j i V Notice is hereby given, "T7HAT separate prnpofal* will be recaived a X the office cf tli>? Sectfctary of the Depart ment o! War, until tlie expiration of the 15th of July rie.\t ensuing, for the supply of a'.l ra tion?, vthieh may be required for the life «f the United o;;; -.-, from the firll by of October, 1709, to ib%* thirtieth day of September, 1800, two diilrlfls herein after fir/t mentioned ; end also tir.t :V,.v;ra'e proposals will be received at the fa id office u.-.til the expiration of the 25th day of July next ensuing, for the tap ply of all rations which may be required a« afjiofaid, from the firlt day of January it: t-ht veir 180 c, to the t'nh-ty.fir'l day of December in the fame year, both, days inclnfive, at the place and witfe m the IVrtral Hates herein after mentioned, viz. Pirji—Propufals to supply all rations, that may he required, at Ofv. n ; at Niagara ; at Prefqu'l;- ; it \Kh .i-uac'vinac ; at Fort Picque t-nv", vd l,o:T ; »nie» [tores i at Fort Wayne ; :u P.:rt Dct; nee ; at any phce beiow Fort D:f.i:vce, on the Miami river to Lake Erie, it Fort Knox, and Ouatsnon on the Vrvcr- Wabalh ; it MafT:c ; at any place or pUc son the taft fide of the river Miflifiippi, above t ie m,outh of th>- river Ohio, and upon the Sllinoto river. ] Sewed -Propofab ;o supply all rations that jnay be required, i any place or places, on the tail fide of the Mdniiippi river, below the, month of th» river Ohio to the louthern boun- ! dary of th; I'i f e of Kentucky and withiu the j laid fbte ; at Knoxville ; at all other ports and j place * nithin the Kttc of TeiwieiTe* ; at South , Wel> Point ; at Tellico Block-house, at St. I T * Stephens on the river TomMgby and any place or pl.ire* u uhin the Cherokee howidariea ; be lo,v tie Inuthei n U-iundary of the state of Ten- Third—Pfopofals to supply all ration« that Way Ke required, at Point-l'etre; atColeraine ; »t Savannah, and at;a-iy other place or places ♦htfr tro ;]:s a r » or may he ftation-d, marched nr recruited within the state of Gcorgil ; at al forts r;1 uirns on the Oiotviee and Alatamaha ' and at all . ther place- > the Creek Natiou within -be limits of United States, whir ; r Fourth—PropoiaU to supply all ration? that i mry be require i at Fort )« Wlfon.it l-ort Pinck- I nry, at Cl'.arl»flon, or at any other place or ; plates where troops are or may he Rationed, 1 marched or racruitttl in the state of South Ca- , rolina. j Tlflh —Proposals to supply all ration> that may be required at the Fort at Wilmington, Cape feat *; .it Beac n IflaiiJ, Ocracock ; at Charlotte; at Fayettevi.lc< at Salisbury, or at t jny other place or piaces where trrops are or may be Itatinsied, ma'thed er recruited in the ilate of North Carolina. ■5/rf)!>--t'ropof>ls to supply all rations that may required at Norfolk, at Portsmouth, at , Kcmpfvllle, at Char-otlevtile, at Winchester, at 1 Staunton, at Richmond, at Alexandria,' at Lees- j burg, ;it Frederirkfburg, at Cartsrfville, or at | hjV tithtr place or placed where troops are or J may he Rationed, marched ot recruited, 111 the j state i>l Virginia. Sei 'ntb —Propofals'to futply all rations that j at Ann jpols, at Frederick town, at Leonard 1 tewu, at H igers town, at Biadenfburg, at , George town, at Harper's ferry, at Eiftown, at ! the.ticaij of Elk. and at any other place or places, where troops are or may be (lationed, i marched or recruited within the limits of the ; flats of Maryland. Eighth—k*ropnf Is to supply all ration? that | may be required at Fott Mitliio, at Pniladel* phis, at Daihv, at Lancaster, at WiHufbarre, at j Kesding, a' Briflol. at Yorktown, at Carliile, at Liwiil wn (Mifflin county) at Bedford, at (Wenfb-rtr, at Washington, at Eaftjwn, at Wilmington, at Chriltiana, at Dover, or at any other place or places where trpops are or may ;,e Rationed, marched or recruited within the vi' except the polls within the (late of Peiin fyivania, enumerated in the firft proposals afore faid. —Proposals to ftipply all rations that may be required at Hackenfac, at Elizabeth town, at New-Brunfwick, at Burlington, at Woodbury, a( Trenton, and at any other place or places where troops arc or may be Rationed, marched or recruited within the limits of the state of Jersey. or othcr ardent fpi rics at iVe rateof half agiilpfr ration, and Vinc nr u the rate oi two quarts lor every hundred rations. The projofals will fpecify the price of the several component parts of the ration, as well as thole of iubttitutes or alternatives lor parts ' h are to he I'urniftied in such quantities or that therefkall at all times, during the term of Ihe propoied sontrtSs, be fiifficiect for the con fun-ption of the troops at Michilimackinac, Detroit Niagara and Ofwctjo, for fix months in advances, and at each of the otfeer posts on the western wa ters, for at least three months in advance, of good and wholefomc provisions, if jrh« iamelhal) be re quired. It is alio to be permitted to ail and every of tlie commandants of fortified places, or posts to call fdr at seasons when the fame can be trans ported, or at anytime in cafe of urgency, iiich sup plies of like provisions in advance, as in the difare tion of the commandant (hall be deemed proper. It is to be understood that the contra&or is to be at the expeace and rifle of iftuing the fupplie9 to the troops, and that alt losses, sustained, by the depredations of an enemy, or by rveans of the troops ©f the United States, fliail be paid for at the price of the article capturad or destroyed, on the depositions of two or more pcrfons of creditable ehara&ers, and the certificate of a cO.Timiflionan,John F. Mifflin, Jo feph B. M'Kean.John Beckly, W. Sergeant, John Thompson, Jared Irgerfcll, Jafptr Moylan,William Rawlc, J. Thomas, William Levis, Janaes Gibfon, M. Kcppelc, Mofcs Levy, Robert l'orter, George Davit, John Hallowell, James Oldden, Walter Franklin, James Milnor, John C. WelU John L. Leib, Alexander I. Dallas, Joseph Reed, Thomas Willing, Samuel M Fox, John Nixos.Robert Wain Robert H. Dunlin, John Ewing, Jun EdwardPen nington, Hilary Baker, William Nichols, William Young,! Robert Campbell Septimus, Claypoolc James Crukfbaiik, Mathew Carey, Henry K. Hcl muth, Peter De Haven, John Duulap, Edward Shoemaker, John R. Smith, William Hall, David C. Claypoole, Thomas Armflrobg, Samuel H. Smith, John Fenno. " True copy from the original Memorial, pre sented to the House of Reprofentatives of the United States, on Monday, the 18th of June 1798; •• WILLIAM LAMBERT, for " JONATHAN W.CONDY, CCERK." " RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Rep resentatives of the United States of America in Qongrcfs assembled.That the Secretary of the Senate and tlic Clerk of the House of Representatives, be autho'riied and directed, to fubfcri'ae, on such terms as they may du«m eligible.for theufe of the Senate and House of Reprd'enratives, for (our hundred Copies of the Journals of Congress, which a,e pro posed to he publilhedby Ri?hard Folwell and such number of copies of deficie nt volumes of the i c ts now in print,at may be necelTary to complete the ' fame. JONATHAN DAYTON, Speaker of the Houje of Keprefentatj-ves. JAMES KOSS, President "f the Senate pro tempore. Approved, March id, 1709. JOHN ADAMS, President of the United Stettet. aw 1 f may so. Twenty Dollars Reward.' DESERTED from the Rendezvous at E?.f ton, JOHN FRANTOM, a soldier in ;he 9th U. States regiment, 5 feet 8 inclrcs high, b'ne eyes, swarthy complexion arid bro*n hair, wlucb he wears long and queued*; be stoops much in walking, and has a conliderabie impediment in bis fpeeeh. At the fame time SOLOMON KINNI MONT, a soldier in the fame regiment ; he 19 a hamli'cxiie young man, 19 years old, 5 feet io atid a quarter inches high, black eyes, short brown h?ir, fair complexion. They were enticed t? desert by two men who fsid they h»*t lerveit as marines on board the Baltimore sloop-os-war, and went oft" with an intenton to enlist in that service ; both were in full uniform, though they will probably change their drcft. . The above reward vi'l be given for'deliver ing the two, or Un dollars for eitfeer of them, to any officer of the ninth reginient; by M. TILGHMAN, ift Lieutenant 9th U. S. Regiment. . "M.) Aug. I. (5) djur Eafttow WILLIAM COBBETI ■AS J9ST FOBtISBtB (HICE'I DOI»JOCUITi) I'HS BAV I A D ASV MyEVIAD. Br William Gifford, Esquire, To which is prefixed, A POETICAL EPISTLE TO THE AUTHOR By an American Gentleman. [ln introducing this celebrated work to the Gen tlemen and l.idics of America, I have endeavored to give it a dress proportioned to its diflinguifhed merit, and to the ta*e of those for whole amuse ment and delight it is intended. No expence has keen spared in the publication; and I flattermyfelf that the work does not yield, cither in paper pr print, to any *ns ever published in America This edition has an advantage over some former ones, as it contains by way of notes, the minor production*of the author ; and, it has an advan tage ov«r every other edition, ill the Poetical Efijfle, which is prefixed to it, and which mull be ex tremely gratifying to every lover of literature in this 'country, as it is a proof that there are Ameri cans who hivt the talle to admije, the justice to applaud, and the talents tarival the Geniuses of other nations. g. Copies have hem fait,on to Mr. Sm| y Maiden Lane, New Tni, also to lidr. Hill, BMnrrt, and to Mr. Temg, CbarUfh*. ' s . Copies will be font to Bofb* placei, as fooniiaoccafioni Offer.} may »8 ' , hvcnty Dollars Reward. DESER 1 EL) from the barracks at Reading, io the ni*ht of the sth July, 1799, the follow ing fnldicrs in the 1 Ith regiment in the service of the United Mates. 't bam as Srit.'in Booth, a private, born in Chester county, 15 years of age, ? feet 8 inches and 3-4 high, dart complexion, brown eyes and long black hair which he commonly wears tied dole to his head, by occupation a farmer ; he is a stout, good looking fellow, and considerably marked with the fmtOl pox, is much addified to liquor, and very a bnliv« when fatoxicated; he was drefled in full intantiy uniform except his hat—lt is cxpt&ed that he will change his dr-fs as he flole a plain round hat and a number of citizens' cloaths. Also, 'Jamie M'Mullen, born in the county of Antrim,in Ireland, 36 ytarsof age, 5 fee IJ inches and 1-4 high, fair complexion, grey eyes, short brown hair, whjcfcfc very thin upon the crown of his head, of thin visage and a very pleafaßt coan tenance ; by occupation a farmer, and was drilled in full infantry uniform. The above reward and reasonable expences will he paid to any p«vlon who (ball apprehend and confine in any gsal, or deliver to any officer in the service of,the United States, the above described def'erters, 01 ten dollars and expences lor either of thru. LEWrS HOWARD, Lientenant nth United States Regiment Reading:, ju!y 7 (10) Treasury department JUNI »7, 1.798. Notice is hereby given, That by vir tuc of Ml ail, pa(T«d during the profent ses sion #f Conerefs, so much of the ait entituled " An Ail mak.ngfurther provision forthefup " port ol public credit, and for the redemption " of the public debt"—palled the third day of March, one thousand seven hundred andninety fiv«, as bar» from settlement or allowance, Certificates, commonly called Loan Office and final settlement Certificate*, and Indents of In ferefts, is suspended until tJie twelfth day of June, which will be in the year onethoufaud seven hundred and ninety nine. That on the liquidation and the said Certificate), and Indents of Interest, at the Treasury, the Creditors will be entitled to receive Certificates of funded Three Per Cent. Stock equal to the amount of the said Indents, and the arrear ages of interest due on their said Certificates., prior to th* firft day of January one th.oufand seven hundred and ninety one. That tht principal sums of the said Loan Office and final (ctricment Certificates, with the incerefl thereon, fincathefirft day ol January, one thou sand seven hundred and ninety one. willbedif-' charged after liquidation at the Treafurv, by the payment ol interest and reimburf»meot of princi pal, equal to the funis which would have been payable thpreon, if the said Certificates been fubferibed, pursuant to the Ads making provrfion for the debts of the United Statts, contrafied dur ing the late war, and by the payment of other sums, equal to the market vilue o%the remaining Stock, which would have been created by Inch fubferiptions asaforefaid, which market value will be determined by the Comptroller of theTreafury OLIVER WOLCOTT, June 18 TREASURY DEPARTMENT. May 2 9 /i>, i ? 9 5. THE proprietors of certificates i(Tiled forfiib fcriptions to the Loan bearing imereit at eight per centum per annum, are notified, ihai at any time attrr payment (hall have been made of the sth instalment,, which will become due during the firlt ten days of the month ct July enfuufg, Certificates of Funded Stock may at their option be wbtaineil at the Treasury or Loan Office*, respectively, for the amount of the four firii iniUtlm«ms, or one moiety of thefums ex prefled in the lubfct iption.certilicatts: —Ne cei tuicateo of Funded Stock will however be ifiued tor lets than one hundred dollars. Such lhbfcription certificates as may be pre «nted at the "I rcafury or Loan Offices in con eq%.eiice ot (he foregoiqg arrangement, will be Marled and diftindtly maiked lb as to denotes that a moety of the Hock has been ifiued. OLIVER WQLCQTII SecretQrV ps the Treasury Secretary of tic TrtaJury, lawtf TO Bt SOLD, TWO new frame two Story Hou ses pleasantly situated nejr the /oily i'oft-1 sir. ern, upper end of the Village of i raakford. There are in each hocie, beGdes a kuchen, two rooms on the firft floor; three on the second, with reomy garrats, all well fini'hed ; there are also to each, a good garden lot, flaole and coach lionfe. Part goods will tie taken in pay ment. Any persons wifning to become pur chasers are reqi'.ested to view the premises, and ior terms apply to JOHN McCLELLEN. Fraukf'M'd, (tlly I.j The Swift-Sure, A NEtV LINE OF STAGES, NOW RUNNING BFTWrtN PHILADELPHIA ss* NEW-YORK, By the (hort and pleasant rosd of ' BuJHcten, Newtown, Scotch- Plains, Spring- Jleld and Neivari. excellence of this road, the populous- JL ness of the country through which it p.i(T ej, with sundry other ndvantigi-s, which render it so far preferabla to tlia Old Road through Bristol, Brunfwisk, &c. long ago fiiggefted the propriety of its becoming the Grand Tho rough-Fare from Philadelphia to New York. During the present year, a minute fiirrey-ofit has been taken,and its superiority over the Old Head, both in winter and summer, has been clearly afcertained.—Thore are good bridges over all the oth»r waters but the Delaware, and here the eroding is performed with great fafety and in less than half the time required at the Trenton Ferry. The road is several miles Jhortcr than the old road, but this is amongst the leafl of its advantages, because daily expe i ience proves to us. that dispatch as well as com fort in travelling principally depend an, the goodness of the road and 'he levelnefs of the lountry, and, in these relpeits, the New RoaJ is, beyond all compjrifon, tbebeft. It preferts none of those rocky hills, which render the Old Road so fatiguing between the Delaware and Newatk. The foil, too, for the greater part, is such as to produce but little mud in winter, and very litile >lull ib summer, which circuinlUnce, adqul to th« beauty of the country, and i enn- Cderable proportion of (hade, must always ren der travelling in the latter season peculiarly) a grenble. The Swift Sure flarts from PHILADEL PHIA, «t 6 o'clock every mornii g (Sundays excepted) from the GREEN 7RHF. oppotiit the Lutheran Church, North Fourth ftrcrct. It goes throuih FrarJtford to finftfetort, where it stops u> Breakfaft ; from Huliletowo it goes through Newtown to Penny-town to dinrter ; from Penny town through Hopewell, Millftope, Bound-brook, Quibbietown and Plainfield to Scotch Plain? to iodge. Tbt next morning it Hops at Springfield to breakfaft, from whence it goes through Newark and arrives at N«w- York at noon. From NEW-YORK it starts it 3 o'clock ia the afternoon (frrriu Paulus Hook) and arrives at Philadelphia the next evening- Fqr ff»:s at New-York, application may be made to Ed ward IJarditi, Oid Coftee honfe, to A. Mitliieji, corner of' Naflau anc! John ltreets, to B. .Many, no. 48, Courtlandt, comer of Greenwich street, and to Michael Little, at his hotel, ao. 41, Broad street. Fare for paflcngers, Five Dollars. Way passengers 6 Cents per Mile. Each pafl'enger is allowed to take on I4lbs. of baggage cirriage free ; but all other baggage, tik?n on by a pafier.ger, will be charged at 4 cents per pound weight. With refpe Ner M'ulflan. ■SLIAS COMBER, Bound Bronk. R-SAN'iiiUliT, Plains. , JSW AC RAfFLE, . ... R6B.ERT PSAkSON, i b P r,n 3/- {ld - Jme 13. eodtfy A'' - of tLe vtfitQrg atirl . St- JoJioUcolWe in tbtjSute ui JLtv!!? ni on the 13th day cf July 1700 MfjWcL P,[,M, Th«o:,,h e fididay of OfloL lifil and Grammar, who (hall recci- ' r ? "f* vice. the rare of quarerM and that puMic notice thereof u P3ld en, £• .he of a genii™,,,- ,maiediSt£ Und «"kin ge h f ° f : J; . the c r v of the fa:,; ProfcfTor fto wh' nß , ■ allowed an assistant) to teach the EnfeHo, L„ 18 P't'mj.iancally, and to prepare students for n-r foool oy reaching them the I.atin «a m P '* the Vocabulary, and Cordery. Writinf - f' tatight to all hi, scholars at slated hours - an',4 who arc not deftinc; f.„ ,u'„ ,'° tchool, are to (k taught, at the difrretion oTa* p-u-ents or guardians, Arithmetic, ?J bra;:-' e t f lc-nceufually taught in hn,/,i(J, c,h r -A complete knowledge then metic, &c. is conlidered indifpenfible in the r/f, for; and it is expected, -hat candidate*'wh, not known to the Board, will submit to a, ** nation, as wellproduce fatisfaOlory tetfmf*!" c: r-.-nod moral, a •• far k :,. r? ,tj , r .' Vhe Printers within tha United Stltes quelled to inlert is their papers the for c . 0 j n . '* , V :B, "* n rn '' r:n,lr!: '. ai-dto tepoat tion, as often 3« convenience willaj m ; t loth day of September next. 1 jUiy * S - - tawtS 30 WHEREAS, AN attachment w* s lately iflued out of the tenor court of common o'eas of . of Essex, in the :(ate of few ° T T the ihcriff .if the said county, agaLu u credits, monies aud j.",od« md ch ? lands and tenement. o» J,b n tlnu Symmet fu.tof William Wet!,, in a plea 0) ' tr ;. : f , ", « c»fe to his damage three thoif.r,; L o |,„ r , And -.,4 treat, rhe laid ihcriff aid, it the 't~ m t Jane tall pail, return to the said kingtim rirer.-.t thecroffing piace at, ve Fort Lawrence ; the said river, to the poii.t where a line run due weft from ths place of beginning, will interiefl the said river; thence along the line to run to the place of be ginning has been divided into townihipa of five miles square, and fradHonalparts of town- Ibips ; and that plats and surveys of the laid townfhipj and fraiflional parts of townQiips ire depvfited in offices of the Rfjilter of the Treasury and Surveyor General, for the iofpec tion of all persons concerned. The holders of fcth warrants at hart b«|D ' ®r ft«n he granted fqrmilrtary fcrviceiperform ed during the late war, are r»quirW W prftfi* the fame to the Kegifter of the Tr«f(iry»,« Come time priorto the twelfth wndrtdj f« the purpose of being >egifterr4 { N<*reg|C»Jf 1 will how ever he made of any lib quantjiyjitfl a quarter townfliip, or fout thoufafitfavrci; Th« priority of lp can'on of tfct w4fnmt» wMA ! may be prefooted and frittered in matjrtr »ftße- ; f*id, prior to the nth day of FAraaty in tfe year one thousand eight hundred, will ly after the said day, be determined by lot, io'tN j mode dtcfcribcd by the a£t firft recited. IV. The holi'cis of regifiered warnnts, (hall oil Monday the inh day of lebruary, iu the yea? 1800, in the order of which the priority of locati on (hall be determined by lotas aforefaid, pen ally,or by th»ir agents, defigsatein writing at the' office of the R(gi(hr of the! rPdfury, the particu lar quarter townlWips elected by them refpe.Sively> and such of the Lii! helders as shall not d«fign2!r their locrti> rn on the laid day, (ball be postponed in It),caiing fuck warrant! to ail other holders of regifteriri warrants. The holder* of warrants for military fer»ice» fufhcicct to cover one or more quarter townfbip' or trails of four thcufand acres each j shall, at any time after Mcjiilay the 17th day of February, 1800 ar.d prior to the firft day of January, l8o2» be al lowed to regifler the fald warrants ill manner a fotefaid, and forthwith to make location* therefor on any tract or trails of land not before located. All warrants or claims for lands on account of military fcrviccs, which /hall not be regiftfftd and located lv fore the firft day of January, 1801, are by the fupplenientary a& of Congttrfs hereiu before recited, palled on the second day of March, declared to be forever'barred. Givea under my hand at Philadelphia, tU day and year above mentioned. OLIVER WOLCOTT. Sec. @f the Treasury* PRINTED BY J. W. FSNNQ .