Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 14, 1799, Image 3

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    jro.» py ,
tin-" 4 of God
franc |*rhap> jon'U mark aaioag tht fry";
£Ji«M "f«iA Iwiafcle in hit eye—
kfc. whaa oSferVJ. he (brink, into Lit m«w,
his piety anew.
[As *1 hi Lay Preacher i$ neither a
xigid Calvin, nor a John Knox, heroes not
« style ps uniform auflerity, but ftiives
to vary hi* manner, at much as poflible, that,
•where lie cannot rouse by rrafminp, he may
sooth by melody. Hi* tone it fometiims
loft, and fometiniei loud, and if gay in one
sermon, it is csnimonly grave in the next.
He, at one time, exhibits a profile of char
after, and, at another a sketch of landscape.
He sometimes looks into the political, and
femetimes into the litfrary cabinet. As the
present hoar is a wintry one, he has chosen
a fe(iou« eflay for the iiifpe&ion of hit read
ers. It was originally emupofed in autumn,
but as almanac writers fayi willferw, with
out any rflrutitl variation, for the meridian
of Philadelphia, anJ may lie pronounced by
pun.ling critics a difcotirfe cold enough for
any feal'on, and equally dull in January, as
in November.] .
" l'~e all da fade, ii.« a It,J."
THIS morning, when I opened my ftudv
(butters and law the brown oak lravr» fly.
inij thro' the turbid air, heard tV " rockinf
winds piping lond," and remarked that the
frozen ground was half concealed by the
frow and fleet of November, I turned to
Isaiah, .ind pcniively'copied my text. Tlio'
naturally oi a lively temperament, yet the
state of my spirits is regulated much hy the
season and l-y the sky ; and my gaiety, like
mercury in the philosophic tube, rises in
warm weather, and finks in cold. The body
of a sedentary valetudinarian, like exposed
vegetables, contrails and is impaired by the
cyxratiou offrofl ; and, perhaps, as tliere is
a well known fynipathy, his r.iind languishes,
as autumn fades. At lea ft, if the intelle&u
al powers do not loTe their tone, they have
»n impreflion of melancholy from the whole
scenery of nature, at this dull and temjieflu
ous season. Nor is this the i-jeculiar infeli
city of the hypocondraic and the invalid.
Many of the robufl of my acquaintance who
in spring can join in chorus with the robin,
and in summer dance like Ariel, " under the
bloflom that hangs on the bough," will mope
during a day in November like folirary birds.
In fail, fucli is the law ps our being, that
we are generally animated by spring and
funftiine, and generally depreflrd by cold
aud by clouds. The viciflStudes of the wea
ther affecl certain constitutions much more
than others, but we have Shaksspeari's
authority that life itfclf is " feryile to every
flciey influence ;"and Dr. Jphnson, in Com*
very feeling and forcible linet, declares that
not only the blalled plain confeffes the power
of the gloomy season, but that its reign
spreads ft ill wider, and that ffe feels its power
usurp his bread.
" Enlivening hope and fond desire,
Resign the heart to Tpleen and care ;
Scarce (righted love maintains hi« fire,
And rapture laddensto deipnir."
He adds pathetically that man ttill changes
with the changeful year, and is the (lave of
funlhine and of gloom. Thompson, who
was a diligent observer of every peculiarity
of the seasons, remarks that the power of
what he terms philosophic melancholy, is in
every breeze ot autumn ; and no feafun is
more to *' woo lone quiet in her
silent walks." In spring he calls for gay
companions to rove with him in qucft of
trout from the broolc, or flowers from the
ban!: ; but in autmnii, mod of his line* air
in a pensive tone, his images, to borrow a
term from painting, are in a deep (liadow,
and he talks of •' the loncfome mule."
But mo ft men, however inexpenc to de
fctibe like tie poets theruffian blalls" of
this ilormy feal'oll, feel the baleful influence
upon the body, and mark gloomy thoughts
1 iltnz in the mind. We look around us,
arid discern a great revolution in tlw vegeta
ble kingdom. W T e fee the lately verdant
oak flretching out as it were his hare arms
to implore pity from the boisterous gale. In
tlie room of aspiring corn and waving wheat,
we fee the dry lliorn flalk and the shrivelled
stubble. Instead of hearing the gay birds in
concert, we fee them 011 the wing, migra
ting to the south, and eager to warble un
der a l'ofter sky. Whether our walk is in
the sorest or the field, we rvteive constant
warnings of the decay of the year, and look
ftrrowfnlly at the leaves dropping from the
woods, as at the last figures in a funeral pro
111 this mood of sadness,. viewing the deso
late state of nature, how natural for as to
feel the sentiment and use the expitffion of
the prophet " W« all do fade as a leaf."
w Dark at the leaves, that quiver em tin fprayt.
Like item man JtouriJkei l tike tbem Jtcaye"
Not only life droops, but its hopes, its
schemes, its enjoyments grow fallow with
years, and though we may balk in the June
of joy for a time, yet the mournful Novein
fcer of our days " follows harsh, and flints
the scene." I think as I now fee the flakes
•f snow fart falling at my door, that they too,
no less thar) the foliage of spring, are em
blematical of much of the Friendlhip, much
of the love of this irconftant world. The
snow seems fair, and promiles well, but try
it, andflike a perjured female, it is faithlel's
and cold. The last month of autumn pre
fents in every diiving gale, and on every
difcolnred leaf some memorandum ot nature's
change ; and if, after the fir ft -flufii of life is
•ver, we enquire of those once foremoll in
atudimtnt asd prodigal of profeflioni, we
'hall fin;!, in tlicr .iirjihatitjl fjnjiiagr of tV
"ft. « that t|« Jove vf ,
aud that man, as well as platita, alters with
the faalon. Tliefe T-fl»d>ton», thoujH- irf«
lancholy. accord with the time of the year.
It is in faf>, hallowed time ; it ii the lent
°f nature. A |Kiinj of il io.whkh
every one feels unwonted gloom, which is
manifefted aloud not onlr by a sedate Lav
Preacher, but by authors the niofl joevnd,
even by the lprifhtly Mis« Seward, with
whose del'iriptive lines J ball close a ler.
mon, already pronounced too lont; by hah.
my K a yer reader*. " .
" here, even here, wherr t now fit recti/.'.1,
And autumn'. figtn found hollow in the wind ;
Loud,and more loud, the bust of evening ravei,
And ftriptthe oak* of their lall lingering leaves.
The eddying loliire in the temped flies
And fill*, with dvlcier gloom, the thickening Ikies,
A nd fink, the lun behind the howling hill.
And rufliea with hoarse (Ireami the msantair rill j
And now, with ruffling billow cold and pale,
Rnrts, fwoln and dafhingdown the lonely vale ;
While to the fa tearful eyei griefs faded form
Sits on thecluud, and Ggh* amid the (lorm "
From the £ BoAonJ Independent Chronicle.
Pieafe to publish the following elegant ex
trsft from an atifwcr of his Royal High
ness the Duke of Clarence, to an address
prefentH him by the vbtuoui, opu'tnt and
rtfpeSalU citizens of Shelhurne, Nova-
Scotia. 2.
Trm P.xruAtr.
" How much happier do you in your situ
ation feel yourfelvcs to be, than those mi
forable and deluded men do, who have on
'his continent forfeited I heir fidelity to their
Sovereign and the advantage! arising from
being fubjefis to hit Majesty."
Office of the N. TorkGixettt, I o'cloil,
Friday miming, Dec. 13.
At a late hour last night, we met the Ihip
Argus, capt. Main, coming up, in 47 days
from St. -Sebaftiarn. From our corrcfpon
dent, we have received Paris papers to the
16th of OAober. We lament that we have
only time to announce summarily their im
portant contents. These papers gfVe the
official details of Mailt na's operations from
the 25 ill of Sept. to the. Bth OSober, by
which it appears that on th« 25th of Sep
tember he parted the Lent at Dietikon,
beat gen. Korfskoff, and summoned Zurich
to surrender—the terms «#er« not accepted,
and the town was taken bv aflault In the'
mean time, Suwarrow had advanced to •&
in concert with the armies lately attacked
by MaOena, but finding them defeated, a
voided an aflion by keeping the m
—Here he was however attacked, and left
1000 wounded, apart of his artillery, and
almo(t his whole baggage. In the mean
time Korfakoff, informed of Su-Warrcw's
situation, hadily afTembled a corps, comj'Q
fed of the remain of his army and that of
Hotzc the Bavarian contingent, and that
of Conde, attempted to march to the.Thur,
and from thence to Zurich. Maffena at.
tacked him, forced him to rrpafs the Rhiue
with loft. MafTena, in theft battle, Hates,
that he has taken 18,000 prisoners, more
than ico cannon, and 13 Itamls of colours
—that 4 generals have been taken, and 5
killed. Loss of the memy in toto. more
than 30,000 men. [Of this we liisll give a
Parit, OSob'r 14 —Tt is reported, that
at the moment wtirn the I>ire£Wy were
writing a letter of felicitation to Buonaparte
upon his lift viftory, tU=-jr learned tl«t he
had landed at frijus. It it fuppqfed, from
this, that H»s return was T,i>t eipe&ed br
the Directory. ' ' ' ■ ' '
Moreau is here—Buonaparte ii expe&ed
this evening. [The day capt. Mann failed,
pofiti«e (tews of Buonaparte's arrival it Pa
ris was received at St. Sebaftiaas.]
FrancLfort, is it said was taken by the
French, Oft. J.
<D" Translations, ia detail, with mter
etting Marine airiclei, are n»w preparing for
tliii Gazette.
Arrived lad evening, Ship Anthony Man
gin, capt. Edw <rds, from E.nbdrn, which
he left the aid of October. We are 'tarry
that no paji:r. have been- brought from this
iutereftflig quarter, by the above arrival, la
ter than the 17th of September, which capt.
E. accounts for by faying that all regular
communication between Embden and «ther
parts of the continent was cut «IF, and that
110 Eng-fifh or Dutch papers of late dates
could be obtained.
The verbal intelligence we have cnlleAtd
from captain Edwards, is confirmatory us the
latest newi via Button, that vji the engage,
ment of the 3d of November, the Gallo B.i
tavians 101 l ground, but that the RulC ns
and English loft by far the molt men, inso
much that they held the greund thry had
taken but two or three day*, when they had
to make a retreat to avoid hting uirrounded,
at far as the Holder, where they were en
trenching themftlvrs, and nuking winter
quarters. The opinion of American and
BritiJli travellers, from the interior of Hol
land, of whom captain E. received the above
information, was, that from the grea'. loffof
the Anglo Ruffians on the 3d, the antipathy
and xeal of the Dutch which had been ex
cited by tne cruelti • of Ruffian soldiery,
and froin the swarms of French who were
pouring from all qoirters into all Holland,
they would either evacuate even the Helder,
or be surrounded and nude prifimers.
Captain E. furtlier mentions, that the
king of Prussia had transmitted a spirited re
monstrance to St. James's, aeainft an in
fringement of his foverrignty by the Britifli
who had cut f >me vefleli out of the Ems,
within his jurifdi&Yion.
at Kmbi-a, ;i i!n .>r tw.i b-fort captain £
Uilcd, lie lr»fP* lliat i uiumotiofu- V.*'i
ahte both In K. i;-,l m i! :iud .'x\*fmtS, rt»t)k
nilitia, wh » r-fcr&Tf tr+iirjYt
iC k \ . I
Iwsfiivrra *is with the name*
of thctVilowmg voir-N, let; at Embdwi the
aid ®t\Oi*lo!)er q'
Ship Robert, of Baltimore, to fail ifi 3 or
v 1
Ship John, M'NVil, of Philadelphia.
„ Shi;> Sufaiinah, of Gh irleHon
to fail I* >nu fur Loudon. L
Brijj Bcl!:la: iu», Gale, of Boston, do. do.
Biig. , CalHn, for New-York, fail
Brig ' -, Holland, of Newburyport, and
an hermaphrodite brig from do.just arrived.
A northward built schooner, name un
known, was going into Embocn, ai capt. E.
came out
The Cleopatra, capt. Conner, from Balti
more, arrived at Bremen the loth October.
The Harriet, capt. Martin, was to leave
Hamburgh about the ajth Oilober, forilal
November 17, spoke the United States
schooner Experiment, capt. Maley, out 6
dayt from the Capes, in lat. 19, 32, long.
67, all well.
*' 1#
Ncv> Tork, December 13.
Ship Argus, , St. Sebaft iant 47
Brig" Eliz*, —> B*y of Honduras
Sloop an.i Mclty, Kirk, Phihil. i
La It evening arrived here the British Pack
et, Grantham, capu Bull, in 70 days from
Falmouth— 17 from Halifax. Passengers,
Mrs. stid Mils 6ray, Mr. Wood, Mr. Ptl
lard, and Mr. P. Ranifay.
Puik.AOKi.raia, UtctMmi 9.
Six per Cent
Three per Cent. _
.Deferred ,6.p«r Cent. 14/9
8 per C«nt StorV—'fuodid—ltUftfi?ft froin id Oil
3 pfcr Cent:- advanre,
B\NK United states, to, ,
■ PcnnfyWaijia,
■ North America, 50
Infurtott comp. U s A. (harci 2b
——.Pcftjifjltanaa, Chares, ia*
East tndia Company oi'N, A. par,
Lafid Warrants,'' $1 dolls, ptr 100 acr*s,
Lon4#n t , ••Jf »t 3o,J*y» .
}9 w.6? i r •„
Amfttr<fiim, 31 37 iioo per florin
Hamburg)) 3® i-ieo.per. Mxrk Saoco.
. ..HOMifiß- tii "> » :<
• . -•• /v.'- ♦-''•"•V ' *>
iSlanto-ftiZtA., VI :<»nj
Driwisg No. 'i9l
V4l iY id
57+ 16
r 498 - .
7 *°
' 355 r 10
\ 788 10
■ 7 10
6oj 10
3957 >°
43 1* -
6u -
. 4J*
<7504 - -
1 *
901 10
■5782 '
392 10
7jc6 1p
: 488
■ 848 20
932 1. to
988 '
10474' •'■'
' 794
2.2058 to
I, 393
J 6oj 50
351 .0
S3 7
888 10
578 to
•32272 10
-721 10
At Samuel Israel's Auflion Room,
(No. 55 N. Sccuiui Screct)
On MONDAY forenoon at 10 o'clock, will
be fold in addrti'in (o the other article*,
s*4th Caninerdowns,
6-4 th -Cotton Checks,
Dim)tics of an excellent quality,
3-4 th bordered Lawn Handkerchiefs,
Light ground Chintzes,
2 colored C.illicoes, fuperfine,
Variety of Tible Linen,
fancy; purple and buff Shawls,
s«4th fancy Cillicoes.
Such of th« above goods us are not fold on
Mouuay will be fold on Thuriday ol!owing.
SAMUEL ISRAEL, Auctioneer.
Several Lots of Land
To he fold, at the. Coffee House, on Tuesday,
the 24th Dtcembtr iijl. at 6 o'clock, in
the evening,
PART of thatTr«&, known bjr the name of
MaftvrsVEfcaU. They are laid out upon
reads to communicate with Fourth Street continu
ed, and fumtr's <snc, arvd- contain from 4 to 6
acres. The ficuatiof»s<e eq«*l t<> a»y around the
city for of ptofpeii, conftentcßcy e»t -dif-
Cancc, or advantages of future impruTcmeau and
rite id value.
A plan may be fcen ?.t the Coffee
the conditions will be made known at the timeof
si e ' JOHN cdfJNELLY, Autfitnar.
Dccmber 14
h iSfjaife oU;sr.;'sK4 K r~* : i£r*i' m m, v ■
»l*n»io Inm • «® jh* City of N«w- Ctatn Qijetnt Ware,
v.>i*, r»c|ur t 'i«- y ore in Wnnfylvann, who may 200 Cartes Naila, ,
frrn a ri-r.>-dlc»inrc him, In deliver d kc.Mßt 6 Trurk* Madras Pullicattt.
JOHN M(»CAN, No. 3. ««.A , Cases Glo*>"
FrflnflVcitt, MiiliiJtlj-hia, »r to (urw>rj «by T u e-u tj r
Vork 7 I Trunk Silk HoGery,
I Bale Superfine Broad deaths,
l 6 Bale* While, Blue and Green, Kendal
10 Bale* Bocking Baize,
a Bale* Spotted and Green Rugs
t Trunk Scarlet Cardinals,
3 Bales Sail Canvas,
5 Trunks Gii gham,
11 Tons Peteriburg Hemp,
9 m m Orders, remittances or comm'inicati
on» lor the following Huuf.i, | l)r wl om Mrd
ford and Wills are amenta, may dill pah through
their medium, via.
John and Robert Holt and Co—Rochdale,
William D*bbs—Leicefter.
Claud Joliulon —Birmingham.
I -
r 1"» bt StU, at AaSttm,
On Thursday next m 9 o'clock,
. . , A up»ST»TT.«* '
Chain, Mahogany.Table% Bnraau*, Stoves and
Scovc-pipc, mi excellent Roasting Jack, Ac. &c.
Wia variety of Books, See &c. Jcc. The
falewitl begin 1:9 o'clock prccifeJy, and will con
tinue till all i« fold off.
December 14.
ON SUNDAY Evening nrit at i o'clock, at
the Univerfali!l'« Church in Loin'aril flrcct,
will be delivered, a Lefiure, iatroduAory to a
Course of Le.3ures on the Prophociei that remain
to be fulfilled—whfu a Syllabus ot the contents of
the whale course of ledurn will be delivered
December 14
By tilt ftibftriber, No 148 South Second ftreci,
December 11
- ■ AC-QH with . the Welt-India trade,
wifhcf to ge employed as a Supercargo. He will
c "£ a fi?., on moderate'terras.'satisfactory recom
mendation will be prodyfed.
A line dire&cd to A. B. left at the Printing OC
DC6-.wiil.bc attended to.
Defender I 4
FOR'L 6 ND 0 ,\ T ,
TBS ,H,?
//aI ttr greater part of kcr ccrgo
atsljlzzlfl trig aged, and Kill sail ivitb all
tx t \ihb>2r..
; C 3". fo r /wight or. pafligc apply to
" Philadelphia Drc. 13. ro«t
: Phibdelpbia &'Lancaster Turnpike
■* VT
NOTICE.. ; meet at theif
■Office, at 10 o'clock, ott 'Mohday the I.3th
.faoMary.fextn jo choose their officert agree
Vbteto. law. ; "
Wm. OOVJITf, Sfcrctaiy i
• 7V?-
j , s
'Byi-«r. > ''
■jl>c£3fnbyr Ji.i,
Injuranct Gempaiyof-Norfb America.
AR"E hereby informed that a Stated Meet
;ng.ij{ the Company : held at their
Office on tlx iij.tli day o( January next
(beir.g the [eccwd "i"uf'\iay in tf e aionth)'
far the*'pleftion of twenty-five Directors tor
the effftrifijjji sear.'
-o 3 i
- 6i i to r
879 •
•968 to
40744 10
75» *5
.41602 ...
. 764
December 12
a.99 10
84.0 10
43791 10
Schuylkill Permanent.Bridge.
ARE hereby n <{iiVd t rh?.r an iOesflfrn for a
! itfi lt«t, t\vc*!v,* r»:re£ -<ri ar.d a Trcafurer,
will he hcJwi at their othec?, N<.i. 2\ North Fiftk
])r'*et, on Mosdat ?he*6th day of January next,
it 10 •'clock.
703 10
4102 5
82 I
495 6 3
JOHN HORSEY, Secrf;arv pro tern,
December 4 1 799,
Kanefor sale at'ibeir Store, No. 5, Cbev-
nut street, the following articles, viz.
Riiifia Hemp and Duck,
First quality, . v
boflon do. no 1 and 2,
A frrull iitY-rtee ol weli aflorted cordaga,
First ami fourth proof Brandy, in pipes.
Madeira Wiye*in p||»es an«ihro pipes.
Claret ill casts,
New England Rum in hlid*.
Winter frrained. Spermaceti t)il and Camlles, asd
a few quarter cbefU of
Hyson Tea,
of a fup.'rior quality, lateii imiortation,
November 16
Near the corner of Arch and Winth streets.
To be S./ld or Let,
A number of excellent Failure Lots,
On ths Wi'flahickon foad, ab«ut half a mile
from the city.
%* Enquire it No* 39 No;th Sisth
November 15,
A strong, /jearty Young Negro Man,
* and is aecufiftmed
fejMM Work, a»d is cx« el-,
lewt Wattitf. 'For fjjuthei* particulars' enquire'
at No. 259, Mr.rk-rStrjct.
Deorab*r 13
Tiat remain to lie fulfilled.
■J & wide Irilh Linen,
do. do. brown Liaen,
do. do. Checks.
1i v
Deceroher ll 1799
EB EN HAZARD, Srcrc dry
The Subscribers
About it years r.-» age,
fa mru&w.
December ro.
Has opened a SCHOOL
A'j. no, Walnut St ree t,
YOUNG GENTLEMEN will h* inftruaed by
him in the different brencherof Claflkal and
f*olirc Literature, *iz the Engiifh, I.utiu and
Greek Language*, Hirory, Antiquities, Geogra
phy, the Ule or the Globes, Arithmetic, and the
Practical Branches of the Mathematics.
£3T Unqurtlionable teftin-iomal* can be given
of Mr. A.*s experience and qualifications as a
Novem-tar 1,
No. 78 IVainut Street,
ENGLISH PORTER and Brown fto&t, In ciflci
of 6 dozen each, , .
Tin Plate*,
Sheet, bar and pig Lead,
Cannon with c&rii&gcs complete, 4, 6, 9 2nd 14
Shot, roun<s, double htaded and canmfter,
Iron Crow Bars,
Cutl?(T-.», boarding Fikes, MuCcott andfciftols,
Rough Brimflooe,
Cream cf Tartar,
Porter, Wine and Claret Bottlea,
Six InToices of EarthenWare, esck iboit thirty
crates, assorted
White and red Lead, ye-Ilow and black Paint, and
SpaniCh Brown,
Ruffian Brittle*,
Hardware and Sadiery, afiorted in cilV%
An Invoice of German Plaiilias and Britannia?.
Drc*mker 3
Oue hundred Pipes and quarter Casks
V> ine Vinegar,
London Porter in Calks of 6 and 8 Doz.
Brown Stout do. ' do.
Spafiifh Scgar* in Boxes,
Dried Peaches in Barrels,.
A Commodious IVarbhoufe,
In Pear Street,
To let by the Month or Year.
November 29,
Fifty Barre's Pippin Apples,
Jo good ofder for ihipping,
A few Barrels Dried Peaches
for sale,
At tke corner of Dock and Pear Street,
December 4 d6t
Lawrence seckel,
As Ni. 155, Market-flreet,
Snperior London Particwhr, Madeira, 7 WINES,
QUi Sherry,' Port & Lifkjc, j
B»-1 flavored oJd Coniac Brandy.
Sprrits ard Holland Gin,-• By the pipe,
qaarter caflc er gallon.
• ALSO, .
A few Tons of excellent Hay.
Nov. 30,
At No. 163 High Street, wholesale if retail,
Msdcira of the vintages »f '92 to '97 » M _„
Old Sherry, Port and Lisbon J '
First r.nd ourth proof old Coniac Brandy,
Jamaica Spirits.
A fciv Tons 'of Upland arfd Meadow Hay
December a d6t
IVb, 8 Cbesnut Strect }
RESPECTFUIXY informs hi» friends and the
public, that he has received by the late ar
rivals from Eurupe, in addition to his farmer
A complete AJJortment of Goods,
which are now opening; suitable lor the ajftrosch
Amongit ivbicb are—
Superfine Cloths and Caffimeres-,
Double milled Drab Cloths,
Sujxrfine Nap Cloths, allotted colors,
Blue and Drgp Plains,,.
Sivaiifduwns and Swanlkins,
Drapery, Baills, aflnrtwl colors,
Blue, green, -white and fpottcd Bor.kinri,
Blue and gi. v Costings,
Scarlet, white, red rtnil ydlow Flannels,
Velvets, .ThicHit's", Cot duroys, and fjney
Striped elalFic Cloths and Coatings,
Fantv Marieilles WYrlteoati',
Men'' Wgipsn;' fine wcrftcd Hrfe,
j")o. do. Vorrfed Gloves and Mitr
■Ntc:ii' So.ckt,
■ . (Jali marvels, Diyants !* Joans Spinning!,
6 hairs "f Rnfe Blar.Uis, coinp'icurlf sl
forted, ty the kale, &c. Sec.
Not. 6.
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