I s , pi'op r rtu»B»Wjr stout and boney. "Whereas Prince Charles, who commands the Austrian army penetrating through Switzerland, is barely five feet one inch ; with i conefpondent fiame of the mod de licare texture. » 4 -v f lr- ' It appears by Gen. letter, that the Archduke, (lender as he is, led on his (attack of the French lines, near the Thur, in person > and fa ('aired the fatigues of the The Emperor Paul is .the mod inveterate the throne of their ancettors, but to chaf tffe all hit neighbours who do not lend a hand in the measure. He looks hard at '"The King of PmJJia, on the other hand, (hews his teeth to the Imperial Paul ; and has an army of 25 to 30,000 men .(Tembled at Minden, which he revinved in May lad. The French people are fai 1 to be clam orous for Peace.— Suwarow appears U negociate in bis own way. Sir Wm. Hamilton, who had been accuf tomed to Eilticipatc violent eruptions, tool but the bare wal's of his houie. Xlje ti&ajette. "" PHILADELPHIA , —** THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST it Jt $ u.", fT' % . PRICES OF STOCKS I*i:iladei.h>i», August 15 ") ; North America, 45 to 47 / ; Pennfylvania, (lures, 17 to 18 J 8 per C«nt Stock—funded—par to I percent ad\ Do Scrip 'with the S* In'lalmcnts 1 > , . Uci. tl.'i th ?.U'l 6th Inftalnient- sj ' owpai liaft.lndiaCompar.yofN. A. par. Land Warrant*, 30 f'olls. per too acres. COURSE OF EXCHANGE On London, 51 at 30 day* 50 at 60 a 90 days Amsterdam, 35 37 a-100 per florin Hffi ~ CoitMUNICArtOH. planned how he will difpofc of the loaves ar.d JisUs ftiould he get into the Executive chair. A certain political quack, who has changed fides with the seasons, been a hanger on by turns to all parties, ?i\d whose thirst for a place is even greater than his third for water, has the prmnife of a feat 011 the bench of the Supreme Cytirt. A rare judge, tru ly, he would make ! This may be vulgarly called " counting their chiclceiis before they are liHtch«d." How chop-fallen the poor, greedy democrats will look, when they find they are to expeft nothing more fubftantii than wishes For theGAZF.TTEofthc United States. The case of JoxaVhax Kosbiss, candidly confidertd. The Aurora scribblers, and their coadju tors, have endeavored to raise a line and cry against the government, for having surren dered this unfortunate man to t'i? King of Gieat Britain. They have represented the furre rider as unconstitutional and have con tended that his cafe is rot within the intent tfnd meaning of the zjth article of the trea ty of amity, lie. The detrattion and danders of these peo ple against the federal government and its of ficers, are, generally, so palpable and bare faced, that exposure alone is neceflary to their dctsdion. Their opinions, in this instance, however have been alTerted with so much ef- Irontery, that, the fubjeft itfelf not being' I eaGly understood, they might, if unanfier ed, be received as orthodox. It is to obvi ate this that you are requeued to communi cate the following fads and reflexions to the public. Jt is admitted that Jonathan Robbins is« native a'tixen of the United States, and it may be admitted (although the fact is not proved and may perhaps be otherwifc) that he was impressed against bis-will on board the British frigate Hermione. He continued on board the HennioOe for {evemi cruizes, during- which (he touched often at ports in the Weft Indies andelfewhere, affording fre quent opportunities to Robbins, ef either lee king the protection ot his government, bv application to its consuls, See. or of ef taping, which might have been efFefted with very little address, if the disposition had not been wanting. But he appears to have been so well pieafed with his fituatlon, whether brought into it voluntarily or involuntarily, that he never made an attempt to escape, D'ii applied to an American Con Ail for pro tection; on the contrary,: he was made a war rant officer on board the Ihip ; which imnlies his cons-nt thereto. Let this faft be Ve ciembered as a perfeft anAver to his juilifi cation on the ground of dure ft. After-' wards, he. with the r£ft of the crew, *.on- Ipired to seize the ship and carry her into a * Spanilh port, in effecting which, the officers v>ere murdered with circurn fiances of horrid crurlty too dreadful to'be told. Robbins is <■ iiarged with having been a principal ailor in tViis bloody scene, and' to ascertain his r ruill or innocence he is furrtfndered to the only tri bunal that could take s "cognizance of the of fence. This surrender is objedted to, as being un constitutional. But w hut fays the Constitu tion ? Article 3. lert. 2. " The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, thall be by Jury ; and such trial Aia.lf be held in the Rate wherein the fa id crimes /hall have been committed : but when not committed •within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as Congress may by lata have directed." Now admitting that the crime in this instance had been committed within ' the maritime jurifdi&'on of the United States (which however I utterly deny) 011 board a merchant vessel of the United States 111 foreign seas, where should the offender be tried ? Why at such place as Congress may by law have directed." What then is a treaty ? I do not contend that a trea ty is 'paramount to the constitution ; but surely a treaty, con fit utinnilly made, is at least of authority with a with a law, constitutionally made, and, in deed, if, as is the creed ot- some, the House of Representatives have a voice in the forma tion of treaties, they may lie ftri&ly termed I laws of Congress, 'l'here can be no doubt therefore* that the 27th article of the Trea i ty of Amity, &c. is constitutional. 1 he surrender ha* been complained of as not being required by the 17th article of the treaty. The Words of the article are ' That his majesty and the United States, 011 mutual re.qi'ilitions Stc. will deliver up to justice all persons who being charged with murder or forgery, committed within the within the countries of the other, provided, that this 9ull only be done ,011 such evidence if criminality, as, according to the laws of the place, where the fugitive so charged lhall be found, would jviftify hisapprrhenfion and coitimitment for trial, if the offence had ;here been committed." The only that can arise on the application of this article, are ; r. Whether the murder with which Robbins is charged, was committed ivitbin the jurisdiction of bis Britannic Majesty ? 2. Whether he has sought an asylum in the United Stales ? And 3. Whether there has been such evidence of criminality as would have juftified his apprehension & commitment tor trial, if the «ffence had been committed within the jurifdi£tion of the United States ? In support of the affirmative of the firft question, I«iteVattel, i, b. c. ig. s. 216. ' It is natural to consider the vessels of a nation as a part of its territory, efpeciully, when they fail upon a free sea, since the state preserves its jurifilidUon in these vessels." 2. T hat Robbins fought an asylum, in tie United States, fufficiently appears, since he is found there : and 3. As to the fufficiency of the evidence of his criminality, no man can doubt who reads the depofition3 of Port lock and Forbes. Indeed, Robbins' conn- I fel in argument attempted to juftify the faft, thereby admitting his having been guilty of it. In addition to these observations, it may* be observed generally, that it has been the practice of all civilized nations to surrender great offenders who have fled from justice if ihat such surrender is »eceffary to tke fafe tv of society, since crimes can only be pun ched where they have been committed: That the proviftons in Oie conlfitution of the Uni ted States for criminal prosecutions and trials for crimes, are expressly limited to crimes committed within a state or diftrift; and that it is pr< pofterous to fuppefethat it was ever intended to prote6l a murderer, although a citizen, by refufiiig to surrender him to the jurifdi&ion of that country which alone could take Cognizance of his offence. * See Dull. Rep. v. i, p. ii 6.- M'Kean Chief Justice. " We think cases may occur, where Council could, pro bono publico, and to prevent atrocious offenders evadihg punishment, deliver them up to the justice of country to which tbey belong or where the offences were committed. 1 MR. FENNO, PROUD felf-fufticiency and humble dependence were never more strongly contrasted, than by the afFe&ed contempt with which a certain hair-brained theorist treats the feelings and opinions of his fellow citizens, and the deference and refpeft which some of them dill feel and evince towards him, in spite of his crazy vagaries. This medical weather cock has blown every point of the compass. One season he founds the alarm before the enemy is niglj: the next he lulls us into ideal fecuiity when he is within our gates. He contends in the teeth of .stubborn fafts that the yellow fever is of domestic origin, one of our own offspring, and, when, as in the present season, evidence incontrovertible of its having been imported is produced, with an effrontery inflating and insolent in th« big heft degree, he smiles at his oppnnents and afTures them there is no yellow fever here ! In fliort, within one finall hour he hits sported with and tortured the minds of his fellow citizens, by giving, in hat fliort space, accounts direttly contra- MR. FENNO, Fellow citizens ! it is high time your con fidence should be withdrawn from this cas tie-builder—-this fpir.ner of theories withoui his own brain, Wc were willing thatexpe rience (hould decide between him and his an have bean palled to prevent the importation on the one hand and the mofl effectual tnea l'ure to prevent the importation on the one other hand have been pursued. The hap piert eenlequences would have flown from a fair experiment. Fearing, however, the deflruftian of a theory, which he has impo ft-d upon the ignorance and credulity of ma nv, he continues hi; exclamations against antine l.iw and wantonly infultsyou by com paring your prudential measures to die filly forehead; With a hammer so a fy that was biting him there. Your quarantine laW ftSs been.evaded, and he has done all in his power to dck.it its operation. Fellow Citizens relax not yonr exertions and we ftiaH yet retrieve the tharaftf r of our city*" Enforce your quarantine law With the Mtmoft rigor: let it engage your patriotic exertions as much as would the refiflatici of an invading <*nei»y» Remember too that clfanlim-fs is the mother of health. Be cleanly i#i your persons, in y.mr hAuics and in every other relpeft. We fnay poflibly render our atmol'phere 'too pure for .the existence of contagion amang us. .Be careful to avoid the night -sir. Protest your bodies .with flannel, which is more ne cefiary at this season of the year than in the dead of winter. Bring whole (bine water in to your streets, for the parpofe of cleansing them and for donieflic uses. Do these things and I will undertake, with the blefling of God, that in hesilthfulnefs yea (hall not be rivalled by any city on the globe. MR. PKNNO, A place in your Paper is re queued for the following remarks. We have ldr.g heard of the falfhoods of I the Aurora : we have long been perluaded French, either immediately from their Am batlador or Confnls, or now through their friends. VV<; have, to the'(ha me of our layvs, heard him almfe and traduce the bill churac ters of the nation : wo have heard him affrrt untruths to the prejudice of the administra tion and officer! of Government which tend, and their evident purpose is, to soW the feeds of dilc>>rd,andraift*,itthey could,d ilurbance • then would they have their wifli, and would no doubt jultly exclaim, " Confufiou is our [ gain." Then might they hope for a Direc tory,; and their promised rewards in printing for than ; and to their great joy, get some jo or 40 of their present opponent print-rs lent to Cayenne. This is the Liberty and Equality they wifli for—and all that, either from disappointment in place hunting, them l'elves or their friends, have resolved to dif uirb the present worthy adipiniflraticn. enemies, no cne can doubt who knows any thing of the spirit of party in our state ; which is ktfpt upby a Retailerfrom the Au rora, called the Genius of Liberty. Every friend of Government this way knows thai John Mercer, Esq. is the supporter of thi* prefs-f-and i.nong the ignorant and milled the confequence of publifliing maliciou; lands There are numbers who from the tiim that Mr. Jefferfon was d'.fappointed of th PrefiJent's chair, have never ceased to . tiwv frieijd kpft h« teat «f • tWt : Ofptyloa lfcr *wft« Go vcrn«^C«i)HM~tK4(n,)**ll *Kth»t tfcl* 'riot in thi finetion«f Gspt&amv 6m m»t fscpvtitd h»» »•< (Sgftvjc>tlie<- frtft* aft*b or. fwtte dtterwy., Wfieteht ' yha kft half deid, Yet the afoffinijM :*e* tety. *d—but for the trujh fjrf'Mpdar of tj*: G&~ Liberty,■; Vii«iWa';ibr ttot ajA Cr, I kfl»w the vexMioij of' tM' parity front thtfrbelng- nfcgk&«l&y .sNpft&r ncvt k«K}.wjvi»}Hrt I yh*t a phcewiwld mSJc* tfcm v nxm. ftjt Wjckrf Trofty C|y*| t)c. -vil tr»il them. WhetherWiii rneai«* B y oijt than mettt the eye. I«*onnt But thi» t dtf %', th»t.;»f pr WiHn\*ybe< jMfulbed.;fibr > -itijkoi not coriftfteof with coraftionlfenfif tS*t iiwact bepfcf&ttte&^o tnfetit by && fuggeftiQ»»£ad malicious t>Jcs %nta*g * (fcqpfe «i igns«irt| WiH, Very" ignorant indeed ; bat he fey* trtith,•—**!!• &tt;tdde rigtit it not mHkdby the friend«of Wv Jefferfon and the French, made up of the afGhrif- A pripted lie Uraydotcn thpufipd Utixt AMm flrtfcWcf thwj »B ■Jlte ddfttfftjr smtf isonsnin|f the liberty of the pit fs «ithiilthe fate the hbettyof the H l ® w » b *»jth T(«5B i pwiflfeiai *fcr afrrefrid ; -who w{h if nW flf Miy; caofif, provided you will fopport thew in «?|W.«gat>oe dtKingtiiMrcOatr&uaneeinthe' plaeSe of a turncoat. In owr part* some of Shs mp£ violent anti's have fa& they would forvjgjae*. I hope the 1 Congyfc Wilf take some ortferAvith ithe licentious*w& Pfeocbifisd prtßttrs tlifbugh ÜBited Sutts. . ■ ■ v-,■. Y&uct, V'.;. ■ ■" VERITAS. r ir-{inia, j{ugUst i3tli, WasbiMgtov, August 14, '99. The Sale of lots published by the Com miffionert, commenced yesterday, and we are allured from Authority, that they will be continued onTuefdays, Wednesdays, and Thuri'days, in every week, till the faro of 180,000 Dollars lhall be raised. 0- A meeting of the " General Board of Guardians of the Poor," is requested at the Alms House, to-morrow afternoon, at half past 3 o'clock, on Business of impor tance. CHARLES SWIFT, President. Philadelphia) august 21, 1799. DIED} —yrfk-i-fhy, the- He v. y 0 j IN . J? Smith, Pallor of the Pre'fbyteriai.« hurch ' in Pine Street. ——,'! aft evcairig- after an lllnefs of tv, I weeks• and four days, Mr, Adam ZahT SSingek, for many years a relpcttaMe Mer ghant of this city. * • • - ' 1 ' / , Mr. ,Waew4ck Coates, of f, DiftriiTt of Southward '• \ thr. Hatuiah, Phippen, Salem _ C 1 1 Came up-frem ike Fort, 3rig Venus, Dill, Sclir. Nancy, Kennedy, , cleared, Brig Smfanr.ah, Medlin, Hamburgh Ship Eagle, Derinet, from Havannah, is Selowr. GALRN. Ship Voltaire, Bowen, from St. ,Pe twfburg, f.ihd from thence the 19th June, leaving there fevsral American vcfitls, :i ---mnngit whom the (hip Difp»tch, Betmers, a few days after leaving St. Petcrlburgh, spoke in the Gulph ot Fi l»nd, near the mouth of the river Neiva, the brig Grace, Edwards, belonging to Philadelphia* bound up to Sr. Pettrfburgh Capt. Bowcn in forms, that the great number of privateers in the Nurth 6ea», lenders it extremely their clutches, nritefi provided with coavoy. Capt. Boolock, of the brig J.unes, arriv ed at the Fort, informs that the Ganges {loop of war Capt. Tingey, had at the begin ning of this month, captured a letter of mar que fellr. name unknown, from GuauaioHpi to St. Bartholomews, with coffee and fug* and sent her into St. Kim. The following vefiHs lay at New Castle la( evtning, viz Jrijj Pennsylvania, Knox, for Cape Fran cois. Susannah, Medlin, Hamburgh S!oop Mary, Fofdick, Havanna New- York, .iugujl 21. ARRIVED. 'days Schr. Heroine, Stedman, Martinique 15 Bet fey, M' Her in Halifax 14 Sloop Geo. and Jane,- ——, Martinique 16 CLEARED, n 1 t * /> . A ~ T OCnr. JOIID, i uu* Jamaica Lindcrman, Barr, St. Croix' The capt. of the George and Jane, saw the United States iloop of war Ganges, off St. Kitts, with a French privateer schooner her prize in tow. Brig Aftrea, Stanton is arrived at Martin ique. Schr. Fox, arrived at the Havannah on the ad of August, the port wa» ihut ©n the 3 *' Yefterdiy arrived fchr. Heroine, Still man, ij days from Martinico, bound to New Hbver, in Villift.—iailed under con voy of tfii Englith brig of 14 guns, bound to Charleston ; a brig, capt. Thompson for New York, anji four fail iron- tor different ports in the United States. Fiour, 12 l-i doliars p.*r barrel. Capt. Stil'man, on the 7th August, un der the lee of St. Kitts, fell iii with an American sloop of war with a French pri vateer ir» tow, hound for St. Kitts. S.ltfie d.ty, fcltr. Betsey, M'Heron, from Halifax—iVilcrJ on the 7th Aug. cargo, coal and tifl). Baltimore, Stujuft 20. Ariivtd this day, Brig David, Stewart, Capt. Jones, 15 days from St. Thomas. Left there the brig Fair Columbian, capt. Mailary, v as to fail in ten day. Capt. Jones, had angjgement with a , French privateer, but from the calmne'sof the weather, e fides chambers and garrtu, all well finilhed, very well to be fold feperate, for the arrommrdation of (mall families or toge ther and turned into onelargj hoiife. Any per fop inclined to treat.for the whole together, may know the terms by'applying :o Mr. Alexander Martin, iti F'ankford. law J* »ug«: Until the 15th of November next, Afafe Retreat from Philadelphia, In apkafant f.tuation, about three ftiues from town. Application left at the Printer'* addrcfljd to A. B. will be attended to a\iguft*» Jt. wet. TO BE LET. t Vc-'- opiru the i n is not si which pi. happen t>' they wi) comes t< tion of :<■ them to By o: Jt a Spt of Heal. , Resolved, In coni larm occasioned t the southern part no person or family a fickh- into a more of the City, declaring, ery such instance, the 80. exercise the authority veftt them by law, to prevent the jury which may arise from so im proper and inconfiderare a con. dudl. A Pascball Hollingsivortb Sec'ry, Of the Stxtom of the different c j the number of Funeral c.t then ground, "> a hours preceedirg the 2id August Christ Church, - - i adult St. Peters, - - o ift IJTvl J Tv fbyte rian, - o 2d do. c do. 3 adults AfTocizte Church, - o St. Macy'i, * Trinity, - - c Friends, - - - 3 1 ad. 2 childt Free Quakers, o Swedes, . - - 1 child G'.-rman Lutheran, - 2 1 «/. \ child Gei man Pre fbyteriar, - 1 adult. Baptist, ... j child n? Jews, African Episcopal, - 0 Public Ground, - 3 i ad. I child Total 17.10 ad. 7 child. By order of tic Board of Health. WILLIAM ALLEN, Hea th Officer 35 calks of 6d. and Bd. NAILS, ard 4, 4 f-a ami $ inch SFiKES, enti.lcd t» drawback, for fat: by arawuasK, lor laic Dy PETER BARKER, Cj. No. 149, High-flreet 8 mo. » eodtt. "n 0 t I c e. ALL pcrfons indebted to the Estate of Aaron Thompson, Hatter, formerly oi Woodbury, New jerfcy, and late of Daihy, deceased, are requeued to make immediate payment —And all peifons ha ving Fernanda against said efta:e, are defi ed to ren der their accounts duly attcited for settlement to JaMES B. BONSALL, of KingftjJing, Executor. auguft»7 < cod3t — V A beautiful Country Seat for Sale SITUAT i.D (VI the bank cf the Delaware joininj: lands of Matthias iTiplet and Mr« John Duffield, 13 mifei from Philadelphia ar.d 7 miles from Brillol. The buildings consist ofa new two story Frame House and Kitchen adjnjjiing— 3 rooms on 2 floor, a Piazza the whole front of the Houle, a Pump of oxcellent water, all'.* a good garden and orchard—lo acres of land will be folil with the premifti. but mere can be had if required. There i» a gravelly ftmreat the river, the water stages for Burlington pa ft ever)- in th« Cum mer fea£->D, and the land ltages for Now-York within half a mile ; any perl'on inclining to pur chase may know thetsi ms of fr-.lt and other par ticulars by enquiring at No. li, Doefcftr««, or Nn.iKi. South Setond-ftrew. [-M N « 1 * 1 1 • ?• t . >»■! . f