Pt: adt!pbic t fti Sept. 1799. Ms. Ft uso, leclofed I fer.d yon a lett.-r from the committee o' correspondence for Vafhing hton coonty, cowering a certificate from a ■ umber of the most rtfpt.enable g' otlerne i in that county, proving Mr. JAMES ROSS of Pittsburgh's atta-hm«"t to the Christian Religioo, in contradiction to a sal c and fcanaalons report propogated and industriously eircalated, fey the friends to Mr. M Read's eleSion,," that Mr. Rcfs is •« Atheist, a Deifl," &c. I have kaewn Mr. Rote from his yoGth, and his father and friends i»f York county, where he was born, and a more religion and virtuous <' les to his election, (the f«m- c ofcit. tious mer who supported the elrSior of M . JctJertbr,) to a report, that Mr. Kols is a Deist. "lo prevent theeftecl of this report, one of the committee ir. this town, wti: re Mr. Rofs lived more lhaa ten years, and until a'.out e year; ago, applied to such elders am: perf;»n3, nor J, tor their piety ar.d t ard . r religion, a: luve known Mr. Rois At. the ft ho! -f thist:me, and as ca&iy could be appli, d to, ard thev chearfuily limn ed the er.clofcd ct rtificatr. I- w,s n-grtttcc that the aofence of .he Rev. M'Milian, (who is the inii.iiler t th-.s place, int:n'at !y ard his been a» .t twenty years well acquainted with Mr. Refit, and is zcil oas for his clef, ion,) and of the other Pref- ; bytrr:.;., m ; :l ;fkrs in this neighbourhood. - - -viic ire how fitting in Pttfby'.cry, more than sixty miles from this town, prevented the obtaining of t-e;r contradiction to this falfc and malicious report. Sut it -as not tho't pruder.t for tie lake of tiis, to {after report to gair force, by the delay of another week's polt: efpecia'ly as th. fe who have fijOtd, lire d fiiijri. ihtd charters, for good f"n(e, honesty and j.iety, and rrfpeilabic fcr their ftatirirs in foexvt, Mr. AJfifcm is judge of county, Tvir. Mr. M:tcheii ar.d.Mr. Rit.hic- are jufticei of the pe;co. ;. u in; iaft has been a taembrrof af ftmi y. Mu Cott n and Mr. Brice, arc eoor.ty irSfiieitrrs. and the lift iv.s been 3 trembex cf Mr. Cur.nitu'hair. ii a fubf-r*... incrc!.ant and Mr. Mercer a iufcin-iti.-! tarirer. Tbcfc gendemetv being all in t.- «u at the time, were readily applied *j, ar.d ycu may be affurcd, that the cfrtifc catecc ary 01 >. tiiem, iifujßciert to out weigh the r. t. Many trore naries conld ha-.ebe-fn-obtain-d, but to fcelc numbers was thought to be r.t ". g too much rcfpeA to the flancer, and a teircUon of a few unquestion able chanrters was thought be". The prefer;ce of the Rtv. John Smith, cf Cannonfburgh. a learned and refpeAable Se ceder rr.inifter, who, about thnre years ago, removed to this cotntry frtm Octorara. in Lar.csfter county, enabled us to procure his certificate also, a.»c upon this we are content to reO the cfcaraiier of Mr. and of onr ftlv«. We could with ss much ease have obtain, ed as pofitlve a itnial cf all the other mali. c.oas reports lateW pr- jagdted agai--ft Mr. Rofs, and we do pledge •urjelves tliat they are fa!fr. Brt we thought it net of confe- to do so, as they are, we trust, gt r.erally known to be falie; and as fnch re ports from unprincipled and defining men ar-'jfcaljj-expected on such occahons. But there are so few of ascertaining the crtdn due to a report of infidelity and a re f;<-e~t for religion is cf fu«h importance in f:aticns. that we thought it a dutv to our feiiow citizens to diipiove the of deism. Epaft, therefore, tkis aspersion Qtoald mis- Irad good people, with Mr. . Sa4% "the ctnumittec here icijutfl that yon will pbblilh, if yon thick proprr, theft do * f onneots in the nrwfpapers or in hand bills " ' v yon think beflf, »r.d jn such mannrr is ' ' yod think fit. The ordinal of thefc - ct rtificatei is in the hands of the committee df Franklin cownty. A. ADDISON, Cicirmau of the committee of Washington ec. W&mgfn, (J*.) A*g. t Qb ,799, " *»IU WM*JTIUT COMCM*. - Wjt. -jj& We ttmft that *« h»»e i fioceit regard iar troth mi rdSgioa, aad we feci onrlcl«(i koud by the Antics we owe to both, lb far »»w can go so removc from owr Mow dUtsi, this cbflrofiioa to the 6tt • cxeirrfc of oor Mm ia favuar of Mr. God saM that we iSI ia « Mi a important a ftatioa,a nan ddcfim in rrfpeS fcr religion. And wc hot ohcy the Sfk&a. of Mr owa tibafeteacca ia at. kng tl? following ledaratkm of whar wv bow of Mr. Rua, fraaa our o«b obfierva- Im aad iodobitaatr iafonaatioa. Mr. Rols was born of refpectafcie and pious parents, of the Prcibyteriaa churc 1 in YorkcMnjj tn t&» ftatprWdrflCtivcd tlicA irrligoos HucatJoOj'ficiji jr»ll I*^ ,ftj«aed iu *6f-chfiOkDur m mi, we " are (erfiiaM btiieni nl Iwn. Hi liwrd long in thn aad lang ***"?.coontT» *£***«»* **l good of kaoirMJkiia. " Where be i*» livedo there ha* dor. btci may stated Biniller, and only (applies far jubiic But be baa Contributed tc the fbpport of public •orfli'p where he- liv> ed, and at traded it regularly and there ii nothing kootoMo D 8 to the imputa ttontbati he m an infidel or dcift, and w< think this imputation falfc and malieioot.' witaefa whefeof we hare hcretofet ou Mnihr " RowTstockton 1 E!dc " of J-.feph Wherry J John Cotton 1 Eiders of Buffzlce Congre- James Brice J gation. James Mitchell, Elder of Peter* Cosgrega. John Mercer J Elders of Char tiers James AUifon 5 Cosgregation. Craig Richie Alexander Cunni: gham. Since I lived In Waftington county, I have kad opportunity of coowiitg; and being wel 1 acquainted with Jame» Roft, Esq. of Piitfiinrgli, and of knowing hi* dwaficr from fewons tad rcfpcAaUe pcrfbot «e0 acquainted with hi* opinions and coaviifa tion.and I am wefl persuaded tint be it fin. cetely rt/pcafol of the Chri&izn Proteflaat Religion, and do verily believe that the re port of V« being an infidel or deist is alto gether without foundation. .Iftnylcr of Affaciated Ccngrcga'.ttm Ckartxert. ALMS-HOUSE, ' Srptemier 1 itb 1799. XasTUMK, YOU Ikiiijr irturncd to ft rvr as Guard ians of the poor, are required to aitcuJ « the. City Court Houfr io Cnrfmit ,V» on the 25th inftint, at o'ck-ck in tl> mornirg-, qr at such otlrr pUce where tt> ftf«yur may please sppoict. J~XIK a eter Tbmapsmn "Y rbemss Jforris f . . _ - ZbarhsJiUj T Amdrt "P'"* fiim es C. Ftsberj ~ Ja&tt §toais, 1 Join White tides I William HMemesx Michael Roberts J ' Cjftf. Willieut J.jiies~i WiHiani Cramond I w , „. „ Thomas M. Willing f W/W Rccd J R:cbcud Tunis ~j Job* Massej I Jrati Paxton f> 1 Si JainM. Price; } AM Emms CtJrrollader Fculie I m _ Wi'hom HoUemeU f Ftter J^*r Job* Nenbold J Henry Mit ire "J William Jointan f *_«.#» 1, JabnHM f J^obGrceiU Jesse Williamson J William Cttfton, J**. - ] David Evan* I , _ .. Caps. Job* Carson f CharM W> Will: an Bum ide - J CHARLES SWIFT, President, Boagd of Managers. rill . MfiH Ship Broker's Office, And Csmrr.iffttn Si ire, Wo* i»9, Sooth crokt STtrrr, Keit ear two thoofind dollars, and alio by Cxty bod warrants; — A'm Hntfmt, akfs the bid John Clcro Sywatesftall appear, give fpcoal frail, and nenre a declaration atths fait of the plaintiff, judgment win he ouni apidt kk, aad Ua property aenciß atfwhed, will he fold agreeably to the laut ia such eait wade aad prm ded- Aaron Ogden, OsibcdHQWßjßif S, I/99 (") i*«m v V IK THK XOfIJC OF ia« Tbc condition! of file will fceeif? acd made kno* n on the day ot sale. PUee* of public »orihip, market Hi', miilt ire very contiguous JOHN DARRAGH. N. B A plat 01 the ibo*e will be exhibited a»v t me pretiouj, as well a oa the diy cf u!e. AugulUfi. Mißa< j One fcouscad Fire Hundred DOLLARS WAS delivered to the POSTMAS TER the on the evening of Tuesday the 27th n!t. ir. a LE"I I ER directed to Mr. Jccn Hills, Mere hint, Baltimohe, co&taining twe ALEXANDRIA BANK NOTES, Ne. 4320, in favour of IVilliam Taylor, and - d ited 30th April, 1798, for ONE THOU SAND DOLLARS, and No. 4522, ia fa vour of Jain P., and dated the iotS ef Dccemler, 1798, f«- FIVE HUN DRED DOLLARS , wbicb letter has been SUPPRESSED in a POST-OFFICE, and the BANK NO! ES taken out *s {be PUBLIC MAIL w's not STOPPED, MOLESTED, or UOBBED. Bankers auJ merchants arc particularly rrqjefled to watch the circulation of said notes, and Itap tbem ; and any ptrfjn giv ing facb information as will lead us to our nancy, fball have EIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS reward.. WILSOJTW SWANN. Fre&rick&urg, (Virg.) Srpt. 10. IC7* All Printers in the United States, are requeAed to publiih the above, and we wiil pay tbea. 140 barrels Green COFFEE, FOK SALE, By SIMON St HYMAN GRATZ, No. 132, Market Stmt. WHO HAVE ALSO OS EAXD, l s° I - chcHs Hyson SUia TEA,"J of latest 30 <}r. cbefia Hyson dit», t impor ic c hefts Bohea ditto, J tat ton. Sept. 18. dim. Received ly tbt stip Adrians,captaia Carl ton* from Lmdjtt, A H:CI aSSO T»f*T OF hair seatings, Salable for chiir »nJ f pha covert, coofifting ct C ripe J 2nd pUir, jaJ of the following widths, i/,x 17, 18, 19, »•, ai, a*, »j, 14 :S, 30 and j 1 ioches. FOU SALE Br GEORGE PENNOCK, ratF juiy 8 Valuable Property for ON FRIDAY, TW» Mh of S; be required, ft' ■ffl cither be Ud est in, or divided io two or ! thr-elota. Fifty acres of choita timber land, | cotfi. rfi/irf, ncartj oppofitc to 1 the a'-bve.ia Ifiuof l uj viao cadi, far cm- ! vniencc of pacchaferaAc iatria&c valac of Afpmt. u to well koowa (a cverj &naar*)at it jtwiorrrffaty parfitnbrly todcfcriU k. Alio,, a taiH lot of one aadthta* f*anc»acra nearly adjoining,' tat difioA from theaboif. Cooditkan of Me wiUte oat half ea& laj the other half a Si Bowka, with iamrfi aad fccarit ldwc menrioacd. Periods 4. joiatag wKowiH Stoic ud k> f; ftoftnj. To WfeUu part of the cftttc of CM *~'i i. drceafc^.bj JAMES VAUX. "ff CAAALaz PLEASANTS, (**, . "•"» ' jyitfr ±auimtriM. »f iuiwjiw is i a lOjutt <7 SPECULATION. 10 B£ SOLD. AT Public Vendue, on Monday the :;d of September next, at a o'clock, P. M. at thehoufeo: the SubFcfiber, living is the town New-Castle, State of Deiawire, a cum tier •f valuable LOTS, feitifelc for building on, beipg the &»th lirim of ifce Aoariftng town of Mcv-Caik afore- W> frail PkUadclpbu ikktj-thrcc mUci Thi* valuable property it highly capable of I improvement, being immediately 00 the rirrr I Delawatxv baring a number of wharf lots 00 w ; and from the depth «f the water (earth I and materials for wharfing Vioj ealily procu- < | red) there ano doobt hat wlurvnt would ; i brni); a hasdiOmejatefcft. This pibpeity coe'Gfiscf Ave acres more or k&. in one body ; lay* high, »nd is divided ia to lot* (a fuil every ddlriptfco of petf-ns. New'Cafile an* rfiht mast healthy and flcaribnig towns ae the continent; and from tbeincreafe of trade it has railed property to fonr tines the ntae it was Seven years - The a amber of veffrh bound out and ift, which ®op for InppKes of t*k, &c. ate. and the whole carriage*of goods between FbtlxUlphia and Baltimore, is now through this plate. The packets aad Asset from the afarefod cities. to. *c. make it rirj livriy.i there is ix*. at this lime; one haafe 10 be raited in the place ; and the aarnber of applications for honie* mike lit an forperloas to improve. There are a number of degant aad nfcful buildings nov going on, aPoblicAcademy and feverai private Sohoots. fht malignant Fever has navcr made »y progrefe, and the Ague scarcely kn vn } the 11 amber of children in tfck place isa convin cing praof of the hcaklunc& as it. The prof peA of the rirer Delawrre, up and down is de lightful j at far *s the eye caa diftiaguiilh y°' may-view the veftb in difercnt attitudes Tbe*e is rnalon to fmppofc that public piers for the Navy wDlbetrnih here, as veiels «« fail i from this place when the rives is faft at Phi-1 ladc^phia. %$e <3wtte. rHILADf.LPfIIJ, a«MOAr.mrzMtSG, szpiKHizz 13, APPROACHING ELECTION. KVXBgtt X. To the Electors of Penn/ylvania. irwi 4n agaitlft Mr. Roj&s •hieh it will W: proper to ndtice— ■ , - '■ •* K» is chained with funng sbf-Btrd hirtt fclf.' for icofiiidtrabfc'periodV frdai the Je n«te of die United States. The duties of armbers df tbfc do .not a total inattention to their private affairs; the compenftoon tbey re ceive for their ferritrs, fcarcdy fui&Ccs to maintain them, and if they are to be Com pelled wholly to renounce the puriuits of their own interest, we (hail find few men properly qualified, contenting to €ll their Rations.' The weftrra courts sfually fit about the time when corigiefs commences its operation*, and Mr. Rofs's great profef fional bnfinefs, added to bis distance from the scat of government, may haw detained him from Philadelphia a few days at the begin ning-os one or two ieflinns. If, for this, the federal candidate can jnftly. be crimi nated, what cenfurc ought we not to pass npon Mr. Jeflferfon, who, although re ceives a yearly (alary of five thocfand dol lars, has been absent many weeks from every wfficw of held since lie has been ptcfident of the faiafe. Mr. Roft is charged with a ding under a, forest! influence ; " but the truth is, that bis lefpeft for foreign cations, is'tegvlaird by his to the independence, ho nor acd bppufa of his own country, ai:d the principled of onr civil conftiturion?." The time charge is made again!t *ll the branches of flbr-y»eiucent, and a great majority of the American people, zs.wrjl us igaiaft trim. It is a matt'at{t»cioUs fib-1, 'not only upon the individuals, toirards whom it is more pointedly direded; but span thr national chancer and honor of our country. 'Even if this calumny were true, it flight with ffatrc and Coiifufion to he acknowledged, and being infainouily fclfir, every citiaen it bound, fiercely to rc fcut it If, to have been a firm friexd to the iyftcs, pnrfued by our omr, adsHnif [ tration,.be a proof of his attachjyriit to a I foreign jjitrreft, it it the bosft md glory of | the federal candidate, wpScad guilty to the jdOrge; but if, ob »R'occa6ons, to have ad ; vocated mcalum by which the interference of "id oar would have been no longer permitted ; if, to have fan&ioned the pfens of Grcrral Wifhington, Mr. Ad»na«, and the tno9 illustrious patriots in Am-rica ; aud if,cirrFulty to have itxiuded ! hi trie If from the focirty of foiri?n rai risers and agents,be a proof of hisexclufive attacl ratnt to hisooaotcy; no man Icfs deierves the fiigna attempted to be affixed to his character by this abominable Hinder. H;s he, like Mr. Dallas, been concerned as a lawyer, in almost all the caijfcs of the Fiewh republic, or its citizens, which have been tried in our courts? Has he-been (peken of in the dis patches of any foreign minifbr, as letting a price cpon his patriotifns ? 'And has he errr been the intimate friend of a diabolical fo reign incendiary, by whom our wh le conti nent has been ronvultd; oar governmect (haken to its foundations; and our veryex iftence as • nation, placed in danger of total (bftraflion ? It is obje&rd against Mr. Rofs, that little opportunity has exited to disc w his public t dents, or his virtues!! His firft entry into public life, was in the convention, which-framed the state, confti totion. He was then almost a youth, was known to but few-of the members of that body; and bad none rf the adventitious ad vantages granted by fortune, or an illustri ous ancestry. Bat by the native rigo«r of his mind, by the emlKllifhment it had re- ceived from literature, md by his exarniive knowledge of the science of government, he loon hecime a leader in a body more remark able tor ability, than my other which Penn fylrar.ii bis ever produced. Although be and Mr. M-Kcfto vert attached to tbe fsni partT, yet the truly republican principles of the oar, cinfed him to be a coolant and ri- gorous opponent to tbe monarchical dogmas of the other; and if we take a surrey of die proceeding* of the convention, we (haSi find, that the prqpofitions of none its nteubcr; were more generally foccefsfwl than thof.- of Mr. Rofi; none more ufualty reieiled tiuo thoft of the chief juflice. In tbe year 1794, the federal candidate received a mod unequi vocal proof of confidence from the late pre sident, wbo appointed bin commiflioner cn the part of government, for the purpose of fupprei&Bg tin weftcrn insurrection, and who, afterwards, publicly commended in a speech to coijgrefs," bis conduct during the rebellion. He Ws been twice'elected by the legislature of this State, ■ fir na tor of the United States ; and has, in tbe fcn ite, emi nently difKnguilhed bimfclf by his eloquence, finnnefs, and extenfire or the true interHls of his country, No in«n is | these listened to uith more attention, cr I heard witb more applauie; no man there; .has been more attentive to the public 1 ness, or pofiefies more weight as a found po litician ; and fj great a degree of refpeel has he acquired, that daring the ablence of ; tl* vice prefidrit, he n*« been choke p-tG dent of that body. He is now in tbe prime of life; i* the full poflei&rn of all his facul ties ; with a conftitation uninjured by dis ease, and a mind unimpaired by riotous in temperance; his terap.-r is rrfoluse but equa ble ; bis difpolitions religious anc moral; his peli-.ics ccnGibsst, cnifonu, truly tepwb litac, iVderal, ami heueft. Opposed t? hia:. >3 a man g; toward* seventy; who;; feints 'A Uc zr. fixed, aad *bo, therc-fore, -v;a if in other refpeets he had the iieceflary taS.-nt-, could with diißculty qualify himfeif for the duties of a ftatwo so G.fft ent fro.u tfcat vhich he.has heretofore filled; whole : - c : 'jr it arrogant and haughty; who, iii toe c-'-r- tilde of aa idvir.ced age, in. da?£rs -himftlf in a decree of intetr.i ranee too di%racrfi;l for the licentious ardor ef youth; who has always been the mere wea tfeero-c:; ..i faction, and always deceived the party which ha* been weak enough to place hi u, in His principles I have proved to unite \\*. extremes ofpcsbiniQn and arif. txncj , hi conduct, in (oroe mftaoccs too fc*v. .ordered on treason ; his attachment one foreign nation, to be futserior to his love of cur own government; his ammofity to another, rancorous and infallible. I have fliewn that he b-•» exprdTea wifliis. which if realized, would subvert tbr religion, canlt. tu:':oB, lwerty and happiness of America and I have demonlhattd, that to fuic the our.' poses of his fa&:on, he has Cuiftiontd pre. cifcly the fame do*« * hard battle to fight, yoo fare a glorious casfe to contend for;- Vidbry' £Ba!:y completes yoor triuacph,* defeat P' you in» eodieft and inwik'Afe ruin. lit each individa*! then aft, as tho* " the fucccfi of the ricdi&i dfcpeodcd on individual exertion ; let him unite all tk alacrity of hope, with all tbf nmgy of it , pair ; and irfolre neither to he hrow-Settea by the inioVnoe, *uU*d by the artifices, or frightened by the violence of his opponents, " then the glorious reward «f nfioi; certainly will be yours. However fcph'ftry rosy ensploy itfelf in flirooding truth with perverCon, or iaterefed pj trio ufm labor tocoucra! under the faofti tid garb of Repab':ca»i'.Y>, caafpiraoes tend ing to the doorcfjJ of the ceuur.-n*e>lth, yet no arttbee can for a ruoraent h.Ce t s n;c«s;;:tcai fart, that the co:itf!i Sv f it if- ■y : i : ' MILO. I V ' -'■ i