%$t ette. Si Philadelphia, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 12. PRICES OF STOCKS. Philadelphia, NOTIMIIK It. Si* per Cent. IJJ*> to 8 Three per Cent. 9/4 Deferred 6 per Cent. 14,6 ,B.pccC«nt Stock—funded—at par. Do Scrip with four last payments, I pet advance. B4.NK United States, 18 > Pcnnfylvania, 14 I a North America, 50 V < Infuran«e comp N. A. (hares IJ to iyj I n Pennfylvania, (hares, it J • East-India Company of N. A. par. Land Warrant!, »8 to 30 dolts, per roo acrss. COURSE OF EXCHANGE On London, 51 at 30 days 50 at 6c a 90 days Amsterdam, 35 37 i-100 per florin Hamburgh 30 13 a-100 per Mark Banco. Tlw Friendship, Watts, arrived yeflerday, from St. Sebastians, brings u* Paris Gazettes to the 10th Fruciidor ; from these, the fol lowing' Information is extrafted. PARIS, 29 Meflidor. They wri;e from Cadiz, the gth Meffidor, that that the French corvette La Mouche, (artr.ie en course) captain Nicholas Dffes, is arrived there from Bourdeaux, in 13 days. He brought in with him two American mer chantmen, which he captured at their coming out of Li&on. One contained 17 chests of silver, confiding of 51,000 dollars, d'eflined for Bengal, and the other 42,000 dollars, bouad to Batavia. BRUSSELS, 6th Fruftidor. It appeats according to the last news from Zealand, that some Englitti veffcls, with troops, had approached the Island of Goeree, in the deugn ol'effeiling adefcent ; but that | the batteries on the ftiere keeping up a brilk fire, the enen.y found it prudent to remove himfrlffrom the fear of a mishap. It is be lieved, however, that the object of the Eng li(h was only to reconnoitre the means of de fence of the Republicans, and to form a more ferinus attack, after havirg made their pre parations accordingly. Whatever it be, it it very certain that greater events are on tha point of burfling forth, since the naval forces Of the enemy daily encreafe as well in the North Sea, as upon all the coasts and con fines of the Batavian Republic. Defenfive dispositions are augmented in the fame pro portion in all th« points liable to attack. LYONS, 3 Fmftidcr. The adjutant-general Dauvergne lias en joined it upon the central bureau to procure t place, healthy, proper and commodious, for lepofiting the citizens arretted by a weafure >f general fafety. They had been heaped ip, pellrmell, with robbers, thieves and af ajfins. The fame adjutant-general has ;iven his permission to the reopening of the teat Tlicairc of Lyons. The city of Lyons is very tranquil since ley have been apprized of the (hutting up f the club of the rue de Bacq, at Paris. It was a pleasant thing to fee here, those im pure beings vomited by the revolution, lay ing afidc all of a fuddcn their air of arro gance and ferocity, leaving no. more, arty thing diftwtYive in their figure, but bafe liefs and (hame. Yob would have laid you saw the furious tier, burning to drink the blood h<- smelt around tiiiir, out unable to ■ attain it. In the meanwhile, their Hotel de Mannates is under the seals, and who is to piy for the wine they have caused to be drank in such prafufion upon credit, in order to createpartifans, and to prepare a coup de main? The brothers of Miltcry, department et the Rhone, have caused to be printed an ad dress to the legislative body, inviting them to take roeafures energetic and even uncon stitutional. Can one doubt after this, their love for the constitution ? On the *8 Therm idor, 19 prielts of the different departments, who had remained in the pril'ons of Lyons, departed for OWfron, chained by the neck, in four carriages, and accompanied by the armed force. [OKron is an island, on the coast of Au nis and Saintonge, five miles from the con tinent, defended by a castle ; and is made, by these fiends of Atheism, a depot of the apostles of the Christian faith, whence they are tranlportsd from that unholy land, to the burning sands of Guiana.] On the 30th, three large barques, contain ing four .hundred GALLEY SLAVES [Gala-tens'] delcended the Saone to be ren red at the different ports in the South. An ancient lady, of the age of eighty, «hose son bad been condemned to irons for desertion, finding him to be aroougft the ninety, which our city had added to thole ef the other departments, was so seized with despair, that she precipitated herfelf from a window of the 4th story of a house in the rue de la Picherie, anddaftied out her brains. PARIS, 10 Frufttdor. The ex-Dire£tory was reproached with its arbitary difmifTafs ; and Quirot and Texier Olivier and many other representatives com plained bitterly that those difrnifTals were brought about by intrigue, and without the deputations being consulted. The perfever ime of those Directors, then, in remaining independent of the deputies in their a&s, provoked their downfal. That catastrophe has not at all correfttd their successors. It it no longer a single man that they displace, j but funftionariet in mass. Twenty.tivo com- i miffaries of the Executive Direflvry in the Pas deCalais, have received the order of Ro- i bert Crachet to cease their fundlions, since J they had n6 longer his confidence : and that! ought to bq a powerful motive for retaining {hem. The deputation has not keen at all consulted : it has remonstrated on the con- Mtry against this horrible violation of the i Confutation. ' I am far from atcufnig the Dire&ory of this crime, {ai'.d yet he has ex pressly done so] I do na-t even accuse the minister of the. Interior. This infamous machination springs from those bureaus where are found those individuals whofi names recal recolle&iotis the raoft painful arid dolorous, and who fmd their conscience not to be quieted, until all the wretches of the republic (hall have chafed" from their func tions the wife and virtuous -republicans. - ' [Ami dct Loin. Letters from Gircaffone announce that all is calm at present in the neighboring de partment* ; the central administration of the Upper Garonne has issued a proclamation to the peasants in those environs, to engage them to return to their bottles and to deliver up their chiefs.; we are ignorant of the el feft produced by it. They write from Copenhagen ; "-Our Court appears decided in observing the flatt ed neutrality. , The ambaffrdor of Russia, baron de Kudener, received yerterday his 4u di-nce of leave." The town of Saint Claude, has been burnt to afties : two hundred and ninety houft snre no more but an heap of cinders and of ruins, of which the eye can hardly embrace the ex*, tent. Net a Gngle habitation spared, not a single pannel of the wall that would pertain a piece of timber, or that does not menace to erufh the rashness which should dare to take under it, not a (lone but is calcined, not a cellar where the fire has not penetrated, not a niorftrl of metal which has not been either bent or melted", or devoured by the flames ; two hundred individuals periChed in the flames, the reft remain naked, without afylumand without bread, at the font of the fteepand craggy rock, which feeitis to.accuse at this moment, the government with its abandonment. [Siiwt Claude was a Beautiful Province of Fran'che Comt£, seated between three high mountains. The caule of .its Jiffii&ingcataftrophe, does not appear in any of the paper* which have re a*' • A dreadful maflacre tool .ilac- iiwr-t deaux, on the 19, 20, 21 aV.rf x tsermi dor. The recitals which it is ou, 1 .v • • £ . . of the state of some infurg. -it > ! " . e the enemy. Thk' treafon'was' >y the arieflatipn pf..ai> .ariftocmtic priest, ipon, wbini were fojind letters which an icunred the intend s delivery of that place, he foi tiicatioiTS of which art; to the f firm)' .n cbjett of dread,;, It is said, the Gevernar iilrft waited oi he Prelideiit of the United States y«ftcrda' nortiinj. "1 be Officers of the. Volunteer Legion of Philadelphia, in the service of the United States, aff'mbled this d.ty at the Gaffes houi'e, at half past two o'tlack, and, in pro-. ceflion, waited iip?n the. Prefideitf, with their compliments. It has been reported, that Captain Barry was to join Captain Murray, in his cruize against the French Republic : the report is erroneous. The Infurgentr frigate is, we learn, ex pe&ed fltortly to return from her European cruize. The best fortune that could have befallen Governor Mifflin's political chara&er, was to be succeeded by Governor M'Kean. The reign even of a rotten log Was sighed over by the Frrgs, after they had fallen under the dominion of the Stork. ~ married, . On Friday evening last, Mr. William P. Bejtty, of Columbia, LanCaster county, to Mis» Eleanor Poulk, Nelhaminy, Bucks county. TV Gouresponbbhts. The Communication from " an Old C Ships Neptune, jefferits, and Cleopatra Nailer, both from Batavtu, belonv. r ARRIVED, Brig Sally, Mason, . Amazon, StQte&ury, - T « -T- " / ' " ~ Frien4lliip f .-.Watby, St. Sebaflian's 66 Naocy, .Cooke, Trinidad 19 Scßr. Hanmiah, Pnippen, Salem 8 Hplker, Tatem, New Orleans .t 1 Good Intent, S'.nith, Liverpool, N5. 11 "aiice, Freeiaan, Nova Scotia 10 J- c, Penhigton, Stoningtoa 9 • icy, Thrift, Nevrfiam 9 •rmlefs, Stoddert, New York 7 :ck Jtke, White, N. Carolina 15 Fs-iendlhip, Stanfley, N. Carolina 10! S; ly, Brings, Rhode Island 5 ncies, Trefethren, Portsmouth 8] R gulator, Switzer, Charleflon 11 ldudry, Hale. Kitliihojid 8 Union,'Pcarce, ' Richmond , 6 Siily, Potter, New York .5 Almena, Bird, ditto ,3 Federal Geofge,_Weft, Boflon . 9 i&illa,Teri«nt, Virginia 5 Msiylnnd, Norr, ditto 5. ary, L'MominedieU, New York 3 - rnett', Smith, Nassau U Two Brother*, Wilcost, Stonington 9 Aftrav', Stenton, New York a : •' merica, Barden, '■ Newport 4 I*' - - CLEARED.: ■. warawick, I{.i|-kbridge, Liverpool 'Schooner Friendlhip, Taylor, P. Republicatn Sloop Maria,. Burrows New York Captain Tatem, failed from New, Orleans, the 2Qtli ult". in company with thi schooner Elizabeth,-Hughes, and? Hoop Dependence, Arnold, of: slftd-fior this port, on, Saturday, laftw in lat. 36, o, N/long. 74., o, fpokethe ' sloop New York'and Philadelphia Packet, I Haollt, of and-for this .port from'Anguilla ; luft'St NsV-OileSrrsr feyetal.American yeffels thei*n the (hip Mart, Wptb, and the brig Fajhe, Brown, of aird for this port, tOL fail flkMtly. J ' ? '' ' ' . ' GapuifJ W-attt-of the bfig in forms," that he- 'tailed"from Sit;' the 4th September; left there the following . Philadelphu-'vdTJs ; Ship. "Maochi fkr, Co?:, ' M .{artrfcryjGib&ih, l Brig Buby, Glim 1 , . -'SYyphfiiia, FuHcrton, AJI tte'fiiikfwm thence in aboii't thres weeks. Captain W. a ft » Captain Wheeler informs that the bri{ Hannah, captain Robins, belonging to Weathersfitrid, from Cape Francois, bound to New York, put into New Providence iq diftreis, and intended to fail from tfr's pore in two or tliree days. The sloop Elizabeth, belonging to New York taken by a French privateer, recap tured by hei; and has at rived at New Providence Same day arrived, schooner Jane and Maria, Cropre, from Virginia 3 dayj. Spoke ship Amity, Revington, from C. Francois bound to Cape Francois. Same day arrived the brig N :iicy, Tay lor, 45 days from Cadiz. Sp'>kc »o vefftrls on the paflsge. Left there the ship Rufus, Holland; to fail in 14 days from Mew York. Ship Liberty to fail fur do. next day Brig Lovely Lass, bhields for Philadcl p ! :ia. Schr. Little Tom, Butler, for ditto The ' ip Sa'llvj Farli , has to fail from Sai»t Lucar, for New York 3 days before the. Nancy. Tbe brig John, of and from New York has been carried into St. Lucar, and cleared. The brig, >a!ly Bell, for Philadelphia. Brig Sally, Cuttf for Salem. Brig Union, Norm, for New York, and felt owner Bar berry, S'e*enfon, for Baltimore, failed be fore the Nancy. Days Alicant 89 Surinam 36 Same das, brig Eagie from New Provi lence, lat. 31 < 30, long. 78, 00, spoke a fcbooner from havanna, eapl. Cafe, bound te Newport, Rhode Island out 13 days. THE Subscriber, hasjuft received a quantity of HILL's First Quality London Particular TVine, r SS PWi-rdelphia, Not. if To-fliorrow Morning, at the Horse Market, A KENTUCKY HORSE, Late the -property of a Gentleman deceased, and fold by order of the* Administrator. Wm. BAVIDSON, dußicnter. * # * He*-to ay lie fe2b»'at Mr. Lui'>wooqy'» Sta blei any titftt tcf&fe the fcoui of-fale. Nov. i*. S'i TENERIFFE WINE, ' Of an excellent quality, JVST ARRIVED AND FpR SALT, £j> JOHN MILLER,. Jr, § ? tV' Nov, ti. THK Slib.SCßliii I " 'Philadelphia, Novanbpr 7,1^9; TWENTT !, l«lfiA'll^R^A«b^ RAN A VV AY on Saturday evening; the i.jth July lnltant, from Colehrook Furnace, I.ancattev county,-a Negro Man naifled Cato, tie is about 40 years ..f age, five feet fix or le ven inches high, tolerable black, with a down ill look, squints, he is a cunning ar.tfui fellow, a great liar, ami very fond of firrui.g liquor, has been brouj l» up to the farming businesS, is very handy at any kind of laboring work ; ht took with him a mjn.ber of clothirig, amongfi which were, one liiit plain Nankeen ; (Tom< money). It is expeiSed ho has shaped his c6urf tor Philadelphia or New York. *-(-* Ihe above reward will be pnM for fe curißi; him in any giol in the United States, with reanmible charges if brought home. ' ' SAMUEL JACOBS. Colebrook Farnace, July 16, 1790: d6m MADEIRA WINE. In Pipes, Hhd« arid Quarter Calks. GIDEON HILL WELLS. To be Soid at Public Auction, FIFTY PIPES » , BOARD awd LODGINGS WANTED, THE REV. ROBERT ANDREWS Has opened a SCHOOL In Walnut, between Fourth is" Fifth St> IN WHICH Young gentlemen wra misled : ; v him in the different branched of Uafliwl a.i.f Polite Literature, viz the Eriglifh; Latin anl Greek Languages, His ofcy, Ai.ticjoitiet, OUry-at phy, the Use of the Globes, Arithmetic, and the Pray the package, tnutitd h draw lad, I—* ON DON refined Salt Petre, Irifti Linens in trunks,aflWtcd," Pour and four ar.d an half best London Pins, 8 by 10 Window Gl.ifs, White Lead, dry and ground in oil, Red Lmu, New Caftie Grindstones, London Tin, in box®?, Bar L^ad, Rags, for paper makers, ■ Girandoles, very elegant, Garden and Grass Seeds, of different kinds, Tea Canfiiftera—and a number of other ar ti'des. 3tawam o£Vober 31.* SAMUEL REYNOLDS, ' TAT LOR,' RESPECTFUI.I.Y acquaint those gentlemen • who pleale to favor htm with tljur custom, ■and hts friend* generally, that he has removed to his ihpji, No. 40 South Third street, wher« he will .be glad to serve them. N. B. All orders attended with the nfaal punc • Oilober la. w ~ i K ' >-4' Taxes 'if " JOHN KIDD, Treasurer, BY Difeition of the Cemm'ijftoriers of Lyco ming county, at encUat l-kiladcrlphia ta re ccive the Taxes afl". fled upen unfaated Lands in that County, from the holders thereof, in tbis City'. Those who have tiled with the Cotn roiilio'ners, statements of their Lands, are re ijudted to call upon him, to know tt.e amount of Taxcsil.ereoi., snd.pay ihem ; otherwifc, be fore his leaving the City, tbey will be put into the hands of the Shei iff frir coiled! ion, agre-a hly to the afl for taifirjg county rare* and levies Tho/s who have not filtd ila.eraents of ihcii lands with the C6rnmiffion?rs, jnd are defiroua of having it done, to prcvi nt frits « itfoout pre vious personal Notice, ma\ 'file w!>h the abov». Trea urer, their *lilU,'bating the cmaiitities re turned, number and dates 6!' the warrants at:ct names of the warrantees. under which ihey kVWI their lands. He will attend at Mr. Joseph Hardy's No 98, Market-street for this purpose until the 18th instant. "" Nnvernlif rO. TO BE SOLD, HRFK <.r f wr icr* o abcuc 30 or, 40 seres I- -each more or iefcasmay fujt a purchafcr. Qn each of v. hichth.iv is a jrood (itjation lor a JiouTc viz. one on the river i'elauare, suitable either lor a gentleman's feat or for a p'rlcn who migh't wiflj to ei/gage in .the lujnU-f l-ufmefs hav ing a g :®J larding. One c. rom.ii'ding a good view of the river roratb; higlkcft ground betwten she Penny, atk and l'r »uif! ti creeks ; and another on the Bri -ol Road. En';u>re<-1 ivlr. Gilpin near the 11 mile stone on the. £>id. road. FOUR LOTS, Of abftut io acres each yv'jtj* pood'fittrations for bni'dmg » one of which is fuita'.le for a, atsdhas H imall fierce houie and a young bearing • rckarc'i on it, 011 the Newtewa road n£ar Snider** mill about 10 miles, from Philadelphia, and one other lot of aboyt 30 acres on the Pen*ypack— inquire of Jonathan Clilt who lives ok the promi— ses or ot Mr. Gilpin. . JPoffetfion will he given in the spring, but build ing matt rials may be collected 100 tier. .November 8 eodtf. 'm DRUMMERS and FIFERS. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, A DRUMMER AND FIFER, To whoii! good Encouragement wiillie given. 42* A PP I y at the Office of the Gasette of ihe United States November 11. LODGINGS WANJED, For a single.Gentlemen and bis Servant, ItiAgenteel private faihily, Where he can have the use of a parlour, breakfaft for hirnfelf, and board for his fcr vant.—Apply to the printer Nov. u. No. 8 Cbcsnut Street, ; 3aw2w. REMOVAL. •«> - *■ <: 'l *■' fit, »■ dfttcotf dsot. tnthfirfjir aawtf. '< dtf W