- SamuH TO BE SQL D, A"■ - -"si",: of the ntiw and g<,v-rn..., of ' «• K '•> t' O S \ L S, i'>B-.dcloiingiWi Mail w all Offices where uo oar- oa uu-i J . TWO npw I'nmc fwr» Slfirv Ploil- St col! •(?.: iu the State of iMarvlar ' r, „ . ... »,y ; r,L licuU. time.» fpecified. Of the city omile.delpl.ia, merchant, bav- 1 VVO new naiIKUVO u(0. ; UJU 0 o the 13m daj of July .799, ' ' V Note 3, For every hour's delay (unavoidable acci- ing over a!) his' dfc&s, real, perlbnai fes pleafently. lltuatfd Jolly I av* Rejblve(i t Thut on the f,,il day of o£iol»er p • UNIT LI) ST A.TES, dents in arriving attei the limes prclcnbeci ind mixed, to tbe lubfc-ribcr-, for the jkpefit em, upper end of the Village t-t _< viokford. t hU hoard will proceed {<» cleA a iVofeiTor of F- ' " On tht fai: Pos T-RoADS, n any coo. tact, ihc coi.tr»aor lhall forfeii on.-dol- „f foch of his creditors as'.nay fubfcri'iefo me I here are in each huuf<, beSdes a kitcneh.two , ;a , and Grammar, who Hull reeciv." for I-is f'* .. Notice is hereby given, » A C ham , .. 'V^ n 'r] > ■ „ S !" + - "*>*■! » Co all peifoii, nnicbKd tn ihc laid cilair, ihj 1 A f * ifl ; 1(J , xtll „. piJ . :. N b , oC ;. t lfnr ,.. n ;, hh Mh ;.°* t. Sco die by Mac-bus, Chandler's river, fcrn in the Ma.li; and ifany pcrfrn making proposals, they are refuelled to ir. akt immediate payment JJ"' *S. P •$ , . I, , the r-fnrrutien of a V 1 * Columbia md ivan-agi-agus to Goldfboro', once d«f«es to carrv Newfpape,, other thar. those convey- either of ,h t affile or to the faidSamuel rh f" . a ™ to v.ew «... p.o i.es, v, ho fc »>eck, estimated c -htv eight miles. Ed ,n the m.,K forh.ao»n emolument he must state Mites, who is aurhf.led to sereive the lame; jnd £or '«=" ne4 PP l > lo McCLELI vov-. K -bv sea. fc£ a Prom A t it t s tb to Otober i 5 M>-LeaVd Scoo- 'jHis proposals tor what sum he w. Uarry u with failure u hereof •egaMtsps «ill be taken for „ ~.. . fticCUfcCl- . . , S » ro feTor /, v j; r c, _ P , 1 n ~r and tor what sum without that emo- . ... [*7\ F .... , fuly I? ' r ...», 01 : nc ia * u k (to whom i* flic every Sat nr ayat tP. m. and arrive f.t Goldi j UlYient therccovety of Uich debts, as arc not dilclur W th ft mxt -Juefday by 6P- M. Returning Not ;should any person makingoropofahdeßre 6«» accordingly. . .nn-. i.i.yly, and to prepare lludcnts for a suns ijtave (. fj.iro every Vv ednefday at sa. m 3n jlteratinn of ihc timet of arrival ai.d depa.ture a- GEORIJE ASTON, ~ r f r h -J 1, teaching them the l,atinpamrur and arriee at Scoodu on Saturday by to ». M. bove fpecified, he mutt state in his proposals the alter- COHNELIS COMEGYS, S fT«i toC ? J ' -he Vocahui-rv, and Cordery. Writing i» to J Fra/.v October 15, to April 15 Leave Scoo ations diiirrd, and the difference they wit! make in |OHN r MLF.N 1 } je!v?rai*l / j tasght to all hi- f-holars at stated hours; and t die. every Sunday at %p. M and arrive a) Gouldf. the tfcrms of his contraA. *J' "* " ' tfX* 1 :ho!« fiudent, who are not deftiuti! for the'riii^r'" fcoto' on WednefiJay by 6P. M. Returning— . Note S. Perlo»s making proposals are depred to : •'■■■■ Leave Gouldlbo' every Thorfdsy at 6A. M. tlateilieii pr.c.s by the year, Tuole who com.art An excellent Stand for BuiincfS parents, or guardians, Arithmetic, and other and *rrri •.t at Scnodie on Sunday at to a. M. will receive their cay quarter.v, in the months 01 „ • v"' r/iiflliMii • | brandies of icientecfually taugl tin fohouls a. From GouMlboro'by Sullivan, Trenton, J an «"y. Ap" l -J"'vy n d Oftoher 1A . • k '. —A complete knowledge then of Latin, Ariffa ±X"'7T a % -rl c T. C ' ■ vc" »vr°r" ti,, «v'2'''' THAT T , alui , llle , flmi lo , r b ?; The Swift-Sure, SCSKSS2t3BKg^>» • F ;;„'..,/v;,„0,7,5„,5-L„.,G.,ijr- Iwio' every ■ at ,5 a. m and arrive and arc to continue in force un' il the il\ of April 1802. ft or i cs three rooms on a fio r, well appor- A NEW LINE OF STAGES, oft clf P?° a "J a "' cha "" a^e«. a; l)u .];y hy 10 a. m. ,U„r„. JOSEPH HABERSHAM. £S fa Voo„, ,!U, J&5SKr&%SS£?i»' - ' at 6a. m. and arrive at cj L . /- M/r /) . / feet hy 40 —This stand is situated in the h«mdfomcft BuJiletQti, Newtown, Scotch Plaitu 9 Spring- *'" —_ . _ law to 20 oucktrap on Sunday by 10 a. m. Returning, IxcWdlCl* and mofl advantage part of the town lor bufi- jisld and Newark. JH £ii & ASy Leave Dncktr,'o every Sunday at 2p. M. and I) awa Y ,rom £ he Subfcribcr on the evening e ss asid the profyc Maeluas to Mimaquoddy, once in « a; " c i Euzabcth HowcUcl, bad on and took w.th ftm tend to make it mure defirablc to those indtn- 1 "el. of the country through which 1, pail- of Effci.i.i the date of K«v» lerfcy dired-rf ? two weeks. ber three different changes of garment and money, ing ~ purc hafc. el, with Itmdry other adyanUge,, which fender the AcJi ff of the said county, againii the rU, leave ,v'arhias every other Friday noon and P rourt . impndent, a lyar ; any per- For tef.,s.r.pply to i-efTrs- fni mUngwcrth &it fofaf preferable to the Oul iioa.l | n | " c, ''g h credits, monies and effefis, goods and ch; : -i a, r;-e at Paflamaquoddy on Saturday at to A. ion fliall e entitled to the above Sen, Philadelphia; or the fubferihers near the pre- Br.ftot, Brupfwwk, &c. long ago fnggefted the | Jtld33[ , d ttDem . r(s 0 J y ehn a,v., Symmes at tee I t Retun ing—Leave PafTamatjuoddy every "ward-rw <•»- or eharg.s pa.d, mifes, GEORGE V. M'CANN propriety of its becoming the Grand rho, f u | t of lfi//w»t a plea of trefpaisjon tie «-th« r Saturdav a, ,?. m . and arrive atMachins 3 ' c W " IHOMAS : ~ . . from Phdaoelpfcu to New York. tafe to his damage ihreethoufand doUv„_ on Sunday noon -n n- lATRILK. p S—lTthe a'-ove property is not lold in three During the preient year, a minute lurvey of it _ And whertM, the f»id (henfFdid, at the tar- n f From anober )? to Anril u—Lfive Ma- G ' J^" defter County, July i 9. months from this date, it will be rented. has been taken, and its Inpcriority over the Old June last pall, return to the said < ourt that he had cU. «ve-, other Saturday noon and arrive at ■■ ' P - dßw H®ad, both m winter and lummer, has been attached the deftnoant by a certain hond gi, „ b y Pa!Trn'tjtiofldv on Sunday at to a. *ll Ketur- Twenty Dollars Reward Ten Dollars Reward. c.early aftertained.-Th.re are good bridges MttthwaDenma* and Samuel Weaker w th« w „:r, .-I 5,.„ , 1-jvnu.n overall the other waters but the Delaware, defendant, to the amount cf near two thou'an I d .;r 4t j ..' .j a * "' j-nHJ' \lachiak Monday T) i ' E " 'rT barracks at Reading, in j TAESER IED from the Rendezvous, corner of ln j here the crolfing is performed with great dollars,and Jfoby ftxty land warrants I-" , , ' ■ ' irrlve . at Al » chl *' 0B \J the night of the jth July, i 79 9, thefol|ow- \J Front and Southbtreet, on the ar A mftant, foff , an( , in j est tba# ha „- , fce time requ ired at tl.r.for. «nlefs .he said John CWcj 1 From Aup. 'tahv i-'padfieM and Ch fl Prt „ li 8 r, *?. 1 ' th regiment in the service of , GEOiIGE GALLAGHER, born in Dae-runChel'- the Tremor, Ferry. The road is federal wiles Symuu,(hall appear,give special bail, and r ,« ive ~ lrom Aug. . ahj i-eanfiJdandCkefterto the United btates. Iter county, Pennfylvan.a, aged zi years and 3 /hotter than the old road, but this ie amonel s declaration at the suit us the blaiatiff, iud E ni C nt .ai mtngton, once in two weeltf. Ibtmas Brittan Booth, a private, born in Chejler months, five feet nine and a half inthei high, ,l , , • , , . . ~; | ... . will be entered a^ u in!l him nd hl« Leave Aiignlla every f.the'r Wednefdav at 8 county, 15 years of age, ? feet 8 inches and 3.4 j fwar'hy csmplex.on, black eyes, his hair is black e ' ai Vil ? a^? ( ! ' L , '* N \ t>L herein attached, vill be fold .. rtcaliiv A. M, in J arrive at Farminctnn on Thursday at high, dark complexion, brown eyes and lorg black and grey mixed, has the diaLil of a Chester coun- !. le " c< : P !nvcs ° us ' '^ at M' l as 11 ' " As co,n " a t utc ; n | u(; h cafe made a«d prov'ded ° to A It. Returning—Leave farrvnntrton every ban-which he commonly wears tied clofc to his *> man. He had neither coat or waistcoat on when ! *°" in ,. travellmß prm.ipaly depend on the ether Mondiy at :p M. and airrive a?tiallowcll head,by occupation a farmer ;heis a (lout, good he went c£T, kaabeen eraployed ae a Laborer about SOodneis of the road ami rhe levelnels or the - 11 VJ 0 x } i^c, on Tuesday bv 6p. m. looking fellow, and considerably marked with the this city. Whoever apprehend l ' said Deserter and! coun ry, and, in rcfpedls, the New Koaw '.lizajcth-town, Jaly 8j j 797 (ti)^aw IN VERMONT i'niall pox, is much addi&cd to liquor, and very a- delivers hi~i to me at the Rendezvous in this city, • ''» beyond all comparison, the lied. It prefc.nu THE Creditors of BalvPill ht 5. From W-indro:-, bv Royaitcr,, Randolph, b f'« when b.toxicatrd; he was drelfed in full or at Head Quarter, in Briltol, lhall receive the' none of those rocky hills, whfch re«der the Old r Wil l mllnn ~„i infantry uniform except his hat—lt is txptSed ; above reward. Hoad so tatiguing betwten (he Del.'.", are and ' , , „ • 01 ujti Tn'e intwo week, P " ' that he will change h.sVfs a, he dole a'plain j SAM. R. FRANKLIN, \ KeWatk. Thefoll, too, for the greater part, i, Leave- Whidl r every other thursday fey 6 roun " ati,nd^l of eiMew'eloatb.. ! Lieutenant ,oth U.S. Regiment. f«ch as to produce but little mud in winter, and ia r o ' r J er to make faid w£ t v - M and arrhe a, B,rlinetor. on Saturday by ~n t r i° ' 1 m / ° l u ' y a 4 d * w 'Tf , "'<»»>?«> wh,ch drctimttance; gR th u m come tohio( , L lfcat A oU ™> . o M r _ »> , 7 J Antnm,in .rdanJ, 30 y*ar* ol age, 5 feet 7 inches , 1; / / / /•) 7 7 o / i added to the beauty of the country, and a cob- niJ « ,L. o'h - Monday b\ £•. m aTI ir"'" VV 'dV ' and I-a high, fair comp.exion, grey eye,, Aioit ' (tludble i tOperty fO' Sale, Qderabk prop rtipn of (hade, mult always ren- . ' ais 'gMe. ■1 "V dnefdav Sv r ' '' * r brown hair, mbich is very thin upon the ero wo ef In ChefnHt, near Sixth ftreec, diredly oppofit der travelling in the latter fealon peculiarly a- 1. 1_! .Vednelday by 4 r 11, his head, of thin v,%e an I a very plea,'ant conn- Co.sc.aa. s Hall, ! greeable. ALL .PERSONS ' -rt , tcn "!"V b V occupation a farmer, and was dr.ffed A LOT about u feet front in Chef The Swift Sure flirts from PHILADEL- I NDEBTED to the latt Jofeij, H,nr, ¥*]«„ ™ thrcuft HopejjreJl, HiLASURY DEPARTMENT. ?A. m. and arrive st Niagara the next Thurf- Lieutenant nth no 198, Chefnut street, next door to the pre-1 e° Ur V ' C a rlainhela to t\Kircb*itb 1700 rlayhyOA.M. .'W«-L-ave Niagara ev- Reading. julyT (-b). mifes. V Scotch Plain, to lodge. The next int.rning it PUBLIC NQTI'T. IS HKkEBY GIViN ery other r i hurfday at q p.m. and arrive at *7- ■ 'rr p- f>«ek 5 tu.th fa tf • pS ' P nn ? clto b. eau.aft, from wnence p u , r„ 2r)t to t (., r a,a of Co. .'rifi pal?>d nr Cananda'.gua on Sunday by 6P. m. . ?<*«*■?* Hen h G >™"> .. , it goer, brough Newark and arrive, at New- lft of on£ IX PKNSSVI.VANIA. T-HAr theOftcersandCrewof theConftella Notice IS hereby GlVeil, f Srvntir' fl .1 , • dred and n.ncty c.'titied •• »n reo. lit. °\ ■ b , BIDDLE, Nft. »4T, Markat-flieet. or Stork nf thr RtnV r>f ' v,VM - c « >'V iouc.y of United t0 Leave Lewifeurg every Tuesday at IP. ii. . . HENRI' REN BRIDGE. of the undermentioned certificates tW a" like N? I r 2y r bc ,nade . tw Ed * He He'Ae.' ' ■'* - ,nd arrive at Alexandria on Friday bv ,p. «. ' ut T '» dim number of (hares of the stock of the said IMb- ward Bard.., Old Coftee h „ u re, tp A. Mathie.i, , he said recited p,fllV. n hfcddav If SrS '"-Luucoun, - Tuesday by 10 ft m. has jwst published (prick i dol. 50 cints) Richard Kirkbncfc, m»fter, on a voyage from S A°n At at L,s hotel, ud. 42, ' 9. From Harrifburg by Clark'sfer'ry, Millers- ''« Philadelphia to Liverpool, Great-Britain, viz. '"at. reet. THAT the tracl o* Land liel-ein after dr town, rhompiontown, Mifßintown, Lewis- BAVIAD r er,lfi " le »« N o »7,000 and S7ooi f*r r are for paflengerS, Five Dollars, fcribedi nicely, "Wfei ,nin« at tht North VVWI town, Culbertl'on's mills and Huntingdon to and //ooTlor f„ IT N °' l?oCl Way pafWerS 6 Cents tcr A'-te ' ° F "' e ievfn •' •-wOfhips, Alexandra. o n .;e a week. y. , and J7004, tor four fliarts each. JV 6 C 6 0 X)„.le. running thence fifty m.lr« due uih aioncthe 15 to October 15 Leave Harrifburg ev- IVI /£, V 1 A L). G. SIMPSON, Cashier. Each pafietiger is allowed to take on ulbs. of »eftern .,f ti.i said r .tea- -tl.tnee ery Sunday a. o A m. and arrive at Alexandria Br William Giffokd, Barlk of the U °ited States, ) , baggage carriage free ; but all other baggage, d«e Well to the Main B.a -. h c 'the Scioto ri* the nex' I'ueiday by 7p. M Returning- To which is prefixed, May l.t. 1799. < " W3m taken on by a paflei.ger, wili be charged at 4 ver-» thence up the Ma. ii.anch r f the said ri. Leave Alexandria every Tnurfday at 6a. m. A POETIC AL EPISTLE TO THE AUTHOR TRFASIIRY nKPARTMPMT cents per pound weight. ver to the place where the boundary „„e and arrive r-H..tniburg on Saturday at 4P- m. Bv an American Gentleman. lK*.iW>UKr L>f.rAß 1 MEN i With refpedl to packages sent on without cross « tbe fame s-thence a on* the !,id boun. I'rora Ofhoer ,5 to May , s _Le«ye Harnf- fatro'ducing this celebrated work to the Gen- XTOTtm ISS HPftrnv r.vi°x P ' ffeD^ r '' the , Proprietors presume they have dary line to the '1 nlcarora. bran. I, of .he Muf burg every Mom.ay at 6a. « and arrive at tlerncn and Ladies of America, I have endeavored ZFJJt JV Srf? IVEN, That by vir adopted a regulation, wh«l„ thoogh unknown kingum river at thecn.ffing •aV ve l',rt Alexandria on Vednelday by 7 P.m. Return t o give it a dr.f, proportioned to its di.tinguilhed Con .VV»!h ,he y ""nk mMI meet Lawrence; thence Wm, e fa, ,1 river, io .he Leave Alexandria every Friday a a.- nicnt , 3nd t0 the ta'e of those for whofeamufe An Aa mlwne fur?h« - r'l a PP ro^" on ' ,h 'y pledge them- P-int where a line run due welt from the pace and arrive at Harrtlb.irg on Sunday by 4P. m. ment and delight it i- intended. No t xpence ha, " t rt of / UP " [ clv f a t0 ma , ke g" od ev "> on the fnl- of begi ßß , np . will intetleel the said nieri Ix ViRGXNXA. keen spared in the publication; and I fiattermyfelf '< of the p£blic debe'-n"(led th^,h7 r H e^ tK ' n r .V l CoT,d,t "'" ! - P c who delivers thence alung the line Co run , 0 the place of be to. From Morgantown oy Petty John to that the work does not yield, either in piper or March oie tlioufand seven an I ", t' at the cfSce shall fee it entered., ginning;" In, been divided into tow, ifhipj of ciarklhurgh, once in two weeka. Leave Mor. print to any one ever publibed in America fi vc , a ' s bars lrora settlement or 2 h ich entrjp he lhall },ay 6 five miles square, and Iraflinnalparts of town ganrown every other Monday atja. -. and ar- Thi, edition ha, an advantage over some former Certificate,, commonly called Loan Ce " ,S *}' Wl ' ithfn «»" value or the pa, k- fblpa ; and th.it ~)at, and fi.rveys of the laid amp ton c h to South Qnay, once every month. trcmely gratifying to every lover oUitcamr* 5n T k.V i! I- 7 •' - . oaVonerenf U i ! " perioßs concernea. J.eaw rhe firft Tuesday in eaeh this country, as it is a proof that there are Ameri f* A P and the ; u '' rf j. r 1L « ollars, he 11. month by noon, and arrive at South Quay on can, who have the taftc to admiae -he to r"' "n *?f 'f,'? of 'P te reft, at the D ,.-. P / fnr n ? .' 'nfurance, and in like pro- The bolder, of fcich warrant, as have been V/edaeid'Y hy 7r. M. Returning. Leave South applaud, and the talents to rival the Gcniuies ot th( " Creditors w'i Ibe entitled to receive P s P' a ges of any other value. or dial Ihe gratiied !of military Cervices perform- Quay the firfrnmrfiay in each month by Ba. m. other nations. Certificates ol lunded IhiccPer Cent. Stocktqual ~ cw perions is preiumed, will dislike ed during the late war, are required to prefeflt and arrive a* Peterfb .rgon Friday by I p it. 0> some Copies have been sent on to Mr Som* 1 c a . moHn ' of the fa ' d ! n^ a »d the ar rear- regu ation sit jvil however, be optiona'ole «!»e fame to the Hegifler of the Treasury, at Iv Virginia axu Nohth-Garolina. millc, MaidanLane, Neju Tort, also to Mr Hill A° rt" ' Cc rfificartf .prior !th every one to avail h.mlelf of this security some time priorto the twelfth dy of Febrcary 11. From Norfok by K'mpfviile, Great Bridge, Baltimore, and to Mr.Young, Cbcrldh,. ' ' i"',"'!'' , 7 <""><: thousand I even ° r nm ' But ' h . e proprietor? think it right to in the yrar, one thoyfand eight hundred, for New Lebanon and Jonefboro* to Elixabeth city, Copia, will be font to Bylon and other place, as Thar rlw rrinrimff *> r« r a _ » « « r y «*pl'*?tly, that they tfill b« 'he purpole of heinp regjftered ;No rtgiflrv once m two w'eeks. soon asoccafions off.r.J P 35 °® et f' bl ' ,<,r «»>f «o package, which «ill however' be made of any lef, qv.nf-tyt4.ai Leav Norfolk every other Wednefriay by ip. may 18 th rin fin he } 1 C3 l°"/ the interefl 19 not regu.arly entered, and f r which an inl'ur- a quarter townfliip, or four thoufahd acres. w. and arrive at El.aabeth city on Friday by 10 "".pt cnr.ot be p, oduu d. 111. A. it. Returning. Leave Elizabeth cuy.very Patent Ploughs, chin.l l I'ttt llniii,bii n n J",k In the diHribntion ol tbe route, the greatest Tim priority of location of the warrants which otVer Monday at noon and arrive at Norfolk on be fold for cash bv a, A.r oavment ol interest irid r r* rare h;is brea "ken to fix on such places and ;a- "lay be prefemed and in manner aforr- We mfdayhy 1 V ewM 0 the soT, afford a good accommo-larfon did,. prior to the Utji.dav of February in the IV From Suffolk by South Quay to Murfrees- v Harker Woodburv * rri F Jonathan P«> J, * * ■ it w gjld hjve been and entertainment for the oaflengers at the rpoft car onc thousand eiyiit hundred, will immediate boro* once in two week ton SIT' Jf' T »ri»tt teuAZ t"" The .resell equipped ' the said day, V by lot, in the Leav, Suffolk every other Tuesday at 6 a.m. fcreiue tQ , ovhs eledeel by relpe^iivvlv, by 6 P.M. Returning. Leave Salem every other Patent rights for t'end'tgg with inffai&pns for ,une 2 , ' rawt* )„ • f *. avfrns » and that no forf o. thica- , and fwcfe ofthu ftitl h®ttf(?rs bs (hall roi dyfiyi^te Saturday by 6a m . and'arrive at Wythe c. hth making them may be had by applying to John TRF AQTIPY F\TTl> \rj r rn /r i- « fh iu u r ,S ' "P°n them ;in j thei: 1 ocations on the said d>y, llyrll V>rppos t oncil next Monday by 6. r. m. Newbold, or the fubftriher No. a'ta North ULPAR IMLNT. " or^ j^ e y hd »efparedneitlurpaiii, norexpeure >n locating such warrants to all other hi-ideis of j , In Kknti'CKKY AND Tennessee. Front-llreet. a> to render the oH It 1 -tiUKi-. the very bellli.it regiflercd warrants. ! in Tc a ne(fce by Col Orr,. Who ha: for Salet - PHR „„ . . , "Jr**'™' oi stages m America. V. Powell's Valley, Cumberland Gap and Stamford Or to Lease for a term of 1 ear f r °P r,Ctors c 1 certificaiefc iflTucd tor sub- , J" c 3 novv rL!n Bcar 'y a month, dur- rhe holders of "warrants for military ferviccs to JDanvillc, once a week. A number of valuable tradH of Land ««I'| i . Ur 'P tlons to the JL-.au bearing m erell ai I | nR * hich V 1 "® a ß , ' clt . number o f gentlemen | fnfßeiei.t to cover onc or more nuarter.townOn'fs Leave «?vcry Friday at 2p m. and ar- lltuated for Iron A'oiks or Fn-frx; 'm* ft clg r i* cr ccntum P cr anilum ) notified, thai .? vc ,nc l ' lr 9 f, gh, both from Philadelphia ai-.d or trails of four thousand acres each ; shall, at any rive at Danville the Monday by 7, pm. Re- !y iinproVed, Wing chiefly in the conntv nVIV.'«" al r a, ? y tir^ c a >' mcHt lha!l hav c been made i>,e T ? Every has found the t»me af:er Monday the 17th day of Febru.-ry, 1800 fuming-. Leave Dan vr lie every Tuesday by 5 a tingdou state of Pennfvlvania ' ThofV' -h ' " °x •® 5 wiil become due f oad tofurpafs very, far in thft'has bscnJi|iiof f°d prior to the firli m. and arrive at Moflats the next Friday by 10 ini ii ne t o view them will n'eafe \ " lhc lcn days of the month cf Julv ,tS txce,,cnv:e » a,vd ll,e of the Swift l° WP Certificates of Funded Stock may at Sure lre extremrly happy to hear the behaviru, forcfaid, snd forrhvfuh to make Rations thereto It). From Knoxvillr hy South Weft Pont, and • Ct / A T 'heir beobtamed at the l'reafury or Loan ' ,be ' r c!rlvt ' ,S! ' Jnd the tre,,meat at Tavernsr 011 a,, y trao ' or "adls Us land not before located. Ci-aig for. to in two weeks. . , artes JMenvboltU Offices,refpeAi^jr^ftjr theMiount of the four 'P cI£CR ol tlie ''fat'sfaflion. VI - Leave Knoxviile evsry-J-Inr iVJondiy at sa. ' laatf (i.ll inltairi.un.s, or 00c nioielv oi rh,-!',,... ' JOHN M'CALLA, Philadelphia A 'l warrants or claims lor landsoll account ol M.and arrive at Nafiiville the next Saturday by 7 ~— preffedin the fubfcnp-icn certificates •—N«THOS.PAUL, BufHeton military li rvices, which lhall not be register.d ar.d r.M, 1 : . turning. I eave Naftvdle eyery other J0 be bold Or Exchanged. tilicates Of Funded Stock wi'll however h„ iff it JOSEPH THORNTON, ) .ocate.l h.lore the firft day of January, 1802, are by Monday at ja. m. and arriveat Kooxvi.le the neat JTOR. Property within twelve m.lefof rhe Citv for lcls than one hundred dollars NICHOi AS tVTNKOOP, £ Newtaivn- H W e . ,u FP le "«ntary *& of CongP.l, herein fclort Saturday by 7r. u. iof Philad.lphla, and 0,. ,he Brifiof Road; Such fubfeription certificates'a, mav be ore- JACOB KBSLP.X, j " i second day of March, 1759- ; bcautijul and very hhhh cultivated «nted at the Trcal'ury or Loan Offices in ~ -jtOFiN MQ&KHEjH),■ Penny tenun. U " L ' orcVf r . =r.ed. Note 1. The Port Tw after General may aker the p \ equence of thc'forcgoine arrangement will hr c FkILLM,! Continuance of the hr pjeviourfy HipulatinS Forpartkulars, ft c t Iv. office ol C. LclarLierdu that a moetv of thV fl lo as d e»ore, c y SBUIiT xetch llaiH, " OLIVER WOLCOTT. II adequate Compeofati*. for any extra tispenfe .bat Plelfi,, No, ,5 Soatb Third Street 3 «'" Sec. tbe T. , urj. be eccahoned .hereby. June Sect ROBERT PS ARSON, \ '=r== = : oec. etarj/ of tbe Treasury June ii ' eodtf. J J 11 t PRINTED BY J. H\ FENNQ. 3