s&fm&iGMummizmtvi iii iT—i—ifl iforcign PARTICULARS OF THE EVACUATIO.V OF LEGHORN. (B) Express, 19th July.) " In the night, between the 16th and 17th inft. the French evacuated this city. " About three weeks since, the insurgents of Arezzo advanced in several columns to wards Florence and Sienna, and took the latter by capitulation. Every where the peo ple joined them in a liiafs. The French not thinking themselves fafe at Florence, evacu ated that city on the sth. " The French rainiller, Rcinhard, arrivec embarked in an American ship wit! Kereia, the French consul, and Samadet, late delegafe of the French commiflioner, and partner of an English house under the firn: of Darby, Samadet and Co. which ship wa; captured by the Engl:Hi. " A few days ago, the infuvgents, uiidei the command 1 of the Chevalier Curcio In ghuiiajiii, formerly an officer of the Granc Duke's marine, advanced to Montenero, and ■were joined by the inhabitants ps the diflridl of Leghorn. It was their intention to seize the fortrefj of Antignauo, and to maintain themselves there till the Auftrians advanced farther from Florence. In the mean time the French reinforced the garrison of Antig liano. " In the night ps the 17th, a courier, ve ry unexpe&edly, brought orders to General Dargoubet, the French commandant of Leg horn, to evacuate that cijty ir.flantly. In conft-quence, lie fejit foi; the Tuscan Ex-Go. vnnotr, General La Villttte, the Plvfident of the Commune, Alliata, and the Preli dents of the Bank and Commerce, who soon after concluded the following CAPITULATION. " Dargoubet, General of Brigade, and Commandant of Leghorn, P:fa and Lucca, proposes to the Governor and General La Vilette, and the Chamber of Commerce, to evacuate the city of Leghorn, on the sub sequent conditions : " Ait. 1. General La Vilette and the Chamber of Commerce, promise all the French remaining in the hospitals of Leg horn, protection and afliflance. On their ■ recovery they lhall be sent back to the French army.—Accepted. " Art. j. La Vilette and th. Chajnber of Commerce farther pledge them selves to aceive the garrison of Forto Fer rajo, alid to fend it the day after its arrival under escort and yi fafety, to the French ar my.—Accepted. " Art. The Chamber of Commerce likewiil* pronifes to let fach conmieicial houtes, in Leghorn, a; have been ruined by requititions for lead and fait peue for the French army, partake of the inde nities 'and coinpciilWtioHS that {hall be hereafter granted. All the goods and effects of the FrenCji army, implements ef liege, and other things belonging to the said armv by right of conqucit, lhall be left behind for thispur pof'e.—Accepted. (Signed); " Dakcjouuet, General. " La Vilette, " Alliata, " Rilliet, " Filiccbi." On the 17th at i o'clock in the morning the French quietly marched out, Vithont beating a drum. Immediately after, the people left their houses, und appeared \vith the imperial and Tuscan cockade. Gen. Lk Vilette immediately took upon him the command and ordered the chasseurs to be armed to do military duty. The firft aft of the people was to cut dowti-the tree of liberty on our great square, that in the quarter of the jews had been re moved.the sight before, and to destroy all the statues and emblems of liberty. They began to break the windows in the quarter of the jews but numerous patroles soon re flored tranquility. Many of the partisans of the French bad not had time to follow them in their retreat. They were arretted and qommitted to the great guard, amidit the execrations of the people. The patroles ' were obliged to exert themselves to the ut raoft, to save them from falling fiicrifices to popular fury. -Gen. La Vilette has since pUblilhed rigid regulations, to prevent ex cesses, aad all is to be left to the justice and elemency of the Grand-Duke, whofegoverc ment is now restored. The arbitrary arrefls, which continued till yesterday, have now dimtnifhed. On the 7th nothing but frex de /ore were tBC . adv ,'" confent of the jrds Spiri ■ -to be heard, and imperial and Tulcan co- * ual and lemporal.and Commons in this pre lors every were seen, which the people car- ftrhunen.t, aflemoled, and by the an ried exultingly through the streets, with the t ''J; ' hat from and after the images of the Grand-Duke, Grand-Duchess " ft J» da y of .J" l / onc thwfand seven hun and the Pope. and musty nine, it shall and may be lawful < for the officers of his Maiefty's cuftonis to "Phis day bufincfs is earned on. The m Good,, Wares, or Merchandize, banks pay as usual, and all is quiet. 1 his being of the growth and produce of any fo morn.ng two French privateers, who were reign cololly> iflam|> or plantation in A detained here, failed under the Austrian and caj and imported into this Kinodorn dire&lv Tuscan flag, two more are to follow. from >ny such i(laHd o^p i, ultatio „ jJ The French evacuated Pisa nn the 17th any ship or vefi'el belonging to any nf the fub and Lucca is now likewise free from them, jeds of tl.e United States of America, or of Next week great feafts and rejoicings. any other country or place in amity with Citizens Reinhard, his Secretary, citizen his Majesty to be entered and landed in this Keruer, and Caillafhon, commissioner at Kingdom without payment of the duty ;{ . Pisa, are laid to have been carried by the customs imposed by the said recited Aft pro- English to Porte Longono in the Island of vided such Goods, Wares and Merchandize, Elba, others fay to Palermo in Sicily. (hall be permitted to belauded and ware- The populace here have forced the Bata- hot)fed in this kingdom by virtue and un vian Consul to take down the arms of his re- der the authority of any order or orders ol public from his house. his Majesty in Council. On the Grand-Duke's balcony are floating 11. And be it further ena&td. Thai the flags of the 6 allied friendly powers, viz any Inch Goods, Wares, or Merchandizt the a imperial, the Er.glifli, Neapolitan and so imported, landed, and warehouses', ftial Tuscan flags, to which has been added that and may be afterward delivered from an' •f Sardinia. 7 r V.-J"., . ' to. We learn that their majcfties the Emperor ind Ernpreis of Russia, will (liortly arrive 11 this capital from Peter/burg. The Plea rufe-Cuflle of Luxe mburgh is fitted up tor their reception. Two of the Grand Dutcb elTes will accompany the august visitors, one of whom will be married to the Archduke Palatine, and the other to our Hereditary Prince. Pafwan Oglou, of Widdin, is again wa ging war against the Porte. He has taken a ft rang Castle near Orfova, and defeated the Pacha of Rui'zuk, who marched against him. His intention seems to be to profit of | the circumlbince of the Grand Vizier's hav ing marched with so many troops to Syria. VIENNA, Jul RATISBON, July 21. The deliberation refpefting the cataftroplie near'Raftadt begins to-morrow, ayij will probably terminate in the resolution of in treating tbe Emjeeror to continue to direct and finilh the inquiry. BERNE, August 3. An infurre£tion. has, it is (aid, broke out againfl the Auftrians in the Pays de St. Gale. The Aullrian Gen. Vilmay?r has been hanged as guilty of treason, by order of the Archduke Charles. The English fleet is divided into feverjl small squadrons : one of them is cruising in the road of Toulon : the other before Ge noa, and a third in fight of Leghorn. It is also laid that several (hips have repaired to Naples, with franfporf Ihips having 011 board troops for disembarkation. LONDON, Aug. 9. Three French frigates hare been recently captured in the Mediterranean. Lo'd Bridport is to command the fleet now preparing in our different ports. He will immediately re-hoist his .flag in the Royal Sovereign. Three ducal chars iters, Leeds, Dorset, and Hamilton, have paid the great debt of > Nature within these few months, and fix more Peers lince the commencement ot the > year. Lord Romney, in his late hofpitible provi | lion for the volunteers who exercised 011 his i grounds* feeins to think with lir. Johnson, that " Vi&ory OUftht always to rep :fe with | a full belly.'' I A pamphlet with the following title has i)4en hawked about the streets of Paris : j " The former Direftory fold us to ene my ; the new one will g:t us all hanged." DEAL, Augoft 9. I A E.icuttr» from the payment of any of the duiua im posed by the recited Ad, in cafe any Inch Goods, Wares or Merchandize (liall b« taken out of any warehouse for the purpose of being used or coufumed in this kingdom, or from the duties of esftom, granted by an aft of thit present feflion of Parliament. Mr. Spence, Dentifl, has re moved to his house in St. Aadrew's Square*, 1 Squares N W of Bush augull 1% OFFICE FOR THE SALE OF , REAL ESTATES, AGENCY er COMMISSION BUSINESS HO. 14 CHKStiUI'-SrREEr, Betweeii 2d & Front-ltretits, Philadelphia. Being solicited thereto by a number of bi friends, takes this method to acquaint the Public, that he has this day opened the • V ti&ove Office, and bas for sale the following property, viz. TWO excellent well built fraue houses, two room* on a floor, completely fiujflied in Chris tian, betwetti Third and Fourth ureets, South ward ; two frame houses at the corner of Fifth and Christian (treats ; one thr»e (lory brick, and one two Dory frame honfe In Queen ftreel ; one go«d accuflonted tavem in German Arret, between Third and Fourth streets, Southwark, known by the name of Weeks'sTavern. One Plant rion and trail of Land in Salem County, New-Jersey, containing, 70 acres, with a frame dwelling house, and other improvements thereon, together with a go*iT proportion of wood land—tlv: above lie* near a pubiif landing. Also, 25 acrei of wood land in Cumberland county, New Jeriiry ;'a number of valuable lots to be let ou ground, rent, in the dillriA of Southwark. Ground rents and debts colleited with prompt-, ness and address, by the Publics' Mod obedient Humble servant, JOSEPH U. FLEMING. N. B. A fmnrt LAD wanted, of good connex ion®, who writes a tolerable hand. augnft 15 'M X " TREASURY DEPARTMENT. May >799. "T'HE proprietors of certificates iffiied for fui>- A feriptiens to [he Loan bearing interell at eigtit per centum per annum, are notified, ihat -it any time after payment shall have been made of the jth i;, italmeiU, whic'n will become due during (lie lirrt (en day? of the TT.m.th cf July en! Ccrt'.f ..tea of Funded St' ck may .it their option be obtained at [he Treaiury o' I.' >an Offices, rafpeiltively, for the amount of the tour firft inltalmanis, or one moiety of the sams cx prelfd in the fublcilptiou certificates:—No cer tificates of Funitcd Srock will however be ifiued for less thin one hundred dollars. Such fubfeription certificates at may be pre ented at the Treasury or Loan Offices in con equernv-of thr forepoinj; arrangement, w ill be n ;ori'e! and diftinilly m;.ked l'o as to denote, that a moetv of the llock hasbecn ifiued. OLIVER WOLCOT7 Secretary of the Treasury. WAR DEPARTMENT. Trenton, September 2, 1799. \ LL officert of the firft regiment of Artillerists '* and Engineers, and of th* firft, second, third and fourth regiments of Infantry in the ferviceof the United States, who are, from whatever cauie, absent from-their commands, are required with all pcflVjU expedition to report thenifelves by let t#r to Major General Alexander Hamilton. The «Bicers thus tailed upon, will be held amenable for any avoidable delay in reporting themfeltes, and those who do not report in lour months from date of ihis notification, will he prefumcd to have resigned their romnuflions. 0" Tke Printers ii: the fcveral slates, who published the proposals for the supply el rations during the year 1800, are reqwelkd to insert the above once a week in their papers, till the irft of January next. inwtij. WHEREAS, AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in ferior court of common pleas »f the caunty of Essex, in the state of New Jersey, dircikcd to the (heriff of the said county, againlt the rights, credits, monies and effedl9, goods and chattels, lanus and tenements ol Jthn Clevis Symmet at the suit of William Wells, in a pica of trespass on the cafe to his damage three thousand dollars; — Andtreaty the laid (heriff did, at the term of June laftpaft. return to the said court that he had attached the defendant by a certain bond given by Matthias Dcnmau and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant, to the amount of near ttvo thousand dollars, and alfoby sixty land warrants ; Nov/ ticrefcre, trnlels the said John Cleves Synitnesfliall appear,give fyecial bail, and receive a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment will be entered againll him, and his property herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the llatute in luch cafe made and prov : ded. Aaron Ogden, Clerk, Wc. Flizabeth-town.July 8, i? 99 (11) iawijra Philadelphia, September 15, 1799. THE Court for the appointment of Guardians of ;he 1 oar for the ensuing year, met tills day according to law, it the City Hall, in the ci ty of Philadelphia, but a I'ufEcient number of coun« ty magiftratcs not appearing, and the new mem bers ot the Board ot Guardian* returned to fcrv~ not being present, the Mayor. Alcfcrmen and JuK t.ce Wheeler, adjourned the Court to the Aim,, h jufe, in the city ol Philadelphia, at eleven o'clock the fame day; when being aflembled, together with ten members of the old Board of Guardians including lour members of the old Board of Ma nagers, of the Almvhoufe, ami none el the new m mbers appearing, it was thought advifeable to adjourn the Cour to Monday the eleventh day of November next ensuing, then to meet at the City Hall, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, to which time and place the said Court is adjourned, of which all persons concerned aie to take notice. ROBER 1 WHARTON, Mayor. JOHN JENNINGb, -l A lder- MICHAEL HU.LEGaSJ men SAMUEL WHEELER, one ol the Justices ps the Peace for the county of Philadel- P Wa ' tuftlN. 23W£.m» tu th.fat. 3\v JAMBB M'HENRV. Resolved, That Luke W. Morris be the Trealurer of the above committee, and that the money whit h may be borrowed from the Banks, agreeably to a refclution of this day. be lodged in (lis hands to defray theexpences of the above committee, and i'uch as may b? incured in maintaining the orphan children at Mailers' Place. diw. CHARLES SWIFT, Prefufcnt. One Thousand Five Hundred DOLLARS WAS delivered to the POSTMAS TER here, in the Post-ofiici, on the evening of Tuesday the 27th ult. in a LETTER directed to Mr. John Aliils, Merchant, Baltimore, containitv two ALEXANDRIA RANK NOTES, No. 4320, in favour of William Taylor, and dated 30th April, 1798, for ONE THOU SAND DOLLARS, and No. 4522, in fa vour of 'John P. Pleasants, and dated the iothof December, 1738, for FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS , which letter has been SUPPRESSED in a POST-OFFICE, and the BANK NOTES taken out as the PUBLIC MAIL was not STOPPED MOLESTED, or ROBBED. Bankers and merchants are pirticularly requested to watch the circulation of laid notes, and flop them ; and any person giv ing futh information as will lead mi to our money, (hall have EIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS reward. WIT CA\T int OtXT « \TVt JO™ The approaching GENERAL ELECTION, for the City of Philadelphia and the townships of Biock'ley find KingiefsU i Hg - will be held at the Crn'Tiie House Tavern) on the south fide of Market-street, to the westward of Broad-street. IC7" THE Auuual Eleaion of Trustees and Treafurerof the Mutual Assurance Com pany, for Injuring- Houfcs from loss by fire, v/iii be held at the City Hall, on Monday the 7-h day of Oftober next, at 3 a'doer in the afternoon, where the Members oi the, said Company are requeued to attend. By order of the Trustees, John Jennings, C!c*rk. September 28th, 1799. The Owners or Consigning of. GOODS, On board the brig Mercury, J. Yeardfley, matter Art: requeued to (urnifli lh;ir Permit*, the (aid velTel hiving begun to diicharge »t Walnut Street V.'hirf. THOMAS & J. KETLAND. September 48. Just importedj In the (hip Wilmington, Captain Blair, FROM LSKBOK, 3 cases Creafala Morlaix, 11 ditto Westphalia Linens, assorted, 4 ditto ditto finer quality, FOR SALE By THOMAS Sc J. KETLAND. September dl,st * . FOR SALE, 120 qr. calks of SHERRY WINE. V Apply to PHILIPS CRAMMOND and Co. October a,1799. d.U. , ALMS-HOt»£. September ij, 1799. AT a meeting of the General Board of the Guardians of the Poor, PSESKNT, Charles Swift, Jacob Greble, William Preston, William Holderntfse, Luke W. Morris, Samuel Gatl'.ff, Charles Pleasant;, Matthew Vauduzen, Geraldus Stockdale, James Engl?. Whereas thediftreffed situation ofjminy of the inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia ari fingfrom the prefcnt calamity, requires imme diate relief; and whereas, from the gfße»rl abfeAce of the freeholders, and other taxable inhabitants, it has become impracticable to continue the collection of the taxes appro priated for the iupport of the poor. Therefore resolved, That Samuel Gatlilf and Charles Pleafants Dull be a committee from this Board, to negotiate a loan from either of the Banks in this city, amounting to ten thousand dollars, five thousand of which to be advanced immediately, and the other five thousand. -when in the opinion of this 3oard it 'hull become neceflary. Res-olvud. That such part of the buildings at Mafterp' Place, as belong to the Guar dians of the Poor, be appropri priated for the reception of such children, as may become orphans in consequence of the prefcnt ca lamity, and that' Luke W. Morris be ap pointed to procure Nurses, and other proper attendants for them, and generally to super intend that part of the Encampment. Resolved, That William Holdernefse, Wil liam Preston, James Engle, and Matthew Vanduzen, Guardians of the "Poor, in con junction -with Dr. Samuel P. Griffitts, John Evans, Thomas Harj ifon and John James ; (hall be a committee for granting relief to the poor and distressed inhabitants of the ci ty of Philadeljjlia, the Diftritt of South wark, and the Northern-Liberties, which committee (hall keep an account of thr per sons relieved, and the sums expended; hav ing also power to appoint such persons as they may deem qualified to aflift in visiting all and every house in which sick or distress ed persons are resident, in order that full and effeiSual 'relief may be ass rded. WILSON S3 1 SWANN. Frederick {burg, (Virg.) Sept. 10. ICy All Printers in the United States, are requested to publish the above, and we will pay them. „ Wants a Place, A WET NURSE, A good Apply at «7h, T H ° rfe T»ve W , eight mik ftooe, on the Lancaftcr read, oaoher », 1799 , ' d Xl)e (Bas saturda, ' l^cnsrs^^fx--- Extraft of a letter from Te.ich Coxe to a gentleman in New York, dated Philadel phia, March 31, , 77 S [Both cities hnng then in pofleifion of the BritiSi forces.] ' Y ? UR "Pprehenfions about the evacu ation of this place, though very natural to I any gentleman who has property in it arr jl KOFS and think, without any g rea t , foundation. I )ia*e not the haft idea of it for my own part, and do not think it isex : petted bf any ..mo.,g u.. 0„ the other hand, | there arc many iyaiptoms of a determined re | solution to keep the place. I am, however* veiy sensible that I ought to omit nothing! which will conduce to the fafety and interest of my friends. Ido not think there would be any difficulty in re-shipping; your goods, Ihould such an event take place I have two vessls here, and there are many of the transports that would obi.ige m> v>itb taking in a few packages in case of neces. sily." Jlow Tench came to have such interest > with the captains of the British transports is not extremely clear; but from the old adage, that one good turn deserves another, a reasonable gu-fs may be made from perus ing the following documents, dated five days after. Exchange, per £t6o fining-. Philadelphia, April 1775. Sir, 'lhiriv days after fight of this my firft Bill of Bxcncinjjft frcond ;uid third of the lame tcnai-Vnd'fbt" nSt paid, pUwfcvto pav uuta Mr. Tencb Ctxe or order, the funi of. One Hundred andvSilly Pounds Sterling-, vh!i:i- i i -hed, fur -Utv.;yii,.; part of tiie contingent expeiices of his majesty's lliips jpd veflels under my orders, in the river Delaware, I am, Sir, pf A. S. HAMMOND. t,!* urij-liy'i naval offi ccr, New York. Indorsed by Tench Coxe. Poor innocent Toutbl [The original in this city.] Co MSIU N1 CA T In the Aurora «f Tuesday last, is an ad- Jrefs from a certain Divid Jones, who (IjTes himf/rlf " late chaplain to General Wavne" intended t" revive the stale refuted charge as Mr. ]t• i!*- !). ing a deist—'tis a pity that, persons profeifing therifelvfs to be minilters of the llumld neglect one of its plain est precept?, " to do to others as they would be done by." This fame David Jones had a publication under a feigned signature, in serted in the Intelligencer, nt Lancaster, on the 25th September, add re (Ted to Mr. Ren's, in which a funilar charge is made, and the tranfadlion (blted to lvav« taken place ten years or more ago. (I ipeak from memory, not havin j the ptper by w.) The author's name was f.iid to be left with the printer, to be given up to any person autliorifed to de mand it ; two of Mis Rois's friends called on the printers, who laid their inftrwdtions were to give the name of the author, only to Mr. Ko( s, or some person autliorifed br him in writing to demand it. However, the next day the printers informed a gentleman, that it was the redoubtable Mr. David J»nrs, ot Cbefter county. In liovv many other pa pers Mr. Jones nuv havr thought proper to make a fiinilar attack, I know not, but it appears lie has been very careful to make it ill lucli a way and manner,'thai it ttovM be impolfible any answer or explanation from M. Rofs could appear, until after theele&ion, if Dixon's paper had been sent hy port, and any documents been necefiary to refute this charge, it ia not; probable tliey cuuld b« pro,' cured at Pittlburgh, in the time between tlie arrival and departure of the mail, (about half a d.iy) but if it was necessary to fend to Washington, it would cause a delay of one week, and the defence might arrive at Lancaster 011 the 16th'Odlober, eight days after the ejedlion, but supposing that the half day was fully fufficjent, and no delay was to take place, the firft mail could not ar rive even at Lancaster, until the Wednesday evening after the election ; is this doin£ as he t*ouhl he done by ; lince the tranfartion dated by Mr. Jones, Mr. Rofs ha-s been ekfted a member of the State Convention for Washington county, by tbe people, and twice a Senator of the United States, by the Legislature of this State, at one of thole times he had the votes of every member of the western coun;ie», yet all this tim« Mr. Jones was Client, tfie perlons opposed to Mr. Rofs, had no rffices in their gift, even if they had been luccefsful, Mr. Jones, therefore, did uot feel it his .duty to come forward and oppose hiiu, although it would have been mucheaf.er to have explained his objeftions to about oae hundred members of the Legiilature, than to eighty thousand voters throughout the State, but most of the members of the Legiilature knew Mr. Jones and his character, to a great ma jority of the eleftors he and his chara&er are unknown, or any remaaka on his publication would be utuieceflTary. A Chester County Man. Erratum. In Thurf(}ay"s Gazette, in the piece sig ned Thomas KytßsoN, it) t' ie fi rlt 10 Itance read Thomas, instead of " J 0 ' 11 ' 4 ". Ryetfoii, , = 1 ' • » •, Vo' J i t.; '• "3*.