Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 16, 1799, Image 4

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For carrying the Mails of the
On the following Post— Roads,
WILL be received at the General Post-Os
sice in Philadelphia, until the i»th da)
'• Augutl next, inclusive. ,
f. Scoodic by Machias, Chandler's river,
Columbia and Narrag:*igus to Golrtiboro*, once
a week, ertimated eighty eight miles.
From April isth to October 15 tb —Leave Scoo
dic every Saturday at 1 p.m. and arrive at Golds
boro' the next Tuesday by 6P. m ■ Returning
Leave Golds every Wednesday at 5 A. m
and arrive at Scoodic on Saturday by 10 a. m.
FrsmQElober 15, ts April 15-Leave Scoo
die every Sunday at a p. m and arrive at Gouldf- I
boio' on Wednesday by 6 !\ M. Returning
Leave GortJdtbo' every Thursday at 6 A. M.
and arrri<e at Scoodic on Sunday at 10 a. m.
a. From Gouldfboro' by Sullivan, Trenton,
Blue Hill, Cjliine, Buckiton, Frofpedl and
Belfafl to Ducktrap, once a week ; estimated
eighty ftve mile 6. <
From April 1 tto October 15—Leave Gouldi
befo' every Wednesday, at 5 A. M and arrive
at Ducjttrapon Saturday by 10 A. M. Return
ing—Leave Ducktras every Saturday at 2 p.m.
and arrive at Gouldfboro' the next Tuesday by
6 P. M.
From 03ober 15 to April 15—Leave Oouldl
jofo' every Thuri'day it 6 A. m. and arrive at
Ducktrap on Sunday by 10 A. M. Returning,
Leave Ducktrap every Sunday a* a p. m. and
arrive at Gouldfboro' on Wednefdayby 6
3. Fr'om Machias to Paflamaquodayi once in
two weeks.
Leave fr!achias every other Friday noon and
irrive at PalTamaquoddy on Saturday at 10A.
M. Returning—Leave Pafldtnaquoddy every
other Saturday at i r. M. and arrive at Machias
on Sunday noon.
From Odlober 15 to April 15—Leave Ma
chias every other Saturday noon and arrive at
PaCTanruquoddy on Sunday at 10 a. m. Retur
ning—Lear« Paflamaquoddy every other Sun
day at a P.M. aod arrive at Machias on Monday
afi p.M. x
4. From Augulia by Rradfield and Chester to
F»rmiugton, once in two weeks.
Leave Augjufta every other Wednesday at 8
A. M. and arrive at FarmiugtoD on Thursday at
10 a. M. Returning—Leave Farmington every
other Monday at 1 p m. and arriveartUllowell
on Tuesday by 6 p. m. '«
5. From Windsor, by Royalton, Randolph,
Williamson and Montpelier to Burlington,
oi;ce in two weeks.
Leave Windsor every oth«r Thursday by 6
A. M and arrive at Burlington on Saturday by
4p. M. Returning—Leave Burlington every
other Monday by 6 a.m. and arrive at Windsor
on Wednesday by 4 p. m.
6. From Fifhkill 11 Newbilry, once a week.
Ltsve Filhkill every Friday at 44 o'clock,>P. M.
and arrive at Newbury by 61 P- M Returning
—Leave Newbury every Friday at 2, P. M. and
arrive at Fiflikillat 4, P. M.
7. From Canandaiguaby Hartford to Nia
gara once in two weeks.
Leave Canandaigua «very other Monday, at
g A. M. and arrive at Nia-ira the next Thurs
day by 9A. m. Returning I>J j ave Niagara ev
ery other Thursday at 3 p. M.and arrive at
Canandaigua on Sunday by 6 P.
8. Fmwo Letfilburg by Mfil'nbnrgh, Aironf
burg, Milefburg, BeJlefort and Centrt Furnace
to Alexandria once a
Leave Lewifburg «*«ry Tuefaay al i P. *•
and arrive at Alexandria on Friday by i r.u.
Rttarnirig—Leave Alexjndria every Saturday
at 8 a. m. and arrive at LewiOwrg the uext
Tuefdavty 10 a-m. ... ..... «•
9. From Harrifcurg by Ciark'sfwrry, Milletf
tovon, Thompfontown, Mifflmtown, Lewif
town, Culbertfuii'4 mill* and Huntingdon ta
AleximJr a, once a week
May is toOaober 15— Leave Harrifbure ev
-rv Sunday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Alexandria
/he next Tuesday by 7P. M Returning—
Leave Alexandria every Thursday at 6 a. u.
aiv.l arrive at Harrifburg on Saturday at 4 P. m.
Ytcm Ofioier 15 to May ij-i-Leave Harrif
bnrg everv Monday at 6 a. m. and arrive at
Alexandria on Wednesday by 7*• "■ R' lur »
j„ s —Leave Alexandria every l'nday at 6 a. m
iind arrive at Harrilbnrg on Sunday by 4 P- m.
In Virginia.
10. From Morgantown by Petty John to
Clarkfburgh. once in two weeks. Leav« Mor.
eautown every other Monday at 5 A. m. and ar
rive atCfarkfburgby J P.M. Returning. I.eave
Clarkfcurg every other Tuesday by 8 a. m. and
arrive at Morgantown by 7 ?. m
-11. From Peterfbnrg by Sussex c. h. and South
ampton c. h. to Smith Quay, once ev«ry month.
I,rave Petersburg the firft Tuesday in each
month by noon, and arrive at South Quay on
Wednesday by 7 p - "• Returning. Leave Souih
Quay the firft Thursday in each month by 8 a. m.
»od a?rive as Petcrfburg on Friday by J p m.
In Virginia and North-Carolina.
,4. From Norfolk by Kampfvitle, Great Bridge,
New Lebanon and Jonefboro' to Elizabeth eity,
once in two weeks.
Leave Norfolk every other Wednafrtay by 1 p.
M. aiid arrive at Elizabeth city on Friday by 10
a, m. Returning. Leave Elizabeth city (.very
other Monday at noon and arrive at Norfolk on
Weduefday by 10 a. M."
13. From Suffolk by Sonth Quay to Murfrees
boro* once in two weeks.
Leava Suffolk everv other Tuesday at 6 A. M<
tnJ arrive at Murfrotlboro' by 5 ? m. Returning.
Lt»- e Murfreefboro" tvery Wtdnefday at 9*. m.
and arrive at Suffolk by 6 p. m .
14. From Wythe court house, by Aultinyille,
6rayfon court house, Flower Gap and Bethama to
Salem once i» two weeks.
Leave Wythe court haufe every other Tuerday
by 6 / m. and arrive at Salem the neit Thunday
by 6 P.M. Returning. Leave SaUm every other
Saturday by 6 A. m„ and arrive at Wythe c. h. th
next Monday by 6. P. M.
In Ken tucker and Tennessee.
15. From Moffats in r«nncrt« by Cot Orrs,
Powell's Valley, Cumberland Gap and Stamford
to Danville, once a week.
Leave Moffats every Friday at z p. m and ar
rive at Danville the next Monday by 7 p m. Re
turning. Leave Danville every Tuesday by sa.
m. and arrive at Moffats the next Fnday by 10
From Knoxville by South Weft Point, and
Cfaig f° rt to Nathville«nce in two week'..
Leave Knoxville ev«ry ether Monday at 5 a.
m and arrive at Nalhvillethe next Saturday by 7
P.M. Returning. Leave Nashville every other
Monday at 5 a. m. and arrive at Knoxville the next
Saturday by 7 P. «•
Noiei. The Post Mailer General may alter the
iime» of ariivaland departure at any time during the
continuance of the cemrafb, he pievioufly ftipulatmS
as adequate compensation for any extra expente that
nts bt occasioned thereby.
ing and clbfing r he Mail at a',l Offices where no par. "
ticulai time is fpeeified.
Note 3. For every hour's delay (unavoidable aeci
dents excepted) in arriving alter the limes prefcribec
n any comract, the contractor dial! forfeit one dot
lar, and if the delay continue until the departure o
any depending Mail, whereby the Mails destined 101
luch depending Mail, lole a trip, an additional forlei
lure o( five dollars (hall be incurred.
Note 4. Newspapers as well as Letters are to b<
sent in the Mails; and if any perfen making propolis,
delires to carry Newspapers other than those convey,
ed in the mail, forhisown emolument, he mull state
in his propoials for what sum he will carry it with
thatemolu'mem and tor what sum without that emo
Note 5. Should any person making propoial) detire
an alteration of the tunes of arrival a.-rd departure a
bove fpecifud, he mull state in his proposals the alter,
atiorn 'delirtd, arid the diiferenre they will make in
the terms of his contrafl.
tfot«6. Perlo»s making j»»pofals are desired to
lla'ethfti puces by the year. Thole who contrafl
will receive their pay quarterly, in the mn.iths oi
January, April, July, and October
Note 7, Thecontra&s for the routes Numbered 1 to
g, are to be in operation on the cay of Oflolaer
next, and are to continue in force xttrl the lifOtt.
1801. Contrails for the routes Numbered to t6atc
and are to continue in force until the 1 ft of April 180?
Po/lmxjlcr General.
Sent ral Po/l Office, 1
Phi/a. June 10. 1799- J, A
RUN away Oom the Subfcriher on the evening
of the »Bch inft. a bound Servant OIR.L,
named Elizabeth Howchel, had on and took with
her three different changes of garment and money,
proud, bold and impudent, a noted lyar ; any per
son apprehending her (hall be entitled to the above
reward—no roils or charges will be paid.
N B, She had 1 years and fotpe months to serve
Goflien Township, Cheller County, July 19.
august 6 3"wtf
liventy Dollars Reward.
DESERTED from the barracks at Reading, in
the night of the sth July, 1799, the follow
ing foltfiert in the nth regiment in the service of
the United States.
Ibema! Britton Booth, a private, born in Chester
county, 15 years of age, S f« et 8 inches and 3-4
high, dark complexion, brown eyes and long black
hair which he commonly wears tied close to his
head,by occupation a farmer ,heis a stout, good
looking fellow, and considerably marked with the I
small pox, is m*ch addiAed to liquor, and very a
busive when intoxicated; he was dressed in full
infantry uniform except his hat—lt is exptded
that he will change his drtfs as he ftol- a plain
round hat and a number of citizens' cloaths.
Also, Jamil M'Mullen, born in the county of
Antrim,in Ireland, 36 yiars of age, j feet 7 /nche»
and X-» high, fair complexion, grey eyes, foort
i brown hak, which is very thin upon the crown ef
! his ef thin visage and a very pleasant coyn
-1 tenai»c V by occupation a farmer, and was
1 in fulLiMautry u»ifoim.
i Thawbjc and reasonable expenceswill
I be paid who shall apprehend and
i confine in any gsal, or deliver to any officer in the
I service of the United States, the above described
! deserters, or ten dollars atid expences tor either of
' them.
THE Creditors of Baly, Hill, &
Evaiisi Info Went Debt rs, in the county of Sussex,
are to meet die Aliignee at th« Court-House inlaid
county, on the »sth of Die. next, at'lo o clock a.
m. in order to make a dividend of f;iid InloWest's
eflate, that may come to hand by that day.
CII. CASE, assignee.
Br William Giffokd, Esqvire.
To which is prefixed,
fin introducing this celebrated work to the Gen
tlemen and Ladies of America, I have endeavored
to give it a dress proportioned te its diflingaifhed
merit, and to the taSe of tbofe for whofc amuse
ment and delight it is intended. No expeHce has
been spared in the publication; and I flattermyfelf
that the Work does not yield, either in paper or
print, to any »ne ever published in America
This edition ha? an advantage over some former
ones, as it contains by way of notes, the minor
produ&ions of the author ; and, it has an advan
tage over every other edition, ill the Poetical i'fijlh,
which is prefixed to it, and which mud be ex
tremely gratifying to every lover of literature in
this country, as it is a proof that there are Ameri
cans who havt tbe taste to admue, the juAice to
applaud, and the talents to rival the Geniufet of
other nations.
0" Some Copies have been sent on to Mr. Soml|
erville, MaidonLane, New Tort, aifo to Mr. Hill.
Baltimore, and to Mr. Young, Cbarlcjfan.
Copies will be font to Btfiom and other placet, at
soon assccafiona offer.]
r I 'O be fold for cash by Joseph Salter at Atflon
J. Richard Wells, Cooper's Ferry—Jonathan
Harker, Woodbury—and Jefle Evans, Lumber
ton, TTiofe who have used them give them the
preference to any ot>her kind, as they require
lefsteam, break the ground bitter, are kept in
oriler at less expence and are fold at a cheaper
rate —the plan is much Amplified and confithof
but one piece of cast iron, with the handlei and
beam ef wood ; they may befixed with wrought
lays and coulters to ba put on with trews and
taken off atpleafure
Patent tights for vending wkhinftrufiionsfor
making them may be had by applying to John
Newbald, or the subscriber No. na North
Ihree Lents Reward.
Lit'iuci'.int nth o'nited States Regiment
Reading, july; T. (»o)
M M V I A D.
Py an American Gentleman.
may »8
Patent Ploughs,
Who has for Sale',
Or to Lease for a term of Years,
A number of valuable trafls of Land, well
situated for Mills, Iron SVorksor Farms, most
ly improved, lying chiefly in the county of Hun
tingdon state of Pennfylvanii. Those who may
indilVe ito. view them will please to apply to
John Canan esq. near Huntingdon.
Cbarlei Nrtvboldg
July f 7
lobe Sold or Exchanged,
FOR Property within twelve miles of the City
of Philadelphia, and on the Bristol Road;
A beautiful and very highly cultivated
For fee thi office of C. L«barbier du
Pleffis. No, ajSovth Third Street.
June »9>
Samuel Miles, jun'r. his i lie-Is j.trtona'
and mixed, to the fiibfcriber-, for trie t-i>'l
- t'uch of his creditors as may fuMt f. the
said aflignment on or before the ti It of
Notice is hereby given,
they are rerjuefted to ir. ake immc diat-e payment
to either of the affile . or to the laid Lamucl
Miles, who is authc (fed to seceive the fame ,
in failure whereof' egal Heps will be t Ken to.
the recovery of fiuh debts, as are notdilcrur
ged according!/.
]OHN AiX'-'.N, J
feb. u. _
An excellent Stand forßuimefs
And poisexh'H immediately given.
THAT valuable stand for bufi
nef. at the head of Che.fer Kent "untj Maryland
consisting of a br.clc ftore-houfc , «o 6c two
Tories high, three rooms on a floor, well appo
tioncd for bufinels, two twenty feet room, for the
reception of grain, and a cotuttmg room, and thrca
rooms for goo*, with an e« ; :!ln.-tt cellar under
the whole, compleatly garnered off for fait and
pickling pork, with a log corn cr;b adjemißg, i
feat by 40—Th'» stand is situateS in the handsomest
and moll advantageous part of the town tor bufi
efs and the profpefi of returning good crops of
wheat in the country around the head of Chester
dill tend to make it more desirable to those mclio-
For ferma'apply to meffrs- Levi
Son, Philadelphia, or the fubferibers near tepre
p S—lf the above property is not fold in three
months from tbi* date, xt will be rented.
July 9 **Z-
Tcn Dollars Reward.
DESERTED from the Rendezvous, corner of
Front and South Street, on the j/ft inftaut,
GEORGE GALLAGHER, born in Doe-run Ches
ter county, Pennsylvania, aged »» years 3
months, five teet nine and a half inches high,
swarthy complexion, black eyes, his hair is black
and grey mixed, has the dialeS of a Chester coun
ty man. He had neither coat or wailtcoat on when
he went off, hat been employed as a Laborer about
this city. Whoever apprehends said Deserter and
delivers hi'm to me at the Rendczvo-sin this city
or at Hea l Quarters in Bristol, lhall receive thi
above reward.
Feb. 14
Lieutenant 10th U.S. Regiment,
Valuable Property for Sale,
In Chel'»at, fiear Sixth flreet, direflly oppoGt
Congress Hall,
A LOTc^ground,about »J feet front in Chef
nnt street and 73 feet in depth, whereon isa
' good frame house, now in the tenure of Samuel
! Uenge, fubjefl to a ground rent of ios. per annum.
The advantageous situation of this property re
quire* no comments, for it mast be known, there
are few in this city to equal it, an uneoceptier tible
title will be made to the purcbaCer. Apply to
no. l9B,Chcfnut flreet, next door to the pre
jiareh 5
Notice is hereby Given,
THAT application will be 'made for the iflue
of certificates for twenry two (hares of the
Stock of the Bank of thtU nited Statu, in lieu
of the undermentioned certificates so«- a lik#
number of fharej of the stock of the said Insti
tution, in frvour of James Eckley Colley, of
Liverpool, loft by the capture of the Diana,
Richard KirkbrUle, master, on a voyage from
Philadelphia to Liverpool, Great-Britain, viz.
Two certificates, No. *7,000 and 17001 far
five (hares each. Three certificates No. 17001
and 27004, for four (hares sach.
G. SIMPSON, Cashier.
Bank of the United States,) tawim
- *
Juss 2J, 1798.
Notice is hereby given, That by »;r
tue of an a<ft, pa(T«d during the prpfentfef
fion ef Conerefi, so much ot the aft cntituled
" An Afl making further proviiion for the sup
" port of public credK, and fer the redemption
" of the public debt"—palled the third day of
March, one thousand seven hundred and rtinety
fiv«, as bar< front settlement or allowance.
Certificates, commonly called Loan Office and
final fat'lement Certificates, and Indents of In
ferefls, is suspended until the twelfth day of
June, which will be in the year one thou&nd (oven
hundred and ninety nin;.
That or the liquidation and settlement of the
said Certificates, and Indents of Interest, at the
Treasury, the Creditors will be entitled to receive
Certificates of funded Three Per Cent. Stock«cjual
to the amount of the said Indents, and the arrear
ages of intercft due on their said Certificates, prior
to th« firfl day of January one thousand seven
hundred and niaety one.
That the principal sums of the said Loan Office
and final letticment Certificates, with the intcreft
thereon, since thefirft day ol January, one thou
sand seven hundred and ninety one, willbedif
charged after liquidation at the Treasury, by the
payment ot intercft and reimburfemem of princi
pal, equal to the sums which would have been
payable thereon, if the said Certificates had been
iiibfcribcd, pursuant to the AAs making provision
for the debts of the United Stat«g, contracted dur
ing the late war, and by the payment of other
sums, equal to the market value of the remaining
Stock, which would have been created by such
fubferiptions asaforefaid, which market value will
be determined by the Comptroller of the Treasury.
Secretary of thcTreafury.
juae 38
May 2<)tb, 1799.
I 'HE proprietors of certificates iffiied for sub
scriptions to the Loan bearing jotere It at
eight per centum per annum, ito notified, that
at any time after payment (hall have been made
ui the sth inltalment, which will become due
during the lirft ten days of the moifih of July
cnliiing, Certificates of Funded Stock may at
their option be obtained at the Treasury or Loan
Offices, refpe&ively. for the amount of the four
firft inltalmonls, or one moiety of the sums ex
prefledin the fubfciiptiorccertujcai#!:—Ne cer
tificates of Funded Stock be iflued
for less than one hundred doHagi^"
Such fubfeription cenificAtiaWiQay be pre
gnted at the Trrafury or Loan Offices in con
eqtience of the foregoing arrangement, will be
nuorfed and diftindllv marked so as to denote,
that a moety of the flock has been iiTued.
dflw fatf
Secretary of the Treasury
to uk soi. z>;
TWO new frame two Story Hou
fijs pleasantly fituaw' ..ear the J«Hj- t-oft- tav
upper rtd of the Village *
1 here arc in each house, beside. a k.trfieß, two
rooms on t' « firft floor; three onthe fccond,
with roomy garrats, -.!! well * Bl[h ®s • d
are also to each, a good garden lot, (lahle and
coach honfe. Part goods will be takeni in p).
ment. Any persons wifhtnp to becom p
chafers are' requeued to view the premises,
and for terms appW to _ - r ir t?W
Prankf.-Td, July H £2L_
The Swift-Sure,
By the (hort and pleasant road of
Buflhten, Nevitown, Scotch Plains, Spring•
field and Newark.
THE excellence of this road, the pojiuloul
ntfs of the country through which it pa"
e», with sundry other advantages, which rende
it so far preferable 10 th» Old Road throug
Bristol, Bruni\i isk, &c. long ago suggested th
propriety of its becoming the Grand Ihe
rough-Fare from Philadelphia to New Yon.
Daring the prelent year, a minute survey of
his been taken,and its superiority over the Ol
Road, both in winter and summer, has bee
clearly afcertain«d. —Th#re are good bridgi
- - <? ooc
>v*r all the oth«r waters but the Delaware,
md here the eroding is performed with great
f'ifety and in less than half tke time required at
the Trenton Ferry. The road it fevtral miles
Jberter than the old road, but this is amongil
the lead of its advantages, because daily expe
iience piovea to us ; that difpatcb as wed com
fort in travelling prim ipaily depend on the
goodness of the ro?.<t ami the levelnefs of the
country, and, in tlnfe refyedls, the New Koa-l
is, beyond all comparison, thebeft. It prevents
ncne of thole rocky hills, which render the Old
Road I. fatiguing between the Delaware and
Newaik. The foif, too, for the greater part, is
! v«ry litde uft if" summer, which circumftiflce,
added to tha beauty of the country, and a c< n
j fiderabte.proportion of lhade, rnuft always tch-
I der travelling in the latter season peculiarly a-
The Swift Sure starts from PHILADEL
PHIA, at 6 o'clock every morning (Sundays
excepted) from the ORJEEN 7REF% opposite
the Lutheran Church, North Fourth street It
goes through Frankford to Buftleton, where it
stops to Breakfnfti from Buftletown it goes
through Newtown to Penny-town to dinner ;
from Penny town through Hopewell, Millstone,
Bound-brook, Quibbletown and P.lainfield to
Scotch Plains to lodge. The next morning it
flops at Springfield to breakfaft, from whence
it goes through Newark and arrives at Ntw-
York at noon.
From NEW-YORK it starts at 3 o'clock in
the afternoon (tWm Paulus Hook) and arrives
at Philadelphia the next evening. For feats at
New-York, application may be nude to Ed-
Ward Bardin, Old Coffee hbufp,'to A. Mathieu,
corner of Naflau and John streets, to B. Many,
no. 48, Courtlsndt, corner of Greenwich street,
and to Michael Little, at his hotel, no- 41,
Broad street.
Fare for paJTengers, Five Dollars.
Way paflengers 6 Cents per Mile.
Each paflenger is allowed to take on I4lbs. of
baggage carriage free ; but all other baggage,
taken on by a pafienger, will be charged at 4
cents per pound weight.
With refpeil to package* Tent on without
paflengers, the proprietors presume they have
adopted a regnlarion, whieh, thojgh unknown
to other line 9 of stages, they think mfjft meet
with general approbation, They pledge them
lelves to make good every package on the sol- j
lowing conditions. The perlbn who delivers !
the package at the office shall fee it entered in j
the stage-book, for which entry he shall pay 6
cents ; he will then state the value of the pack*
age.and pay (exclusive of the carriage) >ne per
cent, on the v.ilue, a» infunnce, and for which
he will receive a reeeipt. Thus, for instance,
if he estimates his package it one dollar, he will
pay ope cent, and if at one hundred > ollars, he
will »ay one dollar and in like pro
portion for packages of any other value.
Very few persons it is presumed, will diflifce
this regulation 1 it will howevtr, be optionable
with every one to avail bimfelf of this security
or not. But the proprietors think it right to
state very expliaitly, that they will be respon
sible for the fafe delivery of no package, which
is not regularly entered, and for which anlnfur
ance receipt cannot be produced.
In the distribution of the route, the greiteft '
care has bren taken to fix on such places and ta
verns as always afford a good accommodation
and entertainment for the pafiengersat the raeft
reasonable rates The stages are well equipped
furnilhed with fleet an I lteadyhorfei, and com
mitted to the care of intelligent lo'ier and obli
ging drivers. The proprietors themselves live
at the different towns and villages where the
stages will stop, io that thecondudl of the per
sons they employ is continual!) an ohjedl of their
attention—They take care also to lice that the
paftcngers are well provided for and politely
treated at the taverns, and that no fort of chica
nery or infoleiice is pra&ifed upon them ; in
(hort, they have fparedneith;rpains nor expence
to render the SWIFT-SURIi the very belt line
o| stages in America.
The line has now run nearly a month, dur
ing which time a great number of gentlemen
have gone through, both from Philadelphia and
New-York. Every palTenger has found the
road tofurpafi very far all that has been said of
its excellence ; and the Proprietors of the Swift
Sure arc extremely happy to hear the bchaviou,
of their drivers, and the treatment at Tavernsr
fpokefi of with the highest l'atisfaflion.
JOHN M'CALLA, Philadelphia
THOS. PAUL, Bufileton
T. KILLMAN, n*nr Mitljlon.
ELIAS COMBES, Bound Brook.
R. SANS BURT, Sc»tch Plains.
ROBERT]PEARSON, \ b P r,n Sfi eld -
June a». " d '/•
AT meet log cl the Tifitors and governors ot
St. Jubn's jol't ge in the State of Maryland,
on the tjth ' ••'/ of July 179?,
Rrfilvt.l, That on the (lid day of next,
this board will proceed to eleisl a Profeffor of Eng
litli and Grain'lull , who shall receive, tor his Cer
vices, a' the rite of £luu per annum, to be paid
quar'crly; ind that public notice thereof be giv
en, &c,
Tell, A. C. HANSOM.
N. B- 'he office aforefaid hath just become va
cant, by the r.-fignat'on of a gentlaman, whose
affairs require, the immediate undertaking of a
voyage by ' cd "
it 1- the duty of the said Pr-feffor (to whom is
allowed an afliftant) to teach the English language
iri.immntiea'ly, and to prepare (tudents for a fupe
nor f'-hool, by teaching them the I.atin grammar,
the Vocabulary, and Cordery. Writing is to ba
tjHj.f.t tt. .-.n nis I'eholars it llated hours; and to
thol. flu lent, who are not deftincd for the fnperior
feliool, ale :r, be taught, at the discretion of their
parents, or guardians, ".rithmetic, and other
branches of fciciice ufuaily in English fahoolj
n complete knowledge then of Latin, Arith
metic, See. >• confiderediiidifp-nfible in the pro'fef
f„r ; ar.d it "is cxpe£ed, that candidates who are
not known to the Board, will lu'imit to an exami
nation, as well as produce fatisfa&ory teftimoniali
of their good mor:;!s, ai.d fair characters.
Ihe Printers within the United States are re
queued to inl'ert iH their papers the foregoing re
folutioo and remarks, and to repeat the publica
tion, as often as convenience will admit, UHtil the
20th 'iyof September next.
j> :> 1 iiwtSib
AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in
ferior court of common pleas of the c»unty
of Essex, in the date of New Jersey, direAed to
the flier iff of the said county, againfl the rights,
credits, monies and effedls, goods and chatties,
lands and tenements of Join Cliva Symines at the
suit of William Wells, in a plea of trespass on the
cafe to his damage three thousand dollars; —
And whereat, the said iherifF did, at the term of
June lift pall, return to the said court that he had
ittached the defendant by a certain bond given by
Vlatthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to the said
lefendant, to the amount of i.ear two thoulant
lollars, and alfoby sixty land warrants
ffra therefore, Wltfr '.he said ]ohn Cleves
jymmcrs (hall appear,give fpctial bail, and receive
a declaration at the suit ol the plaintiff, judgment
will be entered againtl him, and Ins property
herein attached, will he laid agreeably to tl.e
flatute in luch cafe made aad provded.
Aaron Ogden, Clerk, csV.
| Eliza'netli-town.Ju'y 8, aw
A YOUNG WOMAN with a good breast of
Milk, who can be well rtccommtnded, en
quire at No. 104, Chefnuc-ftreat.
Aug. 10 - y -
WHEREAS my Wife SST3JST D'jPM, ba»
left my bed and board, aQ persons arc for
bid trvfting her on my account, at I will pay no
debts of hvt contracting after this date.
anguft ' o
March ' lib, 1799.
Purl'uant to the of Congrcfs pafied on the
ill day of Jute, one thoufjndj seven hun
dred anil ninety fix, entitled "an a<sl regulat
ing the grants of land appropriated for mili
tary lervices, and for the society of United
Brethren for propagating tbe gospel among
the Heathen ; and the adl fupplemeintary to
thefaid recited afl pitted oryhe feconid day of
March, orethonfand seven nundred and ni»e
ty nin* to ivit:
THAT the trail of Land herein after de
fended, nac.elyi " beginning at the North Weft
corner of the seven ranges of townships, and
running thence fifty mile* due south, alongthe
western boundary of the said raagesthence
due Weft to the Main Branch of the<Scioto ri
ver ; thence up the Maiu Branch of the said ri
ver to the place where-the Indian boundary line .
croflVe the fame ; —thence along the said bbfiti
dary line to the Tul'caroras branch of the Muf
kirigum river at the crcifling piace abcve Fort
Lawrence; thence down the faidriver, to the |
point where a line ran due weft from the place
of beginning, will interfeA the said river;
thence along the line so run to the plate of be
ginning has been divided into fownfoipj of
five miles square, and fra&ional'parts of town
(hips ; ami that plats and surveys of the laid
iownfhips and fra&ional parts of townships xre
deposited in the offices of the Regifler of the
Treasury and. Surveyor General, for tlft inspec
tion of all perfbas concerned.
The holders of (nich warrants as have been
or stall be granted fqr military fervicei perform
ed during the late war, are required to present
the lame to the Register of the Treasury, at
forae time prior to the twelfth day of February
is the year, one thousand eight hundred, tor
the purpose of being registered ; No regillry
will however be made of any l»f» quant'ty thaa
a quarter township, or foui thousand acrei.
Th# priority of location of the warrants which
may lie presented and *e*»;itf<Ted in manner afore
fiaid, prior to the 11th day of February in the
year one thousand eight hundred, will immediate
ly after the faidday, be determined by lot, in the
mods diefcribed by the ail firft recited.
Tfce holdets of registered warrants, (ball on
Monday the i?tji day of February, in the year
iSoo, in the order of which the priority of locati
on (hall be determined by lotas aforelaid, pefon
ally, or by th««r agents, defigaate in writing at the
office of the Register of the Treasury, the particu
lar quarter townfbips ele&ed by them refpeiiively,
and Inch of the said hulders as (ball not dtfignate
their locations on the said day, (ball bepoftponed
i-n locating such warrants to all other holders of
registered warrants.
The holders of warrants for military services
fufficient to covet one or mor< quarter
or traSs of four thousand acres each ; (ball, at 2tiy
time after Moudiay the 17th day of February, 1800
ani! prior to the firft day ol January, be al
lowed to register the said warrants in manner a
forcfaid, and forthwith to make locations therefor
on any tract or trails of land not before located.
All warrants or claims for lands on account of
military fcrvices, winch (hall not be regiftersd and
located before the (irft day of January, i8o», are by
the supplementary a£l of Congitfs herein before
recited, palled on the second day of Match,*799>
declared to be forever barred.
Given under my hand at Philadelphia, tfc*
day and year aboie mentioned'
Sec. of the Treasvzj*
. V