. J-Q tt£ SOLI), A i" * n ecM:>g.nt .the viGtor inj governors of "* , , ai.d Of vs T o, for fix months in advances, of , .p, " rn< - r chiHt, !uv- Ift O new frame J.J r on the 13th day cf JoJy «799, /■•W.'CV If weby given, : «nd ateaclaof the other posts on the wefiern w. ji- .ffipneA ov-r all Va tip \ real fes pleasantly fttuated near the J»!ly Po.M av- jufitteJ. that on the £:t day of Oaobe r «t» T»HA-'r»Mnt'ei Vpof»VwflU>e-T«t«*fdat | ter., for at least three month* in advanc., of good S E fuhfcriber« ,so« lie benefit em, npper end of thi VBHge <1 «»««*»• board will proceed »o -ded a ProfelTor of En«. 1 the hi Secretary of the Depart- 3 nd wbdtcfeae provisions, if th« fame foall be r«> f(lch cf ' hf% ' d ; ; VrW«nay oi!>!\ rite :otlie Inhere are in eacbbotife, betides J kitchen t*o ,j ft lad Grammar, who flialt receive, f or hi, fa., men' J til ~ h ? expiration of the 25th quired. It is alio to lie permitted to all and every n <• UOB, fa.d affirmant oh or before the si.st of Mguh room wti , . t r. f ,e qllirri;rl y; and that public notice thereof t\ n L Lhch ".JV PC required t'rr the uCe *f the to call for'at season, when the lame can be tranP- nex • ..... , . are also to each, a good garden lot, ft able and ec,Stc. &c, United >'atcs from tbs Srd ,'Mt ienri'" jriDoUls wi'rfVße received at at tne expepee and nflc 0! iffumg the fuppUes to ' w ho is anHip- ,fed to seceivc the lame ; ' JOHN McCLELLEN. voyape by fca. . tbffitH! (» . . ju,. lux. enhiing, tor pi y troops .f the United States, !hall be paid [or at the d accordibM* » I -mmmatically, and to prepare (tudertsfor a (up»- w hirn may be reqm priceof the article captured ordefttoyed, on the § VORCIF ASTON t ! n.! „ . rior f'hool, by teaching thsmtfcc I.atin grammar From tc firft day of January m * e .>« r depofitiens of two or morepcrfons of creditable rT»MPnV«j ( Affmie-' 1 /'*" the Vocabulary, and Cordery. VTritine ito 3 he to the thwtv.firh day of December :n the e^ra^ers> aR( j t^c certificate of^z c«mmiflione who are not deftint-> f.r the fnperior in'he fcvcral Hates herein after mentioned, viz. » monn , 0 f theatticlo, for which comp»n- fej 14 . . yw.f ,i: ''*¥ " ]■**•■&£'' feboot, are to be' taught, at tbe difcrcticu 0 f th.j r F ' r J—Propofala tp supply all rations, that f^ on ftalt be claimed. ' . -T" Cx. n ,l f, ir | ;{i n H S parents, or pnardiass, Arithmetic, an J other may l.e reooirtd, at OlWgo ;it Niagara ;it The privilege is to be understood to be refer*.'d <\n eXCCilt.»n k3U J frefq:!*iHe ;at Micbdimacltinac ; at. Fort t }, e tj n i t: d state* of requiring, that r.or.c of th» - ale, ! yrr 11 1 - _A complete knowledge then of Latin, Ari'h. Franklir, ; at t.c Boenf ; at Cincinnau ; at f up pliei which may be furnifbed under any of th pnyeision im.nediJtslj given. " , metic, &c. is confldercdindifp rfiblc in the proses. Picque town, and Loramies ftpres ;at Fort p ropo s e d contraaslhall be issued. iintil tlie fu-.plie ' n . r 1 r nHK 0 QITTI fl" - Nil TP for; anditfc txpefled, Aat candidates who rre Wayne; at Fort Defiance ;at any p'uee below w j,i c h have or may l>e furnilbod under eont.aSs THA I ValiiablC itand lOr DLlll- X IIC wWUI v» U6t known to the Dbard, will 11 -pit to an cxami. Foit Dtfianre, on the Miami rivei to Lake now ; n f oroe have been consumed. and ti.at a i'up- Q f Cbeilcr,K'nt county, Maryland nation, a« wellai produce i..isiadtory teiimoniali R rie ,a' " c rt Kn *, and Ouatanon on the p ly ; n advance may he always reiuired at any .>1 0 f a brick river ' 'Vab:oUU to fnpply all rations that merth to ■ the whole, cdmpleatly ga tterea off f.lt and »y the lunrt pieai loth day ef tcpumbcr next. hvjv* be retjuii-ed, »' any place or places, on the ■— ' pickling pork, with a log corn cru adip;ni?g, 40 Buflleion, Neuutovm, Scotch Piawr, jn'.y ta "5 taw;J lo .aft'f:ie wPtW.W-Tiffippi river, below the TERMS feet by 4 0-Thi» stand is C' nated jn the handfotneft field and Newark. ■' WHEREAS ~~ .no.thof l-.erl vcrOhipto the. southern houn- ( Of Richard Fobuell, in Philadelphia, pHE excellence of th'» road, the populous- A N attachment was lately .lined' out of the !n- * ,lar- . -w nateor and withm t e for sußscamwo Tout Jhekeii tb - countrv around the head of Chester 1 nef, of the country through which it pa(T- A fericr court of common rea- of the coantv or p-are, v,-hm the - ' GEO3.GF. V. M'CANN from Philadelphia to New Ycrk. fuitol mu«m Wdh,n a plea of treQWa on the lo the fnut.iFirt bouridary the ttate of Ten- jNCiuDtNc . FHOMAS. n ■„ ,u'„ r„„. .minute furvrv of it cafe to hi» damage tftWelhntifand dollar,;— ne.iVe and v.thin tbe boundary of the United j be Reports of Heads, of Departments, of B _, fthf aV , ove prcper!y rot fold in three tak P e n, an d L fiiperioritv over tbe Old Mi»»&r« the said fteriff dW, at the tern ef State*. jg Committees, and otber Official and rn- h f t k,-:. Hate, it vAttbe rented. l? OJ d hmh in winter and summer, lias been June last pali, r«uri. to the said rotrt that he h,d Thr.!—-Propofr.ls to supply .It rations that %>ute Papers of that ffodv, now first per- July 0 dgw i Tl are pood bridges attached thedcf.ndant by a certain hood jriven bv may be rcquireo, at Point-Petre; aUColeratne ; h? huhtir TTTT r» J c.early alcertaincc. 1 ler g o Matthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to thr fc-J it'ivamah, and at any otber plaee or places ' vt " Ten jDollafS KeWtlfd. overall the other waters bu - , t o the amount of near two thoofand ohet» tic •. S are or mavbe llationed, marched T\ESF.H.TED from the Rendezvous, corner of and here the croUing is per orme w i P dollars,and alfoby sixty land warrant,; — or recruit etl within the ft ate tf Georgia , at all TERMS. JL/ Front a,i4 Sooth Street, on tbe irft inflant, fatcty and 10 lels than ha.t ,he lme •. q thnfiff, xnfcfc cht fcj.l John Clrvrs forts r flail.ns on the O nneea'-.d Alatamaha, THE work will be printed on a fine paper, and GBORG p g.iLLAGHER, born in Doe-ran Cbef- the Trenton Ferry. The road 1, Jeveral mi. s Symmr,fl»ll appear, gi*c special bail, andrjeeive and at *ll 'ther place, in the Creek Natioo, a new neat t.pe.in large oflave. ' ttr cauntv> Pennfylvaria, aged 11 year, and 3 fborter \ban the old road, but this is amcm .. a ltf£ l„atioo at the fnit of the plaintiff, judgment within "Ik limits of the United States, where E «\ volume w,ll contain above 500 pages, monlhs< fa (eet „ ine , n d a half inche, high, the least of it, advantages, becanfo di.ly ex,u- vvill be entcrc .; against him. and his ptop.ny trr >?» are it mn- lie ftatimieJ. neatly bound and letoered. swarthy cmplexion, black cye«, his hair i, black l iience ptoves to.us, that dilpatchl a< well ascom- herein attached, will be f«id agreeably , 0 : l, e Fiarlk—PropMils to supply all rations that I Uniformity in Cze, paper, and binding, will be and?r ,, y mixtd , ha: the dial.-slot aCheftercoun- fort in travelling principally depend 011 the ( jVitutein such cafe made avd prov : ded. ma vht reqiirc-4 at Fort johnfon.at Fort Pinck- ! throughout the work ;fo that while the [y „ an . Hc had neit het coator waistcoat on when of the road and the levelnefs Of the , Aaron Ggtlen, Clerk, "dc. nev a- or'at any other place nr J fubfenbers become pofleffed of a valuable recbrd, he wel)£ off feasbcen -mployed a.a Laborer abor.t coun'ry. and, in tbefe refpefls, the New Rna'-I , dUccs wh We troobs are or mlv be Rationed, I added to their l.brarl... d whnCT „ said Defcrter and beyond all tbebeft. It prclem. j -"*-b'th own.ji y t ~(I,w marcl edoi ru-r'iited ia the fta-e of South Ci- : ■prici'lo will be a dolls. 75 cts. de)iver , h;m so me lt tht . Rcndeivousin thu city, j none of thole rocky hills, which -ender the Old \ipr?cr KTrrncr' 1 P«-volume, A boards, and 3 wnole bound , H , <^ aTl „, i; 1 Brilol, (hall receive the K,, ad f 8 fjjiguina bet wten the Delaware 1 JS- JVLT NURSE, 'iflb —Prrp..fals to supply all ration, that * reward. * i if* foil, too, f°r »»e part, U v YOUNG V/OMAN with a (£<>.,J h rta , rf Charlotte ;at Faynteville, at Sali&ury, or at I Each vobime will contain about one third less i" 1 ? : 232 added to th. beauty of the country, and a co«- aug. to .V i«y other place or places whe-e troops are or ;of lettcr-prcfs thau the original edition ; but, as thr. Valuable Property so*' Sulc, lidc. ab.-proportion of fb-oe, rrult a .sr. ,i - CAUT I 0 N Eg s££&%**" '™ r " i '" l in "", " ' ?"*■}" 'Jirti-p™,trf, M .0 toU j.blj.k. ,",»»■ to ike nktd , i. OT rf S roun.:, 1,.- (Ron, to Cbrf- "j WHlttdfefli!. may berequir.d at Wok, at Porttoouth, at ; volumes wluch w.Hcompnfe the work. I A rM &tv ; t , 015 „ f.ei in cep.li, whereon I a WJA. at 6«• debt,'of hft S o»3lai.,g after this date. 1 ' Kempfville, at Chariottcvule, *t Wmch.fier, Jt , & Payments to oe made en del,-very of e*th d fraroo houf( . „ ow in the , e::Urc • Samre! «c*p.ed) from tbe GhBRBI IRJ!3. WOfitfc his Staonton. at Itichmmid, at .Utxandris, at Let f- ; volume. . ... | Uenge, fubjia to a ground r:ct <►' a-« per aonnm. x.uthcr-.n Cntirch, North ot:rt, Rieet HENRY v WPP" burg, at Freciericklbur./, at Cartsrfville, or at ■ Subscribers Will have it at their option, either to The any other place or place, where troops are or 1 fubfenba loc rh« whole of the Journals, up to the : ; te , no c public rc- KcAce fs li^lcby' Given, I»ro:n ffartTat" 3"o'cl«e*k in ' rir '. d and ninety fix, entitled "an aft regulit . ' It.. .-"|.'l, .. t w LvVliLnml, _ rpJIAT-a plication rt i-l J>c-.made fit the iff :r jhe after-c-a (fr-m Paolu- Hook) ami arrives i mg thu grants of fend £• } .ward Bardi., Old Qoffee honfe, to A. Mathien, tK " Heathe i am! the afl fupplemtHtary to n , rt .q„;red at Fort Mifflin, Pfijiadel- j"" ™ l h; * c „han«s he value of well authenti- n '' rno:fr .' l ' {h; H c! ° r '' S-ocl i the latl Julli- J corner 0 f NsiT.iuard John Arrets, to B. Afany, recited aApalirdon the lecmvd diy of p vat Dar*bv,at Lmcafter, at WiUtfbavre, at c . t J rcc ,; d a ., d renders them almost in- ■ f '. ,lon, -"J J im « Eckley Colby, , no> Ccurtlandt, corner of Greenwich street, • .arch, ocethonfand levcnhuudredatidninc Sending, »' ilfiflol, at Yorktown, at CarUHe, cAimatle . U , hoped, that Americans will, tbere- r,'haH°K' kb, idl' mafte- " J ,o n Mlchiei i:tle ' at hU 4»» ; ,y ' ,mt tOVMt: , at Le>v!il «t: (Mifßin county Jat i'edford, at rove> Cear.ully contribute their affißanee in tranf- J-f'• *«»d«reet. | , _ |,,. . J , Greenfb*rL, at Washington, at Eaftown, at miuine to-poflerity the labours o! their anceflor. 'P' ' ' fnr riaFpncrpr<; F/W Dnl/at-c r i 'i " J -° !,r 'ereina ?r df- WUmiiieton, at Chriltiana, at Dover, or at any -founders of the Columbian nation. . Two certificate.. No. a 7,00, and a 7 oot f«t t are tor pallengCrS, Jfne UoUwS. fenUed, na -ely. •• beg. ning at the N-.r-h W.ft (>• f' r o'a.e or r'aces where troops are or may • ♦ The work will certainly be advanced with five Dure. each. Three certificate.. No.aycci \\ a y paffeilgerS 6 CctltS per Mile, corner of the (even ranges of tmsTifcips, and ' (tatio/ied. mwched or recruited within the expedition and promptitude. The following will am ' 2 *° °" r ;« r»k * runnisg tbeißt?. Hhy raiir-due louth, along tne lirr - f the states ot Pennfylvanii ar.d Dela- flsow the support it has already acquired: G. Casbter. " I ' 1 ' " 4 -o weiiern boundary of the f*id rangesther.re 17 rLent tV posts within tl:e Hate of Pen,,- F «• PMadelphil jhe ij, i„8. Sank of the United 8:at«, I ~w . m a ß e ""'age free ; lot .lather baggage, Welt lo the Main j» „ u . u m ,; lf Sc : oto r ;. To tlie Hou»ratle the Senate and House of Rep M.-v a.,. i 7« ? UW3m tak.n o, by a paJTer.gcr, wilt be charged a. 4 ver ; , bent eup ti.e Main IV vnch of the laid n fv i„ia, emimeratca in tneu 1 refentative. of the Unitec State,. . ~,r jr v 017 u P °""i T' B \ r •! . ver .0 thc place where the Indian boundary list u o ro „„r a l, to fiipply all rations that " The MEMORIAL of the Subfcribers.Citissens, 1 R 1 DLPAR I MEN - 'th refped to packages lent on without crolT. sthe fame thence alor.g Hie laid boun at Elizabeth 1 *c. of Philadelphia, Jon, a ? , , 79 5. the propr«nr, prclume they have | , Ury , ine to „ ie T „f carorM to ncfc of the M„f. rn., y re r^S, fwick • at Burlington, at " Zrfpeafullyfevcth, VTOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by vir adopted a regulation, whuh, tnough unknown kingllm rive , at ,he eroßng pl.ee ,U ve Fort tfr'tfJU* a- I nton and at any other place " That having, in our refpedlive avocations, IN tue of an aft, paffsd during the prefer., fef- to bther line, oM.age;, they think mull meet Lawrence; thence dimi the fart river, to At It. te trnr. « ire or may be llationed, frequent oecaConsto recur co.be Journal, ofCon- Don „f Confref,, so much ol the aA cntl.uled J»tth general appro. ation, I hey pledge them- point wl ere a line run due weft from the place orr ' J?.. ;. within tbe limits of the grefs, we experience ineonver.ience by the seam- «An AA m«.ng further prov.fion for tbe sup- Wve. to m/ke good every package on the fob ~f beginning, will interfefl the said nver; marenra o ry as them: That we tnat Richard port cl piblic credK, and for thc redemption lowing conditions. Ihc perion who delivers rh«*nce th* "i-fn in rn th#» niarp r. b-. na «r '°i to supply all rations that may Folwell, print.., of Philadelphia has had it in "of the public ; debt"-pa(Ted the third day of tbe Package at the offirfc lh.il fee it entered ir innill(: .» | us .^ e „ dlvided ; cf f;)r the icfpec i" publication is necessary X diflaminated hundred and .unetv nin,. « VZS*^Si\ Wa ° ( .r. 1 .u„ r IP r r ruhlicbodies,thatConercfs in their wisdom, That on the liquidation and fett«ementof the «,.|l mv ilnllir ,nri ii wir-ip the said state tnumcra P r . n( j«r him such additional encouragement, to that said Certificates, and indents of Interest, at the . , r ' £* /' ,'• , 1 c r0 " The holders of foe)) warrants a« have been a r orefoid. rations that which he has obtained from private individuals, Treasury, the Creditors will be entitled to receive v'erv few',- riors it J r 2 m .A ""ii ih i, or Oall be granted fqr military fervictsprrfarm- SUv-tlb PrwpofjMs to fupplyaH rations that aJ snable him w prf £ecd w ;f h the woA>fo that Certificates of fundeil hrtrPer Cent Stockequal 7* P"' 0 "" " will difl.ke durlr ft tlu- lUtewar. are required to present may be rc<;-i'<' .ia.. >r.. a •• j Memorialists may be enablcdto pur chafe co- to the amount ot the fa:d ludcncs, and the arrear- '' 3 ." " Ul " CI J ' Vl ~ ? u e^' ' _ c °^ l ! oria ' the fatne to the Rcgifter of the Trenfurv, a' L „ n ton, at Br.7kly;m.atU «dham,at:L«Udd T q{ fhM (or thtMfel „ s . ( ages of interest due on their said Certificates, prior to ava.l himlelf of rtii, lecunty some priorto th b ( twdfth d - ? ot febrwr t Gfcilford, at » esv '- 1 " k 'i ace or Thomas M'Kcan, John I) Cox,, ChatlesHeatly, to the firfl day of January one tboufand leven ?' n " "" '5 peopnetcr, think it right to j„ the year, one tho>jfand eight hundred, lor V ry, at Middietown, ch Samlom Lcvy.T. Rofs, Wm. Moore Smith, John hundred and ninety one. . J" 7 . ® jP'"j th " ' her #ll ' bc rtr P on - the pufuote of be'in? re- fle ed ;No r^ifrv pi. -es the Sva[e RcJIJ jun . William Tilghman.Jobn F. Mifflin, Jo That the principal fumsof the said Loan Office !> blc lor ,h^ f « delivery of np package, which v . n | however be made of any Iff, quantify *»* Cl or recruited *ithi feph B. M'Kean, John Brckly, W. Sergeant, John and final lettlemeiit Ce.-;ifitatcs, with the int?rea ■» not regular»y entered,and f..r which ainnfur- a qvarter to« or four tboufand arret. to fuon'iv ,11 ratiins that Thompson, Jaredlngcrfoli, JafperMoylan,^William thereon, fiuco thc firft day ol January, one thou- ante receipt cannot be produced. 1 r n ' ' r T'' Wolcott, at Erinton's Rawle, J. Thomas, William Levre, Jarne. Gihfon, sand seven hundred and ninety on,. will be dif- In the diPribu.ion ot the route, the preatefl Tha priority of location'of th« warrant, whirl. T- Tat Frovidcbt", and ai any M. Kcppele, Moses Levy, Robert I'orter, Geoige charged after liquidation at the Treasury, by the «rt h>s 'T«» to fix 00 such pUcrsand ta- may be • related and F; .'ir.ered in manner .fore lorn , a.N p.. s -r eor may b Nation Davi.. John Hallowell, James Oldden, Walter payment ot interest and reimburf.ment of pnnci- WIH as jLwaj, affi>rd a. goo«l accommodation fa«. pri ir to the mhdav of February in thr t „ju r P*®,r , „ d ' w itj l i ll ,he limit, the of Franklin, Jamc, Milnor, John C. Wells John L pal, equal to thc forr, which would have b.en ' , fl j Leib, Alexander I. Dallas, Joseph Reed, Thomas payable thereon, it tr.e said Certificate, had been reafir ableVate, The llages are well tquiputd ly aT:cr the said day, btcet-rmincd by lot, in th• .° i»roDjfi , 4 .0 rtipviy a.I rations that Wiffing,PamuetM Fpx, John Nixia,Robert WMn fubfenbedl, pursuant. to the .lAs making provJion turni t evi with flee: ami Iteadyhorlis,at,d . onj- mode dicfcribed by th. act fi-.a recited, at Portland In a||9itri&of Maine Robert H. Dunkin, John E wing, Jun Edward Pen- forthe debts of thc United S.at.s, coHtraded dnr- mined to thl care . 1 inteiiiyent lol.er and obli- i IV. ... uji c a p ■ inn Salrm, Matblchead, Bos nington, Hi'ary Baker, William Nichols, Wiiliam ing the late wat, -in, by :ne payment of other g, n g The p«oprietors ihemfelves live The holieis of reiifiered warrants, (half o» field, at Uxbri.lge, and at any other Yottrg,* Robert Campbell Septhnu., Clayposle sums, «q»al to tne market value ot the rrmainb g it tbcdiff-r«Vt towr, „,d villages wb.ra the Monday the nth day of February, in the yc ar ,r ,'laces where troop, a.c or ma y beftatioh- James Crukfcank.Mathew Carey, Henry K. Hcl- -todi, wh K woj, «ave een created by luch ft 4 g cs w j|| Hop, (o that theconducl of the per- in the or,ler of which the priori. y of locati- J', or KCiited within th--linuts of the cur D.Havfn Johiibi.ulap.Edward asa ore a, V * a ' uew dl thry dmphy is an objedl of their !on 01111 be determined ly lotas alorelaid, pefon aveTf vlaiT.ichuf-..5. Shoemaker. John R. bm.th, U ill.am Hall, D.vid bede.ernuned by the of tM reafury. take ea,* a :fo io tee that tbc ally, or by th,L- agents. dcCguatein ~a. die -„ r : T.*— dropoffs to supply all rations that C. Claypoole, Thomas Armflrong, Sanracl H. OLIV U OLCOTI , pa ir e nvcrs are w«l! providei * politely ,he R<^ fler theTreafiwy, theMinM* r,av r.ouired at Wrtftomith. at Exeter, at Smith, John Fenno. Stmury »/ tbfTrcfury. treated at the taVenw, and th ano fori • } thica. i Ur q osr,,?r t"*nfeips deScd by th. m rcfpe&vely, \ r ir -'t B' 3 ™ on,h ; dur " The holi;r> of warrant,for military fervl.e, . n 'or when neither can beobtained, of one " RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Rep- X fcriptions to the Loan bearing interest at [ n P *hich time a great number o gentlemen f u fS c i^ nt t o cover one or more quarter townlhips. „e, t.r one an-' ahalf pound.of fiftcdor refentatives th- United States of America in eight per cen.rim per annum, are notified, that gnnc t .irough, be, rom f v.lsdelpliia aßd Q r trafl, of four tboufand acres each-, (hall, at any I'.", 1.-1 :. diao meal, one pound and a quarter of Congref*»oejnl od, That the S«ren:kies JOHN ADAMS. that a moety ef *« Hock ha, been issued. I^/iCß^m'^ CitC \ Hairu ' t JtheTr* ry. J&SSfi at all times, ,'u.ing the term of PresitUnt" * United Sutes. OLIVER U'OLCOTT. Springfield. StC ' "** ' 7 ====_=^- - >t* . ; . . - '''s ' . . --V-. •■ ®