Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 17, 1799, Image 2

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    ifoieign JnteUigenee.
Trtmtimia* Par it Paper*.
[ L'lndispensable anil Lt Rtdactur com
plain gri v«nfly of having been quizzed by
forged Telegraphic dispatches, importing
pretended victories, the defeat of Suwarow,
he. fcc. The formet remarks thus, under
date of O&cber :*.)
It is now said, that the prtterfded tele
graphical trcnfmifltons by which our credu
litf has been spOrted with theTe' spur days,
art nothing but the rngaKh tficks of Bail
leul and of Poultier. Since the 4th in(t.
darknrfs and fogs have not Jrrmitted the
telegraphs on tbe line of Straslurg to trans
mit any thing to Paris.
Suwarrow vtill laugh in bis flecve, on
reading, if he ftiould read them, those French
Journals, which have announced with- so
much preciGon his defeat and his capture.
lirierc, who could have doubted of it, from
the politue tone iiftjiofefo litti nt»lign«9ts?
Wc know that there have Ven bets laid on
the occasion. Would it pot be right (hat
the lying authors of this ritws IhouU pay
the rxpences it has toft I
Yefterda\ arrived a courier from Switier
land. No .new>, is good news.
The "Ruffians caule themfelvee to b< cut
in pieces rather than furrei|d«r, fays a Jour
nal, which immediately after adds, that we
have taken three ftioufand of them.
Lavater was a in the ft reels of
Zurich, by French huiTais.
The road from Paris to Bred is blocked
by the Ch6o«ns, who have taken Martigny,
fituatcd between Laval anj Maye.nne j which
lias given occasion to the timorous »nd fool
ilb to fay, Mayenne and Laval were in
tbe power of the Chouans.
The Chouans attacked the city of Angiers,
on ine 9th, at five in tlie evening, in three
different quarters, by the barrier of St. La
2are, by the fauxbourg of St. George, and
by the bridge Brionneau. Every where they
were rf pulsed. But they rife with renewed
force from their difafttsrs.
We complain of the wind ! The English
have more cause. '
It Brest and Ancona have been freed from
blockade, it is to the wind we owe it. If
the wind would rout the Jacobins, we fliould
owe is great gratitude.
Champiouet is opposite to general Belle
garde, towjinis Pignerol : those two hostile
generals are each at the head of twelve thou
sand n:er, aad were prepared sot combat.
The citizen Gamier denounced to the
Council, Sonthonix, Viflor Hoj?ues and
Lions, ex-ag-aents of the JtorWet' Directory
ill the colonies, and ajnpunred himfelf as
one df their viAims. T|kt» denunciation,
which has been jjofjed up about the
w«ll$ of Paris, wa« frnt to th« Council by
the D;reAory.
The Directory transmitted <9 the Council
a fourth report of the Minifler of Finance
Upon the ioin of *JQO *llllOlll.- Tjiey de.
m.nid, for the ftrvice of the current year, a
previous loan of thirty millions.
The famous count Crrntti, minister of
the' Interior at Torin In ike time of the
King, has been taken prisoner On boards
Sardinian vcflel from Leghorn to Cagliari,
carried into Ajaccio, and retained as an hos
tage for the. Sardinian patriots.. . ■■
The 1»U letters trom Sardinia announce
the death.of the Duke of
ther of the King, and Gpvrrnor of Saffari.
He was'making the tour of the Northern
province in order to appease some discon
tents. Not finding, in the country "that tem
per which he had counted upon, he was so
afFefted by hii disappointment that his lieahh
underwent an evident change. His chagrin
and the excels of his fatijue aggravated his
malady and conduced him to the tomb.
LONDON, OAober 1.
Two French flags of truce from Dunkirk,
have disembarked five hundred English pris
The French taktn prifontrs at Serisgajn
t»W h»rr arrived at Pertfmouth on board the
The Prrfident announced the order of the
day, upon the refcjution which declares a
traitor to hit country whoever flull insert
in treaties of peace, conditions outraging the
conflitutian of the 3d year, and the inte
grality of the French territory, as rccoghiicd
by the constitutional aft.
1 .aii(Tat suggested, that at the discourses
which would be pronounced, whether p»
or contra, would encroach upon the diploma
cy, it would be expedient that the report and
the difcuQion fliould be read in secret com
Philipp thought, on the contrary, that a
secret difcufiion would alarm the united de-
partments, and give room for mifreprefeata
tion to columniate the intentions of the
Council. He demanded that the report be
The Council coincided in this opinion,
and Cornet made report.
He demands it! rtje&ion, as involving
more heavy inconvenienciei than it remedies,
by seeking to compefr the inhabitants of the On the ift Oa. the Miittathal was occu
tfnited departmenw: In fart, fays lie, does pied by fevera! thousand AuKro-Ruffians.
it not give room to evil dispositions to fay, The port of Schweita at this moment was
that wc vrifli to render the war intermina- but about as hundred men ftreng, who re-,
ble *■ We wilh, without doubt, for peace, [ tired with two pieces of cannon behind that
but we wilh for it to be glorious, and vie-| town. The at nine in the mora
tory will give us that. The refolntion will ing, the Ruffian patroles advanced even to
add nothing then to the guaranty of the Merfchach. This diiy, an entire of
united : and what grea?-r guarantee could French have polled themselves towards Lat
« give them than tliofe efforts which we ttl and Scßweiti whither LrcourWe will irn
»re every day malting to ward of from them • dcr himfelf in the coorfe »t his route,
vengeaices? "'• 1.-
11l tlie second place, it wotill f»o to>tt»inx
the attributes of the coallituted authorities
to fuppoC: t'nK others'thin the Directory
could enter into ltegocia&un for peace : It is
untonditutional iiufuiuch as it leads to alter
many ariiHes of the social pa ft : it is unjul),
in that itpunilhes with death a fimule pro
position as 4 concluded thing.
What idea will your condituents have of
you, if, after;having sworn at tlie feftival of
the"Rcji*iol:c,lo defend the Ojn(litution,you
give to thein as a guarautee on your part
the menace of capital pvtiilliraeut!
lii fiue, added tbe
has found the refolutioa i*WV, a*w,
laws hawing provided for it: it &g4*it man:-
over, dangerous ;it tni b 'ht have a tayl in- ,
fluence upon our exterior relations, in that.ld
ling overtures which may have the must tup- j
py results.
The -Council ordered printing and ad
BRUSSELS, O&ober 7.
The news from HolUnd fignify tb:it it is
not the Unite of York who has cauled the
Polder of Wardyck to be inundated, by cut
ting through the dykes, but general Brune,
who wished, by that means, to prevent the
left wing of hit'anny from baring turned,
and to ftreighten all his portions, and by
conference his line of defence. The right
wing of the Gallo Bavarian army, command
ed 'by general Daendets, has made a retro
grade movement : the head-quarters have
been transferred to Braccli. The Engjirti
have again occupied the towns of Entkhuy
fen and Hoorn,- and the advanced pods of
their left wing have advanced considerably.
'Tlie'<flrnty is preparing for a general^attack
which to every appearance mutt he terrible ;
his aclual force is estimated ?t 17,000 Eng
lish and 15,000 Ruffians. The Hereditary
Prince of Orange isconrtantly at the Texel,
where l;e continues the organization of the
sailors and the Dutch delerle'rs ; ute arms
found in the magazines of the Helder, will
serve for the equipment of his. (oldie rs, to
whom has been given the name of tbe army
of avengers. Little affairs of posts occur
daily, with equal success 011 both fide*. We
have received advice that a great number of
enemy vcffels of war were advancjug
Amsterdam : which CMifet a preemption
that a;t the moment of attack by the Auftro-
Rufiians upon ovr there will b< also
an attack from the crta'ft ot the Zuyder Sea.
Other advices from Holland import-,.that
our generals are entrenching thcrotelves to
the very teeth. The enemy receives daily
reinforcements, and waits only the arrival of
the third expedition to'pufli forward his ope -
A signal is iyrng" at the Pampns, for an
enemy's fleet cqmpjftif'oT'fio vcflel'j ofwwarr r
ps which the heavidl are large frigates. . We'
are in conflant dretd that tliefc force* arc
deftinei for some enterprise againfl Anifter
danu ...
, . While,the French obt»it;cd i*iiftx>iy be
fore Zurich, they experienced fome.eevtrfcj"
fin the* -valley of; Urleren. . The ene<?iy are'
wlfo at Glaris. The id of Odobet, Jthey
flu wed thcmltlves in the Muttathal. A
column had passed the mountain of Uri, and"
had taken » company which wa tjicre>
The /til, tiic- French who were,at SchwcWfe
retired. This morning, the Ahittfans ehttfS
td Schweit* a»d Bfumen. . They fay. tjiis
moment, the divifioil of Soul 1 i* coming'to
the succour of Lebourbe. . r '
LUCERNE, Oft. j. y
The genera! Ixcoyrt>c ;s cpnUantiy before
Seeldorf. General Loifon is at Engdberg,
and gene rat Gaudin occupies "the heights of
Griitlk'li 'I he Column ti tin* enemy which
was said to have advanced to Schweiti was
nothing but eight or ninv-Rtl'ffiart hfirfe who
were patroling in that city and came from
the Muttathal, where the enemy is about
1000 flrong.
Yesterday evening, the firft regiment of
French dragoons entered Schweitz. To
day, they expeft 7 or 8000 men in that
ICUSSNACHT, September 28.
The lUfewi and Auftiiam to the nurr.i
ber of 20,000 have fallen upon the canton
Waldfttaedlen : they are commanded
-- *tey are con..—. .
übly by general Kray : ether report! an
lounce that it is Suwarrow himfclf whi
OBimand.. that column.
The following is the information I havi
ibtained of this iityafion.
The fame nigfht that Lecourbe marched to
attack the Grifont, a corps of the enemy,
detached from the army of Italy, arrived bv
forced marches, suddenly made its appear
ance. While one part attacked the heights
of Gothird, the other advanced in forte upon
the rallies ef Zupletten and of Mariuerijand
pnbtbly, also upon that of Scliaccken, on
he fide of Claris. Lecourbe was already
before Wafen, when lie encountered the
Attftro>ilu{Ean(. Another column of the
enemy piefented itfclf behind him at Steig.
At the head of the grenadiers, he opened a
pafTage through the enemy's regiments and
returned to Leeldorf. It was not till after
a combat the molt ohftinate that he could
fueceed in resuming his former positions,
that is to fay, to port himfelf from Sol
: lilbury to Grimfcl.
„ 1Q rf'tiiiwos^
, .wb» «k *•>«? »*« .*»«'
fcrvioe ,»\ong with" the IVcnch, p*ruse
oi'their liaugty'*.
The tii at -noon, the general in chief,
Mifcua, psfrd to Luttroe ; he eftibajrked
upon the Lake T«r Scrldorf. Jn ■ •diWcrfa
itoo which the prefcd had with hikti, he *»»• |
the most honorable icftimooics tu the Hcl
: vetic legion ui the at£iirsoi' the aßtb auJ
* ayh wit.
ARAU, OOahtr I.
I&fttnlay, there- wa* an
fiftgns, «» wMch; the; PbnKk -fciw. a<f»in
naite 4.0 a rn(iwsft» ■ - W»-aMflgjSoraiit of
tWiicMjtofc. /vV. *
BERNE, October j
Xhe general Thurreau has been obliged to
jnake hit letreat ; he ha] rctarnrd into the
Valais, and lias eftablilhed his bead-quarters
at Boiguc. It appears that he hud car/ied
Giavcllona, but that a I'upcrior force bad
cpmptlled hitn to quit a country which was
only tenable by thl fuccei's of the army of
the Alps.
It is ttioft lure that Suwarow is in the can-
ton of Waldftetten ; he was, on the ift, at
Altdorf; he embraced the tub-prrfeci oMhit
quarter, [\ot ki owing that he was a public
functionary. On the 3d general Lccourbe
entered Ah.dort.
PARIS, Odtuber 13,
The telegraphic news of the defeat of
lojooo Ruffians by Maffena, it not confirm
ed. It was brought up in the Spy, editid
by Bailleul.
We wait with molt lively impatience the
re full tnd the details of the affair between
Suwarrow.anJ Matfon.i. Pr ince Charles, in
I'piteof all hi! diligence, will hardly have
been able to arrive bifore the dec i lion ; and
every thing makes us prrfitine that the Ryl
iians hive been beaten, *s the
dilpatch ydter4ay aunppneed.
It is raii| tb,jit Paul f. lias ordained a levy
of 85,000 ir.en in that part ps Poland #bicii
til tu.CiiUcririe bis mothei. fcvery pro
priety' is t<> fiirnilU a Certain' number oi
m;n, in proportion to the extent of bis do-
• x>r t'«* hihl tm|at»i, .
J£)EQ3 lftn tp'rnfprm an<ltV jpb-
Ik ia ccncr.»U ttot hi* wit} #>j»cn
'(or the fcatcn, ou TH(JRi>DAY the xath, at Mr.
ro*ET*L'i.K!s.' v ' -
' ' •• ' - rm*,-, ■■ -• • •
Fittf iVlhrs-per Month,.
:. Xbu; da.
•v.-: ■■ V ; '
/ £3? j°r /Mwift'.briUiilitt
70 wth Eighty fttra. - UtJ ; ,
Becipinber 3. . ■
if.: zr.-.T*r-,i
B£GS, leave to iiworia the Ladi.n of Philadel
phia, and tr.c public ip genera), that he ftiil
cottfiriiiei teaching lie I'iimo Forte, Singing,
Guitar, £c'. aa'ufual. Application tobetpade
to tiith, No 96, north Sixth street, between
Arch & Race flreett!
Nov. 10-
Stctlf 6f Pennsylvania.
THB. STOCK HOI.DER S are hereby notified,
that In Ekaion will be held at the Compa
ny's Office, on Monday the 13th January neat, at
eleven o'iS»ck., io: XHrtfn Jfitethrt (or the enLu
ing year.
J.VMES S. COX, President.
December xft*. diE
WITH, or without the uie of the kitchei, cel
lars, &c. in two adjoining Louies, «nly
four years old ; fit for die accommodation of a few
gentlemen:—fittute convenient to Congreft Hall,
in 1 healthy part of the city, never having bees
inlc&cd with the fever—Apply at the Office of the
Uuired State* Gazette.
Nov. »6
L -.,i i-< *
ON Thursday, l*d O&ober, 3&rtVd from the
eutampment, neat* Br idol, Penotyhrania,
HENRY WEST, an enliiletJ-MiiGciaa, belonging
to the company -of.Captaiu of the
tenth regiment of United sutes Jpfantry." Ha was
z6 yettrs of age, j"fcet'«? iitchcV h'jjh, grey eyes,
fair coropltxiorc, kor*i io the county of Tyrone,
Ireland, he is a little stoop (houldcred .andjpeaks
in a lop tone of voice, 1 ' i
' "'A LS% V. • " j
Defertfd from the company of' captain Hugh
Brady, on Saturday, a6th October, four privates,
JOHN DENNfS, aged 34, j feet high,
born in NeW York, grey eyes,, ferown hajt, brown
complexion, wai much addled to liauor, and
Wh<;p. intoxicated very"
&MlTH,.aged 37 r 5 feet '7 inches higk, born in
New-York, grey eyea, bwirn hair, lair com-'
plexiea, a notorious offender, .this being.his third
defcrtioa. SIMEON DUN, aged a 1 years, and
6 months, 5 feet $ inches high, borji in Ncw -Jer
fcy, jpeycyca, fair hair, bro*n complexion.
CHARLES Mc.L£Y, iged ifr, 5 feet 6 mchis
high,* born in Ireland,, grsy eyes, bUdt.kaW, dark
complexion—he is supposed. to be .in .NocnAown,
or its neighbourhood— it is not known., what
clothing ihey had when tß*y dekrted.; but the
probability is fhat they have changed.their nili
tary habits. ... •
Whoever (hall fake up th« ahove defeitcrs and
lodge them in any jail so that their officers may
get them or {hall deliver them to the fub
fcrifeer at his quarters in .Filbert, between Ninth
and Tenth streets, lb all receive the above regard
and for either of them a proportionate reward of
ten dollars rcafowaMetxpencCs.-
Captain, Regiment Infantry*
ppvcmbcr ijb
'* t ANOIWO r '•"*
At Itiliock's tvba'f frvm tbt ft hr. Liyrtyt
capi. Godfrey, from HcUftt,
so Barrels, do. Shad
N 8- There are kmc Ooodi on Freight oo
hoard the above fcfcooacr, it* names cf the con
§gt «e* ot which are not mentioned, they ar<: re
queued to make immediate entry of the fame,
other wife will be feat f the houftf ••
the telle i mull be discharged without left of time.
Dec. 16. titt
No. 78 IVolnut Street,
ENOI.ISH PORTF-R and Drawn StoM, Id cUkt
of 6 dozen each,
Tin Platci,
Sheet, bar and pig Lead,
Caunon with earmge* complete, 4, 6, 9 and II
Shot, rouo-'. double headed and canuiftcr,
Iron Crow Bar#.
CuthlT s, bonding Pikes, Mufkots and Pidols,
Rough Brimstone,
Cream of Tartar,
Porter, Wine and Clint Bottles,
Six Invoices of Earthen Ware, each about thirty
crates, a (forced
White aod red Lead, y«!low and blade Paint, and
Spaniih lirown,
Ruffian BrilUes,
Hardware and Sadlery, afTertpd is caflu.
An Invoice of German Platilla* and Liritannlas,
Decrmhcr 3.
rpHE Subscriber, has just received a quantity
of HILL'* First Quality
London Particular ti^ine.
Philadelphia, Nov. 12
TH E G- A R GO —
Of the Ihip Rebecca, John from
ij* .
—-£cHs:st ttig cy~-r—« '.
350,0160 Vt. <jf COVfEE-S"? > * ' .
4,«oo wt^CSUGAR-,;
Nov, 27.
, 1 ' Noi'B Cbtsnut Strict, . f .
RESPECTFULLY isforms hit friend* and the
pj*Mic, that he h« received by the late at-.
rivals from fccrope, ia addition to hi* former,
A complete sijj'ortmerit of Gqdds K
which arc now op<rji«if, fuifaUe lor ike aps>ro.«ch
»Bg fc»fo»;. ... .
jimcntit xmct are —
Superfine Cloths ami CuffimereS,
'* ■ DoUblc iihilW} Drib Cloths,'
Supetdtie Nap ClorbS, assorted colorr,
Blue and Drap Plains,
Swanfdowiii auU Swun&tns,
Drapery, Bailn, atforted colors,
Blue, green, white and fpottcd Bookings,
Blue and grey Coatings,
Starlet, white, red and yellow Flannels,
Velvets, Thiskfets, Corduroys, and fancy
'J If
Striped claftiir Oaths and Cojtingi,
Fancy Martcillci Waittcoating*,
Mem' and Womens' fine worded Hnfe,
Do. do. worftcd Gloves and Mits
Mens' Sock^,
Calimancocs, Duratrts !t Jottis Spinnings,
6 bales of Rose Blankets, Completely af
'forted, bjr tlie bale, Jtc.' Bcc.
KoT. 6: '
DY Virtue of an Ocdcr ot';fc Court of Com- ™d laying Ik off into
D monPlm of Delaware County, appointing "wnlh.pi,, and at other times ranged over
• Auditors in % Domestic attachment on the t0 S? 1 " lntormatipj}. But to obtain a
iropjrtr of William Marihall, willj>» fold at mor e CompleW and accurate knowledge, we
>ubtic life on Seventh day t)ic alft of next have lately {pent between two and three
Vlonth atthePcrthoufeofßdwafdFellmSpring- months "with several assistants,' m parttcu
leMTownfhip, _ ■ f • larly examining the different townships and
A large quantity OJ £.artben%V(ire, quarter t'ownftiips ; "by which means we have
consistTno or ' acquired an accurate knowledge of-the whols
Pou, Pans, Plates, Jugs, Mugs, Bow lei, &c. "rilltri Ei.— VVe now offcr'onr l'ervic£s to the
alfo.quartityofunbttrn: ware, Potter.'imple- "public, as Locaters, with afli-rancei that we
amsssss: - h "" bM *rr: '«"» m *?• *•-» wm
The sale u> begin at 14 o', when at- " , us tO , the , best advantage, agreeably to
tendine* will be given and corditioas made . rights of location, which is to be de>
known by terjniiied according to law. For our ler-
JOSFPH KHOADS,vieet we demand the one equal tenth part,
W. PENNOCH, • > Auditor)- either in lands or warrants, whtn we locate
DAVID PRATT, J a'fulf thift, of four thou sand acres or more,
nth Month 19th 1799. • fdf one pertbn Or firm ; the land to be taken
All pcrfona having any demands againO laid '.!> a. corfliV of tHe trail ; which
Marlhal, are desired to authenticate ant produce. .Corfler is to be r<jnital>)y determined before
hem, on or befcre-tbe aiftof next Month, that 'tht'tinie of location.—The one'tqual lixtj*
*n*M> be liquidated and all thole who art ,n tad. or warrants, when we corneft
pn»«« <♦&* and locate any imOTpt'leh ttih four thou.
November 10 ' land acres. We will be in Philadelphia
'i»ni December next, until after tlie time of
ocation, to traiffatt this" buliurlY. Any
perl'ou "wilhing to fJUSfy himfclf farther,
will pdiafe to call on us, by letter, (pottage
paid) 'or'otberwift ; wRc% due attention will
be'pafd, and fuel, vouchers' may be seen as
ve'have to offer, which Wt h»pc will bf fa-
ftiblic Notice,
TS I)cr«h» Oiircn, that I hive applied by pr
' 1 tWon t5 the Jiidget of the Court of Common
Pleat of Cumberland county, for the benefit of
the afl «>f Aitcmbly made ft* the relief of lo
folveut Debitors, patted ihe fourth d»y of April,
1791, »ad the Paid spurt have appointed the firfl
Monday of January next at the Court House in
the borough of Carlific for a hearing of me and
•my creditors, at wbi.h time and place thfy may
attend if they think proper.
Dcctrtbcr' 4» J ; iiwuf,-''
» —_—;—*v;-»Tfv-
XTf *»«■«»■* »•*>'•* Snntar fte Vo».
VV Mai Mo. i6j*Tte« fcHMr—H« Is «ttout f
mootfas oli, fpotuM w{c,lj«o car«, with
t spot of the fame, iq hu hrti)f*i, loaf tail
hiving nevor boeo cat—H« » called Gift. A «•<-
wardpf two d©li»r», »*h rc»Ii»»bl« wib
bo paid to any pcrfon who* will return him to No
163, Vine flreet ;-aud ten daMut sore, if (toiea.:
for such iafordUktiea ref|K&ioj{_ thief a.
Miv. 30.
do. Mackrul
FOH &ALK •»* —• • - •' 11
In Pipes, Hhd«. and QuartanCtiftt*
■rtppty to
■ • JOSEPH SIMS;. * ••••'
No. 155, l'duth
'si et
Xctemier 30, 1795.
THE Post Office will be Removed
this duyat Sun let', to No.' 27 South
third Street. dtf.
Notice is berebv given,
TO thi Srockholdrrs of the DeLnvart and Scbwyl.
kill, and Svfyutljenns and ScbwjlkillC\n*\ com-
their annual Ele&io* will be held at
he Conipar ic* Office, on Monday the 6th of Jan
uary nrxc, u to o'clook in the forenoon, for thf
of Fitting fine I'refident, Txvtlve Man
ajrrrs ani One Treasurer to each Company, for th
enfuiug year.
November »q
On b iar.i the bricar* ' vi Sitien.
liatembtr 17.
HAVING or et m ivoi hp ijfwice of
living uuder lh* Joyi.rncneu of 'Kcan)
KfMoVtD Ircm hia to fh'C icy of Nev-
Yo»k, requeit* any oi.e in+>ennfy<-aniV, who may
have.» demand acraipfc him, to driver <tn account
:'«r«oftoMr JOHN M(;HG ' . , No. 3, .011 th
Front Steret, Philadelphia, or tj- forward it by
pofttoNcw York.
To be Sol 4, at jiuflion,
On IhurfJay nei' at 9 o'clock,
a <**« .'
' Ghair% Mahogany i ar>- s, ur«au., Stove»an4
Stove-pipe, an excellent. RoMti jg.Jack &c &c.
3t»w»m. ,
*; :a'lW,' / C?*»PL »• T»■
With a variety o! flooki, *stc Ac <c- The
laic at 9 i Kcifely, an* wiU con
tinue till.all is fold off. .
December 14
Or tj> be exchange.' for l ffiod yt-JIiJ,- _
; ->j l,WTv *
N«w t.twcr Story Frame House,
Twentjr-fcvcn feat front by thirty-four jn>t|itk
f.lhm* tfllttgv or Fradkford. The h.ufe, <vt,,ch
iff «f June «ext,will be fiixfhtd
BMfpft itile with many cocye»iriicevand
will be w«!l adapted w a large.gentcel lamiiywho
n",y.yri(h to the country during the fum
mcrfcaftiq. la exchange, it will he valued low.
if a »tflV 1 offer that may be fiiitahle.
Pirthcr particulars will be jnadc known by
o!iiau®n.*»y -
* Decy-H*
.tifnp; being fixed 'on,/ When the
JL- MILII AR\ "(corfimonly
called Knot'sj WA^iiA granted, to
thr United Stales' army, are rtgifter.
dd and loaat.d,—the-fubfcribers have ex.
plortd that traift of land on which thSfi* Var.
rants are to be laid; with a view, and for
the purpofc of offering their "fcj-vijes as lo-
Wit take the liberty of suggesting, " that
weane at lead as well acquainted the
situation, quality of the foil, &c. of }he dif
ferent townfhlps in the aforelaid tra&, as
any Other pcrfon this will, perhaps, ap.
pear more clearly, by observing, Vh"at_WiL
liam p C. Schenk aiT.fed in runtiing' the
Indian boundary line; at which time he
t'ufaftory- * "
Philadelphia, 0&. 9, 1799. eow «
ON the ift in ft from the Marine Barracka,
HtJOH DUFFIfir.D, a private ia th><
a native of Ireland, aged 35,6ve
ftet five itteVej l high, dark >iir, light complex
ify. He hikTrfidcil for time* past in thir
rty, wheTe hu family now ire.
Whoever apprehenda said" Deserter aod de
livers hiui at the Mll ine Barrji kj, «r lodge)
:hh*i in goal, vrill be paid i reward of tea dot
.iri, and reafoniMe < harges.
-JAMhS KNIGHT, commuding Marine BarracVi
Dc.-embo- j. 4m.
' tfrotmitr )S, 1799.
fa m'K&w.