■£ ' , • - t,' ' ■» * between duty and advantage, between the witbAKi'difturbed fcrenity he cjojfril soU well ps) vp n poo , " $* *■■ genuine maxims of ; an honefl and rmgnani- spent life. S iicli was [i'a- man America has I ~ ' * AC,O3, government, which was read an 3 commit- ; mous policy, and the solid rewards of public loft—Such «ras the man lor whoin our nation «ed to » committee of the'whole lioof* off-i profperUy and individual felicity ; watching mourns. HOJSI. Ob l\ hi RESENTATIVES. Wednesday. . with an equal and comprehensive eye over Methinks I fee his august image, and hear Mo J'ftAV, January 6. , A *'» -received from tire Preil* ■ this great assemblage of communities and falling from his venerable lips these deep Mr. t>. Foftec, from die C mmiu fu' lhe Unitcd States, informing the i - interests, he laid the foundations of our na- finking words : ' Claims, repii. ttd ab II for the relfe' of'' ?, approved and signed the f tion'al policy in the unerring, immutable '? Cease, Sons of America, lamenting Vaughan, wb,ich was read a firft and f.r" I r , u ". ,n recommending to the people of f Jj principles ot morality, based on religion, ex- our fepamion :go on, and confirm by your time, and committed to a committee oft') 1 ' U"" Ked State*, to aflembk on the 22d Wjffi f employing the pre-eminence of free govern- wisdom the fruits of our joint councils, whole house to yiorrow. ' C ? ( : bnlar V next, for the oui-pofe of paying I ment, by all the attributes which win the joint efforts, and common dangers : Keve- The House took up 'the consideration of to thc memoT 7 of General , ■ of its citizens or command the renc religion, diffufe knowledge throughout the report of tbe'Commit ee of ("1 i'm« t,eor g e Ihington—Adjourned. , --Vl-UtIJ&J refpeft of the world. your land, patronize the arts and sciences ; the petition of N'athaniel Libia, and con- 1 .. _ , .. . • " O fortunatos nimitim, fua si bona noririt!" let Liberty and Order b; infrparable compa, curred in rhe fame. ' NEW THEATRE. OIXtV (< begtta and held tiet produced by previous obligations and S 0 ™ 1 ,m,ent > obl'erve good. tAith to, and proceeded to the coniideration of the report wn u ° rrow Evening, January 8, at the C.ty of Philadelphia, in the conflidling interests, seconded by succeeding cu tlvate peace with all nations, flint up every of the committee of the whole house, f ooft- c J'/'i ent 'j ' **•' thrd timj m AmcrietJ State of Pennfylvariia, on Mon houfes of Cfngrefs, enlightened and patrio- ive,lue tu foreign influence, contract rather poned on Friday last to this day) on the lmT ln ® ve the f rrp "d of December, tic, he surmounted all original obftruAion, tlan e * tei, d national connexion, rely on bill for the preservation of peace with the THF SFPRFT °' le t^,ou f^ Seven hundred and brightened the path as our national fe- T°® r ' e, ''*f °"'y : Be American in thought, Indian tribe*, and concurred therein Dr P ; .. and ninety.nine. licity. and deed—lhus will you give immortality Whereupon.it was .♦ Wri[ . pn £\L >' ssolvfd ' The Presidential term expiring, his soli- that un,o ( n > was the constant objeft Ordered. That the said bill be eugroffed « (he 1 heatre RoytlVSmry Lant "R b ft^e Senate anel Btmfi citude to exchange exaltation fir humility " tern llra! labours; thus will you pre- and read a third time to morrow. unboun-lod applaafe' ' "7 °f. rt f"'tativet of tht Untied S atei returned, with a force entreated with iu- «' w e ondiftorbed to the latest poftenty, the Mr. Thatcher presented a petition of a r ° which will be added, a favorira Comic Opera °f i mer,ca > lr > Congress njjembled, That it bt creale of age, and he had pr. pared his fare- ' ic "' r . | , ;1 People to. trie mpjl dtar, and number of merchants, inhabitants of the in two afti, called ' "' com,ncn ded to the people of the United well addrefi to hi* countrymen, proclaiming tlu '- > W1 1 )'°u luppl/(il my happiness is now town of Berwick, in the diftrift of Maine KOZI NA. j tatC V '° a^cm ' :> ' e on the twenty-fecoud his intention, when the united interposition a "£ nt to y° l O t| K "u l )' va cancy in the round (MaflT.) praying that said town may be an- On Friday, (ly desire) «' THF STRAN ' Febluar y rust, in such .ntjmKers and of all around him, enforced by the eventful ° f P" re hllfs h -exed to the d.stria of Portfmouih, a s a OER,' a,d the Grand D7amalicßo TIT* u may hc publicly to prpljiefts of the epoch, produced a further Port of Entry —which was read and ref-r- mance of ■« BLUE BEARD " 1? their S nef for th e death of Gene facrifice of inclination to duty. The elec- At an Eledion for President, Direaors red , to ,he °f Commerce and Ma- tion ot President followed, and Wafliington, ant J Treafurcr of the Comp-my for ere^i ßt r 1 nufa ** "Option of a refo- In , he CoU ptv of G' YNN e r , , S ? eaier °f the °f Representatives. * to be happy, such a chief must be forever re- J!'Z lut.on (wh.ch wouM fupercede the neceflity GEORGI i—all in trX THOMAS JEFFERSON, VC " • . , , T T L I-, |' P this bill at all) whereby the of ic;o acre*. V ice-President of tbe United States, and War, long menaced by the Indian tribe,, £ Junlap ftate3 f Tfnf( T ee , Kentucky, and the ter- 7.000 Acre, at rhe c „fl, en ce of Frederic* °f <*>< - now broke out ; and the terrible conflict Samuel Wheeler, r tory N . W . of the objo> should be ercft . and Tuftle rlver Lead oft. s" Approved January 6, 1800 deluging Europe with blood, began to shed ' be ' ? alfton ' cd inte one diftrift, for the purpose of ef- mon'Ubund, near the town of Brui.f- r-nww a tVa „c its baneful influence over our happy land. Jotin Raighn, tablifhing a Circuit Court. wick JGHJi ADAMS, To the firft, outstretching his invincible arm, Geo ge Fox, Mr. Harrifon spoke against the postpone- ,8, '° 00 tr f 9 on the wste >-» the great and President of tie United Srates. under the orders of the gallant Wayne, the Nathan-Seller*, ment, and Mr. Claiborne and Mr Bird io httle Sitilk river., and of Boffaloe —»<£>-»- r A procl * mat «>N ■te mrfiontron of tht p**, „( lht ,„ r .Ch.rlc, BMh,fa D „ U follo.ln. ,«■ dSSJ *"« 'K™, u * If** my followed peace. Godlike v.rtue which ? HiZird ' solution, which wa. adopted by the house tiila 3 " d Alataharaa. 8 America. uphfts even the ftil,dued savage Joseph L.wnes, Resolved. That a committee be appointed fame waters. . WHEREAS ihe Congress of the United ? J he,eCl,lul opposed lumfeif. Kew Treafurcr, to prepare and bring iti a biN to establish a se.ooo j: vet on the water* of the great Sa- States have this dav refelvp,-' <• Tl i was tL' C £ir.~Soordid n The S»bfc " f 'k ' Offi N ri^r-sh-t -w;rN„taiSr3&. &x&zusix%L'~ t - •**-r* . tnuing ous -11 the felicity enjoyed. He T ariUavv - lßoa Mr. Gallatin moved that thi» resolution In the S'ate of VIROINr4 11 , of February next, ,111 such numbers and man- FIRE DUCKETS. SS£ S-C—f ST 2£. the pe - pie ' yt ° ,pr "° v " ls xolteo ' |r~?" The great inattention (hewn by a ment of the present felfion, which relates eluded within the said 44,000 acres, an d discourse- or by public »° ' " ° nS ' TftnK r*. r , -, L , J number of Citizen*, by fuffcring their l'ire to a reT 'fi°n of tbe Judiciary system— A- b,t exclusive ol that quantity. ■ a^ d 'lcourie,, «by public prayersana, 1 0 this fublinJe policy be inviolably ad- Bucke „ to rfmiin for da and S fomctimfs greed. . 00 ° >n the county of Bath, on the That the President te requested to ifTue a ten tll o ire. ,I,trßl, ° n ' Ulin "- » th , e Vacant Nicbo.fon r.refcnted a petition of if, S?Z ofte J™ I™*™*" 1 ™*™*" Purpose of carrying the „ T „ to where they have been used at fire*, has lundr y '"habitant* °> Caroline county, in Road leading from the Warm Ssrines tore s oln g resolution mto effeft." NOW « C U c7v!im>dcr i nd " Ccd the L Ml T° r f direst the High Con- the state of Maryland, praying for an al to Staunton, subject a, aforefeid so THEREFORE, I John Adams, President « «P- ra tion"f four day, from tmt.on « |h« law establishing a poftoffice soco acre, prior turvey, of the United States of America, do hereby " Mente quatit folida." the time that a dre (hall happeo.in the City, and post roads—which wa* read and refer- 4r '°° c A „ cr " ln th e county ot Randolph, on - h - fmmum . .. . ' 0 nercß y Maintaining his nacific Mem „rh to Collefted lnd rcmoved to 'he City to the committee appointed to consider t B " C^" 4 " r,ver ' as aforefaid P roCiaim the a =co,dingly. Given nnder m y hand and the ftal and unstained 111 h.-r honor, continued tn en- Uk" u P ' . The owa ' K Mr " moved that the petition of Ro- east tide of Calf Paiture river, fubj( . c ' [ of the United States, at Phi joy the delights of peace, while affl,«,d E«. " ■ T? °PP ortunil y of r «" ert F ' U,t » - wh ' c l h he P a few day* a* aforelaid to joco acre, prior lur- ladelphia, the sixth day of Ta rope mourns in every quarter c°, v "' n g «»*clr Buc*et*. wh.ch perhaps, «"«< k« referred to the Committee of vey*. . . __ y J a cu mute ted miferirs ot an unexampled war ; ®j h erwtfe would have-been loft by their ne- Claim* ; but on suggestion of Mr. D. Fof- In PENNSYLVANIA. Qne Thoufiftl Fijrllt h"' d miseries in which our happy enuntry must g numb " '« "»» " the City Hall. that it would be more proper to refer it 60,000 Acre, m North-,mberl.rrd county, for- ' ~" a Hundred, have (bared, had not our pre-eminent Willi J inu4r r7» 'BOO. I Secretary of the Treasury, in the veyed an 1 returned.' °t the Independence of the ington been Ti firm IQ council a« he wa* The Printer, wiffferve the PuMle, W eivlnk th. who would be able to give 46,3c0 Acre, in Northumberland county, fur- said States the twenty-fourth, brave in the field. above a place in tbeir paper, for* few unci when com P' et « information as to the faAs, the , , . JOHN ADAMS Purluing ftedfaltly his course, he held fafe xat^re.Jr.eJ7' a " d w Bj the President, the public happiness, preventing foreign war . hi* office—Mr. \\ ate. withdrew hi* mo- ' Timdtbv P.-v», •udquMlins Irnanil ditord, till ?h- P.nl Day, or Sumlij Stbj.lt.'"w"'i"'""/'S . . . mJn !t£S SSTJX, ' ..Ad .Mi.. c.. wiu-bc SjStoISLSSTaT ? ° S ed, when he executed his interrupted but in- held, at Mr. Ely's School, in 1 hi.-d street. Vn"/ fft theexperf'ency of adopt- p er f„ n . uifhin, particular information will EDWARD DUNANT ~ ext, nguifl, able desire of returning to the back Of the PreAytepan at 6 o'clock S a - X 7 <°s ;; re- pleas- -o apply at No. 4 , Arch ftr.er, where T lr MW1 ' humble walks of private life. on Wednesday evening, the Bth -nflant P or,ed a bill intituled An.-aa.to establish the patent, and draf.., and also certificate* of Ao ' ,4 9 South Frent-strct, The promulgation of his fixed resolution, A« indiwi.J,,.l n,l 1 3 " un ' fol '" of oankruptcy through 'he quality of the Georgia and Virginia Lands mas for sale, When, before, was afteftion like this exhi- Tjh ( Grifwold called up.fo>r covifideraiion Phi adclphia, Jan. 7. bawtS B° xcs of Paints, brnfhes, &c. complete, bited on earth ?—Turnover the records of * 3t 'l"'® report of the committee of re»ifcl and ———3 bale, of Banhan handkerchief*, antient Greec*—Review the annals of migli- ' ' TAVvrov unfinifhed business on the bill for mitiga. ing TO HE DISPOSED OF, CanS. ty Rome,—Examine the volumes of modem l ' ? r rcn,, ttmg fines, forfeiture'* and penalties The Time of a strong healthv Sheet Co PP" Copper b»lt S Europe ; you search in vain. America and Th, T r, M certain ua,nted w,th of houfc Jin. 6. mwff national voice in fuceeffion to the arduous " M !u WedneHa y 6 O'clock ration to the expiration or' ihe present feflion. w anJ 15 » g nnd plam Cr,ok. ofhee of guiding a free people, had ne* dif- ' B , Even ' n S' oa particular bufiuef*. Mr. Harper f id, he had been inftrufted the Printer. RICHARD ROPINETT Acuities to encounter: the amicable effort J ailuar y <5, 1803. by the committee of Way* and Means, to *«o«, dtf FR FriF Rfr r i**vT ot fettling our difficulties with France, be- f H v r, ■ that the House do come to the sol- -7 ttavimo a KIbSELMAN gun by Waflnngton, and pm-fued by his fuc- n Gentleman or Lady, in the lowing resolution, vix. Tell Dollars Reward. jj - 1 ' cnte "d into Copartnerfinp under thc ccftor in virtue as in station, proving abor which wine up 4th street, to Clief- Resolved, That the Committee of Ways TA EVERTED from the Company of Captain DfimwiTTT live, America took measures of felf-defence. ut , and tnen preceedeu up QieOmt Street, and Means have leave to bring in a bill for MATTHEW HENKY, xo'h Reg. US. ROi,iNLTT AND KISSELMAN, No sooner was the public mind roused by P r "' lcl >' at 2 "nfolidating into one aft, and for amend- in e " li,,ed fo,di ' r Bamcd MOSES inform their friends and the public that they will prolpeft of danger, than every eye was turn- V- j/T *u r?^ Uc '' ,r ' i t0 kntl in g the several afts, laying duties on spirits " TNX ' *! orn in Pennfylvaßia, by trade a shoe- alway. have for tale a large and general assortment ed to the friend of all, though secluded from • t0 1 Ce of tllls Gai «( tte ' dilfilled in the United States, and on Hills . th, . r ' y J. 1 !" ° f age ' fiwe ftet cl ß ht and ® f Grocerit< at their wholesale stor« No. JOS South public view, and grey in public service- the , mot 've of ;his rcqueft is to ascertain nfed within the fame. a " , ? rl,c ''h'gh, black eyes, black hair, fair w «ei street. virtuous veteran, following his plough', re- Wh , ether * ,ch I '° Uowcd thc Mr. H. laid the committee had it in view mwllw ceived the unexpfled fiimniom with ming- j*" to un o to 't *a* mad ornot, to amend the whole .if the laws on this sub- that he now lurks Jrt rtii. city. . l!>K " Jwn KEARNY WHARTON led emotions of indignatisn at the unmerited the id jest i but that whatever alteration or a- Whoever fliall take up said deserter and lodge Has Removed bis Counting W ' ill-treatment bf his country, pnd of a deter- ' T , jdyertiUr. mendment might be agreed upon by them, him m j«il. or shall deliver him to the Subfcri- * M , Tin mination once mare to risk his all in her de- J aPlb * If3t would be fpecifically ft..ted to the Hou ein ber at Lls l ui, rters in Filbert between Ninth and Mortons Wliart, fence. ~T'~~ diflinft proposition*. It wa* only now in- r" 1 ■ ou " receive the ab,>ve rfw ' ard ,nd and has for sam The annunciation of these feeling,, in his Me ®f f p'uffi "/• tbc U ? g tendcd thc committee to abolish the office ' ' BEnTaMIN OIR?,S T CORN MEAL, afieflmg letter to the President accepting the heW a t »hl r' f T W »f '"ofpeftor in the several diftrifts of the P f l In hogshead* & barrels, con.mand of the army, conclude, his official 'f,\ F' y y f ' Verno ° next, different dates, and to fubflitute that of fu j an . - P Peg,ment Infantry I jiLSQ, "ft Zo ■ r; ifor ; Fm ,ch l-.rft in war—firft in peace_and firft in J 7 ' be fljUnd ne«ffary j which alteration, it had NOTICE 44. Madeira Wine, and an the hearts of his countrymen, he was second THF STfiriTHfu tods Conceived would facilitate the opera- mHK>, 1 nvnnni, ' urtr F«Wto rf lodi* S»k. tb none in the humble and endearing fc;nes Of th* rhur 1«• n "on of the law, by enabling the Secretary ] iTHnM« Rmvcm I Phlla Jan 1 i * ammeron, iign or the Go d-n ficcrs, not as at present by per cehtsge, but to produce Ai-i-ounts, mticrwife they chafing or rccnying in payment,two Draft# . To his he was condcfcendincr, to 1 V\ U t °? d *Y> the 2 ° th by stated salaries. In feme Mr. wi V ,e placed in the hcinda of an Attorney. of fhoma* 1 ruxtun 0:1 WUlianv Patter&n, in my his inferiors kind, and to the dear abieft of "«t, at 6 o'clock in the evening. H . said, the per centaee allowed on the du- -PiSte*!: w <&*> {f. «jdorfed by the his affeftioiu exemplarily tender : correft Dec , „ AMPOLE, Sec'ry. tie , had becn f oulHtoo f„ aß , 4nd m others A JOURNEYMAN PAPER of° u™(l.ii.gton and throughout, vice shuddered in his presence, J lawtii. much too large. He wished these officer*, Wbo can viork -well at the Vaf, mouths after date, for Cl 7 dollars 71 cents, th« and virtue always felt his foftering hand ; p J., '. D , . _ 1 therefore, to have s fixed salary. Will meet with R on' ear ' w »n be held at the Company's amending the a& laying duties on flampcd Al H-arrif, Balrmore, who fias not yet received tham. not a sigh, not a groan escaped him ; and, No. 53, north Fourth street, on vellum, warchment and paper, so as to a- A > V " ITE ' WOMAN to fcrve in the capacity Mr Patterfon b?ing appri&d ot thc miicarriage «-i } WednefHav th* Timtnnr ni-nrt nr . , hn\\(h the fT, , ? Ai rh if oi'ccck in a Irr.all fann!?—None need at.plv of rhere drair*, will not pay them to any person -General Waftin , u , o'clock. J X offi " thereby eftahl.llied for the w!>o Uof , 1;<1 t perf.-.1-y «.«?erftard her bnfinff., persons without hearing further ieem the Co«. much Ofhistime and g a r* f - Ug °v T'* f*7 ! M .n. ruP ' c , diftribut.ou ot the fame in the leveral ftatcs, , nd cionot j reduce an woexceptJenaWt character. rnlffioner,. turc. attention to practical agncul- ! -SOL. MARACHE, Sec'ry. and direfting the cftablifhment of one ge x lT t0 t hr-printcr THOMAS MWROE. j JJec, 24, 1799. tu.th.Btfat.aw serai office for that "purpose at the feat cf Vcloter i-8 dtt , il 1799 - *• -. • . ' ' . • .. --' ,• • fS 4 - •' x ' - a . ' > ',- 4 .. - fv I ■•. - ' . •"■ - , ■ §35