<£m?ette of fl* fcUUftU *«■> Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. Nvmbem 2246.] price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city of Philadelphia• All others pay one Dollar additional, for enclosing and di recting ; and unless some person in this city viill become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. JOHN MILLER, Junr. No. So Dock, near Third street, HAS FOR SALE, Coflaca, Mamoodies, l'iiftatics, Striped Tangibs, Patn.t and Santipoor HaivJkerchiefs. The fougoiug will be fold very low in order to elofc I alts. ALSO, A FEW PACKAGES OF German Goods, Suitable to the Well India Market; Received by the Fair American from Hamburgh. OAobcr tS' JOSEPH D. DRINKER BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public that he has taken into partnership DANIEL BAUTOW. Their Mercantile Concerns -will, in confe quencc, be condufler! uuder the lirm of Drinker and Bartwu, who ha*c julfc imported, per the Weft Point, arrived at New York, the Amia ble Creole, and ether late arrivals at thra port from Hamburg, A vahtrty of GERMAN GOODS, ConJSflwg oftbe following Articles, lit TitUenburghs, Creas, a la Morliix, 0* wlafs, 3-4, 7-8, 4-4 & 9-Bths wide >landers Sheetings, Silesia dittp, Rotian ditto, Brown and white Platlltas, Britanias, Weifgarnige Linens, 7-8 8c 4-4 Silesia Sheetings, affor'vd. Diaper ami DaWiaflc Taotfc Cloths, Clouting Diapers, Piaper Z willic h, Oil Cloths, Ghl's Tumblers, Quarts, Piftls ind HaW Pints, ALSO, Ptr the Eliza from London, Russia Sheetings, Ravtns Duck, Men, W&men and Children's Welsh yarn Hose. Att which they eff«r for sale at their Store, No, 6t North Front Strset, either by the pack age nr smaller quantity, at the molt reasonable rates, for cafli or notes at Ihort (late. Nttvcrriber ao. 'The" Subscribers Have for sale at tbeir Store, No. 5 ,Cbe9- nut street, the following articles, viz. Ruflia Hemp and Duck, First quality, tfofton do. no 1 and 1, A small invoiee ol well assorted cordage, First and fourth proof Brandy, in pipes. Madeira Wine in pipes and half pipes. Claret in cases, New England Rum in Khds. Winter strained, Spermaceti Oil and Candles, and a few quarter cherts of Hyson Tea, , SAMUEL HULME, \ s *" vtort - N. B. Any perf»n inclining to view the pr«- mifes will be (hown them liy applying to either of the fubfciibcrs at MilllorJ'« mills. sot. 16. eot?D PRATT BP KINTZING, No. 95, north Water street, HATE RECEIVED By the (hip* Wilmington, ConnefMcut, Fair American, and other late arrival*, from Hamburg and Bremen, A great variety of GERMAN GOODS, Platilla* Britannias Eltopaiiles Creas a ta Morlaix Round CreLs Dowlas Kenans Jidefieid Linen Waarcndorp* TftMe Linen Ticklenburgs Oznabrigs Hefien Rolls Biown ditto Poljftj ditto Coffee Sags Ltftado" Carraadflle* Checks and Snipes Arabias Rr,)Hran» Commissioners. ■James Robinson, J Pittsburgh, November 5, 1799. 3m, THE Sttbfcribers hivii;;; been appointed by the Supreme Court ot Pennfvlvan!*, Iruf tees to the efta:e of GEORGE B.' DAWSON, allperfons Inßeb'te3 thereto, prior to the lith Mai eh lad, are desired to make paym»nt, and the cieditors are rtquetted to furnilh their ac counts properly authenticated, to THOMAS & PETER MACKrfc, Trujleei. November 1 j v jtaw6w LAST NOTICE, A IX persons to whom rhe estate of the Inte William Betuchamp, decealed, is indebt. Ed, are requeued to fend their accounts proper ly to the FuMcclbri*, before the day of Janwaiy next, or they will he excluded the benefit of a final dividend, which will there be made and immediately paid. SAMUEL PUICE, Executor, No. 71, foutb Front-Jireet. November rft, 1799. dtij HpO the "®wn«rs of unfeatcd lands in the county * cf Huntingdon, to come forward andj>ay the taxes afTefTed and due thereon, within three months from this date, thtre beingorle or more years tax es due on the unseated lanes in the said county of Huntingdon. WILLIAMSTEEI., } HUCH MOkRiSON, ( Commissioners. JOHN STEEL, 3 Huntingdon, Commilfionersl Office, Sept. *5, 1799. } October 4. TAKE NOTICE, »"pHAT application is made to the Bank of the United States, for the renewal of the following certificates of Bank flock, which were loft in the brig Paggy, Captain Fluyer, on her pafTage from America to London. No. *959 } j.* or Eight Shares of Bank Stock 29673 * n avour Sawniel Ethridge. WILLINGS 'C FRANCIS. djm. Odlober 25, ALL persons indebted to the Efi ite of Jacob Thoma*, of Wafhingtbn in the State of Kentucky, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment—All persons having demands ag«ln(l laid eftale are de sired to turnilli their & counts legally atteli- Ed to Adminilirator. Philadelphia, Odoberjj, 1759. NOT 10 E. A LI. perfoD# indebted to the eltate cf Tuomaj Wiluh, late of Southwuk, dsceafed, are Ire requeued to make immediate payment to the fubCcriberj, and diofe whd hive any demands against the fald «state arc rwjunlled to farnifh their icconm» for settlement. SARAH WILSON, Administratrix. JOEL W. WILSON, Administrator. No. »95, south front-ttrcec, Southwark. Nov 1, 1799. dtf. LODGINGS WANTED, For a single Gentleman and bis Servant, lii a genteel private family, IVhere hr can have the use of a parlour, ireakfaft for himfe.lf, and board for liis fer mt.—Apply t» Hie prin; Nov. ii. 43v PHILADELPHIA, Kaii>AV I'ViININ'O, DECEMHER (<, 1799 Among which are Ginghams Handkerchief* Lace* Siamoi* Bedticks Oil Cloths Slipper* Window Glass Tumbler* Yellow Ochre Quille States and Pencil® Pearl Barley Claret in cafe* Coffee Mills Nails and Ironmongery Demijohn* Leritiiles Glue llopv Bristles Looking Glafles Toys Anchors * A few tons Hemp &c. &c. ALSO, NOTICE. dim NOTICE djm. NOTICE. JACOB REESE, WILL BE LANDED, To-morrow Morning, from on board the trig Salty, at Stamper's Wharf, 83 pipes, ~l 60 qr. calks, S- MALAGA WINE, 160 barrels j F«r Sate by the Subfcr.bers, Tb. njurgdtroyd & Sons. WBp HAVE ON F*ND First proin Brandy, Claret in Cases firft quality, London White Lead. November 16. CANAL OFFICE, November 28, 1799 Notice is hereto given, HpO the Stockholders of the Befrwort and Sctuyl * UU, and Sufjuebamta and HehuyUiltQm%\ com panies; that thi ir annual Elifiica will be held at the Companies Offic;, on Monday the Cth of Jan uary next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the pufpufe of Ele&ing (n>< Fjctiident, 'Twelve Man agers and One freafurcr to each Company, for the cnfuitlg year GEORGE WORRAI.L, 3:-.rrt., n - November iq THE CO-PAR I'NEUtfUU 5 THOMAS and JOHN KETLAND Being Dissolved, By the death of Mr. JOHN KETLAND, \ LL persons who have demands apainft said Firm are requested to bring in their ac counts for payment, »nd those indented to the fame are folicite4 to inakc payment to THOMAS KETLAND. Odlaber 21 Just Imported, $£&?'•! ''rime SUGAR. .jo do. Green Coffee, »5 Boxes brown J TT , IS do. uhile, 5 Havannih SUGAR. 17, hbds. James* River Tobacco, 20 Packages well afTotted German Linens Russia Cordage, assorted, 400 Pipes Barcelona Brandy, 4th proof, in sacks, Brown Stout Porter, draught and bottled, 40 Calks Shot, No. 1 to 6, Lead in Pigs, 8 hhds. ground Lead, aflbrted, 4 Ca/ks Glauber Salts, Cream Tartar, &c. Bia<:k quart wine bottles in crates, 1 groce each, Que*ns ware in Crates, Cannon, 4, 6. and 9 pounds calibre, with (hot, round, grape and canr.ilter, Swivels, Corks in b-les, ift quality, ditto in fleets, Clarcr in cafcr, fupericr quality. Port Wine, ditto. Horf.. men's Swords, Hangers, Ac. Fowling pieces and pitiols in cases, Ship Mafquetsand BiunderbuflVs, in do. Bath flovc Grates, for chambers, &c f &c. for Sals by THOMAS KETLAND, Walnut Street wharf: d:t Nov. 1 FOX SALE, trVtRAL VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, Near the corner of Arch and Ninth flrctts. ALSO, To be Said or Lct y A number of excellent failure Lo«, On the WitTabickca road, about half a mile from the city. *,* Enquire at No. 39 North Sixth street. November 15. d6ti*\vtf BANK OF THE UNITED STATES, November 15, 1799 NOTICE. STOCKHOLDERS «f the Bank of JL the United Slates ar# infoimed, that ac cording to the Statule of KcOrparation, a Ge nerjl Eledlion for fSenty fivt will be held at the Bank of the United States jn the City of Philadelphia, on Monday the 6th of January no pipes 4tb pro ji Brandy, .uncolored and wrU flavoreed, dtw 17 pipes, 34 hogfiieads and 32 qr. calks of strong bodied red Wine, Uuccd to the Weft Indies, 15 butts 60 or. caflzs old Sherry, 290 krg's Hail'iiij, 150 boxes ditto, 94 jars ditto, C.iflia in Bales, Old Madeira Wine, fit for immediate life, And a quantity of .black quart Bottles. Philadelphia, OSober la. l&ftf Ult6(hj FOR SALEy By JOSEPH Sc JAMES CR'JKSHANK No. 87 High Street Philadelphia, A FEW COPIES »r thi harleian miscellany, BEING a Selection of Tra4« which principally regard the English History, and of which many are referred to*by Hume. The scarcity ahd high price of the Flarleian Miscellany, induced the editor to offer the present abridgement t© the public, which is conpoi'ed of a narration of those highly interesting events which have occurred in the Hi (lory of Englaud, ifcd which aie of 3 per 14813 —8000 dnll». J cent, debt All bearing date the 15th February, 1799, were forwarded by the Cfcefterfield packet lor Fal mouth, which has been captured, certifi. cotes loft—Application is maile for thd renewal thereof at the Trcafury ; oT which all concerned are to take notice. oAofcer i 7 ROSS IST SIM SON. HAVE FOR fcALfc, 3000 pieces ill and 2 d quality Russia Duck, 100 pieces Raven» Duck (fuperk>r) Bolton beef in Barrels, A ft. {,,««* iico bufnels St Martins Salt, apnl ii TO BE SOLD, BY THIS SUBSCRIBERS, NISE undivided tenth parts of a-traA of Land, in the State of Georgia; either together or in lucb parts a- may suit the purchaser. whole tract i bounded as follows, viz. biginuing ou the ilfiffiiippi river, where the latitude of thirty-two degrees, forty nine minutes, forty fcconds north of the Equator interfe&n the fame river; thetite running along the fame parallel of latitude a due east onarfe to thitTnm Pigby river; thence up the middle of the said Tom iiiiiby river to the place where the latitude thirty-two degrees, fifty-nine minutes, twenty fecunds nbrthof the equator in terfc(9s the fame; thence a due weft course on tbe lame parallel of latitude to the Miffifllp i river ; thence down the middle ol the said AiiflilEppi ri ver to the place of beginning ; together with all the privileges, immunities and appurtenances thereof, including all islands within th« laid bound*, and containing at lead One Million acr»s, prcba bly more. The preTiifes if not bet tire disposed of by private sale, will be fold by Public Vendue, on Thursday the twenty fiilt day of November next, at eleven o'clock, A. M. at Concert-Hall, kept by Mi. James Vila in Boston. For further pai ticulars and terms, apply to either of the Ccriber h CHARLES CUSHING, Boston, Qtft. », 1799. o'EORGE LANE, if. M, HAYS, One Tlwuscnd Five Hundred DOLLARS WAS delivered to the POSTMAS TER here, ih thr PosT-Os sice, on the evening of Tuefdiy the 17th uit. in a LETTER directed to Mr. John Mills, Merchant, Baltimohe, containing two ALEXANDRIA HANK NOTES, No. 4320, in favour of IVilliam lay/or, and dated April, 1798, for ONE THOU SAND DOLLARS, and No. 4522, in ftl vour of Jain P. Pleasants, and dated the 10th ol December, 1798, for FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS, which jetfer has been SUPPRESSED fn a "POST-OFFICE, and the BANK NOTES taken out as tl • PUBLIC MAIL was not STOPPED, MOLESTED, or ROBBED. Bankers and merchants are p iriicubrly rrqnefted to watch tbc circulation ot laid notes, aud itt>p them ; ?.od anv.jK-rfop giv ing such information as will lead us to our money, lhall have FIVE HUNDRED j DOLLARS reward. cFtE >atswANN. HATS FOJi SALE, 3taw»m CI.EMENT BIDDLE, d6w Mrs. GROOMBHIDGE EbPEC TFULLY informs her ruroerov* *-V friepds, aoqu«ir,uute and the pub.'ic, Oc has agrerable to the rcqueft of many person,, concluded retide in tawh during tact* winter, aad has taken * large convenient house iu Wa/- nui Urtet, No 106, between Fourth and Filth ftreetc, where (he propose* removing her SJumiJ the ift of November. Fnglifli and French grjmmuicaJly taught. Writing, Geography, th<- Ul'e of the Globet, Arithmetic, Hiftorv, Dancing, with all Icinda of uleful and ornamental Work; Driwing i« yarioui branches, Uiftory, < La,„l(cajx- 1 Flower*, &c. Due attention to Vocal j, we ll as liifttu. tftental Music, with Milieri at repute and ability. Coliiiutia liouft Boarding and Day School, October 19, -799. .. *t* The Friends and Guardians of the La dies under Mrs. Greorabridge's care ftrc parti cularly allured, that au digit>le (auatian in the country wiJ] be cp.gaged for each enfurhg Sum mer, though no epidea:ic may atfett the city. djw&wfin* ROBERT KlD's COPPER WAREHOUSE, SO. 2CJ, market-STREET. Late ALEXANDER BJLSLAND tf O. HjIS just kbceiff.d 31 1 ons Patent Improved fheathini Copper & Nails, turn. . . ao, 24, 26, is>' 28 02. per foot, x to* :18 inch in£ Nails, 80 boxes of Tin. MKEWISI ON HAND, A Large afTortment of and Copper bottoms and flwets lor Copper-Smitifc, Ltad tj* Block Tin, And a General aflbrtment of Ironmongery for sale as above. Auguit is JUST A RRIVM.JJ, In the Coop FrieadJhip, Capt. Ilrown, from New- Orleans, About 7 tons KENTUCKY CORDAGE. For lale by Nov. 27. ELISHA UjHER & Co, Fafhionahle Millinery. ELIZA M'DOUGALL, NO. 134, MAKKFT-STREET, HAS just received per Ihip Thomas Chalkley and Adriana, from London, an elegant aflortmsnc Oi the nioft fafhionable Milling ar, via. Chcmilie rosette FEATHERS Fancy flowers BJack tiffany flowers Wreaths Pink, yellow and blue crape, full dress cati Do. do. and do. Nelfun's bo-masti Infant*# pips draw bonnet*" Maid's fancy do. do, Womea*i do. do. do. Do. do. (hadfifi Do, do Ifais Fancy bugle ftoe rofct Do. do. trimmings Black, white, bin?,yellow, pink and orange «rap« Black, white and green gauze Tula 80. gauze cloaks N. per Harmony, juA arrived, a further aflfortmait of Millinery. June 2® eotf. To tbe Holders of MILITARY LAND WARRANT'S. r~*HE Subscriber having lately returned from viewing the hnrt, surveyed aird appropri ated tofatisty the land warrants, issued by the Secretary at war, to the officers and foldiera of the late continental army; and having made 1 arrangement* with Mr. James Jobt,lon, of Chester county, Peanfvlvaiiia, who he left na the laiwi, tnd who with the alTiftauce of an in telligent inhabitant of that county, will spend five month* in exploring the different fecljons. He wir. take regular notes," defct iptive of the foil, fituati >n, and natural advantages attached to each feflion in the whole furvcy—which notea >. ill be placed in ththands of the fubferiber pre vious to the period for locating, thereby ena bling him to make the molt advantageous lo cations the priority will idroit. Hei fftrs hisfervice to the holders of land warrant* of the above description, throughout the receive tieir warrants, clafi them, (as no tell quantity than .4000 acres will be regilterd it the office of th£ creafurv) have them registered agreeable to law, and attend to /nake the location at the the time appointed in .February next. For tranfaftir.g the bufmefs, one tenth part of the 'axd fpecifie.i in the warrants will be re quired, and no other charge, except the portage of letters. All warrants forwarded and letters addrefled to the I'uhfcfiber, at No.j.Penn-flreet, Philadelphia, will receive immediate attention. JAMES E.SMITH. mwftf. Scptemer i TO BE SOLD, On Saturday the 7th day of December, At /even o'clioi in the evening, AT Tr. E MERCHANTS COFFEE HOUSE, SEVTBAL Very Elegant Situations SUMMER RETREATS, ABOU r three miles and a half from the city. These situations command a very extc-five view of the city and river, and. are remarkably healthy; oce traS which joins lands of W. Poyj t:ll, Elq. ard others, contain fixtjr acres more or less, about fifteca acres of which is fine young V.'ond, and is well watered. Two other tra&t, on each which are rery ejfgant fcitti for buildings, containing from eight to fourteen acres. Auy person disposed io purchase at a pri ▼ate sale, will flUfe to apply to E. BON'SALL, or to WILLIAM MACP.HERSON, the proj>ri etor. The terms o: pigment will be made known at the time of talc, and a clear and iadilpuubk title ipve«, y&i 'i fortne!?}, Audtionee-. D'cemtar.a. • ~ I IT. [Vftl.UXt XVI. wStftf. »1. :■ js;J^