Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 19, 1799, Image 3

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    f. • - .• ■ ■
v&ltlßtarn'y. Buonaojrte nearly loft his life | troops of tlie Palatk-ate, Bamberg, the re- On Friday lad the Pririeefs of Halu-nlehe nvw's from 5?. Kitts, the coj»ir,;v..c: rof j MA M'COKNELL
in aninhir.vaio.lnt Gaza. The troops he gimertt of the circle of <hc upper Rhine, and suite arrivel here. and alighted at tin- which acqi> ..a: -d American consul, that | gptJ . cd e „ o f, ce ; :l Ursa.*■ sir ut,
had with him in that place amounted only and the contingents of Frankfort. General Hotel de Bologw. r«is morning the doors ted Static !»ng I'ICkERING, heat. j ( A few doori above Fourth)
to 2800 men Sztarray advances by forced marches tore- of her ajwrtmeutvwere tound open, the bed' Hyllicr, of 14 lottr. pounders, Imfi, after a , •
The 5 m-V-v of the Emperor of Ruffiato live the fortreh Much depends upon the of the Princefj and the floor of her bed-room battle of nine hours, captured .and carried p . '
is not to take place, but the Em- poffeflion of it in the prjent campaign. It ttained with hlooi, and neither Use, nor her into St. Jtkts, the French privateer I /YND agatn commenced the of N.--
press is expe&ed here, at the nuptials of the is Well provided with barracks and artillery, jewels ,r,ne v , cl.fvsand other efFecls to Schooner Le Connor d' Egypt mooting * >t.,c
V,„j Princ-fs and will remain here du- The Ele&or <»f Mentz has informed Ba- be found, None ot ner lervanu oreqaipage eight muss, and ux l»x pounders, with 200 J s
•tb- winter ' ron Atbiai, that he inte ,ds to defray the a* miffin?. H.vfemen have been difpatch-. men. The aftion was severe, and was |. £ Wg«> do evepr ,u
g ' experce. of arming the inhabitants out of el in diff.-rent diu-c.i on s, and every body is fought off Guadeloupe about the Bth of ° nd .
FRONTIERS OF ITALY, Sept. 2. his priva-e purse. anxious to unriddle this myftenoos circom- Oftoj.-r, from> whence the . renchinao waa aftioo l , lhf and Common line, i,
Th* counter-order* which gen. Kray has ' Yelterday general Baraquay d'Hilliers stance. lent to .lake the Pickering. --apt. Bryapt f BC h bufiaels, as is coinamom to the profeffiufl.
fuddenlv received not to proceed to Swit- returned to Mentz. The other part of the does not recolleft what Us ct men the vei- The pur chafe.and sale. of Hcu/es and Lots i«
rerland were niven in confeqtience of the Frankfort arflny is ftil! in the plains of the HAMBURG, September 1;. sustained , but tue was considered afld near th{ . Clty w);( be altenc < £< j ~ f a „d a U<O
new arrangement, according to which the Neckar, extends to Bruchfal, and efti It fee 111s both parties in Holland, notwith- ** htJi:r "' ilble t0 th ' { A n ' erlca " r ' . 0/Lands, when that bafinefs again reviv.
army of Italv >6 to consist Entirely of Im- mated at 20,000 men and an a£t:on is loon theirputitical principles, havs one ——— —— : November 19. d*w
serial troops ; that of Switzerland will be expefted to take place between them and a)M J the lame ofaeft in view, viz—felf inter- til ILlfl r ~ ~~ Z • '
cooipofe iof Ruffiara and troops in the pay the Auftriana. The head quarters of the eft> All ;
ncrcdtble number of Dutchmen
of England. Archduke were at Donauefchingcn, on the are arrived 111 Hamburg wrthin this last fort- _ fdl7J /L' No. 8 Chesr.ut Street,
The death of the Pope is universally la- 4111 inft. night, loaded with specie, to purchalegoods.
I ort of Philadelphia. p ESPECTFULLY informs hi. Irisnds and the
mented, and hi* obsequies will be observed —By theft means, they not only secure their November 18. IV public,'that he his received by the lare ar
throughout Italy with the greatest folem- PARIS, September 10. money from falling into the hands of the in- ARRIVED di s r ,' vals frola Eur<) F <: '» addition ts hi> farmer
nity. According to law, the Conclav, mull Qn lhc th of August, the body of vade«, but prepare themlelves to take ad- Bri AmiabL Creol j fl'r nf Cnnde
commence 011 tie I lib day. Cardials p p; us V I. being embalmed and cloath- vantage of the d.ftrels which their markets - 'p. &Ma ' Bnwha.iu Norfolkfi A tMptCte Ajjotimcnt Oj ifOOdt,
Gerdil, Zelada, and Mattel have no great fd ; , ifica i vellmems., was placed in. at »ome mull soon experience, let matters ter- p ' t " 71 C. Francois i< «f«ch are nev o,euin g , suitable tor the approach
hopes It, fiu-cced to the papal; digmtv. It c.ffin, which the centra! adminiftra- nunate how they may. Schr. Antelope, Combs, New York 7 s
ia generally bthevrdthai Gardinalß tion of t t, e department of the Drome, the
be clcflcd : Ue has jull altered bis 55th SpanJ(h envoy and the Bishop of Cor nib morning two Enghd. ofiicen arrived London ' H Uotf,s and Cu uiriercs,
year, the age required oy la w. Ihe Col- f a , ed T ill further orders, the coffin is to !'f re f |om Holland, i hey lett the 1 exel on Dependence, Arnold, N. Orleans 28 nnlkd Drab Cloths,
lege of Cardinals is greatly only r#ma ; n at Valence. } uclda >' thecngagement A^iab l e Creole, cptain £1- J m ' '
one third of them being in Italy and on the T , je Venetianß belieVe that the conclave the Engl.fl, nnd Bauvtao armies bad , . £ Hamburgh, the 18th f f"' a P a T"' fl •
frontiers. for the eledion of a new Pope will be held commenced. Ate w Kngl.fl, m.leatrom the On the alftTin the Elbe, fpoff Swanldowns a ß d
—, a in their city, and that from twen yto five the V me, the Rnffian fleet ot tranlports, J■ Favourite, of^-York, bom,3 af?or , te f d C 0, °"' . .
FLORENCE, At,gua 3'. and twenty cardinals will- eaffembicd there, with 9000 .tr:,op» the pilots to Hamburgh ithe »ue, green, wlrte and fpott.d Bockmgs,
The city of Civita CalMlana, ,n the Ec. ~t wag r ted at Berli , ooth e 28th of them into the lopl. lt was sup- V , * Philadelphia : ® lnC , and ,
clefiaftical fta.e., surrendered on the 25 h A ft that lhe Ring of Prussia is at this Pf c ' were the l«ondd.v,6p„ from El- T > | ranUli „, ca \ nain Scarlet, white, red and yellow Flannel?,
inft. to the Itupev a', colonel Grudemz j the dol cvery tbi in hi 3 powcr t0 fmeur and tha: the firft had foiled lor \ ar- ufO J da Velvets, 1 h.ckfets, Ccraaroys, and fancy
French garrif n were_made prisoners of 4 ; ate peace . mcutll. The (hip Amiable, capt. Tillinghaft, to . nrdl ,
war. The citadel of Prrng.a ha. likewise | t is (aid in our papers , that, 30,000 hit fe .. . 'j n# r Striped elafttt Cloths and Coatings,
capiulated. A confide table quanL.ty of men j()ined Maffena'a army, it now i » r "VHI at the Holder, went on board of ieve- .J ~ pi] to faH in l 4 Marfedles Wa.ttcoat.ngs
Artillery, and provihons for two months, confiftj O f loo , ooo men , and the news of a| nl Ju sf wa J» « nd between 3 and P Mens' and Womens'fine worsted Hose,
were found in the Tatter p.ace terribU and deeifive battle is expefted every off^d . u > The brig Sea Nymph,capt. Green, to fail, ° o ' , do * wcrfted Gloves.and Mas.
In the different forts of the gulph. of moment r on {>•.>;•;•: tlry were accordingly WJed on * *»• Mens'Socks,
Spezzia, the Imperialills found .47 The Spanilh (hips of war at Rochefort are . C . h ; ,ihhd f J/ ordt "' r ot The following is a lift of vefTels arrived at Calimancoes, Du rants & Joans Spinnings,
of cannon, and made 1400 prisoners. Of a< . d at Brest . so me (hip, have foiled to '»*? ff™" 1 S ,^ fed ™ Hamburgh from the United States. 6 bal " of , R " fe •® ,ank , els .' con.pletely al
limilar importance ,s, however, the capture aecftropany ,h cm , and whole combined a " \"= Dja.i_fl r t Udeo on the w. 2 . Sally, Bickford, from Boston Sorted, by the bale, &c. &c.
as 4 French m that gulph laden with fl<et in cafe 0 f need, to pro- Ip ! h w ' tha r^!r *° r S >™- P Marv, Pollard, N. York ■ Nov - 6:
Italian treasures, which want of time would te a their entrance into the port. M. de.• *5 A Ur " 't, at any .ate, for the prihee Maryland, M'Dermott, Baltimore FOR BALTIMORE
not allow the French to carry off Gravina. in cafe of any operation, " to.
The Neopol.tan army is now ftylrcUhe havff the coWnd I ° f .Ti" * 7. Huron, Pe«rs, Gharlefton Mfc Fatt-failing Schooner
Chrifttun army. It is commanded by Gen. The body of general Joubert was brought ' ..j, i * ' L K 0 ' e 7. Providence, Gardner, N.York oat T V
I. B. Rod.o, under Cardinal Raffo.; Toulon on the 27th of August. En jdh force efomated at between 13 Nancy, Robbins, Charleston pPT _ TT , nc n
Ron,, is not yet in the hand, of the alius Tfa Bo udet, Paftod, Morlant, 4 \ d .9'°°? . roe ? ,° nl >' vho ™ hw " r ' b y Friendlhip, Harnefen, N, York *sS=ti2 PELEI lAH BRIGGS, Mafler.
-r* Has hre n rennrtcd According to official ir j jo* a,i aA' ♦ ' this time joined by 9000 RaffiauSj tho nvil t , • U J T/1 A good* Krot.g Virile!, a confides bl part of her
Lounttfromßodio of the .Ith of Au- Vanda ®°; e . s i, " d S,men / » n f the d J u » a « th,t arrived on the Dutch coast. 2"T g$ Mand ' eargo engaged, and will fail in fix
- For Freight or Passage apply to the Captain
gttlt, i rarcate was isitcn ay nv 1 " 1 * v " land. i t- *•<% * y i • r - r on board, at Oicfuut irre<?t wharf, or to
the ,oth. at day break, fay these accounti, The card; „ a!s A!b ; nit Maury and Raffo> the volunteer their ferv.css for November to. ' WILLIS St YARDSLEY.
we could hear the difttirbancc in the llreets are tbe principal candidates for the Papal e P ll ce o '' ln o-' ARRIVED nth Month, 18. \it
of Rome. Our troops advanced to the cba ; r nnr f <Trr 7v • Eliza, Ladd, from London—Sailed
gates of that city, but were received with In t | ie Council of Five Hundred, Talot KULHtLLJi, September a. 6th Sept. in company with the following SIXTY DOLLARS REWARD,
such a terrible cannonade, that they were made y e (t erda y a re p ort on the meiancholy j The trmbks expefled to break out ill the vefals, under convoy of the Andromache
obliged to retreat for the present. ihe si tuation 0 f ,h e depa , tmeßts of the Weft,— neighboring department cat,fe a national stag- frigate—viz. ' /"vN Thursday, lid October, dsferted from the
French general of division, Cornier, com- They are a prey to affaffiaationrandrobbe- nation ottthe markets. The combined fleet Ship Mine,-va of Charleston, LJ «n.ampment, ne»r Bristol, Penofylvanii,
mands in the city. After the above attack, The Chouanj are once more organised. ' n under orders to fail: it is provi- Jane, do. HENRY WEST, an etilifted Musician, belonging
cur troops retreated about 6 miles, when tbe 'put-Chafers of the national property, the fioßid tor three months. Mary, do. t0 company of' Captain Matthew Henry of the
they were attacked by the .r.hom de^d ers of the count: y. the ] Warren, Norfolk
they drove back within the city of Rome. on aries, the citizens noted for their attach- DAN! Zl'j, August 27. , Hope, N. London,T fair complexion, born in the co«ity of Tyrone,
Gen. Rodio has addreikd a proclamation Q , ent t0 the republic, are daily robbed and 1 The late rife in tire price of wheat was Aftive, Baltimore, VFor N. T. Ireland, he is a little stoop shouldered and Ipeaks
to the inhabitants of Rome, in which he a ff a ffi lla ted.—After having drawn a pifture occalioned by the considerable orders from Manilla, J in a low tone of voice.
reprcfent# to them their dreadful fitsalion. of thf }, orrerß comlt ,i t ted in the depart- England. There are more than 1090 lads Parted with ths convoy the 7th inft. in . _ °' .
He calls upon them U.furrendcr, offers tbem mentß , the report exclaimed : How long already purchased, at from 540 to per lat - 3.2, °o,^long. 73, 00. on Saturday, »6th October, four privates,
an amneity, and .nfacn\« them that his re p U blicans will you fuffer yourfclves to be last. Ships \ v oodi up Sims, Hogdon, and JOHN DENNIS, aged 34, j feet 8 inches high,
troop*. 011 their entry into I\ome will we<»r ' Fly to arms, form your battal- —»» , Wafbington, Williantlon, for this port, were born in New York, grey eves, brown hair, brown
acrofsonthe right lide of their hats, ami j; ons ; „o composition i< to be made with » r/lm ;l, jec.*. to fail from London, about the 10th Sept. complexion, was much addiAed to liquor, and
on the left the red Neapolitan cockade. the ruffians, who murder their fellow citi- ' JP 4 " Same day ar,ived brig Polly, Jones, Cape when intoxicated yery talkative. SOLOMON
According to th- capitulation of Capua ztn , they defcrve lc , a l; at ,on.— Brave the " Acco.tiuig-to authentic accounts from Francois, 16 dayr. SMITH, aged 37, 5 inches b, £ h, born in
and Gaeta, which is now published, both i Q f a l cnce 0 f t |, e roYa lilU whocrv out asainft Col of the id July, Buouaparte . . p , . New-lork, grey brown hair, lair com
thefe fort relics furrendererl to the a med ,7 r „ r 'Vermes his mistortu.ies, in the two bloody Ih e following Philadelphia veifels were left ple*.«», a offender, this beuigh,, third
I. r* .1 fr /r terror, and cairy death into thtir ranks. • / at Choc Francois, the ad inft. desertion. SIMEON DUN, aged ai -jfars, and
Ncopolita s. Capua was taken pofitflion The reporter proposed die raifmg of a " n f ' circumftancc that Biitr Lark Hamraond 6 months, 5 test 5 incheshigh, borti in New-Jcr
of by Enghfh grenadiers. Capt. Trow- French legion in each of the departments of tlc from MoAnt e ianon, whom Neu'tune Snfforf fey, grey eyes, fair hair, bronn complexion,
bridge commanded the beluging corps of she Maine and Loi San he, Mayenne, Buonnparte bad brought over to Ins party by Lovelv Lass P-vn'olds CHARLES Mc. LEY, ,ged 165 f«, 6 inchc.
Engiifh, Ne poKtan, Ruffian and Turkilh l ower I oire Isle and Vilaine Morhihan '"«ns ot man,teltoes, and who were to have Lais, tuyno as, high, born m fctland, «ey eyw,black hair,dark
• v lower uoire, uie ana viuine ' i" or Oinan, | • Sloop Sally and Kitty, Glover, complexion—he is supposed to be in Norriftown,
troops. a "d Orne. They (hall he composed of the j •» v . h ' to fail in 7or 8 days. or its neighbourhood— it is not known what
inhabitants of the country, the age of fne rea, \ Jr i'y r:i u r ° lat(; ' : I / n , v "' 1 I 7 clothing they had when th.y deferred ; but the
From the Vistula, September 10. 18 :-Their deltination fitall be to combat-! ?® tC l Un, 4( Lolo " e } Laz:roni (the standard in _ p. ] probability i, ihat they have changed their mili.
His im, trial o' Russia has raised Chouans, in the interior of those de- j hand > inet *>> u£dtl J : k™? attempted KickettS S LireUS. j tary habits-Alfo
riis imperial m u o. K.uuia nas railed , Buonaparte, at the nead of his infantry, to j Defined Irom the encampment near Briftol,on
field marlhal count .Suwarrow to the digri- " a " ■ *-• un « r «7P , e. ke w ( t^r . he
.was wou.ided, ' ATR KICKETTS refpcafully informs the Tudds J the 3th OSobcr, PETER ANDREW'S,
ty of 3 prince of the empire,fumamed «the text, be feni to the fron.iers The urn of u , d hav£ M and Gentlemen o/Philadelphia by trade a Shoemaker, belonging; to the con pany
Italian." The following is the imperial 683,000 iivres shall be granted to tin mi Kenc ' ra i Grofsler with a trdfcp o + 'liorfe a«d its vicinity, that of the subkriber, torn in Philadelphia, aged 33,
r4l ,v, < u. oilter of war, for each legion. Adopted. genera, oroisitr, w,.n a aocp o. nor U, ... ' J feet 8 inches high, fallow complexion, hght
*D * . r»1 c i\rr n -fr made a fkilful manceuvre oy attacking" the lit uAI open pis Circxs on Thursday) eyes, brown hair, with a mixture of grey, muck
" Toperpetnautothereir.otea poftenty In the natnc ef the Commission, Turks in the rear. At ti.e fame time, wht-n November 21. fubjett to intoxication and ex'remely paffionatc.
tbe memory of the atchievements of our ge- Lacnee p opoled a projett, tending to en- Buonaparte was rallying -his iwfatitiy, the The* Evening's Entertainment will commence wh o"«'' Ihall take up the a-ove .fefertars and
oeral field marshal Suwarrow Rymniflcy, able tne Direaory to arm the auxiliary bat- Chief of Ei Gen. Murhavd, adv .nctd with surprising Feats of lodge thetn a, any jail so that their officers may
wh,., ,heh„d of «, .iayiou, «.»%- Je ,HORSEMANSHIP.
and those of the emperor of Germany has. -^, lba of the French wrritorv the Tuftj, I Ins gave Juonaparte and Tenth flreets, Ihall receive the above reward
within 4 months delivered all Italy from iu. ot V l ' \ ,en ® h ,tor 3 time to retreat. The Drcles, arriving toe Orouild and Lofty Tumbling, and for either of them a proportionate reward »f
impiou,coq U eror 6 " cnio.ned, the decade following the la te „ returned t 9 the nSi.nm, 5) and Buona- V n.hnur D„„rh,a « c, „ ten dollars and all reasonable a xpencc.
and *»-g've a mark of Fixation of the present law, to make a wa , forc , dto qßlt s infteadof siting, Da?icmg t Smging, Wc. Vc. BENJAMIN GIBBS, jon.
- . our bvfore the whole world, we desUiation to the Municipality ot the place c .onque(ls, to think of his' flight and firfctv To conclude with Captain, lotbU. States Regiment Infantry.
have confeired on him, the general field mar- ot his abode, of ch* ammunition, powder, as he could no longer confide in the Alibi' A New Pantomime, called novemher n. diw.
(Hal count Suwarrow Rymniflcy, the high muilcets, and other arm. which he polkffes. am} had hard|y 300Q of h ; s ar THE VALIANT SOLDIERS' 77T T f
dignity of prince of the Ruffian empire, cafe of a non-declaration, or a fclfe remaining, which, on his arrival in Sy.ia, » ' og , iwenty IJollars Reward,
with the title, the Italian. It is our plea- declaration, the delinquent fhail be punilhed conlifted of 30,000 men." ( ' Thf Tw R hi" AN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in Yorlc
sure that the dignity be hereditary to all by the confiscation of the obiefts fcund, and n. M i , „ , 1 0 " County,a negro man, named ISAAC, othea
his successors, male and female, and that tttire months iinprifonment at least, and fix d 't' P ro ,P ert J
ht be, and Bgn h,'mM(_Tlit Italian princt, at m«. fhlaidfbuNumber ,9. JDam .
count Su-wartow Rymnifky. Lerointe-Pujrravesu opposed this pr«jcd Capt. John Mullowny, late of the Hon- Doors to open at 6 o'clock and the perform- in them than common, by trsde a F*rgeman ; had
Signed PAUL. byobferving, how dangerous the execution uzuma, is to take command of the Ganges. J nc « to . heR ! n 7. every evening until on and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth
Pawlowfki, August 8, 1798. of it would be in the departments of the weft, ° * notice. Tickets be had at the Cir- coat, almost new, a iailors jacket and pantaloons f
- where there are few latffe communes, and Cant. Timrev. it. U (ViA. U DoIU '" ; P "' HalfaDolUr. onnced fancy cord, a fwanfdown striped under
r -. • & r n >r l l ,r,. L jLi-111 n- r , < t ■ • com nana _________ ;cket; a reruns hat; one fine and one coarse
Hiamrjefty of Russia has been pleased to the mast. oi the inhabitants are dilperftd in the new Frigate of 44 guns building at New- OX BEEF (hir " <>»« muslin handkerchief, fpriggtd, two
grant to the vice-chancellor, count Kotf- a multitude of fniall commmvs and initiated York. f . ' ditto striped border, a blue under jacket
cbuby, at his own rcqueft, his dismission, habitations; the good icpublicafls will make - Ot le irft quality, and fit to, India voyages, two pcir cotton ftcckings. Whoever takes up
and to appoint in his room count Panin, a their declaration, and thereby remain exno- It is contemplated, to launch the City of F<>R SALK ' linJ negto.and lodges him in any jail ,n this or any
nephew ot the celebrated Ruffian prime mi- fed, defeucelfes to the attacks of the Chou- Philadelphia,* u Saturdav wee!-. " ' By WILLIAM SHEAFF, 01 the neigsbouring ftatc» (hall have the above «-
• A xt'i • r •r1 V» • ■ . _ _ . ' ward or reasonable expencesif brought home,
miter, count Nikita lwanowitlch ranin. ans. No. 168 High Street. ]OHN
Prince Gartorysky is appoited minister The FienCh have entered Raftadt and Ba- Yene,day arrived the «oop Dependence, November 19 ' d 6. Sprin- Forge Oftober-j'i 799
to the court cf Sardinia den. [Am, des Loik ] captain Arnold, in 29 daya from N«v Or- N. B. a. said negro formerly lived in Chester
A levy 01 recruits has bctn ordered in the Aft>*r the battle of Novi on the tctli of J eaiis * 011 " iS was boarded by a Pio- -* 0 °e bold, Cb^ap y county, it probable he may return there.
Ruffian empire, at the rate of one mar. out August, Field Marshal Suwarrow emoraced v >dence privateer, who after examining his The Time of a young healthy November 5
of 350, which is lefa than that of laltyear, Gen . Mclas 01l the ficlt i of battle < ahd> be . papeVs, fuffered him to pass. Nero Girl ■ ■ ■ ■
»<Uen one out of 250 was drawn. fore the whole army, called him thereon- - Who h„ eight veafs to fervc. She can cook D °U-ARS REWARD.
• c'lieror ot Novi« the 22d of September, a lioyal fali'te nnri 9n winHs Ka c l-
LINDAU, September ' A decree has been publilhed at Milan, ac- was fi,ed b y the Brit,n > "«n of war at Crux- & For ,„ ms> apply"«" No! m Chefnut R A r N , A VV ft °" f ß " ur< r 1 e . ven! "g' he r 3th
We are this moment informed that the cording- to which all those who tuv e loft bavtn '< supposed to be on account of the ftrrtt. T , y ,n t n » c "jj br °ok Furna&e,
I right wing of the French army, under gen- their estates under the democratic govern- 'ate success of the Britlfh arm,- in Hslland, November 19, 1799. d s t "r"'
ral Maffena, has attacked the army under mC ne, are to have them restored, the, rhey in the Eaft-lndies. —— V en black,^down"
general Hotze in different points, and dnv- might have pafled into other hands. , LET, ill look, (quints, he is a cunnini; artful fellow, /
en it fmm the canton of Glarus. The in- ccttfcquence of an order, of the jath . A was fou S ht on Sunday afternoon THE HOUSE a grea, liar, and very fond of flrong liquor'
habitants of that canton fought btavely for ult _ t ; w of t he stilie-s of the ' between lhe lieutenant of the Gan- fl s , 9 South Water Sthet. has been brought up to the farming bufinels, is
the Aurtrian«, and loft a grtat number of p'u v i 2 ' n ut ch G.noefe Gi nevi-G- K es ' ani the lieuten ant of nierines, in which M . r very handy at any kind ot laboring work ;he
me». The particulars are expeacd. a'nd Swifc whoA? cantonsa« tUe forraer receivfd > dangerous wound. * JOHN CLARK. SSSSiHSI
„ . . occupied by the trench, have been confifca-; »-.<».PUUdclphia, AW. i 3. «tf money). It is expefltd he has shaped Ws course
rrom the Mayn. oept. 10. ted in Tufcany. Should any of the inhabit-' November 13. ~~
No fears are entrrtained for the fortrefs ants of Tufcany conceal such effe&s. they ' Ciat. Bryan, who arrived here veflerdav A ZZZ'jr Jwt '° Eftat n Rac!> . el The above reward will be paid for fc.
jifPhilfplburg, it being commanded by the are to be imprifor.ed, ar fin»d to the amount in the fcltooncr Peggy, ih 2 6 days from St. payment. a»d jWon,' h»4|w S^ th
brave count of halm, and having receivedal of double their value. lVntholonews, info, ms—that two diyt be. f***\ will Vr,„g th.m properly atteftedfo with reasonable charge.l if brought home;
ren forcemeut of imperial troops about a A letter fpom Dresden, of the Bth inft. fore he failtd, the United States brits Eagle- JONATHAN JONES, Adm'r. r .., . Pu s ~7a r J
mq: th ago, The gamfoa a!fo contain* Ihtes the fjihwir,giextracrdipiryoccurrence : li«t. .CairpbeU, arrived at St. Bartholo- November 9, ; r99 . 4jw ((SJ) ' dSa