&koaM follow each of than rf \ ffdnufy, also io f)pKfk*t>cal order 11* which U a4> «Ud an AlplUlwtM*! Lift of all the Bu*ct«. ' -"-r Hid Aiky» city and Übertm. dtf. tf a Mxrcbant or Shi* Owns* wiihci for any rexfon to be acquaiutei" with all the YJaeeenft, Grtven, Infiefiori, Gnareet, Mtafurrrt, Ship-lvrigltl, Silp carfcnUrt, blip Jvtr.trt, Majl maters, B*at tail* dm, Blaii maltrt, Riggtrt, CeuiXtrt, iteiraJsrej, Mariner!, »r any he needs on ly look to the Indm for tbe Tkads, aid he will b« referred to the pages which contain all rhs r.aaics and refidcnces as those wh« follow it. If a Hovit-Kaefcn w>atsquicklf tt> find a Ha ter, a Cab Baker, Seamjlrfr, White Wajktr, tVeJber, China Mender i-Aotl mafnr tr Miflrt/t, GUmur, Pa per Hanger, PaiUr, Cstar Cooper, Levifmith, Blaik jmitb, BieUayrr, PUiflcrer nr Jtiner. H« can also torn to the Indm and be referred to the Tr aqk in question In like manner can the LaAUs find out the rcSdcncea and names of all the Mantua msiere, tminM imaitrt. Stay maim, bjrn ami A T urf,t, <9V "Tt Sr**N«tmthe mo ft iumiml Baa, Jit,% Hufc, Heir Drtjir, Hatter, Tayler, Vrvni n«icr Xtte— Nor i» the utility of the work confined to these &■ lone ; for any Trajefnan may trace at once the ramei and residences of the Mafiert mni "Journey men in i'u rum line. In short it is more of less VJtful (0 almojl ev ery Clafi of Citizens- - And the Editor trusts that filch an Expensive and laborious Undertaking will meet with fuitaile Encouragement j*"«- W*D)dtf THE UNDERSIGNED, TTIS Swtdifh Majefty'sConfal General, Mid au- JLi thrriied to rranfad the ConfuUir Bufinefr, for kia Majflcy the King of Denmaak iu the United States ef America, residing at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, That in obedience to recent inArudions received from his government, ifcis the duty of all Makers of Swedsfti and Danish »eflels, before their faiUng from any port in the said States, to call upor him o> the Vice. C»»ful, io to be granre4 .such Certificates for their Cargoes, which the exigency of the ilate of the Neutral Commerce and tiie fe ver 1 Derrtes of (he Ikljigerent Powert, render jndifperiably lucefiary, and, that any Matter of vessel. belonging to the fefpeSive nations, or na vigating under the p-oteclion of their flags, in omitting to take such certificates, will pcrfooalk "and relpoufible for the conference?. RICHARD SODEHSTROM. Philadelphia, IBtK December, 1799. " j*. CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS Or OBLIGATIONS er CERTIFICATES Ggn ed by the fubfcriher, lor undivided Shares or Lots on hit purchase within the eily of Wafliing ton* who have not y« applied for and received their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several Titles will be July completed to the order of thole who in conformity with the terms of the fai l Cer tificates, do male the Payments in full therefor, either to Ttomaj Af'JZua & Co. or to the "uh fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before the 31ft day of May Dcit. cttf, December it i. i- i. THE time being fixed on, when the MILII'ARY LAND (commonly called Knox's) WARRANTS* granted to the United States' army, are to be rcgifter ed and located,—the subscribers have ex plored thattratt of land on which tboC- war rants are to be laid; with a view, and for the purpose of offering their services as lo caters. Wc take the liberty of suggesting, " that weare at lead as -well acquainted with the Situation, quality of the foif, See. of the dif ferent townlhips in the aforcfaid tra£t, as arty other person :" this wMI, perhaps, ap pear more clearly, by observing, th«t Wil liam C. Schink <t£Tiflcd in running the Indian boundary line; at which time he ' conllderably travcrfed that trad: he also afElted in furvryjng and laying it off into townlhipi, and at other times ranged over 1 it, to gain information, But to obtain a mere complete and accurate knowledge, we bave lately spent between two and three months, with frveral a&ftants, in particu larly examining the different townlhips and quarter townships ; by which means we have acquired an accuiate knowledge of the whose diftriftv—We now offer our fervicei to the ! public, as Locaters, with affl-rances that we will locate every persons warrants intruded to us to the best ''advantage, agreeably to I their rights of location, which is to be de termined according to law. For our Jer vloes we demand- the one equal tenth part, eitlier in lands or wairants, when we locate a full traft, of four thoufaad acres «r more, for one person or firm ; the land to be taken In a square, at a corfier of the traft ; which corner it to be equitably determined before the time of location.—The one equal sixth parti in «afb or warrant*, when we conne£t and locate.any amount kfs than four thou -I'an.l acres.- ■ W.e will be in Philadelphia f:*m December next, until after the time vf tt&r tf to wit : BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the e leventhday of January, in thetwenty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, COLLINS ON READ and OEOROE DAVIS, of tbe said Diftnfl, have deposited in this office, the title nfa Book, the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words following to wit Clerk of tbt District of Pennsylvania. The above declarations combining the sem blance of fine writing with utility, and fettled and appr ved by some of the fiift and most dif tinguilhed Law Chara<net;s io the ftaie, are now publilhed, and for sale at Samutl Blodgtt. THE SUBS j explored the Land L the Warrant! due to the L Soldier: who ftrved in i let;:e n tie United I and Great Britain, PROPOSES to l< cat* Warrants to tbe best advantage, on being allowed a reafouable compensation. He wilt attend at Philadelphia at the time <>f locating ; and as nut lefi than 4000 acres can be regiflercd or located, will re; ceive sumber of warrants less than thaf amount, and tlaJ's then with others so as to make up ihr q utility required. The l'ubfcribcr propofts alfu tft attend on the land immediately after locating, and Ihew any feAioii in wh ; ch he may be employed. Letters or warrants addrelfcd, to Alex ander Addil'en, Esq. Pmiburgli, until t«e ill day of January next, or to the fubliriber at Washington, Pennfylvinia, anytime previous to the i 7th December, anJ from that dayuutil nth day of Ftlmiary next, at the Poll Office, Philadelphia, wiil be attended to. M'CLUNEY. eoi jaf ■>£'; r'' January 16 TO THE PUBLIC. location, to tranfatt fhi» bufutefs. Any pcrfon wifliing to fatisfy himfelf farther, will plcafe to call on us, by letter, (portage paid) or when due attention will be paid, and such voucher* may be seen as we have to offer, which'we hope will be £g tiifaftory. MARTIN BAUM, WILLIAM C. SCHENCK. Philadelphia, Oft. 9, 1799. ' row.. DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, « TEN BLANK DECLARATIONS, Elegantly'engraved on Copper plate, viz. 1. Debt on Bond |6. Qj»a»tum Meruit A *. ■by Affignae 7. - Valebant J. on single bill 8. On Protniflory note 4. —— on penal hilt 9. Same by Indorsee 5. Indebitatus As- 10. I refpafs and E -6. fompfit je<3ment. For the use of the Professors of the Law, DRAWN ?T COLLINSON Rf.AD." In conformity to the ail of the Conerefs of the United States, intituled " An afl ror the encouragement of learning, by securing the co pies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Author* and Proprietors of fach copies, during the time therein mentioned." D. CALDWELL, (L. S.) GEORGE DAVIS's JaAW-BOOK STORE, No. 319, High-Street. Whcre atwaya nay be bad, ev*ry book vranl *d in that line. January (4. IN CUSTODY In Middlesex Gaol, the following Negro men, to wit: ADAM HILL, fays he belo' gs to William Mc. Mutrea, of Philadelphia, 11 years old. Henry Hall, about 6 leet high, supposed to be a bout 46 years eld, and some gentleman's coach man or waiter, and from his diatftf, judged tobe from Maryland or i,Virginia—lfaac Harmone, 5 feet, 6 or 7 inches high, very black, about 10 years ol«t, lays he lived at the He»d of Elk, ilace of De lawarc. The owners of the above Negroes are to pay charges and take them away, before the nft of January enf«ing, or they shall on tkat day be fold to defray expenses and gaol fees at the city of Ncw-Brunfwick, an« State ol New-Jersey.' peter keenon. December JI—9J. _ not, X'jpfc -jf. CI NCI NN AH. \ It a meeting of the Pcnnlylvania State So ciety of the Cincinnati, held at the State House, in Philadelphia, 011 the aift of December, 1799, BRIGADIER GEN. MACPHERSON The. following Resolutions were moved by Major Jackson, and UMiumoufly £ Resolved, ['hat, in veneration of the ex ilted virtues, patrietifm, and public fervicea 4 )f our late mod excellent, beloved, and ever o be- lamented Frefident General, Georgr Walhington,—and as a tribute of the deepefl orrow, and mod affeftionate attachment tc lis endeared illustrious memory, the Members of this Society will wear mourn ng.conneded with the of the Society, Resolved, 1 hat a strip of bfatlt Ribband jatftng along the centre of the Ribband of Thefollowing resolution* Were povedbygen. Resolvtd, That Major Jacki'oll be request cd to prepare and pronounce an Eulogium on bracing a fuinmary review of his Civil and Military services ; and that the fame be dei livered before this Society 011 Saturday the 2id day of February next, at one o'clock, P. M. at such place as the Standing Com~ mittcf- to wlu ni the arr t< geinents of the day of Representatives, thr Members of both HouU* of Congress, ibr Heads of Depart-, menu, vhe Judiciary, and fych other officer* of the General and State Governments at may then be in Philadelphia, be refpe&fully •Rtvifed to honor'the Society with their pre- D?c J -"l 11 lawjwScdtf : > •;, 3 ,4 v.- -* ">s for fcTtral y«ar«, and it very faitable for that b»- i Cnef», btin? about o-e hundred feet front on (be > rivtfl Poflcffifn wil! !>e piven on the >rft of May . the said wharf, pjffrffion of whkh may be had im> mediately. erfluire of JOSHUA HUMPHREYS. QITUATED aSont two milti fr» B , Newtown O the county town of Backs on the main road leading to Yardley'a Ftrry, on the Delaware, a> bout fo»r nil.'s from thejattfr jjlscc, anJ about , twenty five flora PhiUpelphia, containing I*l - acres, the whole uirder good f ence and in high culture. There ar.-on the premif. . .-congenital two (lory Stone H.ufc, with a commodiot» Stone Kitchen adjoiog a stone spring house, over an f*. ( anflihle frnng, a few paeee from the door, with convenient out houfea, Ac. Ste. The ekgaucy of the Ctuation, .nd the e.cellmt natural qualitie.of Three Hundred Dollars Reward. LAST NIGHT THE Pocket of the Subscriber wa» cut nom his coat at the Theatre, . containing a black Morocco POCKET BOOK with the lol'owing Noif», a of Fiv» Hundred Dollars each) I of One Hundred, 5 of FiJ'ty each, 3 of Twenty each, and t of Ten, 11 of the Branch of New Yoik; i of One Hundred each, oil the iVlißhattat Bank, N. Y. Cs"Any person apprehending the said Thief and securing the above Notei, (hall receive tkt above reward ; and Two Hundred Dollars will be given for the Book and Contend, and n» quelhons alk'd. JONATHAN STANLY. f Apply at Mr. Hardy's Hotel, No. 98 Market Street. January 4. CHRISTIAN WIRTZ, Jun. AVttJM, January 11. Thirty Dollars Reward. ( DESERTED FROM the Marine Barracks on the night of th* 14th inft—JoHN OSBORN, born in tl« I town of Bedford, Well Cheftcr county and fta« of New-York, aged si years, 9 months, 5 ftit 8 and a quarter inches High, grey eyti (long que<fy light hair, ruddy complexion, pock marked, bj trade a Shoemaker. Entitled by Lieutenant Rey nolds in Stephan'a Town, near Albany the 45th o.' June lad liad on arid took with him a fiiort round blue cloth coac with a red cape, a blu« ' c . cloth coatee, a few white waiftcoati, a leng grey mixed clo'h ceat ana breaches, a pair of boots, 1 ■ 1 checolate coloured great coat trimmed with blacC !< hair plulh, a furr hat half worn, and two filvc ' watches, ope a middle size, the other small. Ha may iropofe himleli on some family or gentleman- •• as a waiter, as he ha 9 a&ed in that capacity Whoever apprehends said Deserter, and secures hint in jail, feh J• him to Headquarters, or deliver! him Co any of the Marine officers, or any officer of the : army of the United States ihall receive the above reward and all reafooabfe charges, J. S. LEWIS, Adjutant Marine Corps, Taiiuary 16. HP WO or three Gentlemen with their fer- • -a- varts, may b« accommodated with Lodging* and Breaklatl, and two furnlCssd rooms, at N*> 83 north Fifth Street. November 27. vAitstf V -m V ■ _ tutham. .it'' NICHOLAS WYNKOOP, - J > XV. v *4 • 'J,. ' ;*1 ' KJ f»£ , ■ m i-1 -.ekri •'< 'J V