Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 10, 1800, Image 2

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    Jfomgn 3!nteiUgetice»
m F
f Doxviiing-jtreet, Oct. 261
Lieutenant-Colonel Clinton, Aid-de-Camp to
his Royal tiig«SWff the Dilb of York,
arrived this TTjpjTjiog at the office of the
flight Hon. Henry Dund*s, with dispatch
es of which the following are copies. i
„ n , LONDON October 28.
Bead quarters, S.-bagcn-Brvg, Oct. w. of the for Ham.
burgh, ft lit on board Ins majelty's fliip La
fented to you the circumitancevunder which near t | K , Vank 0 n which the (hip was loft.
I found it expedient to withdraw the army private letter from an officer in oui
from its forward p'nfition, in front ot Alk- army in Holland, dated the 2o'.h, n.-.'.ee
maer, within that which is at piefent occu- t l lat Col. Cunningham is ftili, alive His
to his Majelly fuff.cient to warrant themme- ls f^ SV cJ co his upper lip; he Win «o»i.
sure. Tile feal'on of the year, which has fp| ritil am l likely to recover. Major-Grey
already aifuir.ed .here the alpeit of winter, j s \ n a dangerous situation. Capt. King ol
gave iw, from day to day, additional reason t i,e is dead. Capt. Coleman ot the
prosecution of the campaign in this country body. Prince William ot GlouceOer
could not be attended with dccifive advan- |, H s (hipped his carriages. Ih: flux.increafes
tage«, wliiift the impofltbility of covering want'africe. I here is a great want ol
the troops in the narrow diftrnfk of the coun- st r aw. None of the officers have beds, they
try in our pofTc {Tion during the winter, and ,]] ■,, i lny.
the precarious Hate of supplies to be expert- The following account o£the late deten
ed in that season, added to the conviaion I t i on nfGtr. Don, is given in a letter from
pnrfued was to remove with ti.e army to arrived at the head-quarters ot Gen. Dirn-
j le moment of the attack on the 6th
might have expoted the army to some iofs in i n |\ an t. The Ddke of York exu«fted that
its execution, I judged in my mind prefera- he (|,- U IJ beat the left wing ot' the French
hie to'any other which could be adopted. on t (, at d 4 y, which might open the road tor
Under this iiripr«{Hon and cohntlering negociation with the Datcii. Gen. Daen-
Jiaw been injured to conclude an ariuiitir-, j. tained him ai a prilbner ot war ; a tun.-
in connection with Vice-Admiral Mitchell, j nlons to the Batavian government to com
aild Daiav .an armies, of which the conditions 1 .[. e [).n sL . o ;' Yor!:, being found amongst
are inclosed, and which, although they pro- j,;, p.,p,. r
vide for ueliveimg up a large r.umLev ot 1 It was with concern wt learned yrfhndny,
prit'oners of w«r, now in our hand?, yet I , a private letter received yeftrrday troni
trufl will not be thought'by his majelly an ; Hengal by a refpertable individual, announ
i*adrquate compeniatinn tor many valuable . rfs t [,e death of the gftll.i"t captain Cooke,
l:\cs which mnft have been lofl, aftrr the 1 w[lr) f<» exertions 011 board 1.11 Svbille were
obirC\ wlt;oh lias luthetto dirciled ther.i, 1.0 : la tr ]y fr> honorably noticed on the part ot
longer promised fnccefs ; aftd when the on- j t ] ie <ji Tr Aors of the East India Company, by
)y means which prcfented thcmfrlvrs of en- | t |. c nrefent rtf a :He wm J young
soring I'uccefs a fer uve retreat were, thole of „f t j, e mod fplendil abilitiesand acknow
datie.m from the tea, whict, as it would have | —•»——
MANHKIM, Odober 14.
years, mull have been h'ghlv repugnant 10 1 t j, e - Khine on several points between this
the K-e'.injjS, as wil as contrary to the char- , pi acc a „d Meotz o'-« part of our troops
xder an-1 prifticc of the Britilli nation. I | lal marched againfl them.
reft confident, that the motives which I have ; —....
here <3 tailed, will excuse me to his inajefty ; LIKD AU, October 17.
for having afted without writing for previ- | Yeflerday Field Marshal Suwarrow ar
-0,16 inflruAions feoiu houK, I dial 1 t ; vf( j jj e f I>re our ci'y with an army of 24
have the fatLfaaion of knowing that rav ; ,hou!»nd men. The Gee«ral himfclf, the
conduct, in this refpec*, his met with his (Jrand Duke Cooftantine, and their whole
Majefly's gracious approbation. o j, t | l( .; r quarters in this city, but
I a:n, Sec. t j, e arrn y cr , ta mped befyre it. To day
(Signed) Frldlkick. they were about to march, but a courier
nau#fchingen, their departure was counter
manded, and it i« now laid they will remaii
flgrced upon between Miliar General Knox,
duly outhoriud by his Royal Highness tbe
Duke of York, Commander in Chief of
tbe combined English and Russian Army,
and Citizen Rollollant, General cf Bri
gade, and Adjutant General, duly author
ised by Citizen Biune, General and Cam
maitder in Chief of the French and Bata
vian Armies.
Art. I. From the d .te of this convention,
all hoftilitks (hall cease between tbe two »r.
VIENNA, October 19. I
Art. 11. Hie line of Demarcation b.'4#.en ■ . • ■ c ■ ■
. ~ . ... ,■ l r The accounts rotfeived from bwitaerland
the fa,d armies (lull be the ol■ thar res- n{ f agce . xhfy on)y
F ne s ' as 1 nnw s I" ,] 1 Rate that Field Marftwl Suwarrow has taken
Art. 111. ibe continuation of all works, r . . . f ~ , j .r .
rr r } r r ii 11 l r f 'i a position in th« fmallcr cantons, anc tlint
offen ivc an j defeniive* mull be tuipcMced on r . <
, . , 1 p hi I the Arcnduke's army u ftationcd along the
both lides, and no new ones Ha.ill be under- . 7
, Rhine.
taken. . The troops for compltliog the regiments
#r/. IV. l lie mountea batteries taken . _ .. *: r i -n u u r .
„. _ LT ,j „ r of Preiis and Dcutfchmeilter have been lent
Boffetfionot at the Helder, or at other -. f -, , * , >
Y . i *• •j u t off for Italy, a few days tince, m waggons
tions within the line now occupied by the .. J . , . 66 -
, ■¥-• i n .it n n General Frolich, -with tht troops under
combined Enghfh and Ruffian army, Jhall ■. , nir
, n 1 /I n ' %I . rt his command, and 4000 Humans, who
be reflortd in the Itate in which they were ... . ' i- . • J
taken, or (in cafe .f improve, nent) ,n their lande ? NpP°«'»» terntory, has re
present ftatr, and all the Dutch Artillery ta- ! L eturn l ° Ita '? J but
ken therein ffial! be preserved. whether the Ruffian, w.ll remain .here, or
4rt. V. 'l'lif combined Englilh and Ruf- proceed to Sw.tzerland, ..not known.
Can armv (ball embark as soon as possible, , U « ( » ld ,h . at l^ e b P a » l(h Cardmal. wul
and lb ,11 evacuate the territoiy, eoafb, HI- no stare in the eledion of a Pope.
and<, and internal navigation of the Dutch (From the Court Cazette.)
Republic, by the 30th ofl» November, 1799, " Aceording to advice received from his
without committing any devaluation, by 10- Royal Highness the Archduke li.rlen, da
undationj, cutting the dykes, or other ways ltd Donauefchingen, Oftobe rB. the enemy
injuring tbe fourees of navigation. eroded the Rhine on tbe 4th, in several pla-
Art. VI. Any war, or other vef- ces, attacked a piquet of Ulahos, belonging
fels which may arrive with reinforcements to the advanced poll, of the Prince ofSch
for the combined Rritifh and Ruffian army, wartzenberg, near Sandhofen, when both
(hall not land the fame, and flull be lent parties made some prifonen, and the ewemy
away as soon as possible. retired. Near Sclz the enemy a!fo made
Art. VII. General Brune (hall be at li- an attempt to cross the river, but were un
bertv to fend an officer within the lines of fuccefsful, General Meerveldt was attack
the Zuyp, and to the HtWer, to report to ed at the fame time, with considerable force,
Jiim the (late of the batteries, and the pro- near Kehl, asd repulsed at firft, but he soon
grefs of emoarkation. His Royal Highuefs succeeded in driving the enemy beyond their
the Duke of York shall be equally at liberty entrenchments at Kehl. On the 6th the
»o scud an officer within the French and Ba- enemy made a reconnoitring party against
tavian lines, to {atisfy himfelf that no new the bridge head at Buffingen, and the po
works are carried on on their fide. An offi- fition of the Ruffian Lieutenant General
eer of rank and didinftion ihall be fentfrom Korfakow ; on the 7th, that General at
each army refpeftively, to guarantee the ex- tacked the enemy and drove them with
ecution of thi* convention. great loss from the heights of Trullikon,
Art. VIII. Eight thnfand prisoners ef but the French receiving re inforcements \
war, French and Bat avians, taken before the frem all quarttrs, General Korfakow was
present cuvpaign, and now detained in Eng. obliged to retreat to his former position.
land, (ball be reflored, without conditions, The enemy upon this made two repeated
to their refpecYivc countries. The propnr- attacks with great lmpetuofity upon the
ton and the choice of such prisoners, for bridge head, but wtre each time repulsed
each, to be determined between the. two re- and driven back with the loss of 1500 men,
publics. Major General Knox ffinll remain several prisoners and a howitzer, to the
with' the French army to guarantee the ex- heights of Trullikt-n.
ecution of this article. * | " According to accoußt. from the Gen-
Art. IX. T. he Cartel agreed upon between etal of cavaliy, Melas, tV.e enemy on the
the' two armies for th* exchange of the pr.i 9th iuft. in the morning attacked cur ad-
loner* during the present campaign,
Jh..1l coiv-inuc in full force till it shall be
carried into •complete execution ; and it is
further agreed that the Dutch admiral de
Winter 11k.11 he coirfidered as exchanged.
G'jiitluded at Alkmser,
, tobcr, 1799, the
nl with
* ••'•< ?
<Biahecrt !• KHOX, MtfgNCieit? •
Thii evening we received the certain
newi, that- General J-orfakow, with bis
whole corp« will arrive by to monow, to
join the army of Suwarrow, probably to
penetrVe with their united force* into
Switzerland, from the fide of the Rhine
tbas, while the Archduke pafles the Rhine
near Schaffhaufen. At prefer.t, the United
Ruffian.. form the ccßtre, the Aullrian
army in Italy the left, and that of the Arch
duke the right wing of the allied »rmy.
vanced posts in the neighbourhood of Con.,
in different points, and anally Juccew ding
in repulsing the two pofti of Mar S" ar '"
and Biicea ; but three battalhons of Grena
diers and Lubkowitr dragoous haflening to
the support of Generals Cotterfhe.ra and
Marozzo, the enemy were every where
oriien back, and the troops reJcccupyed tl e>r
former positions, will br able to meet
repeated attack, of the enemy v.gour.
Meanwhile t.h« enemy quitted tht.r poU
tion at Col de la Roufte which was take.i
poffeflinn of by rur troops, who are now
making excurCopJ unto .he mountains to
observe tfac of the cncro).
PARIS. 0£kol»«r 24. I
; Centrals Uroeh.- and Legrand are now |
before a of war: The former tor j
having Manheim, the latter tor |
having evacuated A tjtmheim.
It is faiJ that [he Chouans have entered ,
Mana a fe'eond tinr.e.
Paris for the Department of the Sartbe.
It is said that Berthrir is to ha* the war
department. Cenerul Maffena has formed
four battalions of th« French grenadier* ot
his army, confiftiag of upwards of 100 men
each". It is at the head of these battalions
that he proceeds when the troops way
oa any fide. . .
An Engiifh corvette wliith was bringing
to La Vendee 300 emigrants, was met op
posite the coafti of the Lower Loire, by a
French frigate, which funk it. No emi
grant would furrendtr, and they ail perilli
ed ; the c:ew were saved, and are at Nantz.
Frejus, where Buonaparte landed, is the
native town ot Sieyts. It receiveu its name
from Julius C cfar, and poflelfts fonac re
maics which its antiquity—an aque
duft, an Uiiipl iiheatre. It was (he coun
try of Agiicola, Tacitus's brother in law.
■ A Spaniard, to the Sp.milh
Legation at Vienna, and a courier from
JjJcrlin, arrived yeltcrday with important
Buenapnrtr, it it said in oue paper, is U
[et out immediately for Berlin.
5 O&ober 25.
Portugal decidedly refufes to acknow
ltd« Paul the firft as Grand Master o
In the night of the 14th of O&ober
We h-ar from Btrriin, of the 1 Ith of Oc
tober, tint from the rcprefentr.ticns of th<
Chtirge d'.' (hires of France, an order ha;
been expedited from the Cabinet, to Gen
Brenclier, eomniander of the Cordon 01
Weflophelia, to fend immediately from the
line of demarcation all the Dutch officer!
which are assembled on the frontier! of
Oftobcr 26. ;
The King of Prnffia has recalled his rt- i
fidcnt at Hamburg.
Elgin couriers fr tn Brest are now due. |
Wc have just received tJie firft part of the !
Convehtioi concluded between the Gene
ral of division, Oarnitr, commanding the
French, Italian, and other troops in the
teaman State and Commodore Trowbtidge,
commanding the English squadron, forming
the blockade of Civita Vscchia. We (hall
give this important paper at full length at
soon as we (hall leceivc the whole of it.
They write frtm Glarut, of the 14th of
October, that the French troops had pof
fciTrd themfclve* of Schulberg, wh«re the
enemy was ftrungly entrenched ; but the
fear of being turned had oblig«d them to
pais the Rhine, and retire into the Tyrol.
Admiral Maflaredo is immediately to de
part for Brest.
Oftober 27.
.The army of General Brune it about to
reinforce the army of th<: Rhine.
They write from Marseilles, October 16.
" We have had here for fame days, "under
quarantine, The garrison of Civita Vec
*1 his Day Published,
JOHN ORMROD, No. 41, Chefnut Street,
% .funeral Dtation,
On the Death of General Washington,
At the re que ft of Congress, oil the 26th of
* December,
[Price ii and half Cents.]
January 9,
Having enttred into Copai tnerfcip under the
firm of
inform their friends and the public that they will
al#p.hav= for file a large and general assortment
ot Groceries at their wholefile store No. jot South
Jan. 6.
In Middlesex Gaol, the following Negro men,
to wit:
A D\M HILL, fay. he belong, to William
l\ Mc. Mutrea, of Philadelphia, »i years old
Henry Hall, about 6 feet high, supposed to be ai
bout s6 years old, and some gentleman's (.oach
nun or waiter, and from hi. dialed, judged to be
from Maryland or -Virginia—lfaac Harmon. ,
fe«, 6°r 7 inches high, very black, about 10 year,
old, fays he lived at the Head of Elk, state ol De.
The owners of the above Negroej are reqa-fted
to pay .charges and tike them away, before the
lift of January eoiuing, or they lha.ll oti t k, at daT
b« fold to defray expeules and gaol fees at the ci t ,
of New-Brunfwtck, and State of New-jerky.
December jt—yj
Bohei Tea in whole, half, an'* quarter chefta,
A few chtlls of Hyson fca,
Hair ribband,
Umbrellas, .
Boxes of Paints brufhe., &c.complete,
, biles of Baohan handkerchief,
',OO pieces ofbla. k Pcrfian;,
Spcrm»c«ti Candles, •
Sheet Copper and Copper bo.ts,
Printir.?. writing and. wrapping pa??r,
A tew hoghu-ids of Tobacco, ii.clu.ionu ....
Jail. 6.
■ yettK "<$ •«««***■ WW-
Old Port Wine, in p':pe?,hhds. and qr. calks,
Ano Lending at ibUr t'/barj
From do bn»r«Ks>e &ip Bdwacd from Lilbon.
Lifbori Winc, ih pipes and qr. calks,
junc *S '
HiVk FOR 4AU, •
3660 pieces ill .uid 2d quality Ruflia Duck h
ioq picec* Riwpi DuA (fupeiio?)
Boftoii beef in Barrels,
. „ , ( CtWSAS
A few b>i« Bengal j hOMUOMS^
uoohuftW»St Martini 5»I«.
»pril II *
qpHF. Subscriber, hasjuft received a quantity
"I of HILL's First Quality
London Particular Wine,
ARE her»by notified th»t an Ue&uD for
Twelve DireAors for year, will
bi- held at the Bank, on Mouday th« January
licit, it IO o'clsck.
Dec. 2, 1799.
THE Subfcriberi to the Water Loan who
have completed their Shares, are hereby iu
forme.', that the Certificate of Sharea are
rea'ly to he delivered, and that the lr.ttreft
will br paid at any time a!t«r the icth infUnt,
on application to the Treaf'urer, No. 19 Filberi
street above Ninth llrett.
No. 149 South Ft ont-,trtit,
ro BE iKJi-D BY
In Pipes, Hhds. and Quarter C»flcs.
Phi adeipXia, Nov*.&ft»
Bank of North America.
JOHN SKEE, Treafjrer.
Philadelphia. January t, 18 o dtio
eJ by til? fiibfcriW, for undivided shares or
Lots oii hi» purchase within the city of Wafting
; too, w!»o have not yet applied ior an.!
; their Deeds, are hereby notified, that their several
i l Title» will be duly completed to the order of those
j who in conformity with the termi of the fiid Cer
| tifieatei, do make the Payments in full therefor,
i either to Tboirw M'Eucn Co. or to the
I fcriber at Philadelphia, on or at any time before
| the 31ft day of .VI aj n«it.
DrcemVer ty
I '
ACQUAINTED with the Weft-India traoe.
wiflies tube employed as a Supercargo. He will
er gajrc on moderate term*. Satisfactory recom
mendation wiil be produced.
•A line direfted to A. B. left it the Printing Of
fice will be immediately attended to.
Deeerobcr I %•
United State*, ? jj-
Pennsylvania District, j
BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni exponn.'to,
me ditched, iflVe'd out ol the circuit eoitrt
us the United Statei, in and fur the IVhrrfylta
'nia Diftrif), of the middle circuit, wilt b* (old
br ptibjic vendue at the city taverf, in Second
j fircct, in the city of HiiUdrlpJua cn Monday
| the 17th day of March uext, at 6 o'clock in
[the evening, certain tract or parcel «f
land, fituaie, lying and being on the river or
creek called Lackavaxeu) in the-county of
Wayne, comairtirj* Bodo acr«« and iipwardt ;
on which are erected a mefluage, ftablea and
*. fawttiill, with the appurtenancea.—The names
jof the original warrantee! of the fold tract or
I parcel of land were ai follows.
Mo'decai Huberts,
Stopbel Mcdcra,
'Zacbariah Ferris,
George Till,
Thomas Wiggins,
George Morton,
George Streeton u
Friend Streeton,
John Olipbsni,
StM2cd and taken in execution aethe property
of Robert Lettis* Hooper, dcceaied.
JOHN HALL, Marshal.
N. B. A reafonablc credit will be given.
Marfhal't Office, J
Philadelphia, Jan. 4. 5
* Theft two traSs do not contain toe full
quantity of the orignal warrants ; fart of them
having been conveyed 'away.
Ten Dollars Reward.
DESERTED from the Company of Captain
MATTHEW HENItY, jo'h Keg, U. S.
Infantry, ail enlilted foWier named MOSES
H INN, born in Pennsylvania, by trade a (hoe
maker, thirty years of age, five feet eight aud
Ml half inches high, black eyes, black hair, fair
complexion, h<is loft two of his foreteeth which
w very perceptible when be talks. It is known
that he now iuiks io this city.
Whoever ihall take up laid deserter »nd lodge
him in jail, or (hall deliver him to the Subfcri
tar at hit quarters iu Filbert between Ninth and
Tunih ftieet, shall receive the above regard and
i realonsble charges.
Gtipiain io lb Regiment Infantry.
RESPECTFULLY informs his Scholars, and
the Public in general, that his 6rft Ball for
the prtfent season, will be an Satarday the nth of
January, 1800, at hit Academy, south Fourth ftt.
Gentleman's tickets as u'uii—Ladies' tickets to be
had by applying to Mr. F. or the scholars of Mr;
Mr F's Balls in future will be on every other
Thurldiy. The iecead ball to be on Thursday the
»3d inft.
» Mr Francis like-wise informs his Scholars, that
preceding his firft Ball, a prac iisino nioht will
take place oa Thurfda/ th« 9th inft. {fir tit Sttolart
uilyj and be continued in future every other Sa
m u't
Days of InOruilion at his Academy, Tuefd«.y'i
and Satatdajs at x o'clock in the afternoon f r his
young pupils, -ud at fix iu the evenihg for thafc
if a more advaticcd 3;e.
N,B>—Theßrt Koom n|»y n Mon
dajri, Fridiyn, for private'Balli,
Coneeru, icc for term* apply tJ Mr. F. No. 70,'
North Eighth Street.
Having opened an Ojfice in Cbesnut street,
AND urain commenced rhe ftnfinefs of Ne
gotiations, in the various kinds of Public
Stotk. Sills of Exchange, (Sfc. &c. Engages
to do every thing iu hit power to give fatisfac
tion iu thole who may think proper to employ
him He means to confine his tranfaiflions to
the Agency anJ GtmmiJJien line, in all such by
finefs as is common to the profeffian.
Thepurokafe aid sale of and Lots in
and 11 car the City will be attended to, and also
a/Lands, when that business again icvives.
line, between t'.us Office and Petersburg,.
Virginia, will b; clolctl here every da\', (Stir- .
days excepted) m half part 7 o'clock, A. M.
And the Mailt for the Polk Towns on the
ma'.n line, through North-Carolina, Sosth-
Carolii).i and Georgia as far as Savanna).,
will be doled with the Southern Mai!« ev
ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The
water Mails between this and Chartefton are
Post Office, PbiUdelpbi *, )
December 30, 1*799, )
January 6, 1800.
THE filR&crOXS •
HAVE thixlay declared aDivi'dend lor the Tift
fix Month,of iiit«n Doll;r«*, which
Wijl be paid to the Stockholdrrt or their i«gal Re
prefeatatirei, after the i6tUinftatit.
Samuel Blodgti.
John Till,
Geo-ge Wa'rton,
Benjamin Hancock,
Edward Welsted,
James Thompson,
Joseph Whitehead,
Patrick Connolly,
Tbomct Or iffy, > w
William Halbert. $
Novcavber 6
1.1 removed to No. 250 Higb Street.
January 6
(A few doors above Fourtk)
At No, 141,
November 19.
Southern Mails.
THE Mails for all the Office* jon the rpain
December 1 30.
G.SIMPSON, Calhier.
January 6,
December 31, 1799.
THE Stockholders ofthcßank
of arc hereby notified that
thou- Animal Meeting will be held at the Bank on
Friday the jilt day of January next, at tcu
And the Stockholders of (he said Bank, arc also
notified, chat ac election of ni' ctcen Directors to
serve for one year, will be he!d at the Bank on
Mqqday the jd day of Eibru&ry next, a: ten
o'clock ill the forenoon.
Extraft from the Mveirtb section oj tie Act
of Incorporation.
' " ArtUle ma. Nat more thanfourteen of tJia
Dir*£ter> ela&ed by theStockholdiri.and afiually
ia office, csclofife of the I'reßdent, shall j>e
>fc for'tW#e«i^Bfccrt»liog.year ; b»t tbcDit*Sor
who Hull fee Vittijizat at tbe tints of IK election
may always be,re-el£ied."
<-T"<HE Dire&or* have this day declared a Divi-
X deud sf eighteen dollars on «ach share of
Bank Stock, for tjie Uft fix months, which will be
paid to the Stockholders of their legal Representa
tives, after the l tth iaft.
By order of the Board,
JONA. SMITH, Cafiitr.
January I, 1800.
AT i meeting of the Direiflorj tbis day, a
Dividend of 5 per cent, was declared for
the bit half year, which will be paid to the
Stockholders or their legal Ueprefemative*, it
any time after the icth inft.
By order of the Hoard,
State of Pennsylvania.
T'HR. STOCKHOLDERS arc hereby notified,
1 that an Elc&ion will be held it the Compa
ivy's Office, on Monday the 13th January-ncic, at
eleven o'clock, for Thirteen Dire Sort for the CDlu
ing year.
JAMES S. COX, Preßdent.
December x 6.
The Time of a itrong healthy
Negro Wench,
Who has seven years to serve.
■0- She is acquainted with all kind* of house
vro-k, snd i« a good plain Cook. ;
Enquire ot the Printtr.
x ■ J> *
1 A
dt3a. ' '
d»w( D( dtf)
'"3 *\
January 1, 1800.