.• • s . || |g£ " % r 7 . ' 7 / \- ' - v " "■ >N x y ;\ ' - i ) t . . dcEtr.ne, collaborated bv Mr. M'Keaii, i., () f the convcrfatlon, Hated Vy Mt (Tra. Smith The Letter fi\i n the Committee of Corret •fhs,- laffent. Ws bdtwTtm to .. true you have l*c» mistaken in obfervl-yi and W«Us, lere Hecelfary ftveral o:her - mdence jU r tie County.;*} Washington .j M«!HfiL» r . 1 5 that, iuloptcd.in public couiii. ils, fourth day of July,--« 776, es l ' lc Gentlemen, who were preftnt, ara »eady yhtch accounted the CerUfcates allu fa„a.oned by the vfl.w.of would th. of our y ln a e *pe^le,. C e,—vou mud have to corroborate their .etlimony. The iMC- ded to .ft barkation of Ir * '' , h at he far- dent nation. What are we now to, fay at sent, but the diftinaion of the good and where Mr. Rofs is Itis known than here, cur- ,fc teethe cm >'"l"" ™ e or certificate, cal- the feceflion of the American Commilh'-ners the bad," is a fair tell by which you may .ency U given by the enemies to his ele&ion, . - 0- wd him . '" hUf w -ceotion and to which which they were driven by exorbi- judge what wtight is due to the other parts j (the fame conscientious men who fupportetf -■/ " S tant demands judified by Mr. M'Kean'i if their fta.ement. the eleven of Mr. Jefferfon,) to a report, Ifhs is right great funis of money Several other charges have been datedh that Mr. Rofs is a Deist. in his inTofent interference in the will indeed be necr-flary.—Many f erfons > and replied to by the committee, some of 1 0 prevent the effed of this report, one ■*.i|ved jr, v«v {•: m t-nig to his 1 hitherto as deserters, refi'gefs, them probably unfounded and others of 01 tli committee in this town, -where Mr. con«ln ~ar 'idaCr or tl0 " s 0 'friendly to France, and traitors, were in tart (according to M r - ' little importance if true ;on these w.- derm Sols^lived more than ten years, and until ' ve A vilifies iiioft of fier mea- M'Kr.m's dofini ) Joyal fubjeas, and mud j t fupcrfluous to make a fiogle oofervation , about five yeari ago, applied to such elders ■ ■: - r t , .hiJnur'rrv and h< »aidf-r all l'>,y h..vc f-der-d bv this mi- _ to thr.fe who made the charges >e cheer- , and other perils, noted for their pirty and ' - ' iU il-ofe o/o'urownffovernment, is too gene- | dak-. We ' not to 's' ve - H " V fully resign the talk of lupponi g them. regard for region, as hvveknown Mr. Rofs • s » n * 1 - i • ~c rr mfrfwrr£\~'aamoru r 011 thric but kavft ch'cm Avhere ihr have dtcmed it unworthy of our* • during ibe v. .:ole < f v.rs time, and as ea-Ghr •*w s y of fentimtnts oi government i.-,, placed them-fatisfied that ff i vrß; e i t her as -a committee or individu- ■ couffl he applied to, and ther e.hearfully fign i - •• • ..-.«k- . • . d nvl( i e publicly and without re- they will ultimately receive a proper decwon a |l y> t0 make ar.y anonymous attacks on the jed the: encloted certificate, a was regretted , v .v.,.ae-.f t -.t char;- -1 or : h - ch m -^ t be .efrrred to arid eftah- and that what in judice ought, to be paid pu bl«c or private of Mr. M'Keao ; ' that the abkf.ee ot the Rev. John M'Millan, ;v ' I ; \v Id- ? (hall anly lay before the public will he paid, .nil no more; but surely Mr. #nd it ma y,, perhaps, be considered as u«- , (who .s the .winder reared t* thi« place, is 1 - ,f 4 "f\ ' ' ,d the following extraft of a Utter from C'.as. M'Keatf's committee fcduld not have told us nece ssary for us to notice any of the un- int.mat-ly and has been -ab".,t t««v years ' Smith Efj'°of Lanc-.fter, a gentku .. of ,of the enorw ; :y of Britilli demands. avowed danders circulated refpefiing Mr. j well Acquainted with Mr. Rofsj f,nd is zer-1- charUer and integrity, who, afterdating; Mr. Mean's commits fay, that he R o f 9i _One accusation, however, has been ' 011s for hii eteaion,) jand of the other prtf. • u;. « w;ll rv.-q xn<-y P- «pidfcd by Ms. M-Kcan, " -fftft h%d beim « dialed with being a Diforgani- so frequently made, so ftrenuoudy infided . bytenan ministers in this neighbourhood, ' ; )* twenty thousand United Irilhmen would 1 zer, Jacobin ; but that in truth there does on , a „d, if true, is of so feriou. a nature, ! are now fitting m ®„t than ' ' le < to this conntr „ goe6 on in the sol- not .xida firmer advocate, a mbre success- t bat we cannot forbear to notice it—Mr. . hxty miles from this -town, piv e..t-d the » ' y . words _u Th fe expressions did not ful .'upporters of law, of public tranquility, R„ft i s charged with being a Deid—Some , obtaining of t*eir contradiftipn to this ialfe * fa lent II tec to ir ft d t lo ne—his abuse of the federal eovern- of privatetropeny and public cretjft." How of u3 have k.-own him t«»m his. outset in and malicious report- Hat it was not tho't ' l' ,y f ."V ! M " ' n i!; - n .ent was repeated and violent, so as'w (hew far his cofc»a refpefting the d.durbance lif e , an d never before heard such a fuggedon. i for the . lake oi ihis, tc fuffer.tke \ ' 1: .7 a ' marked dislike, and decided oppofivion j t vat too, plate on Sunday the tenth of F«- when hc was chose „ , roem ber of tile State ! report to gam force, by the delay o' anotlier '• C ' 16 the great charafiers who conduft it were 'bruarylad, in tl. yard ot St. Mary'sChprch Convention , and when he wa# eledcd into ; pods efpec.ally as tbofe wlio baye * br'nded with the epithet of conspirators, in Phil -delpl.ia, w.th tliefe affer. the Sena te of the United States, he was' <5» sd > are d.fhnguillud charade! s, for good w,ifliil& to introduce a monarchy; anl hi' tions of hi" co t# .we luomit to the , warmly O pposed-ma..v objeaiot.9 were horedv and n dlrel p-c\.,bk for ap,robltion of French measures, and their public on the following fh.te.nent c-t the p-.rt urged by s ome vvho had long known him, ! tbe«r Rations in focety. Mn. AU.for. v . ' - '■ .T prefentambiuous pursuit,, was unequivocal." Mr. M'Xean took on thatYiccafion. Wlnld but this cliar^e was rt . lerve d for the present ; ■*[/*«» Mr. Swearengrr Mr. I : Few of the citizens of Pennsylvania, are at Robert .W* irtc.i. ffq. Mayor of tne city, -fionM Relieving, as from all these cir- ! Muchell and Mr. RiUme are ji.fi ces of the this time so uninformed, or so misled, as to waa er t w of cumftallces we wtrt juftificd in doing, that '* fl t:is bee " '* as . .. be blind to the projeas meditated by France J. Cmr-mii. 5 ai-d D ■ R-.ynolds, two ofthe lhere w; , n» found-tion for it, we have been . Umbty. Mr. Cvtt and Mr. are : againd the United States—to the varied and p rfons >.a used as authors ol not, ome hap py tn be bl e to refer you to the an County coi.-imffioners, and the lad h« been I unwearied efforts with which die has prose- person Wv.v U -d.v.oL-ntly at the door and ticxed ctrt ; ficates wh!ch we have received . ? nv-mVr .(.raffemb.y. Mr. Ourningham T • r cutid our ruin-to the vjofcnce, perfidy, de:.'.-nd,c ndmiffion ,tW condables rehif.ng from tll<> Rev r ohn Smith and Mcfl - rs ; A J is a fubdantial merchant and Mr: Mercer a : f.'ilfiiood arid intrigue,'by which die haa,en. to ojysn it, Mr. M«Kean called out «i am Swe Robert Stockton, J-feph • iafmer. _ hef- gentlemen being f* _ I deavored to acccmnlilli lV;r infamous ends, Chief Jnlhoe ct the date, the Mayor i.p- vvhi-riv, ' John Cotton, James Btice, j" a ' n at t ' : - t '- T, r.' wpr e-'eadily appl ed „ | and fink us into disgrace and misery. How on he-, ing t»at the Chief Jud.ce was there Mitchell, John Mercer, Tames Al- ,»? >' 0 " alr " r 'f . - 1 tneo r,n we he willing to wceive » our go. . orderen the cmlltables to open th? door and ! , ;fon Cr ,; Ritcllle> and M^nAtr C »n- j"7 ® f 'f n >' 15 r toou<. 7 l ;.V ; J vernor l on xho has judifUd their meafurts, give Mr. NUkeau adm.tti.ice. No sooner ni ban ,, pioHsanddevo.it men-the f or . the report. Many more names could, "" , of 1 applauded their cond-.a and principle,, and | had ht entered than he ca'.. d„ ut with a M j nifter of (he Gof , and the hi- | have b f cn <**»•s> hm t0 (<*} wa« < « .. Ie - exalted the blcfiings of their lydeio of j loudvo.ee. accompamed by . m .lacng- wr, EMer . oft £ diffcrcnt p re fb yttr ian Con- , * ho f ht w . be . , ■ . d liberty ? I " of a " gregations in whofc neighbourhood lie has i *'<&*>. a " d a f e!ea,on of a few u< queft.onj rt ; Yoii .uinot, Fellow Gtizens, be igno- | th.s suss that vy keep tne c.ty .n uproar hft wfi< f ed wh ; ch w .ll be , wfMHitW, % 8 . rant, that they have made Liberty and , w.th a mob mi.rch.ng these gentlemen up one r „ u „ d J c 7 onts ; n , complete refutation 0 f ■ The of the l ev. John Smith, of . ' Equality the pretences, plunder and dreet" ann clown another, hand-cuffed and th ,- g ma l" C ? o iis calumny 1 CangmiftSirsh, a learti.d and n fpeftable Se vmil " f : l dominion have been tfceir ; that their , tied, f- r h .If the day together." Thus, fellow-citize as. we bave confide- \ ce '^ r "!''" ifte , r : wh °' abnu . t ll,r «f ars m - •- -d - pbilcfopbic enthuliafm h* not been n Msned ; The Mayor attempted to date the na- ed the obfervat ; ons of thr adverfc committee i f mo, f^' th ' s 00Un J7, ,roni ° flerar V. n • ' (h | with spreading uproar and vretchedneU ever j tore of .hen- effence_the ev, der.ee of their {n , to thecharw th f geft t0 have j WaderWty, enabled tis to procure his : in : a great portion oi 13c, gloie,, and drenching j having insulted the congregation at the bern r 'de 3?airid thfcir candidal e • and ' * mGcateallo, and op«n this we are content i its fu. face with bu: that they have Church, and that one of them had prefen- j f , - bfve found it neceffarv to travel •*» thf ef Mr. Roft and of oui* .., ~ . | attempted to change the moral, as well as ] led a loaded pistol to the bread of one of ' . 7 f . . . . * felv?«. C l' j ' ' ! the politic/, date of mm. ; with this view j the Members, that the priforers had been | "J, W ' We wit!i ;is miu '' eare bstve obtains ;ld i the Cliriflian Sabiath has been abolilhed,— treated with all possible attention and ci- j,' ~ ', ' ■, as positive a denial of all the other mall V'" nf | religious obligatio.K tfealted with rilicyle 1 riliiy—had been neither handcuffed nor j 0L . a p ell vol can c.ous repoits laiely propagated against Mi, " : " ; ':Z ■ and contempt: and nat.dnal rights, alike in- ' tied, but, in as polite and tender a manner M 7 TJaT^TJ iJj we do l'Hg« ourselves that they '. M c , confident with the precepts of natural and as the nature of the cafe would admit, had * . om f ,''' d ' 8 1 ama JJ ' . are falfe. But we thought it not ot confe ' ' ?SIL revealed been edubhdv i. Du- been permitted to walk wilh the pea- of- fn, ° n ' politely . V' ; Spont, one of the members of tne Fr-ich ! fi oer* in f.arch of bail ;to the ' or'. ° f » U !' you can de. ]Vrally kIU)Wn tnbefa!rc . and as such re . ' : ■ < ' n ? „*.|" f i he rifiicn!' tol Convention, has thus espreded h'n...lf—j datemeot of the manner in whir lad ."."""f e are now 01 eor y ports from unprincipl-d and ded.-rning men it €i What! Thvones arc overturned ! Seep- been treated Dr. Reynolds car . n-'^ U y, C W , CCn ,. P r • • , a re ul'iuiHy o\i such n C r?ifirtns. Br:t 5«. C?PT : A ? d y ,. M;K i. *«>,•« ***■t.'sry* •• r— '+£-Qnc\ remain ! A ureatii of j nothing from thti M j? • • t i • 7 >1 1 credit due to a repcrt of lnhaclity and aro wrii •. M iCean'j c.omtn ee ! enlightened r>--rfon will now be' iufilcient to ' prefen , a..d cHarred th :r 1 ttn P, i P l '' ncl Pj e - «g L( T' >* . f pe a fnr religwn is of finh importance in v.i'i ' t« it, nnk' them did, ppc ar . Nature and Reason, ' Congregation with hav pci t i..ent an. 1,1.4.1 c noi.a. ,qja K.ca ions, p U "bj; c {lj,t', 9n> that we thought it a dnty tt> vh d they ha cany, £ th.-fr ought to he the gods of men ! These ! a ffaulTon the pr.Wr,, a:.. H.s manners arc li.uple, but h.s underdand- ur f( ilow cit j 2cns t „ disprove the afperLn - arc my f ,ds ! Fo, myfelf, I , lu nedly avow and not tlle wer .fc ° f . 7rbo • to tht- (convention, I ara ;»n Atheist." thnt he would have difmiffee 'V ,•, r r p , . . • theirfore, tbis aspersion ftiould mis. , u have 'own tiic fentinients >p-nly a quarter of an hour, for the 7. s i t e no/ pito)p ) o raiice, ic i gqod people, unacquainted with Mr. v ' 'f. an d hj the Rn v yTentativeof the ; a ritrht to take up thfieir hats 2 ' mora \ ) h»i kVs' n a cc 2nc», , r fo mmittee here requed tbflt you v «• t v,» y ff or , lie nation to v hom Mr. M ; Kean has not hell- their bufinefa.*' The Mayor v 1 to a\ow his attachment. take the recognisances and M , , ri T , r • f / t . i cutnents in the newspapers or in hand biil% n 'd '■ xcit . V c in A '.though our county hus withdrawn a ' f OOO aftcrwtrrfs left the room ' ' •' S, ur a' V ' as von think, heft, and in inch banner as „c. little from tne which ih, ; M • was n- wiCd>ailtf Many of tbc fuppoiters of Slf» ,• ' i certificates is in the hands of the committee - • f- ported o y the rmngfp.ru of haa ' ua ij t v «,f right. ?nd their aphorrcn- .•• Vir •' not, he cannot A.ADDISON, , opposed a mom attitude tho liiTßh- " .. r. 7 j V c «-on, tliefe po.nti. He is yet in ' k ing aggreflio-s of an imphcable foe, we mud . fem ii y ; it W o'oW°be well for thef*™* • • \ ,or of iid-, wuh a mind and CbatrmcM of the cemmtttec of osbmgHm etf* ~ not yet consider our fafety to be insured, or . j , * , • • 1 i labie of encountering every ; T' OT T< ra°. 'r in the Conventioß that formed th,«ate co. ' c !f" it" toall whom it may concern. " a ' r ; ,nc e. r jpjpn^Jvvi, 0 !, 1 f- J Cl " 0 ditution. are confirtent their opinion . .. . : ... ■ A sr ., e Jr WE the fubferibers, regidar members of ld S nfr S) delence which has hithert» pre- :— Jn of the niitftites of the body, ZTJfnn sundry Preftyterian congregation, in the u t- •„ served us from the rapacious frralp of her Di- , .«r i i 11 : j u A. ei»g your Oovv i'nor, or * . .. 6 , & 1 1 • » : " reftory. H-ould he exalted by the people to T' f K Y -'uahle a'nd reljWbWc. county of Walhington, have heard w,th d plates of trud and power, our danger will fta » b <= « pa . Wrf, and , fgW , that ,m«ng the many - ; L renewed 5 a nation ever expert in intrigue, ! f'f °J sotf ot ] a "Senator who not -d topl.ee h-fo,e you Aander, u , repo.t. propagated asaind^ne % boa Hi ng of her diplomatic Ik ill, will not fnil fc-zed, I, ,.tee limple.of five hundred acre. t ; K -hey appear to u. up. refpeflable charter of jamea Rofs Esq. ,? to avail herfelf of so u'nhoped for an advan- ?'"%"> in * h,S ,° r V?- on and information, of who>b» been proposed tobe tage. feffed ot real and personal edate to the value >We . have si vonred .« nothiui;- ehofei, governor of Pennsylvania, one ir. . U! 'S IS'' ■ w We know nothing of the charge, that T' 6 '' - - in ma!,," tl.nt he i, >DiJ!. - Mr. M'Kean IS desirous of provoking a W«r WiU fia(i | M '; M -Kean) fecon. WeaK n unmixed an*-. f We trust that we have a finoere regard 7.' 7 , ■ is with-Gnat Britain. The answer to this J ,n f a «&'<*«• 1 Governor fhal , iety ffJl t , . of fo truth and religion, and we feel ourfelyes Spr , i ds foppofed acr.ufatioo, if not introduced for >«=g»'«y <>« ed ana poffeffd of a clear real . whj< . h , R ( .no.w, boond by the duties we owe to both, so far le-ii -r, -- .. - a the purpose, has at lead afforded his coin- and P^fo» al tdate, within this common. Kng vith whocai. a.-i- a. our tcdimony can go to remove fiom our lt . nutte an opportunity of pouring forth their health, c f the value of four thoufa. d dol- tl)cr aW( iated hy hu- fellow citizens, this cbflruaiou to the free Ja m-.v. K^7L f tC ; censures on the treaty with that nation. . '"* months before h"\. eleftion ; and m; li- at i on> arneftly tl- exercise of our votes in favour of Mr. Rofs. They ob'.erve, " that it has been so condru- In P J 6 e '7. 1 ' renewing, at an adjourned ni tc in this 1 U -t all vr.uv God forbid that we (houid afiid in placing in •: d rra - n ittta-tw nd and ailed upon as to entail ujpn this meclm g> his firll motion, in which it ap- iviflu|dct —.cai .c'uergi s fucV an important a flation, a man defective •n ;Mv;ueJ»iaa 1 t® country the payment of two enormous P ears » from the Yeas and Nay», he wasop. t O , it to a in' refpeA for religion. And we but obey ... . ' t , TO( elades of debts." and speak of the secession P°fed by Mr. Rofs and fupfiorted by but ftahtlv in mind, : itriving in the the di&aies of our own copfciences in ma >'» ig ti-. ttfal • ri>.c, itleif of the American Commidioners—« Ihrink- eight members of the Convention. Of the c>!K f.. c f your coi ...on—your country— king the following declaration of what we --:ralitand co: • ' n BT from the talk of announcing to the merits of these propofitiona we do your religion—y>urfelv\.s and your children; know of Mr. Rou, from our own obferva ' ' J:-;r- -M ' e J public the extent of British demands." The "ft consider it necessary to express qui opi- i n a word—for all that is dear to Max. tion aad indubitable information. :«>• ■•r• •• . : i ( in of e°mmittee certainly was not aware that one ni9n .» but when of two candidate, for the Levi HoUwgsv.'ortb. Mr. Rofs-was born of refpedable and' -5, t-' l6 ni °H offenfive and exorbitant de- fird office in our government, one is Samuel Men-is. piou. parents, of the Prcibyterian churc'i in i- ■ . '*■"!' jit. tn mauds which has been made on that Board branded with the imputation of aristocracy, Robert 11 harton. York county in this date, and received fom .or ' s f° r a 'raod half a million of dollars by the the other held up to the people, in the Benjamin R. Morgan. them a religous education. He is we!! in th Agent of the Penr. family, who has accom- of hi' 3 e-mmittee, as " a friend of L\nry Fruit. llruited in the fcriptuics r.rd the do&rine. a-v jud grnrnd oii which thefr ?n P*nied hi. memorial with a pamphlet Under j *S oa ' under the freed of govtrn- Michael Kepple. of chridiar.iiy aa held by our church ; and' ' the ficnature of Mr. M'Kean, in which he ments" as one who " advocates >0 dif- Zctcbariab Poutson, jun. v. e are per'fuaJcd believes and refpefl. 5: defends and judifies the claim. One of the j u ; a '°. n h:6 fePow-citiz.-os, but the Daniel S.-nitb. them. He lived lo«g in this town, and long ,!- P°' Bt ' s of difference in the cases on which ! didiftion of the gortd and tilt bad." it is %/.» If alt. er in this c unty, and we have had good 1 - o- the Commissioner. have separated is the date jutt to measure them by f,me public and tawr.nce Secle!. opportunities of knowing him. Where he y, °f our Independence— the General Agent known dandard, edabhfhed at a time when ha. lived, there has not been a y dated foi the L nitedStates contended, that we be- it cannot be fairly prrf.imed that either Documents referred to in the preceding mimder, 3nd only occasional supplies for • tal.'-n i. to came a tree ami independent nation from the party had any expectation -f becoming a Address. pobiic worfliip. But he has contributed to of fourth o.y of July, 1776, —the General A- candidate for the office of Governor. Certificate of Mr. Watts. the support of public worlh p where I c liv. -fv, ; ,-n a. m. i.lcr bf *' " u la '"' antS alTcl '"' The committee has thought proper to de- IDO hereby Certify, That I heard Tho- ed, and attended it regularly and there i» -r" 5C when we received cur indr Jn7 7 3 ' D y. terms, Mr. M'Keufr hav. r .ias M'Kean; Chiei Jtid cm of Pennsylvania, nothing known to ns to jnftify the imputa 'r the Kinff of Great Britain mg ever expressed a wifli, ".hat twenty declare, " That he visbtd 'Twenty Thousand , lion that he >s an or deid, and we ? f * ; thousand United Irifhi.-e.'-would come over United Irishn-en would come into this Coun- think this imputation sals *nd malicious. 7 1"_ the Aurora of February 22, 1798, an jto the Ur.-ted States, for that, in h s opi try, that tbey teere a PtoDle who understood 111 witness whcre.-f we haie hereto kt our 1- opinion is publilhed with the fignatare cf nion, they were the only men who under- true Libert} and the Rights of Man," which hands. d 1 nomas*M'Kean, agreeing with that now dood true liberty." To this we oppose the 1 am willing to attelt upon oath, if .it A Sweatenger ) , 0 f Walhinirton J,, maintained before the Bntilh Commiffioncrs. letter of Mr. Smilh already recited, ai,d the Jiiouldbe neceff-ry. DAVID WAITS. Robert Stockton [■ Ccn rreuati.-r 1 It expressly declares, that the civil war annexed certificate of Mr, Watt, of Cai ii'ile, August 10, 1799 Joseph Wherry J b e continued until the definitive treaty with both men of known character, ir.dei.cn- N. B. A dozen aftidaviu can hc procured John Cotter. 1 Elders ot Bufialoc Cougr#- ,r j Great Britain in 1783. Americans, if this dence and integrity. If any further proof to the abov. faft, if