SB !)e Csa3ettc, miLJOLLPHIA, MOKDAY IVr.IUC, DECEMBER 9 Jnflam rt teaaecni propofci viruin, Noo civium ardor prava jiiocnliun, Nob vukuj inftiixi, tyronn^ Mente quitit . - pptilof Sir Sidney Smith'to Kjryp. tiao difcnmiuation, in favor of an Entlifh and Chriitian Knight against an lofidtl a d ■ F.enchman, recal. t« ,„i„a thofc golden days, *« now to the du« g ,„ e down, "when Democracy and tempo, i„ ri< cowardice were not to truth and honor paramount. The appeal was touching* and though the ap. pellee wat neither inaependent, nor exces sively enl.gfctenea, nor was probably foßo cated «th dignity ; yet he had an heart to leel, and it felt for Sir Sidney, whose appc-,1 b»viag once reached it, excites no calculu tions, nor any tiling, but hit I'word from its fiabhard. Waving !>is gleaming.hlade high in air, he advanced to the enemy, Hi otii's Sir Sidnty, tiie Clififtian Knight and victory." Qnis myrnmirnnni, Dniupuuivc ant ituri "ii!c= U.yflei, (andn, tcniperet. Wo cculd hardly conceive that the French conVtvmder in Switzerland, would have corn, tnitttd t("- fhipM ♦rrrtr of rcr,wining in hrs I Zurich ; and we prrdiaed, that, if, hy .my inf.ttuation, he Ihould do In, thr cop 1 qiu-iiCLS would br ruinous to him. His obflinacy has accordingly eventuated in hi« army between two fires, and him ftlf, wounded, into the hands of the enemy. A p-et. of sweetness and merit, who stiles hiwl'tlf " Prtei Pencil" has published jr John Ruff. M'i Burton Gaaette a beauti- fill little poem, under the title an elrgv, fjppofed to he written by himfelf during his decline. This plan gives himjin nppcrtimi ty feelingly to defcribt the niiferieiof a man of"gehi»s, when unfortunately fitliated in a new country 3'd c.ompellfdto finite against the overwiielmmi* tide of commercial ava rice, and (Wkjobbing- Cupidity. The pen fi*e bard fomally takes .-in afFr&ionnte leave ef thr.fc dear girlt, The,. In o« | Captain Holland failed from Hamburg, couplet he tells the whole truth, and no- OA. 13. On the (*..<» of .lte Ilth he thing but the truth, but pays a wretched was informfd of t&e receipt of news of a compliment to his dear native county. defeat, experienced by the Engli/h in Hoi "Thy country*! voir; declares thy haplf|\ doom ; land; but we imagine it a mere repcr - . as Gives chrerl.r. penary for the painter', lot, w c have a paper of Ocl.ber. 12, .and that is And -ark oblmon for th. poet . tomb. j silent „, Q fl)ch an event. The celebrated Lady WaHaee has the man- ! . C Mncury. *£emrnt of an Englilh prefa at Hamburg, new pofttioin of the Galloßatavian and aftually condu&t a political Journal. ' r eei, arc within three or four hours march Madame Roland used to aflift her huiband " f Amlterdaro, taking a strait line. They in drafting uifpatches, but we think the Ca- '^ avc retreated about half the diftancc from kdoman Dame, above referred to, is tlie firft Paner*», (their lad hfcad quarters, advance newspaper M,di&e:s on record. of Alkmaer) towards Amßerdam. Th« Hamburg paper of Oft. to, states akecdoti. befidrs the news we have already copied, Burke waj no less coofpicuous for clafli- that tile allies had taken Genoa, after de Cal vit than for political (kilj. One dny, falling the French there, who we said to. after dinner, the l-'r.rce of Wales about to have loft 6or 7000 —That ■* an express propo! a bumper toift, alktrd. Baike if a it said to have arrived lift -light (Oft. 9) toafl-nufter wa» not akclutc ? He inUani- with new* of the total defeat of MaflVna'i ly anlWered, yes, Sir, jure de vino. army and the re taki g of Z j#ich j" That their Sardinia- Majcfiies arrived at Leg it is r circumfta:ice in the life ot horn,. Sept. 22, on their way to thtir sin the-admirable Edmund Burke that his firft cient rcfidencf. [it. literary essay » « the rxpofure of a feUltiow j R e | atl > e , 0 the arm ;„, fa pa p, r 0 f o £t -niago. s i... iw . ,c) 1,49. one nc-asj 12, mentions, that the Au!Vnan?Tiave taken a demagogue apothecary, wrote a number of p Jgn£ . r o|, I,y which is about twenty very lev 11,ng papers nga.nrt government, and Icur „ iles SW . ( .f Turl(i and was b t ,% acomied as great popularity at Dublin as acc , unU W.lkes afterwaias did ,n London Burke pibnct » s arroy tbat Maffen. pcflWTed Zu perceived the nox.cus tendency ot levelling ; lh a , d had''re organizeJ tie Republi-an pannes. He wrote several ciT.ys » the MnnicipWty. and That he Tiad surrendered flyle of Lucus, mutating; (t so Completely, as the boi , f HoUe t0 ,t lc lm perial,ft, VBbT to deceive the public i-purlumg Lucas's . had burifd it w ; th ' mir ; u / Wour principles to theirobviou* CQHi(.q\i«nccs and. »Tk . „ v r j r * . n ■ i ' i; 1 " , ' re a,e » t*"dcft, minute accou ts ©f po at tie fame tm.e (hewing their abturity and j fi|i cha maJf or c „ mrmlatfd £ danger. Ihe firft hteraiy effort, therefore, wh ; ch cr b uwded ftatc of our & A / ot a mighty vuua, ot that accurate and pre-I *• r■, .. 6 r L -i 1 r . vents [ib> icient politician, Jiamiuia Burke,-a man of ~ the longed views, the purest principles, and 1 lie Fresco Council of Elders have ne Cf encient virtue, was an kxposurk of tha v refolut:on for depriving the Di THF. ABSURDITY Of PL3iOCKATIC INKO- j the power tO intrOiluCC troops within the eot.llitutioiial limits. [ib. The English government has received a late letter from Sir S. Smith, with a de tail d aco nnt of a field a&ion he had had with the French in Egypt, which ended in their defeat. Most of their officers were taken prisoners, and Buonaparte himfdf nar rowly escaped. The date of the letter is not mentioned ; bur it was receivjd Sept # 26, aid undoubtedly re-ldtcs to a 1 engage. ment» of which we have Rot before heard. v.vriojis. There are three political in the Unned States, The firft in number, as well as in sense and merit, are the Fedcrahfls, who believe that mankind art in need of all the refinims ef goorl government, and would be devils witlunt it. 1 he r' ch ifed by several orivaterrs ; nd f was brura.-d n fV*v d*yj fiyr !-e (ailed by* Z>nti*h **> d trrated well. On i jiUTtiiny J.irt 18 mius \V. S. W. *roir» SlUtly I 1 > p,t Brin lav.- * large P h cn ur tail payments If per advance. B\NK. United >tate«, 10 ton • ■ ■ IVnnfyivanfa, 14 I ■ North America, 50 V < Infuriate comp N. A. fliares 15 IS tVnnfylvania, ftiar««, ag J * Eaft-lndia Company of N. A. par. Land Warrahtf, 30 dolk per ico acr*». • COUR6E OF EXCHANGE London, 51 at 30 days 50 at 6c a 90 dfcya Amsterdam, 3$ 37 a toe per florin Hamburgh 30 13 a-100 per Mark Banco- ———: ds«sCtte is)arint Hist. Port oj Philadelphia. /.hkjveo Brig Vrrdr, Kuil-r, Schr. NeptOne, Stafford, Hope, Davis, Sloop Sally, Denyke, l'aticnie, Montgomery, do. 10 Ruth and Marjr, Arnold, Ha*anna 25 Schr. Liberty. Skockley, Nafiau 12 Sally, Block, Augustine 16 CLF ARED. Ship Superior, Conyngham,. Brig Nancy, Carter, Schr. Johanna, Mayo, Sloop Dove, Gardner, Am;ty, Woodward, Arrived, fch. Neptune, Stafford, from C. Francois. Sailed from thence the 15th ult in company with a fcliooner for Nor folk, nam. unknown. On the 19th, ipoke the United States brig Norfolk, Bainbridge, all well. Left at the cape it veral American ▼cflela, ameng them the brig Lark, and fctir. Favorite of this port. The United Sates frigate Gen. Greene, Gom. Perry, and Herald Hoop of War, capt. Ruff 1 were laying at the cape. " ArrTtd/'khr* Swift, Pjrkcr, from Ha- Von.Mii. S«iil_'d from thence the 23d ult. 1-cft thcte-the- Ichr. Little Will, ■ Cvfhing, of Philadelphia, and Nimrod, of Baltimore, anJ "fcOdriul others, "narrfos unknown. The day otter leaving Havani;s, (poke the Unit ed State's brig Pinckiivy, Heyward, all well. Hie brig Brtve, left Havanna, the 20th ult. lor this was. spoken 3 days out, all well. Ship China, capt. Jofiah, fqj Canton, was jt..Cl>tfter.yelUrcb> Arrived at New Vork, fchr. Bird, captain Be:n, from St.* Sebafhaiis. On Thursday last, 13 mi.l'is \V. S., W. Qt the Hook, saw a large linp on l»er bi oadljidr,-«deft , rt?d ; and ts leveral Ihips have faille! from that jwrt AVithrn. a -few days, iris-much feared, that , tarrock is one of them. Brig I.ovely Lat'S, Shields, from Cadia, 'i below. Ship Charlotte, Cowperthwaite, for Jamai c'a, and Uiiji Beiviiere, Kol's for London, left New Cidle yefterd y. !yhr. Hetty, Jl'Kiuiey, from hence, ius arrived at Savannah.- Arrived at GluucrfVjr I*cir>£, the brig "fttttl) Hn'd Mary,' Arnold,..tVnni Havr.nna, failed the 14th til;, in company wiiii l brig tor R. Ifl'uid, two feheonerj lor Newbury- Port, ;iniJ lluop Wafiiington fw'New-Yolk. Parted'with thtrti shortly after coming-out. The brig ,O., and ; tor' Bakiin'or*, left Hivanna the iithult. '1 litreremainedatHa van na, tb» lith Nov. the'hrigFox, of New YorS, with tevrral others, names r.ot rrco!l.-£t;d. KfVf Turk, Dcamber 7 AA.MVhD, Sloop Hero, Hal let, Schr. S.-'!!y. Clark, Extract of a letter from an officer on boar. I ot the Conftcilution frigate, commanded by capt. Buron, now ridio J at anchor a: Norfolk, to a Gentleman in this city, da ted Noveinbei 15. " We hn>« just arrived hereafter adifi grceable cruise of 33 days; during which times we fluttered our rudder to pieces in a ale of wind, which left us 111 so leaky a con dition as to nuke four and a half fret w.ttri in 15 minutes. Commodore Trjxton will again t»ke the command—he is expected hourly, when we tliall proceed to New-Or leans, and from theme to St. Kitts, our old station." Fifty Barrels Pippin Applet, la good order for ihipping. AND A few Barrels Dried Ps-a:hes FOR SALE, At tWe corner of Dock and Pur Street, December 4 so LFT, A DWELLING HOUSE, Range cf Starts, and a Counting IJjiise, On Mifflin's whnrf, Water ftrect, betw«eu Rare and Vine ilreets. Enquire of Patrifoo Hart ft ©me, no. t*9 north Front fire??. / * December 3 When wil, h. prrf-rted, a <». w p,r- R^7h'%£ £. £ •lofmed i.em) ,n f«wr a&s. called rival, tnwx Euro*., in «1 :«i»n tl Li« Lrirrt tIVB THOUSAND A-YEAR. *<**• (Wri -en ly Thomai Dibdiir, author of lie Jew A COttlpleJC AljOrtTTlcnt of (, and Djilor tfocfe aail Widuw, MV k . A vv c " * rc »"•• •" opci.i.. , 1 ,ita ir ,>rti e . ,r. -'•> Performed at tie TLeaire Royal Covtnt Gar Jen, tvitl ing fcafoD ; difiingutjbtd applauf; George FcrvM, Mr Dcrnard Frederick Fervid, Mr Vfarfball—t ruepenny, Ar Warn-n Sir Mat tl:«w Maxim. Mr Francis—Mr GouMing, Mr Wipnell—Henry Hatting*, MrWood—Paragraph, Mr BfifTctr—Pick Mr R a«!eliff— Officer,Mr Wur rcll— l>ay, Mafler L'Eilrange. Lady Mjxittt Mrs Morris— Lady JoJia, Mr« Francis—vlaria, Mrs Marihall—Auitlia, Miss L'Eflrarge. T# which -mil'. lr aide J, a Conic Opera. (comprise 4 inU an after piece J called Box, one Dollar, Pit, three quarters of a dollar, and Gallery hilfa dollar. ST The d:> ors of the Theat»e will oprn at a quarter patt 5, and the curtain rife at a quarter past 6 o'clock, prcrijity. P aces in the l* Unquestionable teQimonials can be given of Mr. A '» experience and" qualifications as a. Teacher. November 7 Portsmouth ARE hereby notified, that an EleAion for a Frcfident,-twelve Dire&ors and a Treasurer, will b« held at their office, No. 23 North Fifth flrcer, on Monimy the 6th day of January next, at 10 ft'clock. JOHN DORSEY, Secretary pro tem December 4, 1799, ALL persons arc hereby .cautioned again ft pur chasing or receiving in paytneat, two Drafts of Thomas Truxtun on William Parterfon, in my favor, dated l)th Septemr.dr last, end or fed by the Commiflioners the Federal building in the city of Washington and royfdf, one payable at nine month« after date, for 6r7 dollars 7$ cents, thw other payable at fix months after dare, for T751 dollar# 85 the fame having been forwarded from the Port Office in this city on the 6th in "ant, cnclofcd in a letter from the onamiffioners afore fald, (the proprietors of fa id drafts) to David Harris, Balt ; more, who has not yet received t)u*m. Mr Pattcrfon being apprised o: the mifcarriagc of thcie drafts, will not pay them to any person «r persons without hearing further irum the Com- BiifFionors. li'ujhington, 2d December I 709 \ T a Co'.rt of Common ht Id at Union a \ I'own. ior the county of Fayette, the fourth Monday of June, in the year of our I/ord one thou sand leven hundred and nivety nine, beforv the Judge* ot the f;mw court', on the petition o. John Wil'fon, praying th*r*he a& ol Afleml>!y, pro viding thsjt tJic of a debtor ftiall not he liable ro imprifo»mcn* for debtafeer dchv-ring up his eft ate (or the us« cf hi» credirors, may be ex t:rvded to him. The Court appoint the firO day of imxt term; td hear the petitioner aHd hit ere .oirpf.s, .atW order that'he pi.¥e his creditors public notice hereof, in Fenno's PhiladeTphia papur, ar:d in Ycrrdt and Brown's Baltimore paper, for one week, i-Ndirg at lead four weeks I-efore the dny oi hearing) and that he !fo give to John Qillel and Jacob £vcrhart notice in writing, to heferved on them, at Irafi fifteen »ays previous to the hearing. At September term, this order wa> continued to the firft day of December term. By the Ceurt, Dhvj St. Srb;tft;ans 5-5 Boflci) 7 FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD S:. Kitts ON Thursday, 2id O&ohcr, dvfrrted from the enraniptnent, near Brifiol, Pcnnly HENRY WEST, an ritlifted Musician, belonging to the company »f Cnprain Matthew Henry of the tenth regiment of United ffctcs Infantry. He was 76 years of age', 5 feet 1 inches high, erey eyes, fair complexion, born jn the county ol Tyrone, Irda'.d, he is a little ftocp (hi uldercd and /peaks in a low EOl/-C of vjico. Deferred from rhe company of captain Hugh Brady, on Saturday, '6th Ovlober, rour privates, JOHN DENNIS, agedt *4* S 8 inches high, born in New York, grey eyes, brown hair, brown complexion, was mncii addufled to liquor, and wl.en intoxicated very talkative. aOI.OMON SMITH, aged 37, 5 fert 7 inches high, born in Jiew-York, grey eyes, brown bak, lair com plexion, a notorious offender, this being his third del'crticn S4MJEON DCN, agid u years, and 6 months, 5 ie»t 5 inches high, born in New Jer fty, grey eyes, fair hair, brown complexion. CHAKLES Mc. LHV r , high, borr. in Ireland, grey eyes,black hair, dark complexion—he isfupjiofcd to be in Norriftown, or iu it is not known what clothing they had when Heferuvl; but the probability is ihit thty have charged their mili t3ty hahit*. , Whoever shall fake up the defrrters and lodge them in atoy jail so tbat their officer* may get rheni again, or fhaU deliver them to the sub- Icriber at his quarters in Filbert,, bee wren Ninth and Tenth Greets, shall receive the reward and lor cither of them a proportionate reward #1 »en dollars and all reafoi'.abk; expences BENJAMIN GIBUS, jun. Captain, 10tb U. States Rtgimcnt infantry, law !ta NEW THEATRE. ROBIN HOOD; Or, Sbtrwood Forest, VIVAT RESP'JBLrCA, No. no, IValnut Street, IN WHICH Schuylkill Permanent Bridge. THE STOCKHOLDERS CAUTION, THOMAS MUNROE. RPHRAI'M DOUGLASS, Protbonotarj., ALSO, i WILI.IAM HUDSON. xvLicb are— SupcrGt* Cloth? and Ctflimrres, DouMe milled Drab Cloths, Superfine Nap Cloth*, assorted colors, Bine and Drap Plains, Swanfdowns atd Suunikins, Drapery, Bailies, aborted Blue, greet*, white and fpottjd Backing*, Blue and grey Coiriners, Scarlet, white, red and vrllow Flannels, Velvets, rinckfcts, Cordur >-j, ardfancr Cords, Striped cldftic Cloths and Coatings, Fancy Marseilles Waittcoatings, M<-n»' and Womens' fine worflcd Hnfe, Dd. do. worsted Gl.ive* and Mtts. Mens' Sock*, Crtlinvanc (x-s, Durants & Joans Spinning, 6 buK s «>t Rose Blanket*, completely as« farted, by the bale. &c. &c Nov. 6 By SIMON WALKER, No, 78 Walnut Street, EVCII P'OK ("tR. aitd Brevrn calks 01 6 dozen each, Tin Plvci, Sheet, bar ond Lead, Cannon wit', cartrgrs complete, 4, 6. 9 aad 12 pownden, Shot, rotm- double headed and canni/lcr, Iron Crow Bars. CuttafT «, ho rding Fikes, Mvikftt* and Pifto'i, Rough Brim Hone, Cream of Tart. r. Porter, Wine and Claret Kettles, Six Invoices of Earthen Ware, each about thirty crates, aflorted Whstf ami red Lead, yellow and black Paint, and Spanish Brown, Ruffian Brittle*, Hardware aud Sadlerv, a/Torted in cafles, An Invoice of German Platillas and Britannia*, Dumber 3. eo6w w&ftf THE SUBSCRIBER Having txplortd the Land kid offforfatisfjing tbe Warrants due to tbe Officers and SoldieYs ivbo served in tbe war between tbe United States and Great Britain 9 PROPOSES to locite Warrants to the heft advantage, on being allowed a reasonable compMifation. He Will attend at Philadelphia at the time of locating; and as not lef? than 4000 acres can be rtgiftered or located, will receive any number of warrants less than that amount, and class th< m with others lo as to make up the quan tity required. 1 azitE The subscriber proposes ajfo to attend on the land immrdutcly alter locating, and shew any fed ion in which he may be employed. Letters or warrants ad>!reffe