Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, November 13, 1799, Image 2

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    HMhlll Rio Janeiro on the 19th of February, Cape
. *y °f Good Hope on the Bth of April, and
3i tit Cign ' from Mofambique the 3d instant, has
__ had an excellent passage without meeting
P/VUIS, September 3. any (hips, &c. Her cargo confitb of dif-
The follo\v:nparticulars ot the lift aAi- ereot Lifton and Port Wine«, a small
ons in Switzerland are given as authentic in
the Journal de I\ris.
1 he divifiuh ot the Valais, command-
ed by general 1 hurtau, having under hi,
orders generals Jardon and Jacobin, firft cut
offthe enemy's CO mm unic; lion between liis
manoeuvre of carrying the po(: of Rofenwald.
the camp ef Lax, and ai'cvnced the Rhone
to its fourre. I'his divfion took i.toopri
fawfrs aud 3 cannon.
nerals of Unmade, Gudin, Loifon, and Bai
vin, disposed h's attack in the following
my under general Maflena's eyes, who was
I l ' at tf is attack, and f-k Schwitz.
Gen. Guuin had orders to ascend the valley
of the Air: he carried the pods of the
C.rimfcl, and of Mount la Fourche, with the
fc y >n?r, ard a<terw..ros n arched ag.inft
Urfercn : he took coo prisoners. General
Xotfpn was charged to penetrate into the
valjey of Urferen, bv Wafen.
" A friall fort, covered on the one fide
by the torjent of Meyen, and on the other
by steep rocks, 400 men and 2 !
C.HKicn, shut tiie entrance oo the road, wliic: -
wa? only a foot way. Gen. Loifon for
ced the pillage, t<"ok the two cannon, and
300 prisoners. Another attack was to be
r.iade on the lake of Lucerne and Altorf.
Gen. Lecourbe took charge of it himfelf :
ht; overthrew til* enemy, carried al! his po
-1 on the lake, tock Altorf, then
marched against \\ afen : after having made,
on thispnr.t, h:s ,uni\i.->[i with Gen. LOl
- he pnrfued the enemy as far as the
Devil's Bridge, which he found cut down.
* ' is bridge, when the bri-
/ V.
gade of Gen. Gudin, coming from Urferen,
appeared on the othei border; there tlie
union of the three brigades of that brave di-
Titlon was effefled. L<rtourbe then attack
ed the rnerry who covered the passage into
the Grifon country : he completed his de
feat, and purlued him as far us DifTcntis.
" Ihe division Chabran, commanded by
the general of that name and the generals
Humbert and Laval, whs directed against
the important p< fls of Wolran and Inficd
!sil. Repulsed lVveral times, it at length,
bv a bold manoeuvre, turned the enemy's
lei't flr.nk and tuic-:d him to retreat. A
column ot 2000 Auftrians was cut off alid
taken prifonsrs.
" D' these. operations, the dtvifions
on Zurich- 1 liey carried off from the ene
my his great guards. Finally, the-enemy
thought that our movements on our right
had weakened our left, and in order to at
tach it, he attempted the pa 11 age of the Ahr.
He was repulsed by the sth division of the
army of-the Danube, and some Tyrohans
were taken pnfoners.
" General Oudinot, chief of the ypnera!
ftaff w»» wounded in the flioulder, in the
attach of Schwitz.
"1 be refulti of these glorious a&tons j
have been already publiflied."
The offices of the department of foreign
pfFairs are, it is said, to undergo an entire
o o gre^
BOMBAY, June 29. Tippoo's horse and a body of infantry wit]
On Sunday last arrived the {hip Upton 20 guns, but retreated iuftantly on hearinj
capt. Pavin. from :he Straits of; his mailer's death, which it i» rernarka
Ba' dr.ian.ic-! in 11 days, having left at the , : ?' e was infonred of it on the night en
Ha dos Perim. the ftiips Jahangeet, Her- | suing, viz. the night of the 4th May. Ii
:u'es and St airhole. has been difcovcred by Tippoo's pnp-rs
Letters from Perim if the 9th and nth j political courage which didlated the
inft. mertiop th-'t they had not then fuc- ' ace magnanimous measures, and the fuc
cceded in si.-di g water 011 the itland, al- "Is which has crownetl the l'pleadid atchieve
i.-.d that ihev w-rt flill supplied from the execution of them, have secured the Britifn
Mam with that ceceffary article, which of ! affaits in this country, from intrigues which,
cou:fe was served out in a Rated allowance j under any other circumstances than those of
tn each individual ; the intense heat fubjed- the present brilliant xra, would hive excited
ed them to occasional inconvenience on this great alarm. Circumstanced however as
account, the Thermometer being often at w = are < the perfidious author of all mould
-104, and seldom under 96 in the tents on ering in theduft, all his counfellrrs and ge
ftore . they got no poultry, but goats and nerali led in the captivity, and all the treaf
fheep in ab' ndance altho' dear. ures of his metropolis at he disposal of the
Letters of he 6th June from Mocha are conquerors, this discovery only serves as an
zlfo received by this opportunity, mention- additional juftific tion of the war, which
iogihat they had no late intelligence from 1 was notoriously as just as it was ntceffary
Egypt. The Centurion and Albatross had on the original grounds Hated in the procla
been off Suez in the beginning of May, mation of the right honourable the gover
wh re by the accounts which reached them nor general of the 22d Feoruary last, lf
th French had about 800 men, hut do sued in the Province of Malabar, of which
craft excepting a two masted vessel which a copy is hereunto fubjoioed, as tranferibed
was deitroyed by the Centurion's bats, in from the official document publilhed there
spite of the end avours w! ich the French preparatory to the march of the grand army.
it ZT TV, 3 r W /™ aII boatS ; rm£ M° ° n thc I'th 1 ' th Ma y ' ate Sultan's horses,
prevent t The Centurion armed at Mo- elephants and camels were delivered over in
cha from Su«, last from Juddah on the 6th Purnea . s tent t0 lieutenant co l on c ls Glole
June, and the Albatross was left and Dallas, ard captains Macauly and Mont
oiT Suez The fqjadron are well fupphed gonieryj the(hbk boriemen at / e , din their
with beef, mutton, &c. a dI the natives are new masters, with all fubmiflion and obedi
o al 'PP e ° ra!CC wjUd'ipofed towards the ence ! 3,20 horses were reckoned on this oc
..nghlh. Capt. Wilfonfetoffon the s th cafion, 99 elephants and ,75 camels, and
on an embassy to the Imaun of Senna.— the late i'ulrak's private property ; a body of
11ns gentleman by all accounts from Jaghire horse estimated at 12,000, were or
tnar quarter, in favoar with, the gov- dered to their refpedive villages, where they
cor and ail the great men of Mocha ; remained peaceable fubjeds by the latest ac
and hi hospitality has rendered him very counts, and in all probability will remain so,
popular with the many v.fitors of his own theyare wanted for offenfive ope
naticn, whole eluiv has lately called him to rations by our government,
that place. It was thought that the Leo- Colonel Read, of the Madras eftablifli
card would leave the Red Sea in August, ment, was employed about the middle and
<■ nd proceed to th-s place for repair. The towaids the latter end of May, putting gar-
Eliza of this port arrived at Juddah on the rifcns into Hootindrong, Ortradroog, Saw
: < ; t h May. and Schwagunga ; these were gar-
Un I nuriday the 2*?tn inft. anchor din rifoned when ©ur present accounts left Saw
the harbour, the (hip Rainha dos Anjos, ar.droog on thc 23d ultimo : on the 24th a
capt. Francis Gonfalves de Lima, from the party was to be sent to Bangalore, and it was
house of Meflrs. Joseph Gomes Loureiro expefted the colonel would afterwards move
and Co. of Lisbon, manned with 115 Eu- to Oolcottah and Nandedroog, from thence
ropeans and 20 Artillery soldiers. Left to Sera, and probably to Chittledroog with
Lisbon on the 19th of November, 1798, he fame view.
juantity of paper, elephants teeth, and
undry other article*, Iwvihg fold a part of
ler c-rgo . at Mdfambique and the Brazils,
and what i* now remaining is intended for
Goa and Damaun ; /he is only coming here
owing to the Monsoon, and intends conti
suirg her vo . age to Damaun and Goa as
f®on as the weather admits.
We hear by letters from Cannanore,* that
it was gen. Stuart's intention to proceed' <o
the Presidency if the Admiral could fparfv
a (hip for that puri>ofe, to whom the gen
eral had made an application. No answer
had been returned when our letter* came a
way, but as the weather was uncommonly
fine and' moderate, and the admiral was
known to be cruizing i ff Declah when the
general wrote, it was expc&ed that the ad
miral would, if pnilible comply with bis
Tbefe letters add, that lieutenaut-colonel
Wifemao, with a brigade of Seapoys, was
prepar ng to march for the Ca»ary country
to take pefleffion of Declah, Maogalore,
and a few other ports before the rain* set in
violently—and that gen. Hartley was ex
pefh-d to move with the reft of the army to
take complete pofleffion as soon as the sea
s n would idmit. It was reported that the
inhabitants of that part of the country had
expressed a deGre to be under rhe prote&i
on of the Englilh government ; and they
were ready to receive cur troops and deliver
up the country to them.
We are happy in commemmorating the
following instance of the most exalted cou
rage in a humble individual, and although
his merit will never be emblazoned in the
herald's page, the contempt of danger and
death in the cause of his country, which is
so conspicuous in Serjea»t Graham's con
d':£t, ra;iks him in 'he firit clal; of military
htroes, and we must sincerely lament hisun
timtly fall.
ExtraS of a letter from Cannon re, dated the
2"Jtb May, 1799.
" The fori' rn hope was lead hv a ferj.-ant
of the Ight company of the Bombay Eu.
rope an regiment, who volunteered his fet
vices on the occasion. His name was Gra
ham. He ran torw. rd to examine the breach,
and m uuting i: Ik- pulled off his hat, and
with three cheers called out success to
lieutenant Graham (alluded to his kaving a
commilfbn if he survived) on which he re
joined his party, and remounted with them
with the colours in his hand ; upi n reach
ing the rampart, he (luck the color llaff in
it. exclaiming, d—m'em Vll Jhe-w th-m the
Britijhfag. and was at th-t inllant shot
through the head—dying like a hero as be
was. lam ferry to fay he has kit a Eu
ropean widow aud five children to lament
his fate "
At the time of the fall of the capital,
and the of the Sultaun, an irrmenTe
convoy confiding of the fix regiments of
cavalry, Montgomery's corps, all the Ni
zam's horse to the amount of near 10,000,
j detachment of the Nizam's infantry, and
abcu: 12 thousand Euiopcan and Nati\e
inlautry with 48 guns, having near ofie
Hundred thousand Brinjaries" tinder their e£
:ort were on their way to the gtand camp
ind about 60 miles dillant. Cummer Odceii
vas lodgirg them wilh the -ueil pa tol
Colonel Read has been appointed Collec
tor General of "Sill the conqueVed countries,
and had appointed Captains Macleod, Mun
ro, and Graham to different colle&orfhips,
to which important trust these gentlemen
have been recommended by their knowledge
of the country language, it having been de
termined to make that an indispensable qua
lification for offices of that nature. We un
derhand this is not only perfeftly consonant
to the sentiments of the Hon. tbe Coutt or'
Dire&ors, but conformable to their orders,
who have wifely judged that whatever advan
tages are derivable to the company as sove
reign, or to the natives as their fbbje£U,
will be bed ensured by the immediate agen
cy of their European lefvants ; and as a
how highly this attainment is estimat
ed, we underhand Mr: Hurdis, a gentleman
of the Madray-eflablilhmcnt of fcartely se
ven years (landing, has bten appointed to
the fub-colledlor(hip of Dindigul with the
whole of the newly acquired diftrifts of Ca
roor and Coimhatoor.
No. iJS South Water Street,
Hyson Gomee, "J
Hyson Skin and I Teas, in qr. chests,
Young Hyson J
Souchong and Peco Souchong Tea, iti qr.
chelb and boxes,
Bohea Tea, in whole, halt and qr. cherts,
Silk Umbrellas, plain and fringed,
Hair Ribbon,
Window Blind;,
White and brown Havaana Sugars in boxes,
Old Coniac Brandy, ift, 3d, and 4th proof,
in pipes,
And a quantity of Cordage affjrted.
Nov. 6, diw.
Of an excellent quality,
Nov. ii.
House f sign, ornamental painter & glazier,
No. T), Race tt-
INFORMS hit friend* and the rcsljc, & hi,
begun in that bufinefr, »p«i ' ztt la m«( Kb
their approbation ps his work.
Flag%, ilrums, Grchuckets, £Ot niecs. Ate, don* 6ft
the ir.nft rcafenable ttroi«, ami ;hr & i—»:i
N. B A Drawing School wi|; b. one*
fame place, «n tho 14th November, Tor young
lad es aod getitlomen, Irom 10 to fj, and from*
to 4 o'clock in the afternoon fcvsning School
from 6 tO9 o'clock, three nights in the week
These who wiQj to encourage the school are at
libarty to vie# his paintings,
odoferr 21.
ON Thursday, »»d Oiftobjcr, dsfcrted from the
encampment, sc»r Briflol, Penary I vania,
WEST, an e'nßfted MuUtian, belonging
. to the company of Captain Matthew Henry of the
tenth regiment of United States Infantry. He wai
l 6 year* of age, 5 feet » inchet high, grey eyes,
fair coniplexioa, bcrr in the co*nty of Tyrone,
Ireland, he is a lit tjc stoop shouldered and fpiaks
1 in a low tone of voice.
DefertH frdtii the company of captain Hugh
Brady, on Saturday, a6th OSober, four privates,
JOHN DENNIS ag»itj4, S 8 inches high,
born in New York, grey eyes, brown hair, brown
complexion, was much addled, to liquor, and
when intoxicated very talkative. SOLOMON
SMITH, aged 37, j feet 7 inches high, born In
New-York, gf»y eyes, brown hair, lair com
plexion, a notorious offender, this being his"third
defertioa. SIMEON DUN, aged ai years, and
6" months, 5 fe<t 5 inches high, born in Nc»-Jcr
grey cyca^fair hair, brown complexion.
CHARLES Mc.LEY, aged 16, 5 feet 6 inches
high, born in Ireland, g'ey eyes, black
complexion—he is supposed to be in Norridown,
or its neighbourhood—it is not known what
clothing they had when th»y deserted ; hut the
probability is that they have changed their mili
tary habits.—Also
Deserted from the enoampment near Bristol.on
Tuesday the Bth Oaober, PBTEJt ANDREWS,
by trade a Shoemaker, beloagisg to the company
of the Subscriber, born in Philadelphia, aged 33,
5 feet 8 inches high, fallow complexion, light
eyas, brown hair, with a mixtfcre of grey, muck
fubje& to intoxication and extremely passionate.
Whoever shall take up the a' ove defrrtrrs and
lodge them in any jaii so that their officers may
get them again, or (hall deliver them to the sub
scriber at his quarters in Filbert, between Ninth
and Tenth Rreets, shall receive the above reward
and for either of them. a proportionate reward »f
ten dollars and all reasonable expenccs
Captain, ioti U. States Regiment Infantry.
novemher II
Twenty Dollars Reward.
RAN-AWAY from Spring Forge, in York
County,a negro man, named ISAAC, othea
wife CUDJO, about 21 years aid, the property
of Robert Cclemar,; Esq. He is al.out 5 feet 8
inches high, his a blemish in his eyes, more wttte
in them than sommon, by trade a F<.tge man had
en and took with him a drab coloured broad cloth
coat, almost new, a sailors jacket and pantaloors,
printed fancy cord, a fwanldown striped under"
sckets a reruns hat ; one fi:»e and one coarle
shirt* one mullin handkerchief, sprigged, two
ditto striped border, a blue Per Can under jacket
and two peir cottoH /lockings Whoever takrs up
faiW negro and lodges him in any jail in this or any
of the neighbouring dates (hall have the above re
ward or reasonable expcncesif brought home.
Spring Forge, o<Slobera3,l799.
N. B. As said negro formsrly lived in Chester
count y, it is probable he may return there.
November j
For a single Gentleman and bis Servant,
In-a genteel private family,
Where he can have the use of a jjcrlour,
breakfafl-for himfelf, and boand for his fer
vaiit— Apply to the printer.
Nov. 11.
Has opened a SCHOOL
In Walnut, between Fourth iff Fifth Streets,
YOUNG GENTLEMEN will b; inArufied by
him in the different branches of Clafticnl and
Polite Literature, viz. the Englilh, Latin and
Greek Languages, Hiflory, Antiquities, Geogra
phy, the Use of the Globe*, Arithmetic, and the
Praiflical Branches of the Mathematics.
%jT Unquestionable testimonial* can be given
of Mr. A's experience and qualifications as a
November t
No. 8 Chesnut Street,
RESPECTFULLY informs hi* IrienHs and the
public, that he has received by the late ar
rivals from Europe, in addition to hi* former
A complete Ajjbrtment of Goods,
which are now opening, fuirable lor the appro .ch
ing season;
Amongst ivhuh are—
Superfine Cloths and Caffimeres,
Double milled Drab Cloths,
Superfine Nap Cloths, assorted colors,
Blue and Drap Plains^
Swanfdowns aad Swanskins,
Drapery, Baifes, a Sorted colors,
Blue, green, white and spotted Bockings,
Blue and grey Coatings,
Scarlet, white, red and yellow Flannels,
Velvets, Thicksets, Corduroys, and fancy
Striped elastic Cleths and Coatings,
Fancy Marseilles Waiftcoatings,
Mens' and Womens' fine worsted Hose,
Do. do. worsted Gloves and Mits.
Mens' Socks,
Galitnanctfes, Durants 8c Joans Spiapiags,
6 bales of Role Blankets, completely if.
sorted, by .the bale, Su. Bcc.
Nov. 6. 4 #ot .
No. ji, north Third Arcet,
HAS FOR SALE, arti(lei, Lj tie fee tap, entitled to dra-w
IjONDON refined Salt Pctrr,
Irish Linens in trunks, assorted,*' *
Four and four and an half bed London Pins,
8 bv 10 Window Glass,
.cad, .ry and ground in oil,
i ;iv-.. li&Ut, . '
Lov.dca ; .n, in boxar.,
f Bar L ad,
?.ws. ftr paper makers,
Girandoles, very elegant,
Garden and Grass Seeds, of different kind^,
Tea Canniiterj —and a number of other ar-
October 3 1.
RESPECTFULLY acquaint those gentlemen
who please to favor him with their custom,
and hit friends generally, that he hat removed to
his Uiop, No. 40 South Thjrd street, where he
will be glad to serve th<m.
N. B. All order* attecdcU with the usual pune
Odober aa
ALL perfor.s indebted to the Eft ate of Racket
Bairmore, deceased, are rrquefted to make
payment, and persons having claims against the
fame, will bring them properly attellcd to
November 9, 1799.
Taxes of Lycoming County,
JOHN KIDD, Treasurer,
B\ D.ireflion of the Comm'jfftcners of Lyco
ming county, lttcndr at Philadrlyhta to re
ceive the Taxes assessed upan unfsated Lands in
that County, from the thereof, in this
City. Thole who have filed with the Com
miflioners, Oatements of theit; Lands, are re
quested to call upon him, to know the amount
of Taxes thereon, and pay them ; othervufe, be
fore his leaving the City, th-y will be put into
the hands of the Sheriff for coileflion, agreea
bly to the afl for laifing county rates and levies
1 hof* who have not filed flaiements of tbeii
lands with the Commiißoner:, and aredeGrous
of having it done, to prevent sales without pre
vious personal Notice, may file with the above
Trealurer, their lifH, the quantities re
turned, number and dates of the warrants and
names of the warrantees, under which they
hold their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph
Hardy's No 98, Market street for this purpose
until the .Bth ir.ftant.
November 9
r ~I or fimr lots ol about 30 or 40 acres
1. each, more or left as may ft it a purchaser.
On each of which there is a good fit'jation f»r a
house—viz. one on the river Delaware, suitable
either for a gentleman's feat or for a pcrfon who
might wifti to engage in the lumber bufineft hav
ing a g-»d landing. One c mmanding a good
view ol the river from the highed ground between
the i»tanypack and Pogueflin creeks; and another
on the Brittol Road. Esquire of Mr. Gilpin near
the 11 mile stone on the ft id joad.
Of about lo acres each with good Gtuations for
bnilding ; one if which is suitable for a tan.yard,
and has a irnall (lone house and a young bearing
orchard on it, on the Newtewo road near Snider'*
mill about 10 miles from Philadelphia, and ore
other lot of about 30 acres on the Pgnnypack—
Enquire of Jonathau Clift who lives ok the premi
ers or of Mr. Gilpin.
folicfiicn will he given in the spring, but build
ing materials may be collected sooner.
November 8
To whom good Encouragament will be given
0- Apply at the Ofice of the Gaiette of the
United States.
NoYenibtf It, j.r
A t mv Ready for Salt)
Law Book Store,
A r o. 319, High Street,
A very valuable and extepfive Aflbrtment of
Law Books,
TMPORTED this fall and immediately before
* the late ficknefn, comprehending almost every
Book IDI ule, of the latest London ami Irish edi
ions. They will be disposed of from a firele »„.
lame to m entire Library at the fame price, a.
hare heretofore given fach general fat isfadior,.
,oH nKr t . Ve n Cl V' i>il y ex P e,aed 'rom London
and Dublin, hu flock win as u f« a | b e k-pt up, so
that gentlemen w '" seldom be difa r p o int«l when
applying at hi, flore. .
N. B. 1 his day is published. Davis*s Law Cata
logue for 1799, ps books for fait, which may "be
had gratis, on application as above.
No. 95, north Water ttreet,
By the Ihips Wilmington, Conaeflicut, Fair
American, and other late arrivals, from
Hamburg and Bremen,
■d great variety of
Among which are
Creas a la Morlaix
Round Creas
Bielefieid Linen
Tabic Linen
Hefien Rolls
Brown ditto
Polish ditto
Coffee Sags
Checks and Stripes
Bed ticks
Oil Cloths
Window Glifs
Yellow Ochre
Slates and Pencil*
Pearl Barley
Claret in cases
Coffee Mills
Nails and Ironmongery
Hogs Brinies
Looking Glafles
io hhd. Muscovado Sugar,
Koll Briraflone, a few t ,i p es old Port Wine
a parcel of foal and upper Leather, men's coarse
Shoes in trunks, a few low priced silver Watch,
es, &c. &c. All which they offer forfait at the
lowest price! and most extepfive credit.
Nov - 7 th&fa 4 w
have for sale,
2 caflti Banbury Lock., Curry Combs, tcc
l bale Swanfdownj,
1 cask Pewter,
a boxes Watches,
2 trunks Cardinals,
9 trunks Hosiery,
6 cases Euttoni,
2 Jitto Ku»B,
i cafe patent pipe straw Hats ft Bonnets,
11 tons clean Pcierfcurg Hemp,
29 piece# Sail Cloth,
95 boxes Crown Glafe,
1 box containing Pulicat Handkerchief*,
Swaiifdowns and Gloves.
The Brigantine .
November 8.
By the Subscriber, No. 149, South Fro»i
86 Tierces Rice,
20 Hlids. Richmond Tobacc*.
Hyson Tea m qr. chests,
Bohca do. in whole, half and qr. chests
Black Sattins,
Do. Luflrirgi, .
Do. Sen (haws,
Do. Taffaties,
Hair Ribbon,
Boxes of paints, brufties, See.
Black P^rfians,
Barhar and Madrafs handkerchiefs,
Spermaceti candles,
And a general afiortmrnt of writing,
printing and wrapping paper, &c.
November 7.
No. 13 1 Market Street,'
Has received by the late arrivals from Liverpool
Point duffil Blankets in bales,
Blue Strouds do.
Coatings, &c. &c.
November a. .
At No. 103 Market, Street,
On reasonable terms, for Calh or a short Credit,
Of GEORGE PENNOCK, deceased,
Dry Goods,
A WELL assorted invoice of German goods fe
le<strd for the Weft India market, a» well a*
(nitable for home confuraption.
Also, just arrived in the ftip America, 100
pieces Blue Plains, 3 trunks fancy Chintz, *
trunks muslins, 1 trunk Checks, and I trunk
Lilcewife a handsome Coachee and a pair ef
quiet, large, well broke Bay Horfei.
admniflrater It lit tjlati afGcc t fciHtfci*
NoveiiLer 9.
A few ton« Hemp
&c. See.