. - Received, by the ship Adriana,captain Carl ton, from London, A LARGE ASSORTMENT 0F HAIR SEATINGS, Suitable for chair and foplia covers, confiding of striped and plain, and of the following toidtlw, -viz.. 17, 18, 19, 20, »I, it, »3, 14 16, 18, 30 and 31 inches. FOR SALE sis GEORGE PENNOCt, July 8 AT a Coart of Common Plea» held at Union Town, for the county of Fayette, the fourth Monday of June, in the year of our Lord onethou fand fev\iti hundred and ninety-nina, before the Judge* bf the fame court, on the petition of John Willfon, praying that the a& of Aflembly, pro viding that the person of a dcbtar (hall net be liable t» imprifonmeiit for debt after delivering up his eflate for the use of hit creditors, may be ex tended to him. The Court appoint the firft day of rioxt to hear the petitioner and his cre ditors, and order that he give his creditors public notice hereof, in Fenno's Philadelphia paper, and in Yundt and BrOwrA Baltimore paper, for one week, ceding at leafl four weeks before the d»y of hearing; and that he alio give to John Gillef pie and Jacob Everhart personal notice in writing, to be served on them, at least fifteen Jays previous to the hearing. At September term, this order wa» continued to*the firfl day of December term. By the C»urt, EPHRAIM DOUGLASS, Protbonotary. WHEREAS Matthew Mc.Cpnnell, Esq. BY deed dated the 16th.of May, 1799, granted and alligned to the subscribers, 35,018 acres of land 0-n the waters of Su gar creek, in the county of Luzerne and {late'of Pennfvlvama, upon trull, to fell and difpofc rf the fame, and apply the proceeds (after fatisfying all such just and legal claims as may be due on said lands) to the payment of such notes as the said Matthew M'Conncill has drawn in favor of a certain Joseph Thomas, or that the said Jofepli Thomas has drawn in favor of, and are in dcrfed by the said M. M*ConneH,and which ire mentioned in the fchedul* annexed to the deed_ cf trufl, aforefaid : Provided, Tlmt the holders of said notes fhal!, en or before the 16th day of Novem ber next, execute to him a full discharge ard acquittance, or render up the said notes, *nd the balance, if auy( to the holders of any of the said notes who fha!l not have made such discharge or rendered up said notes, as aforefaid, pro rata,' according to their re fpedlive claims and demands. This public notice is given of the said alignment, that those who are interested rcay avail tbemfelves of the terms therein contained. William Buckley, "1 Ihomas M. Willing, (. Aflignees, William pavfdsen, J "Philadelphia, 14th Sept. 1799. iaw«ti6N. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Mtrtri'llA, 1J99. PITBI-IC NOTICE IS GPV2N, Purjuant t,o the »$ of Coofrrtis, paßed oit tKe zfi d«y of Ju»e, one ikwCindi > h dredatid ninety fix, emittelVaS aA i«gdie gr,Jttt* bf land 'ppro^'ntedfor'mili tary farvices, and for the Mciety of U|iit»d Jk«Utf«R (jer propagating the goipet among the Hetthen and the a<3 fuppkijienttrylo t4»e fatd recited a Apaffed o« the Cecesd day of March, one thousand seven .• ■ . - THAT the trail of Land herein after d»- scribed, nar» eiy, " beginning at the North Weft corner of .the i'even ranges of townfaips, and running thence fifty miles due south, along the welkrn boundary ot tht said ranges 5 thenee due Welt to the Main Branch of the Scioto ri ver ; ihence up the Main Branch of the said ri ver to the place where the Indian boundary line crosses the fame ; —thence along the laid boun dary line to the Tofcaroras branch of the Muf kifigum river at thecroffing place above Fort Lawrence; thence down the said river, to the point where a line run due weft from the place of beginning, will interfeft the said river ; thence along the line so run to the place of be ginning has been dividtd into townlhips of ftvt miles square, and fractional parts of town- I fbij s ; and that plan and forveys of the laid townlhips and ffatflional parts of townlhips are deposited in the offices of the Regifler of the Treasury and Surveyor General, for the isfpec tion of all perfoas concerned. 11. The holders of fueh warrants as have been ar (hall be granted f*>" i UPPER CANADA. Council Office, Sept. 24. Notice is hereby given, THAT th? townilups of Dereham and Koiiivch, in the western diftriil of this pro vince, art t J be fold in lots of three tbonfanj acres each, exclusive of the crown and clergy reserves. There arefixleen bloch in each townihip, numb«re». from one to sixteen. The lands are of excellent quality, and lie between the river La Tranche and 1 lake Erie. Persons inclined to purchase are to give ia their proposals in writing, to this officii, in which they are to name the lots they bid for, and to Bate the price they are willing to give for them. The proposals mull be given in oil.or before the firft day of March next; within one month after which the purchasers will be declared, and on their tak ing the oaths of allegiance to his Britannic Ma jtlly, letters patent of grant will b* delivered to them free expenee. Half the purchase money must be paid wkei the purchasers are declared, and good security given for the payment of the other half in true years, in equal yearly payments P1 ft I .s of the town {hips may be l'een at the Surveyor General's of fice m York, and at the houl'e of Mr. Hambiy near the townships. JOHN SMALL, C. E. C. November 7. eodiw THE Creditors of Baly, Hill, & Evans, Insolvent Debt' rs, in the county of Pnfl'ex, are to meet the Aflignee at tha Court-House inlaid county, on the 45th of Dec. next, at 10 o'clock a. m . in iyeitr to make a dividend of fiiid Inlolvcat's eflate, that may come te hand by that day. June is TO THE PUBLIC. TH«E time being fixed on, when the MILITARY LAND (commonly calledjvnox's) WARRANTS, granted to the States' army, are to be register ed and located,—the fuhfcribers have ex plored that traft of land am which those war rants are to be laid; with a view, and for the purpose of offering their services as lo eaters. We take the liberty of suggesting, " that weare at lead as well acquainted with the fituatioti, quality of the foil, Bcc. of the dif ferent townships in the aforefaid trail, as any other person:" this will, perhaps, ap pear more clearly, by observing, that Wil liam C. Scjienk aflifted in running the Indian boundary line; at which time he considerably traveried that tradl: he also afltftsd in furvejftng and laying it off into townfliips, and at other times ranged over it, to gain information. But to obtain a more complete and .accurate knowledge, we have lately spent between two and three moDthj, with several »flifl;\rits, in particu larly examining the different townships and quarter townships ; by which means we have acquired an accuiate knowledge of the whole diftriift.— We now offer pur services to the public, as Locaters, with a If.'ranees that we will locate every persons warrants intruded to us to the be ft advantage, agreeably to their rights of location, which is to be de termined according to law. For our ser vices we demand the one equal tenth par*, eitlier in lands or warrants, when we locate a full trail, of four thousand acre* or more, for one person or firm ; the land to be taken in a square, at a corner of the trail ; which corner is to be equitably determined before the time of location.—The one equal sixth part, in cafti or warrants, when we connedl and lcqete any amount K-fs.than four thou sand acres. We will be in Philadelphia from December next, until after the time of • location, to trnnfail this bufiuefs. Any person wishing to fatisfy himfelf farther, will please to call on 11s, by letter, (pottage paid) or other wife ; when due attention will be paid, and such vouchers may be seen as we have to offer, which we hspe will be fa tisfadlory. MARTIN BAUM, WII.LI AM C. SCHENGK. Philadelphia, Od\. 9, 1799. eow. To the Holders of MILITARY LAND WARRANTS. 'TpHE Subscriber hiving lately returned from X viewing the land, surveyed and appropri ated to fatisfy the land warrant?, issued by the secretary at war, to the officers and foldiera of the late continental army; and having madt arrangements with Mr. James Joht.i'on, of Chester county, Pcnhfylvania, who he left «» the land, and who with the assistance of an in telligent inhabitant of that county, will spend five months in exploring tht different feQtom. He wil'. take regular notes, descriptive of the foil, situation, and natural advantages attached to each leiflion in the whole survey—which notes will be placed in thehahdsof the fubferiber pre vious to the period for locating, thefebj ena bling him to make the most advantageous lo cations the priority will admit. He offers hisfervice to the holders of land warrants of the above description, througho'it the United States, to receive their warrants, class them, (as no left quantity than 400 c acres will be regifterd at the office of the treafurv) have them regifte'red agreeable to law, and attend to make the location at the the time appointed in February next. For tratifa&rr.g the biifinefs, one tenth part of the laud fpccified in the warrants will be re quired, and no other charge, except the postage Of letters. All warrants forwarded and letters addrcffcd to the subscriber, at No.3,Penn-ftreet, Philadelphia, will receive immediate attention. JAMES E.SMITH. mwftf. Septemer » CATTLE. About Sixty-Six Head Jor disposal. 0- Enquire of MATTHIAS BORDLEY, at the J(land in Wye River, Eiftern Shore, Ma ryland; or in cafe of writing, diredl to him at Eafton, Talbot County, Maryland. Wye, Sept. t, 1799. x WANTED A COOK. A WHITE WOMAN toferve in the capacity o! cook in a small family—None need apply who does not perfedtly Hnderftand her buGnefs, and cannot produce an üßexceptionabl»cfcaraiier, Apply to the printer. •ilebcr 1% dtf *> > 'V CH. CASE, assignee. Valuable Property far Sak, In QhefUßt, near Sixth street, direftly opposite C»Nant»3 HALL, A LOT of ground, about »i feet front ia Chef nut street arid 7 J feet in depth, whereon is a good frame house, now in the tGnure of Samuel Benge fubje& to a ground rent of are. per annum. The, advantageous situation of this property re quires no comments, for it tnuft be known, th*re are few in this city to equal it, an utjccceptionablc title will be mad* to the purcbafer. Apply to JAMES GIRVAN, no. 198. Cbtfnut ftroet, next door to the pre march 5 DONATION LANDS. Notice is berebv given, THAT Claims for Donation Lands granted by the State of Pennsylvania to the Offi cers and Soldiers of the Line belonging to the said State in the late war, will be received at the Office of Comptroller General of faicl State until the ift September next inclufivu, and tha,t the fubferibers authorised' by law wiN fit as a Board at the laid Ofljieon every Monday fi;om ten o'clock in the for«f«>on until one in the af ternoon, to hear and determine ail unfatified Claims already filed, as well as thole which may be filed on or before tha lald.tirti day of September next. John Dqnnaldson, Comt'r Samue.l Bryan, Rrgt'r. Petbr Bavnton, Treas'r. Department of Accounts of ) Pennsylvania, May 15, '99. > (t6) diw (m.w.fa.tf) Samuel Miles, jun'r. Of the city of Philedelphia, merchant, hat» ing afligned over all -his cfl't-ils, real, personal tnd mixed, to the fbbfciiber?, for the benefit offuch of his creditors aa may fuWeribe to the laid alignment on or before the firft of August next. Notice is hereby given, so all persons indebted to the (aid estate, fHat they are reqoefted to n, «ke immediate payment to either of the aflignee , or to the fiid Samuel Miles, who is autho'ifid to xeceive the fame; in failure whereof egal steps \till be taken for the recovery of such debts, as are not difchtr ged accordingly. GEORGE ASTON, ") COHNELIS COMEGYS, } Affigneej JOHN ALLEJJ, J feb. 14. Patent Ploughs, TO bcfold for cafti by Joseph Salter at Atlion Richard W'eßs, Cooper's Ferry—Jonathan Harker, Woodbury—and Jefle Evans, Lumber ton, Those who baveufed them givethemthe preference to any oilier kind, a« they reqwir. lefsteam, breik the ground bitter are kept in order at lei's pxpcnce and are si ld at acheaper rate —the plan is much Amplified and conftlh oil but one piece of cast iron, with tbe handles and beam »f wood j they may befixed with wrought lays and coulters to b» put on with screws and taken off at pltafure Patent tights sos vending with inftruflions for making them may be had by applying to John Newbsld, or the fuU'cril>er No. Hi North I'ront-ftreet. Wbo has for Sale; Or to Lease for a term of Teart, A number of »alu»ble traflt of Land, *»il fituateJ for MiJls, Iron tVorksor Farms, moll ly improved, lying chiefly in the County of Hun tingdon ftat» of Fcnnfylvanu. Ttiol'c who may incline io view tkem will please to apply to johfi Can an esq. npar Huntingdon. Claries Nezuiold^ liWlf i«iy «? s WHEREAS, AN attachment was lately iflved out of the in ferior court of common plea* of the county of Eflex, in the date of New Jersey, directed to the fhcriff of the said county, against the rights, credit*, monies and effeds, goods and chattels, lands and tenements o< John Clevis Symenet at the fuitof William iVrlh, in a plea of trespass on the cafe to his damage three thonfand dollars And whereat, the said (heriff did, at the term of June lad pail, return to the said court that he had attaehed the defendant by a certain bond given by Matthias Denmaa and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the amount of near two thouCami dollars,and alfoby sixty land warrants ; Nnv therefore, inlefs the said John Cleves Symmss (hall appear,give special bail, and receive a declaration at thi fait of the plaintiff, judgment will be entered againll him, and his property herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the fiatute in such cafe made awd prov'ded. Aaron Ogden, Clerk, &C. Elizabeth-town, July 8, 1799 (u) lawum TREASURY DEPARTMENT. May 1799* THE proprietors of certificates i (Tiled forfub fcriptions to the Loan bearing intercft at eight per centym per annum, are notified, that at any time after payment (hall have been made of the sth instalment, which will become due during the lirft ten days of the nwnlh of July enl'iung, Certificate* of Funded Stock may at their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan Offices, refpe&ively, f or t h c amount of the four firif instalments, or ore moiety of the films e.x prefled in the fubfci iption certificatesNo cer tificates of Funded Siock will however be iflued fortes than one hundred dollars. Such fubfeription certificates ae may be pre ented at the Treasury or Loan Offices in cor>- equence of the foregoing arrangement, will be nrtorw lying at Summed ao'd Brown s Wharf, are reqoefted to furuifh rJieir Perroit» as early »s possible. loth mo. lift, 179 J. dtfi ROSS fJf &IMSON, HATE FOR SALfc, jcco pieces ift and 2d quality Ruilia Duck, XOO pieces Ravans Duck (superior) Boston Beef in Barrels, a . 1 n 1 f COSSA3 A few bales Bengal | HUMHtiMS. 1100 buftels St Martini Salt. tu.th fatf April 11 To the Creditors of Jofcph Alexander, LATE of Lwiftown, in the county of Mif flin, and commonwealth of Pemifylvania; who was a partner of the firm of Johnson Alexander, I have applied to the Judges of the court of Common pleas, in and for the coiUuy of Mifflin aforefaid, for the bent-sis of the law* of fhefaid common wealth, made for the relief 'of irtfolvent debtors, and they have- appointed the leccnd Tuesday of September next, for a hearing of me and my creditors at Lewiftown, in laid county, of-which, please to take notice. JOSEPH ALEXANDER. august » j \ J Of Richard Fobiell, in Philadelphia, FOR SUBSCRIBING TO 1 HE JOURNALS OF CONGRESS, nOM THK COMMENCEMENT Of tbe American War, in 1774, to tbe present time, INCLtf DING Tbe Reports of Heads of Departments, of Committees, and other Official and Pri vate Papers of that Body, now first per mitted to be made public. rtKMt. r THE work trill be printed on a fine paper, and a new neat tipe, in large oilave. Eaah volume will contain above 500 page#. neatly bound and lettered. Uniformity in fixe, paper, and binding, wifl he oblerved throughout the work; Co that, while the fuWcriber# become pofleffed of a valuable record, an ornament may be added to their libraries. The price to fubftribers will he 3 dolls, yj ctY per volume, m boards, and 3 dolls, whole bouud , but, as thopubliOier doe* not intend to print man more that) the nnmber fubCcribed for, a conGdii*- ble rife on the price may be eapefled to non-fubr icribers. 3*w«f Each volume will contain about one third left cfl«ter-prefs than the original edition; but, a«the publifter-Unot yet enabled to determine the exieor of th e private Journals, which he may be allowed w *iake public, he cannot afoertain the number of volu tirs which will comprint the work. Pay menu to be made on delivery of each •volume. Subltribiri will have it at their option, either to fubicribe for tha whole of the Journals, tip to the present time, of to thofc only of the Old Cangreir prior to the organization of the Federal meat. IN all countries, the proaeedings in tbe com mencement of their governments, are toll in dirk nef> and ohfeurity, owing to a eareltfsocfs, in the fnice«iH>g generation, to pref.rve tht publia re cords, and the attrauaji al tbe >K„r,. 1.'.1-ages, ages, being call*d off from their domeftie concerns, to •»S*g e in w »r« and conquest. Of what infinite value would the laws of Alfred be, had they been tranlmittod to eur days ? Time, that deflroyi every thing, enhances the vahie of well authenti cated public records, and renders them alnioft in eflimable- It is hoped, thai Americacs will, there fore, chearfully contribute their afliftancc in trans mitting to pollerity the labours of their anceflors —founders of the Columbian natiou. %• The work will certainly be advanc«d with expedition and promptitude. The following will (bow the fuppert it has already acquired: *' Philadelphia, June 15, 1798. " To the Honor able the Senate and House of Rep refentatives of the United States. The MEMORIAL ©f the Subfcribers,Citizens, &c. of Philadelphia, " RffptSfuUjJ/. tweth, " 1 hat having, in our refpe&ive a vocation, frequent occasions to recur to the Journals of Con gress, we experience inconvenience by the fcaroi ty of them : That we understand that Richard Folwell, printer, of Philadelphia, has had it in i contemplation to print that public record; and 1 that he hath obtained partial countenance from ma , ny individual?; but that he has delayed profecu : ting the work, in expedatkin of encouragement from government, that may adequately indemnify : him. We, therefore, rcfpetffnlly Tolicit, as the | publication is n»ce(Tary to' he difleminated among 1 public bodiea, that Congress will, in their wisdom 1 render him such additional encouragement, to that ! which he has obtained from private individuals ! as to enable him to prrceed with the work, so that ! your MemoruliOs may be erablcd to purchase co -1 pie. of that record for themselves. | Thomas M Rean.John D. Coxe.CharlesHeatly 1 Samfom Rofs, Wm. Moore Smith. John R'-ad jun. William Tilghman.John F.Mifflin, Jo fcph B. M'Kean,John Brckly.W- Sergeant, John . Thompfou, Jared Ingerfoll, JafperMoylan.William : Rawle, J. Thomas, William Levis,James Gibfor, 1 , M.Keppele, Moses Levy, Robert Porter, Qeorre Davie, John Hallowcll, James Oldden, Walter ' Frauklio, James. Milnor, John C. Wells John L. A| exander I. Dallas, Jofcph RccJ, Thomas ! Wili,ng,jSamuelM Fox, John Nixo»,Robert Wain • Robert H. Dunkin, John Ewing, J un . EdwardPen ningron, Hilary Baker, William Nichols, William Yoang, Robert Campbell Septimus, Clayroele James Crukfcank, Mathew Carey, Henry K Hei «iutk, Peter D« Haven, John Dnulap, Edward Shoemaicer. John R. Smith, William Hall-David C. Glaypoole, Thomas Armllrocg, Samuel If. Smith, John Fenun. " True copy from the original Memorial, pre sented to the House of Reprefeßtatives of the United Statos, on Monday, the 18th of June 1798: '• WILLIAM LAMBERT, for " JONATHAN W CONDY.t'iiu " " RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Rep reftntstivcs of the United States of America in Gongrefs aflembled.That theSacretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Keprefentative.,, be authonled and dire&ed, to fubferibe, on fu=h twm, as they may deem eligible, for the tile of the Senate and House of Representatives, for four hundred Copies of the Journals of Congrcfs, which a,c pro posed to he publilhed by Richard Folwell and such number ot cop l e ß of deficient volumes of the sets now in print,as may be neceflary to complete tha JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker oftbe tiauje of Representatives. . JAMES ROSS, PrutJiot tf ibeSfiiafepw tempore. Approved, M,arch »d, 9 . JOHN ADAMS, President qf the United States. la^tf may 19. ■ N. NOTICE. r r i: rm s 7 hrec Cents Reward. RUN away from the Subscriber on the evening of tht 28th inft. 3 bound Servant GIRI., named Elizabeth Howckel, had on and tool witii' her three different changes of garment and money, proud, bold and io.pudent, a noted lyar ; any pw foa apprehending her fhallbe entitled to the above reward—ro rofls or charges will be paid. N. B, She had » years and fom* months ro serve DANIEL Fit2PATMCJC. Gofhen Township, Chester County, J«ly #9. august 6 3»wtf The Swift-Sure, A HEW LINE OF STAGES, NOW running between PHILADELPHIA & NEW-YORK, By the short and plc-jfarK road of By/! let in; Newtown Scotch Plaini, Spring. rjield and Newark. HE excellence of this road* the popiilouf. ness if the country through wl.ich it pair s', with sundry other .s't ant !;.*'•«, u hkh render tfo far preferable to fJi-4 Old l • - 1 I'ummer, has been >ver all the othir w.t.eis but the Delaware, ind here jjje crofling is performed with great fafety and in less than half the time required at ihe Trenton Ferry. The roaJ is feverul miles (barter than the old road, but tin* is amon).'.t the least of its advantages, because daily eipe» lierice pn.ves to us, that dispatch a-, wt II is com fort in travelling principally depend on the [oodnefs of the read and the levelnefs of the :ountry, and, in these re'peiSls. the New Road is, beyon.l all comparlfon, the belt. It prefentt none of those rocky hills, which reader the Old Road f» fatiguing between die Delaware and Newark. The fail, too, tor thegreater part, it Tueh as to produce but little mud in winter, and very Utile u(l ir. famnver, which iiw umftince, idded to the beauty of the country, and a con liderable proportion of (hade, iruft always ren. Jtr travelling )n the latter fiafon pecblrarly a greeablc. The Swift Sure starts from PHILADEL. PHIA, at 6 o'clock every mrrning (Sundays excepted) frcm the GREEN TREE, oppofiie tbe Lutheran Church, North Fourth street. It goes through Frankford to Buftleton, where it ftopi to Brealfaft; from Biftletown it goea through Newtown to Penny-town to dinner ; from Penny town through Hopewell, Miltflone, Bound-brook, Quibbleiown and Plainfield to S« otch Plains to lodge. Tlte Bt xt morning it flops at Springfield to breakfaft, from whence it jjoei through Newark and arrives at New- York at noon. From NEW-YORK it flam at 3 o'clock in she afternoon (from Pauius Hook ) and arrives at Philadelphia the next evening. For (cats at New-Yprk, application may be'madejo Ed ward SmTU, OVI c&fftr house, to A. Mathu-u, corner of NaiTati and John street* to B. Many, no. 48, Courtlandt, corner of Greenwich ftrect, and to Michael Little, at hia hotel, do. 4 a. Broad Ureet. Fare for paflengers, Five Dollars. Way paflengers 6 Cents per Milet Each patenter is allowed to take on i 4 lbs. of baggage carriage free ; but all other baggage, taken on by a ppffenger, will be charged at 4 cents per pound weight. With refpetfl to packages sent on without paflengers. the proprietors prel'ume they have adopted a regulation, which, thojgh unknown to other lines ps t - Thus, for inftanoe, if he euimates his package it one dollar, he will pay one cent, and if at one hundred collars, he will pay one dollar insurance, and in like pro portion tor packages of any other value. Very few persons it is presumed, will dislike this regulation j it will however, be optionable with every one to avail himfelf of this fecuritr or not. But the proprietor* think it right to ftatevtry explicitly, that they will be respon sible for the fafe delivery of no package, which is not regularly entered, and for which an insur ance receipt cannot be produced. In the diflribution of the route, the greatell c are has bren taken to fix on such places and ta verns as always afford a good accommodatioa ai>.d entertainment for the paflengers at the naoft reasonable rates The stages are well equipped turnilhed with fleet and fleadyhorfc?, and com mitted to the care of intelligent sober and obli ging drivers. The proprietors themfelvet live at the different towns and villages where the stages will flop, (o that thecondudl of the per sons they employ is continually an ebjefl of their attention.—-They take care also to lee that the paflengers are well provided for and politely treated at the taverns, and that no fort of chica nery or insolence ia pratflifed upon them ; in ftiort, they have fparedneitherpains nor rxpence torender the SWIFT-SURE the very belt line offtakes in America. The line has now run nearly a month, dur ing which time a great number of gentlemen have gone through, both from Philadelphia and New-York. Every paflenger has found the road tofurpafs very far all that has been faidof tu excelleace ; and the Proprietors of the Swift Sure are extrepely happy to hear the behavieu of their drivers, and the treatment at Tavernsf spoken of with the highest fatisfaflion. JOHN M'CALLA, Philadelphia THOS. PAUL, Buftleton JOSEPH THORfoTON, ") NICHOLAS WrNKOOPSNewtow JACOB KESLER, S JOHN Mr 1R EH BAD, Penny town. T. KLLLMAN, n'txr MillJ!on. &LLAS COMBES, Bourn! Brook• R. SANSBURX, Switch Plains• ISAACRAWLE, ) c . ROBERT PE ARSON, J , . June 12. eodtft PRINTED BY J. IV. PENNQ. *L 9* - 0