! %bt ©aserte. fRXDAT KVKK, NO, DFfisiDtn 6. ct teaacta propoftti «»■>. JJo« ctTikm ardnr priTa jabntiuai, wen *ultu« inn»,.ti tyraiul, Mctite qutic r-la. The fanfin'otte Piince, in the Journal c'' T"l L i r "- °/ ' h ' 4>h September, K K K ' S ° Prussia d«<™ined 7", h " conllngrnt, in men, M„e h V • The fanfcnlottc f*l r •!?* journal fame date ,t .. f„d, that the f,g n ,| f„ r b * K°" f froft ,Ke mmth o. Sieyes, that they know hia attachment to (f"» iwtH* "r'n' h ** " CTCr ' I** hern hid by Wrta 'n-*fapient fefla tKcnrv *rn k k Jl". ,n *"• ro >' a ' r ' CS . in■j*ity in ihc Ugiflature, to check l.im. .ution, afte. hi. own faftmn. The J ur.«| . !t out that there ia Jacr.bm major,. . y 01 "" 1 " fibres, emcl ides by Ceafrrf T >' '» 'hat Body, ana it is contemplated, on ingSieye.toCar.ot. and by menacing him tke of it, t.. el-a a c^nplunt i an l 8 frutfidor, or M leak with ■3O eaktr » "•"»'» «» resign, to the foa of Bat #"*■»•• . cl. Uj and Mara :fo >4.,nfly arr the co. ■ ctx, Srft J. ! horts ofjacobiniiM tiiirej and Jilli/ineed. The .-/mi Act Letx (Pari*journal) of Sep. f Tl , / ~, „ temb«rj, contains an account of a victory ' '■ l, i irr crrt " n v fianus amntig thi g*iued Oy the army of the Dnnuhr, over thr T (, ekrved candidates t*r the gallows, y r Archduke Charles, 011 th* J « l h thermidor. A Jtr ' Jr to -caiifc, h,ve ntfol »l night, dur.g a violent Nor* 1 The v ' j : h,s lr>n ? ,ift s ulirewartf ntt:ian»Jo(t fifiteu ih..ma H men, and the '"dhaveferious th iu»;his of fcttinj hin fnrviv. r » dtfcrted in great umbos' the rclt ■' '' ,W . at the nex being pnrlued to t e lake of Lakin. .election. But the daily and In the tourfe of tli H i- v lit y gin which this fellow efchaulh wii ■ - * been fold as national meveabl i f ihus thefr kind of effeifs, daily f«i zc d and A id, afford to be public tre fury. a produft as /««. C l IW{W «her char«atrift;c« peruininf to thu kind of income, belides its noTclty »ed iiirxhauiiibili.y. A thief find, in each fifteagcr he encounters on the road a novel fcorc« of revenue, and our that it iaexhauf. owe 100, autil the haud of justice ovcrtikei kka.J It is a fa a, the evideneef of wliich will one day-appear, that the French Direftorv, I ttle more than a year finer, offered to the Britifli Government, to conclude a peace, on. condition ps their receiving £1.000,000 sterling tor their private pur Pes—England to retain all her eor.quefh, and the island of St. Comingo to b« cedrd to lier. The audacious falfhoods and impositions ■with which the various Republican rulers of France, have afcufed, no left their Qwn vnif. Tabic (vjbje£\s, than the reft of mankind, entitles them, independent of every aft of plunder and murder, t« the unaninious ex. aeration of mankind. After vaporing for years again ft the ins lenee and tyranny of England, they affefk at length to have re solved on her extirpation— proclaim urgen cy—decree vengeance—revl\ e the brutal yell of a brutal ancient—order a general mafla ere of Bririfli prisoners of war—and dt a Voicano, which it feemt now to retemble more com pletely than ever : Its enilirrs n c'ifcord and deft ruction, having beeu dif,x;ifJd from the orient to the i'ttinij son, and rag»d till tlwy have burnt out, the original fire still burnt in its crater, with a flow, fteidy, fulleti flame. Were net the effrontery of the French Nerocfiout of all bounds, they would hard ly date, to lenSbility at the death vf *>iy man previous to year 1793. "Hlieir Kefuie-.it at Home ouc B.lUvillc, a iow-iirel Rufliju, for fonie pranlct he played with citizen moh, got (tilettoed by him; tliiv they have charged to "the Em peror. But suppose had lived to return to I-'rance : B'fteville would have I-ktjOhtc a Girondist, or a Montagnard, or a Terrorist, and JJifftville would have beeu gu illotiued. ft is the honor of mur dering n\cn theinftlves, then, that they are fa jealous of. It might afford not a little curious fpecti lation to philosophize on the different fub ibncti of which the Aurora it at different times coinpoled, and by analyzing them to ifligii every tffeft to its legitimate caufc. Now, the lucubrations of this republican luminary are for the mod p.irt to be assigned to one qr other of thcie different moods, via. 'Either an horribl.e malice at want of money to payfor aghts of gin ; or a flute of idio cy from having procured it. In all the di re rftficaticns c) the Aurora, the iniuence o; the fe caufcs on Daane's mind may be diftinft. Ijrdifccrned. The French Mountebanks talk loud and long abcut «s-action iitit no longer anarchy, er terrori/m, but r« ac tioo, re-aftion, that threatens the foundati ons of the Republic. May th y speedily feel the-force of that law of Philosophy *hi*h fays, that " aftion and re afiion . fci*. Cs y#d think «« ttie IK»i Ifk 1 k>flo» M. bco. 0 >t of the firft bouses in Baltimore, hat failed in the amount of fix hundred thou faod«o!lar». 2d. Si. Dtmingt. A proclamation of the President of the Jnited States, for opening trade and inter • » ; ciurfc with the island of St. Domingo. JEMIMA and FANNY. j ( Already pu'blifhed.) *. -4 T, r of „ latcd to have been lately released, after cap- j the .Secretary of State, declining the\p ore by a French privat«er, was commiffioa- pointment of Envoy, awing 10 hia indifpo d an the pr6}>erty of John Smith" of Bal- ! fitio-, and the diltaiceof the (ceneat which irrore, and a Mr. Biay? ir Cyan of Tell'j ' t!u * " c K otii 'tH>iu were eontemplatrd to take 3 oint : These two pwrfons sr-- said to form 1 P' a^' branch of the h OB r, lr- i Cop l ofß ietter 9 ,,15e » Talleyrand, imiih .1 T , [ da,cd Parls ~t:> to the citizen .with » the head ; and thu., tl.o' the Je, Pichqar-Secr Mary of th>f reach legation, nima and Fanny stay have been fold after at the Hague, approving the conduft of ter departure to Mr. M agruder, yet the that4 g cn, » '» communicating to Mr. Mur- I omraifiion (till Handing in those name' |Se ray t>,e F ac,fic d'fpoGtion of the Freneh I ■jx*r?" 1 '- "• "* u " i '"' s '"" a M 11. li hiiJTi. n laws can Mr&fi the odei*. r»i j* xx » . 1 vv . ' of the dire&ory to accelarate an amicable .ion ot hn jufhee. it a _r /ii . ij > J v ' t acr uitment ot aII exiirnff dtnercnc«a • and «*Ufee," b«o U rc,u„», hav nought , efa with which fn tor want ot the application of ( A, Mdy JST"' A letter from the Secretary of State' to THE estemftcd (late of our Tresfury, Tfce fuhferiber mailer of the Ihm Per M ' - Murr !ncl " fin B M» appointment an tbe enormoas arrearages of poor tax, and 'verance of Philadelphia lately arrived ion '"^w 0 L «?»»>'«,•■ conjanftion the accumulated diftr.l'W oecaiioned by.the Bntavta, conceives it a duty, he mv Ci ■„*'7!^a E[{w f r * h 'C*» rf J"®"*«j»e 0O» repeated caiamitie. with which our city ha. •fell to the cnnduA and character of his'c\- • 1 ? J. f"* 7 ', of bfcn all cunlpire to render an i, n . xllencv Gov."Brooke of St. Helena, as to !"* a co :" , ' ,lon * V® bc nn'diate saj «ficicot re.ne.iy ind;lpen£ably Ul Au\p:ica»s tiding-beyond tlie C.ae of ,j W "'V the env,o T» B "c nfi K ned tare »-A to receive r i! d ! r ' aor J r - * " un, ® ef froal 'be I Tilt remedy we trust will b: the refolt e n St. Heleua may be of material service. " •£W«V*M" WC » wouldV; received at Pbi- a candid appeal to your le.fon, jullice aru / „, jp ... . , taaeiphia. ~ humanity —we aOc not t b.-otil-we loiini iiectLTio Out mo U M "" 97 ' to iht Sc " oc! * thf P™?' P»f"n. it a t V'of'i-, >i, .nchonL intl A i'"' 'J 7 C T" T Statt ' tret f t,o t ,l,e appointment able r, it. , p-rsti. „ .nchonng the road, we were boardeo by of envoy ,o the French republic. T ben«yoli»« in iu objeft, ,„4 upon tbe du, the EarT f W T'" # P { \°" M '' ,he minilifr col, ' hlor ' oi whith ' »nd we! K WhHM rt I?' of fore.gn relations dated a, the Ha.ue, fate of the infliction, so .(Tonally depend ; iblv took rn ft t"' 7 lor * act l"?' n . tln K him witb the nomination ot the A de: ciency in the colleftion of the p » " * i. p,t: ; r nTOy r a " d ,hr ft: P u! ' tio "' "Puffed in the tax ha. fnperinduced the rad.ee of obtain TSSS" t^ r -°t a ' J lelter from tbe Sectetary of State to Mr i»™.a, Bank, f ,ppL on credit , 'sand on Vk X I i ! y ' co " ,! "" in g p - ic» in due season with tajb, t> t " _ [ rcat w,th them: and that paflpurts would the great Ltuig »od rcputztion t>f the infii Jf. U£ t ena, 23c *cpt; he granted for their fafe coutcyance to tution. Ilefolvcd, n-.at or. conlideration of the >a '' s - _ The unexampled-liamber of' h pkfs or ihip Perleverance having beer illegally leiied . On motion of Mr. Bayard, the follow, pham, .which the hand of pcftilei.ee ha in tljis harbour, and in direst eontrai iftion lo £ f*Wwion was agreed to by the hou'e : | tlirown upon your bounty the a„cii, in to tlie orders ofgovernment and th. pan re- " Xefohxd, That a committee be ap fcm and diseased who hot for support an< julations eft .hliflied at St. Helena, the etc. P®i ßte d to prepare and bring in a bill for protreiion from the inclemency ot the ap :ain or supercargo bc requelted to draw out the «ft a bliftiment of an uniform fyilein of proaching feafoo, earnestly de.. and the ex 1 clear statement of any Us. or datnage'tb .t , bankruptcy throughout the United Mate*.'' aired chatity! which you have hi often aui has been fuftair.ed in conlequcnee of did ! . A rntfiage was received from the Scn.ita, so confpicuoully displayed. outrage—that this government may order ; '"fotming th* house, that the right Rev. Bv otdtr of tl. f r^nrr,! the amount to be paid, and charged to ac-1 Birtiop White had been chosen oc their Guardians o f the ''onr ° count those who f as chapla-" »h« Committed The cominodore (Chrillic)i and fonie of he inferior officers Qt the two (hips, wert >rd~r«d under arnrft, to be sent to England for triid, fipr contenipt of the governor's au thority in frying tbe Purfcverance nnder tlie Funs of tbe forts. Indeed, in every inO incc the fupe-cargo and myiclf experienced from the governor the ntmoß pot : terrf, and liof. vitality, which we believe |. as been hi* uni, t-*n> conduA to all Americans. I tiate in adding tnis public ny i»JiU favour, v far as n-fpefts the cafc .of thc PerCrverancff.: . ... DAVID.WILLIAMSON. Philadelphia, Decembtr r, i 79g . GO^ffejlESS. hous:: or hi pui:saf/r.rr;fks. Tttv!t*nAT. t>rrri;-«-iT c. Jj 2 , n y ®"* hft P ,oer ' * ? ,CT "" Au . . . *bl.fhedby particotafreqtieftfromrhrAu. A letter 'ram the Secretary of .he Trci ;iifta Chronicle, refpeaing Mr J.ffcrf.m T y w " ** » 3 ". fr™n the »ho i. called •• one of the molt« lightened „omm (Sonera a?p <1 faperinte.id the ind honourable Hat. fn>«n that en Hired " ?! c ltl ; Cl r °f Walhington, M.-t having before fern a- y recent obferv. Jrdi red -o bt pti led. Kmr, rehti.e to him, I do not know the 00 mo, r«( > 1 Herewith traafmit to Cong re si, cer. | " nJ 7° mtn » »»d the *>tnch privateer f._hr. 1 J fferfon, while Secretary of State, ai i document. which relate to the late in- I L'Egypte Conquifc, of 18 guna, 14 nlr e. " rla '"'y txprefled handsome and correA urredion in Pennfylvarla - of the Executive rade and intcrcot.rfe with the island of St. L an e gagement which Jafted nine houra. the . I V" c "t'' '""""..ruati- Dumu ro—and the niffion to the Fre n ch ' 7ri>n>-iim,n if (t Ak _ ' 1 ltf Frertch but could Republic s Pronifed ia my addref. to both Ik " ' "" U ° St> . y .°" r of Congrefi, on Tucfday la It. | '" , that " n't liead and heart cootpofed the JOHN AS VMS Captain Brightmao, with many oilier ma '' rr ,hat ,h " he "rote," it woulj only Unit,J S ate,, 1 American., hjtd been pr.vioufly captured OVe the '""nftft.'Ky of 5 ,"„ { I.he foUowi- g tre tot documefitt wbick '" e wa * OD * *eff«l» bdonging to tnwnrs. ccom par lied the abate mrfTae : j the French in the Weft Itidies. She wai A, . to :f, -« 'X'rsft of the letrer to Mr. 1 ft. lmfwrreßiou in Northampton ISe. ' ""pletely fitted out, and doobk manned, ' rr "' , '" e '"' ik'ini'e us it i 8 f o < ha> every A letter from the H«n.~Riciiaed • '"on purpcf* to take the Pickering- but nut •^r KriC ' Ifl '•owlettgt to have been otW beef tary of State, indoC tg a de- bei V.ir able to liand ,he Cr, J * J ■ 5 " ,ar«iM iX WiliawNtAglfc.Efe. SCarlhal „ B *7 W ,W "f. f (wf,a. Ido inH bejirre) {U at ,« contain »r-thf Did ia of PenafyHrahTa I » depi si. cao '*'" wa» obliged to finite to a force ed Mr. JefiVrlon's personal feelings in the ion or Valentine —; and the deposition 001 n,ucli mors tb * l <">e third her equal, ia : expreffionj of it.dignation at the unpardon. if J: cob-Eycrtt, Etq. I uuirbrr. j »ble effrontrry and of Mr. Ge- A proclamation of the Prcfideat relative ; The Pickering, a few day. before had a ' IT'i" h " K J r °' S ufur P at: °-'» ""<1 cutrages of o the Northampton,.*<>£urrc£tiun. - (Al- 'c 1. ;, k P 7 . % lhc laW » and authoi ity of O.ir country—!,;, eady p„bli(hed.) m "& ht /' lf> * ;. a,d endeavour, to excije dif.o.d and.lirtmft be A letter from the Secretary of War to pUI " B ' ,n " wm » »«> '"at (he would have « w <« our cirfier« and those whom they have he Governor of-PeaAfylvania, taken her if the Pickering had a&t sprung entruiird with their government, between he different companies of troops required har mitt, iti the chafe. d ff.-rent branches of govcrnmei t," and rom tln» state to tsarch upon the expediti- I Caotain B alfc K-;—. I.' h " ort " to '"J"" o«r citizen: /« (Ltd each m. ( Already pubtifhed.) V | also br.ng. new. that two «her', biood. B,t it will be observed. that Inftruftion., f«w>. the Secretary at War, I armtd Y(, » c, « «"d an Engliflt the indignation is levelled at an Individual obrig. geh. Macpherfon, commanding the were in pursuit of a French vef. only—at Mr. Genet himfel', and not at the Ttped.tian. | fe), and ruu her so dole to St. Euftatia, S oternß, fnt he represented, hecaufe it ia ■ that the lower fort fired oil them The a<^rd unadvifcilly and their poH«, when they were attacked by ed by unquestionable eviden' e, t! at Mr. the upper fort. In the a&ion Lmt of the crtt ' ,con du& resulted from the infttuAi wadding from the fort, fell into the town , on ' of *'• government— that h* '-in no ref tod set it on fire, which contained consider. ®H!f' /l pCC ' a '! y . in his 6wn ii Ttlencf, de ble part .f.lhe plac. ' P™'* l ' o " tkeir wifc c6 : The line he had P ; ™»rked out waa followed by his fucceflor., ''r haa been invariably pursued and continued flOi iON, November 27. to the present day. How happen it then, Vefterday arrived at Sitem, the ftiip Fat- l ' lat ,h< conduit so much cei lured by Mr. 'V, capt. Boden, 51 J-.iys from Bilboa : A J*® cr f [ > n ; when considered a. proceeding uflehger, bsionging.vc_thit town, in'foYraj individual preiumption and enthufiaf -11, ;h« VtteralwJ ttrn tecciviiTthere ttqin ™pertineiiee, thould beci me the ol jcft 'cry lefpectab.'e i'ourcv.,. a«quaii,iin K) thu commeudation, or even of excuse, when the king 'ff Pretfia,. jn contequent* of over- * nown to proceed fom the Frenc 1 g turca made himtay.the. JUed powew, hsd Uc. •' II intimated that Mr JefTerfon termii «d tii join the eoalitipn against Fraiise,; 'P 0^4 h.'. own sentiments when ce: furing and had *lr.am Newport, where they are to re'dezvoMi by 'he 15th tuft, with what«»er reffeU may w.nt convoy, all the way to Batavia. They will le *e Batavia in the eourfeof the month "/May neat, to ret»ra to the UnitedStatea. ADDRESS Of ths GticabtANt or the Poo,i TO THE PUSLIC. tEILOW ClTlK.ts, Wm. JONES; Pre/,dent. 3awaw ■ Nov. a i PRICES OF STOCKS. klpbia, Nov*mbkk 3c. Si* per Oct. ittf . i ~T" ~~ " Three per Cent. j, O I A POINTER \ Deterred 6 per Cent. 14/10 I TITTA3 carried away on Sunday the iwh in 3, 8 pee Stock—-liiftded*-liitertlt from 111 Oil. VV Irom No. 163 Vi- r (tree*—He is ii'.out 9 3 per Cert j'lanct. j months uid. nnfc, lion colmcd car«, with Do Strip with four lad payment*. »! prr adranee a fp®t of the lame color in hi» forehcalong tail DANK United States, 10 to'll -) I having never been cut—He is called .Uiffc Alt* —— Pcnatyifiou, ■ 14 / J ward of two dollarsj with reafcnable cxpeacet, wifi —— North A merit*, to V b* fßii-l to ary person who will return ilk* to No. lufuraa«e tomp N. A. Ih»rr« ij f 5 '63 Vii* rrcet j and ten dollar raorf, ifllolen, «—■ VenofylTania, shah:*, 18 J •' , fai faeh information tb« thief ai may Eaft-lwdia Company of JR, A.--par. I f-foduet legal pnoiikmeßt. L»&A Warrant*, 30 dolit. per jeevivp. I A'««. 30. FtetJu .:* t ufi a [Geofg'ar] CmM *«, H'MILLA^f Public Notice, TS Hrrtbv Given, that I hav app:;>d by pe- X li'i-T to the Judges of the Court of Common Plctn nf Cumberland county, for the benefit of the -",• K .iflVmiily made for the relief of In i'jlvfut Debtors, pafled the fourth clay of Aptil, 1798, ami tie said Court havi appointed the firft Monday o' January next at the Court Hoiife in the borough of Carli/le for a hearing of me and In V creditors, at whLh time and place they may attend If they think prnper. ANDREW CULBERTSON, sawtr J. Dercmbtr 6, CAVALRY. >7 HP Second Volunteer Troop »F Cavalry of I the Uui'ed States, are ordered to meet at the Menage, in Chefnut Strett, on Satur lay next, at 2 o'clock, P. M. in complete uniform. December 5, LAWRENCE SECKEL, has for sale, At No. H5, Market-ftreef, Superior London Particular, Madeira, 7 WINES O'd Port & I.ifron, j 1 Bsrft fl ivored eldConiac Bra idy, Jamaica Spirits and HolJautl