wsw" ' v ■ v • &. - ' ' : ;■ . . - . . \. - . w .•=. \ •' * ".«/.•. ; y--, , -. .- . v - ." if , -<> ;, 5 Ps - I.•' 'S- ~ , V ;% ' '! S-'-% '"}■■'■' c>\ V C >y * * r ~' 'WjA'' "■ ' - '* r'~ '' * ' '• -'if : \ #a?ette * «* United 9 '&?. Philadelphia Daily Advertiser. - ■ ,' •: -". -' V i Nvxß:ut 2195.] . PHILADELPHIA: FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 4, 1799. [J'olumx XVI'. ■ . ... nrrrr',.. s _ * prj-TAe price of this Gazette is Eight 14 0 barrels Green COFFEE, . I SAMUEL, POTTER, W». PAG E, ' MU-LY'ANDRE Co. - TUST, RECEIVED Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing for sale, and TTAVE not remcvcd cut 6f town, and th>v Ftom the BOSTON Al-li > in the city of Philadelphia. All others pay By SIMON k HYMAN GIIATZ, THOMAS PRICK. if 1 J? 3 "? f °M tllc »r one, Dollar additional, for enclosing and d:- 1 TT AVE removed to Oeri-ustowk, between 6S > «-'irket-H«et corner of totuh Th.rd flreet, WTMn'nnr c t a o~i I reeling ; and unless some person in ibis city 2 3 2 > Street. j_ t^e Fjy & aiu j j* x In iie stone, where they A.general afioitment of DRY G00.35, . ■ ~r * will become answerable for the subscription, who have At,so on hand, have Kir ljle, a general alWtment of DRY Also, 0; different sixes. , l , ■1 c* jit ,'.7,. • jj m GOODB. a n eat part of whienthev have jult ju.l received from FOP salft by, ,tmust be paid Six Months in Advance. 150 qr. chests Hyson Skin TEA,~j of latest received by the ship Boyac from London, via t 9 hogfhea'ci* of' best Virginia TOBACCO IS JAC 11/IRVET, %>lf. ————i^—■ iniimii 1 - New York. they will dispose of on terms. N. B. Any Czeoi- fiststbat may be wanted cat To the Electors of the City and County 10 chdfts Bohea ditto, J tation. N. B. Letters (Per PoO ! ad, Infied to them Sept. 13. 3teod larger than tßb-> 14 .an be haU-from'faid manaf»C-U< n r OU;tmffl4>hi/i Skpt. 18. dim. Philadelphia, will be regidsfiy forwarded. 'V* 0,1 being oulercdi and an -i-.'entofarvo'd _ x f,;,U. - Sept. 3, 1799. daw&ruthfatf TO HE SOLD, ±l, ipply to IvOtlce. offering myfelf as County Commiflionpr. ' ' AT 1- ; m. 201. markeV Owen isf Jonathan Jcnes, ~ MATTHEW HALE. Just arrived at Newcastle, Law ALEXANDER BILSLAND if Co. No ru A LL persons having claims apainft the E^lat« Philadelphia, Sept. 14th, 1799. In the fehooner Ad«eft«re, Capt. Devartux, from H4S fUST RECEIVED a pril *9 § of Col. Edward pidharj (djeceafed) late 'WF eotSO. Port Republicain, and for falc by r» ..V .t* u n .r . —' : • : ■> ... . ot Ci-. -1 C-.u«ty, tare hereby warned i r- $ THOMAS & JOHN ZETLAND. 3 Copper & N^ S ™ P S JUST ARRIVED, flil-.ibit lb? «hh votfehera . l' or LIJERrOOL. September 17,17,9. dn.. io, 22, -_ 4 , 26, 28 pi. per From London, ir. the bri S Yar-'f- • ' iVV MIO OtDHAM Tim I The Bnafe letter-oi-marque ftip, S 1 t . 8 inch Polifeee«t unpolrfbed Sheath- and intended to be; in a iV.v day,, on /• so» Marv Oldbam E,'V Mj THE T ONDON mm " ' No. 80, Dack, near Third Street. UKEVISE ON HMD, ... _■ yl-d, s ep: . It 9W . \ 3tawlra; Simue! Roper, commander, Has for Sale. A Large aflortment of" Raised and Copper 4Q C a{ks shot, to t -'i';" . NOTIC F 8.., 100 ton., eopperc4 to the bends.and C.fa«, • bottom, and iW-« .or Copoer-Smitlvs, .LVUI IL E. | , .-'J* nioai ting id fix-pounders. A great past of her Bairn, Lead fc" Block Tin, 20 Hbds. oup,rfinc \, h., - To the Creditors of Jofcph Alexander cargo bring ready to go on toard. fbe intended, And a General aflortment of Ironmongery fo'r 10 Cafajs Green Copperas,. , TK ~ .. , ' to fail a, foona»p»ffib!e bor Iraght er paffige, 61c a« aboVe 8 Hhds. Gr.-nind Lead, m"z. V."Kite, I „* OT J « w '«<> w n. tbe county ot Mis- Col.coes, A«s«ft ij. wSdtf. Spanifl, Brown and GrouuJ Paint,. CV, f"! ? nm °™ eal * ° r NICKLfN & GRIP Fl iH. T ««.na _ y.i L .n/i XT „ • »asap«it.itr of the firmest Jri&njbn &4 -% tc § Romai and i Hnndkerchiefs. p . pi v rV * ri "' Vi v ***s**, Alexander, I sve apjijied to the Judges of the - mo,- pie-,, i„ and fir the county JUST ARRJI i.J), The foregoing goods are now to be fold at .'be fold for cafli bv Joseph Salter at Atfion 1 do, .each of Crude Antimony, Cream of Mifflin aforeftid, far the benefit of (he laws )n the ship Belvedere John I'rankfcH, command- TTmirVn PP irPQ A Richard Wells, Cooper's Ferry— lor.athan Tartar and Sal Carthatamac, ot the laid made for the'?elitf o n'fnrroD fwnv WT? m n i A Barker, Woodbury- and Jefle Evans, Lumber- I do. Allum com. m.olvent dc-M is, id they have appointed 308 PIPES BRANDY, "-*■ M-ny<»fthel e Good, may be printed to ton> Ti,,fe who have used them give them the zo Half barrel. Gun Powder, FF-C Bcc. < he . fec< "/ «-eUlay of September next, for a 27 pipe, ") advantage,nth; S country preference to any other kirt.l, a, Tiey .en aire , also, hearing 0 f me anti my creditor,» Le*iflown, Wk 34 hogiheads ((Irong bodied RED VVINE »ess team, breik the? ground betrer. are kept in Saif] BRIGANTINE, c ounty, o* wh eh, please to take notice. , 3» quarterc.feO Mow Cank't V '*P fl,ce a «f 0 . 1,1 " » As Ac came from sea, j«ft copper- JOSEPH ALEXANDER. butt* J5 LsHEBJIX ton and 'o** sal- bv tbe Snbfciioc, ' M "!: m uw■ liWj i r.:.! con.i.,,Jj| >cd in London, with the bed quality 60 Hrort.riaft,-} Hvfon tue SubtcuDers. but .n™ oi «ft iron, with the handle, and copper, .armed with 12 eighteen —= L 100 quarter calks Malaga Wine Hvfon'shin , / beamwood 5 they may be fixed with wrought > : V> ■£, A pound carronades, and 4 fixes. THTS 15 tn hlva nnf a rp, , 290 keg, Raisins Younc Hvfoa wf r E AS * lay, and coulter, to b« put 011 with screw, and Iniall arms, boarding netting, fcn r notiCe, That the 450 boxes do. Souchontr J taken off at pleafnre 1 his vtfl'el is cs npletely equipped, and in a fape- BuMco|£er, of Elkton, hath obtained from the S K 94 jars do. Canton and ®ird n Fans Patent rights fqr vending with inftraiSlions fbr i»or t'.yle, burden aflove 1700 barrels—Sails re- T 11:111 s Court of Cecil County, in Maryland, FOR SAL aßy Naiike-Jiis " ' making them may be had by applying to John ibarltably .tatt. Forfaleby letters o. AdminillratioK, 011 the perf.n.-il ef. NICKLIN'S GRIFFTIH, China'Wre.iafibr'ed. Newbold, or the fubferiher No. 212 North THOS. & JOHN KETLAMD. IT li£^ £7 '' r -. ht - ol n - Wbo also offerfor sale, ■Umbrella,,^o 3 6i C che, Front-ftrect. Sept. 23. -d,4t the said deceased mtt'l claims agai.«(l T^ l E said SHIP SilkHaudfcra#, Who has for Sale-, 2£. *" h " el I Haw Ribbon, and Sewing Silks. Or to Lease for a term of Tears, For FREIGHT or CHARTER, fcriber, 'at or before the firft da^'of March ne«- BELVEDERE. Black KIU - A lumber Of valuable trad, of Land, well ,' IT" The faft failing Brig They may •therwife, by law, be excluded from vujsx%*r e , . j . y k • n r , j f * « situated for Mills, Jron Works or Farms, most* ■' ; : TWO RROTWT'R O benefit ot the laid eilate. SHE i, New-York built, coppered to the heads, Ai.d a general Dry Good, as usual. | y improved, lying qhieflv in the county of Hi'n- Kv- '.? ■ qTnnn\»T ft Given under my hand this 15th day of Auo-uft, mon::t, .4 fix-pounders, with small arms if 1 W Josbua hshcr - U "' ( proportion, and fadsfaft. mw & tt£ 4 _ incline to view them will please to ap.p!y to. la y in i. a '' Cbtfiut Str«* Wharf. JOHN MILLER, Ad'tr. , augiift 13 mV\- 1 1 nrtPf ." r. T John Canan esq. near Huntinedon. She is in complete order, and raadv to receive an g- r 7- d?w ——* —— i\Coo o &Aj}l-oUIV 9 Charl N bid 7 - Cai'g'f. 1 01\ SAL}.. HAVt for i All, . 1 "tawtf *** For terms apply to the Captain oa board, ILL BE SOL D, BY PUBLIC VENDUE, \ TO GRAZIERS. 3000 pieces tft «nd ad quality Russia Duck, , or to On tbe 21st October icxt In pursuance of the last will and tefianvint of Ge- too pieces Ravem Juek (superior) THE PARTNERSHIP • JOSEPH ANTHONY Co. „ , p , r ' Lai David Forman, decealed, will be expotcd Boston Kerf in Barrels, a On tho Prcnufes, to sale, at public vendue, (on the premil'es) on A few bales Benral S COSSAS TRADING under the Firms of ' eoG2w ' r " l ' c tow ? ° f Dover, t Wedncfdav the 15 th day ol October next, at ten " °* ( IIUxMHtTMS. Hartshosne, Large tsf Co. and Js:st ts* Ro- ' v ■ ■ , Kent County, Delaware State, t o'clock in the forenooi/of that day, lioo buthels St .'Martin, Salt. bf.rt Walm, was dissolved 1 mo. itt, 1798, and "" hereby given, TfIGHT LOTS OF GROUND adioinino- each rpnAT verv valuable FARM and PLAN- =pnl 11 0 partairfc.p trading under the firm of rUtrrs- To tbe OWNERS of MEADOW LAND, other, on the weft fide of Kinglftreet, con- I 1 TA'IION, lying on the Long Marlh ~ TO BE~SOLD ~ S si the of SchuylkUl Point, 4 Queen Anne scoun y, aeo . y. ,a | ?RSSE & MOB BUT WALK. above fifte, are request to make immediate j r T;HA" an Ete&ion for Five Manager, and a ere&ed a two story brick dwelling house and tuning about fiveJiunoiivdacres, Au. htteen ; . n tit; . Pinpc Ffhrlc went, and.tjiofe copr.fent their Treaforer lor the atifaing! year, will beheld another bricls building, suitable for a Por- rr - Tavei., fi g „ of the hue Jall.on Office, together with feicral frame tenements!! » and tweh e trom the tu d • i 1 • > ..- • 7 »c. 13th j 3m ruesDAY the Brh of Oiteber next, between ths a flream of water runs through the south part of 1 his property is an objeft of very ~e- Also iM&ing at thger ■barf hours of three and five in the afternoon. 'he lot, wkere a tan yard might be improved to dilation, particularly to any person in ,he guz- ; From on hoar, the fb.p Edward from Lifton. rp HE partnffft ; p of Jolhua B B „ R near Sixth ftreet.'direflly oppofit# , * what it called the bed of the Marfii, (of there is a confidetable part belonging ,to ihis Jo pipes old' Port Wine, " c 7 i"T«/r.M . * • ~ and numerous varioty of (tic r.iririe, 'I, now r.U A I OTofground, about u feet front 1:1 Chef farm) the„loil is from tour to fix teet deep, of 100 boxes Clai-et, ullfilJCl IViIJeS, JUI) f. 'rrud for Sale, bring the acqu-rcmont of many L\ nnt flrect and 73 feet in depth, whereca is a a black rich loom, and will average from two ■'tb ketrs iVi-l RarW ■, f pi■j ■. • , , year, earne't s'prlitation, great aflsd«ity t aqd con go»d frame house, now in the Tenure ot Samuel and an half to three tons of timothy an acre; £ T, ». r e ; , lj L ■ in « *f s i' eu °> cr 3,1 >, * • P er!oK ?' lhe ?r»Lnt proprietor having, from the nam- 1 he, fitnatio» of this r'ropcrty rc he spared from the farm, has i :lrt at the It; ck 200 ooxcs °Y 10 vV nidow Gi Is. W 1 »? tut iiiolcnoe'r-, .r ; :e i fneu: ral gro\v?h amifutcefsfttl of hisphms, -as quy-es*f]o comments, for it nmft be known, thfre for five pounds 3 ion. Ihe arable land -is cai- u- 40 tons Hftr.p. y*~lr ° as may (nMirij>e to thjt ; weß as froni other »cqviferTient? atvl ad- are few in thie city to equal it, an unecceptionabSa laied for wheat, rye, ladiah corn, and partic-u- Also'" an ten five variety of Silesia and !a ' alngßment op or before the fJrfl a!- Augruli j ditiens to his collcilion, io lor Wrbfe'd ic a> ts title v/ill be made to the purchaser. Apply to larly for what is called kite-foot or bright tobac other German Linens, Check*, &C-. all which next ' >T . . . , . j render the allcted apartm !ts not fuOicitntly JAMES GIKVAN, CO ;it is well timbered, and contains maple tlwv will fcj, at realon;i bl c pricss an d «fie- Notice IS hereby given, j and commoa.oas, is ndttct dto raakv rids of. no. 198.Cbcfi.ut ft'reet, next door to the i.ra fwia>p«,that w>en cleared, will mjae meaoows ~ ' . 6 To all person* indebted to the fsid .-r»ate, r>.:> •,- /""■ refer»it.g a general rnd mifes. to any on the farm. **. i " . . . , . r th?V are rertuef>' n. aVe ? Any person wiftiinp to purchase, can view ..* App.ica.ion jy letter or oiherwi.e, will ; h > h ' or to the fajdlam', r' of thcie things, con»pri:n-g r beau- , ■ 1 the pumifes on application to M, Stephen be nnnted.a,encoded to Mil,*, who i, fcSefe co Mion, f«ffi c i,.„ m • , r a jpjitwi* or vreen*bouff AT osfrce* TtttA r X • one half the purchase moßey on the ,th Sep,. t 799 . mwf. 9 t T colea.r.n, soT will be f TWO new Irame tWO StO T Hou ' fir it .lay of (a.iuarv ifxt, and the remainder —— ged accordingly. ' IoM on-very modern a«, e-uy • rn.-; or fes pleai.ntly htuated nearthe Jolly Post- lav „,uU day of Fafhiotable Millinery. GEOI%A?TO N . , tJgSSii WILLIAVi G. FORMAN, _ " COKN»ELIS'"COMEGYS, \ A%ne« low rhem to be (Hedged or culled out l>y separate- rooms on r'-ie sin's floor; three on the feccnd , Surviving Executor, ELIZA JOHN ALLEN, J \Y fe.hrg finglw plants or ImaM lots in any 17 ' 1799 ' no. 134, market-street, feb - : *' whLleTa rndv • ■ l-i or v » rc «ch, a garden lot, ftahle and Bv JA ME SKINS E Y Ef, . Ch.el Jufiin of the 1 upraise eouyt of New-Jersey. of the nsoft falhionable Mitunaaf, viz. A varho'Lbt,. many of them v.ry advan- pnl.a verH^bleV^d Ch f/' t0 the P™ifo, Notice IS hereby given, Chemille rosette FEATHERS A of the cky of I-hilaV fill mg of ma:-y or of the 'trcpieaHruta, and " termsapp'V to THAT upon application to me by Jofcph P. Mm- Bowers dclphia, in different pirts of the Land known as other rare and cufions finely rrnamemtal trees 17 .1 r j r j MCCLELLE^. nick, and John W. Bloomfidld for themfe!ves tiffany flowers t':e Ethite of ihe late William Martin, Efq—many » fli. übs, ap4 plac.t^with a i.umerous ?ud abundant rrankferd, July 13 cct f by John \V. BloomSeld in right of Ann Ins wife, ™- rC S ,i .11 . oi a^u! valuable fires for Cou-stry feat;?. ' ail'o. tmenr ol choice humous,tuberous, and fibrous • f ~ William Bullus, John Moore, in the right of his Pink, yellow and blue crape, full drefscaes not excelled by any within the sams diltanct: oi the -rooted and ornamental pln'ntf? in mix- SALE wife Mary, John Rul'.us and Ruth BulJu , who } and do. »«c;fon s bonuets ( ity n other 1 arc well jjijlapterf Ibr Garden t^r.^s; aU of good or fnprrior kind?, as may be seen 0F claim an unJivided sixth part of all thait tr~ '» A C 2 }t ? '* >e P ter7i er > at two ; eighty-eight acres c.nd a half of an acre or there- Do. do. (hades 0 she German i'own Road and also on Grof- Roads Cufhbtrt Laadrith, gardeners and nurrr:ry-men in « -n at Upper Ferry on . abouts, formerly devized by Mary Ludlam to Do- <*° hats lefigr.ed to b< laid out from Fourth Stree: to i'ur- in above Philadelphia *^ C commenc e , the iale the re [ Francis - Bullawho by his lad will and testament Faulty bugle shoe roses iier.s Lane, :b which the property extends—For Mr. \Viili?m Forth, it: the fame line of buhnefs,' nia ' niD ß '^ ts °' Springeifbury Estate. devised the fame tract to William Bowser, and Do. do. trimmings lurther to be made io j Baltimore, or Mr David Wiljiasifon Greenwich- » "urchrfqrS paying ore of the money John Turner in truftfor Samuel Birllus his son in Black, whit?, blut,yellow, pink and orange ftrapo N THni iq nrv vn av ' ftreM, N\vy-York. ' wn ' m *Y credit for the remainder as fee, which /aid Samael Bullu, by his deed bearing Black, white and green gauae veil, on the Premises weftwird o" Fourtt"treet «• o.' It i, now a K ood time and prc.p-r f.afoo 0 ." 0W,s ,• , date on or about the sth clay of March 1796, Do gauze floaks 8 iulv ' ' ' dtf to build a Seyt 24. dtf. tf7f> from dtito one fourth ' f and the fame Ann Bloomfield,formerly Ann Bui- aflortment of Millinery. Twelve months from ditto onefevrth ( lus, William Bullus, Mary Euilus, now Mary June a 6 eotf. A beaUtlfulCoWltrV Seat. for Sale THIS IS TO GIVE WTVnF T- CONNELLY.'an.-'" Co* Moore, John Bullus and Ruth Bullus, I have nom J J v , ~ . . * * „ inated and Appointed Job Lippencott, Esq. of CA i FLE. QITUATED on the bank of the Delaware 1 "at ihe funleriber living at George Town, v - - -ci.eci s, Springfield aforefaid, Abraham Stockton and c . r > tj j r »• , 1 joining lands of Matthias Siplei and Mr. crof« roads in that county and Hate of Mary- iTTTT , ~,-. T1 „ar- . 1 Ellis, both of the city of Burlihgton, commission- About Sixty-Sir. He ad-for disposal. John Duißeld, 13 miles from Philadelphia and ' ,ru *' hath obt'une-.l letters n(l the \ Barnet, paper maker by trade, about 20 verrs tity.of Bur irngton at ten 0 elbk in the morning oX Eafton, Talbot County, Maryland. floor, a Piazza the whole front of the House, a ' l ' tc£: ''ed, are rcqvkftcd to exhibit them pro- ot age five fcet eight or ten inches hiph liaht that t!ay, the laid Job Lippencott, Abraham Stock- Wy i, Sept. a, 1799. 5 Pump of excellent water, also igood ga-rdeh and pe ,! y a" rll enticated, either to the fqbfcribt ror 1 complexion, down look, wore his hair aliened, ton and P. will then be appointed the orc } iarc j—l o acres of land will be fold with t-he ?° I, ' um Barroll, F.lq. her atterney, living rtmarkable for being a noted liar, hadnnw hep » CommjWr, to make peafonof thefaid traA TQ B£ L£T premise., hut more can be had if required. '» Chester Town Maryland. he went away a hat half worn, brown mixture th- morJ e^v B D«titifln of lands held' bvCtonarT Until the 15th of November next, There is a gravelly shore at the river, the water All perfm, indebted to the deceased, either cloth coatee, firiped velvet waistcoat, and mary rh-more easy Petition of lands held by Co-part- . Retreat from Philn/lp'ulhin for Burlington pass every day in the sum- on Bond, B.fl, no.teor actot.m, are earnestly r, other clothe, ' 1 ncrs, mint tenants, and tenams»m common M pas- ** JujC L\circuljroviXrDliutlCLDtJlCl~ "r r jfu i j a r x- . ouef) w d to Ar,. , » i 1 • r t . u fed the eleventh dav of November in the rear of » , . . , . mer season, and the land stages for New-'i ork - J 10 f tlle • >n»e without delay, ; Any person that wiil take the said apprentice o-'r X ord ; -80 Given rnder my haad the 5-th fituition, about three miles from within half a mile ; any perlon inclining to pur- = )1/ltrW!i " i: F E *V"' hefommeiicrdagaiilft tiiein. ■up and bring him home fball receive the above dly of A Jult ZD. 1700. ' ' . ■ ic t0^ n * . . , , J chafe may know the terms of falc and other par- ISABELS,' OI.'WMOORE, Admniftatrix revrlrd a, »l no charges paid. T «rc rrvc.r,r Application left at the Printer 5 audreffidto titulars by enquiring at No. 12, Dock-street, er of William Di-isra re d"-.ifed PETER BECHTEL. JAMES KIN SEY. A. B. will be attended to. No-161, South Seeoad-flres. George Crols-Kcects Kent County. Lower Mtricn Tcwnjhh, Menfcmer, Corrty, | fe P' V * d6W ' aU S" ft " lf - >"«'• Augtifl 3j, , 7¥ ,. d,m. ; 795 . L aawjw . -