Gazette of the United States, & Philadelphia daily advertiser. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1796-1800, August 07, 1799, Image 4

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    \F 0 R SALE, 1
FORE IGN A J T.AC HMEN r l, Pine Force and Farm,
John WilimK "| \TO TICG ii Vreby giVen , . °. ,
Charles Wikius, &/ IN that a Ferei-n Attach- Q'HJAI H. ,n Douglas Townfeip, Berks county,
Matthew Ernefl, V aicnt hath iffucrtlrom th« on. nuk and ahalf from tke R.ver iirhuyl
*' I general Court of he terri- •"». and five from Potts Town. The Farm co»-
Levi Munfelt. J torv Worth weft oft he river tam ' thr , cc hundred and J.xty acres of land, about
Ohio, at the luit oi J oh.'. Wilkin., Charles W«. one hundred and twenty of which is wood land;
kins, and Matthew jgiuft, against the Lands and twenty-fiv* acres of meadow, Gxteen of which is
TeR :m"nt», (load,. Chatties' and FffeSs, Right, *»«««», l ' cf,des clover fields 5 » «P««1 orch.
and Credits of Levi VlunlVU, and that unless the " d «o*ta»nu>gr upwards of two hundred apple
fald Levi Shall appear by himfelf or attorney aad t ' e s?' , , , ~
give fpeeial bail to answer the suit of the (aid _Thclorgehasfunrfi. es, two hammers, and four
plaintiffs, Judgment will be entered againSj him by P air , ot bellows, ... complete order, having been
Default, and the prop crtv attached will be fold for lltel y repaired, and is capable of manufacturing
the fotuladton of all creditors who Shall appear to \ w ° hundred and forty ton. of bar iror. annually -
be uflly i.titled to a demand thereon, and who L.kew.fe, a saw Mill, Shop, two coal houfts,
Shall apply £oi th.t purpose, and f fufficie f t " ° h ° uf ' s '?
DANIELSYMME3,.CIerk! workmen, all m good order On th< premises are
of the General Court. \ tw »WM* dvellmghouftW counting Wc
Cincinnati : ifl.7 ltone nam aim ftablei luflicient for thirty hcries, a
Nov 110 V-* ; large grain, barn, cow houfe,and every other kn'.M*
J f eozw neceflary for the use of the form and works
' Also about five hundred acre* of excellent chef
nut timber land from 3 to 5 miles from the. works;
I* OR SALE) which will be fold either with the works or fuper
/~i 1 f ttt 1 n t* Bre ' as U it purchafer.
(jlslsow Works s he purciiafer can be accommodated with wag
c,. . gons, horses, and every other kind of (lock need*
in wilgomery county, about one fary for carrying ©n the business.
mile, nd an half from Pottjlozvn, The terms may be known by applying to JOHN
THE Farm confilts of upwards of clement stockf.r., Efq merchant, Philatdei
• 1,. l , <| 1 ■ t 1 ■ phia, or to the fubftriber on tbe premises.
nuncireq acres of land, .about two hundred 1 7) IVll \ m Term T?
3fid lihy of which is woodland j a large propor- . .
tion ex( e'lent watered meadow, besides clover ^ ll 2 ' • ™ ~—
fields, aiv.i'a gooi are about Twenty Dollars Reward.
115 acres ot good wheat and rye now in the
ground ; 35 acres of indian corn and 15 of
oats ; from sixty to ieventy tons of hay are D F. S E R I ED,
made annually ;,th« fsjscts Save been repaired "t'ROM the Marine Barracks, corner of F)l
---witiiin the la(t three years with twelve thousand bert and Thirteenth-Streets, in the City of
uew chcfuut rails, wone,ot' which were made on Philadelphia, the 28th day of this instant Two
the puce. Marines, by trade Tailors, one John Crawford
The Works. con£(l of a forge for the manu- j (the feeond time of his desertion) five feet Seven
fadfiiring of bar iron, well manned ; a tilt ham- inches high, (air complexioß, hair cut close,
iner j a grift mill with two pairs of (tones, one dark eyes, Slim built.—The othfr, Hilary BiShop
pair of them burrs, with rolling screen, &c. a five feet fix inches high, ruddy complexion,
saw mil', and Smith's Shop, the whole in good sandy hair, a remarkable ringworm on tbe left
order.. Tlie.c is a fufneient Hock ol cord wood j of his lip.— (Went off in uniform.)
N B. They took with them one brown
cloth Coat, one blue cloth Coat, and many
other articles not known at present-
Major Commandant of Marine Corps
may 29
A convenient, genteel and rooMy two story
With a large yard, near the corner of Market
and Sixth ftrceta.
Enquire at the Brewery, corner of
Dock and Pear streets, of
July 17 jawjw
ALL perfoos indebted to. the Eflate of Jedidiah
Suowden deccafed.are reqnefted to make pay
ment to cither of the fiibfcibers,and thofc having
any demands on the fame to produce their accounts
for Settlement
ANNSNOWDEN, Adrniniaratrix.
Ji « ■••••.
iow ( cjitri;' n fuppiy the w«rks tor one year
lad the Subilriber will engage tn furnifh with
}n a convenient rtittajicc, as much more, to be
out next winter, making together two years
stock from this time.
Ni-ar the works is the dwelling house large
anl roomy, and commanding in extenlive view;
a liarn, flablcs for a uninlicr of horses, wafb,
smoke, ire, ind milk houCes, of stone ; and two
gardens iritloOd with ft one -•■ alls, with a fuffi
t lent of iionfes for the accommodation
of worlnotn, and a hi*;,.- flone coal houf*
There fens s u o b«n lately built a twe-ftory
(lone dwelling house for a tenaat who works
j>irt if' ie farm.
i Th? purcnafer can be accommodated with
v»apjrnns, hor'.iis, and every other kind of ftofi,
nteeffary for carrying on thf bnfinefs.
About, one fifth of the pitfghafe money will
he win:ed.and the remainder in jearly inftal
yntoti Ifcw.'anJ, no. 23, north Second street, or
io the lubict iber on the preniifrj.
July 8 31W3W
, %
It '
1 - ?
, May 29tb, 1799.
'T'HE proprietors of certificates ifliicd for sub-
X fcrtptions to the Loan bearing interell at
cigt»t per centum per annum, are notified, that
at any time aitei payment lhaU have been made
of the sth instalment, which will become due
during the lirft ten days of the month of July
valuing, Certificates of Funded Stock may at
their option beobtuneilatthe Treasury or ,
Offiees, refpedlivcly, for the amount of the four
firft mftalpurtis, or one moiety of the fotns ex
prefTcd in the lubfciiptton certificate: —No cer
tificates of Funded Stock will however be iflued
for left than one hundred dollars.
Such lubfcription certificates as may be pre
tntwl at the l'rcal'ury or Loan Offices in cori of tbe foregoing arrangement, will be
nuorfel and dtllinCtly marked lb as to denote,
that a inoet,y ot the Hock has been iflued.
Secretary of tbe Treasury
June 17, 1798.
Notice is hereby given, That by ™
tue of on *3., pafl«d during the prefcnt ses
sion sf Congress, so much ol the ait entituled
•' All A& making further provision forthefup-
V ntvrt ol public creak, and for the redemption
ol the public debt" —palled the third day of
March, one thoufapd seven hundred andninety
ii.e, as bar< from fettkment or allowance,
Certificates, commonly called Loaa Office and
final fct'lement Certificates, and Indents of In
fersfiS. is fuffenJed uijtil tfie twelfth day of
Tune, wlfich will be in the year one thoatand seven
hnndied and ninety nins.
That oh the liquidation and fettlementof the
said Certificates, and Indents of Interest, at the
Treafiiry, the'Creditorswill be entitled to receive
Certificates of fundetPl hrccPcr Cent.Stockequal
•tr, the amount of the said Indents, and the arrear
ages of interest due on their said Certificates, prior
to the firft day of January one thousand l'eyen
hundred and uifiety 6nc-
That the j rincipal fumsof the said Loan Office
2nd final lettlement Certificates,,with the interest
th«reon, since the firft dr.y ot January, one thou
sand seven hundred and ninety one, willbedif
c'lnr red after' liquidation at the Treasury, by the
p ymeot oi interest and reimburf*ment of princi
pal enva! to the funis which would have been
iVabl'e thert-«!> if the said Certificates had been
fu:'fc«ibcd, putiuant to the Ails making provision
j,.r th»4eists<»f the United States, contradlcd dur
it'„ Ute war, and by th>: payment of other
lams eowal to the uiarltet value of the remaining
Sfoci which would have been created by such
fnbfcr'iptions asaforefaid, which market value will
be dc'tcioiined by the Comptroller of theTreafury.
Secrete ry of theTrcafury.
may 29
ALL persons fodebud to the Estate of the Rev
Gilbtrt T. Snow den late of Cranber
ry*in the State of New Jerfuy, are requclled to
make payment to the fubferiber, and those hftitfig
any demands on the fame to produce their sc.
counts for fcttlement.
ISAAC SNOWDEN, Adminiflrator.
July 8
A Large Commodious Cellar,
Uader Friends Meeting Houi'e,iu Keys' Alley.
Apply at
No. 130, North Frsnt street.
I 7mo : 6
John Miller, Jun.
No. 80, Dock, near Third Street.
Has for Sale.
Romal and > Handkerchiefs.
Malmul j
The foregoing goods are now to be fold at
N. B. Many of these Goods may be printed to
advantage in this country,
may 16
Notice is hereby given,
HPHAT Claims for Donation Lands granted
JL by the State of Pennlylvania to the Offi
cers and Soldiers of the Line belonging to the
said State in the late war, will be received at
the Office of Comptroller General of said State
until the ift September next inclufiv*, and that
the fubferibers anthorifed by law will fit as a
Board at the said Office on every Monday from
ten o'clock in the forenoon until one in the af
ternoon, to hear and determine all unfatified
Claims already filed, as well as those which
may be filed on or before the said firll day of
September next.
John Donnaldson, Comt'r.
Samwel Brvan, Regt'r.
Peter Baynton, Treas'r.
Department of Accounts of )
Bennfylvania, May 15, '99. {
(*6) dlw (m.w.fa tf)
Valuable Property for Sale,
In Chefnwt, near Sixth street, direflty oppofit
Congress Haix,
A LOTo.rground,about ji feet front jn Chef
nut street and 73 feet in depth, wberecn is a
good frame house, now in the tenure of Samuel
Benge, lubjeil to a ground rent of »os. per annum.
The advantageous fituatios of this property re
quires no comments, for it mud be known, there
are few in this city to equal it, an uneeceptionable
title will be made to the purchaser. Apply to
no. 198, Chefnut street, next aoor to the pre
march .5
INDEBTED to the late 'Jofcpb Henry Fafjritr, de~
ceased, are requeued to make immediate pay
ment ; and all perfoni having demands agiinft
(aid ellate, are desired to iurniih their account* tc
the fubfcrijjcr.
i u, r
I .
aaw4w. fa-tf
Christian Claiidj, Admin'r,
w.&fa. 3w
For carrying the Mails of the
fin the fallowing Pot t—Roads,
WILL be received at the Gcnrra! Pott-Os
sice in Philadelphia, until the nth uij
ot Aug.uft next, incluCve.
i. Scoodic hy Machias, Chandler'* river,
Columbia end JNarragiiagusto Goidfboro", o<jce
a week, e/lircaitd eighty eight miles.
From April 15th toOHaber istb —Leave Scoo
dic every Satur ayat 1 p.M.ard arrive at Golds
biuo' the next 7 uefday by 6 p.m. Returning
Leave Goldlboro' every Wednesday at 5 a. M
aiid arrive at JJcOodlc on Saturday hy 10 a. m.
Frsm Oflober 15, f) /fr'd 15 —Leave Scoo
die ev#ry Sunday at 2 P. M and at GoulJf
boio' 011 Wednefilnv by 6P. M. Returning
Leave GouMlbo' every Thurt'cUy a; 6 A. (4.
aii<tarr(i«e at Scoodic on Sunday at 10 *. M.
1. From Gouldlboro'by Sullivan, Trenton,
blue Hill, Caftine, Huckfton, Profpedt and
Bclt'aft to Ducktrap, once a vfeejt ; «ftimaied
eighty five miles.
From April Is,to Ollober 15 —Leave Gouldf
bero' every VVeduefday, at 5 A. M and arrive
at Ducktrap on Saturday by 10 A. M. Return
ing— Leave Duck.!rap every Saturday at 2 P.M.
ai.d arrive at Gouldlboro' the next Tuesday by
6 P. M.
From ORober 15 to April 15 —Leave Gouldf
boro' evfcry TbOrJ'day at 6 a.m. and arrive at
Ducktrap on Sunday by to A. M. Returning,
Leave Ducktrap every Sunday at 2 P. M. 3nd
arrive at Gouldlboro' on Wednesday by 6 p.m.
3. From Machias to;Paflamaquodd)~, once in
two weeks.
Leave V achias every other Friday noon and
arrive a: Paflamaquoddy 011 Saturday At 10 A.
M. Returning—Leave Paflamaquoddy every
other Saturday at a P. M. and arrive at Machias
on Sunday noon.
From Odober 15 to April 15—Leave Ma
chias every othrf Saturday noon and arrive at
Paflamaquoddy on Sunday at 10 a. m. Retur
ning—Leave Paflamaquoddy every other Sun
day at 2 r. m. aod arrive at Machias on Monday
at 2 P. m.
4. From Augusta by Headfield and Chester to
farmington, once in two weeks.
Leave Auguflj every other Wednesday at 8
a. m. and arrive at Farmington on Thursday at
10 a. m. Returning —Leave Farmington every
other Monday at » p.m. and arrive at Hallowell
on.Tuesday oy 6 P. M.
5. Frftn; Wmdfor, by Royalton. Randolph,
Williamlion and Montpdiefl to Burlington,
once in two weeks.
Leave Windsor every other Thursday by 6
a m. and arrive at Builington on Suurcey by
4?. M. P^turning—Leave Burlington every
other Wfondav by 6 a. m. and arrive at VVindfor
on Wednesday by 4 r. m.
6. From Fiftilritifci Newbury, once a week.
Leave FifhkiJl evtry Friday at o'dack, ?. M.
and arrive at Newbury by 6, P- M Returning
Newkitiry every Friday at a, P. M. and
arrive at I-jfljkill at 4, p. M.
7. From Canandaigua by Hartford to Nia
gara once in two week«.
Leave CaKJndaigua every other M<miiay, at
8 A. M. and arrive at Niagara the next Thurs
day by 9A. m. Returning—Leave Niagara ev
ery other Thursday at 3 P. m. and afiiVe It
Canandaigua on Sitndsy by 6 P. at.
IN Pennsylvania.
8. From Ltwilbtirg by M;ffl'nburgh, Aaronfc
burg, Milelburg, BelUfort and Centre Furnace
to Alexandria o»ct a week.
Leave Lewifburg every Tuesday at 1 P. m.
and arrive at Alexandria on Friday by 3 P. m.
Returning—Leave Alexandria every Saturday
at 8 a. m. and arrive at Lewilbvtrg the next
Tuesday by 10 a. m.
<j. From Harriiburg by Clark'sferry, Milletf
t#\vn, Thompl'ontowii, Mifilintown, Lewif
town, Culbertfon's mills and Huntingdon to
Alexandria, once a week.
May |j to Oclober 15 —Leave Harriftsurg ev
ery' Sunday at 6 A. m. and arrive at Alexandria
the next Tuesday by 7P. M Returning—
Leave Al»xandria every Thursday at 6 a. m.
and arrive at Harrilburg on Saturday at 4 ?. m.
From Otlober 15 to May 15 —Leave Harrif
burg every Monday at 6a. m and arrive at
Alexandria on Wednesday by 7P. m. Return
ing~-Leavt Alexandria every Friday a' 6 a. m
a»d arriv»at Harrrlburg on Sunday by 4 P. m>
In I/irginia.
10. Ffom Morgantown by Petty John to
Clarkfburgh, once in two weeks. Leave Mor.
gantown every other Monday a* 5 a. m. and ar
rive at Clarkiburg by sr. m. Returning. Leave
Clarksburg every other Tuesday by Ba. m. and
arrive at Morgantown by 7 r m.
It. Fronk Petersburg by Suflexc. h. and South
ampton c. h. to South Quay, once every month.
Leave Petersburg the firfl Tuesday in each
month by noon, and arrive at South Qjay on
Wednesday by 7P. m. Returning. Leavff South
Quay the firft Thursday in each month by 8 a. m.
and arrive at Peter/burg on Friday by I r u.
In Virginia ani> North-Carolina.
14, From Norfolk by Krirpfville,Great Bridge,
New Lebanon and Joaafboro' to Elizabeth city,
once in two week?.
Leave Norfolk every other Wednefaay by 1 p.
m. and arrive at Elizabeth city oa Friday by 10
a. M. Returning. Leave Elizabeth city every
other Monday at noon and arrive at Norfolk oh
Wednesday by ioa.h.
13. From Suffolk by South Quay to Murirees
boco* ence in two weeks.
Leave Suffolk every other Tuesday at 6 a. m.
and arrive at Murfreefbore' by 5 v m. Returning.
Leave Murfreefboro* every WcJnefday at 9 a. m.
and arrive at Suffolk by 6 p.m.
14. From Wythe court house, by Avftir.ville,
Grayfon court house. Flower Gap*smd Bethania to
balcm once in two weeks.
Leave Wythe court haufc every other Tuesday
by 6 a.m. and arrive at Salem the next Thursday
by 6p. m Returning. Leave Sal«m «*ery other
Saturday by 6 a m. and arrive at Wythe c. h th
next Monday by 6. r. M.
In Kentucxky and Tennessee.
Tell, A. C HANSOM.
N B. The o(fi.;e aforrfaij iiath jufl '.iccomc va
cant, by the reiigflation of a gentleman, whose
affairs requir®, the immediate undertaking of a
voyage by sea.
It is the duty of the said Profcffor (to whom is
allowed an afliilani) to teach the Engliih language
grammatically, and to prepare students for a supe
rior f<-hool. by teaching them the I.atin grammar,
the Vocabulary, and Cordery. Writing is to be
taught to all his scholars at slated hotus; and to
tho(« students who are not deflincd for the Inperior
school, ate to be taught, at the discretion of their
parent", or guardians, Arithmetic, and other
branches of fcienceufually taught in Eng'.ißi fehoolt
—A complete knowledge then of Latin, Arith
metic,, &c. is considered indifpenSble in the proftf
for ; and it is expe&ed, that candidates who are
n«t known to the Board, -will submit to an exami
nation, as well a* produce fatisfaflory testimonials
of their good morals, and fair cbaradlers.
The Printers within ths United States are rc-
Notei. The Port Mailer General may alter tht < ? uclled to insert i* their papers the forgoing re
tiroes ot arrival and departure at any time during th« lotion and remarks, and to repeat the publica
continuance of the comrafts, he previously ilipulatinSf '* on » °' t£n as convenience willajmit, until tbc
aa adequate compenfaiion for any extra ihat aot ' l d >y of September new.
may be occafiontd thereby. ju!y a
15. From Moffatj in Tennessee by Col Orrs,
Powell's Valley, Cumberland Gap and Stamford
to Danville, once a week.
Leave Moffat* every Friday at 1 p.m. and ar
rive at Danville the next Monday by 7 p M. Ke
turni*fr. Leave Danville every TueUay by SA.
m. and arrive at Moffats the next Fiiday by 10
[ A M.
Ift. From Knoxville by South Weft Point, and
Craig fort to ®nce in two weeks.
Leave Knoxville every ether Monday at J a.
M.and arrive at Nalhvillethe next Saturday by 7
p m. Rtturnhg. l.eave Nalbville every other
Monday at 5 a. m. and arrive at Knoxville the next
Saturday by 7 p. m.
IN vkrm'ont.
Note j.' HJft in hour fliaUl.e allowed
\ioii Mil ci6&jgitlt£|&il «• all iJHices viSeie n»' pv
<ic»At *'■' /« .
| sab£&. Jorpvc?yitour'rdday '(tfnivpidable a;ci-.
Urlijt excepted) in arriving alter ilw tiines
n aoycomraiVjthe QOfttrafctof fhVll tofteii one A>l-
Uintinxit until the departure of,
'. }i)y dr(lMdiag M4I, whereby the. Mait* d<• (lined <or:
(ircMlWfcißinfC jGlail, kStcatiip, anadditionai lortii-:
«ol!«i shall be incurred. i
.Note 4- Ncwfpapet* at well a> Lc Ms r»- are to bci
fvnt m the Mailt; and if any perfen fluking profjofat?,;
defirea to cwry'NcwCpaiKW other thaastthofe convey.'
C(J «nolu<jient,h: inuft flit ej
in bi» ptojpplals }<jr wh?t ftfm' he wil|,Sar.rJ if with
th at rrarcl u men t "what sum without tlutcrr.o
lument. • . • ■ • -
Note 5. Should any pejfon making proposals dcHrc
an alteration of -the times of arrival a d depatturc a
bove fpecififd, he mult ihte in his propers'b a! leg
ation' d.-fired, and :he difference ihcy *iU in
the turns of his comteft.
Note 6. s rnakiog wropofa'j <i~. dehred to
jh'e t heii pric ? by thenar. Tt<«fe •'•"bo corn raft
will receive pay quarterly, in the months of
January, s*sd Oftober.
Note 7. Thecontrafb tar the ro:.ucs Numbered 2 to
9, are to be in operation on the ift day of October
next, and arc to continue in force uutii the
1801, Contrails for the routes Numbeicd 10 to iSare
also to be in operation on the 1 ft day of O&obcr next
and are to continue in force until the lft of April ifco«.
Pojlmxjlzr Genera/,
General Pofl Office, j £ l 4]
Phila. June IP. 1799. j Alio of .toll A
Notice is hereby Given,
npHAT application will be made for the idue
of certificates for twenty two (hares of the
Stock of the Uank of tlitU Kited States, in lieu
of the umciermemioned certificates for a like
nunj'oer of ftUres of the stock of the laid Insti
tution, in favour Kckiey Colley, of
Liverpool, loft the capture of the Diana,
Richard Kirkbride, matter, or a voyage from
Philadelphia to Liverpool, Great-lSritain, viz.
Two certificates, No. 47,000 and ifooi f«r
five (harei eaich. Three certificates. No. 17001
and 17004, tor f \r fhareseach.
\4 I,'. SIMPSON, Cashier.
Bank of the United b:jtc>, )
May 23, 1799. _ {
Twenty Dollars Reward.
DESERTED from the barracks at Reeling, in
the night of the jth July, 1799, the follow
ing fcldierj in ihe nth regiment 111 the service of
the United States-
i Tktmas Brill. 1 fi-clb, a private, born in Ch?ser
j crranty, 15 years of age, { feet 8 inches, and'
1 high, dark complexion, brown eyes and fo."ig bbek
hair which he cammou-p wears tied cloie to his
1 head, by occupation a farmer ; b# is a Aout, good
i lookinafellow, and coufiderably marked with the
fmail much addi(stcd to liquor, ant) very a
fcuSve when intoxicated; he was dre (Ted in full
infactiy uniform except bit hat—lt it Mpc&ed
that be will change i>ib dr. Is as he Hole a pl»:n
round hat and* number of citizens' cloaths.
| Also, Jtmrr M'Mulitn, ih tfc'j county of
' Antrim,in Ireland, 36 ytarjof age, 5 feet ? Inches
add 1-2 high, fair coaip.txion, gray e)e», short
brown hair, which is-very this upon the crewi; of
hi* head, of thin vif,j»e am l a very plejfant coun
tenance ; by occupation a farmer, and was droned
in full infantry Bir.foTnl
The *bave reward and reasonable expences wilt
: be paid to any perlon who (hall apprehend and
confine in any g»al, or deliv«r td iiiy olfitcr in the
service ot the United States, the above defcrihed
deferteis.orten doUaro and expeaccs lor either of
| them.
Lieutenant Ilth fJnitcd States Regimen
Reading, jnly ; (10) '
To be Let for the Summer Season,
Adjoining to, and on the north-weft fide of tlie
Centre Sqeaie,
Twoi very pleasant and cor.vtnient
On the lower floor, fuitabfc (or oficei.
Enquire ef the Subscriber on the prcoiifo.-.
'uly 20.
Several good Nurses
FIVE or Six capable NURSES may meet
with itnmtdijte Employ at the public
On producing f.itufaftory recommendations.—
Married Men and Women wou'd be preferred.
Pirfons acquainted with fuitablc chara&eri,
are particularly requeued to fend them without
,delay la LUKE W. MORRIS, or
Committee of the Managers.
July «7 d9t
To the Creditors of Joseph Thomas.
THE meeting of Creditors which was
intended to be held to-mofrt>w is
poitponed. until further notice.
The Alßgnees not having'.K-cn nbk to get
the information they expefted ftotn ofl<; of
the We (tern Counties is the cattle of post
SAMUEL VV. Fisher.) , .
And Wm. Buckles Ass 'S"^ s -
JCT" N. B.—That- iiulebttd-aree. rneftly
requested to immediate payment, (.ther
wil'e their accounts will be put in IVit.
A'Jgult I. d4t.
AT a meeting of the viOtors and governor# of
St. John's college in the State of Maryland,
on the 13th day of July 159?,
Resolved, That on the firft day of October next,
this board will proceed to eleijl a Profeffor of Eng
|i(h and Grammar, who (hall receive, for his fer
viccs, at the rate of £IOO per annumf to be paid
quarterly; and that public notice thereof be giv
en, &c. &c,
Notice is Hereby Given,
T?HAI the Officers and Crew of the Canflell.
tion will receive their prize money for th -
Friga'.e L'ltiiurgem, l>y calling <m CH.'VRL' S
BIDDLE, No. 243, Markst-ltreet, or
July it
An excellent Stand for Business
And possession immediately given.
THAT Valuable (land for bufi.
:icf»at thehcsd of Chefter,Ken» county, Maryland
cahfiftfagofa hric!; store-house, JO fctt by 60, two
I'tories hi;>h. three rooms on a floor, weH appor
tioned for I'ufiiieis, two twenty feet rooms for the
reception of grain, and » counting room, and thres
rooms for gooas, with an excellnet cellar under
the who!;, compleatly garnered off for fait and
pickling pork, with a log corn crib adjoining, 10
feet by 40 —Th ; s stand is fittoited in the hancifomefl
ard mott advantageous part of the town for hufi
efs and the profyeCl of returning good crops of
wheat in the country around the head of Chester
flill tend to make,it more delirable to thofc inclin
ing tw purchafu.
For terms,apply to messrs. Ttvi Hbllingiwortl, (j*
Sox, Philadelphia, or the fubfcribeM near the pre.
W. rHO M AP.
P S—lfth« above property u not fold in three
montlirfromtbii date, it Will be rcmcd.
J»ly 9
Ten Dollars Reward.
DESERTED from the Rendezvous, corner of
Front and South Street, on the irlliriftant
GB3RGE GALLAGHER, born in Dot-run Ches
ter county, Pennsylvania, aged 1% years and j
months, five feet nine and a half inthci high,
swarthy complexion, black eyes, his hair is black
and grey mixed, has the dial-it of a Chcfter coun
ty man. He had neither coat or waistcoat on when
he went off, hat been employed aj a Laborer about
thii city. Whoever apprehends fjid Bcferter and
delivers him to me at the Rendezvous in this city,
or at Head Quarters in Bristol, fljull receive tke
above rcwaru.
July »«
i Villi am cobbezi
M £ V 1 A D.
■flr William Gi/rpottv, JiSfVtite.
To wliieli is
Bj <i,i American Gentleman.
[ln introducing thin celebrated work to the Gen
tlemon tnil.r.dicsef America, 1 luve tndoovorti#
to give it » dK'Cs proportioned to <li!rio™ifljed
! men:, Mi to the ta<eof thole for amufe.
j ra««t and flight ic i, latcntW. No ekpeatt hi.
Wren' fp*te«l in die |*ibl>catioil; and I flatter mvftlf
[ tlw. the work does not yield, ekhc+ in paper or
i print, to any ond ever publiOied ill America
1 Tfti. edition has En advantage over feme formtr
! ones, u it contains hy way of noirs, the minor
productions »|1 flu-author ; and, it hsi an. adno-
I togc over every other edition, ij the Pufiu! Spiff,
• v hich »' J*cti»cd to it, and which mult beei.'
trcmely gratifying to vvery lover of literature ia
this country, as it is a tjronf that tl,ere ar« /.aicri
cans who hive the tatle i» acthiiiifc, thf> pdhtto
I applaid, and tie talent, t» rival "the Otniutaul
j other nations.
f£s* Some Copies ha»c keen sent on to Mr. W,
trvillt, Maiilcn Lane, Nnx Tori, also to Mr. Ag,
BaUimurc, and to Mr. Tnung, Qhjrkfim.
Copies wiIT be fcilf to Bofivt aiiil other pluH|
soon aa«ccaSqn> offer.]
Samuel Miles, jun'r.
Of the city of P)iilcd«lfihia, merchant, Imv.
inp affignfcd over all his iffcrfs, real, perfosd
tiicHrtlxed, to the Itibfcriber , for the benefit
offuch of !ii» creditors at inay fiM-rihe I6th>
said afligsment cs or before the firft of Augul
Notice is hereby given,
f© all persons indebted to ihe laid efiatc, tha
they are retjuefied to n. «kc immediate payment
to either of the affi-ntr or u> the said Samuel
Miift, wlj<i is antlir" (fed to aeceive the Ome ;
in failure « hereof egal step» will be taken for
the recovery of fiich debts, as ate not difch«r»
ged accordingly.
AN attachment wu lately iflncd out of the in
ferior court of oommon pleas of the csnnty
of Essex, in the flat* of New Jersey, directed to
•the fliefiff of the laid county, against the rights,
credits, monies acd effefls, goods and ohattle«,
lands and tenements ot Jtln Clever Symmts at the
fuitof U'illiMm IVtUt, in a plea of trespass on the
cafe to his damage threethoufand dollars;—
And viherctt, the feid ftieriff did, at the term of
June Inft pkll, return to the l.iij < ourt that he had
attached the defendant by a certain bond given br
Matthias Dettniao and Snmucl Meeker to the ihid
defendant, to the amount of near two thousand
dollars, and alfoby fisty land warrants
A«ti tbtrtfore, xnl'tfs the iaid John Clevce
Sjntmrfsfliallappear,give fp«ciai bail, arvdrocelre
a declaration at the ("nit «f the plaintiff, judgment
will be entered against him, and his property
herein attached, will be fold agreeably to tin
llatute in such cafe made asd provded.
Aaron Ogden, Clerk, £s?
Elizabeth-town, July 8, 1799 (II) aw
A beautiful Country Seat,for Sak
SITUATED on the bank of the Delaware
joining lands of Muthiai Sipler and tin
John DufficM, 13 mile» from Philadelphia a#4
7 milesftom Brijtol.
Twe buildings conlift ofa new two story Frame
Houie and Kitchen adjoining— 3 rooms or 1
floor, a Piazza the whole front of the Houfc, a
Pump of ewcdlent water, alio igood garden and
orchard—lo acres of land vrill be fold with the
premilcs, but more can be had if required.
There is a gravelly lhoreat the river, the water
stages for Burlington pass every day in thefum
mer f'afon, and the land flages for New-Yrrk
within half a mile ; any perlon inclining topur
chafe may know the terms of sale and other par
ticulars by enquiring at No. i», Dock-flreet, a
No. 161, South Seeond-ftieet.
June 1
Lkutenant loth U.S. Regiment.
' i 1