Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, October 02, 1799, Image 3

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/ '<■
%\yz <oa3ette.
Philadelphia, Aigust 24
15/6 to 8d
Six per Cent.
Deferred 6 per Cent
Three per Cent.
BANK United States, 16 >
North America, 45 to 47 la.
■ Pcnnfylvania, 14 V t
Infuranie comp. N. A. (hares I o
Pennfylvania, (hares,- 17 * J| ™
8 per Cant Stock —funded—a to a J percent, adv.
Co Scrip with the fix Instalments 1 do. do*
Do. the jth and 6th (ndalments ade part
East-India Company ot N. A. par.
Land Warrant!, 30 dolls, per 100 acres.
On London, 51 at 30 days
50 at 60 a 90 days
Amflerdam, 35 37 a-100 per florin
Hamburgh 30 13 a-icfo per Mark Banco.
I ICT The approaching GENERAL
I ELECTION, for the City of Philadelphia
I, an 4 the towifflnps of BtocUey and Kingisls
ing, will be held at the Orstiu'. House
Tavern, mn the south fide of M.irkct-rtreet,
, to the westward of Broad-street.
Literacy Vanity.
At a late fitting of the National Institute
in Paris, citizen Meicier, author ot the
44 Picture of Paris, in the year 2440,"
mounted the tribune to read a fragment
upon Cato of Utica. The length of this
which many members of the insti
tute perceived to have been greatly aug
mented limee it had been read to them in
private, the fm-thered,voice of the orator,
the tardiness of his utterance, and the irn
poffibility of hearing him at the distant parts
ef the hall, produced a mod marked impa
tience both 011 the part of the aflVmblv, and
of the members of the institute. The presi
dent found it necessary to invite the citizen
Mercier to cede his place and his turn to
the citizen Lebrun, who would recite a mod
beautiful ode on the existing circt'mftances.
The author of the long fragment, feeling his
vanity wounded, proved refraftory, re lifted
the willies of the prefidelit and the auditory,
and after a scene, which the editor declares
to have been truly scandalous, the president
dissolved this College of Savans, in the midst
of the mo ft lively dil'order.
The French National Institute offer a
Prize Medal of the weight of Five Hefto
grammes, to the author of the best Ode,
Poem, or Discourse in verse, upon the Foun
dation of the French Republic. Any gen
tleman of a Poetical turn, who is inclined
so wijke acceptably on this fubjeft, and to
put foe Hectogrammes in his waistcoat
pocket, may have an opportunity of forward
ing his lucubration through the medium
ef the Gazette of the United States, winch,
Mr. Barlow fays, is read in Paris every day.
The Citizen Ret, ex agent diplomatique,
in the Council of Five Hundred, on the
l s th Ju-y, " denounced the ex d.reftors as of a Commonwealth. said Max
the authors of the most dangerous confpi- ;mi , ian Robefpierre> 1S Pub , ic virtue. Make
racy which had ever been blow H up against M<Kean governor> Dal , a3 chief-juftice,
the Republic. He accufri them of having Tench Cuxc Sec fc & J C and
forced the lurks and ihe Americans co de- where would be a more ; Common
dare war against us, and he demanded that Ul£ahh lhanours
they be brought to judgment for it. Sent,
to the Commiitce of Five. The Turk.-'
and the Americans f" Übi lapfi ! quid fe
cimus !
This citizen ex-agent diplomatique wil
find hinafelf in the vocative, should he urgi
this prosecution much farther. He i
seizing the Five Headed Monger by hi
jProbjfcis, with ose flirt of which he wil
focii teach Mr. ex-agent Rey theoldleflfoH
noli me tangcrr.
There seem". to be but owe way of push
Ir.g men from their ilools in France, anc
that is, by underlining and fairy blowing
them up. They fall to the ground crip
objefts but of contempt to their enemies
change, otherwise than in this thorough
going manner, has turned out, Stitor ultr
A3 mankind have nut grown wiser, not
the world hoi efler, than we were won: tr
find them, malgre all the speculations oi
dreamers, wholoever proceeds on. the be
lief that they have, is sure to become an-evi
deuce of one fadt, -ind a prey to the other.
Peace on Earth, and good trill to Men, are
not to be brought about bv a thiift for re
pose, arlfing si om cowardice or indol. nee,
or an ardent pursuit of traffic, f u: ded in
fordid avarice.
The government which bears cn its front
" Peace to all Men." is ftirc to be at peace
with no man. The motto of a wife go
vernment would be " nemo me impune la
At Paris, lately, in the garden of th<
Thuilleries, a ferment took place amongfl
the Sovereign people, in the cotirfe o
which some fellows cried out Vive ie Rot,
A poor newfmenger of the name of BrofTc
lard, was arrested and imprisoned oit fufpi
cion of having been ore of tbefe. He ha:
published a judication of himfelf againfl. ,
the charge, wherein he obfervea that two! _____ T , """. „ , , _ ;
men near him bad occaf.oued his arrest, one ' PIE®3-UtdT in jkglwd. Low
of whom having cried fife te Roi, he con- H f OW£ ' f *T ai ° f i he C^ n ," cl fleet ;hl
eludes to have been a Dutchman , the other, 15 deeded b 7 Slr P <^ r
who cried goddam vine !e roi, an Englifli- Died, lately in the country,_ Thoma:
man. Shoemaker, of this city.
The Executive Directory ha-, ordained THREE deaths were reported at thi
tift who obtained the firft prire of Health-Office New-York, for the 24 hour
jat {be? aft meeting ofjchff btation- ending yesterday at 12 o'clock.
■fr* l 4» :«"V»
al Institute, dull take for the fubjeA of his
next picture, which muu be delivered to the
Government, the assassination of the French
Ministers Plenipotentiary by the Austrian
troops. The fame fuljfCl fhill alio be en
graved by the artist who obtained a prize for
The citizen Girandolet hiving fir ft obtain
ed the two firft prizes of painting, finds
himfelf charged with the execution of this
piclure. The eminent talents of that artist
are known : we maybe sure that he will ful
fil worthily the honorable ta/k which is con
fided to him
It wilV not be after this pi&ure that the
engraving will bfr done : the citizen Vernet
has been charged to cogipofe a design on the
i'ubjeft. Nobodycoulabetterdefignatethofe
aflaflin hussars who attacked the carriages.
Vernet has made himfelf a great reputation
by the almost inimitable manner in which he
has drawn his troopers, his horses, &c.
Berwick, who obtained the fir ft of the
prizes of engraving, wiil engrave the design
of Vernet. It is to him that we owe the
fine print of the education of Achilles.'
Thus the memory of this crime, adds the j
Paris Editor, will not pcrith. All the arts
will contribute in perpemating even to ages
to come, the hirror which it has caulcd
us to undergo.
And of all these, none will so largely
contribute as the art of lying. This famous
print (hnuld have a companion ; a*d I know
of none more fit, than that of the majfacre ef
Bonnier and Rolerjo/, fry Jean Debty,
ON yon, Gentlemen Managers and Di
rectors of the Polls at the ensuing ele&ion,
lays an important charge to fulfil. Its then
a duty yon owe your country, that the mod
severe scrutiny fliould mark all your exami
nations, with refpeft to the right of the per
son whoprefents his vote, whether he is en
titled to it.
This hint I have been induced to throw out
from an id»a that at some former periods,
your polls were not fufficiently rigid ; and
as violence is I believe much the wish of,
and-riot r>nly that but the aim of the party
infamonfly oppnfed to their country, I warn
you to be on your guard.
A Friend to good Order and Justice.
The following are the candidates who will
be supported by the friends of government,
for the several offices prefixed to their
JAMES ROSS, of Pittfburg.
The lad of the citizen Dallas's*,
lalt Philippic, presents a mod happy instance
of what is denominated by Longiiius, " a
con fj>: racy betv/een the dignity of harmony
and beautiful ftiblimity." Here it is :
" The friends of the republican candidate
would ill defervte- the prospect of success,
which daily brightens and expands, could
they be ensnared by the cabals of fa ft ion, or
terrified by tile fpeftres of detraction."
The citizen Dallas, when lie . percetves
that Mr. Rofs is elected by a majority of
fivr oi fi£ thousand, in spite of the cabals
of faffion and the fpeftves of detraction,
will, it he is wife, cry out, with his accuf
tftmed non-chalance, obel jam satis est.—
After which, be may tiug in good Italian,
the retiring dlftich of the ancient Pistol
Si Fortuna me tormenta,
Spero mi contents.
It is palpable, that mod of the adherents
of Mr. M'Kean, look up to his elcflion as
a means of rcftoring their ruined fortunes.
—Like the bladder-man, in the Arabian
Nights, he is to pour hi: wine of consola
tion down their throats ; but like the mise
rable dupes of the man of bladders, on
'-awaking from intoxication, they will find
their prize wrested from them.
The life and adventures of that once An
gular man, Mr. Facing Bothways, as re
corded 1 by the immortal Bunynn, would be
well worth publication in a separate volume,
at the piyfent time. The title of the ejJi
fode might be " Living charadlers drawn
by the dead."
Mr. dams, the American minister, has
leh Berlin and proceeded to Dresden.
The report of three Philadelphia
bound to Cape Francois, being carried into
Porto Rficd, proves onfounded.
Brig Little John, Butler, from hence to
the Havanna, is taken by a French priva
-¥»' s
v,-*' - !.
BALTIMORE, September 30.
The city was yellerday alarmed with a 1
fire, which broke out between 4 and five j
o'clock, p. m, in a carpenter's (hop belong
ing to Mr. M'Onky, on Windmill hill, 1
at the corner of High ffroct and Prutt-lkrcet
continued. Never was deftrudtion more ra
pid—in about 15 minuWs the (hop wherein
it caught, and three adjoining houses (frames)
were inveloped in flames, and conlumed.
The wind was strong at N. E. and as the i
Greater number, as is too commonly the cafe, !
ran without buckets, Mr. Hannaii's and a j
number of other houses, were Caved with the
greatest difficulty. The fire is said to have j
been occasioned by a fegar.
From the following it appiais thai a violent
epidemic is raging id CbarlcStoit
CHARLESTON, September lb.
We underffand tint his excellency gover
nor Rutledge, has witten to major Freeman
commanding the federal troops Rationed in
the different garrisons in this harbor, to re
commend to the captains of veTels arriving
from Europe, as well as from the different
ports in the United States, to remain at an
chor in the roads until the epidemic disease
which now prevails in this city, and which
has proved io fatal to flrangevs, (hall fubiide.
We also learn, the lazaretto will be fit-,
ted up for the reception of the crews of the
vcflels. , '
dsasette £@arim Hilt.
Boston, ISeptember 25.
This day arrived in the Roads, (hip Pack
et, Trott, Liverpool, 40 days.
Aug. 21. Spoke ship Camilla, Seward 41 f
Boston, 35 days out from Amsterdam ; left
her 011 the 23d in lat. 56, long. 9.
Augufi 22. Spoke brig Polly, Hathaway,
of New-Bedford, for Bel faff, in lat. 56,
long. 16.
Sept. 10. Spoke brig Nancy, Johnfton,
from New-York for Liverpool, in lat. 46,
long. 44. Spoke ou the Banks of Newfoud
land, Ciptain Caffel, from the Bay of Hon
duras, for London, 63 days.
Sept. 20. Spoke prijze fchoonerto the Ca
milla, lat. 42, 15, long. 65.
Captain Trott has very obligingly furnilh
ed the following' lifts of vessels. At Liver
pool, August 14th, America, Sands, for Phi
ladelphia ; Severn, Sheffield; Swan, Wood
hare ; Suffolk, Whipple ; and Sally, Coffin,
for New-York ; Nancy, Dear ; Harriot, Orr
and Fame, Rogers, for Baltimore ; Venus,
JamefoH ; William and Jane, Nickels ; John
and Phebe, Dyer; Henfon j and Sarah,
Williams, for Botfon ; Commerce, Whippy;
and Herald, Mason, for New-Bedford; Cum
berland, Scott, for Portland : Two Sifters,
At Cork, Orion, Farmer, New-York.
At Limington, Fa&or, Kemp, do.
At Yarmouth, Four Sifters, Wateri, of
Boston, for Embden, detained.
.At Bremen, Aurora, Barkman, Boston,
At Dover, Sarah, Moore, New-York.
Palled Gravefend, July 18, Brothers, Wa
terman, for New-York.
Sound List from July 24, to August 4.
Polly and Ann, Dock ray* for Rhode iilani
Success Davii, for Copenhagen ; J
Dispatch, Bennas, for Philadelphia ; Grace,
Edwards, do. Aljgator,
fter, For Copenhagen ; Ceiia, Martin, for
Providence ; Neptune, Welt, do. Joleph,
Grimes, for New-Yirk ; Atlantic, Contiel,
tlo. (was I'poke'Augull 24, in lat. 56,) Pene
lope, Fields, do. Clothier, Cleves, of Salem,
Eunice, Hodges, ao. Francis, Beflbm, of and
for Salem ; Betsey, Bryant, do. American
Kero, Lindfey, do. for Copenhagen ; Vigi.
lent, Clement, do. for Salem; Wellington
Murphy, of do. for Cspenhageiv; Cincinns
tus, of do. fordo. Favourite, Rnft, of do. fir
Salem ; Adventure, Barr, of do. fnf do. Au
rora, Beckford, do. do. Lydia, Nicholfon,
do. do. Iris, Snow, of and for Boston ; Tom,
Bailey, for
foj Bolton ; Atlantic, Taylor, for Copen
hagen ; Reliance, Web be , of Boflon, for
Copenhagen ; the Reliance, funk a brig on
the 23d June on the banks of Newfoundland,
crew saved, Sally, Elkin, for New York ;
Nancy, Joy, of Boston ; Rising States,
Putnam, of and for Boston ; Silly Grafton,
do. Arethuia, Smith, do. do. Franklin,
Chaffee, do. do. George, Salter, for Portf
The Daniflt Ihip jEolus, Capt. Cbriflo
pher Jantzeu, from Hamburg. '
Brig Dorfey, captain Starbuck, 25 days
from Pi\rt Republican.
List yf American vessels left there :
Schr. Charle, Mountain, Baltimore
Eagle, do.
to fail'the firtt convoy.
Polly, Bnrgefs, do..
Ranger, Bacon, Boston
Nancy, Carber, do.
Brig Abby, Filher, New-York
Little Maria, Biar, Wilmington
Daniel and Mary, Farly, Boston
Molly, Harding, Philadelphia
Paragon, Hufton, do.
Hetty, Vaneman, do.
Morning Star, Reily, do.
Amiable Adeel,———, do. '
Caroline Wilmans, M'Kee, "Baltimore,
to fail on the 4th for Ganaive?.
Ship Fidelity, captain Weems, 69 days
from Hamburg, *
Brig Littiller, capt, Drifcoll, 22 days
from the Havanna.
Ship Mary, captain Burton, 27 days from
Schooner Julia, captain Stock, 20 days
from Cape Francois. Left about go fail of
American veflels there.
The (hip Hampton, Lre, from Baltimore
for Bremen, was spoke August ai, lat. 58,
20, long. Ij, W. out 35 days.
Baltimore, September 34,
BOSTON, September 2 &
Captain Trott, in the ship Packet, ar
rived liere yesterday from Liverpool, in 40
days. The London papers received bv this
veifel are to Aug. 12, which, altho' ieven
teen djirs later than"b'fore received in this
town, furnUh us with no everits of " great
pith and momeht." Of the grarld fleets re
cently from the Mediterranean, beyond what
we have before received in but
one article is traced, that the combined fleets
werefeen 011 the ill Aug - , at the entrance of
the Ray of Biscay ; and that the EnglifU
fleet under Lord Keith, was still augment
ing, and ptirfuiiig- them.
A vidory has been gained ovir
Tippoo in the Euft-Indies.-—Further official
confirmation of the flight of Buonaparte
from before Acre, have been received, dating
that he attacked the place eleven times over
the dead bodies of his unfortunate country
men, in the last of which he was badly
wounded—Lord Nelson's fleet with 12,000
troops onboard, was off Genoa—Naples in
pofleflion of the royal troops—Mantua and
Alefland.ria closely hefieged with such im
mense bodies of troops as to promise the ca
pitulation of both places in a short time.
Genoa on the point of being besieged. The
Auflrian 'forces in Switzerland, under the
Archduke Charles, being much inferior in
numbers to the Republicans under General
Mafiena, had r.etrogaded a few leagues to
wards the Rhine, but had not been followed ;
he was waiting for the reinforcement •of
Aullrio-Ruffians on the march to join him
In France the Direttory, the Elders, the
Council of Five Hundred, and the Club at
the Menage, a(Tume, alternately, the privi
lege of didlating public opinion, each is
afraid of the other, they all deceive and are
deceived—so stands the blefl requblic, tho'
its administration talk of raising conscripts
to the amount of 300,000 men. The secret
expedition from England was on the eve of
its commencement; an embargo was laid on
all veflels in the channel on the 7th August,
to continue till the failing of the armament,
, which will confilt, besides the 35,000 En
! glifii troops, of 45,000 Ruffians, and 12,000
Germans ; the Britifli officers are, Field
Marshal Duke of Y<jrk, Generals Knox,
Moore, Doyley, Lord Pager, and Duke of
Somerset. • v
LONDON, August to.
Yesterday a court of Direflors was hdd
at the East India House, for the purpole of
reading overland difpatclies, confirming the
account of the viifiory overTippoo, on the
sth of March, at Seederfere : and also the
recapture of the Otterly by the Nonsuch.
Advices from Constantinople, dated June
25, confirm the flight of Buanaparte fiom
Acre, and date that the French General
was mortally wounded. Above 1000
French were found dead in the camp before
A tee
Captain Davis, aid de camp to Morn
ington, who had volunteered his services
fell very early in the adtion between La
Sybille, and La Forte, Captain Cook is
stated to be severely wounded. Our loss
was three kilhd and nineteen wounded.
This morning the Hamburgh mail due on
Wednesday lait reached town. It brings
an account of tbe evacuation ef Tiifrany by
the French, in the night between the 16th
and 17 ult. they having left behind them
all heavy ordinance and magazines.
The Vienna Court Gazstte of the 24th
ult. dates the reported jin&ion of the re
mains of Macdonalds defeated army with
Moreau, in the environs of Genoa.
The siege ofMantua is pafhed withgreat
vigor by General Kray, and the comman
dant had been fumnioned to surrender,
which, however, he had refufed. As the
fire of the however had, from their
near approach to the garrison, become ex
tremely effcftive, tl»ere is a profpedt of the
speedy surrender of that important place.
This mail has brought us the particulars
of the evacuation of Le horn by the French.
The French miiuilev who fled by fca in an
American veflel, was taken by one of our
1 20 qr. c-.rtcs of SHERRY WINE.
Oflober 1, 1799. ' djc.
j~ The fall failing Brig
li&XijgP ELIJAH STODDAR.T, matter;
(^3E3gjjfiJß*A r »w laying at Che]'nut Street Wharf.
She U in complete order, and to receive
a Cars».
*/ For terms apply to the C«ptain oh board,
or to '
O&ober *, 1799.
Wants a Place,
A WOMAN of good Ghariifter. Apply at
the Sorrel Horse Tavern, eight mile l\one,
on the I.arcafter road.
October a, T799. djt
BROKE into the inclofuro of the fubferibsr,
living on the Turopike ro,?.d near the two
mile {lone, on the 17th of September,
with fonae white flreuks abeut her face The
owner is desired to come, prove property, pay
charges, and take hrr away.
Oflobcr %.
Philadelphia, 0 Holer 2, I 799.
LETTERS for the British Packet for
Falmouth, via. Halifax, will be received
at this i»filce, until Friday the 4th inft. at
12 o'clock noon
N. B, The inland post ge to Nt w-'York
mult be paid.
Of the Sextons of th
the number of Funerr
- ■•€ ■
Tfeis DAY AT t} O'CLOfcltl ' » §£. \
■'■ ■ '
Names 9/ the Burial Grounds. § 3
Chrilt Church,
St. Peters,
St. Pauls,
1 ft Presbyterian,
3d do.
Scots Presbyterian,
AfTociate Church,
St. Mary'd,
Free Quakers',
Swedes, .
German Lutheran,
German PrcibyteriaQ,
Univerfalift, j
African Epii'copal,
do. Methodist,
Public Ground,*
Total 64
Tie ebove list comprehends all the burials
rem the City and Liberties of every disease
By aider cj the 2oc:rd of Health.
For the last 24 hours, ending 12 t'lcock A. it-
Catharine Council Germ .11 between 3d and
4th street.
Richard M'Gee, Cithcrine between Front
and 2d flreet.
William Sachs from the street. -
Paul Courtney South (tree* near Lebanon.
Jefftrys junr. ill 4 days previousto admifiion.*
John Bradford, ill du. do.
Sent to i.iiftei encampment and delivered
to Luice \V . Mollis, I4childern.
Interred the last 2" iiis,in the
X Man from Bloody lane.
2 From the Hospital.
3 Total.
Remaining in the Hospital 50, of whom
30 are convalescents.
PETER HELM, Steward.
■- N /
THE Annual Ele£\ion of Trustees
and Treasurer of the Mutual AtTurqnce Com
! pany, for Insuring Houses from loss by fire,
the 7th day of October next, at 3 oxlocir
in the afwinpon, where the Members of the
said Company are requeued to attend.
By order of the Trwftees, •
John Jennings, Clerk.
ScptfmVcr 28th, 1799.
r'/ j J
k Bank of North America,
StPT. 9, 1799.
| HOSE Persons who have Notes or Bills
i- to pay at this Bank, arc informed
That regular Notices will be put under felled
covers, d:re£Ud to the refpedlive payers and
lodged in the Poft-Oflice, every Monday until
the return of the citizens.
Joseph £-1. Fleming, has re
moved his Agency and ComniiiUcu Office, from
No. i4,Chefnut street, to hishoule at the Rifwg
Sun village,on the Germantown road, near the 4th
mill Oone, where he still continues his hufinels
Several persons having already applied to him for
the purpose ol collecting debts, looking out lands,
recording deeds, &c. 111 different parts cf this and
other States—he fo-icits the further patronage of
the publlfc before he proceeds on his journey.
N. B Me would have no objection against trav
elling to the British or Spanifli territories, to tranf
a<ft hufincfi for G.ntlemen.
august 18 lawjw.
Qellers's Hotel in Germantown. ■>.{
THE Subscriber begs leave !o inform the public
in general, and his friends in particular, that he
has opened his Hotel in Get ni»n town, juft, above
the Market House ; he has provided the best of
liqusrsof all kinds, he will prepare. dinnarS at the
(horteft notice and on the most reafonabie terms;
relreflinients ot every kind to be had at all times,
as well asfoups every day frnm H to 3 o'clock. »
His ordinrry will be as usual at half pad three
A COACHEE, will start from the said Ho
tel in the morning at 6, for Germantown, and
return from 9. In the afternoon at 3,
and return at j o'clock, where tmnA
and return at 5 o clock, where pood accom
modations wi'l be provided for paflengers.
N. B. The Hotel in the city of Philadel
phia, will remain open ?i nfual
august a 6 d3W
T A r L 0 R,
RESPECTFULLY a»qua;nts those gentlemen,
who plcafe to favour him with their custom.and
his friends generally, that he has removed from
No. AO, Couth Third ftreetand taken up a tempo
rary near the sign of Son. M' Pherfou
(RitersTavcrn ) a: Gcrmantown, Wh re he will
continue hi 4 business until the return of the healthy
season, all orders attended to with the usual punc
AuguQ iq. eod jw-.
feodiw >
Ptfffffion Is be given on toe 16tii Jugtjl,
A convenient Three Story Brick Houfc,
ST't UA l'E in Spruce between Second and Th-rd
Street; apply at No, no South Second Street*
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