Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, January 03, 1800, Image 3

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    •■ -. > . •. „ - _ r-' y , . , ••• •■ - -•. - v" .-. p • •••7' : - . - • • ' ;>•-'// ; ; . .• •:
/ ' • ■ J' V -r, J K
mii' ' ■■ """I hundred, "to be with poignardx and Cj* A desire having been generally maui- NOTICE. | NEW THEATRE. -
. Xfte <sasette, P i y <**«£ ti* t b e /
— desperadoes. Ihe result « known.. It is death of their illuftnous Brother, General Tavern> to . r , on H QW ev4oi at 6 ( , clock / Will be presented, (fir th. /w ,V, . ic , }
PHILADELPHIA, k»own that the project w«s notexa&ly thus Waihington, the public are mtormed that HiJ'irjr'lJfk ' * celebrated new Ccma-.y, in 6ye a.&T,
Friday EVENING, JANUARY 3. realized: But is is known, that fpirit ihe Lodg- Room will be op n to-morrow . j callbd
. .... , which gave birth to it, procured the aflaf- from ib o'clock, A. M. for the infpe&ion January 3. . _ , THE SECRET;
Judum et tenacem propofiti virum, fination of Guftavus of Sweden, the crest- of decuit an J orderly people. WAT F R I CAN . ?r, Partnership dissokei.
Non civium ardor pr&va jabentium, eft captain of the age, and the Appoint t order nf the IV. Majier, " Written by Rdward Morris, Efq apid pet,formed
Non vultus inflantis tyranni, Diftstor of the Coalition ;• the sudden death " „ r , rvr c , L ■ . • at the Iheatrc Roy.ll, Drury Lane, with
Mente quatit folida. by poison, of the Emperor of Germany am LiLLIiM, o;c ry. THE Subscribers to the Water Loan who.l usbonnded appla»fe.
■ .... his Emorefs * and of fn attempt at the at * " ? ,VC their Share*/ are hereby ir.- I , Lizard, Mr Bernard-Jack Lizard, Mr Wig
r P !. , ytrru I 1 •(!„ A.., t a Court ofCommon Pleas luid at Pirttburgh 'otmed, that, the Certificates of bhares are sell—Mr Dorville, Mr Waticn—Henry Torin 4 ,
BLACK CATALOGUE faffination ot Louis XV 111. by a r.fl-lh it
county of Allegheny, the Brft Monday j re *dy to W dei vcred, and that the Mr Cain—Ralph, liliT^tt.
of THB which gt.izeu h'.s head.] ot Decern!in, in ihe tear of fur Lord one \ ar 3ll >" time after the iotii initant, j Rosa, Mr* Merry, and Sufunnah Lizard, Mr»
r . . , - D . i,- „ thooland a»d rimery-ninc, be- ® n a to the Treaiurcr. No. 29 Gilbert ' Oidranon.
nit; « ov rages of epu ic -• COMMERCI AL INFORM ATION. fcrethc H<.ut. rt!riand«r-Atldi(o.i, Efijuire, above Ninth ftr«t. Tt rviitiviillhitMtd, m-fntrUefvxce fin ituo)
AN »P' T " WB WttUAL l«ruu«tA i_ W Prefi lent and Ins .iflbcratea, Judges of the JOHN SHEE, Treasurer. «iW
Humiliation and Disgrace ef Pacific Powers. Don Joseph I g « de Via-, h,s CatUo fame Court. Philadelphia, January ■, rg o dtra. The Spoiled Child.
lie Majcfty cou{Lil, has received N the petition of David Wallace, a prif- —— Litrle Picklr / wf |, \vt f a u
IT is not here intended to trace »r dif- from :he at thr H-vaima the sol- W oner in the jail of laid County, praying to' NEWLINF OF STATFS «u oong !y .vni» Arnold,
cuss principle : the.French republic ac- lowing lift of articles now prohibited at. he difeharg«laccording to thepio»Hions ot the ' Box. one Djllar, Pit, three quarters ®f a
knowledge's none bwt thnt otj)owder and ball, that port. J&s of aflembly matfe for the relief of itrfolveM f q JVfW ITo)k> dollar, and Gallery halt a dollar. r
it is of their modes ot proceeding only, and Vermillion. debtors. . The Court order that the pnfouer be g the fbor[( . )t ar)d most _ !elfant « *%■ Gentlemen and Ladies are requested to
not «f their CAdr, that we can take a view. Mens' Capes, Silk, Thre.d, and Cotton, before then) at l "ilb.i»gb on the fiflt Frankford Buftleton V , * lend their fervams to keep plfiee ,in the Boxes
I (hall draw a lift of the testimonies of Stroking- ,eb Patttrni (worftid,) «<%£ Mirc . h n ? Xt ' ''K X , PenTinLn Jrn Bl'' u TT T " 5 ° clotk -
LT ,- , , , u r . ' his eredifors may be then heard, and direct, that renmngton, Mihllone, Boundbrook, Uoipn . .„ I
refpea thofc barbawis have g,vei, Coarle Struts, muice of hlj ap , j!lcation be puj | jmtd ia []ie Ca §couh p[ . g / si d The d,ors of the Theatre w, I open at a
to thr of otner states, fiixe they h eves, United STel( s J"d Tittlburgl, Gazettea three „ k " qu irtpr past 5, and the curtaan rife at a quarter
lvave declared from the civilized Brass Locks, and Nails, weeks, the l.ft . f wludi-fliail be at Jealt fifteen THF QW/TUTCTTDIj pa.i 6 o clock precilely.
world. It Ihow u hat tecompeiices they Coverleti?, (wool ana cotton.) days betore the time of hearing. -* ti H, oWll IoUIxF VIVAT RESPUDLICA.
havr iufli£ltd upon thole governments who, Dimities, (Uirrad ami cotton) Bv Older of the court, starts from the Green Tree, No jo North _!
eonfidering tliem as power, had Oil Cloth, (flowered and plain,) (AMES BRISON ProthV r h otr "''at Si 0 u.otk every m«rning, and PROPOSAI.B
ftnt them ambaffiidors or envovs. Foimfr- Papfr Hangings, -• «rriv c s at or earh the next morning. for publishing an •*'
lv when a rupture happened, those ministers Efterlinns. Tinsel Laeci, ' an * 3 " V „ Tf 1 ew y ,rK lt ar 's at 9 o'clock eTery HISTOWY OF THF T TFF
, , .1 r j '£ j . r a. r, w ■ day (Satiflays excepted and arrives at Phila- niOiUKI Wr JLrIX!. JLIfJL
*ook lew ;in hefedaj. we find that a di- Seal,nfe Wax, dJphia, ,aiy the «xt'evening ' , of rkt
reftory drive, them , ~v, and m tr., moil, (woffted and cotton,) for paflinger, j dollar,, way ptflerieers ILLUSTRIOUS
arbitrary manner. Marseilles •! / r , rr . n J\\ i ■ ,l
The Chevalier de Reset, Min'ifttr Pleni. !faii(!kerrl,itT» (linr-n.) ,of baggage. One hundretf-nrf tittV VeTgbVof GEORGE WASHINGTON,
potent! ary from the S,n gnf Sardinia, torn. Hat,, (Caflor exempted,) bl^"« e to P ? >' th ' f ™ « » . C— Jcr in CUts f,U A~.rU*. A™.. Hiring
ed out as a emigrant ot Nicard, hut in iait Shjes, ».-llicm, and j.nnted line us, AH baggage to beat therifkofthe owner. >. v . • ~ * ,
tor having too much spirit, coura 'e, and • Plain and ornamented -dreflVs for both '? unlets inlured and receipted for by the clerks '""' " " L • ri a '"> A 1 "J"
fi'.reGght. sexes, of what manufacture soever. ' "Tjlf f of the d.ffe t em office,. Rate of hiLance one •'"* Vmt,i StaUt > W >"'
Count C-arletti ot Tufc.iny> notwitl (land- Further Information from t»V intendaiu - percent. rdtftLeAimy.
ing his revolutionary infatuiitlon, his jdnvi- of the Havmnah. _ ~ . jj . . q *§* Apply to JOHN WCALLA, No. 50 JOSEPH SCO 1 i
ration, hi afflduities at M.idame Talien's All Shippers of goods or merchandizes JLjCIIVS Oj tbS LJtilt6Ll utdtSS'• Sowth F«urth Street, Philadelphia, and to Author of the Modern Geographical Diilionary,
and elfewh'er-, but gui'ty »f having ffughi' froifc the United S'ates, to the alov. Pr: A WILI.IAM VANDFRVOOKT, No, 48 y our Vi / um „ uim.
to pay his refpecls to Madame Royale be' Ihillue qualified before s notary public re- «, (+ . OfltHlllHtll 1 "urt and N. E.corner of Greenwich
fore her d- parture, and of some mmderous 1 fpeftinj.; th:- prop; rty fpectfied in the invoif es iDs AV treet, ew ork. . ( t' lo virions rwethods which different
words against LUerty. the fame liail Wattefted by his Maj-llv's J ——— lU; ' y 3' eodtf U writers pmfue in order to convey ufeiul
The Abbe Pierrartbi, Envoy from the Onful General, or fcy son e one of his Sixth Cvn'SrefS of the United Stales Wa?HINPT(W in'ITl'PV knowledge to, Biography llai;d« ccn-
Pcpe, received as a flffncihtor ; driven out Majrfty'i consuls or vite'cenfiils, or othi'i- »t th" Firlk Seflion, beenw and held elTedly ainon^' the full. 1 i.ere is none more
r J- .1 m -1 '• J 1 r 1 1 > • .' ~. . ll ? ■" number Ii intereilmg—none mr>reinftr«ctiveand entertain
out as oppoler of the D redorj* s deufioiu wile fucli goods wnl not be admitted to en- at the City .of Philadelphia, in the " ing. ihe hiit-irie. r,t diftipguifhed heroes, «ho
refpeJling Hio Hclinefs. j try. State of Pennsylvania, ou MOll- r•• , b/,_i „,jp •_ have, by their exatied viitues, and noble and
' M. Reybnz, the M.niftrr from Geneva, Wheieaa it has been found that numbers the second of December, % aiannana rrizes. fpkndid actions, been the priscipal mean» of u
cafhieretl and sent off for having seen thro" of lVlerchants and otlvrs, trading from tite 01ie thousand'{even hundred UrawiagWo. 495. deeming their refpettive countries from the coi
the,amicable views of the French Rulers to. JJnited States to the Havanna, regardlel's anc j ninety-nine. 0/; "™"roc mc hand of tyranny, have in all ages been
wards his Republic, and for having advised of the foregoing publication .interred some ; 1 13901 3 2 9°9 caiifiriered tha molt mteriaining, in'.tructive,
his Government of its danger. ftime fitice. in the several papers of t+ie \CT 1250 14J .0 34°3 2 '® and important to mankind. 1 iiey afford ex-
M. Cabarrus, admitted for a time in Pa-. Union, ha>e profrtuted their voyages with- - , , . , li/iy 1 °° e ' "" J /f Xam 'e 15 P°* er,u I,n
~ . , . -.1 »/i n .r I 1 a e Extending the privilege o- franking to Wdham, 2«t6 io 172C0 3CAAO 10 precept It ftrewgthens, by a plain and easy ,
ris as a Spaniard, but rejected <y a-Mmifter, out fell citing the atteftatu.ll mention-there- J ? iJJ S 35 7 35+49 IO mode 6 f analogical reading, the principles of
for being of French extradlior. Had he in, and on arrival there have alledgcd iguo- H f nr J *rrifon, the Mg fm e- * 60010 J|e liniid, determines and llxes those that are
been a free revolutionist, no doubt this ex- ranee refpeftino- the fame. N ow therefore, ritory of toe United Slates north weft of 335 0 ' 9° 9S Q wavering, and ultimately lays the basis for that
ception would have been overlooked. ills Cathulic Majesty's Cot si.l, General, in the Ohio; and making p.ovi/ion for his £3+ '9®53 10 S OIOO harmony and coincidence of fentfment among
e Baron de' Steel, suspended awhile, but compliance with his inftri.&ions received eomten/ution.
treated as a Minister in fact. 1 latt:rly on this, held, doth hereby rfl.ike . 1/1 1 5 2^2 10 3 1 3 37537 hope to derive, rank, corfequence and fl ability.
The Senator §«/r/n», the Venetian am- known, to all whom it may concern, that Sec. I.X\ rJ C " 5'A ' tJe eu " 395 10 5, 433 38806 Impressed with lively sentiments of the emi
bafiadßr, arrcflea, then driven away ill con- Yrom and after the publication hereof, any JJ louse oj cf- esentattves cj tin. 677 10 707 818 10 neut virtues of that diftinguiihed HERO and
fequenre of the confifcation of his Republic vessel or vefTels trading -to the above port or Un,t '? States of Amentr, m, Congress as- 6535 956 901 PATRIOT, the h.flery of whofc life I have
by Buonaparte. ports in the i (land of Cub,, shall be provided smiled, Thrt Williarr..Henry Harrifon, the 543 ,2003 39122 undertaken lowr.u ; it was not tnl after much
Count Rivarola, Envoy from Genoa, driv- with the aforementioned attention, other- delete to Conerefs from the territory of 619 317 10 203 20 I r^no^
en away as an accomplice in the conspiracy wife they will not be admitted'to entry. the Uuued Mates, r.oith welt ot the river 832 10 991 503. thie ; FirJ, having obtained in the course of an
of CM?, tht •• ■ 11. Olnu, be eotiUed tp the pr.v,lege of fending .7275 2322725 635
cxteufive correfpondeacei with many gehtle-
Libertkides, who did not approve of uni- _ ; an d receiving letters tree of pottage, on the &'55 272 976 - men of talents and information, a large flock
verfal revolutionizing, £H9&Vitlfc 7f,i ff fame terms and under the fame reftridions 119, 595 40029 ot original mateMals concerning the life of this
, The Marquis Massimi, the Pope's Mi- ' * as are provided for the Members of the Se- 251 772 571 10 lilultrious Citizerf; to give form and body to
nifter, arreTltd, then driven away, becatife i n , , ~ , .nate and House of Reprefentatiyes of the 379 10 2603420 41179 10 thete, in the mamser o, hillory, will preserve
his muster did not deliver up his 'tiara, Ins I Ort of Philadelphia. United States, hy the aft, intituled "An 64310 178 42025 niany important things that otherwise would, and his Rate,, to a'pack of black- CLEARED.. Aft to the Post efface-and Pod 9,02 219 .0 3 43
guards who were hired by the Prerch am- Ship La id, Londonderry roads within the United States 10541 if) 918 he religned his commiffioa as Commander in
baffador, and supported by their General, Orona, Middl ton, Limerick and Lou- Sec. 2 And be it fvrther tnaOed, That 852 10 27924 IO 364 cljief of our revolutionary armies, are very im
to seize irpou Rome in the name of the Gc- ■ donderry William-Henry Harrifon ihall re 93° 28103 IO 885 10 perfect.)- recoided, and little understood; yet
neral B r ;7/*nd of the Social Compact. Brig P,i!l»s, Hutchiifon, Hamburgh ce ;» e f or his travelling expenees and attend- "145 2966310 944 IO the greater part of them being fr«fh io the tne-
M. nilier and M. Moutacb, the De r r SI 'op Snfann.h, Norfolk an£c j # Ci:n)|rf6 , th c feme compenfatlon, 20 7*5
puties ' 1 Berne, driven away tor not ba\lpg-| innw Li tra »• '» or m *f bojUowed by Jaw, to the metn- 7«* 3 066 3 «® ' which every d'av brings forth, wears "off "the
brought lufEcent apologies, and as trouble- ttaun.ih. La Ginra b{rs a s the House of Rcprefentatives of the 99° 10 79° 47'6? m nuter There are many of
some w.tneiTes to the conspiracy brewing at 1 iciioone, m .utort, ot ana trom Nor- United States, to be certified and paid in »* 2 33 3164210 243 tliefe circomftaufes important and int-ereftnig ;
the Luxembourg Switzerland. ,ell< 10 ®t. 1 hotras s has been taken and j.^ e manl)tr 355 948 20 49387 as it is univerl'ally acknowledged, that great ac-
The Chevalier dAramjo, the Portugueie | ,ent " ,tD J-""' 4 '" «°« condemned vessel and ' TurnrvADp sFnr w , rlf 483 1000 98 ' 517 jll bs, like immeufe rivers, flow from Imall be-
Envoy, firfl dismissed as a negociatcr, then j c a r S°- *" • I3JOC 3 2 488 960 ginnings.
recalled, then fignin- a peace paid for with ! The schooner I.ydia, captain Steinmen'z Speaker of the House of y
fix million livres, and a i'econd time turned " { th,s PO't, from TruxiHo, haf'l>een.con SAMUEL LIVERMORE, _ conuitions.
" away as soon as they had touched that-fum, at Jamaica. President of tbe Senate, pro tempore. LANDING, • E I-ifc of General Washington wiil
and declared the treaty not to have taken Thc n,i P Rocfauct, Rafer, for London, Approved January 2, if Co. Frotr on board the brig Hetty. John Van- contain nearly 400 pages odavo, printed
place. for Hamburgh, lay at JOHN ADAMS, neman, Mailer, from Gonaives, at the 0,1 finc P a P er ' alld n a ft >, le of elegance
inuredto allaffrcn:s, a thiid Mj ' c " s President of tbeUnittd States. Subscribers wharf, 1 ' equal to any work that has appeared from .
time committing thj dignity of his Sove- llt>et Ifl'and on S.U Ho"fheads \ an American prcls.
reign and of his Country, coming again to lerday, bot'nd out. n „ Tielces ( p . r rriFFnK Tt will be embellillied with a striking
solicit peace, ar.d offer his gold, but with Upwards of 20 fan of veffcls left Reedy ACT *®° \ rCei likeilefs of the General, executed by one
an indiscretion for which he was lent to the ycfttrday niorning—grtt to sea, and , . 566. J . . *of the firll artills.
Temple. difchirged their pilots about 2 o'clock the Supplementary to the a. , intituled An Ad U)out $ o! Logwood and ,00 Hide, for Hi. Subscribers' names will be annexed, as
Lord Malmsburj's two missions complete ,ame afternoon. The following were a to provide for the valuation of lands and s a l e by v patrons.
this lift, to which we have not added the au- P' lrt ' lz - • dwelling houfrt, and the enumeration of ELLIS lON 'Jf JOHN I'ERO I. j V j.- icll f u bfcribr-r is to pav two dollars
thorilid agents of towns or States, whose London fl«ve,, within tbe United States. > ~ one half on fubfci ibing, the' remainder ou
ahfcnrity renders it unnecessary lo mention Little Martha, Mark, Liverpool Also jor bale, , ?
them. Fame, Flum, Leghorn Sec. ~T)E WtMhd fy th,-;.*** *nd m the. sa.a brig, • the delivery of the work.
£The foregoing flatetrent, is copied frerp Hope, Edmonfon, Cape Francois ' J3 House of Rep*efentatb>es of the AS fee came from Sea—Bur- JQ- Subscriptions in this city ate re
an authentic Britiih work. Additions re- Neptune, Hargum, United States of America, in Ctngrefs ajem then as per Regifler, 199 tons, ceived at No. 297 Arch street, next door to
train toM-e made: we leave toothers the Brig Friendlhip, Ritiker, Cork bled, That the commissioners appointed un- fails faft and has made but one tbe not tb ivlpst corner of Eighth street.
talk, too painful for American feelings. Ann, Gilder, Cape Francois, dcr the ac\ to which this is a .upplemcnt, a Philadelphia, December 30. eozw
This record of degradation has since been Schr. Little John, Butler, C.diz shall have power on and exa December 14- eoiw.
swelled to double its present size ; and it is Hemaining at Reedy Island, tl.v ftiips mination of thc lifts, returns, valuations, „ ( „ ... , , , , c . . Wf TXt ... ,
much to be feared, that by no means its last Lnvima, Vicary ; Ehza, Ladd ; and feve- and abftraas rendered by the afT tTors, to t v 1 c And in a few days will be publifhe.
has yet been reccrdfd. From such ra * ot ' lc, ' s ot down to th« Island. revise, adjutl and vary the valuations ot By JOHN MOttpAN, No. 3 Front St. At Dickins S Book-Store,
men, from such savages, from the authors No inward bound bslow. lands and dwelling honfes i each and every nrWT4MTW vr« Ait «ir ASU P,ilß EDITION "„ „ .
of fucli condufl, it >vould seem a grols de- brig Fly, captnin Barry, of Balti- subdivision of tbe fevtral nffffTment -diflridj; BE.
(ufion to expeft regard for the laws of na- "lore, sent into New-Providence, i'orne time by adding thereto, or deducing therefrom 'THE UhITED STATES Xo the United State, on retiring from
tions, the laws of humanity, or the rights finCf , ha » been liberated and arrived at Balti- fiichj a rate per centum, as shall appear to COURT CALENDAR, Public Life,
of mankind. They are essentially incapable ,T,o £: be just and re,lovable, 'Fiiat Ornamen-cd bf one if tlie
cf sustaining* tfce relations ot amity ; lor it Ship Alexander Hamiltor, J>>uet, for the relative valuations of tbe different lots GENTLEMAN s .jrtifls,
they had the will, and even this is a vain c 1 ! ' a ncois, brig Peggy, Maxwell, for or trafts of land «r dwc liog houses in the Complete Pocket Companion, NO exertions or expence have been spared to
imagination, it is in proof that they are ut- A>ort Republican, sloop Mary, Paul, Havan- fame subdivision shall not be changed or as- for the Year of our Lord render ihis publication complete, and althu' all the
terly devoid of the means. But they have na, and sloop Jaines, Nefbit, for St. Bar- fefted. 1800 materials and workmanlhip are entirely .fmerican,
not even a wish to alter that system by which tho ff Sec. 2. Jpd le it further enaZed, That cont.imno
every scoundrel in the commonwealth, be- " n 8 Marriot, Kirk, of this port trom .the fai.t comm ffioneis may diteft the addi- Eve.ry thmg useful in other works of the tc . ln p [e( i ; n t jje linitedStates,
comes in turn a grandee. Barras, who has Bermuda,- has arrive d at N. ork. tions or deductions as aforefaid, tobemade Besides a great variety of articles DICKIWS's
insulted America, past all atonement, is still r 'o Stikey, \ red; nburg, irom Jamaica OU [ and eompieted by the several principal (Combining utility with entertainment), STATIONARY Isf BOOK STORE,
a French Direftor. The Jefitit and Jaco- to this port, is totally !oft—captain and affeflbr#, or if they shall deem it more advi- Not to be foun'd in any pyblication whatsoever Will mfxt week be removed to the houl<; lately
bin Sieyes, the subtle, black drop which has erew w ' f ' f one ox °' dollars, fayed. : f ea > ,j j,y their clerk and such aflillants as Amongjl these are, occupied by Mr. W. Cobbctt
corroded even every prejudice tending to- One the arrival of the fchs tair Ameri- 1 they shall find neceflary and a.ppoint for that Complete and authentic lifts o£ the Deeemb r 18.
wards humanity, ths arch-fiend, is also a catl > Davis, of this port, (captured some ; pulpo f c Provdied, Thai the compilation ARMY and NAVY. a VOTTNir maM
Diredlor,—nay he is President of the IJiree- time since by the trench) at St I homas,. to be ina[ j e to t h e said afliftants fliall not ex- /Carefulh rcvifed at the refpeSive Offices ; J
tforv—that Dire&ory of whom peace and without any of the original crew, it excited cce d the pay allowed to the assistant asses also, ACQUAINTED with Accompt., withes to
fafety and mercy nmft be begged. The from the government of that place, a fufpi- f ors by the aft to which this is a supple- correct flatement. of the NATIONAL DEBT, Mgage ajSoperei™ to an, in Itoroge y
President of the Senate is Jean Debrie, the that they had been nuirdered by the em / ■ and of the the recommcda
enormous villain, the. monller, the Hell- French prize master and seamen, in confe- . THEODORE SEDGWICK, ANNUAL RECEIPTS ilk EXPENDITURES tlonsoc
hound, who proposed to the National Con- quence ot which, a guard ef soldiers took Speaker of thc House of R<p efentatives. of t>e United States. Enquire of the Printer.
vention of France, "to raise a body of pofteflion of the vessel, the.prize master and THOMAS IEFFERSON Jan. a. at "l_
twelve hundred volunteers, who shall bind J«nien were arretted, andi is is supposed that of tbe United State's, tind N. B. The Calendar, notw.ithftanding JOURNEYMAN PAPER MAKER,
themselves by an oath to go and attack ,n- th. wl " be teftored to its legal Presi dent of tbe Senate. the wft variety of it, contents, is very small in ' J g( jr
dividually and colle&ively, and by every owners. • bulk It «s bovind in red morocc, in the neat v , .
possible means, the kings and generals now Ship Betsey, Pease, from St. Jago de Approved, January 2, 1800. cU maTwrj an H ma y he carried very conveni- r ill meet with good encouragement oj app.yiag
at wir with France. These tyrannicides to Cuba to Baltimore,'is captured and sent into -JOHN ADAMS, ently in the waistcoat pocket at No 104 North Frw. btrtet,
be caHed (LtsDouze Cents") The twelve New Providence, and libelled. President of tbe United States. December jf.' * '°3 W Dcceinbtr a;
✓ _