PRATT fc? KINTZIN.G, 'I&A 9s Waff Street, ' HAV* ON HAND, [January the ift, 1800.] Tbe following GOODS, entMed to Draw. 1»»ek, which they offer for Tale at mo derate Prices and liberal Credit-: He boxes and halet Ticklenburghs, Hempen Lineas snd Oxnabrigs, jo bnxei Patlerbornes or white Roll«, *5, ditto Bislfield Li en, 11 ditto Creat and Creas a la Morlaix, » ditto Britaitnias, Brown Rolls, Ditto Heffatu, Poliih Rolls, Bed Ticks,, Seamois, Arabia*, Jmpty Bags Oil Goths, Shoes and Slippers, Soal and Upper Leath«r, Quill* and Sealing Wax, A package Gold and Silver Watches, 2 caflcs Hoes, |p caflcs Nails, assorted, from 3 to *O, 16 calks Ironmongery, assorted, J3 pipes old Pprt Wine, A , •5 boxes Tumblers, ass >rted, 100 boxes befl Hamburg Window Glass, Sky JO, 4cc. See. 1 chest assorted Looking Glasses, Several large elegant Ditto, ;o kegs Pearl Barley, A few tons Roll Brimstone; 10 kegs Yellow Ochre, A few barrels Naval Store*, 1,50© empty Demijohns, 6 hog (heads Coffee Mills, 10 hhds. Hogs Bridles, firft and second quality, 40 tons Ruffian Hemp, Holland Steel, 2 hhds Dutch Glue, Toys, Lentilles, Slates and Pencils, Tapes, Blocking Twine, Stone Pickling Pots, &c. &e. January 4. TO BE SOLD, or leased for one year*—that Valuable Estate, KNOWN hv the name of the Booneton Iron in the county of Morris ia the flat#- of New-Jerfry, confiding of a Forge with four firei, a Rellingand slitting Mill, a Drift mill with two Run of denes, and Sew mill, all in good order and n«w in use, together with an eicellent, large, ..nd convenient house, with out-houfrs of every kind ; among which are an lee house, aad stone milk house, with a remarkable fne spring in it,, a large Garden, and an excellent tolUAion of Fruit, a Orchard, and 1500 acres or wood, pa»ure and arable land, and a great number of (lores aud workmen's hoafee Immediate pofleffira will be given ot house* and (lores fafTicient for providing (lock the present winter, aad poffellion ot the whole in the spring. For terms enquire of David B Ogden at New ark, mr Peter iVla;kie in New-York, mr. David -.TV"/? orr '\ OWB > »r«ne&fc Jacob aid Rich ard fracfch on the prtnnfet. . , j January 11 United States, _ Pennsylvania District. \ n ' BY virtue of a writ of venditioni exponti,to m« direiled, iiTied out of the circuit eourt of the United in and for the Pennfylva* nia DillriCl, of the middle circuit, will be fold by public vendue at the city tavern, in Second flreet, in the city of Philadelphia on Monday the ?7rh day of March next, at 6 o'clock m the eveuiag, all that certain tract or parcel of lanri, situate, lying and being on the river or creek called Lackawaxen, in the county of Wayae, containing 8000 a£r*« and upwardi ; on which are erected a m<-fluage, stable» and fiwmill, with the appurtenancei.—The names of the original warranted of the siM tract or parcel of land were as follows. Morteeoi Roberts, John Till, Stapbel Medera, Geo-ge War ton, Zacbariah Ferrk, Benjamin Hancock, George T'lh Edward Welsted, Thomas Wiggins, James Thompson, George Morton, Joseph Whitehead, George Streetan, Patrick Qonnolly, Friesd Strteton, Tbomat Griffy, > John OlipboHt, William Halbert. 5 Seized and taken ia execution a* the property of Robert Lett ie Hooper, decpafed. JOHN HALL, Marshal. N. B. A reasonable credit will be (Wen. Marihal's Office, Philadelphia, Jan. 4. j * Theft two trails do net contain the full quantity of the origna! warrants ; part t/thtm having keen conveyed away. Ten Dollars Reward. DESERTED from the Company of Captain MATTHEW HENkY, 10th Reg. U. S. Infantry, - an enlisted soldier named MOSRS WtNN, bom in Penr.fyluama, by trade a flioe mgker, thirty years of age, five feet eight and an half inches high, black eyes, black hair, fair complexion, hjs loft two of hi» fore teeth which is very perceptible when he talks. It it known that he now lurks in this city. Whoever shall take up said deserter and ledge him in jail, or {hall deliver him to the Subscri ber at his quarters in Filbert between Ninth and Tenth ft reef, (hall receive the above reward and reasonable charges. BENJAMIN GIBBS, Jan. Captain 10 th Regiment Infantry. Tan. f. LOST, A Check on the Bank of Pennsylvania, QF thudate, for noe dollar*, io favour of the Bank of North America and.drawn by the Sttb critor. The Publie are cautioned not to take tbe said Cheek, payment of the fame being topped. JOHN TRAVIS, January 13, lßeo. TOUR DISPOSED Or, The Time of a strong healthy Negro Wench, Who has seven years to servtL tT She is acquainted with all kind/of house work, and i» a good plain Cook. - tJt Enquire of the Printer. January 7, iSco. its Street, •w&fjw IRON WORKS. eottyM "T"WO or three adive Yoang Me* to carry Bookt about for sale. To fueh 11 are capable and diligent, good encouragement will b« given Apply on Wrduefday, 15th inft. b.twcen 4 and S o'clock in the evening, to W m . Jonei, Stationer, No. 30, Fourth near Market street. ACQUAINTED with the Weft-tadU trade, wifces tobe employed « a Supercargo. He wiN engage on moderate ter»». Satisfactory recom mendation will be produced. A line diredled to A. B. left at the Printing Of fice wit! be inmediatefr attended to. December it. For property in the City, or vfitbih thirty miles of it, A PLANTATION or trail of Land in Mifflin County and State of Pennfylva nj*. within fix miles of the ri*er Juniata, con taining about joo acres. There are about fifty acres cleared, part of which it a rich bottom, watered by a rooftant ft ream that it strong enough to work an oil ojf a grift mill. Any person inclining to deal for it, may obtain fur ther information 6y Jpplying at the offic • of thi« gakette. N. B. If fold, credit wiH be given for part of the money. CWlober 17, 17)9. HENRY benbridge BEGS leave to inform bis friends and the pHblie, (hit he has commenced the bufintfs of a BROKER, at hu Office No. 83 Dock flreet, near the Bank of the United States, where he buys and oh Commiflion all kinds of Public Securities, Stocks, Notes, &c &c. and offers his Cervices in any business in his lifie. Jan 14. diwiaw6w MATTHEW M'OONNELL Having opened an Office in Cbesnut street, [ A few doors above Fourth) At No. 141, A ND again commenced the Business of Ne gociations, in the various kinds of Public Stock. Bilh of Exchange, istc. &e. Engages to do every thing in his power to give fatisfac tion lo those who may think proper to employ him. He means to confine his tranfal\ions to the Agency and CommiJJion line, in all such bu siness as is common to the profrflion. The parchafe and sale ofjfoufet and Lots i* and near the City will be attended f<>, and also Lands, when that business again revives. November 19. d»w(Dj dtf) TO BE SOLD BY JESSE & ROBERT IT A IN. Old Port Wi»e, in pipes, hbds. and qr. calks, Alto Landing at tbeir W-barJ From on board the {hip Edward from Lisbon. Liffeon Wine, in pipes and qr. calks, june is 5 ROSS AND SIMSON, HATE FOR ULk, 3000 pieces ift arid id quality Ruffra Duck, 100 pieces Ravem Duck (superior) Bcifton Beef in Barrels, A few bales' Bengal [ h^lmS . I 100 birfhels St. Martini Salt, april 11 j dancing. Mr. FRANCIS Or T«* NIW TUEATSI, RBSPECTFUI.LY inform* hit scholars and the public in general, that he will re-commerce Teaching on TUESDAY the 14th infunt, at the AlTembly Room, 800 th Fourth Street. Day 1 of tuition, Tuefdayt and Thorfdays. terms, Ftve Dollars per Month, Ten de. per Quarter, M EnlrsHCt. £f r <* further Particulars apply to Urt I. jo, north Eighth flreet. December »r. / —V,.»' , ) Southern Mails. THE Mails for all the Offices °n the main line, between this Office and Petersburg, Virginia, will beclofed here every day, (Sun. days excepted) at half past 7 o'clock, A. M. And thfjMails for the Post Towns on the main line, A.«u a h North-Carolina, South. and Georgia as M Srrannah, will be closed with the Southern Maili ev ery Monday, Wednesday aid Friday. The water Mills between this and Charleston are difcontinncd. Post Office, Philadelphia, > December jOj 175t9> ) December BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA, December jt, 1799. Stockholders oifatßemk .-*■ of P'ffhl+ann, art hereby notified that their Annual Meeting will be held at the Bank on o'clotk ' *** as January »«tt, at tea And the .Stockholder! •( the said Bank, arc also notified, that mi election of nineteen Dir«&or« to serve for one year, will be held at tho Bank oo Monday.the 3d -day of E.bruary next, at ten o clock in the forenoon. JONATHAN SMITH, Cashier. Extract from tbe seventh section oj tie Act of Incorporatiom " Artitle »nd. Nat more than fourteen of the Du-eaors eleSed by theStockholdar«,and aAually m office, exclusive of the President, (ball be elfei. 7 1 X« r ; •"«« the Diredor who in all be Pr«fident at tbe time of an ele&ion may always be re-elefled." TRESPASSING, \XTAS 'aken up yeflcrday in an indofure in ri. T, UrnW ' Lan . e ' 1 SO * R EL HORSE, with • laiall blaze, and hit off-hind-foot white. The owner may have him again on application at this Office, and paying costs of advertising. January 13. djt WANTED, A Y 1 G MAN TO BE SOLD FOR CASH, OB EXCHANGED, THE BEST LIKENESS OF THE CclebYated Washington, Which has ever, been puMi/h«d, IS now offered for sale at Dickins's Book-4ore, oppofuc Chri# Church, at the moderate price of One Dollar. January IV THIS DAT IS PUBLISHED, AT Dickins's Stationary & Book-Store, North Second Strut, oppojtte Cbrifi Churchy A sort** rniTION OF WASHINGTON'S ADDRESS To the Peopleof the United States, on retiring from Public Life, Super Royal, Sue. ( Price TlfcU*rj. This Work m>y be bad in fheeti it two and an h«ll Dollars, by applying to E. Belden 2c Co. No. 40, Pine Street, New- York. January 11. THIS D/tr IS PUBLISHED, Price centi. AND 70 BE HAD OF WILLIAM JCT 1 ES, No. 30 N. Fourth, near Market (krret, A Work upon apian -which never Itfore ap peared in lie If tiled States, being » s? F. c 1 Is of Directory, >ut different from the ufua! INTITULED The New TRADE Directory, roi mtLjotimiA, ■ Anno 1800: OR, a CompUtcXift of „//. Ouapr,, Slif-mriAti, Shf earfenter:, Sfy Jwm, Majtmaiere, Boat buil der,, libit mater, , Sail-maier,, Jti a ere, CaMere, MfwArr;, Mar men, or am, IraJtfman, he need, on ly look to the Index for the T«ad«, aid he will be referred to the page, which contain all the name, and residence. of those who follow it. If a Hoo.a-KMTta w int. quickly to find a Ba tor, « Cah Bohr, Seamjlref,, Whit, Wajber, Walter, Ct,naMender. S etoj-mafier or Miftref,, Glanier, Pa per Hanger, Painter, Cedar Coofer, Ltkfmkb, Blaet \fmitb, BntHayer, Haifierer cr Joiner. He can also torn to the hie* and be referred to the T*ad* in question. In like manner can theLabiii find oat the refidencee and frame, of all the Mantua matere, Biuet matere, Stay matere. Dyers anJ Nurfet, fsV. *** <•»**** Bear dm* Houft, Haer Drefer, Hat*, Taylor, Trunk raier, &7 Nor 11 the utility of the work confiaed to tbefc ». lone ; for any TraJe/man may trace at once the names and refideace. of the Mate,, and Journey men in Hi ran line. 5v ? ,'i " m ° r< or ,ef ' " olmojht,. trjUafs of Citizens- -And the bditor trull, that ttch an Expensive and laborious Undertaking will meet with suitable Encouragement. J * n - *' f(4D)dtf THE UNDERSIGNED, HIS Swedilh Majefly'. Consul General, and au wr'-n 1° tranU<9 th « Consular Bufineft. tor ni. Majftey the King of Denmaak iu the Unitod cf """erica, residing at Philadelphia, Hereby gives public Notice, M'uainn, re«ei*ed from his government, it ia the duty of all Matter, of bwedJh and Danish re ffeU, befSre their fail "* orThe ,n , 'i fiid St " es> t0 c »" "P 01 " him or the Vice Coßlul in order to be granted such of"the C n f thiir Cargoe., which the exigency 1 P . C blt b!y • " eccfla [>' > and - th" any Maft cr T the rcf or na vigating binder the protection of their flairs in amitting to take such certificates, will ncrffniiw stand responsible for the consequences. RICHARD SODERSTROM. Philadelphia, ißtb December, iy 99 . 1«. CITY OF WASHINGTON. THE POSSESSORS OF OBLIGATIONS .r CERTIFICATES film ed by the fubfcrilw, for undivided Shares or L.OM on hn purehafe within the city of Wafhine ton, who hive not y.t applied for and received Dce ,f'- >'«l««eby notified, that their several Titltstwnl be July completed to the order of those who in conformity with the term» of the said Cer tilieatM, do make th« Payment, in full therefor either to Thsmat M'Eum Co. or to the «üb-' fenber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before the 31ft d*y of May aext. dtf. December »y ttfcftf At a dated Meeting of the Academy of Me dicine, the fallowing; perlbnj were eleAed. Officers of the Inditution : President, Dr. Philip Syng Phyfick. flee Presidents, Dr. Charles Caldwell & Dr. Win. De Wee«. Secretary, Dr. John C. Otto. Libraricn. Dr. James Gallaher. Treasuser. Dr. William Budd. The following perron, were appointed Mem. bcrs ot the Standing Committees : Committee of Correspondence. Dr». Charles Caldwell, William Dr Wees, James Mease, Felix Pafcalis, . Jamet Reynolds. Committee of Meteorology. Dis. John Redman Coxe, John C. Otto, James Stewart, Rene La Roche. Committee of ftevistih. Dr*. Benjamin Rufli, Joseph Strong, Philip Syng Phyfick. Committee for annual Bills of Mortality. Drs. William Budd, James Gallaher, Isaac tteyliri. January 13th. BC£- A Stated Meeting 0 f the Ameri- C*» Society will be held t their Hah on Friday, January i 7 tb, at 6 o clock in the evening. N. R. New Members to be balloted for. THOMAS P. SMITH, SecVy. Samuel Blodg'et. .. ** ' tiuismt frnpirt, 16. Jußum et teaacem propositi virum, Nou civium ardorprava jubontium, Mod vultus inflanu* tyranm, Memo quatit folida. THE DEMOCRATIC MONKEY; An Eallern Apologue. THE Saner ats are a religious order of Priefti in the kingdom of Siam. They are highly refpedted, and enjoy very cgnfiderable privileges, but they are wholly excluded from the secular concerns of the country : when ever they attempt to interfere (which they are apt to do) with the civil departments, their conduit is coalidrred as irregular, and they are recalled to theirduty. Cbfiou Naraye, who governed Siam about atentury ago, employed a Angular device tQ punilh the impertinence of one of these priests, who had undertaken to expostulate with his sovereign on his severity towards criminals. The monatch fecined to atterd to the Sancrat's remonstrance very patiently ; but, in a few days aiterwards, lie sent him an enormous Monkey to be kept at board with ft rift orders that the animal Ibould be treated kindly, and not restrained from doing any thing he pleaf^d. The Monkty, who was one of the raoft vicious of his kind, soon displayed bis (iiigu lar talents for mifchief: there was not a piece of furniture in the house which he did not in a (hort time either break in pieces, or cover with his filth. But, besides spoiling the furniture, he flew at the priest, and every person who came to viGt liim, and did .not quit thein 'till he left the marks of bis teeth 00 their hands or faces. The SaHcrat was soon weary of his guest, and petitioned the king to be delivered from To troublesome an inmate. Ihe Monarch, who was plealcd with the success of his scheme, heard the petitioner with his wanted attention, and answered him as follows ; « What, Holy " Father, you have not patieoce enough to (l bear with the freaks of a (ingle monkey, " even lor a few days, and yet you expert «« tha J fliould perpetually overlook and " pardon the crimes andinfolenee of a whole " nation, who are a thousand times more " malicious and dangerous. Begone, and fron* this time forward be more cautious "of meddling with bufinefs,"for which you " are incompetent; but be allured that, aU " though I am resolved to punish offences " againrt the peace and order of the State " with severity, I know also hew to cherish " and reward merit when I meet with it." From tht Lane astir Journal. A correspondent in the paper printed by the Dickfoni, (th« corrtß » narrator t" of the ordtrof ProaJJton) is much surprised that a committee were not appointed to wait on the governor at an early period, to request hi* attendance on Tuelday lift, " I take the liberty to surmise the canfe at follow* ; t. That pofibly the committee did not know the Governor lived in LancafU'. No rain will cartaioly think thia an ua reafonable surmise. 2. It iii pofßblc they might h»*e thought that when a ata defceods from the high and exalted dignity of Chief-deft of a free state, to the blackguard exercise of branding 31,641 free el«a«rj with the epitheti of " traitor*, twrits, rcfageej, French arifto crats, Britilh agent*, orapoftate whigs," he »• not mich entitled to the tefpeS of hii fel lowciti«en«. It ia dignity that commands refpeft, and we perceive fnmetbing like dignity, we cauot confidently respect the officer nor the man. NOTICE. was dated in'the account wc gave 0 f U ta ken from one of the daijy papers. W e .fh a „" - if it can be ootained, publish the whole }« fomc future paper. 1 It submits among other things, ift. The eftablifliment of a Military Acs- v ? , demy, including as part of the' fvltem a School for the Navy. y ' t, ' ad. A modification of the two Regiments of Art.ller.fts and Eng.neers, in f„ ch man ner ' " " form in (lead, one regi ; 0{ A F ;' ot Artillery, one Regm, en tof . 0 A. tillery, and one Regiment of En gineers, and also to leave a considerable sur plus of the expence of theexifting «tf wntl to be applied towards the support of the mi. litary Academy. 3d. To change the .terms of ejliftment. for the tropps, yet to-be raised,, for tho twelve Regiments of Infantry, f„ ;IM O run for Jive years,, or during tie existing differ ences between the United. States and the trench Republic, unless sooner discharged a view to ceconomy, by giving the power of transferring- such, a . mav L r entitled, when the Specific* d,ff,^e s „6 longer ex,ft, to fill the deficicptie, in the old Regiments. 4th. To authorise the frfQdeut, at ,11 times, to accept the fervi cfs 0 f .Volunteer Companies, for the Pr.ovjfionaJ .Am,.. u miting only the time, fpr .wHcJ, ment (hall continue, after acceptance. ,T sth. Certain improvements in the militia fytlem. r certaip parts of thp articles of war. 7th. A view of the whole.militarv force— conftittfting the army of the United States and its diftribu.ien. At a meeting of the Stock-holders of the i Insurance Company of North America, on the 14th inft. the following Gentlemen were ' chosen Direaori for the year ensuing, wig. James Aft), • Joseph Ball, Andrew Bayard, Thomas Bell, Peter Blight, David H. Conyngham, '■ William Cramond; • J imes Crawford, i . I Daniel W. Coxe, - James C. FHher, -* r Thomas W. Francii,' Godfrey Haga, Henry Hawkins., Alexander "Henry, Francis Ingrabnm, \ . g| Ekenezer Large,' * . Jdhn Leamy, Philip N.cklin, James Oldden, Charles Pettit, William Read, James Read, John Simpfon, Uobext Smifh, John Stille, 1 Jun; ' ' *""' S The Directors elected, Pettit, Elq.Pref.dent. AT a refprftable meeting of citijens fpe. cially convened a: Hardie's Hotel, Market-'' • street, on Saturday the nth c{ January, 1800, for the purpose of cohfideriug the pro-. » prieiy of addielling the Su:e XiCgifl ituie by . Petitions, on a Bill" now before them, for. ■ appointing, by law, the mode sf cfipofing t Elt Sors for electing a Prefide'frt'afid Vice : Pfefident of the United States. Levi jfol. , hngsivortb was chosen Chairman', and Ben jamin R~ Morgan, Secretary. i The objedt of the meetingbcing offered, to their consideration, arid* the ieafoning heardjfor and against petitioning, the taTloyi» ing Rriolutions were unaniiHoufly agreed to» Resolved, »< ■■ That on quefliems of a constitutional na ture, the authority of the people is delegated by the constitution thU State to th£ir «. v ., prefentatives in the two branches of the Legislature, and that although the people have a right to express their opinions by decent petitions or memorials to their repre sentatives, yet there is an impropriety in expreißng this right oa every occasion as it hath a tendency of afiutning by the people .the delegated authority veiled by the consti tution in their representatives. !; Restlved, - ,' " '*;r* That we, confiding in the wisdom, pirtri- J otiffn and firmneft of our State Legislature, confidently tmft this important buftnefs with tbeir deliberative wifdor.: and dete'rminat'iofi, . at the fame time obfrrying that the dividing , the State into Election Diftridts in our opi-' nion comports best with the general princi ples of our State Government, and With the pra&ice of our Sifter States. Resolved, That these Refoli'tions be f.gned by th* Chairman and Secretary and transmitted by 1 them to our Senator* and Members of the House of Representatives at as _c. the sentiments of this meeting. Levi HoluncswoßTg, CsoiVma«, Benjamin R. Morgan, Secretary. PRICES OF STOCKS. Pmi.Aßii.rHiA, «•- Six per Cent. • tV Three per Cent. ■ 8/9 Deferred 6 per Cent. 8 per C«nt Stock—a p«r Cent, advance. B \NK United States, >4 1 > ' Pennsylvania, »o ->• 10. North America, 50 I I Infuranie comp. N. A. Oiares I ,1. g r*. ■ Pennfylvsnia, iharet, « J ' Bait-India Company of N. A. par. Land Warrants, 34 dolls, per 100 acresi COURSE OF EXCHANGE London, 61 at jo days 60 at 60 a po days Amftrrdam, '35 37 i-*oo per flori* ---i * Hamburgh 30 *3 i-100 )>er MaiW'Mf., ■ The '' tof ner> ','Y* . ** •. '.*>