s %f)c (Basttte. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 20. PRICES OF STOCKS Philadelphia, August 24. Six per Cent. iJ/6 to 8d Deferred 6 per Cent. 14/4 per Cent. 8/3 United States, 16 -j North America, 45 to 47 / £ _ Pennsylvania, 14 s. ? Infuranae comp N. A. (hares 174 Pennsylvania, shares, 47 4 J ™ 8 per C«nt Stock—funded—4 to percent, adv. Do Scrip with ths fix Inflalments 1 do. do- Do. the sth and 6th Instalments ado par. East-India Company of N. A. par. Land Warrants, 30 dolls, per joo arfss. COURSE OF EXCHANGE On London, 51 at 30 days 50 at 60 a 90 days Amsterdam, 35 37 a too per florin Hamburgh 30 43 a-ioo per Mark Banco. Health-office, <)tb mo. igtfr, 1799. THE Roard of Health resolve to permit all velTtls that are healthy, after flopping at the I/.izarettlo to receive a vitit from the re fidtnt physician, immediately to proceed to the city, after the la(l of this month. By order of the.Board. EDWARD GARKIGUES, President. Contemptible come off. Mr. M'Kcan was lately tojd at table, that the people cf Carlisle had ouce I urned lmn in effigy. He \v;.xed warm, and at length' observed, that Gen. W.ilhington and all the great men had been bung in effigy, in every State in the Union. The company express ed their aftooilhmentby their loots and their silence, when the Judge added " on a sign poll I mean.", Cardinal Chigi was efteeroed to have a weak mind, beraufe he had boasted of writ, ing three years v/itb the fame pen. How muck move trivolous an a& was that of a Chief J i!(lice fending across the Atlantic for a wig ! What would Lord Mansfielfl think of * Judge, who walked arm in arm with the Crytr of the Court This happened at Sun biiry. The Cryer accoftecl him, on his a lighting, with '* How deesjour Honor do ?" This was pleasing : " I hear_>'Our Honor's to be made Governor." The Chief straight way enquires after the health of the Cryer's family; and is shortly fee 11 walking about the Court House In close confabulation with him. The " Poor Man's Enemy" prdfcfles to part, which enabled him to proceed to Par ''Jk th« advocate of Liberty, Equality, and de Paix, where he arrived August 8. ' tile Rights of Man. The fame enemy of The above was taken from sloop Sally tbe poor publicly opposes the Emancipation and Kitty's lpg book. The filiation of of the Negroes. the veflel and cargo being examined by ail ' - - the masters of the veflcls ih port wai found It is something novel, even in the annals truly dittreffing, and the people extremely 'it Democratic impudence, to behold a man fatigued by pumping ' aspiring to the government of thole whom be wished, " from the bottom of liis heart," 1 to fee invaded by Twertj Thousand United Irishmen, and Twenty Thousand French Sansculottes! Franc*, convulsed and agonized by the strong potions of political poison, profcril««d by an abominable government, and blindly taken for several fiicceffive years, is now in the last stage of diflolution. With her, we fncerely hope, will expire the rage of revo lution, the horrors of war, and that rapacious and murderous system of abule which has stained the four quarters of the globe with human gore. Perhaps the page of hi/lory cannot exhibit so detestable a pi&ure of the depravity of human uaturc, as has been delineated in France, (iocethe commencement of the pre sent revolution. The mod solemn treaties have been violated,national honor treated with contempt, and every species of excels com mitted on the lives and property of those who have, unhappily, been fubjedted to their power. The tear of sensibility has darted from ten thousand - the lower clas ses of men ; and however we may affix the chara&er of sobriety to mere cheapness of diet, and othet accommodations with which any particular age, or rank of men, appears to be contented, it is well known, that cost ly materials are not necellary to constitute a debauch, nor profligacy less frequent un der the thatched roof than under tUe" lofty ceiling. Men grow equally familiar with different conditions, receive equal pleaiure, arid are eq ally allured to feoluality in the Palace and in the Cave. Their acquiring in either habits of intemperance or (loth de. pend6 on the remiflion of their pursuits, and on the diHalle of the mind to other en gagements, it the affeaions of the heart be kindled, theCoflly furniture of the Palace, as well as the homely accommodations of the Cottage, are uegledlcd : and men, when aroused, reject their repose ; or, wh»n fa tigned, embrace it alike on the filkeu b d, or o» the couch of straw." By the arrival at Ncw-Tork, of the schoon er Two Sisters, i j days from Port de Paix. O the Bth Augufl arrived lie re the sloop Sally ar.d Kitty, oi Philadelphia, Edmond Glover, m i(l-r, who (ailed July 7 from Cape | Henlopsn, bound te La Guira ; on the 10th inft. I'prung a leak; on the 14th carried away the partners of his mart—leak Hill in cn-afing, iplit up three planks of her deck by her mart ; btrrng loose and no poffibil.ty of confining it, expended her cables round her niaft head, as shrouds and flays to fup | port her mart ; nailed blanket with boards ; over her deck to prevent her filling. Trie leak encreafed to that degree, tha't with pumps going and eonftantly bailing, (he le veral times got the water a foot deep on cab bin platform : was at length obliged to bear away before the wind under balance main sail and head of jib. In that condition, was half full ot water, relieved by boats Au gu(l 3d, andcarred to anchor at St. Louis, Hifpaniola ; there finding the most of his cargo ruined that was perilhable, landed a FRANKFORT Augufl 22. • The convention having finilhed the busi ness for which it was Killed, role on Satur day last. The constitution is now printed and ready for delivery. By a gentleman who arrived in town last evening, we •are intormed, that thole vil lains who broke (be Dans r.l jail, (the Harps) have added two more murders to the bl.iijk catalogue of their crimes, lace our. accounts of last wreV., they went in:o a houfc belonging to a Mr. Graves, killed ! im and his loir, and took their bodies from tlte house, and threw them over the fence in some weeds, where they were found two or three days after, by the lm-11. Guard, of Freedom. Three men were killed abt ut 12 days since by the Indians on the pofl road up the Ohio river, between Mulkii gum and Sr.ioto ; this information isfaid to be brought by the pofl who saw two of the bodies l'calped. ibid. A gentleman who arrived in town ye tier day fr< m Bourbon, fuys, accounts were just received there, that the Indians had killed upwards 300 people on Mad river; what de gree of credibility is due to this account we cannot fay, as we did not fee the gentleman, and do not know from what source the re port oame to Bourbon. ibid. CINCINNATI, Sept. 3. The found ot Peace, Peace, and no War with the Indians, echoes throughout the ,whole territory the frightened frorftiers have quit their forts and returned to their cottages. —Major Ludlow has returned from running the Indian boundary line, who Tays the Indians'did not forbid him running the line, that when he spoke to them, he ed no fatisfa&ory anl'wer, that they appear-' ed in great confufion, and talked a great deal about the Chickafaws—in short, it ap pears from a ftricl enquiry, that the chief of the Indian news which has been imposed on the printers, has been fabricated by a Clark or feme designing person. . PITTSBURGH, Sept. 7. FROM CORRESPONDENTS. We have accounts from Wafliington county, from a much .better and purer fourcs than the Herald of Liberty, that Mr.- Rofs will, at lcail, divide the fotes there, with his opponent —-and, it is expected that before the eleftion, those citizens wko are at present ledaftray by the circulated with great industry, will be convinced that it is for their into reft, and the interelt of the state, to eleft James Rofs, Governor, and keep dowe the man who fuffered his daughter to renounce her religion, in order to fofm a connexion with a Spanifc nobleman. Tench Co. still continue their : """«■■ixjsw:w«r«. abuse Mr, Rofs and his friends—this ' Atr ,*-* Jl JT abuse is retailed out for the edification of the people of this country, in twojicpbin pa- pers, pnnted at \V*a(l)ing ton and Green- I Port of Philadelphia. iburgli ; but lenefr will mifs-his-aim—The | „ „ „ . - , L . r „ citizens " no belief in what "a fcanfays, who in the amved at Fl>rt Mifflin—Sailedfrom Laguv' hour of danger, when the black clouds of " th * 2 ° th L Au S u ?* Ui } th^e ! hc bri ? despair wewfaft gathering aroubtj us, defer- Glwlfla.N.cholas, ot Philadelphia, Ichooner tedhi f country, and became a pilot t*thofe F i e,al Gcor S f ' Goodrich, of Baltimore, who were fteki B? its d.wnfal. I; is a bad j !" d < chooner -—.of New-York. .she sign, when such charade,-s as Tench Cose ' h ' P Gecr ' f ' ( " pU M ' Collo '' n > la J ,ed fr ™ come forward to recommend and support a . thc L J 9 th . Aug. bound to Cur caule. i racoa, brig belonging to Salem for the lame | It is fa id, that, if the father-in-law of the ! Spanith minister is elected Governor, Tench Coxe, the Pilot of lord Howe au, for the benefit of such of his creditors as may fibl'tribe to the said afli„r>meiit cs or before the firfl of August next. Notice is hereby given, so all pcifons indebted to the laid cffate, tha: they arc requefttd to n. ike immediate payment to tirtier of tht atfu nce or to the f.nd Samuel Milrs, who is a ithp' ifed to seceive the fame in failure whereof'egal ftrps will be taken !'( the recovery of such debts, as aic not difciur ged according!,'. ASTON, 7 CORN'ELIS COMEGY3, J- Assignees JOHN ALLEN, J feb. 14- Received by the ship Adriana, captain Carl ton, from London, A LARGE ASSOKTMFNT OF HAIR SEATINGS, Suitable for chair ar.dTopha covers, consisting cf ftripcd and plain, anil of the following widths, viz. 17) 18, 19, aO , a 3> 2 4 26, iB, 30 and 3,1 inches. for sale r.r GEORGE/PENNOCK, July 8 •' i) i .£» 140 barrels Green COFFEE, FOR SALE, By SIMOtf.Sc HYMAN GRATZ, No. 232, Market Street. WHO HAVE ALSO ON SAND, , [SO ur tmirrsthe value it was :;ven years palt.— The number of veflels bound out ar.d in, which | itop for iupplies of ftoct, &c. &c. and the | whole carriage of goods between Philadelphia I and ore ; is now through this place. The packets and stages from the aforefaid cities, Be.c. *c. make it very lively: there is not, at this g it an objedt for persons to improve. There are . any progress, and the Ague fcarcjily konvvn ; pedl of the river Delawrre, up asd down is de lightful ; as far as the eye can diMinguiilh you may view the vefTels in different attitudes. There is resfop to fuppofc that public piers for the Navy w ill be built here, as veflels can fail from this place when the river is faft at Phi ladelphia. •» '1 he conditions of sale will be easy and nlade known on the day of sale. Places of public worship, market and mills are very contiguous JOHN DARRAGM. N. B.—A pVat ot the above will be exhibited any t me previous, as well a» on the day of sale. August j6. eoim. jawtf \ ■: %r- " ""C * - ■. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, CON N ELLY & Co. Auft'ra. dti- \, tance from White Marsh. tavern,.- wf&faiw3aw.tS 10 SPECULATION. ♦