Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, September 03, 1799, Image 4

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< >
m Tafhionable Millinery.
HASjurt received per ship Thomas Chalkier
and Adriana.from Loudon, an elegant atfprtm«nt
of the most fafliionable Millinir y, vis.
Chemiile LATHERS
Fancy flowers
• fiiark tiffany flowers i
Do. do. and do. Nelson's bonnets
Infant's pipt» straw bonnets
Maid's fancy do. do.
Women's da. do. do.
do. shades
Fancy bugle (hoe role*
Do. do. trimmings
Black, whitt, blue, yellow, pink and orange «rap*
Black, white and green gauze veils
Do. gau2
N. . And per Harmony, just arrived, a furthe
assortment of Millinery.
June 26
, 1 '
9 ' •»
■■ ■ V * ■
V Notice is hereby Given,
"■pHAT application will be made for the ifTue
*• of certificates for twenty two shares of the
Stock c . of theU»ited Stat -i, in lieu
of the IsndtTmeutioned certificates for a Ilka
number bf Ihires of the stock of the laid In ft: -
% > '
\ "*
V tntiorijj iiiiavoiir of Jimts Ecklcy Colley, qf TBEMS
tiverpoo], lott Vy the' capture of; the Diana, Ofßichard, tfibwelL in Philadelphia,
fr°m| * FO* svßicaiiuNo TO IH»
five (bares each.' Three certificates. No. 1700 a. „ "omth* commincelaen x
' anjt 17004, tir four (harts tiach. . American War, in 1774, to the pre
! -G. SIMPSONj Cashier. sent titoe,
'o>qst <>f the United States, > - ' wcludino
M«y 13, <799. V ' tiwjtn The Reports of Heads of Departments, of
-V •% '»•. ' 1 ; 1 <../ ■ — _■ ' —>— - Committees, and other OJicial and Pri
. "Saitluel Miles» jun'r. vat* Papers, of that Body, now first ptr.
~ Of4htcUy**of Pbiiedelphw, merchant, kajr- mitted to be made public. .. N .
> ing)|{6giw4l over aJI hi« tfle£U,*r«*l, perfeoit _ rstus.
i<-i: to the for the benefit THE jrork win he printed on a fine paper, and
" of fitcJtwf his creditors at may fubfenbe to the j 1 ,ew ne,t t 'P«.i n large o.saTa.
fairf alignment on.orJwforedie firft of Augull Each volume will contain above joo pages,
ttext; V neatly bound and lettered..
vKntirp »s <*i*pn Uniformity in size, paper, and binding, will be
»«once IS nerefty given, oUerved throughout the work ; r„ that, while the
•I :L/'. • -
1 '
** .
Fo all person, indebted t<> die laid cHate, tha ' bferiacrs b.tomc pofTeffed of a valuable recoru,
they arc rcqueltcd to »i. immediate payrceut { an ornanicl, t niay he added to tlu-ir libraries,
to either bftbc jAinee ■ .cr to the lad Samuel I * llle ,t ,nce "> will he 3 riolU. ;j ct».
Miles, who is autho' lied to receive the fame ; ' P ctvo!u «>-- «,»™r.K and 3 doll,, whole feouud ,
more thfcH the member ftfofcnbed for. a coufid.ra
i:„ ,1 . ; bi,i risc on t,1,! P rice ma )' he to non-fuby
» arcor.hnj;!/. icriber..
% 7 ! Kich volume wi]l contain about one third less
]OHN A LLEtSIV J P-'Milher is not yet enabled to determine the client
_____ : ' to make public, he cannot afj«rtain the number of
/ 'vV'; '• -
v '
-* \
f ' 5
SI I DATE in Douglas [VwnKiip, Berks county,
abbtit on: mile and a half from tiic River f S huy 1
tains three hundred fad « xty acres ol land, about
oue hundred and twenty of which it wood land;
twentv-tm* acres fff mca low, fix'ct n of which is
water.d, icfides clover fields; a very capital orch
ard ijntainiug upwards ot two hundred apfle
lately re aired, and is capable of manuiacluring
N two hundred abd forty tons of bar iron ai.r :-ily.—
two liory'.lone dwcllipt;houf<* and counting houfa
flone fcarn and Rabies tulia'--m lor thirty hurfes, a
large jjrain barn, cow houle,and every other bnild
not timber land from ( to 5 miles from the works;
H which will be fold cither with the works or luper
»re, a? may suit the purchaser.
gons, hoilei, andeviry other kind of llock uecef
tary lor carry irg on the bufnicfs.
CLEMENT STOCKAR.EfIj merchant, Philadel
phia, or to the fubferiber cn the premifi.
•V.'- W*s
Pine, near foftb-slrict,
WOOLYr'ICH proof Cannon—9 pounders,
61-» feet long, 10 ewt. each, and 7 Ice:
long, 11 cw:. iici'., with carriages, &c. com r nl
ditto —6 pounders, 5 1-1 feet lonif, 15 ewt. e»ch,
and 6 fret long, 18 ewt. each,»ltb carriages, &c.
Carrcuadcs on Aiding carriages, 11, 18 & 24
poun Jers, weighing 6 M, 8 and 13 ewt. each;
Boan'iug Pikes and CutlalT-'s ;
Englilh Cannon Pow^'r;
Copper she j'.hinj; Naiiv Spikes aud E.nts;
6,9 and 141b. round Shot;
6, 9, 18 asd 14lb. double-headed do.
9, 18 ar.d 14II). Canniller Shot.
Alio—a quantity of bell Engliih, Porter, Claret
and Port Wine Dottls-i,
Taunt»n rtlein calks of 7 dozen each
Eighty Dollars Reward,
BROKE out of the PHISJN lor the City and
County of Philadelphia, on the Night of the
"31ft Juy, 1799, the following described felons.
An h-ifhmao, iboat jf years of age, 5 feet 7 or
8 inches high, fill.round face, dark hair, stout
Siode, has a down look and fair complexion.; wat
conrȣteif inthe county of Berks
Alias J own Th o m
A nat'vs, of Dutch parents, alaut 14 years o£
ags> 5 feet 10 or n inches high, straight well
maie, long visage, heavy eye brows, down look,
a large head of hair, dark brawn, which he wears
quewcJ down to his waist ; was conviited in Cum
berland county.
•? . 1.
A Spaniard, about 30 years of age, five feet 10
inches high, well made, fair complexion, black
frisded hairj which he wears qucd ; was convicted
-ajt Pittftmrgh. ,
Went oft also, at the fan-..-times certain MAR
TIN KNO VLES, well known in thiscity, who
was apprehended on the day of fcisefcapcfor com
mitting a burglary at the Koufe of J. G. Koch.—
The above reward will be paid for the delivery ol
the abovn named persons at the Prison of the City
and County of Philadelphia, or on being secured
in any Jail in the Ur -eU States, or twenty dollars
for either ef them.
Philadelphia Piilon, augwft 3. eodjw
'*% '
"V •
Alias Jo hj Soto,
* 7" T '
Br William Gifford, Esquire.
To which is prefixed,
By an American Gentleman.
[ln introducing this celebrated work to the Gen
tleman ana Ladies of America, I have endeavored
to give it a dress proportioned to its diliinguifhed
merit, and to the of tfrofe for whose aruufe
ment and delight it is intended. No expence ha 3
Ween ipared in the publication; and I flattermyfclf
tha: the work does not yield, either in paper or
print, to any «nc ever pubiijhsd in America l
1 his edition ha- an advantage over Tome former
ones, as it contains by way of notes, the minor
produ<slions ot the author ; and, it hat an advan
tage ever every other edition, Li the Poetical Mfijtle,
which is prefixed to it, and which mult be ex
tremely gratifying to every lover of literature ia
this country, as it is a proof that there are Ameri
cans who have the tafle to, rhe justice to
applaed, and th« talents to rival the Geniuses ol
other nations.
Some Copies have been sent on to Atr. Som
ervilUy Maiden Lane, Nno York, also to Jfrfr. Hill,
Baltimore t and to Mr. Young, Ciarlejhn.
Copies will be sent to B»fioa and other places, as
soon as accafions offer.] may »8
volumes which wiHcomprife the work.
£jT Pay merits to be nw4e on delivery of each
Subscribers will have it 9 their option, either to
fubl'cribe lor the whole of the Journals, up to the
present time, or to thofc only of the Old (Jongref*
prior to the organization of the Federal Govern
IN all countries, t*»e pro.-» .dings in the com
m:n< ment of their governments, are 101 l in d*rk
ni'ft anil obfturity, owing to a carelefsiufs, in the
jucceedinj* generation, to prefcrve the public re
cords, and the attention of the nation, in thslVrude
ages, being caiUd off from their dome&ic concerns,
to «"gage in wars and conom ft. Of what infinite
value would the laws of Alfred be, had they bee. n
tranfmiusd to «nr days I l ime, that dettroy*
every thing, enhances this value of well authenti
cated public record?, and renders them almoll io
eflimable. It i» hoped, thai Americans will, there
for, chearful'y contribute their alliftance in trans
mitting to poflerity tht labours of their anoellers
—founders of the Columbian nation.
*«* The work will feNainly be advanced with
expedition and promptitude. The {olio-wing will
Qww thefupp«rt it has already acquired:
«• PbHadripbia, June Ij, 1798.
" To the Honorable the Sedate and Houfc of Rep
rcfentatives of th« Unitei; States.
" The MciViORIAI. ot the Subfcrilwrs,Citizens,
&c. of Philadelphia,
" RrJTprftfulljJievccth,
" i hat having, in our refpeflivs avocations,
frequent oeeafionsto recur to the Journals of Con.
grefs, we experience intorfvcnience by the scarci
ty of t! em : That we lindcrlland that Richard
Folwell, printer, of Philadelphia, has h*d it in
c >ntemplat:on 10 print that public record; and
that hath obtained partial countenance Ironi ma
ny individuals; bat that he has delayed profecu
ti'.ig the work, in expectation of encouragement
frum government, that may Adequately indemnify
him. We, therefore, refpe&fnily lolicit, as the
puklicition i- neccir. ry to be diflsmir.ated amot:g
public boiliesi.that Congrcfi will, in their wisdom,
render him such additional encouragement, to that
which hf has obtained from private individuals,
as to enable kirr. to prccced with the that
your Memorialills may be enabled to purchase co
pies of that record for themfclves.
vv&f tf
Thomas M'Kean, John I). Coxc,CharlesHeatly,
Samfom fcevy,T. Rofs, Wm. Moore Smith. John
Read jun. William Tilghman.John F. Mifflin, Jo
fsph B. M'Kean, John Beckly, W. Sergeant, John
Thompson, Jarcd Ingerfoll, Jalper Moyian, William
Rawle, J. Thomas, William Levis, James Gibfon,
M. Keppelc, Mofcs Levy, Robert Porter, George
Davit, John Hallowell, James Oldden, Walter
Frankliu, James Milnor, John C. Wells John L.
Leib, Alexander I. Dallas, Joseph Reed, Thomas
Willing, Samuel M Fox, [ohn Nixo*,Robert Wain
Robert H. Dunkin, John Ewing, Jun. EdwardPen
nington, Hilary Baker, William Nichols, William
Young,'. Robert Campbell Septimus, Clayposle
James Cruklhank, Mathew Carey, Henry K Hel
m«tk, Peter D« Haven, John Duulap, Edward
Shoemaker, John R. Smith, William Hall, David
C. Claypoole, Thomas Armflrong, Samuel H.
Smith, John Fenno.
law tf
" True copy from the original Memorial, pre
sented to the Hojifeof Reprefentarives of the
United States, on Monday, the 18th of Tune
A s.
" RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives of the United States of America in
Songrefs aflembled,Tha? the Secretary of the Senate
and the Clerk ot the House of Representatives, be
authorised and directed, to subscribe.on such terms
as they may da«m eligible,for theufe of the Senate
and House of Rejjfdentatives, for four hundred
Copies of the Journals of Congress, which a,e pro
posed to fee pubiifhed by Richard Fplwell and such
number of copies of deficient volumes of the lets
now in print,as may be necefiary to complete the
Speaker of the lloufe of ReprefenUtivej.
President *f tbe Senate pro tempore*
Approved, March ad, 17Q9.
may 20.
M M V I A D.
F resident of tbe United Statei,
AT a special meeting of the Board of pro
perty in Lancailer, June 24, 1799.
Daniel BrSdhead, Sec. Gen.") , , , , ,
John Hail, Secretary, I°f U * Lhnd
Francis Johnston, Reg.Gen. j °Jf' Ci •
The petition cf Thqtnis Stewardfor. on behalf
of himfelf and the other trustees for the eilate
of Samuel CaUwcil, surviving partner oi James
Meffc, Waring date Philadelphia, jth Month
17th 1799, dated as follows, viz. That a ctrUK>
John Collins had in cottft-quence of fraudulent
deeds poll, obtained patents sirs two certain
trails of land, one (itnate in' the county oi
Northumberland, l'urveycd to Samuel Caldwell
in pnrfuance of a warrant dated in 1774 ; and
ih* other fituarc now in Luzerne county, furi
veyed to taid Caldwell by a warrant alio dated
in 1774 —and r<q»efled that patents friight be
granted, 7br>t)ie said tradW, to William Cran)-
moftd, Edward I tighmin,' John Afcley, and
Thopu«-Ste« ardi"on, truftets of tlie e-flate of
Samuel Caldwell, furvivtflg pairtper of. James
Meefe,' as the fiid two traSls i'ere j«art of the
estate of Mctfe ami Caldwell. ''
Whereupon the Board hiving considered the
fame, ordered that at least sixty days noiice be
given in one of the Philadelphia newspapers,
and in the Lanca/ler Journal ro the said Collins
nrhis afligns, to appear before the Board on
the firll Monday in Oilober next, to (hew caule
if any he or they have, why patents ihould not
iflue for the said two trails to the said trufiees
agreeably to the prayer of the said petition.
A trije copy
For JOHN HALL, Efcj.
Sec'ry of Land Office.
dam ••
July 2.
AT a meeting of the vifitofs and governors ot
St. John's college in the State of Maryland,
on the 13th day cf July 1799,
RtfahnJ, That on the flrft day of Ofloter next,
th« board will proceed to eledl a Profeffor of Eng
lifli and Grammar, who ihall receive, for his fer
viccs, at the rate of £IOO per annum, to be paid
quarterly; an J that public notice thereof be giv
en, &c. &c,
N. B. The o!Bc£ aforefaid hath just become va
cant, by the rcfignation of a geutlsmaa, whose
affairs ., the immediate undertaking of a
voyage by !ea.
It is the duty of the said Prof-jfor (to whom is
allowed an alfiilant) to teach the Engliih language
grammatically, and to prepare lludentsfor a lupe
rior IWiocl, by teaching them the I.atin grammar
the Vocabulary, aad Cordery. Writing it to be
taught to all hi; scholars at slated hours; and to
thof* fludcnt» who are not defined fur the Inperior
school, are >o b • taught, at the discretion of their
parents, or guardians. Arithmetic, and other
branches of fc:< neeufuallytaught in Engliih f«hool«
—A complete knowledge then of I.aein, Arith
metic, See. ii confidtrediudifpflifiMc iu the profef
for ; and it i- txpefled, that candidates who are
n«t known to the Board, will submit to aa exami
nation, as well aa produce fatisfailory teftimoniaU
of their good morals, and fair character..
The Printers withii/ th« United Su(e« >rc re
queued to insert is their payct* the re
foUttiou and remarki, andto repeat the puMica
tion, as ofcrn a* convenience wfll admit, uhul the
40th day.of Seput.i|>cr next.,
i''r» v , i
A variety of Low, many of lham very advon
tagvoufiy Gtuat.-d Bonn of the city of r'hjla
delp! ia, in diiftrent pirt» of the Land known as
the Estate ol the lute William Minis, Efq—many
of the lots afford valuable sites for Country ftat«,
not excelled by any witl in the fame dittance .'.fthe
City, other 1 -ts are well adapted i'or parden
Grcunds, Failure &c. a third description is well
calculated for building* (renting up„n Franklord
roa !,S<-c«id,Third, and Fourtli llreetscontinued
!o the German Towu Road and also on Cross Roads
'o be laid out from Fourth Street to Tuf
ners Lane, zo whioh the property extends—Fer
further particulars,application to be made to
n.cholas holyoay.
on the Premises westward of Fourti "trcet.
2 julv
Twenty Dollars Reward.
DESEK rtD, 011 Thurfdav the 8;h inO. from a
recruiting parly flationed at Newtown, two men
entitled at Noriittswn, the ill inft. the one named
JOHN WILSON, bom in Ireiand, aged is years,-
by trade a bu cher, fair complexion, brown eyes,
brown hair 5 feet 7 inches high; had on when he
wen away, : nankeen veil and overhalli, a bottle
green coat, linr t d wi'h red.
The other JOHN STEAL, horn in Northampton
county, by trade a Ihoertuker; aged rears, 1 j feet
10 inches high; fair complexion, blue eyes, long
brown hair, much freckled in tbeface; had on a pair
6t ihickfett overalls and yeliow vest. Whoever lhal
take up said Deferiera and return them to Head
Quarters a l , fimlol, Bucks county, State of Pennsyl
vania, or (kali fecurethem in any Jail (hall receive
the above reward, and for eTthcrof themlhereward
of ten dollars.
Captain, loth U.S. regiment.
Briflol, augufl. 10. 15 daw
Twenty Dollars Reward.
DESERTED from the barracks at Readinp, in
the night of the sth July, 1799, follow
ing soldiers in the nth regiment in the service of
the United States.
Ibtmas Brilton BiMb, a private, born in Cheflcr
county, aj years of age, ? feet 8 inches and 3.4
high, dark complexion, brown eyes and lorg black
hair which he commonly wears tied cloic to hij
head, by occupation a farmer ; he is a ftott, good
looking fellow, and ennfiderably marked with the
(mail pox, is much addi&ed to liquor, and very a
hufiv« when intoxicated; he was drefled in full
infantry uniform except his hat~-lc is cxpe&ed
that he will change his drfs as he, stole a plain
round hat and a number of citizens' cloaths.
Also, "James M'Mullen, born in the county of
Antrim,in Ireland, 36 year» of age, 5 feet 7 inches
and l-a high, fair complexion, grey eye., short
brown hair, which is very thin upon the crown of
his head, of thin visage and a very pleasant coun
tenance ; by occupation a farmer, aud was drWTed
in full infantry uniform.
The above reward and reasonable expenses will
be paid to any perlon who lhall apprehend and
confine in any goal, or dclivtr to any officer in the
service ef the United Stiots, the above deftril ed
'deserters, or ten dollars and expenccs lor either of
Lieutenant nth United States Regiment
Reading, July 7 ( l 0)
Ihree Cents Reward.
RUN away lrom the Subfcriberon the evening
of the sßth int>. a bound Servant GIRL,
named Elizabeth Howchel, had on and took with
her three different changes of garment and money,
proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any per
son apprehending her ihall be entitled to the above
reward—no coHs or charges will be paid.
N. B, She had 1 years aud fame xionths to serve
Daniel fiizpatrick.
Goihen Townfbip, Chester County, July 10.
•uguft 6 jawtf
i <K
added to the beauty of the country, and a cok
liderable pn:p -rtion of (hade, rruft always ren
der travellir>;,' in the latter season peculiarly a
The Swift Sure flarts from PHILADEL-
PHIA, at 6 o'clock every (Sundays
1 excepted) from tfte GREEN 7REF. oppoGte
the Lutheran Church, North Fourth Hrcoi It
■ goe« through trar-kfordto Buftteton, where it
TWO new frame two Story Hou
ses pleafautly fituatcrd neir the Jolly Post-1 av
erni uppar Mid of the Village of [raoklord.
1 here are in each house, besides a kitche», two
rooms,oll tlie fir.ft floor; three ou the fecoud,
with roomy garrats, all well finilhed ; there
are alfe to each, a good garden lot, (table and
coach lionfe. Part goods will h* taken in pay
ment. Any persons wishing to become pur
chafrrs are requelted to view the premises,
and tor terms apptv to
. fill'/
'4^0.%1N [ B OF &jjjjsD£&
By "tfie (hort and pleasant road of ,
Bufiietsn, Newtown, .Scotch Plaint, Spring
jitld and Netuari.
excellence of this road', the popu'.eul
. nef» of the country through v which it pals
t, with sundry other advantages, which render
tTo far preferable to the Old Road through
driftol, BranCwiclc, &c. long ;ago fugpclini the
propriety of its becoming the Grand Tho
rough-Fare frotn Philadelphia ~to New York.
During the prefept year,'a minute furveyofit
hu been taken,and its fnperiority over the Old
Raad,b.oth in winter and rummer, has been
clearly afcertaincd.—There are good bridges
over all the other waters "bnt the Delaware,
and here the croifiiig is performed with great
fifety and in lets than half the time required at
the Trenton Ferry.' The road is ftveral mites
/barter than the old road, but this is. amoDgii
rhe leafl of its advantages, belaufe daily expe
liencf ptAves ta us, that dispatch as well as com
fort In travelling principally depend on the
goodness of the road En! the levelpefs of the
country, and, in these rel'pefU. the New Ito4<-l
is, beyond all comparison, the heft. It preftnts
uoneof thoferocky bills, which reader the Old
Koad fs fatiguing between the Delaware and
Ncwaik. The fail, too, for the greater part, is
such as to produce but little mud in winter, and
very little ufl in Cummer, which cirt nmllance.
itops u> tireakfafl; from Buftletown it goes
through Newtown to Penny-town c<> dinner;
frem Penny-town through Hopewell, Millstone,
Hound-brook, Quibbletown and Plainfield to
Scotch Plains to lodge. The next morning it
stop.vat Springfield to breakfafl, from whence
it goes through- Newark and arrives at New-
York at noon.
From NEW-YOIIK it starts at j Vclock in
the afternoon (from Paulus Hook} and arrives
at Philadelphia the ne*t evening For fca:s at
New-York, application may bf made to Ed
ward Bardia, Old Cofleehoufe, to A. Mathieu,
corner of NalTiu and John B. .Many,
no. 48, Courtlandt, corner of Greenwich ftrett,
and to Michael Little, at his hotel, no. 41,
Broad fireet.
Fare for paflengers,' Five Dollars.
Way paflengers 6 Cents per Mile.
Each paflenger is allowed to take on i 4 lbs. of
baggage carriage tree ; but all other baggage,
taken op. by a paflenger, will be charged at 4
cents per pound weight.
With refpetfl to packages sent on without
pa (Tenders, the proprietors presume they have
adopted a regulation, whieh, though unknown
to other lines of stage«, they think mull meet
with general approbation, They pledge ihem
feivea to make good every package 011 the fol
lowing conditions. The person who delivers
the package at the office flwl! Ice it entered in
the stags-book, for which entry he shall pay 6
cents ; he will then flatr the value 6f rfcfr pa. k
age, and pay (exclusive of the carriage) t:e per
cent, on the vjlue, at infursnci , aod for which
fee will receive a receipt. Thus, for inflance,
if he ellimatcs his package it one dolbr, he will
pay one cent, and if at one hkndred ollars, he
will pay one dollar insurance, and in like pro
portion for packages of any other value.
Veiy few perfoniit is presumed, will difllke
thus regulation 1 it will however, be optionable
with every one to avail himfelf of this security
or not. But the proprietors think it right to
llate very explieitly, that they will be rel'pon
lible lor the fife delivery of no package, which
is not regularly entered,and for which an ittfur
ance receipt cannot he produced.
In the dillribt:tion of the route, the greatest
care has bren taken to fix on such places and ta
verns as'always afford a good accommodation
and entertainment for the pafl'engersat the raoft
realonable rates The stages are well equipped
furnidled with fleet and iteadyhorfes, and com
mitted to the care of intelligent folier and ooli
ging drivtys. The proprietors thenifclvcs !i»e
at the different towns and villages where the
flages will flop, lo that the cor.ducl of the per
sons they employ is continually an obje<a of their
attention.—They take care alio to tee that the
pafiengers .ire well provided for and politcly
tieated at the taverns, and thit no fort of chica
nery or irtftjfence is pra&ii'ed upon them ; in
Ihort, they hjv c iparedneitherpains nor expence
to render the SWIFT-SUHE the very belt line
ol stages in America.
The line has now run nearly a month, dur
ing which time a great number of gentlemen
have gone through, both from Philadelphia a R d
New-York. Every palTenger has found the
road tofurpafs wry far all that has htcn faidof
its excellence ; and the Proprietors of the Swift
Sure are extremely happy to hear the behavicu,
of their drivers, and the treUmeut at Taveruir
lpckes. of with the highell tatisfaflion.!
JOHN M'CALLA, Philadelphia
THOS. PAUL, Bnjlletan
NICHOL A$ W' ITA KOOP, > NeivtO'wii'
JOHN M ORE HE AD, Prnnyto<ivn.
T. KILLMAN, nwr Mi.'Jlon.
£LI AS OOMBE*i, Bound Brock.
R. SAA 7 SBURV, Scctcb Plains.
ISAACR'AIfLE., I . . .....
Jwii. tod if.
Wants a place as a Coachman,
OR as an Attendant to a travelling gentleman,
a capable rain, who can produce fati,"
fiSorjr rercnuncridadons Enquire at Mr Rid,
ard Hunt's, No.ȣ, fenth Fourth Greet. '
augud 14
Notice is hereby given Vh,Y'k* B '-
tue of or. a a pa fliid during the
hoi. ef Coacrcfs, so much oi the adl cntituUl
" An AS making further provision for the fun
? Po-t of c crt and for the rtdcmL, P "
« cf the public debt-'-yaffea the third dayTf
March, one ri.ouf.nd seven hundred and ninety
five, as ban ironj settlement or
] Certif-cr.tes, commonly called Loan
jr C al Element Certificate, and Ir.dentf"fTn'
. u fafpcujled until the twelfth day of
I June which will be in the year onethoafund (even
| hundsed and rnrety nine. °
eoft' *
' ' c
Rio" thC ll(lU j J f'? D and /"'lenient of the
laid Cotificitcs, and Indents of Interest at rhr
T:reafury, the Creators will be entitled to'rerei.*
Certificates of funded I'hrcc Per Cent J
l i i r• J . . v ' cnc «tockcqual
to the amount of the faidli:<kr„<, and the arrear
ages of interest due on their said Certificates prior
to tha firft day of January one thpufand '/even
hundred and ninety one. '
That the principal sums of the said Loin OSce
and final fettlcment Certificates with the incerefl:
thereon, fines the firft day «| January, one thou
fund seven hundred and ninety one, will bedif
charged after liquidation at the Treasury, by the
payment oJ interest and reiniburfunent of' prj„ci
pal, equal to the funis which would have been
pa/able thereon, if the said Certificates hid been
fubfcrilied, pursuant to the ASs making provision
forthe debts ot the United Statss, contracted our
ing the late war, and by the payment of other
Turns, equal to the market value of th« rtmaiui;.
Stock, which wouM hare been created by f uc f
lubferiptions as aforefaid, which market valne will
be determined by the Comptroller of theTreafnr,,
' ""'"J 9/ HtTrtafuryt
jure 28
May 2 yb, 1799. ,
HI ' HE l >ro r r ' etors ' ,f "rtificitetifl-HKlforfub.
rL kriptioas to the Lojit Leering irucrtd At
eight fer centum per anuria, are notified, ih»t
at an/ time alter payment (ball have been °»t*B
of tr.c sth inftaluieut, which will become due
during the lirft ten day. of the month of Jul*
.coining, Certificate* of Ponded Stock may 2 t
their oj)ti"ii be at the Tre*£ury«r Lo sn
Offices, refpedlivt Iy, for the amount of the four
firfl inllamwnis, or one moiety of the fomt ti«
prrfled in the fublb iption certilicatu t Ne cer» '
of Fclndcd Stock will however be iffned
for lets than one hundred dollar*. ''
•Such lubfcrii'iion certificates at may be pre
•niecl at the Xrtafury or Loan Office* in eon
eqtseiice of the foreg.inp arrangement, will be
n<lor<cd and (iiftiiidlv marked so ai to deMte'
that i moety of the flock Has'been ifiued. '
March i\tb, noo
Purluant to the a3 of Congrcf* parted on the
iftdiy of June, one thixfand, seven hun
dred and nneiy fix, entitled "an afl regulit
ing the grants of land appropriated for mili
tary fcrviccs, and'for the society of United
liretnrvn for propagating the gc.fpel among
the HfJthen and the a<3 fupplemeHtary to
the Jaid recited a<3 paflVdun the second day of
March, seven hundred andniie
ty nim? to wit:
T !lAT the trafl of Land herein after df
fcribed, nicely, " beginning at the North Weft
corner ci the seven ranges of to« oftiipj, ar.d
running thence fifty mile- due south, along the
weftrrn boundary of the said rasges : -thence
due Weft to the Main Branch of the Scion li
ver ; thence up the Main Brwich of the said ri
ver to the place where the Indian boundary line
croflcs the fame thence alor.g the laid boun
dary line to the Tufcaroras branch of the Muf
kinguin riverat therrofling p! ice abo ve Fort
Lawrence; thence down the said river, to the
point wherr a line run due weft from the place
of beginning, «II interfefl the said" river ;
thence ilong the line so run to the place of be
ginning ; has been divided into t jvrnfhips of
!.ve miles square, and fradlionalparts of town
-o)ips ; and 'hat plats and surveys of the laid
townihips and fra<flional parts of townships are
deposited in the offices of the Re-ifler of the
Treasury and Surveyor General, for the isfpec
tion of all perfoßS concerned.
' 11.
Hir holders of Rich warrants as hive been
or (hall be granted xof military fervicesperform
ed during the late war, are required to present
the lime to the Regifler of the Treasury, at
some time prior to the twelfth day of February
in the year, one thousand eight hundred, for
the purpoie of beinj: regifiered ; No registry
will however be made of any lifs quant'ty than
a quarter towrfiiip, or foiu thousand acres.
Tha priority of location of the warrants which
may be prefcuted and repiftcred in runner afore
faid, prior to the nth day of February in the
jcar one thousand eight hundred, will immediate
ly after the said day, be det>rmiued by lot, in the
mode diefcribed by the aci firft reciced.
The boldcis of registered warrants, (hall on
Monday the 17th day of February, in the year
1800, in the order of which the priority ef locati
on (hall be determined by lotas aforefaid, pefon,»
ally, or by their r.gents, defignatein writing at the
office of the Regillrr of the Treasury, the particu
lar quarter townfaips eledfced by them refpeitively,
aRd such of the said holders as (hall rot
their locations on the said day, (ball be pcftpontd
in locating such warrants to all other hclders of
regiftercrt warrants.
The holders of warrants for military ferviecs
fufEcient to cover one or more quarter townfliips
or tra&< of four thousand acres each; fliall, at any
time af'tr Mom toy the 17th day of February, 1800
and prior to the firtt day 01 January, 1803. be al
lowed to register the laid warrants in manner a
forctaid, and forthwith to make location* therefor
on any trad or trails of land Dot before located.
All warrants or claims for lands on account of
military services, which fliall not he Tfgrftcr»d and
located bt fore the firft day of January, i8o», are by
the supplementary adl of Congßcfs hereinbefore
recit.-i, palled on the second day of March, 1799>
declared to he forever barrti.
Gitcb under my turn), at Philadelphia, tjw
day and year ahove mentioned.
Sec. eftbe Treasury.
POINTED £|Y 7. W. f^AWO,
Secretary of tie Treasury
■ -r-'
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