..■MZM.yjnySZ, Ed thi-jtigh 'Jitr uty, going in Tyrol. The MANHEFM, Odober 1., Just Published,MrJ for Sale MADEIRA - By JOHN-MORGAN, No. 3 Front St. r jfOlTton jmtClllC{C!lCo» '*y al<,;t - iwr voad - U.iJ. tbV Imperial arrny under the Arch- ' . ' :«» ■ . r j'HE Subscriber, hasjnfl . c lON DON O l ' r '! iiij day,. about ball' past si* in ttie morn- precipitately, after a stay of eleven days, to , THE UNITED STATES J' j p .• 4 ' I '* art ordinance arrived as courier, carry- batten to the alfilt&nceof Switzerland, leav- COURT CALENDAR J-iO'KlOfl JjQtt^Cl Yefhi'day -rrived ths H.uriburg mail ing a Li junran ftaipj of colors to hls.eXcrlV ing only a small body of troops behind.— AND ' In Pipes,-Hbds. and • which became -dtij on Sun-Jay. It contains iency baron lie Riefe, coventor of tbi> city SA. few hours previous to his departure, the GENTLEMtMS GIDEON B the particulars ot the Ijfte unfortunate aftion• with the lohg wilhed for intelligence that aJ-chduke rt-ceived dispatches from field ~ , Ph t C / ' Phi'adelpbia, Nov. 11. in Switzerland, wi.xh we have the fatisfac- the city of Ge- oil had capitnlaTftdgn tlie 13d, marshal Suw rrow, in, the Grifon endmry, Complete I VCH'Jt Lompamon, —. tion of being able to 1 (Fell e r,r iil r; haw and that, alter his, the courier's departure, and from the neighbourhood of Zurich.— For . ihe \ car 01 our Lord MAI'THEVV M" 1 been grohl.y exaggerated by g , *o« Maffena prince Rohan was to enter the city with his Y etterday the head quarter, were already at con r u\x\- - .Having opened an Office . E !u, d I'm T' L^' 'Vf K,V > ->" >rkable troops. Durlach. Evwy tl.mc useful \n other u»rk< of the lln l, f A few doors abo, thitt Chabron, wit.t >y.iofe and au Ihe .tame expresses add, that at the mo- Lieu'enant Pizzenberg, wh® is arrived Bclidts a jrreat varietv of s.rti. 1,-s A* No* tA thority lite account- of is ment-of bis departure prince Rohan receiy- ! here as courier from tie general us caralry, (Combining utility with entertainment), AKD arain commenced tranfuiitted to the u.ie£tOry,_ (oy the ' tele- information that Coni was capitulating-, and ; Melaa, b inbs .intelligence, 'hat that general No , t0 be fc„., 4 .j, Jny oi ,b!ication u-hittbevcr ** < ociatio-.s, in the vari grapn at Sh; Ibnrg) (hould wute. ,at the lame that within three days, the Imperialist's were having receive,J feverat accounts that the imoiei' 't are. Stack. QilU ot Exchange, i .2 time, in the bulletin ot the anny, (fee tljc to tv.ke. pnCTe'ilon of that place. 1 *f*> hdors enemy were affcm'blfrtg in coalidrrable force • ... «• j to do every thing in hi* pov tide BHlle, S pt.-i 7) that the killeft and-. after |iis arrival, the Qxpreft from J n t\ lc valley qT the Siu a, pre viouflv detach eoinplete.and authennc a.1.3.0 tie titm to ihofe who m*y thin ■ > wounded of the -Allies amounted, to; Bcpp Verona for Vienna, with the Ligunan co- edg e ,,«ral Gottcrflteitn with seven battalion* ARMY and NAVY. h.m. He b. a«s *• <. "»■> : men. One afcount>.vas calculatedJor those l Q r a .. HU excellency has totnmutiicated to of infantry, and a regiment of dragoons a- (Carefully revfed at the Offices i) * - who "miglit tn f.»rt»e degree' be; -judges ofjwlwt u » the folbwinjr .particulars'; *h.«it the ca- gainst the avenues of that valley, to take a „ ncn" "" had taken place ; the other fo.r the meridian pituhtion confided in one article only, viz. proper position between Foffano and Savig- correct ftatcmeatsof the N;.TIOi\AI. DEB., Thepurofe,U-anrl jle of 01 .f , r . ■. , , . that the inhabitants requi-fled of the vidtori- li a no ( to-obfefve. from thence every move Cnnhai KFCFIPrs A- I'tfRES ofLandll bafine LetteVs also nuye h#en received t.onv col. o us armjr- to Ik; exempted from plunder, ment hoflile. . ANNUAL RECEIPI S&LXI ENDI IIiKES Ram%. ( our comraiffioiMr >vith which was granted them, from the justice Oo.the i 4 th, the enemy adually attacked of the United States. Noymbcr 19. army in Switzerland, c!art a aj: Sphaft haufen* of their deliverers. 'l : he French are rctir- that irenerai's diain ot advanced uoft". pa>- . . • T . r n 1 ' the 30th ultimo, of the most conl'ol-ttory del- i„g from all p^rts—The cotots mentioned ticulaly his rizht wiflg, who however made .. N * ?'• T he C*l«soa>, notwi-.hftanding InJiirdnCC of Company ';c cription. The defe,t was far from being of t0 have been carried by this express was the u fc of'hts knowledge of the ground, and rf Mk the . .autre or extent which has been an- -standard of the Ligurian leg.on, in the head experience as an able commander of ad- e ft manner, and may he carried very conveni- - "«» OCkH , Bounced by Maffena and Gnaoron. lhelols guard at Genoa. To this news, which is vanced posts, so that the enemy found it im., ently in the pocket. ARE bfljeby informed tl , Ir of the Aullnatis was lncoulid-erable, except conniinnicati dtous by his excellency baron possible to obtain possession of the two im- -l)«c. 31. dtf ing of thnnoi- ; coming Irom the firft ehatifiel of correfpon- however the enemy received re- WILLIAM COBBE 11, (being the second Tuef< y th lonth) tring too near to the lines, ol the enemy. ; dence at the head quarters at Savigliano, iuforcements, and had already fhcreafed to 0F TH . K . city us new york, for the elq 0 men in this quarter jin confid.ration Has in the press and -will soon publish, the enfuine year. - ' men. though 'lie French made it -,; mount to __ of this, and of the ground being difadvanta- r«. 7 EfEN HAZA S 20,000. L-pon the death nt i-eneul SAVIGLIANO, September 44. geous to him, for interfefted by hedges, LIFE and CAMPAIGNS December 1 12. - . n.t^-.?. P'&neroUy PRINCE SUWARROW, CIVY. OFtWAS '« J. riority ,1 numbers, were thrown into d,lor- nate ref.ftanee by the French, who are re- SavitZo Vh. ' riit PWP - der They rallied however, at Schafl'hau- treating from thence. Turin will now he ' '- ' 1 j • mist elegant r ' ' ' ' , fen uoo the 10 th September, and along the Sieved from its fear of an invasion, which 3 d foffa, o about m.dmgt ft Ps) P T K A IT ' " 5 icn, upon ine ,oil] otpc.mocr, auu aiu.i 0 toe ' ... Under tltefe eircumllatices, the army bad ar. rUKI KA i 1 the-Mtfcfifier, ta» m ; border of the lake ot Go.nft 1 nee, the town was so often dreaded, from the (hort di.- r ; vrd in ,^ e cam near firaa c-n the 16th; or that Lots on h...|>urehafc witlMk^ of which name they retook, with an .m- tance 0: the enemy, by the occupation of re rfXi-' gtapbic dt patch ufp.e tng mar .ia . uwar- , attack the army in this position, with the The firft e<1,1,011 ot this work w*» publilhed m who in with the t ■•••I C, t row, is either an entire fabrication or a very , VIENNA, September 27. cwp , ab „ V( . mentioned, yet his assembling I ' M,d r on übout <»»r months a K o, and luth was the t; fi c atcf, «lo m-%ke rhe Paytri' : ? r : fa' thfrefot, gross exaggeration—This general, so far j From TK£ Cuuilt Ga2Etts . in , be valley of Stura, and the probability V V ? i,h " * ' ' .V" from being enga~ed, Without knowledge ot f1• • , , ( , . Cl / ,t ' ol * s ln the Ipacc ot w»/i. fenberat HhiVt)alotiiA, on c t>ni< before the de r -it at Zurich had written fcr-ffin* ' Sir.tr the fah of I ortona the enemy seems : ot bl - ,r, 6 J 6,, '" d b y the troop* at Pignerol, it M compnled iufon« thick oAavo Volume, woich. the ?il{day of,.Jy neat .U "anrkrliit-i. whnlV- arriv lit to have given up all 'arther attempts to force j »"d by those which were advancing from , the re-puU.flur will endeavour to make eq-rt; m ; r SSStoA StS »n 5. Kcmtcl j. m SEE " ■ l '"" - - ._3 vate letters, but cannot he doubted from the 1 iedmo..t , th. Imp.rial ara.\ has begun, ' n 0 CT * aS '. r ' ' j *.• The Portait is in the hands of one of the C P , P J % concurrence of the intelligence from Man- .»« m,rch on ijth. from the camp near , before th. enemy could gam time to,-ex- >u ArlUl , (i 1 not t!lf V4ry fi rlt) in ScbuMlX Perm* 1-V i»', T,rl ~11 ,h.. r,! ,cf nn Vi« mute Alexandria to Breftiatto: on the 14th it 1 ecute their plans, to attack 1 his ifolaied D<-ceni!*r 11 ai* . \ f hJprincß of with his armv, 9 ' "b" 11 ffdVan " d SBLRIPP. SALE. '»' '„g of 6coo has a!foefC.-(3ed 1 junition*i y!)ke^alul^^^ftroye^'^l^^h'Uc'i^ da- Accordingly, al'ufficient detachment from wv - ~ PTTD , wnh the Rufc.ns at that city ;lo that the >; e » froJiticVtn t:»e lilimr, m is hot only ; mc . dvrijovi uiumcuxncn i ; - A .. 0 ... ' . _ v . . . T .... . Arret, «in Mono a n rhe 6th < : v.ar .>xt, r -.n r'- .'p • (Triiis V 1 CrrL «i nations. The kingdom of Naples, which which was ordered agamft Saviglmnp on tne pY virtue of a writ ot Levari | L , •„ UDOII .1 with other Italian countries, in ancient and high road ; the other agamlt toflano. The*j A-* our of the Court ot Common V\eM>l Berks ]OHN BORKY, St •r■ •- r nun, aie a-.y to advat . e again upon the | aUer wa , commanded by ger. Kray ; the coun.y, to meWtdted. w,l be e,pofed to l.ile, J ' . , ehemy, j\. letter fi*onV A.i mhciiu ot the ill c l i mm i ' * \ oil MoiKiAV the 6th vJjv of January' next at the Deciruhr 4* '799'S^ inft. hit.sthe 10l sos the French in the ac- ?™h rnvaf„„, „ov- rcco nmetiees to en- fcrme^ -by gen Me, aa llhe o.Jnmn. left ' °, nrt 1J( J t - lfl the borough of ' " tiorts of the 24th and t.lt. to amount joy its former Gate of transit ty. Ihe Int. camp at no clock.anddidnotarr.vc at their tt - cil ,n 2 ,e ,-,H, d - » A' YOl/NG MAM to from" 810 f O,OOO men. Allowing for ex- eft accounts trom that hmgdort,, dated the place of deftmat.on before fire .» the even- HOPEWELL FURNACE," *CQn.4.NtKD with t t eft ,-i, tta-le. ti'vjre'c:i:i be little doubt that it 2ift o. bft moittb, f.7, thnt r.f j mgV whenl t.iejr immediately attacked the W iili the frnoe and Lamb appurtenant, fitoate wiihra ro be emplojed at m 80pr,' I aSMHoie tun cq-i.Hed -the cknowled 'ed ! -io y .u. j',-. "(•'.• * Without (litem them had beet) conveyed to the illanos for Stuart led the attack aid did everything and cos'aining npwardi mendation willbc produced. ,r S " .i' 1 ". '•,'. V nntaini-,1 hv examination and puniniinent. Such lierfons !-that. could be expeftrd of brave and un- us Land. Tbrcch-hriry ol Hopewell Furnace, a line dire s led to A. B. 1, - «••-!*p. C|. blma, lu-o n, e the by P . 1 1 re.dera, par, Kola, dceriptiot, nnneeeffary. si ce wi „ be astir .d ; gene, . Mafl.-na, «ar able to coin mpUte coolliiution, hive been re- I Tte enemy'a defence was ably conduft- .Any perlon .;o«ever. who .. ur.aeonair.ted December the lituation oi our a.her, without Jiftie- » _ _. . . . /. f • -o r1 l i with ihe woiks may receive the neceffarv in- - V nidation which, in spite ol continued rxprri-1 "»&*■. &rd -aaprefented w.th eo ; and not before major Brufch by order ( , jy |0 M „ kj Jno ,p; dd d e ; n ForS,le\t, Let.. t ncr th" c-v. fid-'nt i rations of the en?- 1 a^r y °f St. and a yearly \c\'f~ ,ot tat gxriu of cava ry, with a battalion of Heading, or John bishop, Esq. on the premi!*es. . . . . et»veeii 8 and 9000 .dollars, to n« j a: d a detachment of Lobkowitz To be fold as the property of James Old, by Convenient OHt Ifellfc, is bv no 1 The a'rclidnke, with bv H* to the bate ft dragoons, attacked the enemy's flank, they NICHOLAS DICK, Sheriff. XU lm a lir K tf Bor 7 fa " * t Ur m :; t r.-nde -ind the Pul'il'is will He has also received an estate of near tj, -co were thVowo into confufion, and led toward* Reading, December ia. VV floor, abnnt hall-u . »•'£«>. the aimy o. & ndt, anJ tte Rn.uns, w» with th* liberty to the Maira, leaving behind them •wo piece, Dec. a. dtS. It-ate «. Bnfttet,«i» tl <*»■ : . t '\ " Se ?rl:; r !it to lb*- .1.n0,, He has also bee 1 ,! ap. of cannon. -The 8 enemy 1 , left winif. how- , . York, about eleven >. oi- 1 if any'pi'cvio'iu 'ittack Ihould be milde up- j pointed Stallholder general of the whole ever, still makmg some resistance, the bat- INSURANCE COMPANY For te:n lMWi l y > t.. u.;UuT on hilT,; he will fall back upon the imprest k-nedom, with a Mary trf a..00 dodaW. He tahon of bchaffinatt grenadier, wa. ordered «». ' .THOW: Pri CL, nablc country of the Tyrol, through which Cardinal's brother, « captain on halt pay, to advance aga.nll them, drums beating, State of Pennsylvania. \ NB W'Uq .r-ffi-is for file, fev rr! 5 .< T.-.t: t hisartillery is huftening to join him. With who commanded the Calaknan. under him, . withcut hnng. Ihot. Thi. ba'talio.n per- _ -y p leaf..mly Utna4«U tjie v.lb -i ; . .Ql the exception of the city ot Zurich, it is pro- been promoted to the rank of colonel, fedly fulfilling its orders, the enemy were r T" , HR. STOCKHOLDERS are hereby notified, Dte - embcr u > i'j T . . lu ;n u n tiwir- n with a salary of aooo Ihe cheva- beaten in every point, forced to retreat, aod X that an Eleihon will be held at the Compa- ■. , - bable both armies will soon rehwu. then un- Mjchi ./ ai] who r ,. c ,„ qliercd the pro- the poll at Savigliano was retaken. Night n T* f OiHee. on MonAir the 13,h Jpmj nut. M O* -1 * of . 1 cient polttioKs. ' t _ . f . ,1 - 6 f v tl 1 c ekveir o'aoek, for TkuUm DitiOf for the enfn OC\ Crai ..nU We have also been relieved uv this mail wlh S<>? Uuffians, has al- pre/eiited their pnrfu.t. The general of " Tube fold, at the Coffee , from the anxiety we entertained «'«'ved Ihe rank of Colonel, with 3000 cavalry received information, that general JAMES S. COX, Frefident. of JdnuJj ne> , « if, ( '/i « the state of .affairs in Piedmont, which turns dollars revenue/ Ihe bifl.op of Capacc.o, Kray had llkewtfe been fuccefsful ,a b.s at- Qeeember x 6. JtE t heci c n L> -' \ . * 1 , ;,. w „ mnft nrr-U-mi. w ' ld cortdrtctcd the Cardinal s advanced tack upon the enemy, who quitted the pott : ■ -■ j r Z * ""'The Vienna Court Gazette relates some gnard to M.ple , has been made archbilhop ol Foffano during the night, which was ta- CAUTION. ¥'Fji.L. imoortant advantages obtained there over of Naples, tn the room of cawlmal Zurl >, ken ppfliffian of in the morning by our _ with Feurth tr. ieral Chamniontt on the 16th and loth baniOied into a conveirt. Tie hilhop of ro- troops- AM- r erfons areherebjr caufonri agamfl pur-, TurnerMene.aDdcontain fr« •. . >■ ac i«r I~c ut\ month The French loft between ticaftro, wf-. : o, in March, collfiVd 14,000 The enemy'a lofs-i'u killed and wounded chafing or payment, two Dr-rts of the la t month ihe r«n C h lott betw.eu nien inft the Frend , t ed thei, en- Bmo »nted to more than .000, and about o«horn.. Truatun on m, ty .f 2000 and 3000 men, and leil back to 1 «gne- . [. ,r.f* / -r .i \ l r l i lavor, dated ifth September l*lt, by che taees ol iuturf improvement, v «ie. rol; and Coni was to he besieged without Cnlabrb, and defeated them ,n d, 900 pnfoner. ; the number of the latter Fe tera! e in the city ® A . J f«o at th. Fori'- " delay by tlie conquerors. There appears to ter «-nt plaecs, has been made vicar general, would have been more confidence, had not 'Wafcington •od.owWTnae payable at nine Ae sinditioniJill be made : , be some preparations at Venice for affem- w,;h a eomnnlhon to reltore the.tormer or- night favoured their retreat. Our iof« a- months alter Jate, fw <,17 dollar* 71 cents, thv |alc _ T Klm-V - ronrlave Some of the principal as- der of things in the provinces of Trani, I- mounts to about 9a killed, 528 wouudid, other ' payable at £*-youths »fterdatc,.fori«l j om tl f ""». -»•-> and 63 raiffiiig .inall 683 J, t Ho.,bJ i. i, v„ y dir,r- JMRSHAL's - trous events Hi Sw.fferland, to contemplate SCHAFFH AUbEN, Scpr. 27, ; , AJuto.tat the feme t .„,e (on the t 3 th) the ! Harrh, baitimore, who ha. ngt yet tcccived them. W INDIA G - them under a less ominous aim foreboding Q n t j, e 25th, at t«o in the morning we eiferny advinced with a conliderahlc.xstunin !Mr '» e '»g apptifed ol the mifcirriage afped, it is not without indignation that heard the moftttemendouscannonadc, which from Pii»-nerol atrainll a fitl-ill ''at bur 'hefe draitS, will not pay them to any pvifon «r "QY virtue bf an order >T ;1, nourahl: wc can hear the causes of the evil attributed cont inued the whole los yeflerday and part troo s * Airito,' confiftiny of- the 7 th re- hwrin « '»«•>« ,he Com - the DlftrSl Court of the >. and met for a co# f lde rable time with advanced polls were cWVen back. 'iVene. „ .. lfr " Voo '.'C Jxt,' Z* WSST can neither bring to ap explanation nor re- she most obft ; nate resistance . At firft, the my proceeded as l>r as Sclenga, and for,n- 7 * 7 ° ? ' at "he Ito-e of ffiTfcfofe, £ .V, • tain ill the pam .tn open )emo .1 n & - Ruffians are said to have taken Mount Uet- ed their front near the high road : Colonel TUP U/VnF KSIG h Grejnwieh t f:l c: campaign. I h;s court, it is confidently as- Hby , lorm To day, we hear, the French ; S il auroth. the commander of the abeve .. «-r-r fir' ... Wlcwinf ferttd, has innruaed P* »^ ts £0 were at Kloten Lall night, and tWs morn- ; nlent i o r,ed regiment of hussars, as ««U as of H ihoWzsd'.o Z1& Bufincf., .. J throw the blame ot the departure ol the arch- ing a g Kat nUlt .b e r of wounded Ruffians ar- the whole polt, fuffercd them to Udvahce for ri« M«Hey the Kln K o'f Uenmaak io the United imported m the IhtpA a fir duke upon the m:nifters ot Rutha and Great r j ved here, and were.afterwards conveyed witliin cannot Ihot, wi.en he a vi- States of America, rcUdir.g at Philadelphia, !>f Britain. ronger iu ance o a ait I tQ t h c j r Jj u fp, , r a l in the nunnery of St. Ca- ; gorous fire from fix pieces . sry, tt t% upon this calamitous occalion. ine tactis Cossacks arrived here from Englilau ; four : The aiftion lalled till ni(jht, wlien the colo- from any port in the laid Stites, to call upon him o'clock, at the Toi.fim C«J XSZTt fowards Zurich. Tie Titow ch.lT.ur, ftt « ThU in »l*h. .1. m, bli 1 T>, Wc expole its a lywn \ c >vu i g rcat iy expofed'to the enemy's fire. The nearly 406 men in killed and wounded, is indifper.sbly ncceffary, an 1, that any Mafti-r of (he came n J.idia ■ "M;i the error ot a journ.t 1 , a\owet y . .con. , 0 j Zurich is dreadful; grreat fears are said to have been by gen. Chan - Vcffelsbelonging to the rtl'peilive nations, or na- it is so lar from our duty to recede, that we jj kew j fc cnter tain«d for Winterthur. We pionet in person. We ha\e taken prisoners vigating under the p.otea.on of U.eir flags in bends—mounting .'..---rep'. feel it pecnlmrly incumbent upon us to give , re {e j h ,he more so as numeroua re- a lieutenant, and about forty omitting «P erf • o J it »ir„ Lie, o . u RICHARD SODi-.Ho 1 HUM. v She was hint mlthis city— / ~ ,• , , 1 • j„„ .1 the carps of Prince Conde will alio arrive but that bf the enemy mull have been very • > ■ r ..... - 2 to an cxprels which had an rived 011 the jsre- inafe^days> g re at, on account of our well direfted graji Philadelpl.t, ,««> - feeo at this cffict ~ | ceding a y tn oni ? l - coi ia- ——— shot fire, and the brave conduct of our ca- THE STOCKHOLDERS nr Vn • i 1 br.ngttig-.Kutes o mc ..r . MIfMMfNPFV c., t -a valry. [Here also the names cf those offi- Of the Lehigh Coal Mine Company, are Mar % s < gwa'tt, in Third ilreet, oh Monday, the 20th who * of , „ ot »nd h VERONA, September 21. ;of Switzerland without delay. We hear, xm racet with goo,l encouragement b« applying of Janu»r> next, at 6 o'clock in th'e evening. in d cannot j reduce «HUtn< ac. *u> Since the day before yeflerday, confident- that the brave field marfnal Suwarrow is ad «No 104 North Front Street., ' " ISAAC WAMPOLE, Sct'y. App-y to the printer. \ ble quantities of Ruffian baggage have palT- *ancing, fighting, across mwunt St. G.othard. DccesnUr a 7 " d-.f, Dec. 31. • inwtl-. udober iS 5