relativp. to the ndiniflion of foreign It-Is , into this port; which is, that neutrals with provisions, will be permitted to an entry, for fix mouths from the 18th ijilbmt, and with any goods until September next. At the fame time, permit me to observe to you, that the exclulivc privilege to two individuals, of importing flour is now rt vived and in force. Vessels henceforward arriving with that Article, will either not be allowed to enter, or obliged to .pay an ex orbitant duty. Should any alteration take place, I (hall be careful to advise you of it, f6r the in formation of the merchants of your port.' 1 have the honor to be Sir your verv humble servant, JOS. M. YZNARDI, Agent of the U. States. Extract of a letter from a gentlemen that was 1 paflenger on board the Fanny at the time of her capture, dated Liverpool, Ju ly 12, 1799. "On the 29th of June the Fanny was captured hyehe French corsair Bordelais, of -22 guiu and 250 men.—Mr. and Mrs. Al leo and their niece Mis;. Jane Martan,Mrs. U. M. Golden of New York, and the cap tain ar,d Uew;'.rt were lef: on board the Blip which wa-j ordered for the fir ft port ill Fiance After being fix days prifotiers, 15-of us who chimed as Britilh fubje&s were allowed to come away 011 board a leaky brig, the Port land, of Portland, lider with timber, which they did not think worth fending to France. Wc arrived here this morning, and the cap t .in would not liberate any Americans ; he said his inllrutlions forbid his doing so, un til a regular exchange of prisoners was fet tled between America and France ; we how ever g< t IF with us a Mr. Renj. Treadwell, brother to Captain Treadwell, of New York. We ligned a receipt for 15 Biitifh fubje£ts, including' him as one, agreed to fend the fame number of French priso ners in excharge for us. " The Nancy and Severn arrived here this day ; Rajah has arrived fafe at Deal." BALTIMORE, September is. The brig Joseph, of Bollun, from Lon don for 1 his ' port, ran aground on Sandy Point, near Annapolis, on Sunday. She < vvat44.days fiom Fort, and landed 220 ' lette sat Annapolis, which arrived ia the mail from that city last night, the latelt of 1 which were from L-ndon to the 15th. and Deal the 16th July, an-d were duplicates of ! those sent by the l'rar.kli: , for this port, daily expetted. They merely mention the victory of Suwarrow. No papers were received. SALEM, September 6- A (hip belonging 10 Mr. Bartleti of Newburyport, carrying about 12 guns and 30 men, and commanded by Capt Chafe, was lately captured on her homeward pas sage from Surinam, by a French prioateer dl about the fame number of gur.s and up wards o! 100 men. TSe (hip was bravely cefer.ded, and the assailants were repnlfed in two attempts to board, but fueceeded in the third, 5 of Capt. Chafe's men being killed. and nimfelfaod a canfiderable number of hi 6 men wounded.—'she Blip was very valuable . the is carried to Guadalou^e. CHARLESTON, 4"gust 29. A finall French schooner called the Ade laide, was sent into this port yesterday, a? a by the United States brig General Pinckney, capt Heyward. She was fr«m the Havanna bound to Port Re;mbhcain, witlidifpatches ; Ihe was unarmed v-hen cap tured, except having some cutlaflfes and Ihot on board ; from this, and feme other fnfpi cious circumllances, capt. Heyward thought proper to fend her in. The dispatches, of which Ihe was the bearer, wc understand, were taken 111 her, The fchboner Dolphin, Johnson, of and from Newburyport, if arrived at Savannah. This vellel was from Newburyport bound to New-Oilcans ; off the mouth of the MifS fioui, (he was captured by the Britilh priva teer Two Brothers, of New-Providence, . •which took out all the Dolphin's hands ex cept tlna Captain and a boy, and put on beard a prize-mafler and five men, and or dered her for New-Providence ; off the Berry lilands, capt. Johnson persuaded three of the men to go 011 Biore for water ; he then took poffeflion of his veflel, and made the £rlt port in the United States he could reach. ' H. * <2sasette ©atiut Hilt. Port of Philadelphia, The brig Fame, Bell, from hence, to the Cape cf Good-Hope, after being- nt sea 104 days having experienced feverai tremendous •* Af.wind, with the loss of foremaft, and being' boarded by a Spanish 'ship from Vigo, .to'riwlr la Plata, and plundered, was obli ged away for the' firft Port and ar rived at St. Pierre's, Martinique, the 14th Augvft, in A distressed conditio!)- 1 Arrived, fc'nr. Lapwing, Robiufon, Ber muda, 14 days. The ihip Swanwick, capt. Kiikbride, in 48 days from Liverpool, which place /lie left 011 th? 22.d of July, arrived at Wilming ton ; failed in company with a fleet of ar- med ftips, viz. / Ship Hope, Callaghan, for City Point (Virgi nia) Hercruks, Dawfon, Nancj', Town, Clothier, Gardner, Sally, Holbrooke Thorn, Edes, Thomas, , Walhington, Coffin, . New-York Charleftown, Coffin, do Perseverance, Ogleby, do Loft the fleet the night after Ihe came out. v?y'< • ■ > Hi > r j . ARRIVED, ■' days; Ship Pcrfeverance, Ogilvie, Liverpool 49 Hetty, Nicil, Portfmoutb 46 Sclir. Fo;;, Rartudale, Havanna 13 31oop Mink, Thorp, Grenada Rover; Hastings, Martinique ' 21, Ship Fair American, M'Fall, is arrived it Loudon. Sslir. Paragon, from New-Orleans to Mew-\'ork, is taken and carried into New- Providence. , \ efterday arrived Ihip Hetty, Neill, in 46 Jays trom Portfniouth Old England, to Jo fcph and Samuel WatFon. Same day, fliip Perfeverence, Qjilvje, Li verpool, 49 days. London papers by her to the 26th July. Trie Hctiv, Nloii l'poke in tlu 1. .g- 3rig- Jane, Archer, from Salem, bound ti Hamburgh, put fix days. The Pickering has recaptured irom the French, the fchr. Cynthia, of New York. Arrived yesterday, Folalky, capt. Ed ward Shoemaker, 17 days from St. Tho mas, June 25, off Santa Cruz, at 2 P. M. a privateer came on our larboard quarter, ex pefting to board us ; but finding u» too warm, was obliged to (hcer oil". At 4 P. M. keeping up a continual fir.-, and the schooner trying to board us, found ourielves in tour iathom water, jibed (hip with oar larboard tack on board. At 6, P. M. the fchr. ftueicl off—fuppofed her to be a Fret uh privateer of 10 guns, and kept up a continual fire for 6 hours.—Sailed under Convoy of the brig Pickering, with about 20 fail of Americans bound' up to different ports. Bjston, September 4. Arrived, armed llnp Caroline, Preble, Irani Malaga and 45 days from Gibraltar. September 5. —Arrived, Swedilh Ihip Arciiiimiulius, Capt. Elchalin, £# days from Stockholm. No news. SrJHember o.—Arrived Ihip Thorn, Capt. Edes, Liverpool, 46 days A I'wift lalliijg French privateer, called La BorCyiais, 22 bral's .24 pounders, has,done much mdchief, off the North otj Ireland, and between the sth and loth July, captured jJie trowing American veliels, viz (hip Betl'ey, Choate, from Liverpool, for Bolton ; the Lydia, Henderfon, from New York, for Liverpool, Ihip Fanny, Maine, from New-York, for t ie Clyde ; Fame, , lrom Liverpool, for New-York; Hope, Niciiois ; and uie Sally-y Hall of Baltimore. The Fantiy is ivtaken.—The priyateer cruizes l'rotn Troy llland. R E P O 11 T Of the Sextons of the dij/ereiit grounds, of the number of funerals at their grounds. FOR THE 24 HOURS, ENDING THIS DAY AT 12 O'CLOCK. Nauiesof tbe Burial Grounds' i o jfa . ' Q "o O M e> oh o o it , o o r< o o o o. a i a o w Friends - - i c tt Vice Quakers, - ' - o o *1 Swedes, . , • - i i b Geriiwu Lutheran, - o o tl German Prefbytenan, - o 1 Moravian, - - a ob 'Biiptift, - ■ - o obi Mctliodill, - - - o . op Uuiveri'alift, - - o ob -•o o : o. o tl o o o . o o t Chriit Churofi, St> Peters, St. Piuls, lit Picibyterian, jd do. bcots Prclbyterian, AlTociate Cliuicli, St. Mary's, •Trinity, 1 - jews, . lineaii E.piicop;il, do. Cenlingtou, The above list comprehends all tie burials from tbe and Liberties of every disease. Bj order of the 80,.rd of Health. \VILLxAM ALLEN, Hia'th Officer. Samuel Thompson, came to the Holpital Nicholas Caddy, near the Ferry, ft. Joftph Gonfofs, from the street Maria (a black woman) Galkill ft. Dick foil, Green, bet. Front St 2dft. Mary Boyer,between Spruce and Walnut ft. Eliza Martin, Spruce, between sth & 6th ft. John Murray, trom the street. Nelly Do ran, ill 2 days previous to admiflion. Rcmaiuing in the Hospital 56, of whom 38 are convalecents. . Interred in the Public ground tke last 24 hours. %* The piece finned " Citizens"—' Allegheny Voter"—" Tomftiy Touch'em"— "As you were"—" A farmer of '76"- — " A Pennfylvanian"—The Communication " to Milo"—" A subscriber"—and ferera! other pieces are received, and will meet at tention. - 1 do da do , do Baltimore do Boston do A QUANTITY OF FRESH CASTOR OIL, Just icceived and for Sale by JOSEPH SHOEMAKER. Lower end of Gcrmamown. feptcmberi3 ?t Total CITY HOSPITAL admitted. DIED. City and ftiburbs. City Hospital I PETER HELM, Steward. TO CORRESPONDENTS. ©p tins soap's sprit. CONTINUATION OF LATE .foreign intelligence. - :*' . via ktvf-tmK' >'.. v.-:.". . . .-.- , i t . . ... . . By the (rwa .London ; *ili„ n-6ur igo from. Florence,; with.letters dated t!u cve»ing ot the ot(> inilani r ft*ting,'-'tSirt on theprofcetding xlAy the people having aflVtnbteft in.'great force, and cut down what Is (iyled the Tree ■ of Li berty, the French leritinel ana corps de Gar de had retfrid tothe.furts, and that the fol | lowing day all \thi French troops had left that toWn'and P.ftoiSj and marched tow ards Leghorn ; the old Magi ft rates had im -niediately rc famed their functions; and' liad replaced the arras of the Grand Duke in the places from which thfy had been taken down. No difordcr Whatever had taken place, and the.greatefl demonstrations of joy had been exhibited by>all ranks of people. • • BA.SLE, July i4> . Prince Charier is daily receiving reinforce ments. W« know.not how to account for the ina&ivity of Maffena, who appears to wait patiently for.the arrival' of troops who' are to attack iiirw, while be had r?ct-iv?d his own reinforcements, and is one fourth flronger than Prince Charles. It is greatly to be iletirwi :!iat'the Dircdtory e to hear of, the, arrival of Moreau there. The head-q9:nald has refufi'd to obey tbe orders of Moreau, thinking as a General in Chief, he is not bound by t em. It i» laid he will be tried. We a t (till in the grcateil uncertainty lefpedtirg our fleet. July 19. Prud Homrne announces to day that Mer lin has bloyvn his brains out'. ' ' July 20. v Sinre the world hive begun to blame the expedition to Egypt, every one denies hav* I ing been concerned in the plan, or contribu -i I ted to it.—Rewbell declarrd in the tribune of the Legifldtive Body, that even if the I- ~ unfortunate affair of Aboiikir had not hap -2 a pefied, he would have continued to give his > ■ opinion against the expedition. Talleyrand 1 o ; fays it was conceived before he came into ' 2 o administration; Charles Lacroix, that it o o «" « executed after he went out ; and that o o he always imagined it was for the black sea, o o in order to penetrate Poland, and force Eu o o rope to Peace. HAN AU, July 9. General Sztaray has already broken up, with many troops, to put a stop to the en teipiizes of the French in that quarter. 1 heir defi jn is to make a diversion in Swa bia, thai the Archduke may detach troops thither from Switzerland. They write from Stutgard, that a marriage between the hereditary Prince of Wirtern berg and an Englifli Piincei's, is on the ta pis. In this cafe, the young Prince would beoome the brother-in-law of his step-mother. The Cooimfeufcr in chief of the A rmy of the Empire has demanded the complement ot' the contingents (Htioned at Philiipiburg, Ulm, and Ingolftadt. 'i here is a proi'peft of a rood plentiful harvelt in Sweden, The Cisalpine General, La Hoze, has a great deal of landed property in the Milan efe. , .7 The Emperor of Russia has returned pub lic thanks, in the Peteriburgh Court Ga zette, to his Admirals atid the Admiralty officers, for the fpetdy fitting oi't the fleet. FRANKFORT, July 9. Skirmitheo.c mints weie made both for and agamlt 11m (the Pacha) if he (liould attempt to quit the city. The Patha $ courage revived, and lie remained. General Buonapart we learn to have been wounded, though not anortally He is laid to have left only 1000 Frenchmen in Egypt txclulive of the Copts and Algerines ; lo that this country ir.ay new 'bt confidercd as loft to France. The intire loss of the French before Acre, is eftitaiated at ;0,000 men, including many Jews, Greeks, See. The communication between Jaffa and Cairo has been cut off from the French. According to some accounts. Buonapartt for the fake of his peifonal fafecy, has put himfclf under the prote&ion of the Engl.fh. General lvotihler will, it is said go to the Dardanelles, whither the Porte has lent 15,000 troops, to occupy the fortrefs. Ihe appearance of the Brelt fliet in the i>ledi rerranean has caused great sensation here, arid, not withllanding '.he naval force of our allies is infinitely superior to it, the above mentioned measures of precaution have been taken. The Caton, an English 74 gun fliip, is irrived her*, with ammunition for the Porte; .nd another 74, the Achilles, is expeftcd to follow. The Ruffian minister has ordered a drfmif fed Ruffian officer, of Greek extra&ion whofc name is Eengaly, to be arretted here, for having circulated a report of the Empe ror of Ruffi*'* having declared war againlt LYuffia, Sweden and Denmark. The mal ice of his dtfign was obv He is to be fetit to Cherfon, whence be came, to be punished. The Porte having given orders to arrtft the ."-panith'Conful, Rudovania, at Scutari, with his brother the Catholic Bishop of that place, they have been broaght hither, and committed to the Bagnio They arc accu sed with traitorous correfpond-uce with the French. The C mful being a Turkish fub je£t born, and his crime being of a notorious natuie, upon convi&iqn, the punithiaenc will probably be severe. ROVEREDO, July 5. Field Marlhal Kray, has again demanded of the Frciich commandant of Mantua to deliver up that plae>., representing 1 that all the niiferies of siege awaited him : the com mandant requettcd ten days confiucration, lix were granted him ; a refufal however, mutt already have been given, as mortars and cannon, have I'uddenly been carried from Verona to Min'tua, the bombardment of which was to have commenced again this day. The believers of MauKia are llrength ened by a reinforcement of 12,000 Ruffian* from Hungaiy, and 10,000 Atlilrians arc on their fnarch through Tyrol to join' them. The city of Bologna is taken by count Klenau ; the l ; rei;ch general Cullin with lume hundreds of his troops, are made pri loners, count Kleiiau, reinforced by the Ruffians will press forward into Tufcany. July 9. • Letters from Pavia of the 3d inft. and from Verona of die 4th, give an account of a very bloody ba;tlc between the Impeiial ar my commanded by general Suw.arrow, and the army of Moreau. The letters do not give the date of the a&ion, but they afl'ure us that the event has been completely in fa vour of the Imperial ills who have ta'kut) pof. leffion of the heights of Gavi, and have made themselves matters ot the important polls of the Bochetta, which leads to Genoa The French after their defeat, retired towards the latter city. Their lols is liot yet knowu but the number of prilbners taken by. thf Auftrians is eftiniated at.l'everal thoufaud men. General Reim, by order of Field Marflial Suwarrow, is to pursue the French General Moreau, with 10,000 men, over Novi. At Bobbio, between Genoa and Placenza, 0:1 the 27th, 4000 French incendiaries, who were fitting every thing in flames, were fallen upon by the Ruffians, 300 were killed and 600 made prisoners. At Samogiia 800 French were cut off, and 400 taker, foners. , At Bologna, the Cardinal Archbifliop and all the clergy went out to meet the Aullriar. army. Ihe firft evening of their coming, the city was illuminat-d. From Verona, a body of 5000 French prisoners are fei:t to Hungary. BORDERS OF SWITZERLAND. July 10. The Englilh Minilter, Wickham, is with the Archduke Charles, at Zurich, where the provilional government are foyning a battalion tor the field, from the militia of the country, who are to fight for the delive rance of tlteir country from the French.— The Swiss regiment Bachman will be formed again. At Schaf haufen, by re que (I of Sir Robert Crawford, and Gtrn. Hotze, it has been walk known, thai; the crown of England 1 takes thole ofthe Swiss into its pay, who fuf fer themselves to be embodied, and are wil ling to join the allied arms against France "very mah besides rations, is to receive daily 12 krewdzers. The brave Swifs'are called to arms, for the defence ef their Cbuntry, and to assert the Independence which it has enjoyed, lor 200 years. POSTSCRIPT. SO® At a late hotir yesterday evening, we obtained by the Pcrfeverance, in 46 divs from Liverpoo l, Hill later dates than those •m bad before. They contain a variety of highly intcrefting news. They fpeafc more fully of French affairs. They con. t?,m a long vindication from and ibme account of an eryg-j, c the hostile fleets, which we give We lament wc have no time for mo. pious details— PORTSMOUTH, July 24 . " Arrived La Suftilantc and Haarlem. m ( of wjj-: th : l itter brings word that in r.orr lujdown the Mediterranean from Naples in company with the Centaur, they feii w'.tli three fnyates, and two corvettes, who liicd a pngle ihot, and surrendered: their names art the Atcefte, of 36 guns 460 men, with an admiral's flag, Jur.o, 44 guns and 560 men, Caurageaux, 44 guns 500 men, and two corvettes of 16 guns each: t.v,> cutters were, in light, and the fleet with, in hearing when the above captures were ma ie. The next day they joined lord Keith who descried the combined fleet, and lent the I'enelope cutter to reconnoitre, wh o was attacked by a French brig, which lh.e beat off, but a Spanilh frigate coming down rear of the enemy, confifling of 38 fhijn, the Englilh only 34; the adtion commerced 1 at 7 in the morning-, and at 2 o'clock ton. tinued with ijreat fury ; the Haarlem's offi cers could theu only fee 28 of the enemy feveial of .which had loft their topmafts— the action was fought on the Bth iuftant. We learn by this conveyance that the En .glifh squadron has taken .three French fri gates, h brig, and a corvette, off Alexan dria, and sent thcin into Gibraltar. We have the plcafurc of stating, that the homeward-bound Jamaica and Lisbon fleets haVe pa fit J by Portfmoutli in perfett fafety. We stated yesterday the arrival at the ad. lniralty of Mr. Jackson, master of the Ville de Paris, lord St. Vincent's flag fliip, with dispatches from his lordlhip, at Gibraltar. Mr. Jackson came liornc in la Suffifante. We have by this conveyance the confirm*, tion of the jun&iou of the French and Spa -111 ft 1 fleets, conlifting of forty-four fail us the line, off Cartliagena, t ferent pallifades, and contain ditches 50 feet deep. To fYrengthen the army without, the French generals have appointed that the 3d battalion of the garrison, which were join ed trbm the conscription ftiould be field bat ! talions—the new confciipts were to do duty ! in the garrison. Another letter, same date. , TWs morning' .arrived the Ist?ileraj <#'(s 68 guijs aod Sumfante sloop, diterranean, with difpt?hes from lord „ii which were immediately forwarded' to tie.••£; admiralty. . It is currently reported dited, that the Haarlem,' on the Stir iirfjf ji. 1.-ft the EugJifij' fleet, commanded hy tord' 1 -* Keith, engaging the combined France and Sp'aih, full of troops, near GiW < raltar ; the former coi {filing of the line, the latter of near 50*—-Tire ffcujt' $ lem wa* tent home ly fijjnal from' the niander. ' LONDON, July 25. The intelligence captain Burlton brings, ' confirms the reports" the French and; Spaßifh fleets have effetted a jun&ion, had attempted to pais the Giit of Gibraltar, ! (most probably with the view of connteraft-' 'j i:ig the threatened expedition against Hoi- | land by the renewed menace of a descent on. - Ireland) but beingbaffled in thdt attempt by, 'j the itate of the wind, they had returned uj» » the Mediterranean, with a view of getting - again into Girthagena. A rumour, however, has been very gene rally circulated in town, that the Britifliaud combined fleets were in figlit, and even that they v.ere Oen engaged on the Bth infant. This report is countenanced as qui*: readers will observe, by our letters from some ol' the ports ; but these accounts are totally di {be lieved at the admiralty, as no fuali iutelli gence has been received officially theTe. PRICE OF STOCKS, THIS MORNING. 3 per cent. Cons. 64 1-8 63 7-8 64 Omnium 13 1-4 1-2 1-4 1-2. FRANCKFbRT, July 13. PRINTED JY J. W. FEN NO- I ». * f '