Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 23, 1799, Image 3

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    %iie (Bajette.
Julun et t':Bacem propofiti virura,
Noo cirium ardor prava jubentium,
Non vultus inftantis tyranni,
Mente qnatit folida.
" And behold among the simple ones, I ]
descerned among the youths, a young man
void of understanding."
THE royal fun of David drank wisdom
from the copious fountain of experience. The
story of his life presents a ftrikittg moral to
the sons of pleasure ; and his pointed apho
risms evince, that even indulgence itfelf was
made subservient to his improvement, and
that heextrafted inflru&ion from sensuality.
He tried the satiety of abundance, and
fought for happiness from the delusive
sources of vice and amulement. Wealth
poured forth its trervfures to give a gout to
his enjoyments, and the rich banquet of love
presented the chnicefl d( licacies, which charm
the eye or ravish the heart. As a win, the
prince was carried down the ftreani of plea
sure ; but as asa he left us his ever
memorable infeription upon the f'plendfd se
raglio of earthly enjoyment.,—'• Vanity of
Vanities, all is vanity."
Who has trodden the round of dissipation,
and will not acknowledge, that Solomon has
correctly depicted its scenes, carefully point
ed out its snares, and faithfully displayed its
consequences ? When he saw, the adult re fs
through the casement of his window, " in
the black and dark night," he discriminated
with an acutenefs, which evinces, that he
saw not, " as through a glass darkly."
The portrait displays the hand of a matter,
and from the impressive features we con
clude, that the pencil was not drawn at ran
dom. The pidture is fraught with life, it
is full of reality ; and h~. who has once seen
the original, readily a pevfeft si
The fubt'.e arts and crafty devices of th«
" strange woinan" are not a fubjett of easy
description. Her lips " drop as an hoiwy
comb,-Andber mouth is fmootherthan oil."
With her " much fair speech," (ke beguiles
the young wan of his rcal'on and his inno
cence ; and by " the flattering of her lips,"
(he lures him to the chambers of riot' ai;d
the pit of dtftruftiotn Her bed may be
" decked with coverings of tapvftry, with
c»*ved worls, with fine linen of Egypt,"
and " peifunitd with myrrh, aloes and cin
namon," bnt her pillow is a pillow of thorns,
and within her curtains is cnmeflied the un
fortunate vi&im of lust and delnfion. Be
ware, young man, of tlv- " peace-offerings"
©f the 'harlot, for they will alTufedly prove
thy bane ; and rather gaze thou upon the
bafiliflc, than look upon her, who " litteth
at the door of hrr.houfc, on a feat in the
"high of the city, to call paffengrrs
who go right on their .u ays."
The great Socrates, might feel bimfelf in
ftru&ed and delighted by the brilliant wit,
the courtly elegance, and polished manner* of
an Athenian courtezan ; and Pericles might
derive leflons of eloquence from the persua
sive wifdora of a Grecian harlot ; but none
•will deny, thit, even amid this enchantment,
the sage and the orator were loft to dignity
and virtue in their debafmg pupilage in the
school of lewdnefs. No fafcinating .Afpafis
now decorates the abode of lust, no lelTons
of wisdom and eloquence are now read to
liflening greatness by the subtle harlot, nor
is aught now in the brothel but the
4regs of passion and the lees of wretchedness.
The abjett being, who seeks for pleasure
among the votaries of feiifuality who throng
the flews, may then justly be clalTed "among
tlic simple ones," and ranked as a man '■ void
of undeiftanding."
The man who travels the by-path of secret
licentioufoefs, tho' he may avois the igno-
miny upon open debaucbe
i r .ij _ / e ■■ r ■ , , Tudge Paterfon has writtfn to the Leeif
tot eicape tlit pings of conscience and the- it T ,r u
. . , , . . lature of hew-Jc rley, now in femptt, that
leaded condemnation oi the upright man. t | ie cempilation of the laws of that state,
Ihe aftive vigilance of the mind constantly which he has at their requell commenced,
ecurs to every deed of infamy ; and tho' the will be completed during the winter. This
ilafted honor, the deflowered beauty, the def- 'frttkittan' merits the warmed pUudits which
, ru- c j i ■rv . gratitude and admiration of his Country
royed peace of his seduced n&im» may be • „ v • , •
. , , , r ,• can inlpire and beitow. Yet in the prime
hrouded by artifice from the mfpeftion of of j, fc he has (- ucee ffiveiy been Member ot
.lie world, neither pswer nor canning can Cengrefs; and of the grand convention for
:onceal them from the piercing ferutiny the adoption of the Federal Constitution,
it the " mind's eye." Though the mod Gov * oi J er,l >' and now one ot the **•»-
.edea feerecy envelope his de.ds, there will P™ ,e of th, Union—ln all ti,le
... - . hiffh and relpormbJe tituations, at the lame
>e iound many to censure, anu many to ex- time thK he <j if] . liljwd theprofoundeft pohti .
:cratc ; the letchcr of this dekription. Be it ca j knowledge, and the molt I'tilid and ufefn!
then his punilhment, to be abhorred and con- talents he has been eminently diftinguifhec
r.ermed by hontft men, to fuffer the tortur- f° r the pure ft republican (implicit}' and afFa
ing pangs of an unfeared ccnfcie;ice, and to bil . it >' of manners, ilnd uprightnefsand inte
j , r„ c ■ n- ! fixity oi charafter that has never even it
endure t".e carles ot the agonizuig viftims • ' . „• , , , , , r ,
° 6 ; private been nttatled by the breath ofcaluui
ot - ns ,uft * i ny. New Jersey rm.ft feel proud of givi.-y
There is no traufgreffion more fliainelefj,' birth to f.> good a flatefinan and incorrupt!
known among men, than the visitation of ble patriot, and may look forward to the higl
.... Li' i t , • ~ • r dillin&ion of claiming as lier own at fom
the public itews. He who is in habits of c . , , r \ ...
, ... . future period, the fir ft magiltrate ot tn
this nature scorns, indeed, the hypocrtly of Um 01) ,
concealment; or rather-he hardiness of his .
I ' '
3 ~
vice sets at defiance tl'e indignant frcwiv of
public opinion. He throws aside the veil o!
modesty, and with the rudenels tears
asunder thegoed and wholelome covering of
I common decency. He cannot but perceive,
I that his pursuits mufl be attended with the
lacrifice of fortune, health and reputation,
and that they necetTarilv lead to unlimited
.vretchednefs. But, with this perfed know
ledge of, he discards the domin
ion o! reason, places brutal paflion on an
eminence, and with Indian ftiipic'ity, and
more than Mahomm*dan zeal, preiTss for
ward to the homage of the God of his idola-
The man of genius and the man of rank
are not infrequently noticed within the walls
of the brothel. Theft: examples, with weak
nten, may (anilify the praftice. But let it
be remarked, that he Can. have no spark of
'delicacy left, that his taft£ ftiuft be depraved
bd«w the level of ordinary meanness," ;ind
that his appetites mud be gross, "
devilifti," Who can " (layer with lips astom
mon is the stairs that mount the Capitol."
In (hort, the secret debauchee and the
avowed libertine, tt.e covert destroyer of fe
male innocence, and the frequenter of the
(lews, niufl submit to endure the bitterefl
execrations of moral honefly and the un
qualified contempt of the lovers and fupport
eri of public decency ; and to be placed by
every wife man " among the fimpie ones/'
and bear a shameless forehead, legibly en
graven thereon-T-" void of understa*d-
The Lay Preacher of Pennsylvania.
The fortune of a nation depends on its
political principles and habits. These con
troul fortune, and are not controuled by it.
'till the nation is funk in degeneracy and
rotten rine for its deftruftiort.
Is it, or is it not, the principle, the root
ed sentiment of every American heart, thflt
peace is to be preserved by every facrifice
of honor, and by every facrifice of interest
except that of immediate gain in trade ? Let
those Americans whc» ftiil refufe to worship
Mammon, disdain this imputation, and
claim to be excepted from it. The honor of
: a nation it itt inlerijl. France iufulted our
I honor, and yet we are told it is our interest,
j our trued interest, to dissemble the affront
j and forgive the injury. If this be policy,
:itis a coward's. If it be honor, it is a
! gamfter's. It ii a kick'd bully's courage,
loud in boasting, eloquent in threats, meek
in exeafes, tacoe in proffers of friendfhip to
: his aggrtflbr. Such arc we towards France.
If shame has a blu(h, let it glow, let it
bum the eheeks that the evil spirit of facti
on or the baser spirit of gain has covered
•wills Asbestos. Our trade nothing,
not even a days respite by out tamencf*.—
Europe .has long ago pronounced UDon hs,
that we are the Dutchmen of the New
World, who notonly to kicks with
patience, but would be hired to take them
■ for.loiv pay. It onght however to be re
peated till fools underlland, till cowards feel
| it !
That the honour of a nation is its inter
est, that the worll kind of war wi.h France
is an imagined peace, and a treaty friend
When the President exprefTed, as he did,
in his Answers to the numerous addreffe*
presented to him, thit America had every
thing to fear from the hoftiiitr of France—
and that an open war would be preferable
to a new Genet game—what did the Fe
deralists then think of him ? They then ad
mired his iirmnefs !—Has he changed his
opinion—No—-he is the fame inflexible pa
t iot—-the fame sagacious and able States
man.-—Do these gentlemen, who have been
free in their ceni'ures of the lace cmbafly,
revert a moment to the constitutional and cir
cumscribed powers of the American Ex
ecutive ?—lf they did, methinks they would
find a fuffieient apology for the meajure-for
meafure lately purfaed—While ihejcaioufy
of republicanism continues in America, her
Chief Magistrate will ever be impotent—he
may speak his private sentiments in anfwert
to addrefTes, and even in i'petches to C»n
grefi, but he can never aft with energy ; or
if he does, he will be left without wm
to sustain it-
L 7' Ru J e! ' s Gax -
[iV. r. D.
The follj wing ivtrr fnun General G.ipn, rc
fiding near this city, Was fj»i? dtiy handed
to us by the gentlemen tc> whom it was
PERMIT mc, gentlemen, in answer to
your enquiries, to y:iu :md the friends
of Mr. Jcnatba.i Smiib, janr. whole ahfence
has octafioned them so much anxietv, that
I :r,n wholly unacqiininted with any circum
fUnces whatever, vhich could, in the most
distant manner, lr d to a discovery of the
fate or fitimion of that gentleman.
I am not personally acquainted with Mr.
Switli, not having to ftiy recollettion ever
seen Kim, or I would take a pl?afure in join
ing in the general;approbation which I have
heard manifcfted for him.
I am, gentlemen,
Your obedient humble Servant,
To George Tavlor, and >
John R. Smith, Efqrs.
November 23, 1799.
1 lie reason why the name of Sir Hyde |
Parker was omitted by th? impartial tlal's !
ot our ephemeral politicians, is -.hat tbe ad
roiral had the misfortune to be born in Eng
land, and is now, unluckily, in the service of
his Britannic Mtjefty. At the name o
Great-Britain every rogue and fool turn:
partiality, and towering independence wit!
old whiggifin and new rhtfdomrmtade, wit!
remember that we are under foine trifling
asliy.tion? to that hateful iHani, whole de~
KrufUon is now lo laudably wifked. W<
have run in debt co her to trie amount o'
millions, or foine such small sum. W<
hrve t-.ken up fame good? her (hop. for
which even philosoj-hirs have for
gotten to pay. Waen wi happen to be in ;
Court of Justice, What of that virtue is me
ted out to us, is borrowed from the flore
, houles of Hale, and of Talbot, and o\
\ Mansfield, and of Kenyon, who, as the de
vis would have it, were ail " to be found ir
the prrcincl" of England. What littlt
j knowledge we have of morals, and litera
| ture and the fine arts we havs derived fron:
Britilh sources. Thence come our style. anc
taste. Even our comtron riewfpaper di&ion
a plague upon the ingratitude of Editors, ii
borrowed trom Sir Roger L'Eftrange, auc
Tom 13'Urley, and the bell men of London
and the loftieft garrets of Grubftreet. Ma
ny of the bibles which we read were publish
ed at the Clwendon press, and if our loving
countryman, the learned Dr. Morse be right
thi-. press isfeftablifhed at place called Oxford
which has a school house, rather larger thar
that of oar Univcrii\y of Cambaide. Se
veral of the altirs, at which we kneel, anc
those which are by far of the mod solid con
ftraftion, and beautiful decorations, an
made from Queen Elizabeth's pattern. Some
scantlings in our political building, and thoft
the most durable and found, were importer
from Great-Britain, and are. to us what th<
.pine of Norway, and the ficmp of St. Pe
terfburjh are to her. LaflTy, with atf 0111
driving to ape the accent of France, we art
Hill Anglo Gr.lilcans and " our sptecb be
traytxb us." We speak English and it i:
our mother tongue.
PORTLAND, Nbvember it.
Capt. Blake, in a fchoowr belortging to
this has been captured by a French priva
teer, and sent into a French port on the
main. His mate, Mr. Strphen Pottkr,
was inhumanly murdered by the savage ar.d
blood-thirsty captors,, Ivlr. Potter has left
a difeonfolate family, in this town, to la
ment his unhappy death.
NEW-YORK, November »i.
On Wednesday evening last, departed this
life, in a fit of apoplexy, G'JLian Ver
planck, Esq. PrcGdent of the Ba .k of
Yesterday the trial of David Frothingham,
came on before the Supreme Court, now
fitting in this city, for publishing a libel
again ft A. Hamilton, Esq. He was found
guilty by the jury.
From \be Oracle of Datpbtn,
MR Wyith,
Please to publish the following and oblige
one of your fubferibfrrs.
Ex*raft from the Spe'ech of Citizen Sieyes,
Prelident of the Executive Directory, on
the celebration of the anniversary of Au
gujt 10.
" Beware of considering as republicans
ttooie who hare fcen in the overthrow of
the throne, not the means of establishing a
npw government dcfiredby the nation, but
the right qf overturning at all times every
thing that may be an obstacle to their pri
vate ambition. Thbfe who beli*\e that to
efUblilli is always bVfe, to destroy always a
glory : who being inveterate enemies of
every thing that is order, or which has the
appearance of order, with to govern by noise
and not by the laws, who would tear to
pieces with their own hands the government
they had themselves formed, because a go- 1
vernment, were it their own work, could
never according totlieir fatiffatt
ion, all the plans of their ambition, all the
dreams of their madsefs ! No, these are not
republicans ! those who cannut resolve to
forgive the oldest and mo ft incorruptible
■friends of liberty ; who insult them even in
proportion to the confidence with which they
are honoured by the nation, of the services
they have performed. Conquerors of the
23d Thermidor (August 10) you to whom
the congratulations of this day are addrefled,
you vourfelves have not been able to escape.
These calumniators attack every oive who
has acquirfd a name.; tb?Y wifb to tarrnfh
tvciy glory.
i Th'-fc are net Republicans whole f rv... ( __ t ,i,ain Cufhing rf Tli.lad?'-'
f»u!s cannot cjncrive that the founders of phia, under adjudication, and leveral others
l.berty and the Republic are republicans ; not recolle&ed, but none belonging to 8..1*
who repeating the delirious in(tilts of the timorej '1 he aftive was kound from sf. v
fame Court wlucn the roth of Anguft re- Orleans, to Baltimore, butcaptuted oij-.the
versed, and wh:r!i they avciigp, ii. cc ti.vy | 13th September, and cariied into Nrwipn
beconie its imit it«>rs., Hill endeavour to im j vide nee, where part of her cargo was cou
pute-to them, ah the obj-ft :»f their I'rc.ret ; drmned under suspicion -t?f being Spanidf.
wi(hes. I know not what phantom .of a | Captain Palmer had iikewife a number of
King led round in turn to all those whom . letters broke open,, which- he has lodged in
they with to destroy. Frantic detrattofs of- - the.pcft office here. Spoke the frigate Con*
I hypocrite<;, who shutting their eyes againlt ; ftellatwn, rVpt. Barron, in. 22 fathom wa«
! all evidence, pei fill to be ignora;it>that the ! ter, and a ftiip ofT .the tapv, from New*
man above ail itoft frequently attacked by | Bedford to Norfolk.
this absurd accusation, have a thotlland I Schooner Buckftcin, captain Reynolds, i 3
times, and at the very beginning of the Re- ! days from Peit Republican. N ov -4i in the
volution manitefled their ardent that ' bite of Leogane, ipoke the' United States
the man, whom I will not even name, had brig Norfolk, on a cruise. Fell in with two
always remained, he and his agents, in the French fiigates bound to the Capi.
ranks of the enemies, in (lead of carrying Sailed in company with the following veffcis;
uneasiness, mistrust, and danger into ours. Ship Orono, Stites", Philadelphia
No ! Those men are not Republicans, who, Roebuck, ——, do.
through the disguise of their demagogical Brig Ranger, , / do.
language discover their (hametul predile&ion i Schooner Mille, —, doi
for Royal superstitions, and every instant 1 Belinda, Henderlbn, North Carolina,
seem to tell you that fmce they have track- i
ed Kings, they tan with more jullice attack
the Magistrates of the People.—No ! these
men are not Republicans, who cat) perform
no other part but that of ccllertirig', inflam
ing, and exciting dilconteius against the
eftablilhed order ; those men, who in for
mer times thought it peceffary and proper to
punifli with death all those who durll ven
ture not to be content ; those men who would
consider peace as an evil, who would regret
victory, who calculate upon our difaflers as
the means of increasing their influence ;
those men wfio repose their hopes upon in
ternal didr&clion enjoy no happiness but in
animosities. '1 hey denounce withaudacity
before the multitude, but flirink back when
they are called upon to sign the denuncia
tion. they exclaim
again ft the salutary delays which the law
perfcribcs both to save innocence, and to
tend "iVith more certainty to reack the guil
ty. Those men are not Republicans, who
by the frantic violence of their provocatiens,
strike dismay to the hearts of the sober citi
zens, who dry up the sources of public
wealth, give a mortal wound to credit, anni
hilate commerce, and paralife all industry.
Who incessantly {jpeafc of our calamities, and
yet at their caprice, increase the number of
the wretched, call themselves the friends of
the People and only exasperate in fit ad of
serving them ; influence each other against
the foreign enemy, firmly determined, how
ever not to expose themselves in the com
[Though the preceedingextraft contains
little more than the substance of what has
been a thousand times said in this country,
y«t at it comes from the highest authority,
from no less than the PreGdent of the Ex
ecutive Direftory, it is presumed it will be
listened to by the republicans. I know
they.wiil exclaim that they have no refpeft
for (he French, and (hat they detrft them
even more than the Federalists do. B«t
let them fay what they please, hail is not
mow surely engendered by cold, nor the
hydrophobia produced by thr bite of a mad
dog, than is the present spirit of discontent
and disorganization produced by the revolu
tionary pr.nciples of France. To convince
them that I Sim right, and that they are in
fe&ed with this distemper, let the excluCve
repulicans lay their hands upon their hearts,
and alk themselves tbefe quefiiona, vis Wtie
ther if Mr. Jefferfon were President iflrtead
of Mr. Adams, and our messengers of peace
to tngl?ri<i hjd been treated as wire our
■ envoys to France—whether if the aliens who
; come among us were generally torics, (t'o
I use a favorite expefiiori . f thci s) in (lead of
, Jacob ns, ai><i i( the ledition so plentifully
J difleminated among us, was direfted . gainst
I the £>ure administration of Mr. Jtffcrfon, in
! (lead of the corrupt one rt Mr. Adams ?
I fay. I t them alk thcn>felv:s, whether a
ftarding army in time of peace* would in
that cafe be really such a hug bear as it
now appear? to their frigh'ed imaginations ?
Whether the alien and ledition laws would
I appear in the fame hideous deformity they
du at present ?and whether the Ha rp a",
the house tax. the window taxi the horse
tax, the en t tax, the ]-leugh tax, &c. &c. f
would be such monstrous evih and violations
of the constitution as they have reprefeuted
them to be ?
Bjt to return to citizens Sieyes—it must
be admitted that he harrangues very pathe
tically ; but the citixen is comparatively
but a young Republican, and unacquainted
with the intffica y of political preachments.
Some of us Americans coald tell him a fe
creat, vix: that he might as well " keep
his breath to eool his porridge," and that
like the men who cut short a teJous cere
monial, by declaring that " wherever he
fat was the head of the ta' le," he may de
pend upon it, that if the fatlion ke repro
bates (liould be able t6 out number his own,
the true Republicans will they b*, even
though h« should prove them scoundrels to
their own, and the universal fatisfa&ion.}
* This ftapding army in time of peace, is mere
ly a temporary one, oa th» appearance of war.
' f Th» good Republican* WiU -not forg« ■ the
h«i>4 kill Itrtwmn they p<-.trtutically apprized tfetir
fcllow««iliS(B> of rtiefe uiti.
(®f#ette £@attnt Hilt.
Port of Philadelphia.
s«hr. Ler.nder, Nichnls, Beftoo
Karkqu\n, Viii'.pe-*.', New Yerk
Beifey. Gr;iy, do.
Sloop Ind'.iltry, Dr: rr,
Work, Bcfion
Haiti ;riore, fflX'Ctnicr 21,
Arrived, Giptain P.ilmer, |
10 days' from N. P. I,tft there, I
YcfWcfay arrived here the ship Eliza, rapt.
Robinion, from New Jtaftfr, I Hand of Cu
ba, in si days. Coffte, fug3.f,
and, hides, to Th. Brower.
Ship Eliza, M. Robhifon, Cuba ; fchr.
Profperitv, Kelly, Hallifax.
Sclir. Harmopy is taken and carried into
Brig Columbus faifel.frfcjti ifcc BsiKitflo*
thu port the i jth Oftrf*<?<Y.,
tSfr'a*" i ll
Philadelphia, NOV»MBRR IX.
Sis per Cent. 11-Jo to IO
Three per Cent. r. f
Deferred & per Cent. j.yy to 9
8 per Cent Stock—fuided—lntertll from ift OS.
15 per Cent, advance.
Do Scrip with four lad payments, pet advance,
B \NK. United States, as to 11 -*
Pennfylvania, 14 /
; — North America, 50 J. 4
lnfuran«e comp. N. A. Clares 15
• Pennsylvania, {hare's, 18 J "
East-India Company ot N. A. par.
Land Warrants, ,10 doll., per 100 acres.
On London, 51 at 30 days
50 at 6c a 90 days
Amsterdam, 35 37 a-ioopcr florin
Hamburgh 30 23 a-roo per M*rlc Sanco.
Legionary Ordert.
'J'HE firfl and second troops of horse the fcconA
company of rifle men (commanded by C»pt.
Coyla) the artillery, grenadier' and infantry in
the city, are ordered to parade at the Maa<ge ii
Chefnut flreet, oh TUESD the »6th inft. at
half pad two o'clock, PM. completely equipped.
By order oPßrigadier Oeneral Macphurfori.
JOHN M'CAULEY, Adjutant.
November »i.
N.B. Should the day prorc Vet and unfavora
ble, the parade will be poftpoaed until further
i " JO
Ricketts's Circus.
THIS EVENING (Saturday) Not. 13.
Tn addition to a great variety ot' other Perform'
will be introduced
Ladies and Gentlemen wishing to fee the Racss,
are requested to come,early, as the pfrform*
ances will commence with ths Pony Races,
on real imported Ponies, and infant Rider*. men inclining to 6et t
May do it with the greatefi fsfety, as no jctk*
eying will be allowed.
Mtrjis Nunistt Cvler of Riders•
Boxer, Buff,
Highflyer, R e d,
Gin Crack, ; N ft ips.
To conclude with
A Nciv Pantomime, called
The Two Robbers.
The Pantomime to conclude -with
A Dance.
Dortrs to open at 6 o'clock and the perform*
aura to beuin Jirceifcly at 7, every evening until
ftirtht 1 not ire. Tickets to be had at the Cir
cus. Box, one Dollar ; Pit, Half a Dollar.
THE Subscribers hivinp been appointed bv
the Su
pieme Court of Pennfvivania, Iruf
ters to the estate of GEORGE B.' DAWSON#
all perfotis indebted thereto are desired to make
pavment, and the creditors ar« requested to fur
nifli thi-ir accousts properly authenticated to
and > Trufleei.
November <j lTn
: - \ i
STR.A YEDfroni Ccrmanfown xm tat
»,y«>ng POINTER IK>Q; «bo« fct «oocth«
VM, Bis body wfcite. JnrerfpedW wit!) gmYMttjt-*
>« cm of * dark fiver M*ckj
i Jug* tak spot i»
dew claw*—his nußei r .BßU4& wjft
-return the f»id doj to Mr. Cltttrt J»» Sfouihwatir,
or to the Office of C«teitc &*;rb« haa<3foiiic
lf rewwdad. ■ '
November »j
Strayed or Stolen,
ONtl* niplir »f the 21.1 ifft. frrm the ?faMe
of the hubfcriher, a Dsrk Eny ft arte, bUtl
marsanrf tail, sine years oM, fil'u r *ud an hctf
h*acf hiifh. Whoever deliver* fair Horse to .!.«
fufcfonbtr will l,e eencrcuflv rewar f-d.
November *, <<t
Proper for shecxhing vessels, and for
n. few Grates Gliifs Yvare, aborted
« '*, k
v...' -■ -X?
New-Ye fit September 22.
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