Fafljionable Millinery. ELIZA M'DOUGALL, HO. 134., MJRKET-STRBBT, HAS just received per ftiip Thomas Chalk ley and Adriana, from London, an elegant aflortmgm of the most faihionable MiLtiNiKY, vix. Chemille rofctte FEATHERS Fancy flowers . Black tiffany flow ers Wreaths Pink, yellow and blue crape, full dress c*es Do. do. and do. Nelson's bonnets Inlant's pipe straw bonnets Maid's i'ancy do. do. Women's do. do. do. Do. do. Ihadea Do. do hats Fancy bugle shoe Tofcs Do. do. trimmings Black, w hit-, Mu-',yellow, pink and orange «rapa Black, ■ hite and grscn g:ure veils Do. gauze cloaks N. B. S r.d per Harmony; jjjft arrived, a further affortnivsr.t of Millinery. June 26 ' eotf. 4 "" ' ■ . IRISH LINENS. A eord afloi trntnf ol 4-4 & 7-8 wide Irish Linens, in half boxes. Some of whicli are very sine—also, a few balei 3-4 & 78 brown Schalf bleached Dowlas, Which will ha dilpofed of on rsafonable terms bj 1 the yackijre. JAMES GLtBBORN if ENGLISH No. louih Front street. a i u, y 19 tutfitf 7 ~ ■ 18 AV PETER BARKER, & Co. T hr,«i, f<; 7 . rRIDAY - , , L No. ,4?, High-street. i ° h P fe r '" '° ° Cl °' k ' ! " tfle | U HI be fold, cn the prtmifet, in Spingjirtd and SAMUEL REYNOLDS Upper Dutßn townjbips.Montgomery county, Y'j rr no ' Abour n«'« from Philadelphia one and an U X hall miles from Flour town, and the fame dif- RESPECTFUI I.V aequainrs those gentlemen, ' tanee'from White M.rfh tavern who pic aft ,0 r«vour him with .heir cufiom and One Trad, containing fifty acres hi • friend* generally, that he lu- removed from T v> Avll , r 9, / Ci ' JJo. 10,'louth third lire-,t and taken up a tUpo- f „ uvv } '^i' C r " a "' ,r ™ the rary refidenee reir the fi?n o> Son. M' Phcrfon f . Vor ' l roar - White Viarlh, North Wa'ej, (liiter. Tavern ; a v.hcre he will , , '»h"»rt(o..itly f„uated tor a S»W, Jit continue his bofinifs until the return of the hnlrhy 1 \ • "'cuiatcf 4 . lor n Farm i guod foit, feafen. all orders attended to with the usual punc- / J 'V.'/ ' r'a 0 ' 1" supplied with iihtc tuj'ity P «v*,ftb,d effefts of James 'iity acres of choice timber land, , . ' Wilkin*, of Philadelphia, all those indebted 'hir chufly o',•»»• .*?/»*:, »>carl» .M. ; . v i-te to to him are cautii ned against rtnkine nay- t ' sc i " ove >1 ,,t » <-f » ani j acre, each, for con -1 ® . v^"»e . n ce of purchaser* ;—the intrinsic Valui» i»f 1 mct.l to a:iy other perfo s. i Mtr £ lo w ,„ k ,; own t0 tvfry that ! t)MI IH, it 11 unueccDary particularly to describe it Ailo i GIDEON H. WELLS, a '°t of one and three quartirs acres nearly | Attgull 26th, 'qq, cod 1 m adjoining, hut dillind from the above. Conditions — - —— i_ of sale will be one half calh and the other half in j Cx months, with intered and ftcurit selorc I mentioned. Pcrfons d.firnus of viewing the lnts previous to the day of (ale, may find a Plot of the whole a* di vide,l, at the house of Cbcrlti KeJUtfu, on the ad joining prcmifes, who will atten»i and (hew the property. To be fold as part of the estate of Catch Em!cn, teceafcd,by JAMES VAUX, Atomic, in fan \ CHARLES PLEASANTS, ( '* J soU Exti utrix. wf&laivv^avv.tSzo Viluable Property for Sa/e, In ChefnHt, near Sixth ftreat, direflly opposite CoNOßtss Hall, A LOT of ground, about 11 feet front in Chef rut street and 73 feet in Arpth, whereon is n good iranit- hcufe, row in tbe t«j ure of Samuel Bengt fubjc Aaron Ogden, Clerk y tsfr. j Eliiabeth-townJuJy 8,1799 ( n ) lawijai tu.th fa tf TO BE SOLD, I EDWARD DUN ANT, j J Has REMOVED his Compting-houfe, to Mr. * £ AND HAS FOR SALE, P' Of the ship Camilla's Cargo from Canton, viz. 400 Chests of Bohea Tea, 10 do. Imperial, Black Satins of ift & 2 d quality, in boxes of 50 p Black and coloured Senfhaws, in do. Black Taflities and Luteftrines, in do. Hair Ribband, Umbrellas in boxes, of ioo, jo & 15 each, 19,000 Pieces of Nankeens, Bores of Paints* &c- ALSO, 87 Tierces prime Rice, Spermaceti Candles, Patna Chintz, India Prullians, Barhar and Pullicat Handkerchiefs, Copper in flieets—i-a inch and 3 8 Copper and Bras Bolts. August 26th, fleo6c. THE Creditors of Baly, Hill, & Evans, Debt rs, in the county of Suflex, r are tc meet the Afljgnce at th. Court-House inlaid county, on the ljth of Dec. next, at IQ o'clock a. m in order to make a dividend of said Inlolvent*s cdate, that may come to hand by that day. June is FOR S A L?E By SIMON WALKER, Pine, near 'fifths tree!, proof C:mnoD—9 pounders, '* 61 j faet long, io cwt. each, and 7 lect 15 cwt. e»ch, withcarriap' &■- teted loi.g, august <7 f SPECULATION. BE SOLD, T Public Vend;;e, on Monday the 13d of -T\> September next, at x o'clock, P. M. at thcboulc of rhe Sobl'criber,' li*ing in th< town of State ot Delaware, a number of valuable LOTS, suitable for building on, being the South square I of the flourilhing town of New-Castle afore faid, diflant from Philadelphia thirty-three miles. I his valuable property it highly capable of improvement, beiwg inmjffljliately on the ricer Delaware, having a i)um|er of wharf lots on M; and from ihe depsh of the water (earth and materials for whaaflng being ealily procu red) there is no dotrot but wharves would bring a handfotnefctcrcrt. I his propajty confiits cf five acres tnore or less, in one bjfcy ; lays.high, and is divided in to lots to fu/T every difcnption of persons. New-Castle is one of the molt healthy and flcurilhing towns un the continent ; and from theincreafe of trade it has raised property to four times the value it was seven years pall.— The number of veflels bound out and irf, which flop for lupplies of flock, &c. &c. and the' whole carriage of goods between Philadelphia and Baltimore, is now through this plaie. The packets'and stages from the afurefaid cities, &c ---4c. make it very lively: thers is not, at this trme, oat house to be rented in the place ; and the number of applications for houses make it an object for persons to improve. There arc a number of elegant and ufeful buildings now going on, a Public Academy and feverai private Schools. Ihe malignant Fever hasnever made ar.y progress, and the Ague scarcely kn. wn j the number of children in this place is a convin cing preof of the healthinef. of it. The piof pedt of the river Delawrre, upaad down is de lightful ; as far as the eye can diitinguiifh you may view the veflels in different attitudes There is reason to suppose that public piers for the Navy will be built here, as veflels can fail from this plac# when the river is faft at Phi ladelphia. 1 he conditions of Tale will be easy and made known on the day of sale. Places of public worlhip, market and mills are very contiguous JOHN DARRAGH. N. B.—A plat of the above will be exhibited ar.v timeprevioui, as well 34 oathe day offals. AugufU«. #em . CH. CASE, assignee. Wanted to Employ, A PERSON of judgment and Integrity X,O eccd ■I fionally attend Vendues to piirchafe Wet and Dry 000/dsfit an cxtcnfive Country Srore. Pro- OT&Is fcalid, dire&ed to A. B. with the name t of some other person mentioned, to whom refer ence may be had, if ncceflary, for information re ; lating to the qualifications of the agent, and kf with the printer, will be duly attended to, Thi I applicant will mention the No. of thehoufe wher J he, or Ihe, resides, that a letter directed by pu( jnay be regularly received. aug.2o DONATION LANDS. Claims f .. . by the Slate of Pennl'ylvaNia to the Oili er! an1 tjic I.ine belonging to the aid State in the late war, will be received at he Office of Comptroller General of said Sute intil.the ift Sep<«mber next inclufiva, aurl thai he fubferibers atfiliorifed by law will fit as z ioard at the laid Ofiice on every Monday front en o'clock in the forenoon until s>ne in tbeaf ernoon, to hear and determine all unfatifiet Claims already filed, as well as those whicl maybe filed on or before tbe said firft day o September Rext. John Donnildson, Comt'r Hamui l Bryan, Uegt'r. .Pet.-r Baynton, Tress'r. Department of Accounts of ) Pcnnfylvania, May 15, '99. ) (16) diw (di.w.fa.tf) Patent Ploughs, TO be fold for calh by Joseph Salter at Atfion Richard Wefls, Cooper's Ferry—Jonathan Harker, Woodbury—and Jefle Evans, Lumber ton, Those who haveufed ihem givethemthe preference to any ovher kind, as they require less team, breik the ground better are kept in order at lels i?x pence and are fold at a-cheaper rate —thi plan is much fimplified and confilU of but one piece of calfc iron, with the handles and beam «f wood); th>ey may befixed with wrought lays and conkers to be put on with screws and taken off at p.'eafure Patent tights for vending withinftruiflions for making them may be had by applying to John Newbold, ar the fublcriber No. an North Fror.t-flrcet. Who hat for Salt} Or to Lease for u term of Tears, A number of valuable trails of Land, »«ll situated tor Mills, Iron «Vorksor Farms, most !y improved, lying chiffly in the County of Hun tingdon iiattof Pennfylvanii. Tliofc who may incline to view them will please t# apply to Joh» Canan efq.near Huntingdon. ju!y,i7 WAR DEPARTMENT. Trenton, September 2, 179^. A |"L officers of the firft regiment of Artilleries n Engineer*, andofth. firit, kcond, third and fourth regiments of Itfamiy in the to vice of the United States, who arc, from whatever cause, absent Irom their commands, are required with all pofiiUU- expedition to report thcmfelves by let ter to Major Cieneraf Alexander Hamilton. The •fficers thus sailed upon, will be held amenable for any avoidable delay in reporting thomfelvcs, and thole who do not report in four months Ifcm ttje date of this notification, will be prtfumcd to have religned their rommifliocs. James M'Henry. &• Thf Printers ii: the several Dates, who ruhiilbed the proposals for the supply ol rations during the year I Sou, are reqiicfkd to insert the abov* once a week io their papers, till the rft of January nest. - lawtij. DUTY ON CARRIAGES. Notice is hereby givtn, •yHAT agteeably to an »on all other two wheel carriages uppn every four wheel carriage, hav- i US framed ports and tops, ind relling upon wooden spars - The Colleiler of the Revenue of the ift di-. vision of the firft survey of the diftrifl of Penn lylv.mia, will attend daily until the day of September next for t*he psrpofe "of receiving the duties on carriages, at No. 49, North id Street, in the city of Wiilidelphia, of which all persons pofieffed of such. carriages arc desired to take notice. Notice is also given. To all real dealers in wines and foreign diftil ,ler fpiritous liquors, that licences will be grant ej to them; one licence for carrying on the bufiuefs of retailing #f wines In a lei's quantity, or in lels quantities than twenty gallons, at the lame ume and at the fame place, by JAMES ASH, Colledlor of the firft divi lion of the firft furvty of the diftrift of Pennsylvania. Office ofinfpeftion »t Philadelphia, Avgujl ijl, 1799* N. B. THE STAMP OFFICE AND OF FICE OF INSPECTION IS Remoted TO German-town, the firft houfc above the sign of the King of Prufiia. 6 p- Erery denomination, of Siamped paper So lie had« fiid office. A"£utt 15 • «04* ;>J Charles iVi wlci/J. Dolls. V»5 iawt3oS, Mr. Spence, Dentist, has re moved to his botlle iit St. Andrew 6 Squares, 2 Square- N Wof Buib Hill, auguil *t> OFFICE FOK THJi SALE Of REAL ESTATES, AGENCYLf COMMISSION BUSINESS NO. 14 CHESHirr-SMEEr, Between 2d Ec Front-streets, Philadelphia. THE SUBSCRIBER, Beirjg solicited thereto by a number of his Jriends, takes this method to iteyuctnt the Public, lhat be has this day opened the above Office, and has for sale the following property, vi:. excellent we'll Ijwilt fra- e hcafes, two 1 looms on a floor,completely iinilhed in Chris tian, between Third and Fourth streets, South wark ; two frame hotifes at the corner of Fi!th and Christian fireets ; ov« thr.c story brick, and one two (lory frame ho&fe in Queen street; one go®J accustomed tavern i« German ft rect, between Third and Fourth streets, 'Sourhwnrlc, known by the name of Wee&s'i Tavern. One Plantation and trail of Land in Salem County, N'ew-Jeffey, contaiiing, 7» acres, with a frame dws,!iir>g house, and uther thereon, together with agooei proportion of wood | land—the abort lies near a public landing. Also, 2j acres c f wood land in Cumberland county, New Jerfcy ; a Dumber of >aluable lota to be let on ground rent, in the 4iftri& of Southwark. Ground rents and debts collected wkh prsmpt nefs and addrefa, by the Publics' Moll obedient Humble servant, JOSEPH 11. FLEMING. N. B. A smart LAP wanted, of good connex ion! who writei a tolerable hand. august 15 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ■"•""HE proprietorof^c«rti6catei iffued forfub- A fcriptions to theLoUn. bearing interest at cigbt per Centura p«r annum, are notified, thai at any time after payment Aall have been mailt ef the sth ioftalmcnt, whit h -will become clue during the firft ten diys of tbe rsunth of July enl'uing, Certificates of Fauded htock may at their option be obtained at the 'i'reafury or Lwyi Offices, refpeAively, for the amount of the four firft inftalfn»nt«, or one meiety of the fomj ex prcfledin the lubfciiptioncertificates:—N*cer tificates of Funded Stock wilt however b< ifl'ucd for left than one hundred dollar*. Such subscription certificates m may he prt at the Trtafury or Loan Offices in con eqxence qf the foregoing amngtmtnt, will be ndorfcd and diftirClly marked (o as to denote,- that a mot'ty of the flock has been iflued. OLIVER WOLCOtt, Secretary of tbe Treasury treasury department. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV£N, Pursuant to the a£t of Congrrfj pafled on the ifl day of June, one thovfand, feveji hit'.- drcd an.l ninety fix, entitled " an a>sl rcgul«» ing the grant 9 of land appropriated for mili tary Cervices, and for the society of United fretnren for propagating the gofptl among the Heathen ; and the afl fupplemeßtary to the said recited afl palled on the lecond day of March, onethoHUtid seven hundred andnine ty nine ■ wit: THAT the trafl of Land herein after de ferred, nar»e!y, " beginning at the North Well Cornel of the leven ranges of townships, and running thence fifty miles due south, along the weCcni ef the said ranges ; —thence dtie Weft to the Main Branch of the Scioto ri ver ; thence ujithe Main Branch of the said ri ver to the place where the Indian boundary line erodes the lame: —whence along the laid boun dary line to the Tufcaroras branch of the Muf kingum river at the crofting place abeve Fort Lawrence ; thence down the said river, to the point where aline rim due weft, frqm the place of beginning, will imerfe«a the laid river ; thence along the line To run to the place of be ginning has been divided into townftiips of five miles square, and fradlionaljiartj of town- Ihips ; and that plats and surveys. of tht said townships and fractional parts of townftips* are deposited in the offices of the RrpiCer of the Treatury and Surveyor General, for the mfoec tion of ail persons concerned. The holders o( fu«h warrants as have been er (lull be granted fqr military fervicesperform ed during the late war, are required to present the fame to the Register of the Treafnry, at lomc time prior to the twelfth d. y of February in the year, one thousand eight hundred, for the purpose of being registered j No registry will buwever be made of any l»f» quant : ty thar a quarter townlhip, cr four thousand acres. Th« priority of location of the warrant! which may be prefeoted and Kgidrredin manner afore faiJ, prior to the nth d»y of February in the year one thousand eight hundred, will itnmcdiaie ly after the said day, be determined by lot, in mode diefcribed by the act firft recited. The holdcis of regifiered warrants, ftiall on Monday Ihe inh day of February, in the year ISOO, io the order uI which the priority of locati on fiiatt be determined by lit as aforefaid, pcfon. illy, or by their ap-nts, defigaate in writing at the office of the Regitl:r of the Treasury, the particu lar quarter town (tips Hefted by them refpeftivcly, and such of the laid hulders as (hall *ot dtfignatr their locations on the said day, lhall bepoflponed m locating fucb warrants to all other hidden of regiftercd warrants. V. The holders of warrants for military fernices fufficient to cover 011 c or more quarter townships or traits of four thousand acres each; lhall, at aby time after Monday the 17th day of February, 1800 and prior to the fiWtday 01 January, 180 a, be al lowed to register the said warrants' in manner a forefaid, snd forthwith to miike Ucatious therefor on any tracl or trafls of land not before located. All warrants Or claims for lands on account of military services, which (hull not be, regiftertd and located before the firft day of January, i8o», are by the supplementary aft oi Congnefs hereinbefore recited, palled on the second day of March, 1799. declared to be forever barrei. Gives under my hand at Philadelphia, the day and year a!»ove mentioned. Oliver v'olcott. See. of tie Treasury. 1 '. i aawim. tu.tn.fat. 3W Maj'iytb, i 799. March nth, 1799 WILLIAM C088E77 HA» JUBT PUBU,aED(nxc t , DOl.JOttr,,) baviad AND M^VIAD. Br William Giffosd, Eso Vrttß 1 o which is prefixed A POETICAL EPISTLE TO THE By an American GerllZn^ [ln introducing thijcelebrated work tn „ Clemen and Ladies of America, I havelL Gsn " to give it a drcfa proportioned to it* rffir VOred merit, and: to the taS.e of tkofe f or ment and rtelight it i- ,mended. No ei Ucen spared m the publication • -, nd i » * P ™ ce hi » tha. (hi- work, doc" not yiM d \^e r t myfelf print, to ai.y «nc ever puk>li(h«d An " plpCr or This edition ha, an adUage 0 ™ o nos , mit contains by Way % f no '°"l fmer productions ot the author ; and it'h.* m ' llor Mge over r -rry other edition, ;.,'tke which prefaed to it, and which ntft f tremely grauly.ng to every k.ver of ] ,! '?■ th.a country, as it i, a proof that th ft *«* tf cans who hjvt At tarte to admixe ,hJ a Wl applaud, and the talents to rival thefiAr' other nations. e niufej of «T iT-A C ?' e ' havc l,cw fcnt °n to Mr