w P&iifldelpbia Daily AtiverUser. NvMUEi 2154J price of this Gazette is Eight Dollars ,'it-r annum to Subscribers residing in the cit-j of Philadelphia. All others pay one DoHar additional, for enclosing and di ecting ; and unless some person in this city r.'i!l become answerable for the subscription, it must be paid Six Months in Advance. United States, > Pennsylvania District. ) IN Pursuance of a Writ to me du rifled trotn the Hanorable Richard Peters, Esq. luJe- ot the Diftriit Court o! the United States,in and for the will he expend to iiiiMic Tak at the Merchants' Coffee Houfc in the City of Philadelphia on Tuefdaythe JOth day of Auguil inft. at I a o'clock at noon. The armed French vefiel, LE vaVnqueur. Wi-.h-alland lingular her apparel, gnus-and ap. puntn '.nces, c, r tured by the piblic armed fli.p cal'td the Gang*-*, Thomas Tingey tfq. ««■*• tier (the public armed vt ffcl called the Norfolk, c, liigi.nid by William Bauibririße, Esq. being in fiehj ' f the said armed French veflcl, and in com pany W, t h ihefaid Ihip Ganges, at the time of the laid capture) and condemned according to law. WILLIAM NICHOLS, marshal. N. B. The inver.torjr may be seen at my office. Mnjhd't Off. eat PbilM ■) -fbia, Augujt I of/', 1799 i d " Wanted to Charter fpr the Wejt- Indies, A V E S S E L, !m\'" carry from 1000 to Ijoo BARRELS. Aptly to PRAGERS y Co. I diw lUgllft FOR LONDON, THE SHIP FAME, Edward Jones, Maittr, WILL fail with all convenient fpred.—For freight or psfTape apply to JOSEPH SIMS, No. 174, S'uth Third Street. dtf ;uft ; For Sale, Freight or Charter. BROTHERS, Elijah Stoddert, master. BURTHEN one thousand five hundred Barrels. / For terms, apply 10 JOSEPH ANTHONY W Co, d6t august l® FOR CHARTER, The Britifil Letterwof Marque ON* D O N, Samuel Roper, commander. BURTHEN 330 Tons, coppered,fheathcd, mounting Twenty gu*>», and wll b« rca-'y to receive a cargo in about 14 days for terms apply to NICKLIN ts" GRIFFITH. WHO HAVE FOR SALE ON BOARD SAID SHIP, 40 tons Patent Sheathing COPPER aflbrted fromlS 10 31 oancw to the fqnare foot. Composition Nails, Spikes and Bolts of various descriptions. 20 4lb. guns of 4 cwt. each, 40 61b, do. 6 cwt. do. 11 91b. do. 11 do, (6. do, do.-with carriages, 11 cwt. each. 440 crates Quecus Ware, assorted, too tans Fine StoVea Salt, 45 do. HoafeCoal, aoda quantity of Painta aaguft 3 ■ e«dtt ; FOR SALE, The fast sailing Ship - > PACKET. She n well calculated as a Packet krtween thisand the southern dates, Eav ogjiudfotlt andctteufire accommodationsfor paflenKeri. She is wall liiite4 for the ftreights or Weft India trad*, and cap be sent to sea at a trif ling expertte. Theinvemory may be seen ant] the terms' offate made known br appljnag to - N.,Bt J. FRAZIER, No. 9j South Front st, ""y 3"-: Ship Broker's Office, Arid Commijfton Store, No. U9, South front Strfft, Nest doar to she Custom House. Siiblcriber, encouraged oy the advice of ■L his friends, offers his service to the public as a Ship »nd Inlurance Brok#r.—Hepropof es to buy yid fell veflels and every thing relat ing thereto—-allift matters of veflels and others in entering and clearing at the Custom-House, procuring and (hipping freight, fettltng Inlur ance and all other mercantile accounts, and have o-n hand th< oeceffary Blanks and Stamps. Papers in foreignlanguagestranflated.and'in formation jiven in general mercantife matters. From a knowledge gained by long experience of every branch of buGoefs he hopes to be ufe ful to those who please to favor him with their commands. SjIMUEL EMERY. November io 'iO BE LET, Fro-n the lit of Ociober next, brick house, The STORES &f WHARF, With . a Ur 8 e near She corner of Market \ DJOINING the brawhridge, now occupied 11 Sl * ,h ii by Mr. Joflvja Gilpin.. The terras may ' Enquire at the Brewery, corner o be known by applying a: No. 158, M ir ket-ftrcet Dock and Pear streets, of july 19 jtawtf ' L UK£ W. MORRIS. .. v " " . V "•WfeivT:- *>. Potts-Grove, AuguQ 6th 1799. THE Second Troop of Montgom ery Dragoons, under the command of the subscriber, will meet at Potts-Grove, on Saturday the 17th*inft. 10 o'clock in the forenoon, in uniform. Aug. 8. The cargo of the brig Enterprise from Havanna CONSISTING OF 300 boxes of white and brown Sugars, 90 hogfliead* of Molaflcs, Add a tew Toiu of LOG »VOOD, Which will be landed in two or three days. Afiply to WHARTON tf LEWIS. aupuft 9 IRISH LINENS. J A pood assortment of . , /.'{a 4-4 & 7-8 wide Irifli Linens, Jj Some of which are very fine—-alfOj 3-4 & 78 brown &half ble»cJs&B|jSpHs Suitable for the .St Domingo SSed to drawback.. Vhich-will b« dii'pofed of «n tcriytfgHlWrins by JAMES CLIB^a-S5" ENGLISH, Front (Ircet. , tut f» tf i"ly '9 J UN. NffiSpil&Ock , near Third Street. * as f sr ? a^' ,- V "Mamoodiw, Tafttiei, Colicoes, Patna ") Romal and > Handkerchiefs. Muimul j \ The foregoing goods are now to be fold at REDUCED PRICES, N. B. Mment huh ilTucd from th« ' vt. I general Coart of the terri- I.evi Munfell. J tory North weft oft he river Ohio, at the luit of John Wilkins, Charl-rs Wil kins, and Mattfcew Erntft, againfl the Lands and Tememcnts, Goods, Chaulrs and ElFe&s, Rights and Credits of Levi Munfell, and that unlyfs the said Levi shall appear by himfelf or attorney and give fpacial bail to answer the suit of the said plaintiffs, Judgment will be entered againfl him by Default, and the properry attached will he folii Cur the fatisfaftion of all creditors who (hall appear to be uflly ißtitled to a demand thereon, and who (hall apply for that purpose. DANIEL SYMMES, Clerk of the General Court. Cincinnati- lift") Nov. 098. / jslyij *ai jA) May 13. THE partnership of Jofliua B. Boivd, and! JoX" Brooks, trading under the firm of Bond & Brooks, is this day diflblved by mutual consent, all persons indebted te them, are re- j quitted to make immediate payment to J oft u i H. Bond, and those hawing demands to prifent tfigir accounts to htm for feitlrmeiit, Joshua IS. Ptond. April i MAIL COACH EES Between Philadelphia and Baltimore, excepted) at 8 oMock, A. M. arrive at Baltimore the next day, by, ii o'clock, A. M. Returning. Leave "Baltimore every day; (Sunday except ed) at 4 o'clock, A. M,. aitd arrive at Philadel phia the next day, by 9 o'clock, A. M. Between NF.ir-YoxK and Philadelphia. Leave Philadelphia every day (Sunday ex cepted at ii o'clock at noon, arrive at New- York the next morning, by 8 o'clock. Returning. Leave New-York every day (Sunday exoept cepted) at one o'clock, P. M. and arriva at Philadelphia the next morning, by 7 o'clock. Seats in tic Mail Coacbees to be taken in Ncvj-Tork, At Bufmao's Office, No. 5, Cortlacd-flreet In Philadelphia. At Francis' Hotel, No. 13, l'outh Fourth flreet, and at the Franklin Inn, No. 50, nortl Second street. In Baltimore. At Evans' Tavern. Fire for PafleHgers, 8 Dollars from Philadel phia to New-York, and 8 Dollars from Phila delphia to Baltimore. All baggage over 141b. weight, i» carried at j ecnts per pound. The Proprietors are not responsible for Bag gage. LEVI PEASE, /Igent for the Public Line, from Philadelphia to Baltimore. WARD, BROADHURST, JONES EjfCo. Proprietors of the Mail Line, from Philadelphia to New-York. GentraJ Poft-Office, ) May I. ) , NOTICE. WHEREAS Msfs'rs FOOtMAN & CO. have, .'.ffigr.ed all their property both real anil perioral, to the lubfrribers, in fruft, for the benefit of their creditors ; Therefore allH persons who are indebted to said firm, or to Richard Footman, or Richard S. Footman, prior to the 23d March, 1799, are requeued forthwith to make payment or they will bt im mediately put in suit, and those who have claims against them are dtfired to exhibit them properly attcfted, to eitheV of the fubferibers. SAMUEL PRICE, ) JJJignees appoint- SAMUEL YORKE, J ed bj the Court. Philadelphia, July 31, 1799. dim THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING been appointed administrator to the etlarc of the rev. JOHN WADE (de ceased) kite of New Jerfcy— NOTICE iv hereby given to all pcrfons indebted to the said eflate, to make immediate payment tc the fubferiber, and thole who have any dtmand agliuft the farm-, to render their accounts wjthou Edward Thompson, -no. iji, Market flreet . dim >V ' / TO BE LET, Pcjptfion lo be gi-ven on the l6tb Augiifi, A convenient Three Story Brick House, SH U ATE in Spruce betvsten Second and Third Street; apply at No. no South Second Street, july 18 dt Unseated, Lands in Luzerne County. THE owners of unseated lands in Luzerne county (Pemt.) are hereby notified, that unless the taxes due 011 laid lands for the year 1796; are paid into the hands of General Lord Butler, County Treaftirer, on or before the »oth day of August next, they will b: ad vcrtifed for sale as the law directs. John Phillips, ~l John Jenkins > County Comims'ri H'right J Commiffionfrs' Office, 7 Wilkelb-irre, July i,' 99 3 ( J 6"j dtioA 1 "unseated lands. ; THE owners of Unseated lands in FAYETTE I COUNTY (Penn.) are hereby notified, that uniL-fs the tcxes due on said lands for the years 1 796, 1797 and 1798, are paid into the hands of General Ephraim Douglats, County Trsafurer, on • or bef#re Thursday the 19th day of September next, they will be advcrtifcii torfale as the law di redls Caleb Mounts, J James Alien. I County Commis'rs John Fulton, J ( Union Town, Juue 5,"99 (14) | One Hundred Dollars Reward 1 For the Thitf, and Ten Dollars for the Horft, J STRaYED or Holen on the nigbt of the 31ft 1 ult. out of the Pasture of the fubferiber near J Frankford, a Light Bay Horse, about 15 hands ( high, fix years old, a natural Trotter, black ( mane and Tail, and small faip, good carriage, thin breasted and apt to cut; any perl'on who i will prosecute the Thief to rotividlion (hall re ceive the above reward or Ten Dollars to re turn the herfe. ISAAC W. MORRIS. Who has for sale a genteel Coaches with blinds. august 2 Ud6t. I Fashionable Millinery. ELIZA M'DOUGALL, NO. 134, MARKST STKSBT, HAS ju'.t received per (hip Thomas ChalklcT and Adnaaa,from London, an elegant affortmsnt ot the most lafliionable Millinery, vix. Chemilta roferte FEATHEK.S ' Fancy flowers. Black tiffany flowers Wreaths Pink, yellow and blue crape, full'drefs caes Do. do. and do. Nelson's boi)i:ets Infant's pipe straw bonnets Maid's fancy do. do. Women's do. do. do. Dp- do. Jhades Do. , do kttt Fancy bugle shoe roses Do, do. trimmings Black, whit?, blu;, jreilow, pink and orange «rapt lilack, white and green gauze veils Do. gauze cloaks N. B. And per Harmosy, just arrived, a further alloi tnient of June 26 • $ Received by the ship Adriatic, captain Carl ion, from London, A LAKGE AS so*. TItUT OF HAIR SEA TINGS, Suitable for chair 3nd fopha covn 3, cunfiftjrg cf Itiiped and plain, and 6f the following widths, t,,2 , 7> 20j 2fj , 3i ;4 161 18, 30 and 31 inches. FOR SALE Br GEORGE PENNOCK, ■»'y 8 ectf . A T a fpeeial meeting of the Board of pro- X perty ,n Lancaftcr, j une t4j , Present, Daniel Brodhead, Sec. Gen.') John J Jul/. Secretarv, t ' Land Francis Johnston, Reg. Gen .J (T' ie r u ltlo j io»diy in October next, to shew tau'e 1 any he er they kave, why paients flionld not ■flue for the said two trafls to the said trustees agreeably to the prayer of the said petition A true copy For JOHN H-ALL, Es q . Scc'rv of Land Office, N. lufboroejgi-j. dam « ju!y 2. Twenty Dollars Reward DESERTED from the Rendezvous at Eaf ton, JOHN FRANTOM a f n |j lhe 9 th U. States regiment. 74? K V high, b'ne .yea, swarthy complexion and Lot" h»ir, which he wear, long sn d queued - he stoops much ;n walking, Jn d has a confide able impediment in his fpeeeh 1 ueraoie At the fime time SOLOMON lfrw*T* MONT , rtc is a hjiidlome young man, r 9 year? old, j'leet ment. FOR $ A A '""'7 1-ott. many of them very ae of Comptroller General of said State Board at the said Office on every Monday from ten o'clock in the forenoon until one in the af ternoon, to hear and determine all unfatified Claims already filed,- as well as tbofe which may be filed on or before the said firll day of ieptember next. J ohm Donnaldson, Comt'r PETfcR Baynton, Trcas'r. Department of Accounts of i 'ennlylvania, May 15,' 99 . J [Volume XVI eotf. * >