Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, December 07, 1799, Image 3

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    %f)t <sa3ette.
Jttftum et tcnaccm propositi
Noo emum ardor prava jubentium,
Kon vultus inftanti* tyrantii,
Menec qua fit folida.
" Marry thy daughter, and so shall thou
have performed a weighty matter; hit
mar y her to a man of understanding."
THE perusal of what are denominated
the Apocryphal Books is a source, whence
may be derived much rich inftruftion and
pleating entertainment. The fententioua
apothegms of the Book of Ecclefiafticua will
b< read with delight and utility by those, who
frek for correft ideas upon life and manners.
In this Book, is found the text, which forma
out present tlieme of discourse, and the im
portance of the precept it contains will war
rant a deviation from the Canonical .Books..
To Parents, our difcrurfe is addrrffed,
upou ill interesting point. Ye, who have
been qonverfant with the pulsations ef the
parental heart, well know, that the forma
tion of the matrimonial union by vour chil
dr/n, it indeed " a weighty matter." Ye
know, that it is incumbent upon the pa.
rent, to be ever vigilant, left the happiness.
•f his child be forever blighted. Ye know
with what jealousy, parental advice and in
terference, upon this fubjeft, are ever re
garded. Ye also well know, that, in " the
hey-d»y of the blood," reason is rarely cen
fulted as a guide, that paflion is the chief
inrpulfe of the foul, and that the considera
tions, which Qiould be moflr impressive, are
reserved for a late repentance. Ye know,
that this connexion may give your children
kappinefs and honor, or may doom tlieni to
misery and degradation. Knowing these
-•things, ye will readily assent to my do&rine,
that this is " a weighty matter." Thus it
mutt be viewed by the eonfiderate and ob
serving, tho' it be quite otherwise regarded,
by the beardless youth, who is impelled by
a Wiiid infatuation, to enter the back door
of the Temple of Hymen, and the romantic
tnifs, who ventures upon a trip to Gretna
Green for happiness.
The Apocryphal writer dirediMarry
thy daughter, and so (halt thou have perform
ed a weighty matter ; but marry her to a man
ef understanding." Is it fuppof.-a!4e, that
he, wh > " takes thought" for the happiness
of his daughter, would marry her to aiiy, save
" a man of understanding ?" Yes ; there are
those, and "they arc many," who regard
rot the wortl.ltsfi.nt fs of the statue, if c»ver
ed by fplen J'd gliding ; and who are fatiifi
■ed <rith a funiptuoui exterior, tho' 'unaccom
panied by substantial worth There are
these, who, from "birth and fortune, claim
pre-eminence, with whom underft,mding is
Bought, and to whom the produftions of
genius ar» as " pearls <Saft before swine."
Tbere are those, who know neither liow to
difcri initiate, nor how to value, the ■" man of
undemanding." There are those, among
the high ones of the earth, who would sooner
marry a daughter to the frothy coxcomb,
Klho is a (landing specimen of the fripperies,
•which degrade, and the vices, which disgrace
our fpeeies, than to the man, who pofiefies
talents to enlarge the boundaries of science,
or energy to save a falling state. There are
those, who would court an alliance with the
" popinjay," who (hinet with lustre in the
graces of the drawing room and the gallan
tries of the dance ; but would fpuin, with
bitter (corn, from such a connexion, the
man. who !ui no wealth but genius, and no
pride but that which flows from conscious
virtue. This is a canker of the mind, which
will not be cuied by mora! admonition, and
nought ljut experience will teach such parents
tbe true diminution between the " man of
uaderftanding" and the " golden fool."
I rnuft here remark; and I will do it with
honaft franknefs, that the fair themselves af
ford too (paring countenance to the man of
undemanding. The urpolifhcd deportment,
which isalmoft inseparable from those habits
of seclusion, which jead to greatnefi,J is~a
hardy obstacle to female favor. The (imper
ing beau, who ii, confefied ly, the ntol) con
temptible being in God's creation, will be
found a favorite in the fplcndid circles of
gaiety and fiftiion ; whilfl the portion of the
iQodeft " man of understanding" is the con
tumely of the protid, and the chilling scorn
of fancied greatnefi. But, let it be remarked,
that, tho' the " man of understanding" do
rot " caper nimbly to th? pirating of a
late," tho'he have ro eye to fee tbepolilhed
teeth, the painted«hecks, and pencilled brows
of beauty ; tho' he have no tongue, that can
■ltchanicxlly run the round of falfehood ;
Mature h*j placed him on an eminence, which
piers high o'er the pampered sons of wealth
and grandeur.
Tf opulence cablH fcctrr; fron, misery, o»
noble blood produce ur.m irrt'd Itlifa, the pre
cept in the text (h uld Hand, " marry thj
daughter to tie wealthy, or the great."
Bat, he whose views are wifely dire&ed to
the happmefs of his child, will fret, " at for
Ijid treafare," for a " man of underßimd.
ing." When thotr haft allied thy daughter
to fueh an one, thou haft, indeed, " perform
ed a weighty matter." Experience will d.-
mouftrate thy wifdoin. If opulence be his,
he knows how to use the boon of Providence.
If tfce storms of adversity a (Tail him, there
will remain to him a poffeilion, which is na
ture's richest. gift. But the Parent, who
fceka for an alliance with wealth or grandeur,
without regard to understanding and integri
ty, mean and ignominioufly fordid.
It may be said in a lingle word, that, for the
jgratiScation of the meaneftof all pride,fuch
an one fells his own blood to a " legal pro-
1 conclude by enforcing the precept in
my text " Marry thy daughter, To (halt
thou have performed a weighty mat6?r."
But be not reduced to marry her to a " man
void of underftandmg," even tho' " the
difhe* of luxury cover his table, the voice' of.
harmony lull him in hii bowers, he breathe
the fragrance of the groves of. Java, and
fl.'cp on the down of tl>e cygnets of the
The Lay Preacher of Pennsylvania.'
IT is clear that tbij delving "old Illumi
natus, views the election of the Chief Juf
tice,,js the commencement of a new era, in
which (edition (hall cease to be odious hos
tility to all the fundamental principles of
eftablillied order in America, cease to "be a
crime. Accordingly we find him burrting
from those trammels which policy had itn
poled upon him, and arranging himfelf de
ciftvdy under the Banners of those men, who
have avowed thvir determination to "bring
back tlie days of Seventy-Six," or in other
words to abrogate Federaiifin, and to found
a fiirple Democracy.
As a Religionist, thi« meek, modest Phi
lofophiier, appears ni» less oftenfive, than as
a Politician. He came to America, the
Sedlarian of a peculiar religious creed, which
had few adherents amopg us ; and whether
these his peculiar opinion; were found orun
found, the faft that they were held in con*
tempt by the greater part of the communi
ty, would, methinks, have impot'ed on any
decent man, profeffing them, fame degree of
regard for the opinions of others, in the
Heps taker, to enforce thtm. Beheld, on the
Contrary, this humble, inoffenfive, and much
injured man, who wishes only to reform his
fellow-men in their civil and religious pelLty,
Oiginatizing with the odious-charge oi Ida'.a.
■try, every fe£t and denomination of
tians, who do not with him believe in the
nan-entity of the Holy Ghcft; that our
Lord and Saviour, J.fus Christ, is a private
herson -these in his language, are all
As a Frernb citnen, 1 (hould incline to
take many li . ious exceptions to this drfin
terefted Illuminator vf the Religious and Po
litical Dnknefsof this Enlightened
But,-uiftrt3pily, a fiate'ef. things has been
brought to pals, which' renders.isjjnproptr
to-ofcjt-ifl this to him as a dil'qualification, and.
iqup/all. what .he- advances on she fubjei?..
He may, therefore, without danger of con.-
trijdidion, proceed onward? '< w:th psrfefl*
freedom," in his ■compaiitoii of France with
America, and of Frepch Republicanism with
that of the United States ; and give his pre
ference to tljt foruier.
The fcaoding of -his- Philosophy with
which Iw blefles us in his Book, and in which
he erpreflc-s his confidence that the
t'.ons of Frenchmen in the Science of Che
mistry, must vet bow be/ore old .Phlogillcn,
is a topic well calculated to excite our ridi-.
cule» Hewever flimfy arc and-liow
oSr'prepoflerous mare of the: French Re
formations, the exploiioii of thjidoctrine of
Plilogiflon,' is 'unquestionably an approach
towaids ft'iife and loniidnefs; nor will the
old man ever be able to retort the prevalent
belief in that regard to his purposes, however
his fame-as a Philosopher may depend ont'oe
. k. •■-'4
If appears that the Reverend Fugitive of
Northumberland has lately addrcflVd the in.
habitants of that town and neighborhood in
a ferie; of letters, tending, partly to magnify
himfelf and partly lo depreciate the govern
ment which (till indulges him with an afy
This meagre,abortive product # 1, appear?,
on the flighted view, thfc offspring of mor
tified vanity.
Non noilri fachmt.tiH quod tua Tcmpora fordent,
Sc4 floret Ccuiliane tui.
Its peevilh. author, weary of the utter
infignificance to which public opinion hat
confirmd him, makes one desperate effort
to attraft attention by becoming him
felf the herald of bis own achievements.
Fondly mirtaking the fulfome flatteries of
the moftdiniinstivc among the religious fcdU
in England, for an evidence of gencrai es
timation, he seems aftoniflied that thele
soothing founds no longer re»ch his ear.
Elevated for a moment on the basis of fac
tion, his pigmy confeouence fwellrd as he
thought to the gigantic ; and now that re
turning reafou has thrown him from his pe
destal, the meeJinefs and humility of his tem
per are inadequate to endure the degradation.
What stronger proof of the slate of neglcft
and deftitotion to which this filly, vain old
uian is reduced than this very pamphlet ?
If he could have resorted to the advice of a
/> «eJ, he lordly been
permitted thus lay b.tre.Jii»o\»n inCrmi
tiet. Tint puUtu: eye- w.ttild not hiv? been
folicitrd to :k » rraufeou* cimpound of vani
ty and imbecility—to this childish ta">, of
which Prieftty is tlie hero and the
narrator. This nerrelefi zealot might then
have been adm miflird that he had already
Iraled his own beyond ths power
of any confrfG'W howctrr ample to aggra
vate. That his name might indeed add one
to the mufler-roll of I'cdition but that he
could fcarccly .aspire-beyond the dignity of
a follower of the camp*—that the fplendorof
frii merits was funk in dim eclipse before
the superior effulgence of a Duane, a Cal
lender, and thousand others, advanced to
mortifying preeminence above him. He
might have been reminded that in his feeble
energies even the paroxysms of feditiou* fren
zy were inefficient to rouse any efle&ive
exertion—that h« impotent fury would on
ly serve to provoke the scorn of his adver
laries, loathed and abhorred as the filtby sla
ver <f{ a ferpeut that canuot bite.
This puny abortion mu(t iwceffarily be
fliort-lived. Anlong the votaries of genu
ine liberty, the friends of order and good go
vernment, its infignificince may rescue it
from indignant reprobation to it to
quiet contempt. No document was needed
to afceitain the cliarafter of its author.
The qucftion indeed has no claim 90 the pub
lic interest. Timidity itfclfcould apprehend
no danger from such an adversary. The ja
cobins, under whole-banners "lie exults to
range, way coldly fcotnmend the 2cal which
inflames him, but their prafts will extend
no fnrther-—they will lament that dtfpofi
tions like hit are doomed to exhaust thctn
felves in harmless effort?—that the public
peace is frcured againll the venom of
the (haft, by the want of vigor in the bow
-—they will admit the Sincerity with which
he fjraternues, and admire the unbluftiing
liardinefj wiiji which he avows hiiufclf their
alTociate. But alas these encomiums so dear
to liis ambition will be robbed of half their
worth. Tho'driven to the enliflment ef al
most all who present' thfmfelves, the leaders
of jacobinism would probably excuse the ser
vices of this forward veteran—they would
indulge, hmi with permission to withdraw
from the Geld—Jam tempus abir* tibi.
Within the narrow range through which
such a performance is likely to circulate it it
to be hoped that every allowance will be
made for it? author. Let it be remembered
that the Cacoethcs Stribendi can hardly be
cured at the age of sixty—that the man
whom a modern satirist has defcrlbed "to
write on all things but on nothing vvell"
rnuirt of course be expe&ed to extend his
blunders to politics—that whileth* alien and
sedition laws are permitted to (lumber, beings
of his deicription muff fcel temptation irre
sistible, to venture forth—that to the dupe
of. vanity, fclf is the mod inviting theme,
and that when public negleft is fuperadded,
to found his own praises becomes a matter
of necessity. '
• Mk. J. W. /IN.VO.
AGAIN you ha»e been roifinform
;d : It is true, that the Jemima and Fanny
formerly belonged to John Smith and James
Biays ; but, it is not true that those gen
tlemen were then or are now a branch of my
house of trade. The truth is, that John
Smith foM his concern in that veff:l to | aires
Biavs, who afterwards fold her to Mr. Ma-
_gLud£i».by whoro-fte was laden and pro
ceeded to sea a' Well veflel as cargo the sole
property of that gentleman. She was the
second v fil-i and cargo beln ging to him car
ried into France a: d liberated during last
Summer (as I have been informed ) The
catife afiigned for this r lease was that they
•were unarmed. As to my property, when
carried into France or her dependencies, it
invariably has been condemned txcept in the
inftan'ce of the James at Guadaleupe, about
four year 6 past.
The Democ r ars .have been fuflered quiet
ly to !h.i!<e off the appellation of " auti
-tr'k:rail!'fj," for the ijhmc significant one of
Republicans. And in the fame quietude,
they are proceeding to re ne'er orficus ana
conteniptilble, as far as lies in tturir power,
'that of." Fedetalift,"ane fellow hunioroufly
callj tt.c " a Federat blockhead,"and aiioth- r
rc-pi Is as a slender the charge which bad
been brought against Kim, of being a ra
-1 ift; Another inroad in making bv a fret
calling themfrlves True Americans. If a
name is of no conference ; if it Ue an in
different thin;; whether'we'Ve saved or ruined
with or without a name, all this may be
well enough—though it would he a Cruel
furcafm if foffie wag of a republican, in fpeal:-
ing of his antagomfl, were to ufc the Tyburn
chronicle style, awl Pay of him that he is a
Friend to government, alias a Federaliil,
alias a True American, fcc. &c.
That was a pleasant idea enough of the
brave andboneft l urk wine!: is so admirably
detailed to us by Sir Sidney, to admit a of the assaulting Frenchmen into the
garde i, where a loyal and united band (too l
prepared with DaGCJSrs to receive them ;
but the Pacifia would net have given free
psffage to them, had there been an horde
of parra sides >» ithin ready to embrace them
as friends and deliverers.
The present hopes of Democrats are fleet
ing and vilionary-—no less deftru&ihle even
by consummation than defeat. For the
means by whith they aim at success, muf)
inevitably perilh in that success ; and of
what confluence is it to a man that he
gain the whole world, if he lose his own foul ?
The communication Itated ;o be from " A
Pasticular Friend,'"will be inierted ihortly.
Edwin Gray, Esq. from Virginia ; and
William Barry Grov, Esq. from N. Caro
lina, appeared this day, were qualified, an.)
took tlwir fears.
Messrs. Dana, Sumter, Kittera, New,'
Hendtifon, Gordon and Bailey, were ap
pointed a cammittce of election.
Messrs. D. Folier, Macon, Brace, Mor
ris, Imiay, Hanna and I. C. Thomas were
appointed a committee of claim*.
Messrs. S. Smith, Sewall, Wain, Rut
ledge, I. B own, T. Davenport and Talia-,
fen o, were appointed a committee of com
merce anj manufactures.
'Mcffrs. Grifwold, Evans, and Dent were
appointed a committee of revisaland unf.nisb
ed business.
Messrs. Bayard, Mardiall, C. Goodrich,
Sewall and Harper, were appointed a com
mittee, in purfujnee of a relblution pa (Ted
yellerday, to bring in a bill for the efl«b
lilhment ot an uniform fyfWm of bankruptcy
thr-uxliout the United States ; a,n«J
Messrs. Otis, Bird and Stone were appoint
ed a committee, in pursuance cf a relblution
passed yesterday, to report what pavilion
onght to be made, for perfuns confined for
A letter from his excellency Gov. Wood
of Virginia, was read, inclofinga return of
the members tlcfled to represent that liate
in the houf" of roprefentatives of th; fixtl.
cohgrets of the United States—Referred to
the committed ol'eledion.
Mr. Harrifon moved the fcllowng reso
lution, which was ordered to lie on the ta
ble, to wit.
" Rcsthed, That a committee be appoint
ed to enquire, and report ky bill or other
wise, whether any, and what alterations,
are necessary to be made in the judicial eftab
lifliment of the territory of the United States
north welt cf th* river Ohio."
Mr. Marshall, from the committee ap
pointed to dralt an address in answer to the
lperch of the FreCdent of United States, at
the commencement of the present feflion, re
ported the fame which was committed to a
committee of the whole 011 Monday next,
and ordered te be printed.
Mr. D. Porter presented a petitio'n of
Seth Nelson, for Samuel Brown, praying la
be allowed three year* pay du? said Brbwr,
soT his services as a joldier during the late
war. Referred to the committee ot claims.
Mr. Livinijfton, from the committee to
whom was referred the letter of Mr. Trum
bull, reported the following -rcfolution,
which was adopted b? the Houfc :
" Resolved, TUat the two elegant prints
offered by JJiv Trumbull, be accepted ; and
that the Speaker b* inflrnSed to write an
answer, expressive of the pleasure with which
this HouPe has observed his his genius and
talents i-xerted,in the patriotic talk of cele
brating the events which led to his country's
independence, hi,u dedicated to the memory
of those heroes who fell in its defence.
On motion of Mr. Bayard, {he Prefi
dtnt's Spreck was referred to a committee
of the Whole on the slates of tlie union.
And then tlic Houfc adjourned till Mon
day morning 11 o'clock.
RALEIGH* (N. C.) November *6.
On Friday last, col. Benjamin Williams,
of this city, was el£Ud Governor of this
ttate for the ei.fuing year by, the General
Ailcmbly ; and on Fiiday bit, in the pr<-
j fence of both Houses of the Legislature, he
! to ok the necessary oaths of qualification.
I Hodge and Boyhn wen chofso Public
Pri'ters t» the ilate by joint ballot on Sa
turday laJl. The following is a state of the
■ votes : Hodge and Boylan 107, Joseph
Gales 36, and Allmand Hall 17.
i 7-yt ci.ii. Armt rf Noßrn-CAR r >LisA.
| Do ufc of Commons, Nov. 20.
, The follo'.vinjf meflag; from his Fxcellency
| the Governor w«f read ;
i 7c tit bn> the General -Jftmblj of the Slate
Being appointed a M infer Plenipotentiary
to the f.iench cefju'n'ftion with
Giter Ehfworth,. Clnef je'Kce i t the Uni
ted Stafts, and Mr Vaas Murray,lriiftifter
at the the purp fe of discussing
»«d.kttli»f!; b;' treaty all controverffea bet
ween the United Statu and France, I tbo't
it my dun to accept the appointment, if a
negociation flvmld take-place* on afTiiranctt
thar wou'd fecuir'thc honor, interefls jnd
dignity of the United Stafs.
The p obability that Ihe exifling differ
ences between th; French.goverm»,eiit_and
this country, would fopn break out in open
war I am fe fible was amorj; the principal
ciiufes which induced my fellow citizens to
appoint me to the exercise of the executive
powers of the slate, with a vi.-w that any
km wledge or experience ! had acquired in
military affairs, might be more immediately
and cxtenfiveiy ufeful in cafe invasion
by the armies of France. Under this im
predion, I (hould-have no', co.nfidered my
ftlf at liberty to have accepted any appoint
meminconfiltent with tb? object of the gen
eral affeinbly in my elefiian to the office
of governor of the state ; but every confi
deration led me to belike .that I e«uld not
pron ote their views more'cffentially, or rea
der my country a more important or accept
able service, than by uruing my efforts to a
mifiion, which had for its übjc& tiic pre
vention of war, and an amicable adjuilment
ef all differences between the United States
Snd the republic of. F/ance. .•
The stare of the business committed to.
my fuperirtendance by thelaft general assem
bly, will I e laid before yon in leper?te mef
fagca, so as to be more eafi!y capable of
diftit)fl references, (hoti'd you deem such
ir«fur: neccffary. ,
FkidaY, "December 6.
of Nor:!> Carolina.
.NEW.YOHK,' December 6.
Ycfieidiy arrived litre a French Cutter
Iloop, a prize to tK Un'fted States' big Nor
folk, C.jpi. loaded with
w »i ooundfrom Jcrrfru- to Cuba, I-he was
captured on the ■ 7th ult. off Capt Xtc.-la
Mole, and white In poCeflioii ot an uncom
iiiiCioned baige, of ic fivivel,, I, id to fctloniv
to 1 ouffaint. The barge was Jpnkby order
ot Commodore Talbot ot* the Uuited State*
frigate Constitution, then in co. with tho
Nortel It.
The captain and two men belonging to
the above Cutter, wire killed by the barge
men at the time of her being takrn.
There wi re no papers found on board tkc
.Cutter—She is Englilh built, and draws It
feet vat*r.
Lieut. Keryon it 6n board as prite inafter,
and Mr. Hethclite, of Burli],gtoii, (N. J.)*
midlhipman in our navy.
Thcv left th>- Conflitiition and Norfolk On
the 25 th u!t. off Cape Francois.
HOfRJD Ml'XDlr 1
L'.ifl Sunday morning was £>und murder
ed in a ciltcm in Hague Street, the wife of
William Malone, formerly widow Rofe—
what aJds to this crurt barbaiity is, a I'up
pufition tlut this inhuman aft, was put in
execution to piocure what property (he
brought to nan, (w|jo n now in ciiilody)
and whom Ihe mxrrivd the Sunday preceed*
ing—Tlie Coiows intjueft have not y*T
given :n tjicir
Yesterday a black !«lkw, v.ho had (hipped
himlelt' on bvaid the Lucky Owner'? De
light. now lyStV" in tl* flrer.m, was puifacd
for debt. In order to riudo the Ci.nltables,
he ascended the in-ft early in the rooming)
where he continued till da*k, before he wai
got down, though frequent attempts were
made through d«y him.
JftV Fork, Bnumber 5.
ARPivtE, days
Ship Liberty, ■ pollard Cadiz 6
Sthr. Woodward, Richmond fc
Schr. Experimeut, Rpacli, Shctbsrne 10
Sloop Beticv, Raymond, New Providence 17
Dsxtmber 6.
Brig Huntress, Sanimij, Savannah
Sen. Bctfry, Gagr, Wilmington (N.C.)
MarvSc E!rnor,Woodfirld, Shelburn 17
Betsey, Crolby, Nantucket 19
Sloop WalMngton, Weft, Havanna it
Brig Bellona has arriv-d at S»v»nn» ; ftiip
ShepherJefj, do. fthooner Amazon, do.
Schuylkill Permanent JStitjge,
ARE hereby notified, that an Election for a
Prefidrat, fwrlre Diredlors and a Trrafurer,
will k« held at their office, No. aj North Fifth
ftrcet, on MokOaY the 6th day of January next,
at ic •'clock
■ JOHN DOHSEY, Secretary fro tern.
Dicmitr 4, 1799. -iaruK
A IX prrfont arc hereby cautioned against ptir
chafing cr receiving in payment, two Trait*
of Thomas Trnxtun on WillLrr. Patttrfon, in my
favor, drvfc«d 17th September last, ehdorfed by the
Corn million ert. cf the Federal buiWinjp in the city
of and myfelf one payable at nine
months alter date, for 617 dolkirs 71 cent 9, the
other payable at fix iromh* after dare, for 1751
dollars 85-Crntft. the famt baring; lie»n •rwarded
from the Port Office in this city on the 6th m' ant,
encloftd in a letter from the C crwmiflioncrs afore
fald, (the proprietor* of feid draft*) to I avid
HaTrif, Baltimore, who has net yet received th*m.
Vir Patterfon being apprised o* the mifprriage
of theft drait*, will ret pay them to person *r
persons without hearing further Irom tbe Com
Wajkingten, ij Dtcmhr I; 9
f. sale or
(Advertilwl foi this day on Walnet street wharf,)
MONDAY ih- 9th Ir.ftanx, at 10 o'clock
vii the f< r.noon,
Dtcenber 7.
I oat remain to be fulfilled.
THE Public art hereby infonred that
in of a r qutfl having
beer. made at the UniverfJlfl Clum h in
Lombird-flreet "fora regular delivery of the
above" LeAures, which beinjr granted, the
delivery of the fame wifl commence on Sur
ria/ evening nrx< at (< [.'clock, and be con
tinued successively 0:1 Sunday evenings un
til the are completed.
The above Lefhires having been deliver
ed in London TO the great firi<ftrftiort ef ve
ry numerous audiences of both Chr.flianj
and Jews who honored th-m with tleir at
tendance; their b«:n£ so little known in thi»
country, it'nd now out of print ; mil ft ren
der tire deliverv cf them an cbjeft worthy
of public attention.
A work so n-plete with found reasoning
and scripture proof— so well calculated to
vindicate Revelation by proving its cor.fift
cficv wit?t itfctf, s-* well as with all tlie at
tributes of Deity, and thereby to reclaim the
mi (taken. iut well meaning deist : and
withal so truly intereftieg to al! mankind,
cannot but excite the curiosity, and sttraft
the attention cf the enqniring minds of the
Citizens of Philadelphia, at theprefent very
important era of the world.
'V. B. A fyllahui cftheir contents *mTl
ht snd d«Livrred at the Chimb £**•'
tij, the iolio>»iof>M •4«yW«ni4§> -
0«c. J. 1 «