Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 14, 1799, Image 3

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    ■ ■ _ ' V-',-. _ y /x
- , i.i t'.cm to Arnctica, who, August i\.
* (Uy cr ' ac *' ; cn, have made iheit ap. • The fchr.-vUnio'n, Dedrcck ;1 . ... ;
' _ ~ V * 10 the L/eflcrs of been, t. . d t v- sU. it. if. • j.-e.irancc,i»»io9g *»•• Snce the revolution, an J a fchodnei-aild a
I" —■ aviij » . r ', -, to bet. i-;-o iw.vV;!-' i que il ion- the motives of in the fleet. ••
PHILADELPHIA, . , IC - S ' " lt ,!. r CUJC, | ° r 01,r * :irt • >»"- < v **f *u, <" °* t> e 1 t"e:* x'•a !) ■;.ar4ou all that was dear in them YetUrday .mbmVtfc, o ti)i«er, fv. v. '.he
^ a,T I d f "f°L .£r°.r ,ttft globe i!i "• " ,:;r a > i»ear 'lr m ■ K&g t* Independence of Ameri- Hook f,,ke the ilnpDilpcc ,i . r *.
WEDNESDAY JVENING, AUGUST n.' J intcrcll'!!f L tl'/flion. ' Had ' m,,-'er-ud cV station' r '*««« * York; et.«v,fd bound. • *
4 r j i /-1 c amDlt *°n» P'Wr, mui <inti ctcwuation r . rc refo'ved to reerimiK-af-e* .to £ive to all raflencrers, Mr. lbac Skfcme-i
—— 1,1 nv n f VeS 'V 1"' And ? what il ,lar ' ce has ' Mi " M V an °P' ' the h&* which they may ft S ,e, fuTh folemh !y, of Barbados.
PRICES OF STOCKS. , I* poled her ? What *&. ol our ad- f an ,pjbna« will ftarop toi.vifl-ion on the minds Sank day, fchr. Coneh'.Scn, Sa t:t—
P«u»u»u,Aim cand^te, -and had they no so bale y at- min iftr,tion. hhs he befriended ? Mow lon,, «f Soever may pmife them. Ja W aka, July 3 , in V
85. per Cent. 15/3 to 4<l tvt his lexers, hy appeal ng the ROBERT WHARTON. Chairman Englifl, fte£ Left the fiSetAbjr.
Deterred 6 per Cent. 14/4 jd renfc than .'t™ ,'.. "V!| V. wcakne^'tfs B Pd infiar.'ing the pak.ons ot After which, takin? into consideration 24, jc, long. 74. .J, ,
BUK United States, ifto 16 redbning lhould'now I'X
North. America, 45 to 47 / £ But v hen our government is char-ed with ■' 1 to every fpvties of n.dtgn,- thc c ffi ce 0 f Senator of tfcis fiate, for the 4 Ooop that came down the Sotiffd, pr.f-
Pcnrfylvania, 14 sI a flajrrant abandonment r.f its trtlli when M 3DU ; " ffopd 1,0 F«*efhcn to our r :£ t ccmpofed of the city and county of' fed an inward bour.d sloop 011 Saturday.
Infurame comp. N. A. (hares 15 \ S its foroorters -e u cuf-d r f bei-iT the dune- ' l)mi " e,u ' a: a < *ielclso/ the clam-• Philadelphia, and lounty of Delaware, it .1 he Constellation tried her new gur.s on
Pennfylvania, scares, » 7 to a 8 J "/ '"hporte, s atcufeSet being the dupe, ol sos our to. tured maiat.Bu hrethr< n ? Did un ,;; w -Ju«V refojved, Saturday.
8 pei■C»« funded-par of em.lories and dou efhc agents, they conlent to to take any orje measure for »'I ha' -hi? mecti, ? will fuppcrt TOSEPH Ship Rose has • arrived at the quarantine
D». Scrip with the five Inftahnents »> . . whose view it is to encreafe tl e emolusxitts pt t he irtn--, 7/ dff-nrr nf »I,' „ ,„,™ ? r>ul i. , , ""f hikii g luppctt pjotrn , e , ~ . f
Do. the jth InflalnSent only 6 J bdowpar an ariftocratlcal vvl . en ;- l8 declared L nZt • T? V »ALL, Efq at the enftung eUfllon, as the ground, »ro.n the Havannih.
Eaft-tnJia Company of N. A. par. that the fatfaity of iuftice itfelf las been vio- •• ■ tat ont t?roe<fi.c.<-avor to Urrify Senator for the said dittoA.
Land Warrants, 10 dolls, per ico acres. i, t , j t . ,1 . r • ~ , citizens into inaflion, by paintin" in ltrmofl Refolwd, That a COwmitte* of three be Baltimore, August ti.
,k,, ° <»""• of Si'ignori"/arid','? to c-mMmlit- ? V-to the)- W frpll Efq , „ 5,,,,.,. Sl.ip Srplia, feithi i:=tmfn,, BevJ ,
tabermxles of D-c.rtrracy are filled out bels HkJ this arc boldlv avowed not merely J r C 0", P' r ° di ;j- e ®" ll * c--ofieratipn on tbeir part, when Relive, Story ; brigs Coir.n.eice, Smith ;
cries agauift standing armies, as contrary to b the defnic«hle h ade'r of a dtfterne horde T y ' a '-mporaiy i«- Mr> Lexy HolKnsfwor'h. MrT Henry Rt,n Deer, 1 reft ; all ol Laitimore.—Jl.r.s
the constitution, the Democrats themselves 0 f United'lrilhibeis bushy m-n whof-'rc i: P " f. If r • t, * n ' ,n - Prat-, and John Hall-,well, Esq. were ap- v * 'ln.wton," Bla.r, of Philadelphia ;h -
are railing the only illegal lorces that appear. n . ltiolU; lliorc t]l ., n t / ieil . ri , c L v t0 \ falfe -. ecunt >'' decla » n! T no i,t " pointed to attend the meeting it, the county nah and ®'*>r l;t Coils "' k:\cd m compa.
Cock-nee Led troops, and tabaliO : calcorps ot wo ,.j b wf i-ln and to heiVoni 'T ~ 10 0 f PhUndelphia, and n >' w,:h Kitty, Joy, of Boston, i,-r
\.- rious kinds arc formed ujesprel.v.olation nionS) al) calmrefs is no longer to" e * cn w l , J. n menaces had not-only been given- Mr. John Wall, V T . JefTe Sharplefs, and
cf the 1 ,W3,—which forbid private armed b e expend, ,nd ftarcelv ro be ddired Jt is *" »?,? ,"• f Ku^^ n P re * Michael Keppele, Efq were appointed to At the entrant of the ..Elbe, spoke, fl ip
as uciations for any prrpefe vhawver. It on |v by the energy of an irdigrant and vi, t,- atte.-d the meeting in the county of De- , rf ; re, for Hamburg ; ami
is of little import, lliut tlitfe piptiey bands ' rpfentmprt tliAt fnrh wnmn ; •-A ? ' - a full know- | awarc# (lnp Black Kiver, cf New-} ork, for do.
ic.pfuVoi" iome ban,,. lr ; Ji-co 2 cns alioge- in thdr C atilinarian c-U-iVrs, is only &/<#*& That the proceedings of tSis Lo,^: ' SaJly>
t!,er_ [ they were compolH otout two men b a |Vv , re aud ~l entlffs e^ofurc of be P ub '^ d in the diffcient Ger " v 1" Ja . G^ lm ' l on '
each, tjiey (liouM be Duarmed. vices, that an antidote cr.'be provided for JJjkeS. « becn^oooofed
. rr nr the poisons wherewith they attempt to cor. ... n 1(1 1, •1 t j J ', • 1 '' the state, signed by the Chairman and cou.i- tti ,f, t!e. -1 ig LrotK; , ,
AVh.le a certain class of people affeft lo rup . thc pu blic evei Hie has violated our neutral ngks. urfigned by the Secretary, cupt. Cox, and khconer Bell, capt. Spov. , ■
much appreliei.fion at the formation of a bo- ' ln the f , rft par ,_h of the address. the MILO * (Signed) ROBERT WHARTON, - '-OJtnight.
dy cf regular troop they seem to overlook cpmmitfee f th# ' th anticl p ated tbe vo . » Was net the fate of France pronounced Chnirman. , 1 h 5 Aurora, captain Brown.
all danger from the bands ot „regulars lulTies of reproi , c h with Mr. M'Kean *° be vitb that of liberty itself, Attest, John Ewing, Secretary. / y 7lT\ ( ' ha T rlf (l< L °" 1 burldsy h.f,
amcmgft then:. wou ,d he attacked, and they perceive with and were tbe J not Madden to resent the in- ' JpoMthe brig Intrepid, belonging to Hon,-*
- lest the existence of the ether ~ and Cd ' 3 da r s out ' s!! . w ? W '
The vast Convulsion in IJurope may be h „ bee „ veriKed . In lhis th ~r e lln . should be endangered ? _J .. .a
compared to the effeft produced by them«et- doubted ] y fmcere. They doubtless expefled General Greene I'kigate. Wants a place (IS a Coachman,
lug eo\ Lp ( ti r a M'Kcan's cliara<fler would be critically The return of this veflVl into p6rt, it ap- as an A trend ant to a travcilirfg -mitnian,
ate wit 1 1 ;icu y wita oo tie oiceoppo examined and severely fc rutin ized : tbe knew ELECTION• }*ars, was occafioncd by the following cir* a ftra-dy ppablc inau s who can pro.iucc iau>-
4*l X f rt ' , n °: , n7 n 7"°",'; it to be vulnerable in every part, «ot only At a numerous and refpefitable meeting of ciimftance*—-The commander had ordered a h^ c /J 8t Mr - Rkh '
ie ojrs w iic i p aye e ueen en< are e from its private follies, but its public vicious- the citizens of Philadelphia and the Liberties survey to be made ;in compliance with this * 1 " «,. 0..f . .•-u/. oiirt rtet.
behind. In the ev»or« Democracy oIM ness . and they wi „ bfi reidily ievrd wben thereof, held at Dunwoody's in tl* city of order the officers on the 2 d July at lea, re- ■ 4
tU'ir J'r-irtT' 1 ' 0 ' *bey acknowledge their regret at perceiving Philadelphia, «n Tuesday the 15th inft. for ported they had made a survey and "found "YVST RECEIVED,
-. ' ' the firmnefs wherewith "it has been aflailed. the purpose of fixing upon a suitable person the (hip in a very leaky situation. On the Per ti c MARIA, from HAMBURG, and
The t 'rativv and cruelt cf Suwarow and P er^ was a great number of the t0 si" the important office of Governor of i£th July, at sea, they repoited to the cap- now iandii-g,
, ' I' ° ' T? 1 " 0 u " Jacobin" party convinced of the validity i l be Hate, the following resolutions tvere tain, that in their opinion, the yellow fever. At WiUocks's wharf, liom on hoard the IRIS,
his Ruffians are conAant themes of frothy de- and J justice persona, objeftion, which ! unanimously adopted, viz. which had made \i appearance on boat .rc H , MLMEN,
vrXrr/ r IX mocratic diaries , and m ig bt be urged against the Chief Justice, and I Resolved, as the sense of this meeting, originated from a species of slate used as And for sale by the subscriber,
fallv ruf in crowdslo welcome and Wefs so ful, y were of tbe efefts which That it is elTeatial to the honor and the hap- ballast (which by becoming wet produced a 353 PACKAGES LINNEN, k
as their deliverer'wherever he eoes. I (such Wo « w be produced by them, that a confide- ' P»«fc of Pennsylvania, and highly impor- disagreeable smell ;) from stagnant water, " Cin/i/lirg of
tvrainv and such rueltv n that evrrrifed h ra^'e 'swell knoyn to have taken ! tant to the bed interelfs of the United Stages, and fi'cm some proviGons which were dama- Biele r eld Lir.nen iiberUld Chnks
Snwamw can vrt attraA vrrthnJmA J place between the adherents of Muhlenberg that, atthe enfuingeleaionofgovernorof this ged in a (rale of wind. Their rrrfens for Warcsdorp do Check- and Stripet
SSTa'na/jr.* andh .™r lyhythe v°. bfti -i of r/ fc r thir i ins tvY* r ftadJace,n Wks
ble 11111 ft have "been the tyranny of Rtpubli- " lrfufal .°f th f va ' n old m = n to Withdraw citizens (hould be given to a candidate who, to the pumps, or who had bufiriefs/ in the Brown , !o . Tick'.e, '.urght
can France which they have iuil exchaii"-ed $ P rt * tentlons that he was finally fixed 011 the requiutes of talents and in- hold were firft seized. These opinions coin- Crae iia Morlaix Ofiiabur^,
ft»r it. ' a= the " Republican" candidate. 1 tegrity with) temperance of character and .cided with these of the fui"geon who added Dowlas Halblakcn
ihe committee therefsre need boafl of no independence cf connexion, will ably and that every precaution had been taken by the Bre-;ajjn<s Weler Lininso
The new Republics, all of which were Sj i» forefeeing that Mr. ; faithfully execute the trulls cf that high officers which the invention cf man could S.hfia, MycrLinnoß
Jounded (after the model of the great v ortex M f ean wol,ld b ' an ob Jc a of » scur- Nation, who conciliating the particular m- contrive to render the Qiip healthy,but with- Eitop.lUs
of abominations) in injustice; cruelty and " and re P roatb ' ' Indeed, what Virtu- tereds of tfcc slate wtb the general inteie.fts out effi A, it had deffeminated itftlf through Pocket Handkerehkfs.
murder, fall before the banner of the Orof% o 1 " nu was ever ytt so -anxious to prepare- of the l T nited States, will cordially cultivate tvey part of the ship. r-nd gave it as h'n, Also for Sale,
like meteois in a summers evenin"'. Cruel ? t i elence fac ' orf ' " ls accusation. Innocence, • the necelTary intercour/e with the Federal opinion that it iwtild not cease till the bal- 4CO t-oxes Chnt
Experience is (often cruel onlv to be kind) j.' l U , 3 """J®', isUnfu / pidOUS cf Ca,umn s r ' snd G .° V f . Vni r e l? t : und - who ' having never avow- last was taken out. In eonllquence of these 40 h n hd '' „ a u ° n. „
In- taught men that Republicanism is not of all the suggestions of « envious ed himfelf the parti.zan of foreign politics, repi-efentstions ffie retarned ■to Newport, f&fc"Briftl« P
the synonime of Happiness—that even Re- and malevoknt party men." , will be at petfeft liberty to pursue the ex- R. Wand where Ihe now lays. "aiMuck
puhlicimifm has it woes, and like every other , Co "? t " ,tWe t!iCn P roceed to examine a , du.ive advantage of his,own country. 7 Bales Genna* Clock
effort of human art, is yet imperfeft. It " umber ot the charge* alledged againfl their Resolved, as the. sense of this meeting, 800 Dem.johi s
would be hanovfor remiblirq if i (imilar mn * avointc - In the enumeration made of them JAMES ROSS, of unites, # , 2© Liquor Cases
viftion were generally to prevail ; iince it is «" a »y f tbofe which are most important in in an eminent degree, the requisites. expretT- £®SLtTlslt %\ft. £RICK 'cf LEWIS POLL MANN. a "sense of our that any thc " l ' elvcs > full >' rubflantiated, are ed in the preceding reflation, to fill the _ Ne
prog re fs is to be made in ameliorating our craft,l y ! others are (lightly touched hurl ofSeeof Governor of the commonwealth Awst " WILI BE lAKDE^^ I '
condition. upon, and tliofe which occupy the greatest ' Pennsylvania ; and that this meeting be- APR T^ r pt* , ' '
__ degree of attention, are such ?s are alir.oft Ing jollified in .their opinion by the uniform r > . ' »'•/»*' 08 j f p i,™t 1!! '" E . AYS J
T , • , . indifferent in themselves; as have been but tenor of his private arid public condufl, will " r ?" r ■ j '/'?/.-■/ , ' eck near :r e t afreet.
th-Z ?ri- a! l r e VTgFP 0f faintl >- ur « cd b >' an >'< and feiaom even men. give him their bed fopfort at the er.fuing l *»*%»*</>*< St. Urn* s 12 THE CAR C, O
tk. Teaeial Diftna Court for the Diftrid of tioned by men of the leafl influence or weight eleftion. , 1 £**: Martinique 13 0 f tbe Sr H >oNi:u SALi r, r M ov *
upon the question of Jona- among the Federalifls. Thus, while great And whereas certain peifons, who are de- f'.'™?'' rT'r ' 43 tegoSay, Jarnica, c ,ns! !t .of
&+ Robb sIS, abas Thomas Nafti, on fufpi- pains are taken to contradia the ftorv of his fimus of impoluitr another candidate on the &> *-frig Acrfoli, from acru.ze g LimCS " fe-f
bo a mUt ' hy 1 descent, of his Catholic f.iith, and of his cities of Pennsylvania, far from imitating fts7 'V * *on sal* nr
on boa, d the Bntiffi fngate Hermome in endeavors to procure an augmentation of his the laudable example which had been given Sh %?*> N £ U< ". «' a ISA AC T-T AR VTV •
, 179/, M ended m .the murder of the salary ; his intemperance, the violence of his by the friends of Mr. Rcfs, of carefully ah- . Schooner Mary u arrived at Barbadoes, ISAAC LARVET, juil.
tn a S o, "£ srs > and carrying the frigate in- nature, his aibitrary condi,a on the bench, Raining from all illiberalitv of opinion,'have f r ™, Cht f j> eale ' m . , g 4 ■
:> lt " ,® !l " ew and ln " the inconfiftrncy of bis political principles, attempted to aid their purpose by falfe nmd „ ? " e> Ja " ait> " arnT " / at For Sale,
C r, lß 0111 jnr'tprwdence, but its and his agency in promoting the treafonablt indecent iufinuations that their opponents g ua ' r . ~ . , D , by the suuscribfr,
_»e vjtii precludes our publilhing the learned embagy of Logan, are totally forgotten. are influenced by unworthy motives, and as . B»g Favou«te, Jo'es, is armed at Bal The follftwi Goo!>; , i|e) im .
Kni'h'r r i 0U T ar S u ® ents of Counsel, oil His enmity to the Federal Constitution is fielnce, under such censure, might be tor- ima £<f , y n Surinam. Adrians, from London, and in packages
1 ues. In a of conliderable denied, on the ground of his having advo- 'ured into a concession of its truth : 1 eflerday arrived L"g Friends, of hew- fmrahle for exportation
jeugtU, delivered jy his honor Judge Bee, cated its adoption. Resolved, as the sense cf this meeting, that r*rh (opt. Mark Lynch 14 dry from St. PRINTED CAIJLICOES,
in * lie ie impartially reviews and in- . Had he ever in the whole comfe of his the corresponding committee heretofore atv Bartho ometut. Capt. L. mformt, that pre Afiort d from i.vop to j8 and 20.
veltigates the pleadings of both Counsel ;he life di(covered any one continued fyflem of pointed, be inflrufled to prepare an address vwu ' t0 Ij " l ' a . vm S Bartholmew,, arrived p#i„t«d 3-4, 4-4, and ;- 4 chim:e.,.
concludes as follows thought and aaion, had he adhered to' to our fellow citizens throughout the Rate, the Irtg lydw,*J Pro-bid,nee, Capt. Cook, Prime* Marfeill« Qmltings 0 f the newefi and
• 1 have carefully reviewed the arguments any fixed principles of policy, longer than he on the ftibjea of said eleftion, wherein, if f r " m Sum,am, captured hy a French pnva- nr«efl pattern,..
wivancca counsel for thepriloner, I received thevprice of his services, bytheera- they shall deem it neceflVry or ufeful to defeat teer ' y r .. n , 9 1n ' rorn it to tj.
xia\e: oo ed into thc conftitation, the treaty, tification of his pride and ambition ; had he the projects of our antagonists, they shrill be The following ts aIJ! of .the vejjels Capt. f,'x C
the-cafes quoted ; upon a not been at one time a violent cor.ftitutional- J'berty freely to examine and discuss the Cock left ai ! Surinam t July i - - kICCS 01
.u invcltigation ot them all, lam of opir,- ift, and soon 4fter a furious Republican, once mer| ts of the opposite candidate, and the pre- Ship Rose, Acwburyport of ■ fir st v.
ion, tuat troni the affidavits hied with the as decided a friend to the system ot our ad- tensions of those persons, who thus presume r 'g Almarja, Portland THOMAS GILPIN, .
c court, there is fci6csnt' miniftration as he is now its rancorous foe ;to aflign improper motives to the condna Ship Belafarius, Salem South Front Street.
o. crur,malty of julhly the apprehenlionand had he not in 1793 warmly supported Mr. offers ; and that, unawedby official char- _ Mechanic, Baltimore 8 nio. jth
commitment of the prtfoner for trial, for Adams's ekftion to Vice Presidential or by any other confederation, the Bri g Samuel, do.
•mirder coir.niitt -d on board a (liip of war be- chair, extolling his public fei vices, and jus- individuals who compose this meeting will Schr. Polly, do. FOll SALE
longing to his Britannic niiijefly, on the high his political'opinions, and had we not aid the examination and difcufTion, if they Moncricjf, do. » r she svnsclt IHe k,
:eas ; that reijuHition having been made by seen him in the lliort space of four years be- lhallbe resolved on, by fupolying every ne- Sloop Liberty'. Philadelphia , N '°- Fro.u Street,
the Britilh eonful, the officer authorised to come his moll determined and inveterate,op- ceffary information, whether it fliall tdnd to Schr. Harriet, Salem r '. i ta j- e GA! '.V® 0t " tIIP "'P
make tne nine, in virtue ot the 27th article ponent ; then indeed having been one of the expose the inability or defefts of tl>e oppo- Ship London Pacht, Baltimore > /• , '°' ' rom Ca:tok—viz.
■ji tlw treaty of amity and commerce between most zealous luppo iters of thc constitution, lite candidate :or to illustrate and explain Brig Amelia, do UHon 1 TF ffin r. United States an<J Great Britain, lam would be a fair argument to prove his present .the characters of tbofc individual* who style '{. Three Friends, Salem p/u.-heng J '° r ' I ,n 5*
Aiund uy tne cNpiefs words of thatclaufeof attachment to it. But when it appears, that thetlifelves his supporters, and who have Ship Dolphin, Charlejlon Bohea, in whole, half and qr. chefls, ditto.
ih.e -treaty, to deli jer him tip to juft'tce. And his political tergivarfations have been so iiu- tl"- 15 dared, under their signatures, to im- Schr. Helen. Salem i«,ooo plee»i-Nank*en-,
- merous and so little to be accounted for by peach the integrity of their opponents. John. Gloucefler. « ack Luteftrnig<, in hour* of top'e-:e; each
ina., in w iioh_ t ill tody-the prifoite'r now is, to any rational or honorable motive ; when it —And in adducing this information (Mr. Rebecca. Bojlan J< acfc C010.e.1 Ta at-cs, In^'"o
lv " tfle „," ot rll e f-od Nathan Rob- is evident that he has alTcciated himfelf with M' Kean'a ftrvices as a judge being much re- Ship Rose, New-York Black & colored Penfliaw*, do!
k,is, i Nafh, to the Britilh con- men who vigoroufiy oppofCS the foimation of lied on) it may be necelTary to resort to the Brothers Philadelphia do dn Sewing Silk.,
.u ,or as he shall ap- the conltitution, who have fmce uniformly remonstrance? of Juries, and the reprefenta- Brig Refillance, New-York UmhrHla*, in botes of 50 & each. f
P 0 !! 1 ' tO . IS ,ve " ,11- . endeavored to obftruft its operation, to im- tions of the Bar, to expose his judicial tv- Sa/lv, Providence Br*esof Paints,
Ine judgement being pronounced, the pair its energies, and to'g.v, it such a con- rann,y and intolerance, - r to -he deliberate Shop Lydia, do. & Copper Rocis,
:Z:r:::Z y \r™ d ' ' rons dtcjarations of political wishes and opinions -Schr. John Philadelphia Rheubarb.
I',. j , , P n r ». a "d he was 110 Hifprife oucvht to be excited if the people which, if realized, would subvert the lib. Brig Leonard, do. r; jf//(pn TITT\TS <r"
delivered over by the CoiiftHbl -s to a detach, of Pennsylvania Ihould h- convinced that erty, the religion, and the fecial order of Ship Fox, CharMon aueuft „ L " , D . ,
Bient of Federal troops, who had before-been be is hostile to the Aire palladium of their our country*. Brig Sally, Philadelphia %
ptace-a under ainis oppotite the Court Ho oft rights, and the belt security of their happi- Or, in discussing the pretensions of those Stir. Sit fey, do. NOTICE.
- . men who have thus falfely stigmatized their Gemimy, Boflon A 1.1. perfor.s indebted to tbe Eltite of tbe R-* -
r *rp ( \ ■ h •'C 1 -' ,lt •' " r * M Keari's attachment to France is ' opponents, it may be necelTary to recur to B rt g do, ' l\. Gilbert T. Snavden deceased late of Cranbcr
>!' VC n' l *" m''■"o C - n° 'c' n ' J ura "' ol palliated by declaring " that he is friendly to - ' Proclamations which have proscribed some Andfeveral othe s names unlnotvn. the State of »ew Jc.rley, ?.rc requ.-fted to
I j 7 S -
the nr fotr O 1 " J 1 Anlenca 5 fc asserts the right of self kets to have the most difgiaceful allegation 68, 30. I'/.fpole the brig Maria, of New- coLfs-forfettlemenr P
11 ay moi aing or Jttnat- government, or maintains the c»ufe of repre- against others—to enquire into the equivo- York. Capt. Morrifov, 12 days out, lot,nd j " ISAAC SNOWDEN, Adminift stcr
IfUtative governmaiit ; but v/henever /he j cal circumstances which cloud the late com- '» La Vera Crux nil cut//. J ioiy 8 3v...-,i«