Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 15, 1799, Image 2

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    feN ' ' - ■' ' Tis&ii V V\ ' '- ■ 2 ~.- ' ' <£ -
< ~~ m n i in the Tovrr, iureties lor ievr.n >■<••; rs; W-.rr
election.i*&*2XX&Zs2& iutejforftsnmrticles S-
THE Grand fe for, he Co»,- -
commit the subseyttnl Song to mtmtpy of Delaware| at j u j y Seffiona '799- ««• i„ county of Delaware fofr the purpose New-York. Augott 14. f c if i 9 £ s ya, and two otheii in £ 2 e 0
ought to bepronvttneed as having no seder- pre fl- et j w ; t [, t h e importance of felettmg a G f reprcfer.tinc tc the said meetings the de- By the Jane, arrived yefter&iy from St. The Duke of Bedford, Eari IJtrby, aiuj
a tsm in i'.s sou ,an. as Jit forso 1.1 fnitible chara&er to succeed the present tcr mination of this meeting to fopport J.>- Thomas's, we received Antigua papers, con- Sj r Fra-idis Burdett attended Earl Thar, t
miscn. t opy. &u t u..ririitng company Q at the ensuing Eleflion, whose Ball, Esq. a» Senator, and to dcGrea taining London dates to the 12th June, in- [, u t i)ot : a word was fa;d, except by tile At
t a j ' 'r S 'r V \ Q attachment to the Conftitntion and Govern- cm their part, when clufive, The foreign advices not bt.sre t.e- torll ey < :t utral and Judge Groft.
Se respected. J>os. Uen.J mcnt 0 / ,h e United States, would be likely M ' r Hollinefworth, Mr. Henry ta ,i e d in the Daily Advertiser, we copy— _
—-*• to insure a just, impartial and decisive ad- p ra try, a nd John Hallowell, Esq. were ap- they follow : June 12.
CONVIVIAL SONG. miniftratien, and having full confidence in . )0 ; n , t o attend the meeting in the county Finding the Spaiiirti Cadiz fleet yi!l not.
Sung at Windsor (Ver.) on the evening of the the integrity, patriolifm and talciiU of as Philadelphia, and RATISBON, May 22. 0 r at least had not followed the Bred f^d
vrirrvrij trrr r JAMES ROSS, Ptttftnirgh, do Mr. John Wall, Mr. Jefle Sharplefs, and It »# ngw three months (nice private le.- Ron , the French papers are daily employed ir{
fUUATii of JUL* * therefore unmimoufly recommend l»im to Jvlicbacl Keppelc, Esq. were appointed to tersfYom KlifTia announced that the SwcdiiJi fabricating excuffri for its no n. arrival at
the fuffrages of our fellow Citizen? of Del- atten <l the meeting in the county of De- fleet of flat bottomed veflels would join the Toulon. Among they report it has
Cempofed oh the creation—By R. Tyljr aware county. laware. Ruffian galley fleet, which was ty. (.1) been forced into Carthagena by flrefs ot ivea-
Tun t—" Here's to our noble selves, Aug. 8. Resolved, That the proceedings of t\is h certain expedition in the comic of June. t h<. r , w |iere they fay it is rep,iriii s '.
COW?E fill each brinmintr plafs boys, meeting be pub'ifhed in the different Ger- Sweden has alio recalled its Ambaflador from V , r e believe the Spaniards are very defi.
Red or white has equal joys. At a nttmcrOUt and refpcElable man and English newspapers throughout Pans, ami the declaration ''"cemace b> the r „w the (l.ould keep a fcju.dron off
Come fill each brimming glass, boys, • rln- • * T>U ' the date, signed 6y the Cha.rm,n and coun-'df Swedento«he hw., thatthele Caolz , tQ afford th ,m a pretext for %ep ing
And t.oafl you- country's"loir ; meeting of the Citizens oj Phi- tcrflgtled by the Secretary. measures were preconcerted long ago in port .
Does anvhere to / 7 UU' 1 1 ft. t th (Signed) ROBERT WHARTON, The 4j,0c0 Ruflians, who march into Other letters detail very ebflinateengage.
And o'er &JumHV« ladelphiaatldtheliberties there- Chairman. Austria. will be employed arainftthe French , n , ents near Maj ati", on tie 18th of May
Why Whim otnfF this |en'rofis wine, of, held at Dunwoody's in the Attest, JoHH, Secretary. cdnquefts on the Lower Rhine. Sec. it in wlli bJ, the French attacked vrith
Hc'i! tell another Aorva . cr* the interest of England that pnvs t.iok croopb bravery, but were overcome at last
JI I City of Philadelphia on IVCS- NORTHERN liberties. to ha\e the enemy attached 11; thofi- parts. loft 5006 men in killed and wounded, an( j'
"i'JffS-.'fiT' itjtbex-ji hjt. fir the fur. The of the M SECOND PROCLAMATION ISSrf'
11 , it- , 1' ' 1 . r s-r • . r•,i / . Committee, ajjpointed at a meeting of tin q? Q enera i Suwarow to the Inhabitants of c ; t;1 J e i „f , r, llul
pO/t f , ends of M , Rofs, will take notice that r , edmoKL '^ mo{ Vienna , M
For hero srm and brave, ' >" t0 f ll IMPORTANT they are to meet every Thursday evening at
' Senfibleof theneceflitydfeltablifliingpubhc theahbveviciory'of thl nt'h
Who ;11 our country's oif-rv eave' jr jrr-fWlXfX>'Kir\Xt f*l * °' dock " Robe ! t Meldruin'S tavern in t«. OK J- r in thefc provinces, happily re-conquer- Q f M, y . l. ut it is so crcuniOantially |'!.
And once again he Ihall us fov!, ' °ffi" °J GOVERNOR of thtS Northern Libert*,, where the several warn , d by tombined Auftrc-Ruffian forces prvatc Ict ,.„ w „ ch t0! „ e
' Our armies bold commanding. State 'the folloU'WF Rtfoluti' com . mittees are Ito and confidenng :t as a duty not only to watch , w c> , nM) y it my be exptftrd
111. * " Mxrjututi Aug. b over the diftribtition of juflice, bilt al.o to G ., ven , n)ent v , ill (";- cd ly receive the opV',.
Here's to the gallant Tar, boys, Ons Were UrtanimOufly adopted, n* maintain in aftivitv all tile branches ot pt:b- f tat ,, nirr)ts r f ttx . , adc (iti«i» t0 "
Whose cannon's roar our foe annoys, • Thole CltlZdlS of Delaware LiOUII- i ic economy and adminiftrat.oll, on the hot- tt c ,el,i to the Kreuch in Wnza.
Here's to the gallant Tar, boys, VlZ ' ty, who are dcfirous that JAMES ROSb. j n g and according to the Ivftem eft., lacd>
His country's cause defending«■ Resolved, as the sense of this meeting? of Pittlburgh, fliould fueceed the present by the late government i i his .p •) t We further learn 'lom t'e London Ga.
For warlike ThuxTOn's nohle name, That it is efießtial to the hunor apd the hap- Governor, arc requeffcd to meet at the Blad King of Sardinia, we ordei ar. it. 2 ette of \z(\ wiiirh a ft o ,t
Like yelson's {hall extend his fame, pinefs of Pcnnlylvania, and highly impor- Horse, in the tOwnUiip of Middletown, on ift. The laws and politic.'l etna(j\ i < ta- alo |j f roin S« r Mur ot Edch, of one
And loud through all the earth proclaim, tant to the best intertfls of the United States, the 17th day of Aug. next,at 2 o'clock in the blifhments which exiitcd 1 to,e t ' l ? 01 ' 1 0 da y iarcr date than the accounts f~m \ r ;,. n .
Hisglory never ending. that,attheenfuingeleftionofgovernorofthis afternoon, Hi order to coltTult or. measures things which has ji.h cealee, to , . !», that the c'tadel of Mj!, ;n
IV. Commonwealth, the ftifFratti of our fellow to promote his eleftion. in torce. idly. Lieutenant p u ' f,a 1 an " fu-rendered on 'lie 74th ultimo. Ferrari
Ke-i'J to our native land, boys, citizens (honld be given to a candidate who, HLGH LLOYD, Chairman, Latour is invelLd by Ub wit Ite mo (^ a^,je an J C-va, ■ ave p.lto been taktn.—!
Land of liberty and joys, combining the requisites of talents and in- the CSrrefponding Ccirimttee of ten five powers, to make a t.e i.po 1 ions Wl . tlrc enabled t - .iccofint far: he re.
Here's tooui native land, boys, tegnty with temperance of character and Delaware county. he (hail think neccfln, as w. 1 111 tie 1..... treat u s Korean o Coni, who by th r r:c
Your glalTes raise for drinking ; indej)endence ot connexion, will ably ano Jvty 3°) , 799« tary as in the civil aud <=cpnomua < part- j t j, prob*B)Ct : ha« !>er»driven cntiMv r H rf
And he that will not drink the toast, faithfully execute the trusts of that higl j r( j
May he in France of freedom boast, station, who conciliating the p?rticul<<r in- At a numerous and refpeftable meeting deemed, on account 01 t leir 1 10 it) ai.u . - f"ormi« g a junftion with M.icdon,),!
There dangling on a lanteme post, terefts of the (late with the general inte.efts t ' ,c freemen of tl;e tcwnfiiips of Oxford, lents, the fitteft to fill the ))l?ces. 3y. w j J ; cbi howcv.r, would ' e tbe more dfi
Or in the Loire be finking. of die United States, will cordially cultivte j Lower Publiii, ByWerry and manor of More- The persons appointed by Lieutenant Ocn- cu)t |<} c ff c a, the allies have advarcecj ic
V. the neceflary intercourse with the Federal' land,, Uld the loth inft. at tlie houle of eral Baron Latour, Unllcxercife a. the tunc- r _ Mr to t (, e Geno. fe frontier as C«va.
Here's to our Vermont Fair, boys, Government j and who, having nevtravov.- John S?.g?r, in Buftleton, for the purpose of tions entrußed to thun, contormau.y to tie d feat of the French in fr'vria an
Pledges bright of fed'ral joys. Ed himfelf the pa mean of foreign politics, fixing on a suitable clurafter to be run for aTccrtained laws and enablements ; and in to g( k offic ;,i iv C onfcrmed by
Here's to our Vermont Fsir, boy,, will be at perfect liberty to putlue the ex- governor at the ensuing ele&ion ; unlqrefeen c.ales they (hallact asi tnay emo | etteri f rom Constantinople of a very hie
Till high to love and beauty ; clufive advantage of his own country. Ihe meeting having 1 taken into confidera- - xpeaicnt lor maintaining puohc ° ia^ r * date.
for while we toast their glowing charms, Resolvedy as the sense of this meeting, tion the genuine republican principles rt |thly. Ihe d;!pofit»cns iehtivc tc t!v man- Orders wtre on Monday iflued from tH*
Their virtue ev'rv bnfom wanufc, That JAMES ROSS, oi Pittfburg, unjtes, James Rofs, Eiq. of Pittsburgh ; his warn cial department, and the extinction of the Qg, cc f,« ne d by Secretirv at
We'll die to guard them fafe from harms, in an eminent degree, the requifiu*s, expiefl* attachment to our Gonftitution, and known public debt at pre fentcximng 9 flialJ continue relations and frirudi of non
It is a federal duty, ed in the preceding refulution, to fill the impartiality refpeftrog all foieign Govern- to be oblerved ; ho^ eirc . r » ' 1 commiflioard officers and soldiers, that alltn-
VI. high office ot Governor of the commonwealth ments; otherwise ordained, the cireulation and iffii- - r j es rc j at ; ve tQ t^e cxillence or death rf
Here'i to Vermont (late, boys, «f Pennsylvania ; - and that {his meeting be- Rtsolved they will, by ing of royal notes bearing interclt, (liail b;- C onißiiffioned officer? or foldieri rr.av in
Andjall her manly rustic joys, ing juftified m their opinion by the uniform all fair and candid means in their power, sup- fuf|>ended. future be made either bv letter or „, r fnrJ
Here'sto Vermont (late, boys, tenor of bis private and pi'blic conduft, will port him with their votes and interests for Head-Quarters at \ olhera, • , ~ r a
Columbia's hrave defenders give him their best support at the ensuing the office of chief magiflrate. the Bth of May, 1799- , u/haif ° r °*
For while our pines ascend on high, eleflien. Refnlved, that in order to aflift in pro- Alexander Suwcroiv Rimniskj. The Herald of this'morni f li
Aud our mountains mock the flcy, And wlicreas certain persons, who are de- moting this defireable cbjeft, a committee, < _ ' , ,_ ( '
Our independence, liberty, firou, of inmeflVg another candidate on the confiding of tw» persons from each town- CONSTANTINOPLE, May to. \f ' n.aujTiJ r ,oV f
We never will fur render. _crt»w»»®t
VII. ——TT" the laudable example which had been given pond with other committees already appoint- t^e 20 th instant. The Sclim of 120 puns terc33 y» tn,a a *Y l^ c T arc expected to he
Here's to tlie sage of suimy y boys, by the friends of Mr. Rofs, of carefully ab. cd for that purpose* carries him to the coast ot Asia, with a fqua- nlar S f d trofn thc,r places of con-
Legal head of all our joys flaming from all ilbbeiality of opinion, have Resolved, That Messrs. Ft*derick Carter, dron of a I (hips of the line and two frigates. wt- • D « , „ , .
Here's to the sage of Quincy, bov, attempted to aid their pnrpdTe by falfe and John M'Clellan, Thomas Paul, William The rendezvous of the troops whom the IDublm Evening oft ot Safnrday,
V. T lio guards us while we're drinking: indecent insinuations that their opponents Lardner, Joshua Comely, Edward Duffield, Grand Vizier will farther take with him, is Received this morning, nates n sol-
For while we quaff the boozy wine, are influenced by unworthy motives, and as jun. Benjamin Walmfly, and Evan Town- to be at Scbtarii General KpchleV, Major lo * ? , , .
And fenfc and tipsy mirth combine— fielnce, under such censure, might be tor- fend, be a committee agreeable to the fore- Franklin, and other Englilh officers, will '' i hur ,lay fe night, Lvrd Budpert,
With tenip'rate head he fits sublime, tured iitto a conceflion of its truth: going resolve. accompany him. w rus wliolc fleet, got under weigh—and
And for our good is thinking. Resolved, as the sense of this meeting, that THOMAS HOLME, Chairman. The. Porte has some time back invited all on^r ' l ' a y niorning they were all clear nff
VIII. the corresponding committee heretofore ap- Lower Dublin, Aug. 12,'99. brave Muffulmen to rife in a mas, agninfl er '"g S. wiili the wiod N.
Now come join hand in hand, boys, pointed, be inftrufted to prepare an #ddrefs
Mystic tyjie of fed'ral joys, to our fellow citizen, throughout the (late, JUST RECEIVED, The folldwioj order to Col. Straucli, ii
Now come join hand in hand boys, on the fubjeft of said election, wherein, if Per the MARI A, from HAMBURG, and LONDON Tnneu a specimen of lwonic style in which Field
Like brother, brother greeting ; they (halldeem it neceflary or ufeful to defeat * ko* landing, T t ; • „O X . 1 1f * - Marflial St|warrow fends his military or.
for while our union we put sue, the project of our antagonifts,the/ (hall be At Wileocks's wliarf, from on hoard th« IRIS, *P CC xr* a■* * ders " Immediately after receivisg these
•Tis I and he, and you and you, at liberty freely to examine and discus, the from BREMEN, . '' k? l ' UCI ' '* . ' I P° tlon rf the Spa- dJfpatches, you are to break up, with four
Our pleasure all may yet renew, merits of the opposite candidate, and the pre- ArJ. for tale bv the subscriber, -,1» V°TS * \r r ' Kc 'F utllCan Allies, that battali ms, to (lop the Fren:h in the Valt*
/It our next fed'ral meeting. tension, of those persons, who thus presume PACKAGES LINNEN, r" 11 , ,ncent 1 f u K' lt u nece ® lr } line, and to take fort Trnente,. Thisordct
to aflign improper motives to the condufl Ccnfifiinr g f o-end adilpatch to Lifton, announcmg waß luct cf.ful!y obeyed.
ofothers; and that, unawedby official char- Bielefeld Llnaea ' TZf.Yd, ' L's forw iVh S ,° ff "
Fcnnfylvania Holpital. /' S&SST T
ssi- u "" k ssss j;—: - »ifi r- a^ss£?i , s:"sr£
month Dr, Shippen, No. 10, V & • the charaSers of those individuals who Jlvle Myer Linoen tie fought near Aleffandna on the 13th of t, r .. t ', •, t,j
D. Barton, No. 44, north tifth-ftreet. cnaraaers ot thole individuals who Ityle rkks Eftopilla, May, was premature • but fubfeom nr intel Ihe Archduke Charles, it appears, had
Applications for admission of patients mud thenif.Kes his fupporteis, and who have p oc A H,hikereh!«a ligeuce makes amends for the di r aoooint cn ' ercd Switzerland with hi, army, wlere
fee-I, the firft instance to one of thole PhyG- thu \ <Ja l red ! u,:de . r the 'l atures, to ,m- Aho for SaU> makes amends tor the difappomt- fyfry th; , (g ptom!fc<J the happ ; eft t0
sssz 4ar ™»
at tte Holpit.l, on 4 th and ~h day meve- Jrjtalwit.'" " I P ' fuch, a, ,h„ l'an.h D.Bfio,'who l, " d * of
to ft rangers or others in the streets, and , of the Bar, to expose l,s judicial ty g.o lemijohn, s I battfe™'the ,8 th* furrta, '° n a K ainft the a,:<i
brought mat the time, are immediately ad- »fd intolerance rr to the deliberate So M«or P confcoTJce of whkh val ih« tt w!ok thcref<l - bc ed AuftrisM
mitted as poor, at the gate. dec aration, of political wishes and op.mons , ERICA V LEWIS BOLL MANN. «h«the whole and R jjj - nft (h C J m , non fllem y.
And poor perfens attending on the afo re - which, if .real,aed, would subvert the lib h !SoS• wtictS The Account of Mcreau's b,ing taken
fad days will receive medicine and 'S' 00 ' a '' d tIK fuClal Mder " f tay, was tnken'poffcffion ofby the' Außrians i" the eng. W ith Su«arrow appear,
Publilhed by requeftof the fitting Mana- Or in discussing the pretenf.ons of those ('« two or Thrkf days) f"at°of War ftatingMhat he'JS iliTUSr
gers and Phyficiws. « en who havc ,hus { f* J their At Brc*, r near Market Street. > fimpW a,Sh! enablimZm in E b V fo, « d with ab<l,lt 8oo;>
SAMUEL COATES. opponents, it may be neceflary tc, recur to THE CARGO tte FrenJh ftontler mfn, the fnattered remains of his army.
, ' P ;°f ama:io ' ,6 D profcr,bcd Ime1 me 0f lhe s »■■■■":« SALLT ' f rom M ° n - ments arrive. fr ° nt,£r tIU To the above may be added the re due
of them a« TRAITORS to exair.ine doc r tego-Bav, am ra, consisting of tion of Milan, where the allies were received
T ""ofnci£T ,Vs * Su s ar ' < Vol ' ,fe . L ' m ". <"• COURT OF KIMG'S BENCH. by ,1.. 1.,K,
Schuylkill y Sufquehanna, j lr*££".£ ISAAC HARVEY, jun. !»-«». -r»„„.,„„ Kop"Sale,
Delaware SffSchuylkiU Canal Companies. 'v' -\NrFI>-ro l J ei ( 1 'Sk""" At balfp,B the Marlliai apprarrd in .Th»fc'l"whn. OOOD3 law, imported in lie
A LI. persons having claims against either of among us *nce the revolution, and WAN 1 LI) 1 O PLivChnSL. coun wlth bis ifonerS . ' Auornfv Adrian,, from Losdo.,, an<l io P ,cka f e S
A those Companies arc requested to exhibit their wbo now dare to qucftion the m< tives of fr>K c/\e oh o.v cnrKiT. General informed the Court tint k- had r.-* foitaWe for exportation.
accents at this office within thirty day, from the men who hazarded all that was dear to them Coffee, Cotton, Logwood Si? Hides. ceived his Maiefty's command to iffJe No* PRINTED GALLICOFS,
date hereof. R R At 7 W thel..depend,»cc of Amen- AP , 7r , p to the convidlion on Affced from x, up to iS and ao.
GEO. WUKKALL, secy. e «. The c'ommittee are requested, if they Pn a'it WFiMT7i\Tr. v. a. j J , 1 on •- chinwes.
arc resolved to recriminate, to give to all IRAFI KINTZING. 'ft, 2 d and a d counts ot the■ moi ft- UVSiHw SiM« S of the »eweft.«d
lhe faflß which tUy may ftatei fu * h folfmn ment. Ihere being doubts entertained rel- nrltc() (nttcrn ,.
MAHKPT fanflionaß will ftampeonviftion 011 the minds A WH ° HAV KON HAXB 'e u - ? .g y rowil Sheetings fron tt to Ts.
HUK>ll> MAKlUiil.. of whoever may ptrnfe them. "Wy e?'°nsivt armrtment of iued tha t writ, which cleared the defendants —ALSU— S
Jo le Sold ot Pvblc AuSion, on Saturday ROBERT WHARTON. Chairman GERMAN LINENS, &C. trom the mod crimnal part of the coavifton ; \ few tierCCS of RICE,
mwmng ruxt, pteetfth a! U o'clock, at . . "or the vvcr jti iamarkef., which they of- |>« he was crdrred .by the Ling to crave 0 r tbi fust quality.
the Herfe Market» After which, takiag into consideration f« r ( or fgi,., at mnH ~.a re p[ j tts> ,„ r Wl ]| barter judgment upon the jd and 4 th counts, for a Ti-TOM AS Tft PIN
A ,UM M ilie propriety of nominating a cardidate for them f er Wdl India nrcduce. not to disturb the King's Court of Tuf- Z , c . 1..
r 1 the office of Seoatorof this (late, for the sueuft io. ft«rthaw tice. '*9' " out " l ro " t '; r
y our valuable Canada Horses, Jiflwa composed of the city and county of ~TT. ~Z~, Judge OroC-immediately addreOd the
A„- t ' Philadrl P. hia ' and coun, y of Delaware, it Wants a place as a Coachman, prifowr ,, , nd after a r F cch of twelve win. Ot 6d. and 8(1. MLS,-
Alio— WO «!r.ftMa*C** oncbrce-.n a v»as unanimously resolved, a* an Atrenuant toa tn veiling gentleman, U£ei w liich for imnrefliveneft |. 0 »1 Jtld 4 ' 4 l-a and $ «0«J» BPIKES, e> ?' cd to
a•. BALLEr'h 8 ";^! 08 "?HjasasrteKrjK.
IVm. Davtdsoity Auet r. BAL L, Esq. at the «nfuitig elcftion, as the ard Hu«t Y No.» 8, sooth Fourth ttrcct. passed judgment—.Upon Sackville, Earl Tiw- No.-uo' HV>-Sf<re t .
angult x| dtfat. for the laid diftnft. auguil £4 § net, a fine of £:ooo, a year's imprifomneut 8 mo. a ' ' •
' ' '■ h
t '"Hfr